The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DiiCKMBKR 14 _THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 19 NOTICE TO ALL FASTEST TIME TO PHILADELPHIA rjNew Jersey Central one Hoar * tn T «""■«•• „„„, Ubtcty i»^ ■ A. M. to « P. H. ,j pn »llo«t« *>f Oie Honr From »3* «*•. 8 ' 50 ** ** ** * M *' "' OTHER TRAINS T.50, 8.50, 9.50, 11.50 P. B. MN P. W. HEROY, E. F. Agt. M0IB i(40 BROADWAY „ -— Novelty. Orphenm. ss^uganoll*. E» w *2 r^Rt OrDheum. Ogden, D. B^mSmS 11 Temple. BochMtw. gBg £^ f Prtn«r Shea's, Buffalo. P"g f Ten „ ft 0o. Temple. Hamilton, Oil. grton, W^,^, niren. Conn. Pg.* j^w, brpbeuu. Allentowo. Pa. ggP 'iiS * bo.. Cosmos. Washington. S°SSi I Walsh. Oasluo, Washington. KH.i*Kiw*t»r. Buffalo fflii. aNIensl*. Lyceum, Peorls, 111., U-IB. HrtaSljM' *6».. Bl>ul*rt. Utlca. N. X. SlSS SI»T Gene. 4 Co.. Palace. Chicago. 5 ag ?h;; * Francos. Temple. Detroit. w^S"* ' Sylvester, Lyric". Indianapolis. BBrg™ ft Ob.. Academy. BorTjtlo. STOP -LOOK --LISTEN WHHN IN NKW YORK, STOP AT Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 to 146 W. 49tfe St., near Broadway. URGE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS • PROFESSIONAL RATE8: 100 Rooms—Near Bath J1.00 per Day endup p-.¥ 0 . om n a 5 d Batb - * 2 - 6 " P« "av and up Parlor, Bedroom ana Baft, 13.00 per W and up Excellent Restaurant Good Muslo Club Breakfast. 25 cents ud. Special 75 cent Table d'Hotc Dinner. NOTICE! To Members ol Theatrical Profession While in Hot Spring*, Ark. THE INDIANA CLUB extendi the courtesies. n>l» yourself TUB MANAWK&BST. at home. CALGARY, ALTA. HOTEL CECIL Knropean plan, $1.00 per day. Firet elate grill room In connection. Free auto from station and theatres. . Nichols Bisters, Majestic, Milwaukee. "Night In a Turkish Batb, A," Keith's, Co- lumbia, O. Noroross. Hale & Co., 6tb Ave.. N. Y. 0. Norton ft Nicholson. Orpbeuni. Bkln. Nonette, Orpheum, Lob Angeles, Cal. Norrls' Baboons. Oraori, I'lttebiircrb. Nugent, J. C. & Co., Hipp., Cleveland. O'Brien-Havel & Co., Orubeuiii, Seattle, Wt»b. O'Day, Ida. Orpheum, AUcntowu, Pa, O'Dcnncll Bros., Hmrls, Pittsburgh. Umbras Trio, Orpheum, Salt Lake Cltv, U. O'Mecr Slaters. Orpheum, New Orleans. ; -r- --. ■ _... O'Neill Trio, Majestic, International Falls. Ulan. | Taimanlao-Van Dlencn Troupe, Pantafea, KlUUrMx Diltuth 1*1.21 cvtwr, B. U.i L-NU. Onr. T&, Xmmerctel!,'.. N. Y. C. t£2?lE%l3fi& B£*CBt P *' Curl. Archie, ft Co.. Pall'.." Wllkcs-Barr*. Pa. I*"' 10 ttJ&kmL * 9iMKL- O'Nell Doe I'oll'. wuv«i.R«rn. p. Tompte Player!', Merk Sq.. l/>well. Mass. o'Noi!: SSJ^MSTSSE; %. Thornton, d*o., «mtt ...* §FM*f« Orvllle & Frank, Hartford. Hartford, Conn, Pandur, Bottsr, Unloue, Minneapolis, Minn.; press, St. riuii. 16.21. Lucille, Empire. Edmonton, Can., 12-14 Lubtna (4), Cosmos, Washington. I/okens (4), Empress, St. Paul, Minn. Lucas ft Fields, Orpheum, I'eorlt, 111.. 12-1B. Luti Bros., Shubert, TJtlca, N. Y. Lyrte (3). Keith's, Boston. Lynch & Zellar, Keith's, Providence. Lydell ft Butterworth, Grand. Atlanta, Ga. Lytton, Nellie, Academy, Buffalo. MacDonough, Ethel, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. "Mascot," OoHaeom, London, W. C, Sng. ■ TlroU. p »rker, Walter. Traymore, Baltimore. 9-21. Hull, 1(1-21; Palace, Blackburn, 30-Jan 4- p * My Broi.. Empress, Winnipeg, Can.; Empress, Pier Pavilion, Southport, 0-11; Palace, nail' _ Butte. Mont., 1041. Starncros, The. Cosmos, Washington. Stern Bros., Casino, Washington. Staleys (3), Empress, 8an Fran., Cat. Bally ft Phelps, Sherman Kelly Htock 00, Sutton. Larry, Lyndon's Big Phew. Solly, Lew, Keith's, Cluclnoatl Sully ft Larson, Orpheum, Heading, Pa. Sweeney ft Ronney, Poll, Rcranton, Pa.. 16-21. Sweotmau, Wilbur, Poll, New Haven, Oonn. Taylor, Era, * Co., Uiisbwlck. Bkln. Taklneas, The, Oriiheum. Minneapolis. Tanguay, Eva, Keith's, Indianapolis. • van- Thomson. Harry. Wlllard. Chlcsgo, 1018; Wll- son. Chicago, 19-21. Thome, Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, Union Sq., N. Y. O DO YOU COMPOSE Songs or Instrumental Muslo t If go, be 8URB to ■Ml same arranged by an EXPERT! Anartiaiio •rrsngement means 8UCUE88I I have done II UN- DRIBS of BIO i ITS! Write or call afternoons 3 4. EHUKNK PI.ATZHANN Carn Shapiro, 1410 Uroadnray, AT. V. C. ROU TE I VIST. Ispplsnental Llat—lleoelred TOO Lrtte for Olaasllleatlon. Angell'a Oomedlaaa (A. B. Wlltiuut, mgr.)—Lo- mtta, Tu,, 9-14, Biownwool 10-21, "Allan Jimmy Valenlluo "—Llebler Co.'s— Roch- ester. N. Y., 10-21. "Angel of the Trail" (O. P. Farrlngton, mgr. I— Worcester, Mass., 10-18, Putnam,. Couu., IS, Southhrldge. Mass., »), Wllllmaotlc, Coon., 21. "Blackbirds, The"—Henry Miller's—Wasblngtmi. 1>. C. 10-21. "Bianty Pulls lb* Blilnga" —Sbabert-Brady's— Cetlar ltanlrla, la., 14. "0)iivlct Lite Id to* Ohio Penitentiary." In Mov. Ing Pictures, Eantera (Fre.1 K. Weston, ugr.) —Washington. D. C. 12-21. "Call or tb* H- art. The"—Sy.-«iw, N. Y„ 12 14. "Beoelrer. The"—Toledo, O.. 11-14. "Uror.e, The"—Shubert ft Brady's—Washington, D. (J., 10-21. Thayer, Joe, O. H., Wnldeu. N. t.: Long Brancb, Furlong's , Stock (W. II. Furlomr, nvgr.)—Bel jaopt. K.T.. 13-14. Angelica :(t li. N J lfl-21 Thornlon, James, Union Sq., N. Y. 0„ 10-81. fax, 1.1-18. Maxwell, Harvey J., Billy Allen Comedy Co. Marriott Twins, Clrco Brown, Buenos Aires, So. America, 031. Macart ft Bradford, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Mack ft Walker, Colonial, N. X. 0. Matthews ft Alauayne, Keith's, Phlla. Madden ft Fltspatrlck, Albambra, N. Y. 0. Max's Circus, Alhambrn, N. 1. 0. Mario Trio, Keith's. Cleveland, 10-21. Mngee ft Kerry, Oarrlck, Burlington, la., 12 Mnul»a"Bomahc«. An," Orpbetun, Omaha, Nebr. l.hakawa Japs, Orpheum. Memphis, Tenn. fSS JosepMne. trio, Marylaad. Bat.nore. itileM (8)i Eiopresa. San FruiKlsco. Kfksan Joe. Keltb'*, Botton. III., 10-21. r", Vir, lou Is, A Co., Chase's, WaJolngtoo. Mr.rco Twins. Miles. Detroit; armory, BUfbant Jsnseli. Sadie, Natlonsl, Boston.. ..ton, K, Y.. 10-21 Ptka, Toots, ft Co., Colombia, St. Louis. Pattersons. Boundlne, Majestic, MUwiuke*. Parofft, Thf, Lynn. Lynn, Mass. Pealeon ft Ooldle, Poll, Springfield, afaas.) Poll. Hartford, Oooi., ld<21. Pekln Zouaves, Majesllc, Cedar BrpUs, la. Petiova, Olga. Keith's, Louisville; Union 60., N. Y. C. 18-21. Fcterson, Hilda, Victoria, Baltlinoie. Pellism. Keystone, Phil*. Fhlna ft "Picks," Albambra. N. I. 0. W7 Rt,^S!"USSiil^lmSSV^SSSSl '.M./.r Pbllllps ft Shaw. St. Lonls. It.' A i'»'J na * c,llc, » ,, ' 1Wo « a » , « t '» AtfanU, pin.rJft Hall, BlUy B. Van Co Orlglnsl, Comedy scenic NoTtUy. JO PAIOE smith, UepreaentaUve. Tnompeoo, Wm„ ft Oo.,.Orpbenm, Bt. Fael, Miaa. Tbi " "Fortune Hunter, The"—St. Paul. Minn., 12-14. Gonlon. Kitty (Jos. M. Oaltes, mgr.)—Toledo, O.. 1.1, 14. Geiicc, Adeline!—New Haven, Conn., 12, Spring- field, Mass.. 14. .... Hayes and Associate Players (Luey M. Hayes, mgr.)—Upland. Nebr., 10, IT, Campbell 18, 10, Franklin 20, 31. Blllman'a Ideal Block (Harry Sobns. mgr.)— Correction—Agra, Kan., 13-14, Athol 10-18. O.urtlantl 10-21. Isiowsky (*) Hipp.. Omaha, Neb. Jackson Hardy, ft Co., Hipp., Utica. K Y. Jewell's Msnlklns, Hartford. Hartford, Oonn. Johnstons. Musical, Touring Europe. JohnsonT* Wentwortb, Orpheom, Reading, P*. Juliet, Onshwlck. Bkln. Jnngr^an Troupe. Maryland, Baltimore. Kiifmen. Beba ft Inea, Queen, Galveston, Tet. Karno, Empress, Bulte, Mont.; Empress, Spokan*. KaUcs?'atetBS,' ft Co., Orpheum. New Ortaans. Keaton, Jack, American Beauties Co. Kenton. Dorothy. Orpheum. Bkln. Keno ft Green, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Kellogg Chas.. ft Co,, Orpbenni, Lincoln, Neb. Kent, "Unle, Orpbenm, Des Moines. la. Kellr. Walter 0., Orpheum, Memphis. Tenn. Kennedy. Jack, ft Co.. Kellli'a, Providence. Kelly, Andrew, Orpheum, Montreal. Cud. Kelly k Pollock, Domonlao. Ottawa, Gin. Keatons 13), Poll, Springfield, Muss. Ressner, Rose, Plata, flp'lnrfleld, Mass.,12- 14. Kennedys. Dancing, Academy. Buflalo. Keller, Great, Hipp., Omaha. Kelly ft Judge, Niton, Phlla. Kltatnura Japs, Keith's, Phlla. Ktdrt. David, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Klmberly & Mohr, Ornheum. Montreal, Can, King, Frances, Victoria, Baltimore. Klntlns's Animals, Poll, Worcester, Staas. Klufer, 0. H„ Plqua, O. I 0. II., Georgetown, 10-21. Konrrs Bros. (4), Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo.; Columbia, St, Louis. 1S-18. Kokln, Mignonette, Orpheum, Han Fran., Cal. Kremka Bros., Keith's, Boston. Kreater, Eollsclalr* ft Herman, Harris', Pitts- burgh. Cramer ft Norton, Tempi*, Hamilton, Can. a Booth, Louise, KhnprtM, Mmtkesotl, Mlcb. Lang ft Iiccbsr, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 12-14. Langdons, The, Colonial, N. X. 0. i Albambra, N. \. 0., 10-81. Utrense, Bert, Orpheum, oil City, Pa. La Tell Bros., Varieties. Terro Haute, Ind.; Tem- ple, rt. Wsyue, 18-21. U Toy Bros., Proctor's, Newnrk, N, J. | Oarrlck, Wilmington, Del., 10-21 * La Roe. Grace, ft Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0. L'Aioiisn Musical Four, Chicago. Lang ft Davis, Beaaon, Baston) Bolloeks. Provl- oence. 16-21. Lairtry. Mrs., ft Co., Orpheum, Winnipeg. Can. La Rocca. Knaey, Orpheom, Winnipeg, Can. La Mas* Trio, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb, "Last of the Uoglment, The," Portland, Portland, lie. U Vler, Msjestlc. Mllsratike*. Lambert ft Ball, Keith's, Boston, Langblla's Dogs, Orpbeuni, Bkln. U Veen-Olmeron Trio, Savoy, AtlnntlO Oily, N. J. La Rex ft U Rex, Maryland, Baltimore. "Lawn Party," Maryland, Baltimore. Lathams, The, Dominion, Ottawa, Can, Lambertl, Grand, Byrertu*?, N. Y. Lsiieton-Lucler Co., NaUonal, lloaton; Proctor'*, . Newark, N. J.. 10-21. La Crandoll, Dainty. Keith's, Lowell, Mass. I 6th , Aw.. N, Y. 0.. 10-21. La ibjca. Mile., Orpheum. Harrieburf, Pa. J^a Mie, Pete, Kenyon, Plttalmrgb. La Aern-Barber Players. Victoria, Baltimore. KFS5& s K'lvrardB, Eraprena, St. Paul. Minn. La Feydla, Malcetlc, Cedar Rapids, la , 12-14. La Irani* ft McNabb, Bhutert. Utlca, N. Y. Lewis, Chas. T., Maui] Ball Macy Co. US * Adams. Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Leonard ft Whitney. Empress, San Diego, Cal. I •JteHfh.fflP Lake City, U., 10-21. K C "Ire, John, Union Sq., N. Y. 0. Laeta' I 1 '^' fe ^PL M ' alijonton. Can., ia-14. HH» *. D «ny A Orpheum. HonanS City, Mo. Ltwln John. Orpheum, Omalia, Neb. Pickings, G., ft Co., Keith's. Lowell, Mass. 1'ieoho, Oes., ft Co., Bowdom 8q., Boston I New orpheum, -New London, Conn., 19-18; Bates, Attleboro, Mass., 19-21, Pistil ft Cashing, Majestic, Cedar Rapids, la. Thlewn . . Tlmbwg, Herman, Unabwlck, Bkln.; Temple, Ham ilton, Can., 16-11. Tlnkhsm ft Co., Broswday, Columbus, 0. Vorlcys. Tlie, Kenyon. I'ltlslnirgb. Torusdos, Great. Palace, Chicago. Ton Eyck & Wiley, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Trorato, Orpboum, Portland, Ore. , THLTlySTY Trovollo A Co.. Colonial. Erie, Pa. "Trained Nurses, The," Hipp., Cleveland. Troney, KTlty, Poll, New llaicn. Conn. Troupers (3), American,. K. Liverpool, 0., 12-14. Tuscano Bros.. Orpheum, Portland, Ore.; Dlcpen- brorh. San Fran., i;al., 1031. Tullj, Mny, ft Co., 51h Kvv., N. Y. 0. Turner, \v. II.. ft Co.. lludwn, Unlou 11111, N. J. Tnrelly, Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Usher, Claude ft Fannte, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Valtrclta's Leopards. Ma|eatle, Honaton, Tex.) Plata, San Antonio, lt>-21. Marlon, CHIT, Mr. ft Mm., Cory, Houston, Tex. Keried ft Hilton. BIJou. Orecnshnro, N. 0., 12-14. vuliinn- ft Valdnre, Slngaiwre, Strtilts Settlements, Jlsswy ft Bolton, Ormul. Jacksonville, 111.; Lin- den, Chicago, 10-21. "Slab, Queon" ft. Wels Kmpress Portland, Ore, J Twt Tom, Guy Bros."' Minstrels: Empress, San P™.. Cal., 2J-28. I)ortn R|C0 Glri . iluiton Union Hill, N. J, Makadiis Royal Japs, Oipheinu, San Fran., Cal. Martins, Flying, Orpheum, San Fran., Oal. May & Addis. Orpheum. I.os Angeles, Cal, Msiion Opera Co,, Orphen/n, Hlout City, la. Msrio Belli. Les, Orpheum. Ogden, U. Mari|unr<t & Seeley, Gtdumbla, St. Lonls. Mar:.ell & Melrose, Orpheum, Owenaboro, Ky., 1214. ^TB^tfBSrKSiJSl t5Xa k?nJrb,.r^c»w ! M«r tc ',?- N :V. ,2-14, Maildock-Pleld* Players— BLhrnoed, Ga„ 11-14, "Madame ItatterBy"—Hot anrlngs. Ark., IB. Itlle Msson-Kr+ler ft Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Muck ft intii. Domonhin, Ottawa, Can. Mnrlha, Mile., Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Manning ft Ford, Colonial, Dayton. 0. Madcaps (8), Lynn, Lynn. Moss. Marlin ft Trolsc,-Now, Baltlniore. MniilM Two Musical, CosmoB, Washington. Mnlils, The Singing, Cnsluo. Washington. Polsln Bros., Poll, Worcester. Muss. Pratt ft Marshall, Hipp., Utlca. N. Y. "Puss in Hoots." Palace, Chlcsgo. •lulvf ft McCarly. Orpheum, Des Holnef, la. Sulck, II., Cuslno, Washington, .aymond ft Klllntte. Miller's Eicelslor Show, Ksytnnnd ft Csvcrly, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Iiaynor's Bulldogs, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. HnwlB ft Von Kaufman, Mnrylnnd, Baltimore. Kamsdell Trio, (.rami, l'lttshurgh. RayScld. Florence, llljou. nay City, Mich. Randalls, The. Liberty, Phlla. Remington, Muyme, ft Picks, Ilamraersteln's, N. Y. <3. Reynolds, Oarrle. Orpheum. Portland, Ore. Itexos. The, Orpheum, St. Paul. Minn. Maun ft Simpson, Orpheum, Grand Rapids, Mich, Redford ft Winchester. Keith's. Louisville. Mi'.tlileu, I.. Acntlemy, Buffalo; Family, Koch- Reynolds, Johnny, National, Boston. esler, lii-2l. Reeves ft Werner. Keith's, Lowell, llsst. Murlln A Frubtno, Majesllc, Ccdnr Rapids, la. Reeves, Dlllle, Miles. Detroit. Muttone, Alex., Prlscllln, Cleveland. Mason & Murray, Hipp., Omuhn, Neb. MotthevvH ft Armstrong, ShnlK-rt Ullca, N. Y. Muriluek, I.eouard, & Doll, Empress, San Fran., Cal. Mnrs, (irent. Duo, Oilumhla, Oraud Rnpldi, Mich. Martells IB), Btb Ave., N. Y. 0.. 10-21. Mock, Pete, Trio, Harris. Pittsburgh. McCarthy. Mvles ft Co.. Orpheum, Montreal, Can.; Keith's. Boston, 10-21. McAvny, Dnn F., "P.Kr or Connlry Kids" Co. Hi-Nnmiirii. Jack, Dan i'.nxnn Co. McDevllt. Kelly ft Lucy, Keith's, Phils. MvCay, Wlusor, Keith's, Phlla. UcConnell ft Slmpaou, Orpheum, Lot Angeles, Cal. McMillan. Mda, r.tli Ave., N. Y. C, 10-21. Miiih.oi'.v. Owen, Orpbeuni, Kansas City, Mo. Mclntym ft llarty, Orpheum. Minneapolis, Mi'ftrcoveye. The, COIil.nlibi, St. Louis. VcUuhen, Diamond & Cleiunnn. Majesllc. Chicago. McDermott, Billy. Shea's, Toronto, Osn. McGraw, John J., Grand, Plltshurgh. Mclntvre ft Heath, Kellli'a, Toledo, 0. McCay ft CantWell, Keith's, Toletlo, 0. Mc.Unhon ft Clinppelle, Poll, Sprlngdeld, Mast. McGIII, Alva, Academy, Buffalo. McMillan. Violet, Miles, Detroit. McDonald, Mae. Bhawniut, Boston, 12-14. Melville ft Hliiglns. Orpheum, Denver; Orpheum, Knusiis City, Mo., 2:1-28. Merrill Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. 1 Merrill ft Otto, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Meredith ft Knonzcr, Orpheum, Knusas City, Mo, Morton. Eddie, Harris, Pittsburgh. "Mciii l.irbclieii," Orpheum, Ogden. U. Melrose,' Bert, Shea's. Toronto, Can. Merrill A Dnuqlns, llndson, Union Hill. N. J. Milton, Frank, & De Long, Sisters, Orpheum, D11- liith. Mlim ; Orphettm. Mlnneapnlls. 10-21. Millard Bros. (Bill ft Bob). Pnutagcs', Denver; Pantages', Pueblo, In-Ill. . Mills, June, Proctor's 38|li St., N, Y. 0„ 12-15. Mlllner, George, De Rue Ilros.' Minstrels. Mlldletor, S]<ellmeyer & Co., Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J Mlllmnn. Colonial Miller ft \isv "Mile a Minute. A," Na tional, Boston. THE RTJBB WITH TUB HATS JOE MILLS SEASON 1912-18. YANKEE HOPPLE 01KL8. Rhodn ft Crampton. Liberty. Phlla, Rice, Elmor ft Tom, Wlntergarteii, Berlin, Got- many, 0-31. Ulaisia (4). Colonial, N. Y C. Rlvoll, Ca>sar, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Klehanls, Chris.. Orpheum. Seattle. Wash. India, Indefinite. Van Gofre ft Cotrely, Rex, Belleville, Kan.) Royal, Jamestown, 1(1-21. Van ft Pcarce, Psntagcs', Pueblo, Col.; Pin- tngts', St. Joe, 10-21. Van Bros., Oriiheiini, Diilulb, Minn Rice. Frank ft Truman, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Vim. Clias. ft Fannie, Malortlc, Chicago. lllpon, Alf., Orpheuui, Heading, Pa. Hitters. The, Hippodrome, Bt. Paul, Minn., 11 14 i Idle 1 Tr,.i,-. Austin, 10-21. Rice, Sponsler ft Rice. I'rls.'llln, Clevelaod. Hire, Fanny, Hipp., Omaha, Neb. Itlgby, Arlhur. Portlund, Portland, Me. Itli-lmrls ft Clark, Portland. Portland, Me, Van ft Heheuck, Shea's, liuffnlo. Vanderldlt ft Moore. Poll. Hartford, Oonn. Vtr. Ness Trunin'. Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Von Fosren, Harry, Lynn, Lynn, Matt.) Proc- tor's, Newark, N. J., ifl-21. Van Ho veil, Win. Penn. Phlla. Vivian, Alma 0., "A Western Girl" Co. itowe. Happy May; Bismarck Oafe, Baltimore, Vivian A Alton, RUhard'a Oltcnlt, Australia. Iiidrflnlte. Vox. Valentine, Proctor's, Newnrk, N. J. Roy ft Wlis.m, New. Baltimore. Ward ft Outran, Uulou 8i|., N. Y. 0. Roehm's Athletic Olrla, rroctor's, Ntwark, N. 3. Warletiberg Bros., Bushwlck, Bkln. Roberts. Florence, ft Co. Bronx, N. Y. 0. Walker, Mimical, O. II., Poeaoioke City, Md., 11- Roviii Venetian Band, Palace. Montreal. Can. 141 Atnerlcan, Phcebns. V.v,, 10-21. Roherts, Dainty June, ft Go., Colnmbla, Grand Warner ft Rhode*, Ban Curio., Key Weit, Fla.; iiniiis, Mich. Dial*, Miami, io-ai. Rnmalo ft De I.nno, Win. Pcim, Phlla.; Maji-stic, Warren ft Blatchard, Orpheum, Spokane, Wa.b. Ward Bros., orpheum, Deafer. Colonial, Jiibnslowu, 16-31 Hooiiey ft Bent. Cliase's. Washington n. V. a, io-ai. Rack ft Fulton, Marytsnd, Baltimore. Roberts. Little Lord, Dominion, Ottawa, Csn, Rots, riddle. Colonial, Dayton, 0, lloiialr ft Ward, Grand. Atlanta, On, lloianlne, Allele, Plata, Springfield, Ms«s., 12-14. Roacli-McOurdy, Mujettle, Cedar Rapids. Itoedera <4), Msjettlc, Cedar Rapids. Rooney, Kathleen, Lyeeni.i, Piorls, 111., 12-18. Itnaee, Leon, Liberty, Phi in. Itolieris, Hayes ft Roberts, Keyslone, Phlla. ltoral, Rhoda, nipp., Si. Louis. Itiiil.iinl. Geo., ft Co., Poll, New Haven, Conn. Ruegger, Klsn, ft Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. RilSHells, Flying. Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Russell, Nick ft r.ldu, Victoria, Balllmore. Ryan Bros.. Palace, Chlcaou. Rymore Sitters, Colonial, Columbus, 0. Snntell, Grest, Touring England. Sayton Trio, Hnmmerstelii's, N. Y. 0. Snxons, Musical (::>. Majestic, Oklahoma Clly, Okla. Ksranoff, Majestlo. Ohlcago. Watt, Of}. II.. Orpheuui, Ogden, U. Watson ft Santos, Palace, Oul.'ngn. Woroin. Percy. eVco., Qrphouiu, Vemphls, Teun. Wolte, KeiK'nth ft., 4 Bro., Peopie'i, Sprluglloll Mo.; Colonial, Atchlnton, ICnn.. 10-21. ,'n Bird Trio. Oarelok, Wilmington. Del.; g™' "^ , H .' 1 „u,o... e c.«. "*«. .i, r.-ili ni".i'e,... K Y Sundorf's Animals, Hipp., Cleveli Cleveland. iai Savoys (8), Koyetono, Phlla. Samuels ft Lenchman, Hipp.. Bt. Loult. Schlctl's Manikins. Orpheum. Oakland. Cal. Ecliinettaiis, The, Orpheum, Seattle, Wssb. Sell rude ft Cliapcllo, Nixon, Phlla. Selinee ft Flscli, Hipp.. Bt Louis. Bears, /.el,in, ft Co., Orsn.l, Pittsburgh ; Colonial, N. Y, 0.. 16-21. Seeley ft West, Empire, Edmonton, Can., 12-14. Beamon, Chas. F„ Poll's, Washington. Ward ft Weber, Keith's, Boston. Wsketeld, Wllla Holt, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Wutwm's Furmyard Circus, Keith's. LOulsTlll*. Walley, Richard, Poll, Hartford. Oonn. Walron, Kate. Poll, Worcestei*. Matt. Ward, Kltre, ft Co., Majestic, cedar Rapids, la. Ward A lo tkui, B'dway, Columbus, O. Wali-li, Lew, ft Co., Grand Ilsplls, Mich. West, Mae, Hammenteln't, N, Y. 0, Weber, Ohurles. Alhambra, N. V, 0. Wetsoii, Max, A Co., Grand, Plt'sburgh. Weavers, Flying, Keith's, Cincinnati. Weils, Billy K., Keith's, Ixiulavllfr. Weslon, Willie, ft Ob., Colonial, Norfolk, Ya. Weston, Gtent, ft Co.. Lyric, IndlLiiapolls. Welser A Relsser, Orpheum, Grind Rapids, Mich. While ft Perry. Albambrs, N. *. 0. "Who's Brown 1" Poll's, Rcranton. l'a. Whitehead, .Too, Orpheum. Harrlsburg, Pa. Whipple ft Huston, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. Wilson Frank H„ Poll's, Hartford, Oonn. | Poll's, Bnrtuffleld. 10-21, Williams, Oiis, Union Bq„ N, Y. C. Williams, Thompson A Copclind, Bronx, N. T. 0. Wills, Nat M., Orphenm. Minneapolis, Minn.; Orpheum, Des Moines, la, 16-21. Wlnkler-Krcst Trio, Nntlonil, Stcubenvllle, 0.; Prlsclllt. Otareland, 16-21. Wilson Bros., Poll's, Hartford, Conn.) Poll's, Snrlngfleld, Mass., 10-B1. Williams A Warner, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Window of Apparition, The," Ornbsum, Untiari, JTO SatW.i/llootoa, Union Bq.. fgjgjj* ^g ^g <&. * Kgi. J ll *g. Family, Victoria, Balllmore. K?J"'i 3'>f*> Impress. San Fran., Oal. Kr v, W1,1 lt. Hartford. Hartford, Conn. Lmt» vi ""'.• "arirorii. u lIni 'i. 1 "" 1 ' Pta »«' Bnffalo, Luiuom), H „ 4 ^ Washington. llanapolls; Bt. Louis, 10-21. tefrAM WTO*, Relth't, ProTldenot. "I',.:,,,"*!.' Oman',, Washington. "jgn« ^nrlSle^^le, The." Orpheum, Montreal, Mowat'ts (0), Orpheum, Kansna City. Mo. Hother, Haye. & Mpsher Keith's, Providence. Mori Bros. (8), Colonial, N. Y. C. Mor Hsey. DolfV, Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J. Montgomery, Marshall Ternple "ocnester. Morton ,4 Glass, Temple, Rochester. Moffat's. Graham, Players, SJi»«'d._ Toronto, ^Can. e m |, h ^oha's. T..'Kellh Stock Co., Portland, Me., Shilling*, The, Chase's, Washington. Simon, (istetman Co., Malestle, Milwaukee. Simins, Wlllarn, ft Co., Keith's, Toledo, 0. Simons ft Shields. Liberty. Phllu. Silver Staters, Hipp.. Bt. Louis. fckellv, Noe ft Johnson, Grand, Jamestown, N. D. Skltrer, Kennedy ft Reeves, Hltuii. Atlanta, Ga.! Colnmbla. Bristol, Tenn., 16-11. Sloan, Blanche, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Slivers, Otpheum, Denver, Wilton ft Williams, Harris' Wllllnma' Clrcns, Orpheum, Grand Han! Woodward, Ilomalii L„ Coi It. Woodwntd's Dogs, Ka'lth Wyjle, Cor W'ooiIriirT, Hf West ft Wydr, Moffat's, Granam, riay*™, d«>-»". ",. ,,„„:„;ni emitn, unos Moulgornery ft Medley^ Co.. Keitli's, lu lan.polU. tad< . fllllt< .. ;;_.:,. miJ« a- rv. hettbenm. Harrlshurg, P«. n m uh t*» Can. Morrell ft Jaeger, Oaslno, WashlngtM. MoTrissey, Joel, Keith's, WHfngMul 12-14; , MoftinSr: Lillian. «»„ SI. Lonl«- UBOEY and TRAYER s=Srt^% ^-» J» lUNOOQ*; BTRBET. ' BROOKLYN. N. Y. 1\Xt &. Stanle,/. BIJou, ^V*- M «" l 'l'nu; %' * Jx "" U 61r,B ' Pantages', San Muneh^ft'CoCa*'.'Ora^'" Pljtjbujgb. ..11111.. CJM, ifiniel ft Francis, Poll, Hartford, Oonn. i3,,,, Mr -* Mrs. Hugh, sail for Australia IT. Mueller * Mueller. Keystone, Phlla. I'r ■ Hc & J-yt'ti Ke«ro,rk, N, J.. l2-14; tianrlns. Tiny, Hipp,. St. Louis. roM,,,., tiA Bt.. N. Y. 0., 10-i8; Procf.or'a Nat, ft Co., Orpbeuin. I-os Angeles, Oal. 1 *—»lh St., N. Y C 19 31 "nine, LlUlili. 'Bn^tnM'a.tilh's, N. Y. C. 18- '•orch Fnnii,, s c |„ifaana, Frankfurt, 32sh JnJM*. ft Co Colonial. Norfolk, Va. 11. 0. Field's Minstrels. HtStt, Henry, Al. 0. Field's M'nttreis. Germany rWtVen A Kippel Hammerstelu's, N. Y. 0. ucrmany, ««■•:''.. . 0c n.Uln. llaiuinerstcln's. N. Y. 0. $$£& Boys A Wfi Opluutla, St. Lorn*. ,».... ISrc^ss^MajeSllc.. M jeewklrk. " <i WBttr^kJ^Sfet Akron, 0., 12-1.1; "Love in tar ' J«ndons (4) n. a »rea*. p^RJ ■>■ -lilUii :lch. mm jestlj. Kafntriaitoo. Mlcl F^BTlj Ate., tsVY. 0. unless, iacviia. Wash.; Em- NTchols-NelsoVTroupV, BMway. >«»"jogee, Okla Nip A Tn?k. Orrihenni. W4ff£iJ rm ' NIcliolB. Smith, Lee, Fred Elsar's Shows. Smith's. Aerial. Empire, London. Ens., O-Jan. It. Bmythe ft Hartmln, Stb Are., N. Y. C. flmalley, Ralph, Teraplo, Detroit. Bmllh, Irene A Bobble, Keith's, Lowell, Mast. Bmllh, Willie, Hartford, Hartford, Oonn. Bolls Bros. (41, Keith's, Indlanaiolla. Society Oirls (4), Keystone. Phlla. Koinors ft Stork, B'dway, Columbus, 0. Boracfl A Clark, Kenyan. Pltlslurgh. Spencer ft Williams, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Spencer ft Spencer, National, Beaton. "Spirit Palhtlugs," Colonial, Norfolk. Va. "Squaring Accounts." Columbia, St. Louis. Starrett Jr., Howard, ZtegOeld's "Wlntom*Widow" Co. StcmMer. Belly, A Bros.. Proctor's, Newark, S, Stevens A t'lunn. Harris-Parkinson Co. Mtory, Belle, Proctor's, Newark, ,N. J. SUtidlsu Sisters, Otuheubl. 9pt)kulie, Wash, atone, Lewis. Otbheuhi. Winnipeg, Call. hAh^^Wfe-* Minn, ilewilrt ft Wrmohae. »fije%tlL^waufi«. Stnnton A May, PAntnges'. Tatbrha, Wash.; Pan- tagt*'. Portland, Ore., 10-21. 1 Ittshurgh. .and Utnlds, Mich, took* a Haas Comedy Co. i.u't, Pblla. lonlal. N. Y, 0. _Jenry, A Oo., Keith's. Cincinnati, Wotpert ft Poufan, Keith's. Louisville. Woods ft Wood* Trio, Colonial, Norfolk, V*. Wolf ft Zadella. Orplienm, Peoria, III., 18-16. Wright A Dietrich. Grand, Syracuse, N, Y, 1 Proc- tor's. Newark, N. J., 10-21. Wynn A Itnssoo, 6th Vro., N, Y. 0. Yemnails. Lydla, Union Bn,, N. Y. 0. Young, Ollle, ft April, Union Bq., N. Y. O.i Haminer stein's, N. Y. C. 16-2). Young, De Witt, ft Sister, Orpheum, OaklMM, Cal., 10-21. Young A Walhy, Fillmire, Buffalo. Youliit, Ainu, Orphenm, Memphis. Tenn. Young, Millie ft Esther, Cosmo*, Washington. Yost ft Liii-kle. Merk S11., Lowell. Kuht-nh ft Kelmn, Merldeii. Conn.. IndeBnlt*. Ureli, U., ft Co., Mots Hinnlre Oncillt. England. Kandras, Cycling, Poll, Wllket-Barfe, l'a, Enrro*. Zen, Tronpe. BIJou, ,Bsy City, Mich. Zeultt. Indiana, Chicago, 12-141 Pot, Aurora, 10-2*1. tolos mate?'.. Bhobett. fftjes. K N ? .ols. Nellie. Orpbeinu, Denver. itetwiTk* 8l*{ets Tjjscorfs. HIM.. Cletrtam . Nichols ft ttertKgS K TS"' Hm ,,'„HK ou mil, vSEBm. «, * Pahnle, KellllV Lolilsyille "Night at ihe Mdvlcs, A, nudSon, union i.m. ^ 0 t w _ OrBllSum. AUWHOttt. P*. Send 2o. sump to cover mailing cost and We Will tend jeu "FACTS ABOUT VIUDEMLK" The latent hook by JEAN 0 BAYEZ. the #*11- kBdwn WMtaf of alago rrtMcrisi. It youf sdl to sot a hit, you need this book. H. Aa VAVGMa, lAS W. AStb Bt., B. V. Madnme Sherry" (Madnme Sherry Co., nigra.) — Clarkwlale, Miss.. 18. O'Nell, Nance—Unveil, Mass,, 13. Norwoods, The (M. II. Norwood, ,'jgr.l—Welling- ton, N. Zealand, IB, IndSIInit*. rerry. Augustus. Stock—Krone, N. B., 9-14, Gardner. Mass., 10-21. Itslrey's, Paul J., African .Tnngles, In Movlnj Pictures—Mlnilra, N. Y., 0-14. "Sunny Kid* of Life"--Rnolne, Wis., IB. "White Mniisw. The"—Ixula Werba's—Washing- ton D. C. 10-21. SIN6ERS, ATTENTION ! MBBB AUE Tim NONOB YOU'VE) BBBlf IsOOKlNO FORI Oh, WoLovoiiLovln'KHgtlmoMiin-Lovo's Charm —Longing ciilougo, M. Queen-Why Not To-day, I)enr-TliH Echo-BnnshlDe-Ori. Yoa RAg-Daddy Asthore-Hy Old Homo on »tio IIIll -Why Lovo lint You—A 0..y Cotiiietic—Uavey Homes—Down In Dear old Dlxi« Land—Pat OwMI'h Aeroplane— 1 Q t SilOll h Torrl lo Shook—A Myallo Message From O'er urn H ■»— Cniiio uvor to My Hntino and Stay— The • <ood old- FiiHlilntiod Band-In tbo Land or Spe- cial Prlvlii urea Thotiglitn-Sweelhcart. Won't You Plesi'« liooltls—Ma -eled Life—Muting Sweolhoarl, for Yon 1)0 You roniemhor—Qlrl of My nrennm- Dowu Whore tho lllito Junlain Is Flowing—WI1010 la My w.ind-rnig Oirl To Night—When We Got UIr Wo'll Marry Ty Ootih—'Way Down In Alahamn- '*rw soniy a Protm nf a Blighted Lovo—Moat Mo Tn-Nlght at Ooli-v Islo - Mttlu Parllng H.iW I LOVO ?h«o~w liero the Morning Glory's vinlng—Jnst n In* Onld ninff-ll'.ins Treasurers—Just in Kneel at IiearOd Mollior'a Knee—Tho rrngresslves-Onr Roosovell—My Favorite's Soiig-Tlid Tllanle— Wli re tho 11 *r Old Hndion River Flowg—Whtsilo tho Hhadowa Away—My Uoop Bkln—Tn* Good Old PROFESSIONAL 6INCER8 I We (Ire yoa the mnslo free, but ntk rou to enolos* Ho. stamp tor eneta nuai- er uriierni to liar postage. Address, MUSIC PlfttlilStfuIlli, 140S Yon Bt., M. W.. 'Washington. D. C. LIBERTY TERRY LANS A«o 8s, Ift. hi; In., weight l&Otbs. Characters, Gen. Bus Good appoaranco and wardrolie. LOTJELLA SHELDON Ago 80, t ft. o in. Ileavlss, Ohar,, Osn. Dos. Bin ndlil w..rdr,ii,o. Dulh rollaldu, oxperlsiued. Ooodhlildy amlalililty. Joint only. Hep, or stock. Need tivko. Address TEitltY LANK, lu» Gordon Bt,, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED FOR HAL '0 THE HILLS CO. A No. 1 LEADING MAN, CHARACTER MAN, HEAVY MAN and CHARACTER WOMAN Must join at once noon receipt of wire. Fay jour own wires. (11 as. s. iiilhkht, 041 N. 13tt> Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. AT LIBERTY FOB STOCK Scenic Artist Part* if necessary, SCOTT WILLIAMS, Palace Hotel. Chicago . IH. Wanted At Once General /ll Around Actor To plajr strong llMe of part* and man- age stag*. Mattioe Stock Co. Little Falls. N. f., woek Doc. 0; Romt), N, T,, week Dec. 10. AT LIBERTY NOW DAVID STANW000 Ago, 38; height, I ft. 8 In.; Weight, llo Ilia. Heavies, Qen'1 Bus. Addreag unlli Doc. 14, fceono, K. II. After thnl, HOTEL RRXFOilD. BOSTON, MA»S. AT I.IIIRHTV HlKKY JINKS < ' l,,r *i'. w^ ? , ' '!«»vlc», I^aiU JOINT (III HINilLR. Adtlnwacareof UI.IPPP.R, IT W. »th St.. N Y AK«,8'.| lit,. 6.10'; I Wl., IM, " iRtsjjgn pMnW Age, 241 bt,, 8.3|Wt„ war 20 ton g AM LEVITATION' Only Tj/tfwl a few 1 im68, and a fcanfdin at 1 w. 'THE OhBAT IIOTIALT, MAtllla*, N, Y. N. J. «*-*■ X. BAZINS FAR FAMED DEPILATORY POWDER BBSS HAIR *m* DIRKTWMIjS EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTERS OR MAILED IN SEALED PACKAGES, 50 CENTS. HALL & RUCKEL, NEW YORK CITY NEvn FAILS i % t 'i. y w