The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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J™?E¥ YORE CLIPPER. It YOUNG BUFFALO ««d COL. CUMMINS W.i-D WEST WANTED! BOTH WESTERN and EASTERN FEATURES COWBOYS AND GIRLS, NOVELTY ACTS Suitable for Arena and Side Ho matter what you have, don't be backward about offering or making suggestions. VERNON C. SEAVER, President and General Manager, 69 WEST MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL, CIRCUS NEWS WILL VISIT THE BIO CANAL. Fred Reokman and Edward Arlington will visit the Panama Canal, sailing about Jan. 4. DETROIT "HIP" PROSPERS. (Special to THB Clii'PEB.) Dhthoit Mien., Dec. 7. While ire are lamenting the paucity of new amusements, It remains a (act that the old time form of entertainment can come back. Substantia! proof of this fact Is exemplified lij o vliTT to the Hippodrome. In this city. Occupying three floors of the large six itory building at 225-27-20 Woodward Ave- story cue, and ding at 225-27-20 woouwara Ave- wlth Harry P. Williamson at the Mm, thli enterprise Is making good In every genie of the word, and a description of the character of the entertainment given may be of help to a chance reader. The Arst floor Is a Pompellan Theatre de- voted to moving pictures and popular songs; tii*- second floor Is known as the Colonnade Curio Hall, where the old museum. Idea Is vorkcd out In a refined and up-to-date man- ner, while the third floor Is a mammoth menagerie. On exhibition In the curio hall ire: Joe Cramer, of elastic skin famo; noby Ktta, the happy fat girl: Baron Du Harry, midget: Baroness Sldonla, bearded lady; Josephine Lambert and her, den of snakes, South Sen Island Joe and his wife, Beno; I'uncb, Illusions, laughing mirrors, a num- ber of legitimate concessions, and the world famed Kumar Twills. The admission to all three floors Is ten cents, and this low price, combined with, the character of the perform- ance and the genteel deportment of all em- ployees, dally draw* thousands upon thous- ands of weary shoppers from the streets for in hour's recreation. The Hippodrome Co. Is Incorporated with a capital stock of 1110,000. A. Arthur Callle Is president, and John n. Kunaky Is vice president and treas- urer. COL. HALL IN FINE] FETTLE. Col. Geo. W. Hall ("Popcorn George") tvts a welcome caller at the Western Bureau of Tim i'i.ipprk while In Chicago last week, Ming after the sale of some anlmnls and snow property, and Incidentally conferring with his publishers, who will print the story of his life. This autobiography of America's oldest living showman should prove Intensely Interesting. The colonel Intends to "tell It IB IS his book and his experiences In the tent show business cover a period of sixty wars of activity. In spite of his seventy-six years, "Popcorn George" Is hale and hearty. l CIRCUS ill in FRATERNIZE. In n box at Talbot's Hippodrome, St. Man, on Monday evening of last week, waB Bin" M , rt;rai *en, manager of Baruum & "alley show; Jerry Mugtvan, manager Howes London Shows; Frank A. Ilobbins, iSSSP* Vtuik A. Bobbins' Shows; Chan. J'URiyan, manager Sanger Shows; Rhoda xJt.' mBTin 8or Rhoda Royal Shows; John * n 'e. equestrian director Rlngllng. Shows. m.. w !i re enthusiastic In their prnlse of the SSK!"S c P t . P'ayl'ouso, the splendid bill and wonderful business. *■ i PltED GOLL.UAH IN CHICAGO. t*EB& Oolln >ar la making his temporary andT"!'' 0 ™ nt tho Wellington. In Chlcugo, Tin. r?. r " B * ?"» «* the Western Bureau of tii* <sS 1B " ln " t wxek stated that work on 'M Oolltnai 'Bros/ equipment, In Boroboo, imDrS«S!» s ? ,n(f ""tUfnctorlly, and that mnny for°n*lf Blent8 nwl additions were being made •or next sea son, which will open l ate In April. NOTES FROM PUUILLONEB' SHOW. real'' «i"i Crl . c ?. n Kentucky-bred horses, "Dcmo- Sllia «!n .J 1 ? ul R er i" arc making big hits. Jiibs I) (n , ett Is their tralnor. MHTiW^lr'E*' c,rcU8 wl » 800n tuko tho It Is iii,„iI4S t iV» 8 » nu Snntlngo provinces. to the S t at es ? *"' brInK a **"™ C,rCU * tliel? 0 ii < » < ii ne 5* known showmen who mado wor t r n ^ or, . ori ,n st - LoulB M "«*• than. i7 5? URlvan j of Howe's Great London A nl\3 *5P* Talbott, of Denver; Frank It Ln,, n8 ' "hose circus.Is Wintering In East nuro * i» .I 1 " 1 S" n MeCmckcn, of tho Bar- York tn 3ffl" Sq0 *. on fl's way from Now Bii» v nn "* 8 Clt y. mMtirr. fSSfSBll* touring Florida, and l»Mehlf!? * r S«t»ng success. Tho weather out K? u?l nna balm y- The show through- date in . a .. mo,, t prosperous tour, up to «ocnlov„2 f the 'oiks back with the show •enjoyingexcellent health. AT THE CIRCUS. Jack Oliver Moore highly prizes this clip- ping: "A Secret of a Clever Bit of Decent Ion," " 'A Girl Who Is Not a Girl.' Accidental discovery made by a Cleaner reporter, King- ston, Jamaica. "Old you ever hear of a girl named Jack Moore Carroll? Well, hardly 1 Nearly all Klngstonlans who have visited Sblpp's Circus during their engujremont here, have applauded and nodded their approval of the three pretty young girls (?) of the Nettle Carroll T.-lo. These clever wire performers have excited the admiration of all, but by a few close ob- servers one of the young ladles has been under suspicion. The secret leaked out In reality lost night at the hotel where the com- pany Is stopping, and where a reporter of The OlcriHcr bad been nsked by the circus management to attend a little 'luncheon,' after the show. " 'I can pick out two of the Carrolls,' said the reporter to Mr. Shlpp, 'but where Is the third? The circus man grinned and pointed to a big, husky young man of about twenty- three, seated nt the end of tho table, talking ln a deep voice, smoking a big clgnr, and In- cidentally getting on the outsldo of a cold drink. " 'You don't mean that he Is the girl ?' " 'Exactly,' said the circus man, and then he called Jack Moore over, and Introduction followed. "Jack Is Just like any other human being off th* stage, and not the least hit feminine. Ills taring the part of a girl Is strictly a matter of business, and Is easily explained. The people like to see girls best, und the mnnuRers will pay more salaTy for a big net composed entirely of girls. And as men can undertake more hazardous tricks than women. At any rate, Jack's make-up as a girl has done his part In deceiving nearly ail Kings- ton, and to-night's big audience will look upon hlra with all tbo more approval of his clever work and nukc-up, nnd we hope lo see them back In Kingston again." CARLISLE'S WILD WEST COMPANY. Cowboya, cowgirls, bucking horse riders, whip and lasso experts, rope spinners and fancy trick riders aro now playing a success- ful engagement nt tho New York Hippodrome, New York City, that began on Aug. 81. Car- lisle's Troupe, which la considered to be one of the host Wild West attractions ever pre- sented In Now York City. Is now In ltB six- toenth week, nnd appears In the scene of Arizona, In "Under .Many Ungs.' At tlio finish of the Wild West sports and pastimes there is a terrific cyclone, stampede and prairie fire, which closes the scene. Tho quadrille on horseback Is exciting. The cow- boys and girls glvo an excellent display or handling the Western broncho horses In this dance going at n fast rate. This net .still retains Its "popularity, and Is warmly ap- plauded at every performance. BUCKSKIN BEN NOTES. Frank S. Reed, manager of Buckskin Ren's Famous Shows, writes: "After playing seven- teen States and one foreign country, we dosed the twenty-sixth season for Ben's show at Jacksonville, Fla, on Dee- 2nd shinned the outfit to Cnmbrldgc City. I id.. nWlntl? quarters. Considertag cvery.bInK. It has been a very good season. We !»« contracted to play n number of the same fairs over again for r.ext year. nnd. while It Is a little enrlv to outline tho show for next season we will have some surprises for Ho air and carnival managers when (he opening time comes. After a few days nround Win- er nun iters I Jumped to EvanBy e,, to go out ?n advance of "Billy, the Kid" Co. for the WlX season. If nothing happens I will snta take tho management of Ben s shows next season, nnd he folns roc In wish- ng all of our friends (nnd enomics,jhrt O very Merry Christmas nnd n Happy .>cw Year." I>UBILLONES» ATTRACTIONS. *? ^«,wT C B errfn°Matt « & f ;:\lso''the Three Lang = a.shoot. B«"?W?>M" ISr«B§5 of Paris," with twenty people, wil foi ow bSjwtS ssS W S3 new aiSctlons to Havana every week. .._., THB WORLD'S GREATEST TENT MA ^ B "f.._ IJfc m ** UNITED STATES TENT AND AWN I KG CO. SIDE SHOW AND I , 1Blt)lSBrX£St& CARIHVAL BANNERS I "^^jfesfflSF 6 ^ SEND FOR OTJal CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LISTS) OUT OF TOWN HEWS Pittsburgh, Pa. — Nixon (Tboa. I\ Kirk Jr., uigr.)—Chrlsllo MacDonnld, I flu- Hprliii; .Maid," with a strong supporting cast, Dec. lit- 21. "The Pink Lady" 23-28. Business la very good. Alvis (John II. Reynolds, ragr.)—Guy Bates Post and a large compuiiy, In "The Hint of Para- dise," 10-21. ttotbern mid Marlowe, In Shake- H|X'arean repertoire. 2.'ll>8. Business capacity. Du)VB8NB (Dennis Harris, mgr.)—Hurry Dn- ris Stock Co. will present "Bast I.nine," wltb Mary Hall as Lady Isabel, week of til. "Little Lord lYuntleroy" 23-28. Business Is to capacity. Lycbum (OlIfT Wilson, mgr.)—Beuluh l'oynter will present "A Kentucky ltoimiuoe" ami "Lena Hlvers," 10.21. Ward nnd Vokes, In "A Run on the Bunk," 23-28. Business Is very good. On and (John P, Harris, mgr.)—Bill week of 10: Winter McCny, Providence Players, Aile- Inlde Norwood, Musical Ilerreus, Thomas ami lfnle, Miller and Muck, Two Jonleys. Nellie Car- roll 'I'rlo, Klnemacolor. Dnslness capaeity. Ralnli Ileniley. formerly n impnliir plnyer, r,*11li the Jlnvls Players, Is with the Providence "layers. lUiiiiis (John P. Hill, mix) -■ Hill week of 1A: Thus' lleheiuliiim, Dlek Thonipson and toiopiny, Sadie Mi-I > lil anil rompany, Dlek and Maud i.iIUt, Price and Price, Dyer nnd Fay, Karl Grees, nnd May Slynng. nuslness rapacity. Kiiwyon. —Knoch, Junle McCree unit company. Carney and Stumpe, Till Wliltney, Chesler Wil- son and company, Ibe Torleys, and moving pic- tures. niiHlnesn good. iliir/r: (Henry Kurtiman, mgr.)—Dave Mar- lon's Ilurle>:i|uera 18-21. Cracker Jacks 2:|.2S. llmlm-m. capacity. NOTSS. Tun Tale Dramatic Association will give a iHTformnnec. 'M, at the Nlxun. '1'im New Kenyan Opera House will open Mon- day. 23, playing contlnnoua vaudeville. OiinisTtiAS week at local theatres shows rood talking* for tlientrvgaers, and the usual capacity business Is expected. Scrnnlon, I'n. — Lyceum (T. M. Glblnns, mgr.) Paul J. Ralney African bunt pleturea week of Dec. 1<I, matinee dally. Pom (John II Docking, mgr.)—Pill for week of HI. Six Klrksimth Slaters, Ulllle Halt and cnnpniy. Itedford and Wlncliester, Sweeney and llminev, Bigelow, Cumphell and Itmiyii. Ollle YouiM anil April, nnd Cooper and Robinson, llual- ncmi erntlnucs Que. Oolvmwa (O. Nelson TmIs, mgr.)—The Dandy Glrla 111-18. The Oriental Uurlesquers 10-21. ItiiHlness Is big. Aoaiibmv (A. n. Wlnstrorn, mgr.)—New photo- plays and special feature. Hu'i'ni,i;(iMi-:, Manhattan, nunu Diiiiau, On- 1'11191/M-WONllBIIH, WllNtUtllLANIl AND VlCITuniA. Sll retiort gowl returns, presentlug moving pictures. Norn. — "Country Store" nlglit. which Mr. Teets has Ji.uutturateil at the Columbia Tbenlro tor Tuesday evenings, has proved a great success. AKnonn, Pn.—Mlshler (I. 0. Mlshler, mgr.) Klnomucolor motion pictures of "The Durbar." Dee. 10 and week, except Thursday, 10, wln-n Dnnl>>'3 Daughters Ilurlcsquers Company apperr. "Madame X" 26, Girls from Joyland 20, "Dunty Pulls the Strings" 28. (Artbnr E. Denman, mgr.)—Dill for ld-18 Included: Carl Stantier and company, Ollroy and Corlell, Johnston and Wentwortk, and Sully and I.nnon. For 10-21: James Kennedy and com- pany. Morris and Beasley, Lew Hoffman, Ronialo nitil, and moving pleturea. Iliiirulo, N. Y.—Star (P. 0. Cornell, mgr.) "Stop Thief" Dec. 10 and week, Elale Ferguson, ln "Primrose," Christmas week, beginning 23. Tki'k fMessri. Shubert, ingrs.) — Paul J. ltalney's African hunt pictures week of 10, "The Passliu Show of 11)12" follows. Kbuwoon Musio Hail (H. L. Meech, mgr.)— iluldo Circus (local), with Mildred Potter. 10. Majbstio (J. Lsugblln, mgr.)—Dave Lewla, In "Don't Lie to Your Wife," 10 and week; lieulah l'oynter, In "A Kentucky Romance" and "f/Ctin Rivers," week of 23. Skka a (M. Shea, mgr.) —Kill for 10 and week: Henry U. Dlxey, Kelly and Pollock, "Gypsy Uueen," Morgan, Bailey and Morgan, Walter Sa.vton Trio, Jed and Kthel Dooley, and Cortes anil Florence, and the Boganuy Troupe. Oardhn (M. T. Mlddleton, mgr. I —Watson's Girls from llappyland week of 10. The Merry Whirl M'eek of 23. Lafaybiti: (O. M. Bagg, mgr.)—Glrla from Missouri with Eva Mull, week of 10, .Miner's Americans week of 23. Elmlra. N. Y. — Colonial (M, D. Qlbaon, mgr.) Russian Hympuony Orchestra Dec. 17, "The Trail of Mic Lonesome I'lne" 18, Mrs. General Tom Thumb 10-21, "The Rose Maid" Ctirlatmaa Day. I.yvcvk (I^e Norton, mgr.)—The Qarrlck Play- ers present "Her Great Match" 10 and week. Mozaiit (Geo. K. Dunlmr, mgr.)— Hill for week of HI: John and Mas Uurfce, Frank Palmer, Bar- clay ami Clay, Musical Marks, Jim Ten Bruoko Trio. W. II. 1'attuil and company. Majestic (M. I). Gibson, mgr.)—Bill for week of HI: The Ilavelncks. Graham and Randall, Car- rie Llllle, nnd Vane Dniru and company. Family (G. Holdcn, mgr.)—Attraction for week of HI Is "The Return of Jeffries." KnTK.—Arthur Bnrckley, who was with the Rurlek Glen coiniiany In this city laat Hummer, will sine the leading tenor role with "The Rose* Maid" nt the Colonial" 28. Syracuse, .V. Y.—Empire (Frederick Onge, i-icr.) Oituucey Olcott. In "Tlie Isle o' Dreams " jiec 10. "Tho Old Homestead" 25, "Mile- stones" 30 Jan. 2. Wiktino (Francis P. Martin, mgr.) — "The .Messiah," 21. under the auspices of the Central No* York statical Festival Association. HAHTAM.n (Hlephtn Baatable, mgr.)—Girls of the (Jay White Way 10-18. Grand Chat. H. Flumner, mgr.)—Bill for FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL E. D. CUMM1NG8, Mansigor WABASH AVENUE" CHIC/AGrO, IXlLlds* XJt S« A» European. Cale and Bulftt Strvlct UntXClllld. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM Official Ileadquarters for The Oamlv/al Msmagers* Association of Amerlest THE HOME OF THE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SHOW GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME Vt7ANTED BIG NOVELTY ACT8, CIRCUS FEATURES AND SPEC- TACULAR 8INCING AND MUSICAL FEATURE8 Address GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME, Ml Uulncy St., ChloagO, HI. week of 10 Includes: Oorrlgan and Vivian. Oeor- gettc, "And They Lived Happy Ever After," Bert Melrose. Romano and Ilrlglln, Trovelln, Faelier Girls, Australian WooiIcIiopiktk. Seyinoiir Urowu, Morion and Gloss, and Ilursley Troupe. Albnuy, N. Y. — Hannanus Bleecker Hall (Edward M. Hurl, mgr.) Grace Ororg>.\ In "Car- nival;" nnd "Excuse Me," were the offerings well patronised during the puat week. Nell K'llrlen'a Minstrel* come Dec. 10. "Kverywoninn" ChrlMt- iniiH attraction, 25-28: "Ready Jloney" 30-Jan. 1. Eui'inu (Jns. II. Rhodes, ragr.)—Star and Gar- ter Show Eec. 1(1-18. College Glrla 10-21. Ameri- can Beauties 2II-26, Rom Uydell'a Lofidon Belles 20-28. „ . Pn.icTta'B (Howard Graham, mgr.)—Vaude- ville, with moving pictures, doing "ell. Majutu: (Erall Deiches, m«r.) — Satisfactory bualncsa, with vaudeville and moving p'cturea. flrnevn, N. Y.—At the Opera House, "Little Mlaa iiroiui" Dec. 17. Vaudeville, matinee and evening, 25. "The Rosary" 27, "The Rose Maid" 28, Keltli'a. vaudorllle Jan. 1. Tsmpi.h (Frank C. Pierce, mgr.)—Pleiurea and high class n.uslral turns between the reels, after- roons and evenings, to large houses. Stas (Daniel liw fsa, mgr.)—Pictures every evening, lo good bouses. Motion M r oai,n (L. M. Wally, mgr.l—Pictures and vaudivllle. to aatlsfactory business, Jumeitowii, N. Y.—Samuels (0. W, Law- ford, mgr.) "The Merry Widow" Dec. 20. Lvaio (H. A. Dcardnurff, mgr.)—BUI for week of 10 Includes: Ester Muslesl Four, Mario's Manikins, (inllngher nnd dray, Marse, and Walter Daniels mill eiimpniiy. Notii. —All the picture houses report good busi- ness. S|,riii|£U>ld, Mass.—Court Square (D. 0. Olliiwc. mgr.) Yale Drnniuilc Cu. Dec. 10. '■Hiinitv Psuky" 25, 20; "The Rod Widow" 28. "The Slnsler of the Ituuso" tnlloWH, Pom's (Gordon \\ Tighter, mgr.)—Bill week of HI: Lssky's "The Earl and the Qlrls," llnvlland and Thornton, Wilson Bros., Adylyno Ixiwe and compiiny, Haydn, Diniluir ami Haydn, the Itanu- ■lells, Wilbur Sweutmaii, and tbe elecirograpU. Business i nullum'* big. Cir.Monii (p. p. Shea, mgr.)—College Girls 1(1-18, Roao Hydell's London Gayety Girls 211- 25. Pujia (Ooldateln Bros., ingrs.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. -Nw,son (Koi Amusement Co., mgrs.)—Vimde- vlllo and pleturea, Abiibcl. Bijou, EmsoNtA, Giianii, Gloiid, GAinr, Novslty, Miaaoa, Palaod, Suswat, mov- ing (ilcturo houaea, are nil dosig well, NoTu.i.—II. I. Dllleiihuck, formerly manager of the Nelson Theatre, was culled to Brldgeiiort, Oonn., 11, to take charge of Poll's old houso there, wbleb Is now playing stock Vlre de- stroy'd tbo Old Gem 'jpern House proiwrty nt Wcstneld, 11. The ground floor had been mado over Into a gurage. and the theulre was the homo of tho K. R. Loy Veteran firemen's Asso- ciation The N'l.vnsset Club held open bouse, ii. and Ikvlled their friends, and tbe lien Greet players were r,|ieclally engaged to present "A Comedy of Errors." Von Tllwr's "Honey Girls" mere substituted for "Cheyenne Days," at l'oll'n flu litre, here, week of 0 Leah Wins- low haa been engaged as lending woman of Ilia Nnrthnniplon Players, at Hie Academy of Music, In Northampton, and made hir bow In "The Whltu Sister," J). Fall River. Mass. — Savoy (L. M. Boas, mrr.) tbo Malley-Denlaon Stock Co. prison!* "Beverly of Graustnrk," for w<ek of Hee. 10. Aoadsuv (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill for 10-1* Included: Undine Andrews, Howard and Under, the Snmlos, nnd Vnlrmnn, Furmau and Kulrtnan, For 10-21: Corey ami Rellly, John T. Doyle and mmpany, Joe La Ifleur and dog, and Madeline Sacka. Biyon (M. U. Goodhue, mgr.)—Bill for 10-18 Included: Blstony's Orlextala, Woxlland Pour, Jack Iletgan, Oetavla Neal, and Bosipiall and Powera. ' 30U»Ki REPUTATION »»CI( 01 t»IKI Hal- GOSS' SHOW V CANVAS \>. 7; '.buck TENTS cihc us FLAGS Wiit.r l )rool Covers SIMJ IUH Nf.rfClUlOli H»si)ilbl The J. C. GOSS'CO. "'m',',",'," SALE OF ZEBRA HYBRIDS 0. h. Department of Agrlcultre. Office of the Beo'y, Washington, I). U., Nov. 27, lull Tho Uoliod Hi»tea Bureitu of Animal Industry offori for aalo rour /.ebra-ass hybrids. These animals aro sired by a Grevr Zebra out of female, burros. They uro readily bsndled and some have boon broken to drlvo. Good size und handsome. Prices reasonable. Poll Information will be furnished upon application to Qoorgo M. Hommel. Chief Animal llusuandry Divi- sion, Bureau of Animal Industrv, Washington, l>. 0. JAMKB WILSON, rlecrotiiry. Pauoi (A. H, Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures and lllcrtrnted tonga. Lrsio (Ed. Doherty, mgr.) — Motion pictures and Illustrated tonus. Htab (E. Mlchelfelder, mgr.)—.Motion pleturea and lllustruted songs, Ntoxm.nLiON (Wnltor Bigelow, mgr.)—Motion (ilcturen and Illustrated songa. Scenic. —Motion pictures. gt. Lonls, Mo.—Olympic (Walter Btnford mgr.) tbo Do Koven Opera Co. week of Dec. 23. Cbntubv (W. D. Cave, mgr.)—"The Littlest Rebel," wltb William Fnrnuiu, week of 15, Bhee- linn English Opera Go. week of 28. Hhuusht (Melville Htotli. mgr.)—"Fine Feath- ers" week of 22. Oabmck (Melville Btotls, mgr.)—Primrose a Dockttadcr's Minstrels weeks of 22 and SO. AttuiCAN I Harry Wallace, mgr.)—"Busy Isar" week of 15, Thurston, tbe magician, week of 22, La Hali.1 (Oppeulielmcr Bros,, mgrs.)—"The Llltlo Tenderfoot' 1 IB nnd week. OAvirrr 10. L. Waltera, mgr,)—Ginger Olrls week of 10. Rtaniiahd (I^o Relcbenbacb, mgr.)—Mist New York Jr. week of 15, Iliirlliiutmi, la.—At tho Grand (It. If. Holmes, mgr.) Loul* Mnnu la due Dec. 18. Billy i:T, "Mwectvst Girl III PnrlN," with Trlxlo Filguusu, 27. "The Price" 2U. UAiiaiCK (Geo. Mercer, mgr.)—BUI 10-21 In- cludes: Waterbury Bros., and Mark Bros. Mil- sleul Coineily. PUUU (L. P. Blank, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Kiith (W. II. T((yIor, mgr.)—Motion pictures. thssl rect-lpta. Oouir (P. Vogt, mgr.)—Motion picture*. N.jiiii (Allender & Co., mgrt.)—Motion pic- tures. Lvnio |\V, II. Ewlng, mgr.)—Motion picture*. Oharlealon, ». O.—Academy (Ed. Whiting, mgr.) Adelaide Thurston Dec. 10. VicToniA (Pastime Amusement Co., mgrt.) — Bill for week of 10: Harry M. Morse aad company. E. 1. Applehy, Ribcrt Hall and Hwaln's cockatoos. Majbstiu, Whniiiculano, Liaio, Camvuiir and Uno repvrt good business.