The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DE0EMBBB14 THE iHEW YORK CLIPPER, 15 qitT OF TOWH NEWS wA SHlNGTON. K to, weather ind Un» aitraellona resulted In M 5*Jf a'▼."['yous. r«gr.)-BUly & Van BBgOrecEC fu-rlowe "Ml company. ln 'f D «J r « olrc - P'« •id « ,rI ,-r„Hion and «7d excel eotly weak of ""VS .inrfsreek ol' i)"The Drone" follow.. °°_!,, •■ with Robert Lornlne and a flue eom- *'K a fVES week « f 2 - " Tae 5" «*° r ' ..,,!•• week or », Henry Miller presents Kr'Jjfl crew. indH B. 'w.rner. In "The ESSmSl* »«k of 10. *"»aye matinee 13. £"£'' India, Bu*»»J. »'. •••*«• «■» !JH»« nrd are exceedlnijly Interesting. d v^iovSi (W. Sftapley., mgr.l - Mnnde In "aW P"/' ** ^1 °asln«SB "<* k iVY* "LoulSii Loo'' "••. « »• "**• *»"* BCifS Jnliaa BrTUwiW, ragr.) — BUI _2k of 9 MBftng UtKh, Sum Bros., Crc* SST and Maurler, Fanny FondtUtr, M. Quick, mSEnSB Totrjf, Howsrd and Walsh! SjW» oktures. Suaday concert, do well. "mia^i (35 H. Wtoolfred D, Witt, rajr.) pat'Bcooey'ail Marion Bent, Geotfle WIlaetvBeV E?J. Bedouin Arabs. Ban Linn, the Bbllllofa. "Jj D i w organ recital., the Animated Weekly. 'coBJJos (IT Julian Brylawskt. ragr.) — BUI met of 0: Irene Hobson and company. Three Eobemiaju. the Starneros, two Moslcal Maid., SiFonr Lnblm. Morrell and Jaeger, and up-to- date plctnrea. Sunday concerts and "TaWl Qr- SaP oo capacity baslness. Oavctt (George Peck, mgr.)—The Ooldan Crook a., with BUlj ArUngtou at in wall and ulaaeed toe rttrgae sod did a big business watk R Data Marlou VW^wJ^BOaj^Clc^jijrt J( ) The Cracker Jack, follow.. Toe Sunday concena do goodHM ,«».«_« Lrcmt (A. 0. Mayer. mgr.)—tjbo I*dy Buc- ctneeti did (pod business week & 3. Dante's Daurhtera week of S. The Qlrla from Joyland folio VI Pou's (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Bill week of 8- Marshall P. Wilder. Homer Uod and conj- oin,, the Buib Broa., Charles F.lke Semen, Wile. Alice Denurfo, Blaaett and Scott, and new Poll photoplay.. NOTX8, To ahow that Waablngtcs'a andlancea do not f-rgtt their favorites was flnely demonatrated durlDf the week of Dee. 1 at Poll's, where LoulM Kent was doing a vaudeville act. 8he was me of the members of Poll'a Popular Player. limine the Summer, and her reception was such that the wa. compelled to main a "speech." Aoki.sion to Poll'a will hereafter be ten, twenty and thirty cent., and Sunday concerts are to be featured beginning Sunday, 15. Elbert Habbird will talk on that date on "Romance and Basltesi." "Tni Good Little Dbtil." David Belasco's new play, will be Been at the National Theatre durlm the couth of December. KiKajucoLoa picrmaa will be given at a. Tub fourteenth annlveraary of Chase's ocenra earlr la January. 1118, and Mlsa H. Wlnnlfretl De Witt, the manager, promlsea a surprise for ber potrana. Portland. Me.—JetTerrton I Julius Cahn, mgr.) "Trio Havoc" Dec. IS 14, with 'The Case ol Becky." "The Spring UtU" and "The Bed Widow" announced for early dates. Kina's (James E. Moore, nigr.)—The atoclc comfany pteaenta "Tbe Servant to ths Hou»" week of 9. Niw PoBriAHD (1. M. Mosber, mgr.)—Vaude- vlUe bill, beaded by "Odlva," drew largo attend- ucs week ending T. BUI for 0 and week: "The Last of the negTment," Arthur Ruby, Burke and Dtrchne, Blch.rda and dark, Cycling Brenuan., •Sd moving plctnrea. Osacr'a (Jamea W. Oreely, mgr.)—Nervo's Kemalda featured the TaudevHle bill week of a. Bill for 9 and week Includes: Araela and Paul, Tboie Four Boya. kle%. Wilson, De Wolfe and Gordon, Kiox Bros., and and the motion pic hi res. CUsco (U. o. BlanMnberf, mgr.)—Usual good •ttmdance cotrtlnpe* at thla motion picture house, .ml Mlas George continues to Increase her popu- larity la Unatrateel songs. Among; the picture features laat week were: "The Ototto of Tor- tare." "The Model fo» flt. lota." and "The Stroke Oag." ' ^^ Bio Nickbl (Wa. E. Beeves, wgr.)—'Motion picture, of "The Balkan War" was threading feature lair week. Others Included: "Sherlock Ho1m«," "The Broken Idol," and "Blackfoot'a Omwplraey." Kkw Pjiiuok (J. W. Oreely. mgr.)—Interest- ag motion picture antortalnments, with the Ar- iiajton Orchestra end donelni-, are offered here, to excellent patronsge. Si^bs.— J. w. Oreely has been appointed local manager of the Ohorch Booking OrBces, Inc., of Boitou, with offlces ln the Oreelv Theatre BuUd- ta « tne Portland Lodje ef ElkB held Its ■•Mel tervlce at Keith's Theatre, 1. Elmer "• waterliouse delivered the hl.torlcal address, and J. Donahue, of Boston, gave the "Moorlal address. John P. Welch, the chaplain, re;d the poem, "Taanatopala," which has been talen Into Uie ritual of the Lodge, while Prof, W?," Elks Orchestra and the l'Tlks Quartet fur- aiuej the music The managers of several jneatres In Massachusetts and Illiode Island, un- os control of the Green Abrams Amusement Co., ■g In town, 8, in conference with Hiram Abrsuns, «f that company. *•■ AncclM. Ceil. _ Uejestle (Oliver Mo- H">. , mar.) JoahUA Whltoomb, in "The OliJ uotneatead." week of Dec. 8. Bwau«, (Oliver Uoroaoo, mgr.)—"The Ea- "pe lndesnlte. KiiK^'v? ( ? Um MoTosco, mgr.)—Bert Lytell, *»?i u '?r n r u . (< ?* r " , »» Drewn - war.) —BUI for Ko2ti£ ■? >°><Ww> : "OaUfonila/ 1 David Kidd, teaTSL*'*KlS i * i * aa compauy. Ja«. J. Mor- ilcc.m^ an '' AJJl'. Nat Noaarry company, and amxnael sad Simpion. ^^ toue* «"«"<*i mgr.)—"Man'i Enemy," ot E rf1!SJJ ,) *?. B Worley, mgr.)—Bill for week aid \ nS 4 ^.,"" 86 '"*"'' Fr *J Mottou, McClaln ^^^SSSfKrT 1 ,!0,ap " ,y • Mc ' 6 ">to'Mt»'n*i Pffl I? 11 *! 81 " ,ex *' TwlB W fYmu'I „i 0 . - . k*,1'o'aoai nml company, Ma- "<"' *taSn.TU3l!H*» S ' Command," In mo- 9u5!Z%Z watuftd hSre 0 and week. ••iBSS?* Qlw * s 'Wte Chake," In mo- IMSSO^g WLlN fc nigra.)—Jules Mendel *%^% S?TO %T l w,th °» o^-" Oln.|,. ; ,g ""'P' 1 Clllsburg, violinist, with Hoplile 5"" at' th» nfi? "'•. PV*' " >t>«clal engage: Vlcri" ^ Oamut Auditorium. ST.. ...Higlna ■ wlnnliiB liw 0 ?"', Amerieuu pUuia doima, who „,' Bon a (*>»»k Phelps.' nigr.l—Tlio r. n - fi!..T C ?2n rtn '/„ Rlcnl H? Tucker. Hem? (Baascil OaPHnuM (ffn. P. Byrne. mur.J-Blll for week mJk r An .. lnd '^» Bomancc," Andrew'/ Wonder Kettle, Lc Mate Trio. John and wii nil rr.,;^~ Bcrtlscb. Ben Lewln willleSS lid WaS?r and Pathc'B Weekly Hevlew. watner. and w«2k , o7 T J. (B ' ^ John80n ' ID BWsal Uald* Jr K week ( rf 8*" ""'""• tt « r -»- MI »" ■" York Hiprpr.Rouaj' (E. h. Jolmsoo, uigr.) —Bill for K«tt«°'ll. : ^^ r J^ 0Wrt,B '. Sail * »* < »<*« ng pictures^ Mn "* 7 ' r,nnlc Blee ' a " 4 ia0T - p, **"*>5raTl». Pa.—Nixon (The*. F. Kirk Jr.. Hg .Si 0 /* 1 » capacity two weeks, neceasl ii? n S„ *^SSS«*i tra "UftSt Chrlatlc MaeDon- •Id, In "The Spring MaM," lfl-Jl, mSSSfMf* b - ««Jnolds, mgr )—"Little Ml.. Brown" a-U. "The Bird of plmilse" m.Ji i L T. C rS"f. W* a J""* 10 - 'n«r.)-5).v e LeVls, In "Don't Lie to Tour Wife?" 8-14. Beolak S?Jiif^t ,o«. A Ke "tucky Romance" and "Lens ItlTvTS, 10-21, DugutsNB (Dennis A. Harris, mgr.)—The Davis Players, In "The Wolf," 0T4. "Es.t ^•"•rvJ 8 ;* 1 ^ Business to capacity. Man EWlJW! ?*S* « ad 0miita «»™ continue in the leading roles. Hal De Forest received ■any complimentary press notices for fata clever work aa Dr. Jekyll last week. Own (John P. Harris, msr.)—BUI 0-14; b?i!L J " «mi^ w i. ^J?" S l!! s 1 " i ' 1 eompuny. Baby Helen, Willis Family, Bmpcmr and Brapreas, Mnlltnan.t Qoogan. Max WcUou's Troupe. Bama dell Troupe, and Ktnercacolor. SusIikw la to capacity, HahbW (John P Hin, mj-r.)—Bill 914: Agnes Carlton and company, Kreirwr, Belleclnlrc and Herman, O'Doonell Bros., Pete Mack Trio, Flor- ence Nortlock and Nles. Crawford and Montrose, WUton and Wlinams. Eddie Merlon, and mevias pictures. Business capacity. Kbnio» (Harry Polnk. mgr.l—Bill Ull; Pete La Belle and company, Dan Crirr.mlns and Rose Gore, the Torleys, Nlchola and Sherwood, S0111- era and Clark, and Cain and O'Dom. Buslnesi very good. EMPnta (A. A. McTlgbe, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. GatiTt (Henry Knrtaman, mgr.)—Golden Crook Co., with Billy Arlington, 0-14. with Im- perlal Russian Court Dancers and Russian Il)ille» as an added feature. Dave Marlon's Dreamland Buriesquera 10-21. CinSECiin IUli —Burton Holuies' lecture*. Scranton, Pis.—Lyceum (T. M. Olbbons, S* 1 -' .. AU ?. n " "g jl"* Grand Opera Oompmiy, 5?; 11- Maude Adams, In "Peter Pan." 14; Paul J, Kalney's African hunt picture, week of 10, matinee daily. l'ou (John II. Docking, mgr.)—BUI for week of 9: "Who's Brown." Cunningham and Marlon, Six American Dancers, Mysterious Edna, Three plions. Sura llarris, rmd Gnerlte and Conrad. IlusliivAS conlinues duo. AoABKar (O. F. Wlnatrom, mgr.)—Photoplays, channel dally, and siiecl'il feamres. Cor.uMuiA (0. Nelaon Teets, mgr.)—The New Century Clrla 9-11. the (llrls from Reno 12-14. Maxhattix. HipponnojiE. Bijou Dkuus, Onntaov, Wonuius VtcToau report good returoi, presenting morlug pictures. Lynchburg, Pa. — Trenton (J. 8. Trent, mgr.) bill for week of Dec. 2 lueluded: Lydell «nd Buttenvorth, Mott and Maxlneld, Frank How- ard. Yainamolo Bros.. Three Bohemlaus, [*wl«, Qrltnn «nd Lewis, Aerl.1 Bartletts, Cbaa. Varmll, and motion pictures. Acioaur (Cbas. E. Kesatilcb. mgr.) —This now playhouse opened to the public with Ida St. Leon. 11. jolm Drew 1.1, the beneflt night for the Academy. Al. H. Wilson 12. Majbwtic (Dr. P. M. Casey, ujgr.)—Blley snd Morgan, V. P. Woodward, Silent Jlo. and motion pictures wtek of 9. BauvsBDSW (0. M Casey).—Motion pictures and songs by Glsdys h'twton, to splsndld houses. Uatktk — Motion pictures., to good business. Brie, Pa.—Majestic (J. L. Gllson, mgr.) Kilty Gordon, ln "The Enchantress," Dec. 9. Pajik. —Col, Homes' Stock Company present "The Octoroons" week of 8. Colcuuia. —Photoplsyi continue to large at- tendaacc. Ooioiiui, (A. E. Weschler, mgr,)—BUI for 9 and week: Trovollo and company, Llda McMillan and company, Earl and Curtis. Cooper and Robin- son, Oarl Orees, and Boyd and Early. Happy Hor/a.—Vaudeville ami pictures. Victoria. —Photoplays, to large atleadance. Wllllnmsnnrt. Pa.—Lycoming (W. O. La- made, mgr.) Nell O'Brien's Minstrels did good bustuess Dec. 0. "Almn, Where Do You Live?" 0. F4111LY (E. G. Johnson, mgr.)—Bill for 9-11 Included: Dave Wellington, Ed. anil Jack Smith, Jane Data and company, GUmore. Kinky and Ollnwre, Jimmy O'Brien Trio, nud "Baby Mine." For 12-14 r Rlvn Larson Troupe, Claru Daguesu, Wlllanl Hutchinson iind company, Oasey and Smith, Al. Hormsiu, and "Baby Mine." Fall River, Ma**).—Savor (L. M. Boss, nurr.) the MallcY-Denlson Stock Co. presents "The SneDd thrift" week of Dec. 0. ACAhiiiY (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill for 0-11 Included: A!. Lewis and l'layera, Evans snd Vldoc<i, Bennington Bros. For 12-14: Helen, Aerial Cromwells, and Viola Duval. For 12-14: Bennington Bros., Kenny and Hollll, and Dorothy Rogers and company. Buon (M. H. qwrlhne, mgr.)—BUI for 0-11 Included: HomupI and Harrison, Conttne and Law- resee, Bcho Four, aud Ocorgc ilsrva.rd. lor 12-14 I Boqbll Trio, Courtney arid Johuson, Frbioa Kutitoal and ootnpnny, and Eildglree PiiAcr (A. H.. Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures, and llluatratecl aongs. ..... , . „ Lttup (Ed. Doherty, njfj.)—Motion pictures id Illustrated songs. . ., , 3tas (fi. MHca»HeM«r, togr.)—Motion pictures id Illustrated Bonn. _ . , ..„„„ Niciulodjow IWalter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion and lliu.trated songs. 3 mil pictures and lllustrsted songs. Sonsto (H. H. Arolier, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Hljsja I Bre. which presumably started In the boUor room gutted the Promltr Theatre on Rock Street, Sunday afternoon, J. Fortunnlely tfehouw was dark, It being Hi.aday. and tliere were few personal ethcts of iho sctors In the building. James Sutcllde, the «««* ««»•], lost IH?r«onal effects to the value of slxrat »150, and Olnrence Springer, a member of the orcbes'ni; lost his base dnun. Tiro theatre was nr»t known ab the Wonderland, and run as n burlesque house, ami later became the Casto, and vmb devoted to viruilcvllle, but la now leased bv Locw * Kern- stela. The loss Is fully-covered by '""''f 0 ! 1 ™: The annual memorial services of the bull River Lodge, No. 118. B. P. O. Rika, was held at the Academy of Music. Sunday afternoon. 1. Lleateusnt-Governor- Elect David J.WaUU.^of (ebb Nell Sothera Ir^gg W.lfr nag MeBride, mgr,) M «5 „ ( ,°S° r « ?"«• wg>0—OlrTs froi m&ES Lodge, No. 847, delivered the oraMon. and Edward A. Doherty was the eulogist. Rev. George Maxwell, of S8. Peter and Paul'. Church, o*[rW prajer nnd pronounced ino benediction. T nnrence. Ma"J«.—Oolonlal (Julius Cahn, m i^Aandevlll« Dec. 7, 8. Incluaed: Ma.lnme wfm.Tn conipanyTwurren and Renfrew. Jean Valiisn the Bays; Drcano e,nd Owdwln, and 1W Star*. «f BoMon Symi.ho.iy Orchestra under TB auspices of the Ohadwlck Club. 18; Nance O'NcU 2B. STORE FOR WOMEfci The Leading Theatrical Store in America. Catering to everything women wear or need. Are now featuring For Women The Handsomest Shoes ever introduced — High Shoes, $5.00; Slippers, $8.50. 6th Ave. at 31st St. NEW YORK PLATitouan (K. Weston, mgr.) —The Drama Player* prevent "Merely Mary Ann" 9 aad week. "Alabama" week of 10. Kettiih i Will H. Stereos, mgr.)—BUI Mr a and week: Avon Comedy Four, John B. Gordon and Arthur J. Pickens and company, Adonla, Reeves and Warner, Ireue and Bobble Smith, Delcoar and Delator, Gibson and Craig, and La Cramlall. M»k. So. (Jamea Carroll, mgr.)—Bill for 0 and week: Yost and Luckle, Temple Players, Anita and photoplays. Acadkmt (W. T. Uowley, mgr.)—Vaudeville, pictures and Illustrated sougs. Nur«M.—The picture houses all report good htiilnrss Hob Tboniaa and lib. company of comedians recently completed an eight weeks' en- gagement at the Academy, where they met with big success, St. Pnul. Minn Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mm\) the Nheeban Ope.-i Co. Dec. 8-11, lu rri>er- tolre. "The Kortuuv it, inter" 12-11, "The Kound- Up" 15 aud week. Si.ui'ER'r (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—"O.w Day" week of 8. James Powers, hi "Two Little Brides," for one performance, Sunday night, 15. This houie will be dark week of 1(1 Oui-iiujM (F,. C. Iluri.uglis, mitr.)—BUI for week of S: Wlliam il. Tlio.ui.son and company, Mile. Aincta. the droit Asahl Quartette. A.bley and Ixw. Armstrong and Jlniiley. Ktliel May Bar- ker, the ltexos, and (he Twilight pictures. Ooisn (Theo. L. Iluys, mgr. I—Business il very satisfactory. The Moulin Rouge Company D and week. Stars of Stnsrlamt 10 and week. Kui'tt.'.ss (Ou« S. Qrvenlng. mgr.)—Continued good busiueea. 11111 fur 8 and week: France. Clare ami Ony Hawson. Four I.ukens, Lawrence and Edwards, Do N'lcholc Bros., Nelsou snd Floyd, and (he moving pletures. Majjjtic (H. 9. Mitchell, mgr.)—Rusloess 1. big. Pitw.-Ess (Thomas MoCrady, m»T.)—Continued big bualuer«. SriBUNn (C. F, Rose, mgr.)—Good buslnea. continues, STaa (Jacob Burnett, mgr.)—nuslness Is good, with vaudrvllte and moving picture*. Arjotiouiiiu (M. I*. Morten,—Populnr Symphony Orcheatra. with ICIale Baker, the Phil- adelphia contralto, 8; Thomas Bgan, tenor, 10. # The fortQg) for the t s»ue» of f # DATED DEC. 28 and JAN. 4 J t Will CLOSE on MONDAY, { f riFf! M anal ViT.C 30 * L. dec. 33 and DEC- 30 Respectively. '■*%/*Q nochesiter, Sf. Y.—Lyceum (M. R. Wolff, mgr.) Leo Dltrlchstelu, ln "Tlie Concert." Dec. £•11; Rtcliard Carle and Hat tie Williams, ln "Tl.o Girl from Moutmsrtre," 12: Oiauucey 01- cott, ln "The Isle of Dreinu," 13, 14; the Rochester Orchestra (local) 18. Bakes (Frank R. Parry, irgr.; — Ward and Vokes, la "A Bun on the Bank," week of U. "Alias Jimmy Valentine" 10 .mil week. Trmi'LO (J. II. Finn, mgr.)—lidl week of 0: George Bcban and company, I'uul Murtuu nml N'aoml Glnrs, "Honor Among Thieves," .Marshall Montgomery, Bdwarda, Ryan and Tterney, "The Gipty Queen," with Toajtu, Htelner Trio; Two Dooleys, i nd Moore's Weekly. Kamiia iC. B. Keith Co.. nigra.)—BUI fori) and week: Mabel McKlnley, the Frnnkfonls, Queer and Quaint, El O.rdo. the Deiuaco., May Mel- ville, and photoplays. OoniNTUiAN (Prank J., nigr.i— (llrls of the Gay White Way 0 and ww'i. Elmlrn. S. V.—Lyceum (Lee Norton, mgr ) the Oarrlck Players uresent "What Happened to Jones" tor week of De*. II. Colonial (M. D, Gibson, mgr.)—Balnsy's Af- rican hunt pictures weak of 0 "The Rom Uald" will be (be Christmas attraction. M«i/,ii!T (George F. Dunnar, mgr.)—Bill for week of 0: Kelly and pollock, Walter Daniels and company, the Btefanos, Tubber Fields four, and Fujiyama. Majestic (U. D. Gibson, mgr.)—BUI tor week of 0: Harbour and Lynn. Young Broa., lanes and Byau, and Gaanrta-HuaanuB. Fauily (E. W. Clark, mgr.)—BUI for Sit Includes: Jack Lord and Edna Byrle and their minstrel run Ids. lyrflcune. ft*. Y.—Empire (Frederick Oage, mar.) Richard Carle and Battle Will lam.. In "The Oirl from Montuiartre," Dec. 13, 14; Cli.uncey Olcott, In 'The Isle of Dreams," 19. IlAMXinLE (Btepheu Bsstable. mgr.)—American Bnautlcs 10-12, "The Call of the Heart" 1J-15. Oiunii (Cbas. U. Plgmmer, mgr.)—BUI for week of 0 Includes: Bert teajle V'i company, KiWIe Leonard and Mabel Russell. Wright and Dietrich, Four London., Grant anu Ilo.g, Lam- bertl, Clara Ballerlni, and Miller and Mack. om n"."'^ i* , -r, Prl,,c ?* ,'«?"*^ * Oelchell, mgrs.) "Main'iclje" week of Dec. 8. Biaoum.i. (Klbert a Oetchclf. rag".)— "Me- Fadden's Flats" 8. 'The LHthmt Rebel" 0, 10; "Jfrecklea" lit-lH. __ siajestio (Elbert t, Getchell, mars.)—BUI week of S: De Ksrup's Animals, Prof. Vnn Doro, Tiiree O'Farrells, Flying Carol, De Noycr ami Doule, Lora, mind reader: CU* »M»I« compmiy. Kitlicrlne Selsor, Rosera Aerial Dogs, Kramer and Ross, and pictures. Sfa«»«s« *y^G5&#&n&£ ^SfTXGMS Gents' Drest, real hair, ventilated part on netting foundation, $2.35, 13.35; Bald Jew, Irish, Tom, German, Old Man, Rune, fl.OO. fj.50, tS.S&, H.OD; Crop, (1.00, $1 75, «3.60: Negro, (00.. t»c., »1.C0, »1.3«, »i-JS; Topsy, 75c, $1.60, 1125; Indian. 7Sc, $1.60, $X76; Marguerite, 75c., $8.60, 17.00; Clown, , 60O., 860.: JapaoMO Lady. 75c.;93.60; Ohli.o-c, 75C, $1.00, $2 6<i; Uildgot, 160., $3.75; Boubretto. $i(0, : $1.40, $6.00, 18.00; Old Mul.I, 76u , $iS5; rompadour, 760 , $4-'«; Mnry Jano, 76c., $J.75j Cowbov, 16.: , J2.W; Short Curly, $3.00; Ititlic, $2.50. $126; Men n htutuary WIrh. $3.00: Legit. Wlfr, $2.60, $3.28; Ladifs' Cailty [can dreas either wnyl.and Modem I)»y Drem wigs. $0.00; Wild Glil, $200, $2.60, $3.23, $8,00, $7.00; Negrem, 32.60; Indlun Udj, 7oo., $2.60, $4.23; Grpajr Qncen, $S.71;Mlkado, 76c., Iii5j End Men, U.M; Imported Bald Character Wlga, $; Tricot Animal and Hon Heads, $1.26 each; HoitMhea, $0c., »oe., 600.;ChlnPieces, 20c., 85c ,60c., 7$o.. $1.3.1;Full Beards. (10c., $1.00, $1.60, $1.76. $2.60; Tramp ncards, i too., $1.00) SlOflRera, 36c., ooc.; Muiton Chops, 3 V., 76c. rkg. stage Money, 3ftc. Full line at el if a Make-up. .■ Hat meaaore for wig size. , All prepaid. Keep this Clipper for reference; ad. appears only occasionally. • PERCY EWfflfi SUPPLY BOUSE, 715 -& 9 cJTw T nx. ST * FOR THE WANTED, LOCATION Chester Bishop Players « HI6H GLASS STOCK ORQAHIUTION Presenting "The Fortune Hunter," "The Deep Purple," "Jimmy Valentine," "Pausing of the Third Floor Back," and all the big successes as eoon as they are released for stock. Two years ln Davenport, Iowa, two yeara ln Grand Rapids, Mich. \r\ZIVI. Ml. VANCE Marr. K»«aato» Theatre, Cvaststoia, 111.. WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE SPECIALTY PEOPLE Singles or Teams, that can change for week. Sura enough singers and da ncenpref erred. Must York in one. May require yon toplavanwll Mils, win femur* the right neon!*, wire nnlck. Mul open Deo. 16. Homo show. FRAXKL. JfaA0DOOIt>, Dee. 0, 10,11, Blakely, Clam.t Dm, la, 13, 14, Kleblaasl. Ci». ' ' Fred W. Wear HEAVIES, CHAR. Age 36, « ft., 160 llu. Kxjierlenued, reliable, good wardrobe, ability. Address, FHED W. WEAK, it .1 W. 39th St., New York City. Lillian Beneke JUV„ 1NOENUE8 AgeM, 6 ft. 8 tn„ 186 lbs. LIBERTY BILLY THOMPSON COMEDIAN LIGHT atnd CHAR. Age n. » ft. » In. its lbs. Experience, ability, wardrobe. StrtcUr reliable. MAE ROLAND seoono aua. BOMB CHAR. Age 25. J It. 5 In. IIS lbs. Adilress II.L.V THOMPSON, am W. 38th at., New Vork. SUPERIOR DIAMOND DYE SCENERY The best TRUNK ■OoMaaHY for Vaudeville Acta and Ptiows. Artistic workmarahlp nnd rtasunable rates. Write na for particulars and prices on jow not or ibow. WATER COLOR SCENERY, LOBBY PORTRAIT DISPLAYS, OUTDOOR DISPLAY BANNERS, ETC JOHN A. SERVAS SCENIC STUDIO - ■ 6 Will St JociiBSter, N. Y (Former!/ of Oblcago). ■ , ii ' m i i, '.'■ '., cestsr anil comiinny, ftnarb aud McCimly, PlstU and Cii.'.hus, 1'iiur Htwtlen, Martin and rarblnl, and Dc I'.uisl Duo. Hartford, Conn,—Parsons' (H, O, Parson., mar.) "Llltle Do/ Blue" Dec. 10. 11. "A NlKbt wltli Dlck»na" 111, CUarloe Cherry 18. It: Itsy- moinl Illtclicock 35. "The Woui'iti" J6-28. liny Irwin llO-Jmi. 1. llet.ry Mlllor 2-J. 1'ou'b (W. A. Ascougli, niar.)—Week of Dec. and tic,rire Montr, Mil Mini Ajn.uo, lii_'"lT.e Apple of Paris;" wllwu 9: Oertrudo Vanderbllt anil 6 RBAIj PikRODlEB SI On late songs like "Robert E. Lee," "Beautiful Dream," "That's EI w I Need You," "Somebody duo Is Oettlim II," etc, Vaudeville Material written. "HBAa>AX" V. P. A rss'rv, 01 TO biUlTKH. Ubt., OAIBTY BttW., ltit BKOADWAY, N. V. Summer Partes aitayalrs FAIR DELEGATES MEET. Delegates to tlio twenty-second annnnl n.uetliig of tho Ameik'itn Association of KbIjh and Kxposltlons, hold nt tlio Hhcrrunn House, C'lilcu»;o, cnucllidod tli.'lr dcllbi'iatlons nftcr n spli-ntllil bnnquet irlvcn In tlio lullnn room, Tiii'Mlny nlgbt, Dec. \ nnd olcott'd the fol- lowing editors : rrcsldmit, Joba C, Hluipcon, of tlit: Minnesota Btuto l<"air; vk*e-presldi'nt, W. II. Mllli-r, Ncbruskn Siutti Fair: sect'ii- inry, Clmii™ DovniUK, Indiana Mute Knlr; Ircosurer, (Jeorgo U. Madden, Illinois Hiiite I'ulr. i'bt) following dalfi were selected by tho d'tteror.t fnlrs as follows: FAIR DATES FOR 1913. Nobtii Dakota— annl Korku, July 31-20. Iowa— lies itolnos, Aug, Ul-ifit. Ohio— Cleveland, »'or*it City I,lvo Stock Vdr, Aug, 25-OU. MixxuFiiTA.— Hamllnr, Kept. 1-fl. N'KiiHANKt—Mncoln. Sent. 1-0. Ohio— Columbus, Bent. 1-0. WiH'M'<giN--Jlllwiiukee, 8«pt. 8-13. >eiv Haven. Coast.—n drltlae, ninr.) ' I'cu o' My Ailefin» Otiiee 12, "Litlla Do Brothers, Prey Twins nilly Hall anil Jennie Oo- born ami company, Morkl nad Pniiicls, Illeliard Walley and company, and the I'ollfrapli, Hastitouo (Frod l\ Dean. mirr.'—Weuls of 0: "Tho Klylng Dnncer." Madeline Sacks. ITItiasriiId and O'Dell, Horry Mnyo, Orvllle rncl Frank, Jew- ell's .Manikins, Lcxcy anil Miller, Willie Hmltli, and the utiial motion pictures, 8tas fHsrrlsou Harris, uisr.l—Plcturv* eic- cluslyely are dolna well here. Rurins (P. H. McMaUoii, niar-)—Dally ohaiive of picture* attract irooil crowds. ». X. tout recently acnulretl i.roperty Imme- diately adjolulnj; Ids theatre. ■Hyperion (H. D. K|. Heart" Dec. u-n, . Joy Blue" 18, 14. Vim i (H. 0. kldwartl.. msr. I—mil for 0 and week! l.llllju Herleln, Oeori* Bollarwl and coin- pany, Hier and Lee, BUbt Kos««, llorl- laqtl ami Thornton, Kitty Traney, Wilbur Sweat- piai. an 1 ainnany. Qmnu aso Huou Jomotion are preaentln« vaujleilUj and pictures, to goo.l bn.lueta, Nhtbv,— William BV», tnanagar of the Fox Cir- cuit, save a banquet lu thla oily, 0, lo bis local tnaiwier, Bead. Jackson, of the Orand Opera House, aud other friends. Grant! *Vnpl«a, XIon.—Powers' fHarry a Powiuors t Co.. mars.) "Oypsy lovs" Dec. 8-10, "(ror Wvaa" 11-15. . MaJatSTIO lOrlu Stair, mgr,)—"The Country Boy" drew a lnrsje audience 7. "The Divorce Question" 8 and week. CuLumwa,— Bill for week of 8! Bet*lal anil Arthur, Brown and Burrow, Murray Dennett, Ualgnao and M.enle, Great Mars Duo. Kdround Hayes ana co»p«ny, aad Dainty Juno Boberts ami company. Oapusvit.—{Ull for week of »: San Golden, Maun and fllmpson, Wal.ser and Beliser, and \Vllllama' Circus. OunicK.—For week of O: The Knlfht and Reyem Musical Comedy Co., In "A Day at Col- lego." Hny City, Mich.—Washington <vf*. J. Dai.nt. nmi.) Klnemacolor mollon, pictures week of Dec. 8. Bijou (J. D. Pllmorc, msr.)—Bill for-week of 8 includes: Dotbwell Brown, iieb karrow Troupe. Temiw Trio VT. 1. Mills, rlatence sUySeld, sod tlio Bl|ouseof)e Lnuti (Charles 8. Marks, ro«r.)— Moving pic- tures week of 8. IsriMNA—Indlannpolls, tjepl. 8-13. Kanhah —Topeka, Sont. 8-18. South DAitorA—llufon, «ont f.18. Nbw Yobk— oyracso, Hept. 8.18. Kstlsttntiaoo, IJleK.—Fuller, (W. J. Don- nelly, mgr.) Mine, Cs.lve Dec. 11. MaysftTie (J. Jolly rones, roar.)—Bin tor 8- 11 Included "Honeymoon TnU." Far 12-14: Hermuiiy's cats and docs, llio Dohertya, "KM "The White Sister" 10 nnd ^ ^ko^«^*"^w;from Joy ta ,,Xl: &r£T'^ V'S'' > »*b«5h,, ,'t^ 0 0?'«» oitla Ifl .nd *Hk. coii pan?, snd* JMseu rmf Handy •M viijrts ',* ( ,'*L1. r " Kernan. marA—Blll^r 9 Si V r lenaa. sMwltt Bsley and c i? 1 «'l< Trio "S: c °Eh'an and complny. Josenhlne ^jotoBIA, B»oiDWAT. t'laMtaa.J 5*i. li.ti?: !2Klm Party." La hex a*Tta aho Wsitot'oUTAK continue to d. Jalelb t '.„' S*f PoEblin and company. Jo»«nUlne trtimie. •"* *°h Kaisssati, and the Jumtmau. rt^SS • ( ?JS' a?L Wg. "jgo-iua ■ r ten )—Bin for o - r and Kin ({. Pfetcr- A tie..-. Case" 0 and week "^"oKBi, (J. Fred torctt. mgr.)—Bill for 8-1J company, Pli»MO SHBBFmEm*'* good lloalne.. SSfia will, that organlsatloB 14. 14. IMro.' Ann'o Kent, Daring Dart., the Flying ftusAflL hud pictures. Kta*, Ltkic. COtOKUt, fAHW*. USHQOI. ABD Hamlet," Davis ami Allen, I/>tise add SUrUng, awl the Mujesllrsoooc pleraNt). Good bmtloew tules. Notb, —All of the moving plctare ibjows report food business. Hsiicc O'Nell. "Hsgda" KIAS, LtklC. COtOllUt, FlUltv. UlflQUS. AKO Ci ^- P Hn^t SrSeTcheir jESM* «»• ^Afe'*?" &\SH2*f ^ftJ 1 -.,^ 7 ! £J3£k rag h&x^n ^Wt^SSS^SoB L'lghth rUrect. between Walnut ami Locum. c««i»» aajtiiis, m.-- <"if"«'« 'Vv 8 -,. 09 !: Her, msr.l^The llnvw of a Thw.aii.1 Owdles" Dec 9 'The Sweetest Olrl In I'srls" 10, "The Llttleat B«bel• , 12. Flaks, U'Usro 13, "Buaty Pulla the firings" 14. MAJTi^Tie (Tslirtevilte) (Vie Hn». nsyr.)— and compnny. DdollTtle isHvl, BarmwH Laa- II. VALs-StAjtsvic (II. P. MoscMT. a»gr.)—Vaudo- vllle sail uollnn plnturea, to camclfy butlnsea. Vii-tiis (Will Tlpult. mtr.J—Motlua pictures, to good run of business. Petersbnrar, Vat. — Aeadeaty (hf.lV.nof- li^mcr, msr.) Al. Wilson Dec. 16, " breakera'* 18, Heart- Lvum. CoOKAeat ViaoiKtAW, lULSttorja, and AktiTUOAK, B*Mr» picture kotaaa, are dptag well. Mirhkiak— Dotroll, Uepf. is-ao. Iowa— aloug City, Intor-Mtato Llrestock I'alr, Sept. 19-20. CH.MTBAr. KANHA8—IIujtclilnBon. laft.lB-20. Kkstuck* —Louisville, Sept. 10-3a Okiahoma— Oklahoma City, Bept U2-0ct. 4. MlSHouiti—St. Juseuh, intor-Stato i'alr. Horse Show, Sqpt. 82-27. Tui-Statb —Memphis, Sept, 22-27. New JaitMBt—Tronton, Ititer-Mtntv Fair, Sept. 20-Oct. 3. Tkn.vkhhbi:— NasbTllle, Sept. 20-Oct. 4. Montana —Helena, Sept. 20-Oct. 4. MisHonni— Bedalla, Sept. 26-Oct. 3. Tunneshbh— Knoivllle, AppnlncbJan Kino., Oct. 0-11. Illinois —SprlngOcliI. Oct. 8-11. Alabama —irilrmliiRhnm. Oct. 0-18. Missouri —Kansas City, Amc Boyal, Oct 13-18. MlSSISHirPJ-ALABAMA—MtTliHnn, Oct. 20- 2,-i. Trxan— Dallas, Oot. lR-Noy. 2. Mmsisbivpi —Ja'.'Kwjii, Oct. 28-Not. 1. Louisiana— Slireveport, Nov. D-12. A complete report of tbo proceedings of the twenty-second annual meatlng will bo Issued by tbo association In tho near future. . KIRAI.FYH SAIIi. Imro Klrolfy and sir. nud lira. Charles Kiralfy sail Dec. 12, for Europe. They will return next February to complete arrsngc- nents for tbelr new exlilbltlnn enterprises. i , ■ , i« i i Tub Caboaob Catbbn, T.ivitrp, of the Brotiz, has been Incorporated to make umiyie- ment devices, by Lawrence P>. Hnlpln, Wab- ater B. Williams and Walter H Thatcher. ■»— HALpn Kicklaw, recently of tlio Bnldwbv Melville Playars, has Joined tho forces of the, United Play Co., and Is no*r «» lour with "Kindling" Co. > •i>i-i; ,^i :