The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 14 Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Cre: j It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS KSD GEOCERS "WILL DO IT" WM. WALTKE & COMPANY WASH-UP" MADE EASY JavaJoap Used and endorsed by the leading members of every branch of the profession. We want every member of the profession in the United States to test the merits of Lava Soap. Send us your name and address, and we will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAM- PLE CAKE OF LAVA 80AP. SAINT LOUIS, U. S. A. Deatfcs in m Profession. M AIKMOKIAH SIRS. HURT Fl!Ll,EH (AL.ICK BLAIR) Died Dec. O, 11)10. Margaret Rivera, Maud Kenaod and friends. Mrs. Anna Dauphin, (or many years well known In Btock work. Inning been will) tbe J. Hunt Stock Company, of Boston, Mssh., playing old meld and Irish Biddy characters, died at her home in Lynn. Mass., Nov. 21, from cancerouB troubles. Mrs. Dauphin was born la Pawtucket, R. I., forty-six years ago, and bad been on the stage twenty-four years, having left It about three years ago. In ad- dition to her work In stock, she hnd a love for vaudeville. She was the sister of tin: William O. Haieltine, a member of the famous Angnstln Daly Company, shot him- Rolf In the right temple in his bedroom at 134 East Nineteenth Street, New York, on Saturday, Not. 30. He was a member of tbe 1'lnyers' Club. He bad grieved over the death of his wife (two years ago). She was a non-professional. Mr. iHazeltlne was born In New Redford. Mass., of an old New Rng- land family, and was a graduate of the Eng- lish High School of Boston and Harvard University. After engaging In the Insurance business be went on the stage In 1895 as a memher of tbe Daly company, with which he Jessie Melntyre (white), a vaudeville actress, was. according to a cable, killed In London. Eng., on Monday, Dec. 2, by Annie Gross, the colored wife of Pake Gross, n negro comedian. Jealousy was the cause. It Is claimed In the cable that the white woman and the colored comedian lived to- gether. OUT OF TOWH NEWS CINCINNATI. Before Yuletlde preparations ire having no effect In the theatrical turnouts, aad December Inaugural wos a very happy one all around. Audiences were Urge. Neither "Kismet" nor "The Bird of Paradise" hod been been before, and holh enjoyed prosperous weeks. Another pair or brand-new attractions will have their premiere the coming week. Gband House (John TI. Havltn, mgr.) —Knj-monil Hitchcock and Flora Zabelle will come Dec. 0, In 'The Red Widow," under Co- han a Harris' management. Otis Skinner fonnd "Kismet" a potent magnet last week. "The Rose Maid" comes 16. I.tiic (James B. Fennessy, mgr.)—Sam Bernard will arrive 8, In "All for the Ladles." Oliver Monaco's play. "The Bird of Paradise," wllh Bessie Harriseale as the Utile Hawaiian princess. Wai.nct Strew* (W. F. Jackson, mgr.) — Thurston, the magician, Is coming 8, after a week of Robert F.deson's Indian study, "Where the Trail Divides." Earl Ross and Edith Hamilton portrayed the leading roles. Business big. Tbe Ncwlyweds IS. B. F. Keith's (Charles I. Dorsn, mgr.)— Henry Woodruff, supported by Margaret Lotos, Isabel West and James M. Brophy, will be the toplliiers 8, In "A Regular Baslneaa Han." Others: Lew Sully, the Colonial Septette, Robbie Gordone. Joe Keno and Rose Green, lu "Hands ftmdwille to . Reports from out-of-town say i'. a i Si**, cet Melburn baa met with decide i pw ' as tho Irish Senator, an ii monologue that told what he won the country, (specially for the lab.,,., If he was robed In a senatorial I..4 m ,?{ •aeeasj • Irish do for Gordone. Joe Keno ana nose ureen, m mmu ™j;h»» ™« .t. * . *'. ""' '"■a. and Across tbe Street;" Kate Ellnore and Sam Will- HSBHtjq over the future destlui,,, or "A" VIEW OF THE STAR THEATRE, SlOt'X CITY, IA., Taken at night. T S. Shortly, tbe proprietor and manager, Is one of the best known motion picture exhibitors In Iowa. shows Mr. Shortly's method of lobby display on big features - This picture late Jnmos B. Marks, Adam Forcpaugh's Yankee Parmer. Besides her husband. Geo. Dauphin, who has long been Identified In vaudeville, being the well known heavy lifter and balancer or cart wheels, garden plows, feathers and other things, but who Is now In a private business In his home city, she leaves one brother, Barney McKenna, who wns last beard of In California; a niece, "Rose Morgan," In burlesque, and a nephew, remained four years. With this company ha played James, In "London Assurance, Sergt. Luke, In "The Magistrate;" Bertram, In "Slug Mcrrllees;" Antonio, in "The Tempest;" John Humbert. In "Number Nine:" Nym, in "Tho Merry Wives of Windsor;" Borachlo, in "Much Ado About Nothing;" Rowley, In "School for Scandal;" Salaoio, in "The Mer- chant of Venice," and other similar roles. He took tho part of the usurping duke in tbe famous production of "As You Like It," given by Adn Rchan and the Daly company at 8trattord-on-Avon In 1807. Subsequently he appeared In support of Mrs. Lo Moyne, Wil- ton l.ncknyc and Mine. Mudjeska. His lust nnpearnnco wns In the production of "The House of a Thousand Candles," with E. M. Holland, at Daly's Theatre, In 1008. After leaving the stage Mr. Hazcltlne resumed busi- ness as an Insurance broker In this city, but kepi hla membership In tho Mayors' and the Actors' Society, anil retained the friendships formed on the stage. Lillian Ilwlnell, a well known stock actress, died suddenly at her home, 34 Grand Street, Providence, ft. I., on Saturday, Nov. 30, while entertaining some theatrical friends. She was a sufferer from Brlghl's disease. She was tbe wife of Albert Vlvanda, and sbe made her first professional appear- ance with Maud Banks, In "Joan of Arc." In Fltchburg, Mass.. thirty-one years ago, and had followed the stage almost continu- ously since that time. Last year she wns a member of the Empire Stock Company. In. Providence. She leaves her husband and five children. She was about forty-eight years of age. Michael J. Jordan, who was a member of Walker Whiteside's "Typhoon" Co., died at Lowlston, Idaho, Nov. 28, from heart failure. Mr. Jordan, who had been slightly III during the evening performance of that date, was stricken soon afterward, and dlod before midnight. He bad appeared in tragedy roles in many well known companies during his stage career, and was a member of the Elks' Club of New York City, where the body was shipped to for burial. His wife, Mrs. Carina Jordan, who was an actress and play- wright, died In 1003. John A. Fljnn, an actor, died Nov. 20, at the home of his brother, Jos. W. Plynn, HIS Wrlghtwood Avenue, Chicago, III. Mr. Plynn had been connected with the theatrical profession for the past thirty years, and was lornterly of the team of Keating and Plynn Me was also manager of the London fialety Girls Company at one time. Inter- ment was made In Toledo, O. William John Jones.—According to a dispatch from I/ondon, Eng., William John Jones, a playwright, and brother of Uenrv Arthur Joucs, committed sulcldo last week while temporarily Insane. The deceased was also known as a theatre manager. J. H. Harris, an actor, died last week at All Saints Hospital. Ft Worth, Tex. Mr, Harris, at the time of his being taken 111, was a member of the Grace Bairn Stock Co. He was forty-three years of age, and an Elk. Alex. Henry, a well known member of the T. M. A., and connected with the stage force of Denver theatres, died Nov. 28 at Denver. He was burled In the T. M. A. plot, 30. (for other death* seo another page.) Bert and Flo Jackson are In their thirty- second week with Ben Toy's Musical Co. created a genuine sensation last week. The critics all r.rtJsed It, and large assemblages mar- veled at the strange story of the regeneration of the Beach Comber (Guy Bates Post), and tbe degeneration of Dr. Wilson (Lewis S. Stone). The romance was magnificently staged. Tully Marshall, In "The Talker," 10. lams. In "The Hunter and Ibe Ranter-ess:" the Flying Weavers, and mil and Sylvlany. Tatbe's Weekly. Orvhxum (Isaac M. Martin, mgr.)—"The Boys In Bine" come 8. Others: Weber and Wilson, Seamrni and Kllllan, Hie Tailor Made Girls, Firs- ■raid and Couroy. Mons. Herbert, and Ned Bur- ton aud company. In "The Commercial Man." Klnenmeolor Alms have replaced the Gaumont pictures. KMMuns (George F. Fish, mgr.)—"Tbe Battto of Bay Rum" will be put on 8 by Hallldny and (iarllu. Others: The Loja Troupe, McDonnell and Austin. Rita Redfleld, Alberta Moore and Myrtle Yeans. George Moore and Sada Wander, In 'The Beauty Shop." Etnpresscope views. Kmkey AuDrrrittinu. — Tbe Orpheus Club gave the Brst concert of the season, .1, with Roloald Werrenrath as lololst. Other soloists hooked are: Germalne Schnllier and Florence Mulfcrd. Kilwln W. Otover Is director of tbe clnb. Olympic (Chnrles Dorner. ntgr.1—The Olym- pic Players will pnt on "Snpho." R. after a very cbeerrul revival of "The Clinrlty Ball." Germ** (Ernest Otto Sclimld. mer.)—The Ger- mini Stock Co. will present "The Mtislerwelber" fc. It will be tbe American premiere of the oix-retta. I'eoi'Lk's (James E. Fennessy. mgr.)—High 1 If.' In Hurlesnue will come 8, after a week of Teddy Sln.ond's Auto Girls, in "Married for a Day." The farce was enjoyable mid there were enough honors won for Berlha Qinynn. Lew Fein. I lawl Ford. Frankle Grese. Mlld.-ed Slotler. Chas. Baker, and Lou Slienn all to harvest their gen- erous shares. Crowds big. Merry Maidens fol- low 15. ftMMMa (R. K. Hynleka, mgr.)—Ed. Lee Wrnilie end the Ginger Girls are due 8. The. follow the Society Girls, who, with Gas Fay and Dare Douglass Rackett as the magnets, were pan- handled a bit because of the bro.-.dnesa of some of the lines. Jack Farley ami Mae Butler were pleasing III the olio, anil Lee Hickman score 1 heavily In Ills "Hold-Up" song. Tbe Jolly Fol- lies come 15. net'cjc's Opdha House (James K. Day. mgr.) —Vandrvllle was provided by Croach and Lyons. Stewart and Stewart, and Brown. Harding and Davis. It Is rnnonnccd that the Smart Set has livn secured as a Chrlstmis week attraction. opening 22. Motion pictures. New Lyceum, Aduitoriiw, Family and Ryan's CKNTi-nv, old combination houses, give vaudeville and motion pictures. THESPIAN NOTES. Mahcelm SKunnicn wns guest of honor at a lniic-lieou given at tbe home of Mrs. Charles P. Taft Tim Optimist Ct.nn had Dr. Krnst Knnwsld for llielr cneat at a Queen City Club luncheon. "Days On— By" hnd its vrcaiftre at the Cin- cinnati Conservatory of Music, directed by Miss Langley, who wrote the plnvlet Nakaii Rinses, once Joseph O'Meara's pupil, Is touring the Western States on a Iyceum mission. Gm.niE Taylob has Inaugurated a novel series of house mnslcaies as a prelude to the public re- citals later on. Tub Howard Glee Banjo and Mandolin Club will be heard at F.mery Auditorium Dec. 27. ScnUktANN-HEiNK Is coming to (he Emery Au- ditorium Jan. 7. Job Tinker turned down a $1,000 a week oner to do a turn at the Ornheum when tbe deal to make him manager of the Reds was called off. At least, that Is tbe press story told. Tub Springer Opera Clnb la to present "The Marriage of Figaro" at the Emery Auditorium Dec. 17, miller the direction of Albino Gorno. Snrlnirficltl, O.—Fairbanks' (C. J. Becker, mgr.) Richard Oarle and Battle Williams. In 'The Girl from Montmarrre," Dec. 0. "Alma, Where Do You Live?" 7, "The Hose Maid" 11. New Sun (Sun Amusement Co.. nigra.)—Kill for week of 0: Lonnle Follettc, Harry Llnwuod and company, Shaw mid Lamar, and Musical Cwir- tlers. countrymen. Louise La Booth, who at prcsout u ■■_ Ing soubrette with the La Salle Jhi i „i ?L ,y " edy Co., playing an Indeflnlte engag ■££??; the Columbia Theatre, In Toledo! <> ara^ a tremendous hit week of Nov •'•'-, h, French number and a whirlwind' Tea. Tommy dance, fa which she was assisted to Joe West, of the same company. I uiili i. steadily Increasing la popularity whn Toledo theatregoers. *«ieuo Dainty June Boberts and Odmmm i. "The Doll Maker's Dream," have ent»red iin«n Ihelr second tour of the BatterteM ChSS and are il'ipllcatlng their former snrcess over that time. "'" JACK DRISCOLL, Featuring "When I Carved Your Name on the Tree," published by Kdgar Selden Tub. Co. OEoncn Hawlet writes from Mcmplil«, Tcnn.. as follows: "Doris Dale and I Join hands again, after a separation of lire years, and return to vaudeville about Jan. 10, play- ing through the middle West, and coming Fast In the Spring. We are getting scenery and wardrobe ready and rehearsing the act 'A Melancholy Fair," a musical, singing and ilnnclng art, using nine musical Instruments. Wish we could get TrtB Cr.iprEB sooner each week, as It doesn't reach us here till Sun- day." Hob Weston writes: "On Sunday I wis on New York Central trnln that was wrecked at Hoffman, N. Y. I was in the fecond trout last coach. The shock was terrible. Every person In the car was thrown from their berths. Fortunately none of us were Injured. Billy* ("Swede") Hall and his wife were in the shake-up also." O'Dei.l ANn Habt have played thirty-seven weeks an the Brennan & Fuller Circuit lu Australia, and they arc booked for a return date next year, with South Africa and Eng- land to follow. Marnell and MEr.ROSE recently finished fifteen weeks over Western time, and report thnt their dancing act went big everywhere. They have twenty-live weeks booked for Gus Sun time. Lrr.iiKV and Thayer send greetings from Tnmpn. Fin., where they played a pleasaat engagement last week. «T1IB COUNTRY STORE" AT MINER'S BRONX THEATRE, NEW YORK. COY DE TRICKEY, Singing "Whistling Jim," published by Theo. Morse. Justin Mnssnn, -who weighed 780 pound! and who was said to be the largest woman In I he world, died In Montreal, Can., Nor. 21). FREE DATE BOOK Jtfmtion ritfa Tb.M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK S MAKE DP