The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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16 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. ■ r■■ « •■»• 4■ » r THK glASOITS ORKETIKQS Wl WISH TO MTWD TO THB OLIPPIR, TO OUR nUKHSS AND CUSTOMERS, AND TO THB THXAT- BJGAJL PROFESSION QKOTKRAIO.Y. THB OOMTOJ- lODTTS OF THK HOUDAT SEASON, ^SlTITH.JlBST WISHES FOB A BRIGHT AND PROfiPXROUS NKW TRARV THB GAZETTE SHOW PRIHTING OOMPANY MATTOON, IULDfOrS. .. Wtpi%i&i^e^S ROUTE H. H. Harvey, H. WlllianuvW. D. Corrlater, E. De»vcB,.T. Bond and P< Sterling. Lite la Mav they started for a trip through the In- terior. . . , '„• - December 21 OUT OF TOWH NEWS Rontea Intended for Tula Coloma, Mart BMW Tola OJBoo Not Ut« Than -Satnrdar' Before Day of ■ Publication to Insure Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adams, Maode—Charles Frohman's—Empire, New — ' V rrk 23 J3Q 11 ' * ' Lea Aarelea, Cat—Majestic (OllnrMo- Arils./George-Ujebler Co.'S—Plymouth, Boston, teeco, is*.) "The Old Homestead" was present- A '{ , ( j^ u ,aSnT57^ ' ; „_.. ' ed hero week of Dec. 8. - — •- _ Abarbauell. Llna—John Corfa—Park, J«ew York, BOMUNK (Oliver Morosco, »jr.|-First «p- ■ — HJ^ji^ ■ ; pe.ranos.of Izetta Jewell, In "A Romance of the jjgla Margaret (Lotus Netbersole. mgr.)-©kla- underworld;" week of 16. ■ „—,'..■.. noma. Okla., 20, 21. . _,.. • Bsxasoo (Oliver Monaco, mfr.) — "Weddmg ujESk Plaochto 1 '—Adolf Phlllpp'a—Fifty-sev- enth Street. New Tork. 10. Indefinite. " •■ "Alias Jimmy Valentine"—Llebler Oo.'s—Boch- mgr.) — The EARLY HISTORY OF NEGRO MINSTRELSY ITS RISE ADD PROGKKS IN IHE UNITED STATES ajx col. B BM HOWF« .-.>'/:- i_» ■ Bella".week of 0. . AoorrotivM <L. E. Behymec, Great Raymond week of 16. . Lxobum (Dick Ferris, mar.) — "The Sign of ; ^he roar" indefinite. . ' , OsrasVM (Clarence Drown, mar.)—BUI tor week of 10: Scblchtl's Minikins, Adrlenns An- farde and company. Ethel Oreen. Bayno'e bnll "AteS Where Do Yon Llvel" < Saul Borateln. Tngr.)—Plsiafield, H. J., 25. Pottstown, Pa., 28. "Angel of the Trail" (0. P. Farrlngtoa, mgr.)— Putnam. Conn., 18. Boathbrldge. Man., 20. Wllllmantlc, Conn.. 21 dogs,' Felix and Barry Slaters, Jan. J. Morton M ,Iito Barke-^-Cbarlea Frohman'a—Lyceum, New •Dd Nooette. . v-o-k 10-Jan. 4. '"'■ EMrxaaa (Dean Worley. mar.)—Bill for week Bt ,„™ Do tald—Obarlea Frohman's—Atlanta. .Oa., of 10: Oolller and De Walde. Geo. Garden, Three " 'm-M. Dltmlngham, Ala.. 28, Montgomery 27, Spa Bros.. Harmony Beaux and Belles, Van *"£» « ibub»u and Carrie ATerj, and Paul f>pailonl. _. . Eugenie—Nlcolal ft French's—Cleteland, Paktaobs' (Carl J. W«lk»r. mgr.)—Bill for ">"*• -3.28 16 and week Includes: John Zlmmer, Butberford "•■ Gllmor (Frank A. Brown, mgr.)—Tbur- and Monroe, Whitney's Operatic _Dolls, _ Beule "^° , T „.720, Cisco 23; Stamford M, Abilene Hedden, Adama A KneeUad'a Booley A Campbell'* Mlnatrela. Wnatrcla S. M. Hooley baTlnr separated from Geo. 9Ug&J*JB***. .?<«.tJ».ia 05'Pber. CM^in t^^j^^ntotj^tj.^m Leomrd, Oreen and Parker, and Korsey'i Myr.i phone. CaNTinT (Loewen Brothers, mgrs.)—"Heloa's Trouble" Indefinite. MokaBT. —"The Bohemian Girl" was the at- traction week of 9. t Nora.—Mnw. Elsa Boasell Duncan, the cele- brated Enrcpran prima donna, who has been rc- S-Zi.SU 1 tn^SLsJS i„hSti atrels^ In New Tort ornnfied a party for aiding In Pasadena, gare a ryoqt of a sketch. rbey consisted of W. Hedden. Johnny "«» J» ««*-"e^'.ttR m^«^ot Boaton, "Stsge and Oraile," at Olnne^a Theatre. P«s- A?'^ J& °' T Kn , cel ^ n ■ l, ' Nl S k a K i >8t ^ r ' 1 /- r.h « ISM P TlSln 8 C S'WI ind dena. recently, ana many society loTers Pfatfenwftlager, J. Caaalday and 8. S. Pretty. §% e ' H 18 0 ~, ffln H ~)^ onou C nc ^ a 8 '. p, S e SJI and critic, were present to see tbl. noted ringer. Alabama Miaatrela aad Mahtlnaale prletorn. 8. C. Campbell, Uooley, Grlfto, imdlaaapolla. Iad>-Marat (Fred J. Dalley. Sereaadera J. A. Herman, A. J. Hobbs, J. K. Edwards, n,^., JimM p. Adler. In "Men and Women" <ln ■Was ornnlxed In Hartford Conn In Oo J. C. BeeTeg. J. H. HUllard, Unawortb, Frank Yiddish), Dec. ITj Bobert Mantell, In Shake- tober 1bG» M R Eerl tonea- O W Flo? Brower, J. B. Donnlker, >. Dickson and T, ^pesrean repertoire, week of 23. ■ Saavhanlo- C Peer irtolin • J 'Neil smltnr- Oayaor compoaed the company. Loula Zwl- "enoushV (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.) — Balney's T^fnk Smith SLif T Wriaft! ill Sr was aaeST When tbe/flrit 8terted they African bant nlctores 15-I8, "FrlTolons Oeral- IrWur and MaaterL Levi' "^ wericalKd Christy's Minstrels, but soon dine" (first tlrneon any stage) 19-M. "Gypsy irviua; ana Matter L.. MVI. J—• ww known J g Hoole 4 Campbell's. !*«•; »-as,_;'Omtesa Coquette" 29, Al. O. Blreh'a Mlnatrela and was considered one of the beet minstrel Were playing to good business at the Forrest parties ever organised for the road. Tim Theatre, San Francisco, Cal., In October, Hayes Joined them soon after, also ChasU. i860. On the last night of their appearance Fox. They opened at the French Theatre, they were all arrested for giving a perform- 685 Broadway, New York, June 26. 1880. ance on Sunday. They afterwards appeared After playing there one week they traveled mttk of ,„ includes: •t the Opera House under Magulre, Billy East for a time.. Betnmlng to New York j.ior.i and Whltebouse, Field's Minstrels 27, 29. Panic (Anderson It Zlegler, mgrs.)—"Mutt and Jed" week of 16. "The White Slave" week of 23. Ooiamhi. (Holden ft Edwards, mgrs.)—The Ilolden Players present "East Lynne" week of 18. Kami's (Ned 8. Bastings, mgr.)—Bill tor "The Trained Norses," Lew Sully. Oorbelll and •Birch Sam Wells, Geo. Coes, if Do'nnelly, they re-opened at'686 Broadway on Aug. 18. blTfette,"Fa'rbel"Brosr,' Toschlno, Johnson's Trav Chan Henry, J. W. Charles, B. Deaves. C. TJnsworth, Eugene. S. C. Campbell, O. W. JI. eloirues, snd the photopltne. C. Kcene. O. H. Edmonds. Mike Mitchell Grlffln E- M. Hooley, Donnlker, J. C. Beeves, Ltsio lOlsen ft Bsrton, mgrs.)—Bill ror week and CoVrUtcr tfthoTparty. After taking « E. J. Melville, Aug. Aeche «na B. M. How-, of 16: La Grscla and Gordon. Omh Na«l snd trip througtitfi tno U n P telns they returned*to land. Opened" j at Ws Saloor, Broadway, 9gBF*J>KySJB™* . B,T " ^to* 0 " 1 . Wood * Nlzon'a Mlnatrela .Wash Norton, who had left Bryant's, opened Appeared at Apollo Hall, New Orleans, In' with this party in November. Then-Cotton November, 1850. In December .they Btarted took Birch s place In November. Tim Hayes, traveling-with -Ban Wood. Hank Wakejey, clog dancer, who arrived In America'in De- Jlmmy Carroll, Chan. Rand, Joe Nixon and cembcr, I860, opened Dec. 7. After an ex- no™.—■-«■■ n»™ ■■ ■ -»•<— —-—— Master Reedc. Tlmy afterwards went through tended tour they disbanded In Philadelphia (local) will appear at the Mum 21, for tlie bene the West. ' • -■'■" In 1861. Unaworth and Eugene left In Janu- fit of the Indianapolis Christmas Cheer Fund. James Carroll died at Cheyenne, W. T., on ary, 1881, and Johnny Duley, Donnlker and — .. „__«_ w_a annA it *• Bar- May 10, 1874. . ■.B ...■ , RolllDHo'ward opened. CLC. Charles (wench) Jfffi £ff%&%W & &T& Jefferson's Minstrels opened In February. They closed In New \{ nictnrea 16-19, Annette Kellermann Co. 20, irk In consequence of Increase of rent of uttt&'a "Uncle Tom's Cabin," matinee and" week of 16. MiJBSTio (Fred Crtswell, mgr.)—ThU house is closed. . _ . ,„ . FiHn.r (B. Argenhrlght, mgr.)—Vandsvllle and pictures. _ . ... . , Notc— The Hoosler Motor Club Minstrels Traveled through the South In November, X? l r , k . ,D o „ c 1 0n8 J !(JU «" c 2 ° f .] nc I c ^ jLS&S Martu J85B. Blllv Jetrerson.-tambo; Chas. Grtpc Nlbl "» ft'S^SSsl^st^^iSSSl S 1 ^"'. Old Joe Kelly,'bhnjolstand Jig;- J. T. Boycc fJ'" 1 ^ ln i,? h ' Ia o del i' a 3 ^' "£ k W S°2 °*fi k : bones r Maator' Wm Bovce anfj. Rush. Theatre, June. 8. 1881, Birch and Browcr and n 35, Oolorsdo 27. Boston Grand Opera (nenry Bnsoell, mgrO—^Bos- ton Opera House, Boston, 18. loWBnlte. - Black Pattl Mosleai Comedy (B. Voekkel, mgr.) —Ocsla, Fla., 19, Tsmpa 20, lay off at Tampa 21-26. ■' 1 H ' ■••-"^-••' '" •* "Bohemian Girl," PaclBc (Milton Sargent Aborn, mars )—Saginaw. Mich., 28. Bay City 29, Flint 27. Ann Arbor 2S. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— Cincinnati. O., 22-28. ■ _ . . "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. ^-?rlnc«ss, Chicago, 18, Indefinite. "Blackblrda''—Henry Miller's — Washington, D. "Blnl of 'Puadtse. The"—Oliver Slorosco's— Pittsburgh, Pa., 16-21, Washington, D. 0., 28- 28. '-. . ' "Butterfly on toe Wheel, A"—Lewis Waller's— Adelph). Philadelphia. 10-21. !. ..._ "Blbidnesa of Virtue"—Win. Morris'—Stodebaker, Chicago. 18, Indefinite. "Baby Mine," Western—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (0. B. Collins, mgr.)—Houston, Tex., 19, Gal- veston 20, Beaomont 21. New Orleans, La., 22- 28. "Baby Mine," Southern—Wm. A. -Brady's, Ltd. (Hsrry J. Jackson, mgr.)—Sparta, Oa.. 23, Winder 24, Athena 2.1, CartersTllle 20, Borne 27, Gadsden, Ala., 28. _. "Bunty PnUa the Strings"—Messrs. Shubert ft Brady's—Memphis, Tenn., 23-28. "Brute, Tbs" — Oomstock ft Gest's—Minneapo- lis. Minn.. 10-21, St. Paul 22-28. "Balkan Princess"—LoulSTllle, Ky.. 23-28. "Buster Brown" (Wm. M. Vance, Inc., mgrs.)— Deadwood, S. Dak., 10, Spearflsh 20, Belle Fourcbe 21, Hot Springs 23. Edgemont 24, Al- liance, Nebr., 25, Fort Robinson 26, Cnadron 27, Nellgh 28. . _ _.. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (Gllson ft Bradteld. mgrs.)—Lay off 10-24, Carroll. la., 23, Wall Lake 26, Sac City 27. Valt 28. Oolller, Wm.—Lew Fields'—Forty-eighth Street, New Tork, 16, Indefinite. Carle, Blchard, and Hsttle Williams—Charles Frohman's—Colonial, Boston, 23-Jan. 4. Cohan, Geo. M.—Cohan ft Harris'—Cohan, New Xork, 16, Indefinite. ALBOLENE (nuBfrMiac Bsounxao) By far the best prep?ratoon for removing make-up. i Leaves the skin Soft and velvety. Not sticky, and a little goes along way. Used and recom*^ mended by the be& proi': fessional talent Sold In 4 oz. jars and l ft. round decorated cans {new style) by all first-class druggists Sample tube free oa request MeKMSON * ROBBIN8 \i-- »i ruuraa 9T«irr, Haw Voaa bones r Master Wm, Bpyce ami J. Bush The Steamer "Ilanjo" Mlnatrela.... Was a party under the management of Frank Oardella, that started In 'December, 1859, on' the steamer- "BanJOv" for a trip on the Mis- sissippi River. Frank Cardelja, Sam Long 1 , B. A. Cotton, N. 0. Foster? J. T. Wamooia, Joe. Malss,'Sam Gardner, John W. Adams, Ged. M. IIIII, J: V. Chadduck. C. Keehe, 0. Young and Tom Allen comprised the party. In the Spring of 1800, M. Herman, T. Chat- fleld.. Joe Klnttiujv and J. Ifaffeoschlnger joined. , Wood's- Empire Mlnatrela Commenced a Western tour in December, 1851), with Chas, Snnford, J. Smith, Slle Weed, and J. C. ; Willis. , NIchola tt Norria' Mlnatrela Traveled West In Decomber; I860'. They had several of the tender sex In the troupe. Strong; dt Bursreaa ._ night, 25 joined thein Juno 10, and they disbanded tares 28. 29. 21: "Egyptian Love" 22. House will be 23 24^^Bunty Pulls to; Strlnga," matinee ^^^ a ; tnd 0pera (Andreas Dlppel. mgr.)— I dark 26, 27; Lyman Howes Pic- Auditorium. Chicago. 10, Indefinite. July 13. J. K. Campbell, baniolst, was found dead In bed at the Boston House, Pittsburgh, Pa.-, on the morning of Feb. 6, 1878. He had retired In his usual health, and was found dead early In the morning. Members of the profession- In Pittsburgh bad his body em- Vabixtibs (Jack Hoefflcr, mgr.)—Bill for 16- 18 Inclciled: 1 Anita. Dlaa's Monkeys. Msrconla Bros., James-Grady and company, Barnes and King. Oaromlnga and Thornton. For 19-22: "La Petite Gose," "The Uplift," Pollard. Four De Kock Bros., and Byan and Lee. Business Is good. Obfiibuh (Brentllnxcr ft English, mgrs.)—Or- Organlzed a bond- In New -York early in 1680, end started for Caiblforola. ltljly Strong, Umbo; Phlt Carpenter, Joe Burgess, bones: B, Cunningham, .C. Owens, Dr. Cook, and Kph Pendleton in the party. They re- turned to New York In December, 18(10. Wood's Minstrels balmed, placed In a casket and expresacd to gan recital and pictures, to capacity. Philadelphia, where his wire and children Lou (B. B. Sheets, mgr.)—Vaudeville snd pic- resided. He was born in thlB city in tares. • 1835. and his right name wag John Kelly, *no\ x Cotomit, Fotnrrujt, Oaascarra, Pbim- under which nam?, along with J. C. (Fatty) £2k ^C ^Jf"' a ° TU * VM "" > *"'*"• Stewart, he made his first appearance at "P 0 " « ooa •> u » ln « M - Dan Wrlght'a Music Hall, on Water Street, Loitanaport, Ind Nelson (Sue M. Fink. this city, about 1840. In 1850 or 1861, mgr.) "Tempest and Sunshine" Dec. 17. "Faust'' when playing wlthOeorge Lea, at the Frank- 21, "The Rosary" 23, Paul J. Ralney's Afrlcsn lln Museum, Kelly was given by Lea the bunt pictures 26-28. - -i , ■ name of J. K. Cameron, taking tho name BaoaBwax (B. B. Cunningham, mgr.)—Viuie- from that of the well-known theatrical prln- rilt* changed triweekly, and pictures, changed dally, are drawing big. Grand (F.nrl Rife, mgr.)—"The Mills of the Gods" is the feature film for 18. Harry Jones, baritone spot light singer, entire week of 16. Tokyo, (K. W. Lockmsn, mgr.)—"The Dalton Boys" !s the feature film 16. Notch John It. McMlllen. pianist, of the Nel- son Theatre orchestra, and Lillian Roe were mar- ried In Ihls city 6. They will make their home In 8prlngfle!d, Mo Daniel Hoffman, gen- ersl contracting agent (or the Mighty Haag Shows. has returned to this elty. He reports having had an excellent sesson. He will be with the Hsag Shows again next season Bert Wal- ters, a member of "The Argyle Case" Oo. visited his parents In this city during that attraction's engagement in Indianapolis. Tenn. — Vendome (W. A. Dec. 10, 17. "Tho woman" are underlined. ter; but by a typographical error the name appeared on the first nlgnt In tho playbills an J. K. Campbell, by which he was ever afterwards known, with the exception of a abort time, when, while he was with Hooley ft Campbell's Mlnstrols, at the request of fiber Campbell, he appeared as J. K, Ed- wards. He Is said R> have been the orig- inal "Ham-fat Man," and In dancing "The Essence, of Old Vlrginny" he was considered Wore organized In New York In January, a t one time as a great Sard. Ho also at one 1H(10, Immediately after Henry Wood closed, time ranked as one of the best banjo plnyera ill V125. W > PBt rr., wl,h ^0 following peo- in the profession. His remains were Interred pie: I, Meyer, R -Thompson, f. Edwards, J. in rhslndelphia. H. Hudwortn, Ned Davis, C. Crosby, It. o h ._ r r>» m r«,«ii />in,i.«. „.,„,„ «,._... AbCCCO, II. W. Ellis, Sylvester Bleeckor (the c l^i LMLlft' J^JPSfrP manager), mlddlcmnn. and H. Guyon. Hud- ,£ h * n ' w„ a ' £^ fi. J.! - ' p nn A vi.i 8 Irt worth lef't early In March and Dove Heed I'hV a ** WJU 'ZrSSSl n%? n h , „ M *J. 1< !{ Sheets," mgr.)'"The"Siren" took hla place. %*. Beyer, L. M. Iteese and US\SSS ff*SjHL*&SJ= "IvteSfK Spring Mald'f.and "Hrerv.w, NaaliTllIe, iuor 11 in linn-, j. «. iicyer, 1,. m. liccsc ana <i,„ V.».i„ ni TVlin 1 iTJk six f »pr">B mam anu oierjvoioio are unueriinru. F. Wyant also Joined. In Juno H. Harrison. 1 ?, tro r°. ot carrla 8<> trimming, which he OariiHCH (Geo. H, Hickman, mgr.)—"The violinist, was engaged They roturncd to> r " ,IOW *, a for some years. He waa vory fond Sunny Side of Broadway" week of 16. Muslcsl " irk Oct 2d for a few weeka* rest after of mus| c, and, possessing a fino alto voice, ho comedy Is now the ~" ' "-'- * '• they traveled at! but ilnallv re- t00D K aInc<, ■ locnl rcpulatlon. vllle theatre. to Now York Aorll ''4 1801 aid dial lflrat P ut on burn f cork »« n Klmbcrly's Pbihcxss (Harry to inow xork April .4, lHOl, and dig- Cam p boll < B Minstrels, In 1840. In 1864 Tie "*" '"lea- Bill to New-York which turned banded policy at this former vaude- Bmplre Band . Sndekum. mar.)—(lood bus!- or week of 9 Included: McNa- visited California with B. P. Christy's party" ESft 5. 0 . r,dow , Bros-, Howard and Dolores. Eliza. In the following venr ho cne-uccd with th« b * th 0,, °' Musical Oonserratory, and plcmres. ^ 9 n„ , JeTi l e%i n Bt Ja A UD ^J 800 ,' » l n , a ,r r< » S«S» yN$ES!iJ%S*^SSSr&S& - B .w° o ^ ato -^- Hlckn " n ' *»**& *m M rea- while performing thero his phenomenal bari- tone voice attracted the attention of Cath- erine HnycH, who Invited him to sing at one of her concerts, which invitation he accepted, composed of Frank Anplegate, b H. man, Harry Hull, J. Brown, II, Barnes. <). Barnes, Master II. Nobles and C. Weir. They organized in Auburn, N. Y. Rodemyre & Tnoker'a Campbell* Girl" week ot 10. uiilcago. ». Concert, The"—David Belasco's — Blackstone, Chicago. 23-Jsn. 4. "Co»nt of Luxembourg, The"—Klaw ft Brtang- er'i—New Amsterdam. New York, 16, Indefinite. "Conspiracy, The"—Chsrlea Frohman's—Atlantic City, N. J„ IB, Garrlck, New York, 21, In- definite. "Country Boy, The"—Henry B. Harris' Estate- Toledo, 0.. 23-28. . . "Countess Coquette"—Loulsrllle, Ky., 23-25, In- dianapolis, Ind., 28. _ "County Sheriff, The"—Wee ft Lambert's (M. 0. Jenkins, mgr.)—Wlnfleld, Kan., 21, . "Common Law"—A. H. Woods'—Chleaco, 16-28. Drew, John — Charles Frohman's — Washington, D. C. 23-28 De Koten Comic Opera (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)— St. Louis. Mo., 22-28. "Daughter ot Heaven, The"—Llcbler Co.'z—Cen- tury. New Ycrlc, Ill-Jan. 4. "Drone, The"—Shubert ft Brady's—Washington. D. C. 18-21. "Divorce Question, The," No. 1—Rowland ft .Clif- ford's, Inc.—Toledo, 0., 15-21, Nashville. Tenn.. 28-28. "Dlforce Question, The," No. 2—dtowland ft Clif- ford's, Inc.—Fort Wayne, Ind., 25, 26, Rich- mond 2i. Hamilton, 0., 28. "Divorce Question, The" (Gaskell ft MacVllty. lac. lessees).—Mllbank, S. Dak., 19, Water- town 'M, Brookings 21, Huron 23, I'lerre 24, Rapid City 23, Belle Fourcbe 26, Deadwood 27. 28. ISltlngo, Julian—A. H. Woods'—Denver. Colo., 16-21, Dallas, Tex., 25-27, Fort Wo.'th 28. ■ffirerywomani" —1 Henry W. Savage'a—Albany, N. Y., 25-28. . "KTerywoman"—Henry W. Savage's — Chatta- nooga, Tenn., 25, 26, Nashville 27, 28. "Excuse M11"—Henry W. Savage's^—Rochester, N. Y„ 25, 26. Niagara Falls 27, Erie, Pa., 28. "Excuse Me"—Uenry W. Savage'a—Little Hock, Ark., 25. Hot Springs 26, Texarkana 27, Shreveport. La., 28. "Eva"—Klaw ft Erlanger*s—Garrlck, Philadel- phia. 16-21. "Exceeding the Speed Limit"—A. H. Woods'— Colonial, Boston. 16-21. "Ell and Jane" (Lois H. Daly, mgr.)—Scran- ton, Kan., 10, Florence 20, Augusta 21, Turon 23, Bclpra 24, Cimarron 25, Garfield 20, Pawnee Rock 27. Klllawood 28. Ills rendering of "Dermot Astbore" on that nses about Jan. 1, OavsTAb, Elits, Albakbba. 11k, amd Bonita, Flske, Mrs. (H. 0. Flake, mgr.)—Hudson, New movlog picture bouses, are doing well. York. 16, indefinite. Nora.—The Fifth Avenuo Theatre la being over- Faversham, Wm, (L. L. Gallagher, mgr.)—Ma- hauled, and tt la expected to be ready tor bust- Jeatlc, Boston, 16-21, Provldesce, R. I., 23-28 'oy, Was the title of a band that organized la °« ail lon not only proved a great hit with M ..,_ „ , _28-Jan. 4. jroiiv, uumon, lu-Ai, 1 rovinence, n, 1., xo-iio. For, Eddie—Werba ft Lnescher'i—Hollls, Boston, tho public, but led MTs's v Hayerto*pi'MonBlly "f^??. 1 ,"'nTi??":r".]te. cwl 55 iV .'.*'& °W' Fairbanks,"'Douglas — Cohan ft Harris' — Astor, compliment him, and urge him to at once BRJJgfg Jf'ttlJLJ^ ^m a Dec. 18; New York, lfl. Indefinite. ilunty PullB the BtriDgs 2B-2H. . Fanium Dimtin a h w~~*-* p i....ij. n«l Ltaio (Benj. M. BtoCbaek. mgr.)_"Tbe For- jjTEJSffSr^SSSESSufm like Olty, U.. 23-28. .. T!fS Farnmn, Wm.—A. H. Woods'—St. Louis, Mo., Elisabeth 16-21, Kansas Olty 32-28. Elsie—Klaw ft Erlsngcr's—Buffalo, N. Alton, III., In February, 1800. «tartod h ln *££?%*'%? ftfi?T:« con,menco » cou " e o' «t»"a- IS to- operatic th? Mlaaiastord Rl/eV?T's' pSrdS' P r?. <,W 5 "'?««• J n 18B0 ne returned to San Francisco, tme H 'inter"'week of Pell A 0 (Sodm ■ Flti«Mld Wea? y htav 9T Wn ^° ? C rcmalncd thr , C0 ^. ar8 ' SffiB»« ¥' OawaS? ( for W' Strstoiit aSl knriin? A An?iY tw' i„" P^ B ? lon , find^lncreaslng hla reputation. In of 16: Lydla Nellson'a Boys ind Girls &- 'iVnrlns Wnll'«w ^aJS«i»h! wm.«» «# v.* calea at Mechanics^ Hall, 472 Broadway, and Armstrong's Players. Charley Case, Wotpert and ? 23-28 aJEBOT.rff^J™ffS h a » ro ' n . er o' N 'd continued with them for some years. Shortly Psulan, and motion plcturen. ' —* ^T Li m K'for^tee^e^. fFwVfH ^S^tfflAS^K S »«'. *™>^£%£^% ISLmHEttJPttSr 1 ™ °* musician, lino singer, both ends and Inter- locutor. Rloriran A Lnmbard'a Alpine Mlnatrela late Fanny Btockton as prima "donna, and Siren" Dw. 18. ^'Freckles"" 25. — """" ..JP 1 *:" WnB organized In OlovcravIIlo, N. Y„ In Feb- made a tour of the country. Then ho was Bwob (Fred Martin, mgr.)—"The Time, the *, r £! ,c " V 1912'"—'Rowland ft Ollfford's, Inc. runry, 1800, and traveled. Bh* Wllllnmi. J. engaged with Caroline Etchings' Opera Co., pl «ee and the Girl'" week ot 16. "Tho lale of 3 W *?* h, M orto J3' m JT r ->—Near Orleans, La., P ° r ' 5 ' Aeolian Star Tronoe ' £^»,Wi» l !S£3 3Zr3b*S2S »L^L *** - "^^Sl^^SS& Wat 1800, s. : Master Hourc! Th« hnoirtx.. S" 8 ":; 5 na °eeame tho chief baritone of an 23 ind week. ■ tineas mod ^\fft&j52P*E2i ' n n0 WBy peeled Bryanfa Mlnatrelg' was the last burnt cork Ohidwick? wib^'Tro^^otrl? and -. with the Original Buckley.. party ho-played with. Hlg remains were In- Oormack 'and Wallace. Brlee and donne" The "GrlKlnnl Matt Peel's Mlnatrela" . terrcd In Qraceland cemetery. Klr.T.ia_ and _comp«u^. Basinets excellent. Wa» a party bo announced, under the man- —B »gww ousiness. BUI Omaha.' Nebr la 5n —Jmea firoa.. Alma Ferna, siiur Fall, a nit nk T^B, u, "i la - '■"> Jane Madison and company, Pony Moore ami "EEShln oLSI D »k.,25. I.e Mars, la., 26. Davy, and 1912 Cabaret Review." * . oJ.S,'5!' J 0a J hen ' IJ ^O. jDefamater.--Mgr4> Earasss Geo. Blaxealy. mgr.)-^ Vaudevlllo &£% %?Hk *% HBffS PU 20, o1atk>- and motion plctnres. Bill for week of 10: Three : Lorettas, f 1 ** .ord aad 111 v»k nf A ;. v "' l a - "• uciamater, mgr.)—Grand Gonne, and vt «i ' vLJfy Si Nc "P°rt'2l). itrattleboro, business excellent, u.i. "Vn w W if n<,0 J' S 0 '' 1 ' - s . Oardaer. PAMTAOga' (if. Oiark■ Walker. m»r:>Xvaudi~ i.i^ B iVLT?'™ Pr ? nMln i N. H.. 27. ■ > rllle sn.l mouin pictures, to good Dullness mil ^K.*T* w/5" Ur ?» ^ °- ^e'nmater. igf.)— tor 16.and week: Dolmen fro?.. Aim? Fern" - Vg&iJ8& ^?L 2 2t a . lo « 0'*/ *£*. called Frank Convergo's Canipbelto. They SKHA t0 New York In March, 1800, (rtnrtcd on the 17th' for a tohr West, D the Company. Birch and Wella* Mlnatrela fr«t£E9«AB "Get filch Quick WaUlnatord," Eastern—Ooaaa A Harris'—Detroit, Mien., 18-21. Oraiul Buldi "Oet Bleh Quick Walllngford," Weatem-Oohan ft Harrla'—Trinidad. Colo., 1», rMehlo 20 Colorado Sprlnn 21, Renter 23-28. ' "Oarden of. Allah, The"—Llebler Oo.'a—ForreaL Phlladelpbls, 16, Indeflnlto. w "Gypsy fave"—A. H. Woods'—Terre Haute, lad.. 32, ladlananolla 28-26, Lonlavllle, Ky., 20-28 "Moose Ctrl. The"—Baker ft Oaatle's ((.'red will. lama, act. mgr.)—Naahville, Tenn., 10-21 Olarksvllle 23, HopkluatUle, Ky., 24. Paascah 25, Mayfield 26, Union City, Tenn., 27, Cairo III.. 28. ' "Girl at the Gate. The"—Harry Asklo's—La Balls. Chicago. 16. Indefinite. "Great Divide,- The"—Rowland ft Ollfford's, Inc. (Frank Hunt, mgr.)—National, Chicago, 10-21. Detroit. Mlcb.. 22-28. • "Great Divide, The"—Primrose ft Mcfllllan's— Morrison, III., 19, Bavanna 2d, Belnlt, Wis., 21, Janearllle 22. Fort Atkinson 23, Shebomn 25, Oahkosb 26, Portage 28. "Gamblers, The" (Ed, McDowell, mgr.)—Kan Olty, Mo., 16-21. "Girl From Rector's"—Wm. Wamsher's (8. A. Mitchell, mgr. I—Fulton, Mo.. 20, Moherly 21, Qnlncy, III., 22, Klrkavllle, Mo.. 23. Unlonvllle 24, BrookOeld 26, Chllllcotbe 20, Trentoa 27, Jamesport 28. "Girl of Eagle Ranch" (Attrbery ft Cook, agra.) —Chandler, Okla., 19, Shawnee 20, Coalgate 21. Caddo 22. "Girl and the Outlaw, The" (Leo F. Harrison, mgr.)—Kearney. Nebr., 19, Hampton 20, Slwl- ton 21, Lexington 23, Outaenburg 24, North ' Platte 25, Paxton 28, Cbsppell 28. "Girl of the Mountains, The''—Wee & Lambert's (nsri7 Kyers. mgr.)—Worcester, Maaj., 2.325,' Springfield 28-28. "Girl of My Dreama"—Jos. M. Gnltea'—Wash- ington, D. O.. 23-28. "Girl From Broadway" (Billy Marshall, our.)— Beanoxnt, Tex., 19, Houston 20, Galveston 21, 22. 1 •<GIrl of the Underworld, A" (Wee 4 Lambert, mxts.)—Younptown, O., 19-21, Beayer Falls,. Pa„ 25, Ssllnevllle. O.. 27. East Liverpool 28. "Girl of the Snnny South, The" (W. C. Downs, mgr.)— Lakevllle, Conn., 10. Mlllerton, N. ¥/,', 20, Pine Plains 21, Amenla 23. '•' „• , llllttord,' Robert—Slaw, ft Krlanger's—Colonhl,- Chicago, 16-21, Criterion, Now York, 24, Indefi- nite. ' Hitchcock. Raymond^—(Vhan ft Harris'—Lejhii;-' ton, Ky., 19. Oolunibas, O.. 20, 21, Ilsrtfonl. Coon., 25, Waterbury 26, Mertden 27, tjfitBt- field, Maes.. 28. _ ■ ., Hodge. William — Llebler Oo.'a—Chicago Opera House, Cl'lcogo. 16-21, Milwaukee. Wis., 22-25. Hatos, Mlxtl—Werbs ft Leschcr'a—New Orleans, La., 10-21, Meridian, Miss., 23, MontKomery, Ala., 24, Nashville, Tenn., 25. 20, lieeatur, ; Ala.. 27, Birmingham 28. Haekett, Norman — SlaJr ft Nlcolal's —Toronto^ Ont.,- Onn., 23-28. , .. ;■'. "Hlnrlle Wnkea"—Wm. A. Brady's, Lti—Maslne Blllott, New York. 16. ftidednlte. ' ■'' "Hejrtbreakers, The"—Mort II. Slnser's ISnh Myers, mgr.)—Newport News, Va., ID, Nortel* 20. 21, lay off 23, 24, Richmond 25, 20, Lynch- burg 27, Roanoke 28. __ .. "Hnnky Panky"—Low Fields'—Lyric, rhilartel- Pliln, 16-21, 8nrlngHeld, Mass., 20, ;'6. "Home of a Thousand Candles" — rrlmrose t McOlllon's—nolstlngton. Kan., 19. Lyons 2U. Stafford 21. Eldorado 23, Enreka 21. llurllDf- ton 25 Altoona 26, Oaney 27, Mlrar.l 28. "Houio of a Thonsand Orndlea"—0. S. Primroses —Monn.cuth, 111., 19, Macomb 20, flalcsbnrj 21, Pekin 22. "Happy Hooligan"—Qua Hill's—Louisville, Ky.. 16-21, Imperial, Natlonsl, Victory anil Craau (hi order named), Chicago, 22-Jan. IS. Illlngton, Margaret (Edward J. Bowes, mgr.)— Newark, N. J., 23-28. Irwin, May—Newark, N. J.. 23-28. "Isle of Spice"—Knoxvllle, Tenn., 23-29. ' "In Old Kentucky" (D. Oonsadlne, mgr.)—Waco, Ter., 10, San Antonio 20, Houston 21, --■ Galveston 25, Port Arthur 20, Beaumont 27> Lake Charles, La., 28. Juvenile Eoatonlans (B. Lang, mgr.)-Winn per. Man.. Osn„ 10-21, Thief Illver Falls Minn.. 23. 24. Grand Forks, N. Dak., 25, 20, Crook)- ton, Mloa., 27-20. Kellerd, John B., and Players—Garden, New York. 16, Indefinite. Kolb, Dill and Maude Lillian Berrl-San Fran- cisco, Cal., 16. Indefinite. .... "Kindling"—United Play Co.'s—Pittsburg. Kan.. 25, Joplln, Mo., 26, Fsyettevlllc, Ark., 27, Fort Smith 28. _, "Kidnapped for a Million" (B.-H. Perry, mgr.)- Maywood, Nebr.. 10. Curtis 20, BlaWoajMBi Berlraud 23. Holdrege 24, Araphoe 25. Can bridge 28. Republican City 27, Nnponcc 28. Lewis, Dare—Rowland ft Ollfford's. Inc. (Ds« Beymonr, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y., 10-21, namli ton, Ont., Can,, 25. , , ... Luneska, Gene—Werba A Luescber's—fl«'«»{' R. I.. 10. Norwich, Conn., 20. New London g, Torrlnglon 23, Putnam 24. Salem. M«»«" •" Haverhill 26, Concord. N. H„ 27. KM» f - , "Little Boy Bine"—Henry W. Savage s—wm. Philadelphia, 23-Jan. 18. , ,.„,,._ "Little Millionaire, The".—Oobsn ft ."JJ"*,,) ■ Grand Opera House, Chicago, 16-21, ClnclnM". O., 28-28. , t ,,i_nisy "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady's, Md.—"■> house, New York. 16, Indefinite. .,.«,. "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. " Vlcker'a, Ohlcego, 10-Jan. 4. „_.,„nna. "Littlest Rebel, The"—A H. Woods'-0« »•""» ' Minn., 19. Albert Lea 20, M««on gg-JB Sioux City 25, 20, Mitchell, S. Dak., 27, »»« Falls 28. . - ,. nam, "Little Miss Brown"—A. S. Stern A 0°'" (w « -G. Ttsdale, mgr.)—Binghsmton. U. Hj Oornlng 20. Williamsburg, Ph., 21. 0»W«»B Md., 26, Martlnshurg, W. Va„ 20, Winchester, VB 2T fvf'akl "Little Tenderfoot, The''—KUmt * Ofszolo's (•« D. Ellsworth, mar.)—Imrwtlnl. Chleaco. '«' "Lottery Man. The"—Merle H. Norton's-MJMJ rey, Osl., 19, Lodl 20, Jgcksoa 21. MoW» 23. Merced 24. Fresno 25, Bteter 2". W" vllle 27, Vlsalla 28. ' . . _ .. M p. "Life's "Shop Wlndow"-Ctlff Gordon s (o. Parker, mgr.)—Jersey Olty, N..J-. ,(1 ' 21 '.' 4rstin-2ft-28; ;• .. _ .-••i_ i _j_ - . \L.K- ""»» vn-iurw. 11111 ror week of 16: Three n. >n mT... L. ,u "" u "c icmn.. zo, uome, ».~.. 1 ... . .. „, is. Gertrude Gebest. Plcchlsnl Troupe. GsT^ OofS;;, ki^""?^ 00 *?.' % n P" "> M •"- "Little Miss Susan"—Fred B«ym°n<l'» lb., ,,-«■ Herron, Milt Arnsman, and Mac?s'' cam' in7«A M ' •asW — flfcsjs^ .(B» iMwards. ms^.)^Hnisbon». 0„ 10. Ssblna ■ Arena, Lovl *TWmp.on'»A»erloaa Wm prganlked In San Francisco In March, M< NoT , .._ L „e.i om., „e n. s, \ ., l^& t& frK-mtL » . ™,' »,^S3^^sSSff^^SWiS!. ft. Opera Tronpe 1800. and, after; trawling through,the in! JESTmHEt 9"»- " ^-''i ' 4. atB Ba» ^.BWaa, 4* <H - Bl ^^ a K^^9> . "I$l»'™a Intt"^Ha;rry Muon, John—Charles irishman's—Hollls, **■ ton, 23-Jnn. 4. . ..- . _ .„, bm- Miller, nenry—Klaw ft Erlanger's-Trcmnot. BW Was organized In Albany da In 'Jannnrw terlor.for six weeks, opened at Magulre' "-^fiAfttoS^^55 OP«»"ou.e. dan Fra W rgco, i.'Wm. Dunn, Fran- _ , Blreb»a Mlnatrela, . id.jpd O. Xf. Uarrfs. ,J""itor rtc dlKfitjoj.ot'BJIly Birch, 01 1800. and mado a South _ flrlui'tz Matt Tliompjon, els Williams, Thos. Arend comprised tho party. ' • ...i'l.j.'l U* . Rot r i..t,it : npaayt Broad, *M*»^T*nWl&6^ .iiinh*.'* ■.f<-:i'-;.ii!:Tga-.uM.-, w>.-.