The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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pjlCEMBBR Englandss Has Sent Ds 14 TE[E NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 many good thing! ;. my n«d parity-.haro-a »» ;,.„ of rep-ftloa behind- P J SOAP .««. a Cake t or the Untcented ears jfoF TQWN HEWS £\*r oirerlnp. «'«*.?! 0, consist of: "Tl :; 'The 3r*"5 aKSP at tho Forrest; "Hanky Cantos of Al i" I,yrlc; "A. Butterfly oo the •"•"ty.. .7 ii, L Ailelphl, while on 13 occurs the *"*'. of ■■ l Good Little Devil," at the Brood. prW i((f«oi -v , t n . tek Pllllseu - the at . wSSS t» Mil1*8 M»>*vhat at Hie down town •"'""'—/...t.m orEBA llooss (Alfred Ilocgerle, »W5S"fdfSfSwr-' U scheduledfor 10. "^•^ miinlilociit production of "I.a Bolieme" ( ,'IL?,n ad '« that completely tested the ca- B*t it 11 e hwn auditorium. Caruso and Far- „??*ere the ."tura. and received a very cordial '"nlSf.n (Nlvon & Zimmerman, mfre.) — John .J^ ta "The Perplexed Huaband," departed P^»r two w'cete ofthe most satisfactory kind ; : ,,, The house will remain dark untl i "whTlhc tremltre of "A Good Utile Devil" tjies place. McAvoy la a three-ply comedian and ■»». hi„ while Lillian Keelcy.kxika .fteV "SilSSS 2. ot J , SS.,.' how amt Kdmlrahly. Fox and E.anV and were keen care dlspellers, lo ftaehouses '"t week. Harry L. Cooper In the live wire and his comedy efforts were rewarded with hie applause. Eugene West and Catharine Henry are also very clever In their line of work. Urn from lteno nejt. „J2i SI m,ii E o" * Koenl «- mgrs.)—Olark's Bun- away Girls 0 and week. The Cracker Jacks nrd, and the twelve big houses found the show Highly entertaining;. Buby Leonl and Beatrice 8.1. ' ? -?. amb "omlreil, while John Jess, Mblo and Riley, and Oolgan and Mack looked capably after the comedy end of the show. Gar Moaqueraders IB. ' OarBri (John P. Eckhanlt. mgr.J-Thc Bon Pon Girls are due 0 and week. The Morry-Go- ItouDders found capacity bouses awaltlnir them ast week. Oeorgo P. Murphy Is a whole show In himself, and kept up the fun at a rapld-flre gait. The scenic equipment and costuming of the show 1b al«> particularly flue. Al. Reeves' Beauty Show follows. It. F. Keith's (II. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Dlgby Bell and cempany, In "It Happened In Toneka," Is th* bis cord week of 0. Others are: Wlnnor alcCny, Matthews mid Shay-re, McDevitr, Kelly and Lacey, Kllamura Japs, Bartholomac's Play- ers. Hnlllgan and Sykes, Carroll and Fields, Woodward'! Dogs, and moving pictures. W«, l'BNN (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of ft: The Bloomquest Players, Six Sensational Dan- cers, van Hoven, Armstrong; and Ford, and Bo- uiano and Le Lano, and moving pictures. LiBERTr (it W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 0: Simons nnd Shields, Leon llogee, the RanclallH, Davis and Walker, ltlioilu and Crnrapton, and n»>vim; pictures. Kbistond <M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 9: Pelham, Four Society Olrls, Joe Birns, Mueller nnd Mueller, lite Three Savoys, Roberts, Hayes ami Roberts, and moving pictures. Nixojr (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 0: Ciendower and Mnnlin, Harry Cutler, Kelly and Judge, Schrode and Chapelle, Broughlon aud Tur- ner, and moving pictures. Dumont's (Frank Dumont, mgr.)—Last week's bill )irovlded a laugh a inluute to the fine houses in attendance. The burlesque on female suffrage was In Manager Dumont's happiest vein, and the alar parts, in the hands of Charles Boyilen and Will Lawrence, were very clever hits of work. ICddlc Cassady's new skit, as well as the offer- ings of Joe Hortez and Benny Franklin, were also most enjoyable. (liiuiin, FonEi'ADGlI's, I'norr.B'i Auniniisi, Ai.ii.vMiuiA. 1'auch. Victoria, Oi.vmima. Colo- nial, and Buou give vaudeville and moving pic- lures. NOTES. Tim; Iris Tin-litre, lit Kensington and Allegheny avenues, which has heretofore been run as a vauiievlilj house, changed Its policy last week, mmI Instilled the Albert Dwlglit Players, In re- reiiertolrc. The piaya last week were; "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "Tlie Gold .Miner's Daugh- ter. " Turin: Is a big demand for scats for Hugbey Doinrlieity's benefit, 12, at the Forrest Theatre. A citizens' committee has been appointed and everybody Is lielng Importuned to buy tickets, so Hint it Is expected that the returns will be ample to keep Hie veteran minstrel from want In ills dei-llnlng days. Tin. Burton iii.lini s lectures are drawing such Immense crowds at the Academy of Music that It lias been made necessary to annouuee an addi- tional nlsht 12. when I'aunnin will he the subject. Tun Second lleglment National Guards Is hold- ing n big Industrial exhibition In Its Armory, Itrnnd Street and Silsipwhaiina Avenue, in alii of lis building fund. Cnrboudnle, I'n.— Grand (Frank R. 'Trnlles, mgr.) the Stratlon Players week of Dec. 0. "Tbe Clrl from Nowhere" and "Wllbln tlie GliS WINKLER. Qui Winkler, professional malinger for F. J, Fonder, lias been three years with J. Fred Heir. Mr. Heir's i ruining baa enabled Gus Winkler to nuikii a success for Former. Mr. Winkler ;n» also ttateled for eight yeurs through China, Julian. India, Slam, Burma, with various theut il- eal companies. He leaves, Dec. 17, for London, Eng., where he will open, Jan. 1U, au olllce for F. J. Fonder, wilb a "Garland of Old Fash- ioned Roses." I til *)»»«« **-*»•*»■*» » = *■ ' *• • - Lrsio (Messrs. Bhulwrt, mgrs.) — "Hanky Panky" liegliis 0, a two weeks' stay. "The Whirl o( Society," wlih Gaby Dealya and Al. Jolson, lull two weeks of big returns, ending T. Aoui'iii (Messrs. Shubert, nigrn.) —"A Hut- •erfly on the Wheel" has Its first local view 0, tor a two weeks' 8tay. rhe very successful Ove weeks' run of "Bunty Pulls Hie 8trl«gs" ended 7. FonaesT (Nixon & Zlumicrman, mgra.)—"Tlie Oardea of Allah" has It local fremiere 0, for an tilended engagement. "The Pink Lady," ending i, bad four weeks of uniformly good returna. Gamiicu: (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"Eva" tad all ot the earmarks of a big success last week, and lnrge audiences thoroughly enjoyed tlie producilini, in wlilch both the plot ami music arc « equal Imparlance. Sallte Flalier, In tbe lead- lug role, is well nigh perfect, and much ot the 'iKoess of Ihe ahow Is due to her. Wulte* Per- ««l. Wallace McCutcheon Jr., and John U. Mutpliy also do very clever work. The second week begins 0. CEtsTNur Street Opeoa Hohsb (MIxou &7.lm- "»"c«n, nigra,)—"Tha Pretty Uttle Widow" »as also voted the biggest kind of a success lust "J» by press and public, Tho houses were largo i.... " lo tnclr applause for Sophia Bernard, « liilladelphlu girl, whose One contralto voire w«s neaid to advantage In tlio leading role. "oily Oaslles also elands out prominently, while w opmedy parts are in tlie capable hands of stunt 11 nlKl Lwlte K * n l ,0^ • ' rne **e° ai week WWirr (Harris Estate, mgrs.)—"Banaomed" ,.»*., .o rcnl melodrnmatio quality, with plenty «Li!""Si und founrt faror *"b Une housea last J™'„ u .'c principal roles are acted most satls- .,,h i. r by 8 >'<lncy Alnsworlh, Anno Sutherlnnd ?'.,„" |w Lathnm. Tbe second week etnrts 0. JBUU rwn (Frank Wllllnma, mgr.)-Jrbo Or- liieuii Phiycra appear In "Tlie Straight Road" u£rJ"fy Tnere w»a Plenty of-good whole- BS! „™> '"St week, In the revival of "Seven ,'" , „'' '" "I'lcndld sited houses. The whole Si ">• eiilenid Into the spirit of the play, tho in? i" . ' lorell « RoberU as Aunt Sallna. Oaro- J« „J, ,: '!!'.m "" ■"*• Brown, Wlluier Waller ns "TOs Vtihwn, eud William Ingersol ns Brown [JJj I'liilleuinriy good. "Jnck'a Hoiieyinoon" reH,tH ,: ""' A ?' ' Ju n>cs Wall, mgr.)—Tbe Block aft rerlag wrt of « ,, .. Ml8tfce * Nc „,„ .. Thc s u. iw« i ''.. w "" vo,e " 1 "V everyone as a big buc- uH*? , .''"'crowded Itouscs last week. John Willi",. ' ^ "fed Denver in mnjminceut style, 'r 'l Wult - ■■ ll18 wife, won deserved ap- iiamc fin- |,„ congcientiou, w ' ork Nii.. V. v; ""»cieniious worK. fiaiid ail I'f- S Kel, y. mgr.)—Tlio Kllmt & 11 sal ».ti" cl, '..l? 11, ° Cnniblei> and the Police," ilnZ „ No Motl»r to Guide Her" wna pro- wiafc li ', llie .!'* le ' lo good-ala-Ml houses, last rjn»v," ,"if, H » llCT . "» the wuir, scored big. fSL» I .'"."'week, for the first time, "Three •an ,.,'•.", ," ls needlesa to stnte lliat the houses lorr .V.i ' S m ) ,ho "bow eminently sutisfuc- Vaii'. \ ,'. c s " u bott's reiidltlon of the Yamn ininiCii -ii , !'. n ". wlloont a flaw, while tlie oilier Main' " tf'S 1 lo.alnrlon Mortjn were also a 111''■•* -V,"»' ""'1 Jen" 10. "urns shJ Join JL Hart ' mar-)—Tlie Paul iii|,3 „'« "Tl« Gambler's Daughter," 0 «l*ndl.| iclnrin 2%. ™ X,a " ro Btoke "" ,,rcw »«ff''il'il" i™" 8 ?. """"' <"«'•)—Sam Rice's Yuri, nJS the tenants week of 0. The rtSw mSsft ai '}" « n,l!,t »'o services of a Mori 1,1°,' fu'flalners, and It required no « week to keep up the lntercat. Hnrry Pcre" arc a,tTa cU°n» announced for eatly dates iJ"^* j (L '., A - *>"•«. mgr.)—Lynotfs Orthes- trn, and mctton pictures, changed dally. On Sun- "ay, l, the Robert Emmet Olub celebrated their rorty-sevonlh anniversary In tbls theatre. Tbe entertainment was eicellent la every detail. Okh (Alphonso Sirrlannl, mgr.)—Mechanical orchestra mid animated weekly service of dramatic and historical feature Alms, changed dally. This house has a fine equipment, nnd Its popularity la attested by S. R. O. at nearly every performance. Savot (Benny Benaon, mgr.)—Vaudeville aud "PW P'emrcs changed daily. Tlie bill for week or 0 Includes: Guy Dalley. Dubois and Young, hlrsiaw and Evans, Rosson's Animal arena, iriillcy und Putnam, Coden anil Clifford, Helen Beck, and Patrick Mannlon. Family (Colllna & Wlngenneld. mgrs.) — For week of 0 thc J. B. H. Long'a White Spear Medi- cine Co rhc same cotnpuuy drew crowded houses weel; ot 2. PEori.B'B and VtCTOEiA, under the management or Louis Mnlule, arc presenting tousle and pic- tures, to good business. wade: si- nits. Singing several of Hie Jos. \V. Stern 4; Co.'b songs. Altniinn, Pn.—Mlshler (I, 0. Mlshler, mgr.) Arthur Clinlcrdon and company, week of Dee. 0. In a n-pertory of plnya, liicludliig: "The Man Dii the Box." "The Man of the Hour." "The Sign of tho Four," "Tlie House of a Thousand Caudles." "Tlie Lottery Man, die Prisoner of Zombi," "Homlet," "Paid In Full," and "Tlie Squaw Man." lutein i: .i (Arthur E. Denman, mgr.)—Bill for 0-11 lii.'liidtd: Edwards' Newsboys Sextette, Geor- gia Trio, Cnvana Duo, and John Gelgrr. For 1214: Tom Hurry and company, Inglls nnd Read- ing, Carroll, Gillette Trio, mid moving pictures. Denver, Colo.—Broadway (Peter McCourt, mgr.) "Ben-Ilur" Dec. 0 and week. OnriiEiiM (A. C. Carson, mgr.)—Bill for 9 and week: Jt-neidi Jefferson and company. Nellie Nichols. Melville nnd Hlgitlns, Silvers, Ward Brothers, the Astairs, Altkin-Whltmnu Trio, and I'lilhe's Weekly. TAiion iiniMi (Peler McCourt, mgr.)—George Kvniia' Honey I'oy Minstrels 8 nnd week. Emi'Iiemh (Geo. A. Bovyer, mgr.)—Bill for 7 und week: "The Walts Dream," the Verona Tiiuiih', Neuss and Rldre-1. KlnsH anil Bernle, Robert Hildieth and company, Bohemian Quar- tette, and Gaumont's Weekly. Baker (Harry Wnrd, mgr.)—The Emerson- Cook Comeily Co., vaudeville and moving pic- tures. Paxtaciks' (Nat Darllni;, mgr.)—Bill for 8 ATTRACTIONS AT TUB NBW YORK THEATRES. MOULIN ROUGE Formerly Hew York Theatre. Eves. Mats. Wed. and Sat. AQTdP B'wayftioSt. Eve. 8.16. Matinees AOlUn wed. 4 Sat. 2.16. Tel. 287 Bryant. COHAN A HARRIS, Lessees and Managers COHAN A HARRIS Present MR. DOUCLA8 FAIRBANK8 ™» <M, West ot B'way. Phone 6216 Bryant. Eram. 8.16. MAC Saturday only, 2.16. ARTHUR HAMMKRSTE1N Presents EMMA TRENTINI In a Mew Comic Opera E FIREFLY IN ♦HAWTHORNE OP TT Q A " TUB U.O. ft. B. F. KEITH'S 6REATER HEW YOU CIRCUIT COLONIAL ALHAHBRA BRONX OHPHRVm BVSHWIOK ORBSOBNT QREENPOINT GOTHAM THE WHITE RATS' CLUBHOUSE. berlnff PPP^J 1 " ,"' c Jf• J i'° 0 2 c ° P y ol ^ City. Saturday evening. Dee. T. Thc event was ono Oto^tMUon >^™S-iVH'^tlwWaTtotT 5 tbeatrlcaU In this country, Innamuch ns tlio of ^^SSSuFaS'SSAiM^taOl^M, owned by the actor and run hy thc actor In the ?, cw * b ? 1 ol , ?» 8 . MembersTo? the W It.-A. U., constantly traveling in tho pursuit of their United States. JJSS^^SL^t^ i&COWaSl, hut wltli one nceord their hearts wero in profCBsion, arci everywlieic^tlnW 0 "^' 0 ,™^ mcrDbc rs of thr. big ornttnlzatlon have looked New York City on Saturday num. i or Jt building as Ens just been dedicated. '"^h^^vhnlldfnJ Sa been cwtcfl onVroiind secured on a long term lease, just off Ilrond- Tl ?° 1?1*Z, .i.rh Sr <5??ne? Nov/ York Pity. In It nrc the business offices of tho W. It.-A. U.. S!? y ' i? L°, rty ihi w it A U'sofflclDl weekly newsimpcr; more than one hundred Bleeping ^b?11 'fiSte»S'tJmi, including billiard parlors, howling alleys, swlmmlne pool and gymnasium. B. P. KBITH'S UNION SO. THEATRE. B'vray A 14th St. Phone 3400 Stuyvesant. Matinee Dally 26c.; Nights, 260. to $1.00. OLD TIMERS' WEEK. Haggle Cllnc, Ward and Cur- ran. Lydta Ycamana, Gus Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, Col, Sam Holds- aorth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome, Hlncs and Reming- ton. Caron aud Herbert, John i.c ClAir. STREET NEW AMSTERDAM *££££ Eves. 8.16. Matt. Wed, and Sat. 2.16, ' KI.AW t ERLANQER Present The Count of composer of "THE MERRY WIDOW I TW7DTV *2d8t. near B'way. Mats. Wed. Ll DC It 1 I mA sat., 2.16. KI.AW A ERLANQER Present MILESTONES By AKNOLD BENNETT and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH. Ab played to crowded hoiiPCH at Tho Royalty Theatre, London, F. F. Proctor'i Oth Ave. B'vrayA28th8t. Dally Mat.. 26c. Eves. 26o to $1 2 CONCERTS Sun., 2.16 A 8.16 All-Star Bills IRENE FRANKLIN Assisted by BBRT GIIKBN. Stuart il»riK!«, May Tully and Co., Kd. Wynn tho MiiBlcal LbfsIch, Hilly Smy'he A Mails llmiiiniti, Hale Norvross A Co., Kllch Cooper, Churics Ledcgar. Just W. of Broadway. Phone D420 Bryant. Evg. 8.20. Mats. Wed. and at. 2.16. Wed Popular, THE AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY HHi Mat. ELTINGE 42d St. Theatre WITHIN THE LAW NOTABLE OAST OF WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. Announces A NEW PLAY of TO-DAY ORO. mil IV THEATRK, BroadwayAMd Street. M. vUIIilll Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed A Sat., 2.16. TCOHAN and his own company In MR. * OMAN'S LATENT COMEDY 'BROADWAY" JONES DC DUO I l£* West42dSt. Bres. 8.16. ■*Bli w UDii»I\/ Maw. vied. A Sat., 2.16. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID bELASCO Present "THE GOVERNOR'S LADY" A play in three acts and an eplloguo In "Ohllds'," by ALICE Bit ADLEY. r, THEATRE. W.MthBt. • Mats. Thurs. and Bat. at 2.16, ID BELASCO presents BEUSRO, Frances Starr m a new play, by EDWARD LOOKS - THE CASE OF BECKY HIPPODROME oth Av„4».«. Dally Mat. at 2. Best Seats, $1. Ev.8 p UNDER MANY FLAGS K.vnilKl.Y NEW SPECIALTIES U/IUTCD OKDfiCM H'wayA60tliHt. I Kvgs.H liinitll UAnULlj Phono fl'JrtO Cola. I Hbarp. MITI1DDU 'lues., Thurs. and Sat. •■ .,„ It1.II lilKtS 60c., 76c, and Beat Seuu ll.VU GERTRUDE HOFFMANN An Entirely New Musical Entertainment, BROADWAY TO PARIS William A. Of AVPfiTTCE *»h East of B'way. Brady's *UlluUUdE Phone, 2628Bryant. Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed., Thurs. and Bat., 2.16. LITTLE WOMEN Matinees every day during Christmas and Now Year's weeka. Atall other times, Wed,, Thurs. A Bat. William « AmA J r «st. East of B'way. Phono Co....* lomefly MR rTS n Th^. 8 * l8 8 at. Tues. and Thurs. MalB., Best Seats It.rX). tJrnnvIII• Barker's London Company,la Fanny's First Play Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Thurs and Sat., 2. Phone 178 Bryant. East ; , 4Stli St.T«eatr«« Bryant. LEW FIELDS Present! WILLIAM COLLIER l \\T NEVER SAY DIE 39th STREET S 'Phone 418 Bryant. Evgs. 8.20. Mallncea Krl. A Sat. 2.20. ANNIE RUSSELL'S OLD EN6LISH GOMEDYCO. This week by Popular Request, HUE STOOPS TO CONQUER, (lofilsmltli's Ever Voung Comedy, NEXT WEEK, THE HI VALH. Tl A TV'S B'way* 80th. 'Phono 6973 Mad. 8n. iSAAiI O Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed. A Sat. 2.16. The AhSOllltcly Novel Mimical Hit FRED PETTICOAT with HKLKN LOWELL BROADWAY *»'«'■•. B'wayA41st HI. ■Hill ft UllAI Telephone loi Bryant. Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed. A Bat. 2.16. LEW FIELDS PreauuU The Sun Dodgers Wlih UBIIHUE W. MONROE BE88IE WYNN unci IIAHHV PlSIIEll CENTIM TIIEATIIE m ^SX *L We " Kvga., 8.10 sharp. Mais., Wed, and Sat., 3.10. I.nat I weeks. Prlves, !ll> Cents lo (1.50. THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN With VIOI.A AI.I.KN UUIWL'V Broadway A 801 hSt. Evgs.,8.20 nALLAijIk a m»is., Wed. i-op. a sat*, 2.20 SIMONE THE I.IKHLER. CO.. Managers 1,1 %$ fikSST 1 THE PAPER CHASE LAST WEEK W. ot ll'way IlKIIF/U & FIELDS 12g2-liiyant. NEW JII'HIO HALL Eve. 8 15. Mats. Thurs. A Bat. 2.16. ALL STAR <naf%i %# nni v/ Weber* Fields' .^Stoek Co. ""ROLY POLY' Uivlno Elllnh'c THKA.,8utlitiot B'wayAAtbAve. tndllllO CIIIUII 5 ii nl)no 4986 Bryant. Ev{f, 8.16. Mais. Wed. and Hat.. 2,16. Tho MES8KS. SIIUIIEltT Present Th«. lim of Hi.' London Hiamn Hindle Wakes lly STANLICy HOUdllTON COLUMBIA THEATRE BHOADWAY, 47th HTRBBT, IV. V. This week-KNICKEItllOOKER». SIUaHAV HILL THEATRE Lexington Ave. nnd »'4il St.. N. V. This week-niONIOUT nAIDENH. 01 la and company, Jack Purdclte, California l'o|i|ilca, nnd muvliiK iilcturca. mid ««k; Hclicrt Trio, Powell and Itoae, Eleanor Torre Haute. I ml Oruml (T. W. Ilur- liydt Jr., mar.) "The Talker" Dec. 8, "Everv- uoimin" Oil, plcliires 12-14, '■Hilly, the Kid," ir>, plcturcu 1020, Miirtlu's ''Undo Tom's Culilu" iiiiitliiec nnd nliilit, 21. Vaiiiiti'ich (Jack lioefllcr, mgr.)— lllll for 0-11 li.irlinli'il: Mtwre's rtiinimer Ulrls. Wilson and WimliliiKton, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Oonnclly, Kirk and Fogcrly, and lUdle Uray. For 12-1.1: i.imky's Six llolwes, La Tell llros., Weston and Young, Hurry II0I1111111 and r>ni|iany, Craig and Wllllaina, ami pictures. Iluslneas is Rood. OnriiEiiic (UrcnlllngAT & Enillah, mgrs.)—Or- gan rcclicls nnd pictures to capacity. Luis (l„ 12. Slieela, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pic- lures. Havov, Piiinceks, Ciikscknt, Ki-k, Coi/)NI»L. K«i<ntain ami 1)1:11. moving picture housea, re- |Hirt good luiidticni*. Xotb. —An net not on the program at Ihe Vnrlelles wns given nt Uio close of the evening peiToriiiniiee Tliaukaglvln2 Day. It was that Man* MM .lui-li Ilovlller. An elegnnt banquet was MTved hy the pojiulnr iniiiiuger, and members ot ilii- piiifi'Hiiloii present were: Itolierla and Vevern, llleliui-il Curler, Harry Ix'IkIiIoii, Charles Church, Civrui. Milium', and the oltlcera of l/Ocnl 40, 1. A. T. S. K. Illi'iiiliiirlimii. Aln Majestic (M. h, He- ■lion, mgr.I bill for week of Dec. 2 Included: Three Barton, WoirT and Wollf, Three Ore/ Mis- ters, Lola Milton and company, Williamson aud fterlliiK. and the motion plcturea. Buou (M. L. Heiiion, mgr.)—"Tho Winning Widow" week of 2. oiii'iiKi'ii (M. L. fleinon, mgr.)—Bill week of 2 Included: venetlau Four, Morrlsey and Hlcli, P'raiikllno nnd Vloletlo, llobt. Strauss and coni- pmiy. La Deotllma, and motion pictures. Jp.rrESSoN.—"P.xcune Me" did excellent busi- ness 3, Henrietta Crosman, In "Tbe Real Tiling," 0, 7. Notes, —Doc. Baker packed tbera In at tlio Aiiiuxc-U week of 2 The beautiful Alcazar, which opened about a month ago, la doing a larger business than was anticipated. I'liilii.iili, Ky.—Kentucky (W. A. Kinney, mgr.) "I'rei'kles" Dec. 10, "Tho Balkan Prin- cess" 11, "Bunty Pulls the Slrlnga" 13, "Forty- live Minnies from Broadway" 20. All other dales Oiled hy Oaralde Stock Oo. Auoapu (Joseph Ocauerger, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion plcturea. Kn/.v (Itoilucy 0. Davii, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Oiiii (Desbergcr Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pie- lures. Utah (Desiwrger, Bros., nigra.)—Motion pic- tures. Iluou (J. A. Llndell, mgr.)—Motion plcliires. ai.. hah. t:v and Tin: thaiiio nwnau, li'ciiliitlnit HuiTy Von Tllzcr songs. WlnclieMler, Ky.—Winchester (H. Dliiclll. mgr.) "TIim Irlhli Piper" Dec. 0, "Mult and Jell" 20. ['astim'] (Illoomllcld Bros, ingib.) — Vaudeville iiml motion pIclurcM. 1,11110 (Piilllliis & Mots, mgrs.)—Motion pie- lures, fJnli extoii, Tex.— fir.ind (Cliurlea Haaseen, mar.) Margnret Anglln Nov. SO-Dec. 4, "The fllrl from Toklo" 1, "Tbe l'luk Lady" 8, 0. ENNEN'S TOILET POWDER Trade Mark. BORATED TALCUM TRY MENNEIf'8 8HAVINC CREAM TRY MENNEN'8 VIOLET TALCUM TOILET POWDER SAMPLE BOX FORZ4c. IN STAMPS GERHARD MEMNEW CO„ Newark, N. J.