The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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■2iv <&•*• DgeBMBER -ivibls bb9iimb» Busnrai88.c . D V^nnccmcirt -In another section! of A* M ?°oP ii«TcwtMB .sonveys tl,li W« ,h 0 t A P. Daniels-haa resumed W» xM urtnrt of Sllko scenery, arid Has NEW YORE CM^BEJRl arg n << 13 £gm : j&».timmmMi am „u cr , .iSL7- * McK "l»»d .••discovered" Ih, V/tln %t*r22 wns a co * P»Mher ' When Al. W. Martin pat out a "Tom" show. 4S8S. Iff THuTLW. a,lcr , at th * sssssmssss STILL THE GREATEST HIT IN SONG HISTORY and'tbaTfO on "to Florida for a rangemen"ti"~ T'-T"-"* tbe . fune ™' ar- ■JJw'r outing. Cochrane was in tho . Johnny J ; Jonfh la .«,»■. '. ., "".; Ld City tart week and visited the Hippo- Keep your ipile oh&.ob fB&t^fiHTG" 2 on h s way to Oklahoma.. He write, grow and join In wGhln" Mm lurtT™'- h?m SfflalSaa Royal horses are .a. sensation Charlet "Abmstsovo la nl.Sni»» «.„ m- ■- .rick hnrse. and brldl,- ge, t surprise 3 m7Sm£ His ' bfg onV"ft T e ^ e, ^ ne,t Ma80n ' . w, » •>« « revelation ■Ji?!U£SnSS "« aln hfl « Joinedhands .with Co'euel Francis Ferrari. Watch them .Indications are that Al. O Barnes will l S* 2£ »* J * 'J the land of milk and honey- thc Canadian North-vest. . " Bill Rich has secured a number of new at, 5JS" tor the nice * Dore mTmb ■TmlouIs. Koytl'a. trick, horses and bridle, « wonder ridden by Mrs. Royal, and "Tiny S2r Royal's little performing elephant, We neadllners, Bhoda Boyafe aggrega- Ju. i. to appear at the Great Northern ■UsW. in Chicago, foUowtag the St. uSSTmt- engagement. CAPTAIN SORCHO IN VArDEVILLE. I in In receipt of a very interesting letter Motbbh Ca»binoton has rlaccd a number iron Captain Loula Sorcrip, Informing me of her famous Illusions m llew Morrfs" Mu & be will open his Winter vaudeville sea- seum, on «=»«*- ■ * ■- «= inn with his Deep Sea Divers In New Or- Gerat.p S with his De»p leacs. Dec. 22. Saptaln Sorcho enjoyed a „„ prosperous season. I understand, with lie Herbert A, Kline Shows, and. while I tiH no definite Information regarding the tiptala's plans for next season, I would not seum, on State Strjet, in Chle<nro Gtaui-r. Irvin the animal trainer, has w en 1 U8} t freaking a mixed group for the Hagenbeek-Walacc Shows. Thb Wortham k Alls* Shows arrived In •CTSS > & S T c ^y; ". from Galvertoo" terg'therc P n Wlntcr quar - Advices from Leavenworth Indicate that ES"£i»'*L*JEHS?_'« very b».y%uTla' ^iorprlsed If he la with Kline. His exht- Mtijn is a novel one, and a money maker. * Cipfsln Sorcho lias done much during the utt fifteen years to Improve the armor and lag machines and working on show Dronertv Mnlpnoit which Is in general use In deep sea for next season. He will hnve some new at- diving. He has made the matter a " tractions for the public"next' ye*?* "'* KENNEDY &TAVS WITH PARKER. Well, boys, suspense is over. Con T. Kennedy is to continue as general manager of the Great Parker Shows, his twelfth year with the C. W. Parker enter- prises. This announcement will dispel the impression, which has been current in car- nival circles for some time past, that Mr Kennedy, in association with E. C. Talbott' 5?°.'at 0 oe general agent of the Great Parker ShowB next season, contemplated put- ting out a new carnival, which would have meant a contending factor In this field of tented amusement to be reckoned with. Con Kennedy Is without a doubt one of the most popnlar men In the carnival Held, and Is gen- erally recognized as one of the most com- petent. * Charles Bbicb "aviated" Into Chicago from Japan last Sunday,'and Is sojourning- at the Wellington. Medical Item.—As we die this contribu- tion, word reaches us that William Judkias Hewitt la suffering from an attack of "au- thor's cramp." Chris M. Smith Is an Individual in the carnival business we hear very little about, but be really is a power, and will be much discussed some of these days. He has built np the Smlther Greater Shows from a merry- go-round to a ten ear aggregation. Keep your eye on Chris. M. Del Gardner, one time police censor of shows' at Coney Island, and later connected with the Herbert A. Kline and other organi- zations, is in Chicago for an Indefinite period. BIG "STREETS OP CAIRO." Messrs. Delgarlan and Ztnney arc starting work on what will probably he the largest "Streets of 'Cairo" ever put on the road. Some entirely new and novel Ideas In con- struction .are being planned, and the enter- {irise should be a success. The show will nclude elephants, camels, donkeys, horses, and a company of about forty people. « Jack Hampton, please don't close up every- thing in the Pittsburgh district. Walt till Jimmy Simpson gets through with Florida. Habry No yes has been vis! tine In the country, and Is rapidly recovering from bis recent attack of ptomaine poisoning. Harry will shortly go to the Patterson Winter quar- ters, at Paola, and help frame up the anowr for next season. SHIELDS IN GAUTEMALA. Jack . Shields, of 'Lunette" fame, writes from Zacapa, Geutemala, that he has a show llletlm. fhilT, sad has Invented and patented mnny ot the devices In general use, and gives his audience a good idea of how ships.look while dating, and of the methods uaed In raising Ihem. - •■ • * Sum In Chicago: Chick Bell, Al. Oilfant, Dick Plnckney, Jerry Clayton, Andy Nolan, Dab Jennings, Chicago Ikey Gaul John Pep- per, J, Henry Rice. Jamei JJwyer. BUI Forbes, Co). George W. Hall, Doc Miller, Charles Bell and V, C. Cooper. HxtitRT A. Kline left Chicago Dec. 10, to ipend the holidays at his home, Flint, Hkh. ' This Is the time of the year when we all uj a lot more about what we are going to do than what we have done.," . Hilar McCabe, late circus'and Wild West rider. Is in advance of Rowland A Clifford's "lie Rotary" Co., CentrsL ■ WiKTiD—A recipe :for: changing a "Fa- tins" habit to a "Luke's Mixture" taste for Uw Winter.. ...... Doc Kline has been re-engaged with the Jeirj Siugivan Show. "Bipctx, Greater, Grander, Better than enr." ' Ii is reported that John Riley and BUI Hcjle will open a theatrical hotel on Clark Street jut South of • Hlnky Dink's thirst ecpotlom. Rliey was the proprietor of the' Ccotfcental and City hotels, In Chicago, for i number of years, and for some time haa two the manager of the Wellington. Bill H;y!e la one of the beat known mixologists to America. ■..'•' Jakes Hathaway sorely bath a way of getting Just what he wants when he wants It. hmt prevalent 'fa; Chicago. Tubercu- totla Of the fi. R.. ~ . • John Laxcarteb. late disciple of Momus, with Ike Hagenbec-Wallace and other shows, Ii In nock with- the Sellg Polyscope Co., at tie Chicago producing plant. ■ •-■■ M'nt a man Is fooling himself when ha tiltks ke is fooling a'fair committee. '■ MUX. WINTER IN LEAVENWORTH. According to.advices just received from Uarenworlh, Kan., tie California Frank IN West and Walter K; Sibley, shows will Wlnter.ln that- city, .This will make Leaven- wrth the.Winter quarters fox ten of the tfgt« carnlvnl attractions in the country. lie National Hotel is the show folks' head- qurteri In Leavenworth, and. the .foyers are Mvoted to the renewing of old .acquaintances am recalling anecdotes of the past, « lll'j CJ 1st AOAlls. # irotn , unuwuinuif mm, hc uuo •» awwn , In perming the pages of a current Yule- playing the lots through Central America m number. It seems as thongh the ghost for the Winter. He will return to the ■ a gone, but not forgotten friend of tho States next Spring and Join out with a car- 'owtli F^tate were stalking np and down nival. He was with K. G. Barkoot Inst Lf.b'shways ana bywnvs of. the Chicago Summer. Shields says there arc a great many Kiiito. Harking back to the days agone, American showmen on the Isthmus. mm ,-■>. " To our "'ends wherever they 4 nh n.'.*i , me ' "broad, oa land or sea, we ,- j«„ nT ,o tho well known carnlvnl ■aw been copyrighted. '" e same next .>prmg. g . ■ • MUCn OBLIGED ! ,. V ^ DIE Martin is to be a regular manager, Thanks, friends and associates of the Sum- wing charge of one of the Hagenbeck-Wal- mer for your many contribut ons with ex Ki^?™? P' cture *oows, opening In Clevc- presslons of good will. This column .Is youri, l ,A k»lL 1 i ART,s and Govenor-elect Edward ^? 0 S h pfir?gs':iSo t,lk,ng ,he VEterS " ^-cCurron, d, ■»W Show,. '«nt ami m V " 8 °^ n cn ea«od as general 1 ISS JI ' M «rgOwen ns treaaurer by C, Broths.? o?' senernl manager of tha Rice x"ou of the circus, carnival and Wild West, In whatever capacity, in whatever country, whether you are high and lnfty or meek and lowly I will be glad to have your views on the topics discussed in this dennrtment from time to time: your present nltllintlons, your future prospects, anything of interest to tho outdoor amusement world at large. Write, unless von have an axe to grind, and If you have, write anyway, I hnve g grindstone. ■wtJ-fy lpnii* -»w»''lWtaiM on a N i,," "O'-lab Deut" Is the title of a bro- nave, wnn niurnru/, » «'•■• « » --—- ■SB F*"}J? b(v Elated on a? nnsusiMctuig Address Joe Hepp, WfJftn Bureau Thh HJL *f*m ltlce, W. OP ™ B—trnoS Nf w Yoaa CLiprKB, 605 Ashland Block, Chl- A Bim»r M lpply thc meaning of W.* G.^. «»«o. coinmn, .vs, tlm ,^ a «° l aake d through these ■CSSL S l°„ , i ld . a Talker HeI P on.Canvas?" celrednSJ"J 0 ?,'.'^ fetters ' have ' been Te t 5S ,X ra ( . talkers. -Naturally a ^talker 5 to K, th „ e "egaUve aide. Now. I would agers n „, r ,J rom J ,ome Individual show man- ■>/)&««! a 45 r ?*y Te - Billy Williams, S? Wd«tii l-|Kp apt -. 'Borclio. Harry Thura- thli JJgg Sibley—let's hear from you on +*&&£. ii't*'™ q *f' ,it * « x < | »» lTi » •"•*»■ Wtf THREE.OFPr'itOR H>AXAHA, ' >r ^ ncckm,n M u 5 ft lt ^ ward Arlington S \w m v ? n n .i, anfl J s « 0 -- B - Degnon,'Salle <> mS&s 8a t? r dajc?i4.' WSSSm hnS?5igy i«»g about the first of Fel W ',* a nopuig they win kiwi royi .Bb^ royal WhJ^^^HB'HAPPY BAT8. ' . «< "i%t^l l „"»»« "rote the (mmortar bal- w hS.wit»«; ,l *«« Car Ahead." wa£!fi"S?%« l fm "aaved". the tlckiets. i»elSt lRS: ? a I e 1 was inftlnted Wfo the "Tib a pleasant Jump that has no yearning .(especially In dry territory). CANNEBY. Appreciating the long felt need of elimi- nating from the cvery-day vocabulary of the average carnival talker, time-worn phrases in cktolllng the wondera of his attraction : for the good of the service, and to add a dvgrcc of drgnlty to the profession, I have Installed n' Cnnncry, and for a startor have put awny In hermetically scaled Jar.a, carefully aum : *i'Vlthout fear of successful contradiction." ; "Appeared in all the leading theatres. ' 1'Never out, never over.' • ' i'Bowl of Jelly, etc., etc. . ' "Large, steel enclosed arena. - ; ilrought 1 ttthi'.' country at eaormod. «- pehse." .. ... ■■'-• "Comfortable seats." ,' fTon cents—one dime. • v ! * . " A bitch in time often vpn^tgrtom. Williams, -late of the yfBHKi SE J&** Order of the Bl»hiiit7' i W. G. Williams: .late ot tne w-v- *SSF**™** Boj-tc^uUt^h^flrat ^rjuik Bhow,- Is vlsltlng-bla mother at.Sprlng- •sa HSF** Tn «««i f ink' n-of gol^'toliesif l| ^sSS" *** «• ;«7Tailg>ir of; tW ; "11 *r^. 0o ™Mi»a.k eamiTsl j« his ^Wofe i^S. 1% Barry^Boah drcu s 7'- r - | V»«f»'jA d , djJtt y.^ M , ~ jp^J, ttr 3*Hawt' is the man that knowa what he ■n oneii I •• ... Inaa* th*r brick Ttub "ghost" la tcatporarily IncapadUted. •■■. ..PAT'. CHANGES HJS MIND. therh Missouri, Man stalllpn, When. In hl'iinrfu-Jamea Patterson- H4n.w. 1L Gbk a ?o, iri «w pn , he purchased an Mian sumon, »Me!a will te JMWjrtrf.*f* Tv school nlena<re aet w,rt the Orgt P« Ison Shows. *l | !«-? f ^ lae ,. , r" ?h. 3h,lo^lgo : »>l'.• Bigger now than ever. Great for any act or any al.iger THE NOVELTY BALLAD OF THE SEASON -ciionis Daddy did a wonderful thing, a wonderful thing, a wonderful thing. He told life's tweet*at story on a bright Summer'* day, To a simple glx-ile In an old fashioned way, Daddy bought a wonderful ring, a plain little golden band. And daddy's life was sunny and clear,-daddy's love made clouds disappear. When ha picked out "my mother dear," my daddy did a wonderful thing. THAT SYNCOPATED BOOGIE BOO The greatest of all ghost songs. A wonderful double I'LL BUILD A WALL AROUND LOVELAND Only a beautiful ballad, that's all GEO. W. MEYER MUSIC CO. NEW YORK: 1367 B'way (Regal Bldg.) CHICAGO OFFICE: Randolph Bid*. but since returning to the carnlvnl Winter- quarters, at Paola, Kan, he has decided to defer the venture until some future time. * A DOZEN "DON'TS" FOB MANAGERS. Don't expect everybody on the ballyhoo to wear a perpetual smile when' you 'are a chronic grouch. ' Don't forget that even a canrssman ap- preciates a kind word occasionally. Don't permit your people to do their mani- curing In front of the show. Don't expect your ticket sellers to cut "walkaways" with you. Don't be chary with praise when merited. Don't forget to tell your employees when the dsy's work Is done. ■ Don't expect everybody to work twenty- four hours every day. Don't forget to say "good morning and "good night ... Don't butt In on your talker's opening. If he doesn't suit, get some other. Don't fall to live up to your promises. Don't expect u fifty dollar man for twelve and cakes. _, _ , Don't fall to read the dozen "Talkera* Dont's," in this column next week. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Cleveland, O.—Opera House (A. P. Harts, mar.) Miue. Slmone, In "The Return fram Jeru- salem," week of Dec. 16; George Nssli, In Officer 00(1." week of 23. . _ (F. Ray Comstock, mgr.)— For week of 16. Mort II. Slnjjer, in "A Modern Kve. "Bunty Pulls the Strings" will open a two weeks '"k5» Bhhmmii (H. A. Dss l ri a .astefc- Bill for week of 10: Mclntyre uml leath. De- tective Keen," Watson and Santon. Willis I> orally, Billy McDermott. the Marlowe Trio. McKay am! Cantwell, and Tom Davies Trio, narry 1-au.lec and company la announced for matinees and even- *«£»-WV m B r.)-W.rd £ Vokes, in "A Rnn on the Bank." week of 10; Eurenle Blair. In "Mndamc X, week or a. OniNO (J. H. Michaels mgr.) — Continuous vaudeville will be presented tejjalll further Players in "Over the Hills to the 1'oorhouse" week of 10. "Dora Thorne" week of .3. "hisc/lla <P. E. Bens mgr.)—Bill for week of 10 • "The Legend of the Murmuring Pool." with Vlrtlnla Le Grande, Arlon Quartette, Billy Lamont Hugh Norton, Kennedy Sisters, Surasal ond RaMll Valentine's Boxing DogH, and pk urea Siab (Drew * Campbell, mgrs.)—The Colonlul •SS-mf A.' UeArdle Golden C A°u.r^.A° f (Wm. Chase,' ,ngr.)_pe festored tllm for week of 16 Is 'The Miracle.' KNiOKEMiocKim (W. N. Downs, m«r.)—TM eabifet attraction will be a Christmas frolic SeeEuV arrawl and the lalcst feature (11ms and mualc hy Spltaloy's large orchestra. I.lmn O.—Faorot (I. H. Cnnnlngham. ngr.) motlo!T"lclnr,. week of Dee. 16. "McFadden's 'osMBH (C. K. Foremann. rogr.)—Bill for drat half of week beginning 10 Includes: Roberts and Ve Vera. Four Sullivan Bros., Temple.and Bennett Musical Ollflona. and Lew Woods. Bill for Tast half: Ootbam City Trio, Ha,;. Boyds ond Haj-a, Ncdda and Kdro, Rogers and Evans, F-ancls Wood, and Klnemaeoior motion pictures. Lrlito (C. C. Deartourff, mgr.)—This house, fflll be dork until 25, when Barrett's Players resume their stock engagement with "The Deep Pnrnle" is the attraction for Christmas week. Ettt. BTAS, DiLiuum, F.Mnaa and Lima preaent motion pictures: to large buSIneaa. ■ * KoTsa.—Rev. V A. Tobln, assistant pastor of St. Row Cbarch in this city, baa.Installed a mo- tion ' picture machine In tie Parochial school, and edueatlopil dims are. being showp. weekly. Umpire Theatre wa» ordered closed reeenl- lr by the State Fire loatector. hot after several minor change*, re-opened, slid to again packing them In at all performances. -•-•■ ColvntbnsT 6. —Hartmaa (Obas. F. King; narT "ivalwa Oeraldine"'IXe. i«-18. Ray. Sad nilcbcock, In "The Bed Widow.' 20v »JU. Sonr.MN (J. F. Left, mgr.)—Annette Keller, mann Co. 18, 17. • " "■. " ' ' Hioh St. (O. W, Harper, ma*. 1—'"Tjbe-Trsv- tllng Salesman" 10-18, 'Th* While Bla/e>/.IB- "kami's (W. W. Croajer, W-V—^ll for Week" DsoiDTrAT'tW. Jsmesv mgr.)— B.IU 4*L wsek'jif 16: Lew Welch and company, Jebnny Manglea, Unmlo Follette, Fox and Lawrence. OrloB broa., Mark Lea and company, and pleturts Colonial (J. A. Maddox, mgr.)—BUI week of 10: Four Melodious Chape, Beaaie Bremen, Joe Uemluit. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Krlel. James end Francis, and pictures. Zanesvllle. O. — Scholia (W. S. Canning, mgr.) Howe's travel pictures Dec. 25, "Officer U06" Jan. 1. WKi.i.ra (Jr.mes G. Kagland, mgr.)—The Pear! Rtock Co., In high clais royalty plays, are draw- ing nicely. The third week began 10. .Oai-muit '(B. B. Harris, mgr.)—llowell-Kdth stock, in repertoire, week of 10. Casino, Hn-ronaoux. AatmcAN amp Gband all report good busiueaa, presenting moving pictures. London, Can.—Grand (J. B. Mlnblnnlck, mgr.) "The Bohemian air!" Dee. 10, Frltal Sclienr 20, 21, "Mlas Nobody from Starlsnd" 26. Aoditosiuk. —Dunbar Male Quartette Jan, 11, Dixie Chorus 18. Majxstic (Thos. Logan, mgr.)—Moving pic tnres aud vaudeville to large bualneaa. PaiNcaras (W. L. Stewart, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures 'to splendid houses. Uniqcs and Stab report good business with moving pictures. Notss. —It is expected that the cremated ssbes of Robts't Fulford will be placed In the beautiful mouaolenm In Woodland Cemetery here. It was erected by the late Mr. Fulford In,memory of bis wife, Annie Plxley. Her remalna were placed in the mausoleum in 1893. Starr L. Plxley was in Ixjintoti laat month with Bernard Daly, and paid u visit to the cemetery A new theatre Is to l« erected lo Chatham, Ont., Can., to cost about $50,000. . Montreal, Can,—His Majesty's (H. Q. llrooka, mgr.) Montreal Grand Opera Co., to big Metsss, PstNOiss (H. C. Judge, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures week of 10. "A Marriage of Convenience" week of 23. Orphxcm (Geo. Drlccoll, mgr.)—Bill for week of 16: Little Lord Roberta. Wills Holt Wake- field, Maxim's Models, Burns and Fulton. Will- lams, Thompson and company, Mile. Murtha and company, ond Dr. Hermann, FnANOAis (J. 0. Heoley, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures, to good bualneas. Dill for week ut 10: Harry Thriller, Alva McQIll, Aeroplsne Girls. Fiddler and Shellou, and Allgonla. (Iavety (J. F. Arnold, mgr.)—American Beau- ties week of 16. Girls from the Ureal White Wuy 23 and week. Hamilton, Can. — Grand (A, R. Loudon, mitr.) Marks' Dramatic Co., In repertoire, Dec. 10 and week. "The Love Wager" 18, 10, ''Don't Lie lo Your Wire" 25, 20, T 'Mlsa Nobody from SttirlitiMl" 27, 28, "Little Women" Jan. I. 2, Teupll- (J. 0. Appleton, mgr.)—Bill for week of 10: "The Concealed Bed," Carson and Wlllnrd. Itogss Tommy Dancers, Bam Watson's Circus, and Clara Inge. St. Pnul, Minn.—Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) "The Round-Up" Dec. 10-18, David War- lielil. In "The Return of Peter Grimm," 10-21: William Hodge, In "The Man from Home," 22 and week. SminxnT (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—This bouso Ix dark week of 10. "The Brute" week of 22. Oai'uauH (R. C. Burroughs, mgr.)—Business Is good. BUI for week ot 15: "An Indian Ro- mance," Albertine Reach's "Lo Ballet Clnsalque," Charles Olcott, De Witt. Burns snd Torrance, Williams and Warner, snd Lockbardt and Leddy. On and (Theodore L. Haya. mar.) — Stars of Slageland week of IB, the Pace Makers week of 22. '• • • Ruraxss (flus B. Greening, mgr.)—Good busi- ness. BUI'for week of IS: "The Suburban Win- ter." Hobby Pandur and Bros., Hobaon and Ma- helle. Rouble 81ms, Floyd Mack, and tbe moving pictures. • MA/ssTin (H. 8. Mltctell. mgr.) — Bnslseas continue* good with vaudeville and moving pic-, tnres. . . Pbincxss (Thomas McOrady, mgr.)—Vaudeville slid moving picture* to good baalacs*. Staslamd (C. V. Boat, mgr.)—Continued good business. * -■•- Stab (Jacob Barrett, - tagr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures to good- baalness. Auormitsrar , (M. ■■ F. Morton, mgr. 1 —Popnlar symphony concert-,.with Kgon F, Pots, with Xaver 'Scharwenka, pianist, 17. '.... Dea, la.—Priaeess (Elbert k Oetch- ell, mgrs,) Princess Stock-Co. week of Dee. 15, In "The Orsy Lady." ■• BaanMBLL (Klbrrt aV fletebsll.-mgrs.)—"A Fool .There Was" 10-21, "The Sweetest Girl In Paris" 32. oariixi'M. (It. B.-Bnrton. mgr.)—Bill for week of 15: Nat M -Wills, iwrfiaV Gray and Ora'- - ham.' Msaon* and Frank Ds Trlel, Hilda Hawthorn. Charles Kellogg.■ sad 'pictures. . • ».-.. MAJXnno (Rlbtrt'a-fletcbell. m*r».),—iUl for week or 1R: (Illmonr and La Tour,. JohsM, ' IVwev rrA. Mjortey Cortl* snn> La Tkn. Thompson's nbrb Miml asssssa, De.' Verne. -..Hsyleti fmki finrman, Cotter and Wit<wv.« rvauev and. Fox," Velveno and Treak. snd plcto>e»4^ : ' Unicjus, Oasino, Hta«, Lratc, OOLOMIAt,, AND . KiMiLi, picture bouse*, are doing nicely. Davenport. la.—Bartl* (Chsmberlln, Kindt A Co., mgrs.) Thomas W. Rosi, In "Tbe Only Hon," Dec. 22; "Mr*. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" 26, Flora De Vos* 2». Akbucan - (Charles Berkell, mgr.)—Bill far week of 9 included: Tbe Monkey Hlppedrooje, Harry Drown aud . company, Rathskeller Trl«- Jewell and Jordan, ' Bow and Grace Ayer. and tbe Amerlcaacope. Lrair (J. Harry Blaachard, mgr.)—BUI week of 0 Included: Rafrow*; Lancaster company. Gravetta and La Vondre, Hauey and Long, Three American Troubsdonra, Anita Diss's -monkeya, and inotlon pictures. Cedar Rapids. Is.—Oreene'a (W. 8, Col- lier, mgr.) "A Oovvbov'* SweetUearl" Dee. 15, "Brewster's Million*" 22, Thomas Ross. In "Tha - Only Son." 23; "The Shepherd of the Hill*" 25. Billy Clifford 28. , . . MArssne (Vaudeville) (Vie Hugo, mgt.l— Bill for week bcRlnnlng IS tnclnde*: Seymour's dogs, Cbsa. A. I^nler snd company, West and Charles, Hanney and Dnnlevy, Paul Stevens, Bcanlon I'ttn, Deillnl and Artlinr, Alva York, ■ noward and White. Carl Randall, La Bells Clark and dancing hone, and Jeff and La Verne Healey. Orand Haplds. Mich. — Powers' (Harry G. Sommers, mgr.) ''Our Wives" Dec. 15, "The Million" 26, Kitty Gordon, la "Tbe Enchant- res*," Jan. 7, 8. MAJMTia (Orln fltalr, mgr.)—"Get-Rlch-Qulck Walllngford" 22 and week. "The Common Law" week of 29, "The White Slav*" follows, Coli'msia.— Bill for week of 10' Charles Burk- hart and company, Roland Carter and company, Robt. De Mont Trio, Fretdrlch and company, Nichols Platers, Johnny Small and Sisters, and Hetty tlrma. Oanii'jM.—Bill for week of IB: Holman, Kelly and Parks, J. 0. Short, and Stansflcld, Hall nql Loratnr. GAar.tcK.—Knight A Beyers' Musical Comedy Co. week of 10. Bay City, Midi.—Washington (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) Klnemaeoior motion pictures week of Dec. Bijou (J. D. Pllmore, mgr.)—Bill for week of 15 Includes: Valentine and Bell, La Graclo*a, Rwlsber snd Rvans, Laura Davla, Snyder ana Duckley, and the Btjooscope. Lrma (Charles S. Marks, mgr.)—Moving pic- ture* to good business. Wbkonau (J. II. Lahey, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Stab (Thatcher A Son, mgrs,)—Moving pic- tures. Knlnmasoo, Mloh^-Fuller (Will J. Don- nelly, mgr.) "Orauslark" Dec. 23, "The Mll- llon 7 '. 20. Majkktio (J. Jolly Jones, mgr,)—Bill for 10- 18 Included: Harold Browne anil company. Four Van Slntts, Manley and Welch, tlaber and Wblt- cllire, and Ihe De Kocks. For 10-21: Nellie Andrews' Opera Company. Bothwell Drowne. Hh'r- man and McNaughton, George Grotty, and Ma- Jestlcacope. Buainer* Is fine. Lrnelibursr, Vu. — Trenton (J. B. Trent, mgr.) bill for week of Dec. 0 included: Telegraph Four, White and Lamar!; Murphy Mnalcal Duo, .Tack Troy and dog. Bred Warner, Barrett and Bayne, Jesnette ond H|)eakman, Five Merry Young- Hera, snd motion plciilres. _,. Majbstio (Dr. P. M. Casey, mgr-)—Three Kdl- sons, Happy Johnnie Field*, snd motion picture* composed Fhe bill week of 0. . . ^ , Bsi.isvmiBS and Oatbtt report good baalness with motion pictures. PeteraBurar, Va. — Academy (M. L. Hot- beliwrr, mar.) Harsh Bernhardt, In "Queen Elisa- beth." wa» ahown In motion picture*, to goo<1- ilsed toose*. Dee. 18, 14. Helen Orayce, la re- pertoire, week of SO, • .. t ■.— Ltbio.— VsudeVllla and motion pictarea, to iDtanora, A«»nirAH, Cocbads awd Viboin- un report good bualneas presenting motion pic- ture*. Hartford. (Vinn.-P*r»in«' (HT. 0. Parsmja, rrigr.) M«e. BMah-Beravikrdt.'jn phgtoplajahjpee. lf-l». Rsymond nitcbeock ar; 'The..tVornsB 26-28. May Irwin 80 Jan. 1, Henry Mlltor 2-4- Pou'a (W. A.- Aseouab.'iligr.)—Bill, for week of -16: Lillian Berlelii, no mer Llnd.wd .eornnany, Oeo. Poland ana company, Pealaon and OMdle, lagll* and Reading, 8*n*one_*nd Dellla, Wat- log's Animals, and ta* plclnrerf. HiBTTOBD (Fred P.. Deao, .mgr.)—Blll_ for week of 10: Edmund Stanley and company, Rddle Gardner. Roy Apnlerate. Klein and Clifford^ lied- ding and Grant, ITeury Frey. the,Darlings, Llght- nlncWeatou, and pletores.' " ' - .RuHitBAND Stab, picture houees, report good atten/laace. Clarlcstlala. Ml«s.—Nvw Clarktdale (Craw- ■ W.Brnwl. iv«rw.» "Tbe q«™* Girl" Dee.. **.-J*^-. w w thm plaShrrwa »n*-«wr« drew well on other. At