The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DECEMBER 14 55^NEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 TABLOID MUSICAL COMEDY WE WANT AT ONCE Ten Musical Comedy Companies; not over ten people m each company. Performances to last from fifty minutes to one hour. Straight salary but must be reasonable. TWELVE WEEKS GUARANTEED TO COMPANIES OF MERIT Address ATLANTA UNITED BOOKING OFFICES (Inc.) EMPIRE LIFE BLDC-, ATLANTA. CA. week the Interest THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES w. insert advertisements la tkli eolamn tt i ■Si rite of ll.TB per agate Hne for 1 months UJll times). TiH wlU anable locil managers u km tktlr houses prominently mil eoitlnsally Zan th« minsgere of companies. Daring the Jo. tie id. ii Tiuiai we will sens sacs iditr turr t eopf of Tbb Qurtn fres. WANTED, First class attractions for Reason BltlJ. QKANI) THEATRE, Jost opened. Klllan- tlag Pa., near Pittsburgh. Beating capacity, 900; ■tan 32xno. Fully equipped. Drawing popula- tion, a.OOO. Address GRAND THEATRE, WAKTEO-Oood Shows, for Fraternal Hall Oxford, Mrt. Seating capacity 325. Population ol urn, 1400. Good for one night shows with band. HIGHTSTOWrT, H. J., OPERA HOUSE, run one show a week. 0. FRED RCHLMAN, Manager, too Liberty Street, Trenton, N. 1. HC8IC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED lor any Instrument or number of Instruments, longs, words and Hoslo, Sketches, etc. Senditamo, OBAS. L. LEWIS, 4» Richmond St., Cincinnati, O. FOR SALE-Handcufl Act, Box Mystery, Mall Big, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Magic Act, Sure opflcoo, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Snow; also many other bargains. Circulars for 8TAHP. GEO. A. RICE, AUBURN, K. Y. 100 COLORED PANAMA CANAL LANTERN SLIDES, for sale, cheap. Fall set, right tin to date. W. WTgDHAM, 8 PATCB1N PLACE, N. Y. CITY. AGUES DE VERB CO. wants Character Lead Man, Gen. Bus. Man and Woman, man and wife preferred; most do specialties. Also man Piano Flayer, capable of playing standard music, read and transpose at Bight. Stale lowest salary and all In flrat letter. Only sober, reliable people, tint are ladles and gentlemen need answer. All season's work in Neb. and So. Dak. for right peo- ple. We never close. Uhag. N. sent your money and ticket to Carrol; why don't yon Join. Mr. Bloaser Jennings and wife, and Cuas. Barnes, If you are at liberty, can place you at once. Frank Put- man write. Agnes lie Vere, Dec. 13-14, Halam, Neb. Dec 16, Walton, Neb. P. S.—No trouble makers or wnnld-he managers wanted; Jost closed two. Wanted, Snedeker & Moss Vaudeville Attractions Young Leading Woman with real perso nalit, Good Looking Manila Mao, 6en. Bus. Man and Woman, Lady Imperso- aator.AI Dancing Comedian Specialty people preferred. Tabloid. Week stands 18 weeks (o people who act, dress and mind their own business. Make that salary low, the ghost Is In good health. Open Xmas eve. Rehearsals 32. Tickets? ves. Get busy. A. M. Keller write Address If RAYMOND SNEDEKER, ' Opera llonse, Decalnr, Ind. A First Class Pianists Lady or gent, for recognized act. One who Is ex- perienced In vaudeville. CHA8. GROSSMAN, week of 16, Fnglert Theatre, Iowa City, la.; week ofa, Hlppourume Theatre, St. Louis, Mo. HAIR ON THE FACE Seek and Arms Instantly removed without Injury to the most delicate skin. In compounding, an Incomplete mixture was ac- cidentally spilled on the back of the hand, and on washing afterward, It waa Ir was completely remover We named the new discovery "MODESK," A] discovered that the hair was completely removed We named the new discovery "MODES E." A gly for a few ml nates and the hair disappears as ymagic. ITOANNOTFAIL..Mqdenesupersedes electrolysis. Used by people of refinement, and re commended by all who have tested Its merits. Mo- dene Is now for sale at drug stores, or will be sent by mall In safety mailing cases on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. Postage stamps taken. Address Modene FlMofkriurmg Co., Pent U, Cincinnati, 0. SEND $1 for one year's subscription, sam- p's 10c., and you'll get one of the greatest vaude- ville plajrs ever written, and you'll not miss the first csntas of the llrst great epio to be written In America. You'll also get a lot of stories, essays, cartoons, etc., etc TlIE SONGBIRD, Morganlown, W. Ya. Whites of Eggs for Serves and Vocal organs; IMMEDIATE effect Stronger vocal organs, alertness, continence with Increased magnetism and energy, acquired with ease on «n ENJOYABLE) DIET selected from lean meats, poultry, game, flsn, curdled custard, vegetables, fruits, etc, combined for your needs. Fasting, strycnnlne, alcohol are ruin- ous. Specify occupation. Pamphlet 10 cents. G. H. BRINKLER, Food Expert, Dopt 95 M, VL AgniNGTON, P. C. HAM PLAYER WANTED Locate Permanently. FOR PICTURES and VAUDEVILLE Wire or write lowest salary. WASHBURN'S NEW THEATRE LEON W. WASHBURN, Prop., - CHESTER, PA. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th AMet. 27ti and 2811 SMew Yerk MOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFO : MDSIC 6.30 TO 1 A. M. Bronchial Troches Relieve Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Coughs, Bron- ehlal and Asthmatio Complaints. Unexcelled for clearing the voice. Sixty years' reputation. Free from opiates or anything harmful. Sold only In boxes. Sample mailed free. JOHN I. BROWN A SON, Boston, Mass. SONG WRITERS--Tura Your Songs INTO MONEY. BEST PROPOSITION. Write PROGRESS PUBLISHING CO., Pept. *7, St. Louie, Mo. AT LIBERTY HARRY RICHARDS ,wmii « Light Comedy g« b««. JlggrcbejabUlt y. BOX 68, BUTLER, PA. Fr WANTED QUICK EXPERIENCED SKETCH TEAM, Man anil Wife, and NOVELTY ACT 8tSi & KlnglC8 Bnd doubles. Change for week. nirht B 38 lowe8t 8alat J ln flr »t letter. Wire night letter it you can Join at once. Direct PR JAMrS PERNES8, Perry, Mich. ftiiiiniiifs f?l«l",5n.3tii.;wt.,137. «Chan K ters,Gen.Bu8. Sluing Spec. fire£i?"' 1<: Man »88re. state your Umlt. Mustliav SmSSg* J- W. SIGHTS, Moquah, Wis, J. I. SIGHS Height, Sft.8ln.;wt., 100. Characters, Comedy, Old Men AT LIBERTY, Piano Player Sober and reliable. Prefer small road show or picture house. E. L. DOTY, THOMSON. GA. Sparta, Pay, week Dec. 16. PROF. RICTON and HIS BIG SHOW Columbia City, Ind. This show remains out, nays salaries regular. Always makes money. Why? Answer: lis run by a real live, hustling manager. HA*! w * 0 «■ Sln« and Dance or sister Act. Write or call. No amateurs. Caro r m « RE1HB VBDMAR —^ " f Mre - Day, 427 West 67th Street, N. Y. 0. X^' s,Mk Pa P er for Musical Comedy, sheet IWIHT"' Ten Nl « otB »"*» oM»w "lc- » p 8 /'"wire paper also. Address ~~- ' Wfi P- 0. Box «34, tilens Falls. S. Y. KSIC ARRANGED Terrm fa, "JffJ? 8C, , t0 *<**. also OPERAS. A. UnntTS B ?l°? J*«ght. Call or write. '^TSMAR, 117 B5 uaa St., If. Y. ,fi!?I Poems Wanted RBr?. "?j*i«tl'W)yoo. Hois AGENTS WANTED l 4» « 10A J ION8 - "MSHAJI MUSIC jj-j, St. Lonls. Mo, "tttW^rftSft! GI °o«».Clubs, Batons, 0 una. 'or l ■ n/^ftfiP 8 ?. 4 ? 8 * nu ' NovelUea. SUmp --^•■■"fc jDty. TAN WYCH.Ctoeltmaatt D '£" A OESS.HEAD NOISES ■»■' tkaasP'R m At lM * 5° u "">? n , Jolc« In a ■&'"• hcrT vHS .. "PWdy andlastlaucenre. m.t, ?TS^S£PttmmS3B, Hook Free. - g| 'UTANT,P.O.Stl.E,270 «, NewYork.N.Y. OPT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTON. Tlio principal changes of current week occur In theatres of close vicinity of one another, namely, the Hollla Street, Shubert and Majestic. Then, of course, we have new faces at the places of amusement where lesser prices ore charged. The business was about the same lost week aa we generally get about this time of the year. SHOBasr (Wllbur-Shubert Co., nigra.)—This week and next tlie patrons of this house are offered two shows ln one: Gaby Deslys anl compinv and "The Whirl of Society." with Al. Jolson. Others In the combined companies are: Barney Bernard, Melville Ellis, Clarence Harvey, Harry PUcer, Ada Lewis, Fanny Brlce, Laa-rnnce D Orsay, Courtney Sisters, Lee Harrison, Laura Hamilton, Florence Coble, Willie Weston, and Oecnr Schwarts. The advance Bale of scata Indicate* a couple of big weeks. "The Passing Show of 1012" bad a plesilng engagement. Mubstic TwilburShubcrt do., mgre.)—Com- mencing 0, anil continuing for a fortnight Is William Pavcroham auil big company In Ills mas- sive spectacular production of "Julius Casar. Prominent In Mr. Favershom'a support are: Frank Keenan, Tyrone Power. Fuller Melllsn, and Julie Opp. A big patronage Is looked for. Boston (Frehman-HanTs Corp, mgra.)—After announcing the coming last week of Emma 'iren- thtl. In "The Firefly,' 1 the engagement was called off at the very lust moment, and as a result, tue Iwubc was closed and will remain so until 10. when Eddie Foy is announced lo come, mis is the second time since the season opened that the theatre has been cloned. „„„. Colonuj, (Frohman 4 Harris, nigra. )■—Second week of Carter De Haven, ln "Exceeding the Speed Limit" The show furnishes a merry erenlng's entertainment, and will remain in this city for another week after this. Elisabeth Mur- ray has some good songs and shores honora Wltn the star ln the amount of applause received. Holms (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)— Rebecca of Sunnibrook Farm" is once more playing ao en- gsgnienl at this house. Thin Is announced as ST farewell to Boston. Edith Taliaferro is In *VSJ?%* B. Schoeffei, mgr.) - On* Miller, who Is now In the sixth week of his en- ncraient of "The Rainbow," continues to draw BFEmmiZ and the atay baa been prolonged a fortnight after thisi week. . jss. »r«KjS merry for the past fourteen weeks. "The Woman" set aTy'et i0 "" DC:it ' but M •wSBaS PtYMoirrit (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Ninth u ?£'* Vi At] i"- ,B "Dlaraell." wftb i In this remarkable play still unabated. St. Jiuas Qt H. Gulesian. mgr.)_The stock company u appearing this weekln "The Hype- crilcs. Much Interest was shown last week ln the production of "The Spendthrift." Oastu Sooari (John Craig, mgr.)—It was a laughable experience to tee "Seven Slaters," which Manager Oralg put on last week. This week, "Damon and Pythias." _5SR i5- 5 R eUh - »gr.)—Lnlo Olaser, sssisled by Thomas D. Richards, In the playlet, with mnslc. "First Love," la the leading feature of »'f week, others are: Maud Lambert and J.rnest Ball, Wilfred Clarke and company, Three Lyres, Josetty Brothers. Ward and Weber. 11a Orunnon. Ben Beyer and Brother, and Joe Jack- son. Newton Newklrk, a local newspaper man, made n genuine hit ln a comical monologue last week; dresfed In an ordinary business soft, as if he bnd laid down his drawing board only a mo- ment before. OaPHBpii (Victor I. Morris, mgr.)—For the Drst bait of the week: Ulllrm Sisters, Dorothy Rogers and company, Ilaxel Crosby. Frank Staf- ford and company, Brady and Maltoney, and the Bennington Brothers. For the laat half: Evans and Vidocq. Al. Lewla and His Players, Viola Dnval, Frank Stifford and company, Brady and Mahoney, snd the Aerial CromweUs. Mr. Frank, formerly connected with one of the Marcus Loew'a In New York, is now the asslstsnt manager of the Orpheum. t .,? l P B, ("oherl Janette, mgr.)—This week's bill includes: The Bicycle Polo Four, Pickett's seals, Four Aerial Leaters, "La Petite Revue," Rran snd Bell, the Parsblcys, George Yeoman. Jnd Mildn and Don. National (G.' A. Haley, mgr.)—The bill for week of 0 has for Its members Newton Newklrk, Mile a Minute," Spencer and Spencer, Leonard and Louie, John 0. KiDg anil company Ben Dealy and company. Miss Jensel and Johnnie Reynolds. Walobon's Casino (Charlea H. Waldron, mgr.) —Ioule Boble's Knickerbockers, lost week's at- traction, proved to be one of the best of the shows that have appeared here this season. The leading role of the burlesque, "Oasey the Plum- ber," was played by Roger Imbofr, whose work was most meritorious. This week is another tip- topper in the College Girls, and the Robinson Crusoe Bu.lesquers are slated to follow. GAtarr (George H. Batcheller, mgr.) — Sam Howe's Love Makers are here for the week. The Colombia Burlesque™, In a two net musical farce, called "The Love Rose," with Clinrlie Howard, the German comedian, ln the leading part, pleased large audiences list week. Rose Sydell's London Belles is the offering for week of 16. Howard (G. E. Lotkrop, mgr.)—The Queens of the Folles Btrgere come for the second time this season. The extra features are: Millie De Leon, Bob Archer and Blanche Belford, Ted and Olara Steele, Zylophonla, Maud Polly. Harry Collins, Alice Hanson, and Knlse and Dunn. Week of 10: Watson's Beef Trust. Gband Opeila Housn (G. FJ. Lothrop, mgr.) The show this week Is furnished by Tom Miner's Bohemian Burlesquers. Coming Is the Queens of the Folles Bergere Co. Bow [join SqoAaa (0. B. Lothrop, mgr.)— Blske's Comedy Circus, Gen. Flsano and com- pany, Dacey and Chase, Skinner and Wood, De Grace and De Paul, Barnes and Robinson and Frank Bender are the bookings fox current week Gordon's Oltmpu (J. E. Comerford, mgr.) A atrong bill Is offered this week In Dublin Trio, Buster Brown Minstrels, Great Barnetti and oom- pany, Frank Bush, Edward Jose and company, Hlldreth and Jones, snd the Gulran Troupe. Washington (F. 0. Collier, mgr.)—Robert 0. Mllllo, Dixon Peters, 0. H. Burrls and company, Dora Patterson Trio, Charles Moore, Brown and Furlardeau, Hsnsone, and the Delmonts. Oio Sooth (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Week of 9: Joe Crawford, Von Hoff, the Days, Lane and Howard. Marine Band, Babe Smith, Frank Oarew, and Florence ami Jackson. Eiolb. —Gatchell and Medora, and Wanda and company for the first half, and Wanda and com- pany, and Foster and Dunbar for the second period. APTEnUATn. Cusiomaht weekly changes occnr at the BIJoo Dream, Huntington Avenue, Sbawnvut, Unique, Apollo, Orients, Pastime, Puritan, Back Bay, Beacon. Premier, Norfolk, Comlque, Niagara, Wlnthrop Hall. Williams' Ideal. Superb, Scenic Temple, Star, Navlllus, South End, and the Box- bury. The Hub. which la still under the management of Joseph Mack, the new owners deciding not to tike possession until next July, offers this week: Nine Daffy Kids, Eugene Davis, Harry Earle, and others. Foi the Christmas holidays the management of the St. James will make a special production of "The Isle of Spice." It will be the first musical productions be given by the St. James Company, and will utilize the services of fifty persons, In- cluding the regular members of the company. Onb of the leading theatrical concerns ln the country, which already operates plsyhonses in Boston, haa proposed the tulldlog of another theatre In this city,. Dec. 2, through Its agent, this company offered the city of Boston 1200.000 for the former site of old Franklin School, at the corner of Tremont Street and Dlx Place. The offer was made at a conference ln the City Hall, at which the mayor, the school committee, the Bchoolbouse commission and the agent of the theatrical concern were present. The site In- cludes 10,000 odd square feet of land, and the price offered Is equal to the assessed valuation of the properly. No action on the proposal waa taken at the conference, but It was Inferred that the city's representatives thought favorably of the plan. It Is declared that the proposed theatre will be devoted to the production of chil- dren's ploys, such as "Rip Von Winkle," "Peter Pan" and others. Another report has It that the proposed playhouse will be utilised In the reviving of Greek drama. Nothing definite con- cerning the company's plans could be learned, l-.owevcr. Henry Millbb has heard some very good news concerning the production of "The Black Bird," which was played for the first time at the Academy of Music, Baltimore, no Dec. B. The play la presented by Mr. Miller, with Laura Hope Crews and H. B. Warner as the principal players. Rehearsals of the play were carried on In this city. Ethel BsanrHOBa will come to the local Keith house about the Bret of the year, and wlU appear In "The Ten Pound Look.'' Foank Dobs, who was with the National Booking Offices, great success of the Orpheum, Brockton, which he has l-iea managing for some time. It will be remembered the National Boohing Offices went out of existence, Manager Wesley Fnser Joining the force) of Boston. United Booking Offices. Tun arnual Mary Young Christmas Tree, bear- ing presents for the many poor and worthy chil- dren, will be held at the Castle Squsre Tuesday morning, Dec. 24. Lynn, Mnsa. — Central Square (James H. Donovan, mgr.) business continues Sne with pic- tures and songs. Oltmpia (A. E. Lord, mgr.)—Bill for 0-11 Included: Ida Fuller, Oarclnettl Brothers, Moran and Moran, snd Sidney Dean and company. For 12-14: Ida Fuller, Alius, Bickers and Halts, Jlm- nile Rosen and company, and Jerry McCarthy. Ltnn (Jeff Callan, mgr.)—Vaudeville Is draw- ing good nouses at every performance. AuniTonitiii (Lindsay Morlaon, mgr.)—"The Great Divide" 0 and week, "The Metal Pot" week of 10. CoiiiQua (Al. Ncwhnll, mgr.)—Excellent busi- ness with pictures and songs. DnK.uit.ANo (Samuel Grant, mgr.) — Pictures and songs to Anc buslnesa. Pastiiib (K. A. Loud, mgr.)—Songs and pic- tures. Drum, Cmftondalb (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) —Pictures snd songs. Notes. —0. W. Currier, a former manager of Hie Lynn Theatre, was In this city week of 2 after a long sbsenre Col. Bill Stanton, resi- dent manager of the Auditorium, at Fiicnburg, also visited Lynn lo rote for his old friend. TO LEASE FOR STOCK THE LATEST 8EN8ATION The Gambler and the Police BASED ON THE BECKER-ROSENTHAL CASE Playing at the HOLIDAY STREET THEATRE, BALTIMORE, and NATIONAL, PHILADELPHIA, this week. Special terms to repertoire companies, apply MOW WHILE HOT. BERT C. GAGNON, Old MajesUo Theatre, Houston, Tex. PJLATtNO THX BEST IH VAITOEVI1XE • ULLIVAN and OC GENERAL BUSINESS OFFJCBi ■alllwaa and Ooaaldlne Bid*., Third and Hadlson Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. FUED. LUrOOIJf, - - GauLMgT. N8IDINK OIROUIT GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE, 1405 Broadway (Hcidelberay nidar.) NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, . . , BRANCH HOOKING OFFICE11 PADL, QODDRON, fl North Clark St.cor, Madison. CWcaro, I1L: MAURICE J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Sis.. Besttle, Wssh. ; \f. P. BBS8B, )65 Market st, Sao Francisco. Cal ; B. OBEOMAYER, IS Greene eft, London, Eng. A Leader WHO CAN ARRANGE. How many times have you read an "ad." like this? Can YOV arranger It so, this will not Interest you, but If not, send two cent stamp for trial lesson. Thrae trial lessoas free, if not then convinced you'U succeed, won owe as nothing. TAUGHT BY MAIL SUCCESSFULLY, PRACTICALLY, RAPIDLY Yon must know the rudiments of music and mean business, otherwise don't write WILCOX SCHOOL OF COMPOSITION, C. w. WILCOX, Dlrtcter Box C, aas Fifth Ave.. NEW VOHK CITY established »H Years. WHY NOT ORDER FROM THE Still Growing. LARGEST THEATRICAL MAIL ORDER HOUSE ■hit: IN THE COUNTRY ? S «Sa kVII 19 WEST LAKE STREET, CHICAGO Everything for the stage or circus ln stock, or made to order. Our large Illustrated catalogue, lately revised, sent to any address, free of charge. THE VAN COOK STOCK CO. A CAPABLE COMPANY PRBENTIHG POPULAR PLAYS Managers of Mowing Picture Theatres and Opera Houses near N. V. City, de. siring Permanent Stock for ona or mora nights a week, communicate. Can use Juvenile Man capable of playing some leads. Address JULBW VAN COOK. Boa 74, Grant City, Dlalea Island. T 1.1 AFTER DEC. 14 Cliff Hastings Ada Darette Leads, Heavies or Juveniles Leads or Second Bus. Age 25 Age 28 STOCK PREFERRED, TOO ETHER OR SINGLE 210 MADISON COURT, .... TOLEDO, OHIO -,.,~^_.^^, ~. ^INTIONI! HANLBY AND CAMPBELL'S TRIUMPHANT HEVIVAL "ETA I I atat "wr" ■ f with OCOROC O. WAKEriELD mm tV1KI=>IH I WTO Now booking through Southern Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri. Kansas, Oklahoma. Managers desiring this attraction, apply for lime to HANLBY <fc CAMPBELL, Satte 1701.1709 City Hall Square Bldg., Chicago, HI. —aOALLY-KLKC7~ WE CARRY PRODOOTION COMPLETE. 80ENICALLY- dJRlOALLTYII go, ITyii AT LIBERTY, DEC. 14, STOCK OR REP. LT. COMEDY, JUVENILES, GBN. BUS. SPECIALTIES. VERSATILE LEADS, SECOISD BUSINESS, WAHUHOBE, APPEARANCE, EXPBRIBNCB. ABILITY. Responsible managers only. WALTER UAR8HAW, Elwcod, Ind., till 14, GRAND THEATRE LONG lM. J BRANOH, New house, Just completed. Heating capacity, 1,000. Now ready to booh all hinds of one nlgnt attractions. WANT, GOOD UNCLE TOM, HINSTRBL, HUllLEHOUE OR REP., TO OPES WITH. Address LEE A. OCHS, Manager. MONTE STTOKEYoo^ftAK For Per. Stock or One Piece. Height, t ft.0Inches. Weight. 107 lbs. Ago, 22 yr«. Wardrobe, eiporlonco, ability, sobriety, and reliable. Responsible nigra, only. Tickets v Yes. Adilreas MONTE flTUCKKV, Care of 180 W, lllli St., Coffey vllle, Kansas. formerly connected fa making Mass, Ullly Connery, for mayor of Ibe city. Tnunion, Mnsa.—Park (A A. Kellmann, mgr.) gieal business with moving pictures. Stah, Mimio Hall, Casino, anu Columbia are doing well with pictures. Nore—Tlic Casino put on "Kerr/ Clow," in three reels. last week, at ten cents admission, and packed the house "The Count of Monte Oristo" Is featured 0 and week. In antucrlng ait. please menMoa Cliffeb. MARY'S (Latest) WIT No. 3 Consists of SO Baa (fine for End Work), 10 for 10c., or Hie SO for 2fio.; 10 Wants and Ads., loo.; 10 Hotel Rules and Kpltapns, inc.; "She Loved," lee, 10 lines, ice; Dairy Queries, rec, SS lines, 20c; Eccentric (male or female) Monologue, 26c; Sketch for 2 m. (Straight and Com.), 28c; Sketch for 2 in. (Hebrews), 26c.; Sketch for 1 m., If. (Com. and Sou.). 26c; Sketch for 1 in., 1 f. (Dutch and Sou.) 26c; 3 Parodies on latest eongs, loc each, the 3 for 24c. Sold In lots to suit, or all for ti.oo. Any two WH«, fl.lio; or Wits 1. 2 and 8, $2.00. Cash or M. 0. No sumps I Everything UP-TO-DATE, ORIGINAL. AND FUNNY I Olber materia). Send for catalogue and enthusiastic testimonials. MARY E. P. THAYEIt, aiW Proud St., Providence, It. I. THEATRICAL LUMBER ■ TILES, BATTENS,STRIPS,RAILS,SHOES, PHOFILE.STAOB FLOOHINO,Ktc. Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write tor delivered prices. Shipments nude In any quantity desired. _, THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY 22d AND LAFLIN STREETS, CH10AOO, ILL. SPANGLES MILLOT BROTHERS, In Metal iridescent, black and all other colore. too different shapes. Featherweight Jewels 47 W. Third Strest, Now York. i-6«- T t.» s/„ r >~* —\ If y° n p'»y "ir 1 , aod ^Tfte.TBBoqjg theordlnarydum.dum » y g=»v=» *'t \ ,„ tM)r i nKt tnen tr . , uo rag that la neither waltz nor two-step—live beats to each measure instead of two or three. SounilN dirtllcult, phm easy. Harmonic combination)* heretofore undreamed. A monies! upheaval, New. Imitators expected. No prof, copies. 24c. In •tamps. Box 186V ata. C, Xos Angeles, Cal. 11 1648 Ellis Slrs.t, 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL ma if a AD(I tne right to produce them at i I UP cost of manuscript. Get New Cat- Pi nfn» lo a- N - Y - PLAY BUREAU A H I si AUTHORS' EXCIIANOK, Tremont I Lll I tf Theatre, N. Y. 0. GET ON THK VAUDEVILLE I tell you howl Fascinating profession for cither sex. Big salaries. Experience un- necessary. Splendid engagemonti always waiting Opportunity for travel. Thea- trical agents and authorities endorse my methods. Thirty years' experience as manager and performer Illustrated book "All About Vaudeville" wnt FRU. fretlerlo La l»elle, Mta. L Jackson, Slss. THEATRICAL. WlGS Toupees. Ladles" Hair Goods. M.Stein's Make- Up. Bend for Price List GEO. SHINDUELM, 2112 W. 41st Ht. New York. Tel.. 8726-nrrant. Real Hair, Crop wig tl; Negro, uc.; Dress Wig, Import Bald, Soubretle, |1J0 each; . » yds. Crepe Hair (Wool), 11,00. Ask cata- logue Papier Mac he Heads. Helmets, etc I importer,!Ulppert,Mfr.,4FourUiATe.,N.T