The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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THENEW YORK CiLIFPEM. XHE> 1JWWYORK CI^Y TH^ATRBJS BEVIEWBD KEXT WEEK. iprto' M* Hbabt,"- Cort Theatre {open- *%, ™BriBACT."0»rrtc«-Th eatre, QfflTOiU ED ATTR ACIMSs •MAMATIO AHD ■BBIOAI,. ^^•H.wtborne, of the V. B. A.." seventh .■fwiv—"The Bed Petticoat," '" week »t t* 1 * hou80, BBU18C0—iraSShmdMt week. ~ Morton Lane Z3g£S8?%t$b& of Heaven," Sybil J root "CHAINS M "FRECKLES M keith's union sqtjart-. n_., „ „ , ' . . _ (ELMEIl V. nooKIiS, MOB.) CAaijm, a play In four nets, by Porter "mc7 ffk^T™,.T . U ™ i n . ,b . r £ e down het e tbls week,, with James Thornton, eon Browne, founded on the English plaTof ««ne Ime ». K' SJmXJSKL^ Jj5 01 «* vSSwn and the Three Dolco Bister* the same tltl. h, ir.n..K..u SSB? PjJ^ot »»«« name hy ^n^Stratto^Porter, oro- rulinlng ncck and nM:k , or the lcad . It ,, as evenly a balanced bill as Manager Rogers (Special Matineb.) Criterion (Charles Frohman, , pro- , Dec. the same tltlo hv pti,.h..L e » n , gllsU P u » ot snme n » m e by Gene Str first —"The «** 'wrScw 1 Starr, in "The Cms of Charley .Maion Jackson Tennant Betty Mason. Percy Mason ,^2 POBTY-8BCOND STREET. — Et lW °Ji?hln the Law," fifteenth week. „T Mme Naatmova, in "Bella Donna," Howard Dunn.. *». J. Mason... Miranda Mason. liy . Clifford Hruco Black Jack ..Desmond Kellcy Wessnur ..Edwin Meander Lord O'Moore.,.., ..Clinton Preston Man of Altalrs .. Edward Fielding Angel Ruth Hoy m The BIrdwoman... Bernard McrluelrJ Mrs. Duncan .....Robert Fisher Sears .Mrs. Thomas WhiOCen Wntklns.. "Chains" Is written around the idea that Bob sharD J»ck McDonald has slipped over for approval In some time, .Milton Nobles jr. but the Dolco Olrls were out of the race In Frank Battln Leonard and Louie opened up tho show In Robt. A. Wcssell a hand to hand balancing set that won on L. l). Walter its merits. (8co New Acts column.) John Miles Then the melodious Dolce girls romped on .... Frank Harper | n nifty white satin suits, hats, etc., and be- i,' 1 ?? th , T fore ,ney n,d warbled half of their first song Agncw the audience were strong for this truly "pippin" act Then a change of costume, and one of tho girla started with Rosslter'a "All Night Long" hit. and, joined at tho chorus time hy the other Dolces, they linr- rnonlZ'Hl this number as It has seldom been harmonized, and when followed with that You Cun't Expect Kisses from Me," the girls Just devoured the usual applause. May Tyroil Arthur Newbury Waldo Sanderson ,, «r ii„~i i« "Rnmlet" ??i rtant IJ 08l t'ons which command large sal- companies have been touring the country In Then another stunning chango for their 0ARDB .V.-«John B. Keuera, U namiet, uM, only they dare not or cannot resign this play, which has been "cleaning up" "Sweet and Low" number, which, sung, with- SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED Hew and Second Hand Scon ery In Stock MURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY HILL TUKATRK, N. Y. WALTBIt 31AXBV, Wgr. Tol. 8863 Mur. Rill dl Lainmermoor." Tho company Includes ltosemai'ii! Campbell, Pllade Sinagra, Anna Frey and others. "The Merry Countess" will bo tho attraction here Christmas week. Keith'* Harlem Opera House (F. Soil- man, isgr.)—"The Nigger" Is the offering by the stock company this week. "Parents of Men" Christmas week. Keith's Aluftiiihra 11111 week Ot Dec. 10 Includes: Spraguc and McNeece, the Wind- sor Trio, Ibo Langdons, Lyons and* Yosco, Scott and Keane, Marshall Montgomery, Uranvlllo and Plerpont and company. In "The System;" Hello Blanche, and the War- tenberg Bros. Keftl -4B£&sr GLOBE, - — „ »»„„„„ .sjign mis piny, wnicn nas been "cleaning up' n .j««ir JnnM - i poorly paid Jobs because they are afraid everywhere. It enme to New York on Mon- out the aid • araaaway jones, to take the chance to better themselves «»y night and was greeted by an audienco full beauty thirteenth week. —. - „ _,_,,«. financially, for they have someone else to 'hat almost completely filled this i__'"rhc Lady of the Slipper, eigntn, support In addition to themselves. There- theatre—a remarkable feat for an th'a Bronx (F. C. Ralley. mgr.l— This week's bill: Tho Ballots, Ilnlllgan and _. ....yi n ., u , nrasH ■»••■■- Nykes, Charles Webor, Juliet, Jack Kennedy of the orchestra, displayed tho and company, Hocy and Lee, Tom Wise ana of these girls' voice*. "0-W- company, White and Perry, and I Immense Circus Day" was their closing number, and dogs. Loughlln's m pPODBOME.-"Under Many Flags," six- a fifth week. -ny piny to what n bear they make of Hi The Dolco Locw'h Seventh Avcnne (C. Bcwards, fore they are "chained" to positions that accomplish the week before Christmas. girls have as good a tnste for wardrobe as mgr.)—Bill for llr»t half of week beisiuulng offer no advancement and seldom a raise In . JIr ; Delamater made no special production they have for songs, and are, and will be, 1<T: Lowe and Edwards. Samllla Jewell, Re* salaries, and nothing much to look forward ' or h' 8 New York City showing. In fact, tho great for some time to come to when old sgo overtakes them. " company that appeared in That there Is a good deal of truth !n the known as the "Central'" the play was one, and played i-vtrKEnBOCKER. — On, Oh, Dclpmno, argument set forth in "Chains" no one can Plnttsburg, N. Y.. on Saturday night, Dec. U ft twelfth week. , . .. _. . deny, and If the play Is going to be put on The story of "Freckles" Is so well knowr at the Duke of York's Theatre, In May, 1910. °f a charity Institution and cared for until she expects to wed, and the increasing con' ..oroTY—."Milestones," fourteenth week. f or a rlln we nope t jj at Hli eiap i ovel . s w m that It need not be told here at any length rwrrK—"Snow White," seventn wecK, see It, for there Is a good mora', lesson here. Briefly, It concerns a nameless and one-armcc every matinee and Saturday mornings. The piny has been a great success In Lon- waif, nicknamed -Freckles" for want of a ,v<iFTt\r-—Blllle Burke, In "The Mlntt tno don where it was produced bv Mr. Frohman better name, who was found on the doorstep UC Rainf Girl," fifteenth week. ______ „mr-Emmn Trentini. in "The Firefly," UAXINB BLLiOTT.-"Hindle Wakes," scc- «OULIN d ROUOE.-"FoUios of 1012." ninth week. Walter I.e Roy and company, offering his "A Horse on Hognn" comedy, chased along to fine approval and laughs. Mr. Le Roy gets the mesu out of the "Irlsher" role, nml Is ca- pably supported by nn extremely well formed woman, whom he mistakes for a widow from whom he desires to buy a horse She In turn ,u, uvnu uuu i.uuuiun. oauimn uvnviJ, ih-« Fox, lluppy Jack Gardner, Lucclano Lnccl, nnd Shriner and l'carl. 1*111 for U)-2\ : Harry Lcandor. Anna Lehr, Tlghc and Clif- ford, Frank Mills' Players, Guy liros., and Pike and Calame. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)— Vaudeville anil pictures. Lowe's Fifth Avenue (Albert Lowe, mistakes him for a "distinguished gentleman" mgr.)—Vaudeville nnd pictures ■nMHATTANOPEBAHODSE—"The Whip," laugh, do a good deal to kill the message fifth week. As rewritten by Mr. Browne to suit Amer- he was sixteen. He was placed with a'man lean conditions, wo doubt seriously if the wl 'o treated him cruelly, and ran away to play Is going to repeat Its London success ">e Llniberlost and given a Job there by a on this side of the Atlantic, for where there Mr. McLean, n millionaire. His work thero Js one serious llns there nrc five lines of renl was ,0 prevent valuable trees from being American slang which, while tliev make you chopped down by the timber thieves, laugh, do a good deal to kill the message After many battles with Black Jack and that the play offers. fusion of their conversation greatly amuses. Joe Iiart presented another new act hero Monday, and, hilled as Three Wonderful Singers, the trio lived up to it by taking tho house by storm. (Sec New. Acts.) Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher, as popular and funny as ever, were an enjoyable sweet' cilif Daliey Trio. (F. Jacoby, mgr.) Loew's National.—Hill first half of week of 10 Included: Robin, Bernard anil Roberts, Emma Francis and company, Gladys Vunce, Ellta I'roctor Otis, Hnrry Mayo, and Custo Urns. Bill for V.l-21 : Ryan nnd Kynn. Hex Fox, Hascl Crosby, Qcorgo Auger nnd cum- pnny. Brown, Dclmoro and Brown, and the his thieves. In which he always came out a riot In their laughable country sketch, "The Family vnw AMSTERDAM.—"The Count of Luxem- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson arc a young victor, be falls In love witli the "Angel," a Half-Way House/' Mr. Fisher docs the rolo stltuto tho entertainment here. NIMr f^nrir." fourteenth week. . . •Pictures con- and devoted couple, but find it hard" to get pretty girl, who also loves hint in return, of a rube about as natural as it is done on the "" Prootor'a OnViiandrcd nnd Twenty- «r ivrHVOSE —"Little Women," tenth week, along on a salary of lifteen dollars a week. Eventually he discovers that he comes from vaudeville stage of to-day. As tho proprlc- firth Street (C. G. Allen, mgr.)—iVnudo- cni't'iii IC —«"The Governor's Lady," flf- They, therefore, take in as boarder, one n "ne old Irish family of great wealth, tor of a very country hotel, ho explains to tho yiiio and moving pictures, l,eJi vu ' - u *- .Tncbnnn Tennnnf whn la nmnlnverl In Mm Under e L'nldimee of his lenefnetnr Mr- "fltmasz nrlms donna" who rolls, how decetttr Klfflity-slxth Street (I, Bernstein, mgr.) —Vaudeville and pictures. Yorkvllle (Eugcno Meyers, mgr.)— Vaudo- vlllc and pictures, HnrtlK A Seamon's Mnalo Halt (Sam nurtlg, mgr.)—Kunoicau Olrls this week. Prospect (Frank Gerston, iiigr.)—The Prospect stock company Is drawing good business to this house, Metropolis) (Louis Fosio, mgr.)—"Tho "twnth week. Jackson Tennant, who Is employed In tho Under the guidance of his benefactor, Mc- "almost prims donna" who calls, how decent- ■hidtv \INTH 8TBEBT.—Annie RuBsell'B same ofllce as Wilson. Tennant, tired of Lean, be prepares to study, and when he re- ly he has been "done" by "show actors." And nirfi EnStth Comedy Co., sixth week. trying to exist on the paltry salary paid turns from school and college the wedding a bunch of more funny material kept the au •r« rmriRIl'8 COMEDY.—''Fanny's First Mm, annonnces that he Is going to give up ot "Angel" and himself will be celebrated. • pinv" fourteenth week. , his Job and try his luck In South America. , Jn dramatizing the book Mr. Twomey has ■rivTc-n liARDEN —"Broadway to Paris," it wss the money that Tennant paid for his followed the Btorv closely and has succeeded fifth week . board that cnab'ed the Wilsons to live In a » his purpose admirably. It holds your ln- "Angel" and himself will bo celebrated. dlence In continual laughter until they closed rrnpli a FIELDS' — "Holy Poly" and neat little cottage In a suburban town, and, tercst from beginning to end and Is full of " tB "without the Law." fifth week. now that he wns going away, the outlook . action. It Is also rich In comedy, and tho i for the young married couple is black In- ' ove BceneB between Freckles and Angel aro COLONIAL- deed. The young husband then decides that tender and charming. he, too will go to South America to seek a Resides giving tho play a fine scenic pro- (8AM TAUBBB, MOB.)^ ^ ^ Bi ^ b'ettcr/ob7nnd"wh1;n~ho"'VaFeV'gooci" hc'wlll ductlon ; Mr. Delamater has given lta com- send for the wife. She objects to his going rns'usb.crciT'in' Monday, Dec. 18, 'with a .. L . wncn be learns that she Is about who, as evcryone'fainlilar with the history of jointed dancing ind Miss Thnrber's pleasing and vaudeville . .«.~^i «aii atnr better Job, and when ho "makes good" he will fh« second of what are termea an omr . nd ,„. , he _i f . ghp obleets to his eolna; P fll, y of renl actresses and actors. The role abundance of good stuff that Is visible ^. .._ *k. m . n .»inpr uc . ?JV L .'». 1 . ^-"JJJ of "Freckles" Is played by Milton Nobles Jr., throughout the act, while Madison's loose 'tne *«"•» c~~r. „.„;«■,.«( harp suiiu mr ine mum. one oujeii.i iu uis gi reitlval" weeks b/ *« ^KSf'VS" Litis anrt D « B hlm t0 8tav and fl 8 ht thc ba,tlc ' rat ushered In Monday, Dec. »«. "»"* ■ n Is only when he learns that she is ab. wogram offered that would jSSStmamm. to become a mother that he consents to Favorably with any bill of tho Present season ma , n ladepeudent of Orchestra Leaner 1Jh company that Mr . Frohman gathered leubcrg's two overtures, thero are twelve thcr t0 'p reBcn t ibis play is an excellent Islmess >"d played the strong scenes w th lets of undoubted flne calibre and varied ex- ™£ Olive Wvndham played the role of tho power and authority. Throughout the play tellence.. . ... M . nt young nnd loyal wife wk& much charm, and »• "SG^C.nSK 18 ^ l t0 J& e l "IJ tl g £ thc net with a duet song, 'Before tho Lights Were Lit," with Mrs. Fisher accompanying on the piano of the renamed "Limit* hotel. Good all the wny. Loona Thurber and Harry Madison were f:lven a nice welcome and won fresh laurels mmmm , , , . ,^, uu> , „„,„ .«»..,— »— n "On a Shopping Tour," during which Confcssltn" Is this week's bill by the stock. Hnrry lakes the part of n saleslady, and Miss Miner's Bronx (E. D. Miner, mgr.) — Thurber the costumcr. They work up tho For this week, Bohemian*. Queens of the visible Folle* Bergere follow. Trcmont (Jako Wells, mgr.) —Pictures the theatre in America knows, comes of a distinguished theatrical family. Fie gave the role thc proper touch ot boy The other play- tho (are ta»w J t¥c g "afue°oTquick action"in"th'eir work', »nd tho applause came In plenty, Zelda Stars, and her talented little com- »any, held the headline position, and easily g* rcpea'.3d their former success here, la Edgar others in the cast that pleased were dear Alian Woolt's sketch of life behind the sceneB, ol( j Mrg - entitled -The Wardrobe Woman." In the < title character. Miss Seara does really the best work of her stage career. The lines and situations are broadly Improbable, but one forgets this hi the enjoyment of the little Two performers, who seem to have a pri- ority claim upon popularity with the patrons lere are Eddie Leonard and Mable liussell, la their artistic singing and dancing spe- cialty. They each received a particularly itroug welcome, and their act never went letter. There was some surprise manifested when Mr. Leonard appeared in white face, but he scored Just as strongly as ho ever did In "tork." Pat Roonoy and Marlon Bent, In their de voice nnd good looks, make them a regular entertaining couple. Versatile Olgn Petrova then came unto us, nnd with the tantalizing business she used singing "Oh, You Rcnutlfnl Doll," In comedy and tragedy, was delightful. Nuf She Imitated a cat and a parrot during song, and both were amusingly good, bit of trnglc acting under the spot- showed her to be gifted with some of And Madame Olga of voices. Igbest so- that many Wc were very sorry that the "business" of must hnvo wished they had also sent a bou- Whlffen who sane .hymn 'n charm- the play compels Robert A. Wessel to die so qiiet ns gorgeous as the one she received nt Tcnc , r mg f t) '.. .•Bobe'rt Fisher, (Miss) Desmond early In net two, for ho is one of the best tnecUw of h« last number. „,.,,„„, this week, opening Monday night, Dee. 18; to „U TSKZa C W other nlav- heavy men we have- seen on the local Btngo .. James Thornton ambled to tho middle of „ w „ii „if, d ho ing style. Kelley and Clifford Bruce cis had very little to do. Thc Criterion will be dark this week, re Riverside (Herman Goldman, mgr.) — Vaudeville and pictures, Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.) — Vaudovllto and pictures. Washing-ton (Harry Thorns, mgr.) — Vaudevlllo and pictures, Lafayette (B. Ncrbur, mgr.)—Bill for 10-18 Included: Roland Trnvers, Dclaphonc, Joslo and Willie Barrows, Juliet Wood. Queen City Four, and Wilton and Merrick. Bill for Ill-ill : Rnmsay Sisters, Woods Comedy Four, Fitzgerald ana O'Dcll, and tho Lucadoes. Gotham (Lep. Boloman, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Brooklyn, N. Y. — Broadway (Leo C. "A Scrape o' the Pen" Is here heavy in stage and many years of theatregolng. Ruth Gray, ns "Angel , T ' was pretty, mffihi ■^'"^m" riiiTntman "fvp 'wrth*'" Robert played her role, a very long one. by tho way. so, r^ro&^ssr' B stan'L^ss jfofar* and PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. (OnS MCCUNB, MANAOElt.) Much of the comedy of the piece was en- trusted to Frank Battln, as Duncan, and May Tyrell, as Mrs. Duncan, who played the the stage tut wa9 unable to speak for several mlnu'.os owing to the prolonged sppUunc. He mado known how be appreciated the recep- tion, and then eased over a real Jim Thorn- ton monologue that held his audience in roars of laughter for about fifteen minutes. He sure can boast of being a favorite. Ella Bradna and Fred Derrick closed the a well filled house. Charles Cherry, In "The Passers-by," follows. Montauk (Edward Trail, mgr.)—This the- atre Is dark this week. The attraction for Christmas week Is Frances Starr, in' "The Cbbo of Becky." Majestic (John B, Pierce, mgr.)—House Is dark this week. For Christmas week, "Ready Money." "The Merry Countess" for A well balanced nrogram. composed of sit roles of an elderly and kind Scotch couple, bill, nnd that they also were not forgotten wec |£ of 30. HreTy new acts «f tour olJ standards, who gave Freckles a home, in excellent man- waa evidenced by the applause their stunts w OBiIiI) 8 (r)0U , g Barr „,,,,) _ ,s Presented Monday matinee,,, and met ncr. __ __ ^^ $J U t J^& i £3™£* a lA% 'ffiSS Opera Ilouse Stock entirely was pr— with instant approval by an audience that was most liberal In applause. millionaire, gave a fine performance, The "following" all were seen In new per- the other parts were In capable bands. rmnnces, nnd are reviewed In our New Acta I»ew Yorkers have heard for a long time Win. F. Canfleld, as the generous hearted drew forth. They grow morn skillful dally. and taithl" romediettar^'Arthe^ewB'stand/' Snmn^l^"Dato«rt7 , Sitr»5"tl^wSw thn(; ; FrVc'kies'' was"pnc of the best shows of b which there Is a plenitude of sparkling Garden, making her flrat appearance In ' tomedy nnd bright songs and Booney's expert vaudeville; Mike Bernard and Maurice Burk- anclng, was enjoyed as well as any act of hardt. In ragtime and classics. Hufford and the big bill. Chains, In a sketch, "Tho Colored Parson Were is nothing new that can bo written and tho Minstrel Mnn;" W.Iliam Burr and regarding the perfect pantomime work of Daphne Hope, In a sketch, called "A Lady, Joe JackBon In his struggles with thc dllapl- a Lover nnd a Lamp;" thc I'lve Mnrtells, In Hated bicycle. He had the audienco simply a cycling novelty, nnd La Crandnll, on tho tolling off their seats, but even this state- bounding wire. Among the regulars Bert lent has appeared before in print, so what's Levy presented his novel cffcrlng, and aa '°e use. usual walked off with one of thc biggest hits Linden Beekwlth, the talented vocalist and It seems, and tbe charm of MIsb Rradna Is pleasing to witness as the nrt both her and Mr. Derrick arc leaders In. Tod. Its kind on tho road. Now that New York has seen It. Hie big town Is not disappointed. Thc attraction Christmas week nt tho Grand Opera House is "Rebecca of Sunny- brook Farm," with Edith Taliaferro In tho leading role. Kclcey. HAMMEHSTEIN'S. (WM. IIAMMEnSTEIN, HOB.) A large audience was present at tho Mon- day mntlnco to watch Lillian Lorraine and Chlng Ling Foo run neck and ncck for first place. LukenB and Loretta opened tho show with an acrobatic act that makes an excellent opener. Clad in red tights and Jersey, this of the hill. Llda McMillan, William Lamp nnd com- intertalner, ailed an important program po- rtion with her accustomed grace nnd finish. iae word "QnlBh" Is particularly appropriate Jo the stage efforts of Miss Beekwlth. She a a finished arMsfe. Conroy and Le Malro have a funny line of jross-flro talk in their skit, "The New Phy- . .!fi5 D i.. Thl! »W of contrast Is a big asset surprises of the program. Their act Is one lita these two comedians. Physically they of the biggest musical novelties ever seen In jre direct opposltes, and their methods In vaudeville, nnd nt the Monday matinee here Jiaiogue arc as equally pronounced, and this whs a big hit. The organ solo was the tea- LINCOLN SQUAWS. (C1IAS. FBliaUSOK, MOB.) The Incoming now shows of Mondays and young man nnd woman do Just enough Thursdays here never fall to attract ca- trapezo work to be Interesting, and close with paclty audiences. Early on Monday night, a mild thriller lhat gets them a good bond, t l'ec. 10. all seats were occupied, and thero , Eddie Badger appeared second: (See Iscw pany wns seen in that humorous ore act »■ <£■ •. . „.„_,,„„_ l.2 ot t i lc orches- Acts.) farce, called "The Late Mr. Allen," and ffig^%^Ujrt^w1th«si%aB^ "The Galnsboro Girl." Mario Lccea Brack- created roars of laughter during its whole ««J?% 8 0 BnwhTin«^«55 comfortable mnn, as presented by Harry Von Tllzcr, sang chairs while witnessing tho new show. several ballads in good voice. Tho scenic The show was a flno one. and headline effects are pretty and the number well ren. honors easily belonged to Victor's Musical Melange. M. Victor waved his baton over the twenty members of his baud while they discoursed several operatic numbers and pa- triotic airs. The act opened with nn ex presentation. William Weston and company. In their mu- Bicnl skit, "The Attorneys, was one of thc tei;J tii» «*« us HV aly Pronounced, anti wis was a big «... -„--- - Wnnt nn . triotic airs, ta aci uyiu™ »., u »u «- letters success as sure laugh- ture, ^nd of course, met with lnstnnt ap- ^ r|(jr ylcw Q( ft ,,„,,„,!,. and (i ur ing the toll- dcred. John T. Kelly cang a couple of sougs, told some stories, and gave an Imitation of a bandleader In regular Kelly style. Grace Tyson and Arthur McWattcrs. In ,, tug,./ *UV W.II.IU Co. presents "Wouiuu Against Woman" this week. Next week, "Thc Cow-Punchers." Cbkscbnt (Low Purker, mgr.)—The Cres- cent l'layera present, for the first time In stock, "The New Sin," this week. "Green Stockings" week of 23. Grbenpoint (Frederick Whltbeck, mgr.l— The Grccnpolnt Stock Co. presents "Thc Ro- sary" this week. Next week, "Mary Jane's Ootiiam (Paulino H. Roylc, mgr.)—Tbe Gotham Stock Co presents "The Avalanche" this week. For Christinas week, "Mrs. Wlggs of thc Cabbage Patch." Oiipiikum (Frank Kllholz, mgr.)—Bill for week of 10: Mooro nnd Llttlollcld, Lillian Hhuw and company, Elliott Suvouas, Fred Duprcz, Blanche Sloan, Dlgby Bell and com- pany, Htnythe and Hnrtmun, Alpine Troupe, nnd Kathleen Clifford. Bpsicwick (Benedict Blatt, mgr.)—BUI for week of 10: Florcnco Roberts nnd com- pany, Madden and Fltzpntr'ck, Arthur Dea- gon, Buckley's animals, Madge Mnltland, Sully Family, Alfredo, Llna l'nntzer, nnd the Avon Comedy Four. Gayhtk (Louis Krclg, mgr.)—Columbia Burlesauers week of 10, College Girls week proval ,-.?" 8 Edwards' latest stage production, "Kid A welcome such as is seldom extended any- !!J¥ V jj" 0 r .y ^barct,'. employing over twenty male and one here was given to Hnrry Fox and tho gr- "m-T. Ing of thc vesper bells n young woman snng " In the shadow of the convent doors, very '_ effectively. This was followed guitars fnmiTi ^ vu4i,iw/*iig over cweuiy wuie anu one ncre was giveu w "wj • «•- -■-- --| m»n;u you 5 Bator8 - ""bo congregate In a swell Millershlp Sisters, who sang and danced unci troubadour number, with mandolins nnd "« cloning with "Hypnotic Rag." HJrS at , a dinner, while tho owners aro told funny stories with much success Hold- J fl {h )n plras1nK Tho fast stuff put over by Wynne, of bill ' rn IQi one of the We m * ot tUc Rntlro ln e th0 star P osltlon ' tht 'y took about ° d0 vocal wlo? Tbe finish by thc band hrougbt ' The piece is finely Btaged, and the hows. sural) r B put 0Tcr Bomc cxce,lent 80n S "1012 Review," made the first real hit of of 2.1. the day, making many changeo and giving Stab (Frank Clerk, mgr.)—Roble'B Knlck- mnny impersonatlous rangUig from a serious crbockcrs Ihls week, Sam Howe's Burlcsquerr recitation, n burlcsquo on '"The Lily," to a wee* of 23. .,_..., KHi'iBB (10. J. Bulkloy, mgr.)—Tho Jardln de Paris Girls this week, the Bohemians week Of 28. thc act to a Btlrrlng finish, with the audience cheering, and the curtain was raised and lowered a dozen times. Dorothy I)e Schelle, with a very capable ro& ^™- >«"*>«» « POMlble. mo 4 e ™™ ™ EA ™f' m»i« i ' ", nd even Prettier than ever, almost («en leo mob.) young "actor'as her opposite, and an nctrcsa tmr^A, b "? j0 "'f 1 *'" nnd btoa &t bcr well For the first three toj *£%&£&* wlo was true to life as the typical bonrdlnc- \i^rT d , n "l ),ause •«* " very pleasing number, program of the usual standard of this house ™»i Lm llady, held thc sketch position of i«SS2T& ? el,y a" 3 Irene Lucy kept tho was seen, nnd the attendance which was nil. The woes of the disengaged *•■=>'• <«». m- »«"•■■ vw-a ^Jl%>»» -"SSI their twenty ,„rge «t«ded j ewr ? _act a good recepUo^^ »| ^^Qd M«|.f*ST^ ^k^U^VoTanl htoOtaM. company vaudeville contlnuestobighouse's:- Tlie pre Wynne and Russon, was well liked. Lillian Lorraine made her vaudeville debut a most successful one. (See New Acts.) Bert Leslie', In a vehicle entitled "Hojan, the Painter," put over several new and classy and an Yc'frcss bits of American slang. Herman Tlmberg' woe among tho best liked on the bill, lie pleased with his Yid- UnlshcU nlnnt.. ,,V ._ numor aurmg their twenry ,„ l]il= , :Alvl .uw »..., _—- „ - „„.-„,„_,.,, o na nunruvvrnfucu uuum i™«t« « v.»... ~;r »t ?'?"'<;,?W. "The Piano Movers and the Kennedy and Kramer, u man and woman °™ »'»{, , n „. c lian(lB ot M , 8g Do Schelle Chlng Llni o! 585 „{. ho P ,ece hns 'he distinct merit in black face, offered a dancing "nosing g £ fl , ' , BUpl , 0 it. There was a vein of offer a great th, » elai, "ty. ^fl tho two comedians get epeclaltv. Both »*» ennshle dancers E ........^ E3S. .^„ *^ .„«e„ri„„ one miiv see ami If.'. v .V 08 ' reau'ts from the funny lines have fairly good itr.. . 0M ta vMcb tho piano figures to one of the hits i " eat .. ei[ tent. The Three Donalds, program. Casino (Chns, Daniels, mgr.)—Ham Hire and his Daffydllls this week, the Follies of tbe Day week of 23. Lycbum (Louis Phillips, mgr.)—The Ly- ceum Stock Co. presents ''Undo Tom's Cabin" this week. Fulton (A. M. Mghton, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and the latest photoplays. SiimiKiiT (William Hlicehy, mgr.)—Loew's udevlllc continues to big hou No matter how often S rnn > '?,. cl,on <f?'J twice weekly. Dn Kalii i Mu I. Ackerman, mgr.)—Bill 'physl- stunts, made a call? n L°e Ur . Atn,etas . Programmed as "pi. the left fcct m? croba ts. tolfil their billing to tired in white .-»— -~~ ■---.-.-■■ -.„-„,„,, OMri 7l, , T ^.° Mondar *"dlence liked their which are difficult ones, were all JgW™** PljiiSLi rolmUc stunts, and they were np- with ease and grace. Their performance h no , on , „„„ c i'auaetl accordingly. would he a feature on any program. violin lucomiiunlment. Trio „°i n '"to hour when tho Bird Millmna Madell and Corbley, musical nrtlsts. arc a |on9 of mllsll . a | lnstr Trio, come SPS^SS? 1 M P cr ts on tho light wire, man and woman who have a '«/»»v e lo&r. bill BLfe to e closing position of the long ing, and were big encore winners at the Mon- blll. rubo" role, but tho honors fell lo the woman, charmingly, to her own '. but gave clever Imlta- .. instruments. Annie Lehr, who is possessed of a pretty Dill w*i i v . "voma pusiiiun oi lue iohr ing, aim i,«p w, wjp. _„■.■„ !■ ■!■■ nice, uui, ,v,ioou i fan hfZSfcS. Wronger & praise of this act dny evening show. The young woman, Is very f 50 fa) ly In to M,. wl . d thnn that they held the audienco versatile, appearing In several different clmr- mtry Le a n dci "• tin; close of their last trick. Old Timer. acters during their specialty. face, but whose vocal powers are weak, sang contortion act. In their piano playing and singing act. Thc diving seal and the Three Trnvllla Brothers opened their third week at the Vic* torla. Tbe Great Mnrvllle closed tho show with a well. (Seo New Acts.) Doo. Grace De Mar, a handsome _and_ shnpely . ndcr rode all B orts of wheels, Went End (J. K. Cookson, mgr.)—The .A 0 "i",...'; hls carrying of a young woman while riding attraction this week hs the Royal Italian £,„,, av others. Buou (Geo. Schenck, mgr.)—Loew's vaude- ville, changed twice weekly. Oxroiio (Cyrus Gale, mgr.)—Photoplays and vaudeville. Liubbtx (Kdw. StraiiBS, mgr.)—The latest pictures and vaudeville. Jones' (M. T, Jones, mgr,)—Vaudeville Sl^Wt «S£SS&ca'!ed°X «&SS? J^d?%TC a T"i7r.^ a r?tne^i»M. d a?ta.ned fa,., good .lni„7. „''■ >B Hark. Rnhnrt Illlllnr,! In Tim BUCCeBS. . , . .„„,.„ i»n a single' wKeel being very meritorious. His stop-cllmblng on the single wheel was clever. Uoncv Johnson told stories and sang songs in black Mce character very entertainingly. His stories were away from thc usual ma- terial adopted by monologlsts, and his ren- dition of nn eld tlmo negro song was a musical treat. The Illustrated song number was entitled "Kentucky Days." Olrt Timer. Opera Co., In repertoire. Tho company tnencu on Tuesday night, Dec. 17, with "Alda;" Wednesday matinee, "Rlgoletto;" Wednesday evening, "Trovntorc;" Thursday evening, "Travlnta;" Friday evening, "La Forza del Destlno:" Saturday mutlnee, "Trovntorc," and Saturday evening, "Lucia Bljon. — Motion pictures of Paul J, Ralncy's African h week at this house Circle.—Vaudevlllo and pictures. •Welter's—Beverly B. Dobbs' AIaska-81- -IMiotoplayfl, Jack. te;* wlU ho1 ^ a «Pcclaily invited 1 s ' ». of RaaUtty Packettu Bouse. TWa house Is dark. Garrlck (Charlca Frohman, mgr.)—House will he dark until 21, when 77ie Conspiracy hcrian motion pictures began the third week The cast will Include John at this house Dec. 10. ?SgpS?»«ffi «Kfc£^ Itomnlne,' Jane Groy, Ann Leonard, Helena Rapport and Julln Blanr. ■■^afSiSnfSSS ^:»: 0 ^7^^=-^ -*■>- j^^^ a ^*' n * Fourtrenth Street (J. Wesley Rosen- quest, mgr.)—Vaudevlllo and moving pic- tures. I'nlfiae (13. L. Weill, mgr,)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Fifth Avsjnub (M. H. Saxe, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures nnd vaudevlllo. Hotai, (Marcus Locw, mgr.)- clisngcd daily. Follx (Wm. Fox, mgr.) — Pictures and vaudeville. Comedy (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Columbia (A Bichel, mgr.)—Six voude- ■Phoio- ploys i>nd vaudeville. Lindiin (A. H. Schwartz, mgr.)—Fhoto- plnys and vaudeville, Hai.hby (M. H. Saxe, mgr.)—At this new house thc Hackett Morgan Stock Co. arc pro- ducing miniature musical comedies, together with vaudeville and the latest photoplays. (Continued on pope 9.) lint hum, thn thlrfimtiHl tOtUHUli A. OlCJJei, lUHr,; nit rVi„ in 8 ^ thirteenth T|| | e aets on(1 motlon pictures. Hi„ c ' n iSnietnr«. .OtYMPic (Herman Wacke, mgr.)—: