The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. Dlci wxtr 14 Clipper Post Office. OUT OF TOWN NEWS qaufleWlle Route p* In order to avoid inletuUea and to laiurt tlie liromitt delivery i.f tlie letter* ndvertliied In till* lint, nn <arelope lilnlnlj nddresaed mast be «cnt for inch letter, and a written order fr>- •••> letter, aligned with this fall name nnd rtddrean find the line til business followed by the lender, mini nlao be eucloaed. Please mention tbe date tor ntiui- of tlu> CLIPPER In wliloli the letters sent for were ndvertUnl. I,*niK«' MAT Adams, Marie iFlorpucc, Nora Allen, Miss L. uTorsberu Helfrcd Alexander, Fox. Miti.Uarrr Gladya.Karaelllu, Antoinette i Blanche Klitera Franklin Kleanoc Allen. Victoria Aulslon, Mabel Aim, Trlxle Harry. r*ullne Brooke* Dorothy Bennett, MtssM. llrooka, Victoria Berg. Clara t'vkce Mrs. Jack Carter, Winifred Ciragan Mra, Tom Ci.«hmsn. Flo Clark. Oil I* Cielghton, Bertha Ciioper, Ollle Csilllgb, Amy Unite. ■ Gwendoline Clsiwon, Dot Clark. Maud ..'Brew, Olive Chick. Nolle painty June Roberts ijunlop, Ora Iilston Mailnllpo DaYew. Mdlle. Delmar Kathryn Iiunhnm. Norlne IK-Ver, Helen HeYere, Data} Davis, LoUa Austin Bavin. Mra. Wn. Austin Fvons, Mm. O. Kllsworth Lilian Carl. Ida lliroil Knthertne V.burne, Mnuil Dinery, Jnanlla l'.rfarrt MrsDIck Etksrdo. Naomi 1'lsher, Minnie Fredericks Josle Flank, Jessie tfllroore, Stojla Ocodale, Bra liaise* Mrs.o.J Howard, Catherine Harlow. Dot Hadfleld, Clara llerldan 1,11 Hon Hopkins, May Kendall, Mra. Obsa Lamar, Matlc I*Roy, Bent rice I npidln, Bva Lanlgan, Katherlr I.lndahl. Alice Lander I, Mra. W. E. Lee, Mips Lewis, K-lna In-, Alii 'tn Leo, Margaret Lenvltt, Jeannette W T.umb, Dorothy Lcnnord, Cecil Morarj, Mttm Mort, Alice Matthew*, Lillian Mtitlhcs. Elsie Matthew* Edllh Mi-Donald Sadie llordnttnt Myrtle Mitchell, Mny Mack, Mazle Marsh, Alice Martin. Vivian Morris, Maude Newton, Neola N*oe. Winnie Mfltinp, Rertha Nllssfrt, Nedda Nile*, Lenore Novoro, Anna Kcaves, Kathelen N'arolla, Elsie Nttsson, Melba Nenves, Mia* <Miel, Mr*. II. Overton, Beagle 1 ■■«.". Aileen ltimsell, HclenF Russell, Oeralillne Ross. Mabel Reynold*, Dora Ridgwell MraOeo Rose, Edltb Itoborson Ardele Reese, KleanorW Redding. Franceses Scliafer, Rosa Kchwarti, Illnnclie Raarea Mercedes Sevier, Mm Melu, Sadie Srhwartg. Blanche Stevens, Pearl Stone. l'ere In E. Sweeney, Miss T. M. Sawyer. Delia Swnrtx, Frances Spenser. Grete'ien Sure. Delia Seltbaole, Mra. Elona Sylvester, Grace Trumbull. Frances Tamle, Zoe '.'liroll. Alice XliiimOTis, Kdna Vaughn, Peggy Wnltunn, Annie W'ndlolgh, Vera Willllnma, Clara Winters, Alice Wlllmore, Lydla Watson, Kitty Zimmerman, Mra, M, GENTLEMEN'S MSJT. Adde, Leo J. Alton ftNtoddard Adams, Harry Adorns, Geo. W A finer, Harry Arrona, A. A. Averlll, Ueo. Armstrong, J. V. Alimworth OnyR Arli, It. Aimi Allan, V. N. A. lien, J. I/Ce Hoahcll, Jack Iteaaiey, AI. Hockley ft Barry lirun, Olar. M. 11town, Dick lialaar, Clina. llurkhardt Chat. Ilelmont, Frank I'ordley, 0. T. lionney, Earl D Burns, John II. llretlner, Ed. 0 liunklrk Mu*€o. Hunch, Billy Bones,* Bernardo Brown, Rd. Bonny, I'reemtun ■ ft Hart fair, Rich, r. Chin., A, W. Untie. FraukleA Beoo, Alio I'.ihikit. nan J. I*. Buckley, II. V, Brown, Mickey llourea, Al. * Bucter, Hurt llvmrn, 0. M. Barnes, R. lilulirett, I 0. Biicher, Bert Conway. Dick tlllne, Vivian E tVrak, Oscar F, fJook. R. U. Chapman, Harry Cole, I. M. Carlo*, Cbas. Chariot, A, Chnttertoti J.W. Clayton, Joe Clinton, John Cohan, Nyd. L. Dalian, W. II. Cunwell. Bob Cloud, Frank Coptland, Lei fnrti, R. U. Conway, Jack Ccinana, Lou L. Carlos, Olios. Cahlll, Wm. Dltlne. Jack Donnelly, Gny Dc 1, arete, Dos Daly, Chat. Dehlman W. U. Daly, Bernard liuiKint. Al. Doyle, J as. D. Dare, Frank R, DeFe. Richard Dotty, Clarence IlnlBeld Hurry Dreano, Joali Dehliunn, Wm. Daffy, J. T. Khertole, Kent Kuierdon, J nek Kilmunda, Art Kleclra I'.lllott, Max 0 Emeraon, Harry ETima,' Allan l'teuer, Fred Krerta, J. H. I'.'iiernou, Dan r.mcraon, Dsn Fox, Al. H. I'us, llrnydon TJ Fraucc, Harry l'owler, Fred D 1'ieiicb. Ueurl liuk'ii Fox, Boy E. i; ray, ltobt. Gary, R. 0. Oeihnn, Fred 0< Oomlwln, Ben Gay, Walt M. (>rees, Carl Gentile, Amerlco iinrilon, Geo. Glyun W. 0. Jr. i;ny Bros.' Ulna Green, John Huaaey, Geo. Hnriier, Harry Itall, John H. Hunter, Sain V, Herbert, Harold Mickey, Nell Ilnrdon, Wm. HoRlniid, Rey Hartmao Ferris llonann H. R. Ilensley. Geo. Martforda, The Howlan.l 0. V. lloldmv.ilth, Cll* Iluaard'a Med. Show Harrli, V. 0. llnrrla * Meyer lllll, Ruaaell HIcM, Earl G. Hmaler, L. Mutcblngton J.D llollaud. Ed. Harrison Weat Hslilcnby O. T. Harrington, Guy Inneaa, Wm. .lonea, 0. V, .Incob*, M. Jones, It. 0. Johnson, Carroll ■Tactraon, 0. T. Johnson. Arthut Kill 11, M1U, J. Kohler. Jack H Kingston, Daab Kltua, H. O. Kocb, Geo. J. Kennedy, H. Kail, Geo. 0. Kelly, .Mike J. Ktnna, Chna. Kasbner, Geo. Karl), dol. Kelly, J. Klnsr, Frank Karl, W. F. King ft MiiHiiu, W, H. Lawrence I.. B Lancelot, Joe Lo Setter, Robl Unlle, Roy Lasley, Art. lrflloy, Herbert Lore, Joe Lucky Bob Lewla, Artie II Uwb, Cbas. Landls A Knowlea Luce, 0. L. lAimatil J. B. Leslie, Roy l*c, Harry Irfavltt, Geo. Leone, Henry Lewla, Arthur 1 e*l le,. Jack Lnnerro, E. J, LnRdM". W. R. Lemuels, W. E. U'hmsnn. Henr.\ McDonald G. W Markee Bros Morris ft Bcnslcy Milton. Ora. Mclirhlc, Harry McColl, A. H. Mycra Arthur 1) MIllB, W. J. Mamhall, Jan. C Hnann, 0, J, .MaiKnlee, Geo. McCall, Frank Miller, Bruce Niner, Kd. N'linii, Billy Nye, Thou, F. •S'eitcll, R. II. Noon, John R, .Vestcll, E. H. Owens, Gr?nt onrle, Arch Go, Owen. O. B. O'Neill, F. Jr. O'Neill, Rd R, Orr, H. D. Petera, W. A. Poole, i'nul Perry, John H. I'ettl, Geo. 11. Pepper, narry Palmer ft I*avot Pcteraon, UurlJ. Pierce ft Dunham I-orter, Bert Pelhsm*, Tbe Patten, J. J. I 'niil. ilnl't. N. Pearcc, F, N. Pearce, F. Al. Robinson, Roy Reese Bro*., Fred B. Koblna, G. 8. Ithoailea, W. 8. Trie Reynolds, H, O'Brien ItOo Morrlsaey, T. V ,,.Hi, ir ta Kitu. i:,i,ii,. l'rnment, II. E Pox, Fred D. 1'imcre, A. Jo*. FlKat, i* 0. Vrauco ft Aildlngton I'nniilnK F, B, lox, V. Foley, F. l'ultou, Olias, Fast, F. Frlei, Kim) I'arlnml, W. B. Miller, Eddie MeOanley, Bob Mnrphy. L. F. Hontajtuc, L. I. Melford, Geo. Mi.rr, Billy Matthes, B. ftll Muunlon L.A.Jr, Mnrtiliy, F. J. McNarry. F. Merrlbew, A. J Morton, 1'iiul MaelliiKli, Jas. Miller. W. t). 8E1S NOTICE) AT HEAD OP LIST. Reed, Sara Boslno W. J, Kolte. Tom Rubers, Geo. ltohlnaon Dan B Itosalre, Bob Roy, Walt Royal, Milton Ruaaell, H, J. ItoMnaon, Thos. Reader, Olauda Itankln. Boby Ryan Frank W. Hlcbniond, Vln ltumiuell, Obaa. Ryan, Frank W line, Burt Rhoe, Vlekter Sutter, Jack rliultk. K. M. Mnliell. Alb. Sebwab, Bd. M. .Stnnlev, Jack Sownul, Chuck Veliultx, Fred Spier, Harry W Sharpies! Ed F Sterling Will Stone, Geo. I. Schumann, Qui Stuart Sherwood, Vict. K'owe, Lew 1. Shield* ft dalle fitmnwn, Jsa. Slurmer, Fred Simpson, Clifton Sheridan, Wm. Shine, John L Tentiey, Ernest Tliompson. R. Trlplett, Wm. Todd, Wllaon B Test, RusaelleL. Toinpsou, G. L. Van, Jack WoodRalton Trio Wnlte, Billy Wills, J. B. Wearer, F. L, Wnlte, Harry H Wntoon ftltandy Webb, Walt F. William*. O, F. Webb, Walt Wettel, II. 11. \Teaton. Al. Wlnu, Tryou Wi-lab Jas.ftCo. Walters, FrcdA. Wlllshe, I'lill Williams ft Tucker Wliltehurst Cliau Woodford, The Meat, 0, W. Weaver ft Albertn White, Jack Young. Chna. L. ricww. II. S&k'IIikt. Carl GERTRUDE BRYAN FOR WEBER-FIELDS? Negotiations arc about being completed between Weber and Fluid* to enitnge Gertrude 'V.yan 'or their muale hall. Richard I'ltrot, MlM Itrjnn's representative, la arranging to piiytKore her time nt the Palace, London, I'.nriind, and she .will probably QpcnAt the music hall later this month. w m Cleveland, O.—Opera Hod*" (A. F. Harts, ■mgr.) Oti* BUnner, la "KlstueL" week of Dec. 0. Madam Sltnone, In "The Bctnrn from Jeru- salem," week of 10. Colowul (K. Bay OomstMk, mgr.)—" 'Way Down B-asl" week of 0. Mort U. Singer, In "A Modern Eve," week of 18. KniTii'a HiPFOoaoafB (H. A. Dtnlela, mgr.)— Bill for week of 0: "The Trained Nurae*," J. a Nugrent and comparyr Charley Case Stewart Sla- ter* and Escort*, Derlne and Williams, Coombs and Alii well, Wlnslow and Btryker, and Paul San- dorf's Doga. Psosrxci (O. M. Todd, mgr.)—"The Trsveling Salesman" week of 9. Ward and Vokea, In 'S Run on the Bank" week of 10. OBAMti (J. II. Michaels, mgr.)—"The Blue Moose" week of 9. "Billy" 10 and week. Cleveland (II. d. Zlrker uigr.)—Tbe Holdea Players present "Ten Night* In a Bar Boom" week of 9. For 10 and week, "Over the Hills to the roorbotue." Oxntbal Arkobt. — Week of 9: John Bobln- ron and Frank Spellman's Combined Shows, la a big Winter Circa*, restoring tbe Slgrist Sllbon Troupe of Aerlallsts, nnd Davenport's Performing Stallions, with other attractions. l'uscityiA (P. B. Seas, mgr.)—BIU for week of 0: Seven Bonoinor Arabs.."The Catspaw," Teddy Uardcastle and company, Three English Madcap*, Bice, Sponaler and Rice, Alexander Mas- zone, Elliott and Fasaett, Lynn nod Bonnie Boa- Mini, and pictures. Stab (Drew & Campbell, nigra.)—Tbe Merry Maidens week of 9. EMPum (H. A. McArdle, mgr.)—Motile Will- iams comnaay week of 9. Aliiauhra (Wm. Chase, mgr.)—The Moratl Opera Co. continue for another week, beginning 0, Among the feature Alms, a aeries of the Oase- Iteaerre football frame played here on Thanks- giving Day. KNiOKKRDooitBn (E. H. Downs, mgr.)—The cubaret is drawing large audience* and will con- tinue Indefinitely. Special Dims and Bpltalny's Orchestra are other features, Duchrss (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)—This boos* will present motion pictures for a few weeks, bs- Elrnliuf II. N«tb».— Tlie Philadelphia Orchestra, under 8to- kowskl. will give the third of tlie symphony con- certs la Orny'e Armory, Thursday evening, 12. Florence H hi We will be aololst Tbe dra- matic claaa of Lake Erie Golltge, In three Irish plays, iu Engloecra' Hall, 9, to heavy business. Col nut bias, O. — Hartman (Lee M. Bods, mgr.) "Oypay Love" Dec. 12-14. (J. F. Luft, mgr.)—Mme. Reglna Prager, in "The Song of Love," 0. Tully Mar- shall, In "The Talker," 12-14", Annette Keller- mnini Id, 17. Hum Ntiiixt (0. D. Harper, mgr.)—Billy B. Van. In "A- Lucky Hoodoo," week of 0. IvitiTti's (W. W. Pressor, mgr.)—Bill for week of 0: W. J, Belb. the Austrullui Woodcuoppcrs. Oln. Gygl, Carl Rmmy's pets. Crouch and Welch. Ollle Young and April, Adter and Arllne, atid He 1 picture*. liiioAiiwAv I Wot. James, mgr.)—Bill for week of 9: TInkhnm and company. Ward and Barton, Seiners and Stork, Gotham City Trio, and pic- tures. Colonial (J. A. Mnddox, mgr.)—Bill week of 9: Silent Mora, the Rymore Sisters, Three Fol- lies. Claude Goldlng, Clara Keating, Mint and WerlK. and pictures. Noras.—Frank B. O'Blencas, a local uewspo|ier man, has nusiiiued Ibe iiosltlon of general press agent of the Valentine Circuit The Motion Picture Inhibitor*' League, of Columbus, gara their drat onnual ball nt Memorial Hall. 12 W. B. Thomns, electrician, who nt time did a roller skate net In vaudeville, is manufacturing a motion picture screen, covered by an luvbdhle net, that la attracting the attention of local motion picture men. It Is claimed Hint this srreen re- lieves the eye strain, and enable* tbe picture to be shown In a well lighted room. Ziinrs-rllle, O.—Schnltx (W. S. Canning. mgr.) the Rarle Stock Co. In r>|ie;'tolre. week of Dec. li. House will be dark 111. Wkllbu (James 0. England, imrr.)—Tlie Peark) Stock Oo, began their second wi>?k here, 9, pre- wiitliig "The Belle of Richmond.' lVurl Kvsns Iewlo and Alfred A. Webster are niipportcd by a good company, aud prospect* for a long engage- ment are bright. OliFUBtfll (B. It. Harris, mgr.)—Vaiideillle. to fair Imslness, IltrroDuoiiE (0. W. Morrison, mgr.)—Moving pictures, to great tmatnemi. QtnuDX'a (W. 0. Qulmby, mgr. I—Moving pic- tures. GnaNn (James Collin*, mgr.)—Motion picture*. AMxniaAK—Moving picture*. Akmn. O.—Oslonlal (B. M. Stanley, mgr.) Kitty Gordon, In "The Encbnniresa," Dec. 10. BUI for nit of Ihe week commencing 9 Include*: John and Use Rurke, Boar Doric Cnmlqnes, Cum- inga nnd Gladdlnga, Three O'Neal Flsters, and Mr. and Mrs. Rtuart Dorrotv. ' Gbanii (O. L. BUslcr, mgr.) — "The White Slave" 0-11. "Orsustark' 1 17-14, "A Girl of tbe Underworld" 10-18, "The Shepherd of the Hill*" 19-21, "The Traveling Salesman" 22-25. Grotto, Nationm, Pastiuh. Bank. Dukam- "in AMI) Alhamuba repuri good business with moving pictures. Trenton, H, J.—State St"cet (Herman Wshn, mgr.) bill for week of 0: Tbe Florens Kolh Musical Comedy Company, Ah.rtis Brotliera, Frank Lo»g, Sprluger mid Ohiirdi, 8am Barton, BIJou Bnssell, Mnrle Satller, Frances Brooks and , company, Kllvotte l/>ulse, nnd pliotoplavr. Br.oan Stksbt (George E Brown, mgr.)—The Manhattan Players present "Fast Lynne" 9 and week. "A Night Off" 10 ami tjsjsl, Nonas.—Milton nirsliieM nod Herman Wabn, leasees of tbe Broad .Street Theatre, have do- nated tlie entire use of Ihelr theatre, including tbe entire cast of the Manhattan, Playera and attache* of the house, orchestra, lights, etc., to Patrolmen's Benevolent Irotccilve Asoctstlon of Trenton for week of 10 tor Ihe benefit of the Police Pension Fund. The ploy to be. presented by the company Is "A Night Off." The Klka of Trenton lime hought >nt tbe entire lower patt of the Imum for Wedneads*- night, 18. Jersey Olty. H. J^-Msjestlc (F. F.. Hen- dcrbtn. mgr.) ''Bought and Paid For" week of Dee. 9, "Llfc'a Shop WlDdnw" 16 and week. Ac.voiotr (F. B. Henderson, mgr.)—"Under Arizona Skies," by the Academy stock, week of o. "Unele Tom's Cabin" week of 10. OuntKuM (Thos. L. Sheely, mgr.) — "The World and His Wife," by the Orpbeum stock, week of 0. "Are You a Mason!" 10 and week. Bun Ton (Ed. Oadugau, mgt.)—Variety, mov- ing pictures and songs. Nora.—The Montlcello opened 9, under new ntaiisgemuit. Camden, N. J.—Temple. The Hall Stock Co. t>resent "Carolina" for Dec. 9 nud week. .Msnnpers Falkner and Hall are preparing a holi- day surprise for their olianfela, wblch will be In the shape of a high class production. Bkoadwat (W. McOaltum, mgr.)—Vaudeville continues to excellent business. Nuts. —Manager McOaltum, of the Broadway, Is ennchlng tlie Villa Nova College boys In their tiilustrel fhow. Ilohnlten, \. J.—Gayety (Chas. Franklyn, mjrr.) "Men aud Women" week of Dec, 9. Kui'iim (A. M. Brugiremanu, mgr.)—Beauty, "Youth (iiul Folly (l-ll. (lay .MaHi|iierad>rs 12-14. 'j'nicailems 10-18, Bowery Burlesauer* 19-31. Lyiiio (0. S. Orant, nur.l—variety, moving pU'lures and songs. Ilnrlne, Wla. — Itaclne (0. H. Banther, mgr.) "The Thief" Dec. 8 and week, "The Sonny Rlile of Lire" 10 and week, Jack riessey Co, week of 22. Now llartiamt (P. It, Bantber, mgr.)—Th* Golden Gate Girls Co. 911. Bill for 12-10: The Bldonlni, l.lxalp Wilson, Barry, Halvers and com- pany, Dunbar and Turner, Paulham Team, and moving iilclues, Bualneas la excellent. Majiktic, GkAttn, Oaritiuu, Biyotr, Ltbio, Otii, Aoiosa amp CaatMO, picture housee, all re- port good business. Nut**.— Manager Isle, of Rtkiu, moving pic- ture house, Is confined In 81, Luke's Hospital, wllh pneumonia Klk Lodge Is irrnnglnc for the annual Christmas giving and entertaining of the poor children cf the city. Clarkfcdale, Mia*.—New ciarkodale (Craw- ley Jlrna., nigra.) "The rtoaary" D»"C.' 12, "Madam Sherry" 18. Motion picture* Mntinue to draw well on Intervening dates, Amiamiiiia (Chas. Dill, mgr.)—Motion pictures nail soiigii. to good bttslne**, Not*.— The Alhsmbj* Minstrel* war* het*, DB« der canvas, 9, TaATsfk'risf^sV _Whrn no date la J1W1 i^'I!i"" it iTen, the Tteek of Dec. B-14 la represented. Abingdon, W. L., 4 Co., Marylsnd, Baltimore. Abbott, Annie, Orpbeum, Kansaa City. Mo. Abbott 4 Curtis, Majeatlc, Cbicage. Acme Four, Orpheum, Peoria, III., 12-10. Adler ft Arllne, Keith's, Columbus, O. Adonis 4 Dog. Keith's, Lowell. Moss. Adgle's Lions, New, Baltimore. Adler, Hymen, A Co., Htapress, 8sn Fran., Col. Ahera, Agnes, & Co., Academy. Baffalo. Altken-Whltmao Trio,' Orpbenm, Denver! Or- pheout Lincoln, Neft., 10-21. AkeTstrom, Ullle, Scenic Temple, Providence, In- deflnlM. „ _ Alpine Troupe, Bronx, N. X. C. Alvlr, Jack, Vogel's Miostrels. Alfreds i2), Orpbenm, Sioux City. la. Allen, Minnie, orpbenm. Lincoln, Neb. Allen. 8.. Players, MatJonal, Boston. Alvln 4 Nnlty. Princess. Uamlltoa, Oat., Can. Alalr 4 Dickey, Ma]eatlc Milwaukee. Alexander 4 Beldlug, Miles, Detroit Amoros Bisters, Bmplre, Edmonton Can., 18-14. Ameta, Mile., Orpheum, St. Paul. Minn. American Dancers (0). Poll, Scran ton. Fa. "And Tbey Lived Happy Ever After," Keith's, Phlla. Andrew's Wonder Kettle. Orpbenm, Omaha, Neb, "Aatloae Girl, Tbe," Orpbenm, Sioux Olty, la. "Ann from Virginia," Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Anita, Merk S<j„ Lowell, Mass. Andrews', Nellie, Opera Co., BIJou, Jackson, Mich., 12-14. . Apollo Trio, Bosbwlck. Bkln. Apdsle'a Animals, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. "Apple of Paris, The/' Poll's, Hsrtford, Conn. Armstrong 4 Clark, Orpheum, Des Moines, la.; Majestic. Milwaukee, 10-21, Armanle (S), La Crosse, Wis.; Minneapolis, Minn., 10-21. Armstrong 4 Msnly, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Ardell, Franklin, 4 Co., Orpbeum, Minneapolis. Arcadia, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. "Arm of the Law. The," Victoria, Baltimore. Armstrong 4 Ford, Wm. Penn, Phlla. Astalres, The, Orpheum, Denver. Asshl Quintette, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Ashley 4 Lee, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Atkinson, Harry, Orpheum, New Orleans. ' Atbletna f4). Colonial, N. Y. 0., 10-21. Auganlo, Adrlenne, Orpbeum, Oakland, On, Australlnn WoodcbopperH. Keith's. Columbus, 0. Austin Bros., Hipp.. Utlcn, N. Y. Avon Comedy Foor, Keith's, Lowell, Mass. AvreH, Sydney, 4 Co., Orpbeum, Los Angeles, • Oaf. Atmrd Bros.. Orpbenm, Klonx Olty, la. Azard, Paul, Troupe, Nickel, Lawrence. Mass., 12-14. Barrett, Edward, 4 Co., Walker**, Sbclbyvllle, luil.. lndellnlle. Barnes, t'tuart, Bth Ave., N. Y. 0. llnllols, The. AUiambra N. Y. 0. I'.nriiei. Ocrtrttde, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Bnker, Doc, Amuse, Birmingham. Als. Barry, Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy, Orpheum, Seattle, Wasb. Barry ft Wolford, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Osn. Barker. Ethel May, Orpheum. St. Paul, Minn. llollcrlnl, Clara, Grand, Sprsciise, N. Y, Ball, Ray Elinor, Poll, Hprlngfleld, Msss. Baldwins (I), Lynn, Lynn. Mass. Barto 4 Clark, Orpbeum. Harrlsburg, Pa. Batn* 4 Neville. New, Baltimore. Bantophleiids, The, Englert, Iowa Olty, la., 10- 21. Bnndy 4 Fields, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 10-21. Homes ft King. Julian, Chicago, 28-26, Ileckwltb, Linden, Albaiabra, N. Y. 0.1 Colonial, N. Y. 0„ 10-21, fl Berg Bros., ■ Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb.; Orpbeum, Kansas City, Mo., 10-21. Bcrrens, The Hsmmerateln's, N. Y. 0. Bergrre. Valerie, A Co., Oolonlnl, N. Y. 0. Bell, Dlgby, ft Co., Keith's, Phlla. llerllscli. Orpheum, Omaba, Neb. Bernhardt, Sarah, Majeatlc, Chicago. Beyer, Ben, ft Bro., Keith's, Boston. . Behau. Geo., 4 Co., Temple, Rochester. Bell Family. Temple, Hamilton, Can. Bernard 4 Burkhardt, 1th Ave., N. Y. 0., 10-21. Herder, Edgar, Lynn, Lynn, Msss. Tteillnl 4 Arthur, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Bennett, Murray, Colombia, Grand Baplds, Mlcb. Plxley 4 Lerner, Orpheum, Bkln. Hilly, Little, Ornhetun. Ban Fran., Csl. BliiKhani, Amells, 4 Co., Orpbeum, Bait Lake City. TJ. Illssett ft Scott, Chase's, Washlngtoa, Blrnes. Joe. Keystone, Phlla.; Liberty, Phlla., 111-21. Blanelianl'i Players, Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Uloomquest Player*, Wm. Penn, Phils. Poises (4), touring Europe. Booth, J. O., 4 Co., BIJou, Ssvannsh, Ga.; Or- pheum, Birmingham, Ala., 10-21. Bowers, Walters 4 Orooker, Orfeura, Budapest, Hungary, 9-31; Apollo, Nuremberg, Germany, Jan. 1-31. Bowery Newsboys' Quartette, Lyric. Junction Olty, Kan., 12-14; Victor, Kansas Olty, IE-IB. Bobker's Arabs, Chase'*, Washington. Itoganny Troupe, Temple, Detroit. linlii'iiilons (3), Cosmos, Wsshlnglnn. Bowen, Art, Poll, SnrlngOeld, Hatsj. Bowes, Florence, Harris, Pittsburgh. llonomor Arabs (T), Prlscllla, Cleveland. Brown Broe, (0), Primrose 4 Dockstader's Min- strels, Brown & Foster, Novelty, Topeka, Kan.; Princess, Wichita, 10-21. Breen, Hsrry. Uammerstcln's, N. Y. 0. Bradna & Derrick, Orpheum, Bkln.; Onion Sq,, N. Y. C, 10-21. Brown, Harris 4 Brown, Busbwlck, Bkln. Bradshaw Bros., Columbia, St. Louis. Brown, Seymour, Keith's, Providence. Brunettes, Cycling, Savoy. Atlantic Olty, N. J. Brenner 4 Ratcllff, Maryland, Baltimore. Brooks, Harry. 4 Co., Temple, Detroit. Bradley, Uno, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Brlsooe, Olive, Colonial, Dayton, O. Brown 4 Barrow, Columbia. Grand Rapids. Bruce-Duffel Co., Shubert. Utlca, N. Y. Broughton ft Turner, Nixon, Phlla. Brown, Harold, 4 Co., BIJou, Jackson, Mich., 18- 14. Brennana, Cycling, Portland, Portland, Me. Brown, Botbwell, BIJou. Bay City, Mlcb. Bush 4 Peyser, BIJou, Jackson, Mich., 18-14, Busso's, Madame, Dogs, Buckley's Dog*, Proctor'*, Newsrk, N. J. Burnley, Mrs., Curtis, Colonial, N. Y, 0. Burke. John P., Traymore, Baltimore, 9-31. Buckley, Laura, Oipheum, Montreal, Can. Ban ft Hope, Bth Ave.. N. Y. O., 10-21. Burns 4 Fulton, Dominion, Ottawa, C*n. llnslev, Jessie, A Co., Kelth'B, Louisville. Burkes, Juggling, Colonial, Norfolk, V*. Burns 4 Franklin, New, Baltimore, Rush Bros., Cosmos, Washington, Bnrns, Sol, Pantngea', San Fran., Cat. Carter, Susann, ft Minstrel Maid*, Americas, At- lanta, Ga., lndellnlle. Canton, Al.. Klnrk-Urbnn Co, Case, Charley, Htpp., Cleveland; Orpheum, Mem- phis, Teni., 10-21. Carlton Agnes, 4 Co., Harris. Pittsburgh. fain ft (nloiii, Kcnyou, Pittsburgh. Cabaret Trio, Hninmcrsteln's, N, Y. 0, Caron & Herbert, Union 8q„ N. Y. a Carroll 4 Fields, Keith's, Phlla. Carmen, Frank, O. II., Bristol, Conn. Cain, Arthur P.. Chicago. "California," Orpheum, I,os Angeles, CM, Cameron, Grace, Orpheum. Kansas Olty, Mo. Caniosli, Ignatius, Columbia, St. Louis. Carljlo, Leo, Shea's, Buffalo. Casselli's Dogs, Shea's. Buffalo. Carlton 4 Kay. Keith's, Indianapolis. OaulUeld ft Driver, Academy, H-iffalo, 'Catspaw, Tbe," Prlscllla, Clcvelp.ud, Carsello, Susie, Hipp., Oanha, Neb, Cncanro, Carlos, Orpheum, Peoria, III., 12-15, Carmen 4 Clifton, Hipp., St. Iritis, Covens (0). Hipp., PI. Lulls. Cliunns (4), Touring Eiirojie, Clienter, Ida, Waiter McMillan Co. Citing Ling Foo, Hainmersteln's. N. Y. C, "Olieycnno Days," Poll, SprlngOcliI, Mass. Clark ft Owen, Sydney, Australia, Indefinite. Clifford, Dave B., Washington, Boston. Clayton 4 Drew Players, Buwdoln Sn., Boston; Howard Boston. 10-21. Clsrk * Devcresnx. 8tsr, Des Moines, la.; Or- pheiun. Ft. Madison, 10-21. Ottpper Quartette, Majeatlc. Cedar Kaplds, la., 12-10; Indiana, Chicago. 10-21. Ollne. Maggie. Union so,., K. Y. C. Clark ft Hamilton, Orpheum, iSirtland, Ore. Claudius ft Scarlet. Orpheum, Salt Lake City U. Clark, Owen. Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. Clark..Wilfred, 4 Co., Keith's. Boston; Proctor's. Newark, «, J„ 10.21, •,!*"' WHEN IN DES MOINEl LADIES If your Wardrobe Is running short, -visit MATlOniAL, 407 Walnut Street - - Des Moines. Iowa QliV n-lCsf.AII'nt Oi EVENING GOWNS and STAGE ORESSES &\J /Q XJJLal/tf ULUL^ Tho only gtorq catering to thtiprofsMinn Cliff. Laddie, Savoy, Atlantic Caty, M. J. Clare 4 Rawaon, Empire, St. Paul, Minn. PW " a*V ja>a*J»J Pw > lBt'a i Newark, N. J F»lix 4 Bsrry Slaters, Orpheam. Osklsn* ru, Kenton, Marie, KelU.^, Toled,™ o ' ' 0,t "B' * H « n,0B ' ( »f' B «y. Oalesburg, m is,,, CiOBBfa, PeorU, 18-U; WmuSTdSS^^ To^'l"'' * ™* *"""* VDk * *»• * t. a, Of the ••Bote in Bine'' Oo., or anyone knowing HIS WHBRRAB0DT8, please communloato Im- mediately, aa it is n case Of life and death with 0ODKTKB8 OB MFAIKTTB, Care Of OLIPPfcR, M.T. Conlln, Steele 4 Oarr, Orpbenm, Harrlsburg, Pa.; Oolonl*!, Norfolk. Vs.. 10-21. Copelsnd 4 Paytnn, Potola. San Fran., Oal.; Princess. Ssn Fran.. lt'-21. Cotton, Loin, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can.; Sherman Grand, Calgary, 10 IS. Cushion, Rosalind, & Co., Maryland, Baltimore; Keith's. Phlla., 10-21. Colben, Jennie, Billy (Swede) Hall Co. Coopc, Fitch, Cth Are., K. Y, C. Conroy A Le Mslre, Orpbeum, Bkln.; Colonial, N. Y. a, 10-21. Collegians (8), Orpbetcn, Des Moines, la. Courtiers. The, Sun, Springfield, 0. • • Conrad ft Whldi'en, Keith's, Providence. Cox. Ray, Chart's, Washington. Oonroy* Models. Temple, Detroit. Gorrlgnn & Vivian, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. _ Cooper A- Robinson, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Ciwmbs 4 Aldvvell, Hipp., Cleveland, Colonial Septette, Keith's, Cincinnati; Star, Mnncle, Ind„ 10-21. Corelll ft Olllette, Colonial, Dayton, 0. Cook, John B., & Co., New, Baltimore, Conrad ft Reed, Academy, Baffalo. Coleman ft Jlexls, Hlnp., at. touts. Cross ft Josephine, Keltn's, Columbus, O.; Keith's, Toledo, 10-21. Creasy 4 Duyne, Orpbenm, Spokane, Wash.; 0*> pheum, Seattle, 10-21. Craig ft Williams, Varieties, Teryre Haute, Ind. Crniiiloll, Harry, 4 Co., Arcade, Toledo, O., 12- 14. Crawford ft Montrose, Harris, Pittsburgh. Crlmmlns ft Oore, Kenyon. Pittsburgh. Ciansey's Skating Bear, Psntages', Hpokane, Wash., 10-21. a——. Crouch ft Welch, Keltti's, Columbus, O. Cros, Jean 4 Maurler, Casino, Washington. Crawford ft Delancey, -Ipera House, If qua, 0,: O. II.. Georgetown, 10-21 Crelgbton Bros., Washington. Newark, N. J„ 18- Cumlngs ft Thornton, Temple, Ft. Wayne, lad.; Varieties, Tern Hsnte, 10-18; Fsmlly, Lafay- ette. 19-21. Cunningham ft Marlon, Poll's, Bcranton, Pa. Cullen, Jas. II., Orpheum, Dulutb. Minn. Cutty*, Musical (61, Shea's, Buffalo. Curtis Slaters, Lyric, lndlanapolia. Cutler, Harry, Nixon. Phlla Cygl, ota. Keith's, Columbia, O. Daste, Mile., "Tlie Merry Countess" On. Hurls Bros., Gny Bros.' Minstrels. Davis, Mark, Orpbeum, Roekforfl, III.; Bmrbart, Iowa City, Ia„ 10-21. D'Armond 4 Carter, Tourlag Europe. Darrell 4 Conway, Proctor's, Newark, H. J. liulton. Harry Fenn, Pastime, Brtmawtck, If*,, 12-14; Scenic, Welt Brook, 16-18; Rockland, Rockland, 19-21. Diirta, Daring, Orpheum, Des Moines, Ik. Dnrles, Tom, Trio, Keith's, Toledo, O, Dsvls ft Macnnley, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Dsvey, De Muacy 4 Oetsey, Rmpreas, Ban Frsa., Cal. Dnlnert, Dolly, Bth Ave., N. Y. O. 16-81. Dale 4 Boyle, Empress, Ssn Fran., Oal. Daly, Kdwln, 4 Oo., Nickel, Lawrence, Maes., 12-14. Dnlbeanle 4 Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J., 11-14, Davis ft Walker, Liberty, Phlla. i)e Voy 4 Arte, Lyceum, Peoria. Ill,, lt-15. in- Basal Duo, MsJesUe, Cedar itapMs, 12-14. De Frnnkle, Sylvia, Galtes' "Girl of My Dreams" Oo. De Witt, Burns 4 Torrance, Orpbenm, Batata, Minn.; Orpheum. St. Paul, 16-11. De Mario, Harry, Itlcksrds' Tour, Australia, «- June 6, mill. Dcngon, Arthur, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Drlmar ft Delraur. Keith's, Lowell, afasa. | Pfoe- tor's, Newark, N. J.. 10-31. De Lisle. Juggling, Proctor'*, Newark, N. J. Devbie 4 Williams, Hipp., Cleveland. "Detective Keen," Colonial, Daytoo, O, Deeley. Ben, ft Co.. National, Boston. De Lasso Troupe, Shea's, Buffalo. Ueinargo, Mile. Alice, Polt'a, Washington. De Voy ft Dayton, Lyric, Indianapolis. De Kolh Duo, Pantages' San Fran., Oal. De Mlchels Bros., Empress, at. Paul, Minn, Delmar. Dr.n, Hipp., Utlca. N. Y, Diving Seala, Hammerateln'a, N. Y. 0. Dixon ft Fields, Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la, Dlero, Orpbeum, Des Moines, la. Dixie, Henry K., Keith's, Providence. Diamond 4 Brennan, Keith's, Providence. Dickinson, Rube, Keith's. Toledo, U. Dlxona (4), Poll, Scrnnton. P.-i. Dolly Twin*. "The Marry Coalites*" Oo. Dotson ft Gordon, Haurmerstcln's, N. Y. 0. Dolce Slaters, Bronx, N. Y. O; Union He.. If. Y. 0.. 10-21. "Don" (dog), Palace, Chicago. Dooley 4 Parker, Savoy, Atlontl: Olty, N. ». Dooleys (2), Temple, Rochester. Donovan 4 McDonald, Shea's, Baffalo. Don Fulauo, Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Dow ft Dow, Victoria, Baltimore. Downey 4 Wlllard, Hipp., St. I^uls. Drew, Lowell 4 Bather, Pantage*, Denver; Pan- tages', Pueblo, 10-21. 'Drums of Oode, The," Alhambrs, N. T. OA Drew, Chas., ft Co., Orpheum, Ogden, U. Dnnean, Dan H., American, Atlanta, Ga,, in. definite, Dupre, Jeanette, Bmplre, Johannesburg, South Africa, e-Msrca, 1813. Durbyelle, Loa, 5th Ave., N. Y. 0. Dupre Minnie, 4 Co., Empire, Edmonton, On., Du Gallon, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Dupree, Geo,, Liberty, Wlnston-Stlc*. N. 0.. 18- Earlc, Dorothy, Brownwood, Tex., lndsoalbt. Earl ft Curtis, Colonial, Eric, Pa. Edlnger 4 Cooke, Cooke Comedy Oo. £ §rfeBy&'. KuM " mj> Mo - : °"- Edwards, Mae, Keith's Stock Co., Portland, Me., Indefinite. B V? , e!» , _ K, 1. K » b " ,et ' Ptpheom, Bkln,; Colonial, N. Y. O, 10-21, Edwards, Rysn 4 Tlerney, Temple, Rochester. Edna, Mysterious, poll, Scraatoo, Pa. Ellas, Harry, Stetson's Eastern "B. T. 0." Co, Eldrlil, Oordon. 4 Co., Drptwuin, Montreal, Oon. Eleanor 4 Williams, Keith's, Cincinnati. ««'. S: ^iJ 1 Oo., Grand. Atlanta, Ga. Elliott 4 Fasaett, Prlscllla, Cleveland. Bmrnett, Oracle, 4 Co., Orpheum, Silt Lake Olty, U.; Orpheum, Denver, 10-21. Bmplre Comedy Four, Orpheum, New Orleans. Emmy's Pets, Keith's, Columbus, O. "™ - Entertainer*. Those Four, Bronx, N. Y. 0. English Hoses (8), Poll'a, New Haven, Conn. Kmuetpt ft Empress. Grand, Pittsburgh. ^T. U vi S) ' t,nl0 . n ' Providence: Orfeum, Bade, _ P*»»; «"»«afy. Jan. 1-31. 1913. Krgottl & : Lilliputians, Oriibeum, Montreal, Oon. trnle 4 Ernie, National, boston. lre "' u ™* ;ltver.vwlfe," Bnshwlck, Bkln. "Xftlir ' 0t * nd ' VtnK,,,Ter ' B - 0". Oan-i ««• Kveljn. Mystic, Co., Hipp., Utlca, N. Y. S.*»taJ*ri?ri rSSBb .Trocadero nurletquen. Farls?r OlrlH, Bnshwlck, Bkln. Inn Ton's Alhlotes, Hndsan, Union Hill. H. J. Farms, Miislral. "Jhawmut. Boston, lilU." ■ if THJL Nor,h 'i n 5. Orpbeum, fcalt Lake Olty, _ U.; Orpheum, Denver, 10-21. w Felu, Lew, Auto Olrla Co. I • '' Fields, W, 0., M Fltsglbboe. Bert tlc.Mllwauke*. XS*i Benry, Hndion, Union HtlL N j "FUlng the Furnace.'' Poll. New Bivea. On n Fiddler ft Sbeltoo, Acadttny Buffalo^ ^ Oona ' Ess..* ^oK^wofSratiB. te d ^Lo» , 'Sd^^^ dg^. Fletcher, Chan. Leonard, Keith's, Lcolavine - -^ JTIotus, PjgaL Pantoee*', San Fran.™ tu "Ftower of^ogdad,"The," Lyrlc. NewJrk^N.JJj Florence Troupe, Hipp., St Louis'" S-lgjTO; am " 4 *—* ^^^ 8o?j Ford, Johnny, ft Co., Hammerstcln's N v n , Fox Harry, ft Vllla^p BIstm^tamMck BkhN>, 8th Ave., N. Y. 0.. 10-21 D ™wic*, BklnW] F ° I * '^SlJ'^P 1 *-' Vaneouver. B OlTm press, VictorU. 10-21. ' u ^-!. PB Follette, Lonnle, Sun, Sprlngfleld, O lord, Ed., 4 Co., aarrlekTwllnimgton, D«A W*m. 4 Meeker, Shea's, TorontoToai. ' Sondellar, Fanny, Casino, Washuwtair Follies (3), ColoiuaJ. Oolnmbus, o Fr ! ,t *«' J£?" .^""Si Braddock, Pa„ U44i WLl @SSf 4? «S ?U J Te t "1f ,, I V' a ^ Frey Twlna Poll, Hartford. Conn, * liranklln. Victoria, Baltimore. Frond* 4 Marquart, New, Baltimore. Frisco, Nickel, Xawrence. Maat7l8-Ml Fulp,,., Bobt., Temple. Detroit: •* JnJIyam*, Mozart, Elmlra, N. Y Oatettl'a Monkeys, Orpheam, oon Fran. OalX^ Wa*h? r Ktu ' mui * °°". Orphsuni, Beattla, Oalvany, Marie, Orpheam. Ogden, D. IHch 0 ""■■"a Columbia, Orand Rapid*, George,* Kdwtn, Orpbenn, gait Lake Olty, U. Gee Gay* The, Temple, Hamilton, CenT Gclger. John, Proctor's, Newark, KKTM«tli Ceorgett.% Temple. Hamilton, Caa. ' " pibsou, Craig, Keith'*, Lowell, Mass. (lllroy ft CorreU, Orpheum, Allentown P* "pirf from 8hanley'o. The." Lyric. ABaluanolkL Olaser. Lola, ft Co., Kellh'e, Boston. u """''™"" Gleodower ft Msnlon, Nixon. Phlla. Goldsmith 4 Hoppa, Orpheum, Oakland, Celt „ Orpheam, Halt Lake Olty, U„ 23-28. S 0 '""". Bofhy. So. Sixth St., Oolumbos, O. Gordon ft Klnley, Empire, Edmonton, Can,, 18-14. Gould A Ashlyn, Orpheam, Minneapolis. Gordon Hlfhlsnders, Temple, Detroit. Oonsales, Julia, Orpheam, Montreal, Can. Gongets, Les, Keith 1 *, Toledo, O. Gol'leu, Sam, Orpbeum, Orond Boplls, Mich. Golden Troupe, Hipp., St. Louis. Gotham City Four, Broadway, Columbus, 0. Goldlng ft Keating. Colonial. Columbus, 0. Grmsx, Ethel, Orpheum, Oakland, C*L: Orpbeam, Lob Angeles, 10-S8. - • - Grace, Frank ft Llxaie, Auto Olrla Oo. Gray ft Graham, Orpbeum. St. Paul, Minn.; Or- pheum. Des Moines, la., 16-31. Qrova*", Jere, ft Co., Orpbenm, San Fran.. OoL Orover ft Richard*. Palace, Chicago. Orsnaoa, La, Keith'a, Boston. Orees, Carl, Colonial, Brie, Pa. Orant ft Hosg, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Oreeo, John. Arcade, Toledo, 0„ 18-14. Oray, Ed., BIJou. Jackson, Mlcb., 12-14. Green ft ltelltng, Barry OrtndaU Co. "Coy That Put tbe Too* la Barltoiis. The," Baav mersteUi'B, N. T. 0. Oultlnl, Kathl. Keith's, Indianapolis. Ourlte ft Conrad, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. "Oypsy Queen, The." Temple, Rochester. Hammond, Hoops, Bath, Mo.; Manchestar, N, B., 16-21. . Hamada Family, Pantngea', Oskland, Cal. Harcourt, Frank, Olrla from Hsppylsnd Co. llarrah. Great, ft Go., Pan tages', Denver) Pon- tages', Pueblo, 16-81, Harrison-West Trio, Lyric, Mobile, Als.; BUoo, Savannah. Ga., 16-21. Bailers. The, Klrby's Shows. Basaatd, Grace, Bammersteln's, N. Y. O, Balllgan ft Sykes, Keith's, Phlla. Hart'* Six Stepper*, Colonial, N, Y. 0. Hawthorn* ft Burt, Colonial. N. Y. C. Haney ft Lang. MsJestlc, Waterloo, Is., 12-14) Wlllard, Chicago, 16-18. Hart's Quartette, Union So.. N, Y. 0„ 16-21. Hasseae (8), Orpbenm, Portland, Ore. Harvoya (4), Orpheum, Spokane, Wash, Hall ft O'Brien, Orpheam, New Orleans. Hawthorne. Hilda. Orpheum. Sioux Olty, la. Hnwley, E. Frederick, ft Co., Orpbeum, Minns- ■polls. _ Havlland 4 Thornton. Poll, New Haven, Conn. Hall, Billy (Swede), A Co., Poll's, Hsrtfora, Conn. THE LITTLE COMEDIAN Bll-I-Y HALL With TOW B. VAB 00«_ Hartley, Frank, Poll. Sprlngfleld, Mass. Haydn, Dunbar ft Haydn,"Toll, Woreeatar, Mass. Harris, Sam, Poll, Bcranton, Pa. Havelocks, The, Colonial, Dayton, 0. _„,*. Hayes, Edmund, ft Co., Columbia, Grand Rapid*, *"<*• .. as T la, Hayes ft Alpolnt, Preetor'a, Nawark, N. J., » 21. Hall, Bar Ellnore, Poll, Sprlngfleld, Mas*. Uardcastle ft Co.. PrlsdUa. OtsTtUnd. Hssasrd, Lynne ft Bonnie. Prtacllla, Olevelaod. Herbert 4 L.ndls, Sbswmot, Boaton, 12-14. Henry ft O'Donnall, Hipp., Utlca, N. V .. Henley, Mr. ft Mrs. J„ Orpbenm, Pcotla, 111., ia- Hennlnga, John 4 Winnie, Orpheum, Omaha, »* Herieln, Lllllsn, Poll, New Haven, Oonn, Hedge, John, ft Ponies, Yo Llbstty, Honoluls, HawklL 9Jan. 4, 1918. Hefron, Tom, Hipp., St, Paul. Minn. Helen, Baby. Grand, Plttoburgb. - M Herbert ft Goldsmith, Orpheum, Portland, or*. Heath ft Baymond. Orpbenm, Seattle, Wj»j Hers, Ralph, Bmplre, Edmonton, Can., 1Z-"" Hess Slaters, Orpheum, Dulutb, Minn, ARTHUR. TDLBl Protenta BABY HELEN WURLD'A OBKATKSr CHILD ARTIST BOOKHP BOLlP. IIctbcrt'B Dogs, Orpbeum, Ogden, U. Heather, Josle, Palace, Oblcsgo. Herman, Doctor, Shea's, Toronto, Can. . Helena ft Justin, Lyric. Newark, N. J.. « " IU11 ft Ackcrman, Mow Tour, England, nines ft Remington, Union Sq.. «■ \ u ' 8 • igglns, John, Orpheam, Omaha, neu. ..nTFsylvIany, TtcltFa, Oloctoostl. BtbbarA ft Kennedy. Wjtlonal, B 0 « to , n - Orl< ,, lu ,. Moloes * Buchanan. Orpbeum. New Orieaiu. Holtnen Bros., PantB/r*» r , Tncoma. Wa*n., * tog**', Portland, Ore., 10-21. Hopper, Chas., Orsbam Comedy CO "Honey Girls, 1 ' Poll. Sprlngfleld, /""vis, Howard Bros., Family. Clinton, la., M"' Honaton. Henry, Touring India. nill te, Bolmon. Harry, ft Co., ■Varieties, Torre_ i Ind;, 12-14 | Family, La .Fayette, ltM»l a ' r, < Alton. III.. 111-21. i . i„„ How ft Bamsdell, Fred Elsar's JJhpws. _ Bi , Hopkins 4 Axtell, Orpbeam,' Spokane, . Onihemu. Feattlc, 10-21. m v 0. BoldaWtrnLOol. Sam, Union So... aJfrg, llowsrf wVrttLool. nr A syuow. Oipbcnin,' Ksosss