The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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pECEMBBB 21 THEN EW YORK CLIPPER. 21 The most acceptable Present you can give to Man or Woman is a box of "Onyx" Pure Silk Thread Hose. The Present offerings are Rich in Quality and Style. You will display good judgment in making your selections of the "Onyx" Hose early— $1.00 to $100.00 Per Pair. SnMbu responsible merchants everywhere. Jf t/our dealer cannot sup)i)ij>jott,u-e vill tlirect you In the nearest dealer or lend postpaid any number MM Write to Vrpt. C. C Wholesale Lord & Taylor £»t»bll«hed 93 Years WHY NOT ORDER FROM THE New York 8(111 Growing. LARGEST THEATRICAL MAIL ORDER HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? FRITZ SCHOUUTZ & COMPANY 19 WEST LAKE STREET, CHICAGO Everything for tbe stage or circus in stock, or made to order. Our large l.lustrated catalogue, lately revised, seat to any address, free of charge. LVITST- -BIG HIT pirodiesoi "Fiddle Dee." "Ragtime Soldier MaD," "Want To Be In Diile," "Girl Behind Man," "I'll BK On Moon," "Ohost of Gobllu Man," "Doing It Now," "Jungle Moon," "Ragtime Violin," "When Yen'relnTown," "Wc All Fall," "When I Was Twenty-one," "Mellow Melody." "When 1 Get You Alone ro-Xlglit," "Elevator Man," "Rout. E. Lee." "You're My Baby," 'Somebody Else Is Gettin' It." ■■Chicken Bag," "Love To Live In Loveland," "Pick On Me," "Brass Band Epn. Jones," "Tip From Father,'' "Moonlight Bsy." Last 12 for Jew. 10c. each; 3 for 26, or whole 24 Big Parody Screams, $150. Cub or M. 0.; no stamps. Other material. Send for catalogues and enthusiastic testimonials. MARY E. F. THAYKH, MUO Broad St., Providence, U. I. SlKDICIISK HKH. A OK NTS, AND KTKEKTMKN. ELECTRIC BELTS TOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES AN1) INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the big profits. Just what yon are looking for. Send 16c. for sample Eiectrlc Belt or pan of,Inso!es and get complete price list and lecture from the largest establishment ol Its kind In the U. 8. Belts, $1.10 doz. np; Insoles, 86c. dozei pain up; Inhalers,60c. doz. np. Fast seller, big proUti Send to-day. (Estb. 1878.) Inc. 1891.) THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kii. SHORT VAMP 8HOE8 (Trade Mark) . For STAGE, STREET & EVENING (New Catalog on Request) 54W,3!stSt.,B<t.B'wiy&6thA7«. I N v , B'way. at 48tb St, ChorcMrs Block | "* u *" CENTRAL TRUNKS ifJl l*H;: 281n., $0.60; 821n., 810.50; 86in„ $11.60; 401n., $18.00, Ctrcw Trunks, 24xl8il8 WOO. Bill Trunks, 80x28x15, Inside, $12.00. Lithe Trunks, 42%x28%xl2, Inside, $15.00 tSXS&JSS&i of $8.00, baL C. 0. D., except over "" CE.STHAL TRUNK FACTOR*. Est. 1884, SIMONS 4 < 300 miles, then remit whole amount CO. 8. W. cor. 7th & Arch 8t».. Pills NEW YORK COSTUME CO. fed for Catalog C 136 pages 140 N. Dearborn St,, CfflqGO MADE IN ANY SHAPE OR SIZE no. . AMERICAN RUG AND RADICAL CARPET CLEANING CO., 131»t Street, New York. Ph.W. Harlem 2867. & K 1CAYLAND, ".WgSS%£ T - XYLOPHONE8, ORCHESTRA BELLS AND MUSICAL SPECIALTIES, est, itm\. • The only perfect trunk kind. Daniel's Scenic Studios Room 207, 25 N. Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. SCENERY OUT OF TOWN HEWS BOSTON. current attractions ore worthy of consld«r»ttoa. Jiist now we are larorln* under the disadvantage "-*- 2*i Olirlstuim time, and the business Is sutrerliiK thereby, Siivsm (Wllbur-Shubert Co.. mgrs.)—daby Deslya and company. In iThe Whirl of Society," is doing Ooo business. M»jE3Ti 0 (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—"Julius trcssr" Is In ita second week. Boston (lfrobmau-Hnrrla Corp., mgrs.)—After a dnrknon of a fortnight Eddie For Is here with over the River.' 1 The player and pliiy were seen nc.-e some time ago, and were most success- Coloniai, (Frohuian a. Harris, mgrs.)—Third big wvek of Carter I)e Haven, In "Exceeding the o|H*0*l l.inut. Tbbuont (Charles J. Hlch, mgr.)—■•Bebccco of Sumijbiook form." with Edith. Taliaferro. Is now in Its second week at this house. Tbbuont (,ino. B. SchoclTel. mgr.) —Henry Miller, In "The Rainbow," Is now In his seventh week. He will remain for another fortnight. Paxk (Charles Frohman, Bleh & Harris, mgrs.) —This Is tbe sixteenth week of Rose Stahl, In Mnwle Pepiwr." l'LTMoL-in (Fred Wright, mgr.) — Prosperity a3 „ f*"- tUe rul < 0l G*rge Arllss. la "Dis- raeli. The play Is of tbe typo that a secon.l rtfjrwarrants • third, if the playgoer. Is so In- clined. This Is tbe tenth week St. Jam«8 (M. H. Guleslon, mgr.)—"David Hnritn Is being done this week, and then we hare the Christmas offering of "The Isle of Spice. "The Hypocrites'' was finely played by Hie stock players last week. Castle Sqi'iiic (John Craig, mgr.)—The statt is very tuny cow with the preparations for the Curlj.mas production of "The (JlnjerLwul Hon." It was really necessary to close the thentre this week. Kami's (B. P. Keith, mgr.)—The till looks good this week, ss the feature act Is "In tbe liarracks." In the company putting over this ore: Miles McCarthy, Nellie Brewster, Prank Rush- wortii, ami others. Other names on the hill are: fcdwln Ford and his "Big Dancing Carnival," .Muck and Orth, Dolan and Lenharr, Belle Story, Kitty Tiuucy, Conrad and Whhldcu, and Ilu- ranuo nn>l Nevano. Ospiikum (Victor J. .Morris, mgr.)—The play- ers tills week arc: Gertie Pnrcell, Corey and Itllev. K«r,o, Welch uiul Montrose, John T. Doyle and comincy, Madeline Sachs ami company, joe [A Kleur and Chlqulta, Undine Andrews, Sam Sanders, Howard or.d Mndls, and others National (G. A. Haley, mgr.)—The Honey Girls ore Loading the bill this week, Then there are: Paul Chute and Amelia llurnhu n Amly Kelly, Iltisner and Gore, Ilalley and Noble, Tu- telly, tlaxlmiis, and the PnrrolTn. WAtncoN's Casino (Charles II. Waldron, mgr.) The business was splendid Inst week with the College Girls. One of the reasons wc had fjr liking the show wss the f«ct that Dun Coleman, n Boston boy, was one of tbe orinclpal fumnnkcr«. This week, the Uoblnson Crusoe Hliow Is here, nod then to follow Is the Bebman Show, Qaibtv (George II. Bntcheller, rugr.)—Rose Syilell and her London Belles are here this week, and the Star and Garter organization Is to fol- low In. Ira Miller and his Sam Huwe I-ove Makers got by In great shape last week, and the week's receipts wer* very good. Hon-Ano (G. E. l.othrop. mgr.)—We have the pleasure of seeing Hilly Watson and his Beef Trust, and also Three Yoscurys, Ed. and Jack Smith. Rimes ami Robinson, Kransader and Job, Ben and Eva Walker, Wilson Sisters and DtilmnKC. The Yankee Girls are coming. Grand Onu IIiiusb <«. E. Lotlirop, mgr.)— This week the Queens of the Polios Bergore- Illlly Walton Is on his way with his large lady fi-lewls. Tom Miner had a good week with his lturlesquers. BowuuiN Souark (G. E. l.othrop, mgr.)—The bill llils week include?: The Leap Year Girls, Anderson end Golucs, Brasgar Brothers, Mlllrr 1'iul TeioiH'Sl. Ural snd dog, and Ted and Clara Steele. Goiiijon's Oi.YMPtA (J. K. Comerford, mgr.)— Those apiienrlug .lurrent week are: The Southern Singing Pour, Bannister and Wlinrd, Jlmmle Rosen and conipnny, Aurlenw, Johnson, HnycB and Mack, Rice and Cody, and the Pour Whirl- winds. Washington (P. G. Collier, mgr.)—Week of 10: Murine Baud, Joe Crawford, the Days, Von Hoff, I. mho and Howard, Jacksou and Florence, and Babe Smith. Ol:> rti.Tii (P. 0. Collier, mgr.)—Prcla anil America. Van and Rhlnchnrt. Great Marsten, Those Pour Boys, Daytous, AUIc Johnson, Dan Demur anil others. Eaoi.'j. — Sadie Fondeller, C. E. Burroughs, Burke'j Dcgs. rnd Barney First are the entertain- ers hero, llils week. AFTER 1IAT1I. There arc new shows being given at the Bijou Dream, Huntington Avenue, Shawmut, Unique, Apollo, Orll-nta, Pastime, Puritan, Hark Bay, Beacon, Premier, Norfolk, Oounlque, Niagara, W'lntliro.) Hall, Williams' Ideals, Superb Scenic Tempi;, Star, NaTlllus, South End, and the Kox- hury. Manager Mack, of the Huh, has the follow- ing attractions to offer this week: The Whirl- winds, l.i.ns and Titus, Frank Lorkln, nail Ryan and Cell. I.ynn, Mam,—Cenlrnl Square (James H. Doiiovnn, mgr.) all the latest pictures are pre- sented here, and business continues line. Olympic (A. B. Lord, mgr.)—The net present- ed by the Ida Fuller company week of Dec. 0, showed line color and electrical work. Bill for week of 10: Ed Jose and company, Owen An- drews, Joe Pino, Julian Winston, Alain ond Moore, end Jenkins. Geoffrey Whalen's picture lectures continue us a popular feature. Lynn (Jeff Callan, mgr.)—This house continues to draw large audiences, presenting good vaude- ville attractions. AoDiroiuuu (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.) — "The Melting 1'ct" week of 10. For week of IB, the stock company will he seen In "The Private Sec- retary." Capacity business rules. Couiqub (Al. Newball, mgr.)—Full booses con- tinue dully. Motion pictures .and Illustrated sousa are the attraction.* DitawuND (Samuel Grant, mgr.)—Lynn's school children iio-llcensc street parade, which occurred 7, was a feature of the moving picture program here week of 0. "Dante's Inferno" was another feature. Pastime (K. A. Loud, mgr.)—Increasing busi- ness will soon compel an enlargement of the seating capacity here. Dream, Cllftoiidnlc (Thomas H. Ciillcn, mgr.) ■Good bi'slness, with pictures. Lawrence, Mans.—Colonial (Julius Cahn. mgr.) JJosion Symphony Orchestra, under the auspices of the Chndwlck Club, Dec. 18 J Nance O'Ncll 25. "The Angelns" Jan. !!, 3, Harry Lauder id, Raymond Hitchcock, lu "The Red Widow." 13. OrBU House (Julius Cnhn, mirr.)—The Miilley & Deiml'jon Stock Co. present "The While Sister" 10 and week. "The Lion and the Mouse" S3 and week. Nioxtt, (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—Bill'for 16- 18 Includes: Zobau, Belle Jeanette, Clayton ami Llnnle, and Theo and her dandles. For 10-21: Owen Sisters, Conk>n, Johnson and Weston, aud Rlckera and Halter. Cosmopolitan, Itunn, Premier, Pastime-. Broadway . and Victoria continue to do good business with motion pictures. Lowell, Man.—Opera House (Ralph Ward, mgr.) "The End of the Bridge" Dec. IS. 17; "UncleTom's Cabin" 21. Pi.nritccss (K. Weston, mgr.)—Tlic Drama Players present "Alabama" week of 10. "The Climbers 1 ' week of S3. Keith's (Will H. Stevens, mgr.) — Bill fir week of 10: Bert ami Lottlo Walton, Beulab Dal- las, Barry and Mildred. Alf. lUppun, Jennings, Jewell nnd Barlow, John King and rompany, Sampsell and Rellly, and "A Mile a Minute." Miak Scj. (James Carroll, mgr.)—Bill for 10 ond week: Pearl Stevens, Prince. Bunion mid company, the Three Whalens. John Curry, ami photoplays. Academy (W. T.Howley, mgr.)—Bill for IsV 18 Included: Jack ^Vllllams. and Dv Grace and Dc Paul. For 10-21: Mae McDonald, Harry Mor- gan, and the pictures. Taunton, Man.—Park (A. A. Kellemann, mgr.) for week of Dec. 10 orc vaudeville act ap- pears. In sedition to five reels of pictures. Stvi, Columbia, Casino, Nickel, ak*o Musk Hall continue to do surprising business with pic- tures. Km—Boylen's New Theatre, tit Whlttcnton, a part of Taunton, Is Hearing completion. Newark, N. J.—Newark (Geo, W. Robblns, mgr.) "The Quaker Girl" week of Dec. 10, with Ina Claire and rerclval Knight. May Irwin 23 and week. Shoeuit (Lee Ottolengul, mgr.)—Tills house Is dark week of 10. Margaret llllngton, In "Klndlln/." 23 ond week. 1'ROOTon'n (B. 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill for week of 10 Includes: Wllfre.1 Clark nnd company, Wright and Dietrich, Sally Stembler and Bros., Lnnctmi Lucler company, Hayes and Aljiolnt, Harry Von PosHon, John Gleger, il.ttuly nnd Fields, Delmar and Delmar, and Oainphell and Brady. OnpiiKuu (M. S. Schleslugcr, mgr.) —The Corse Pnylon Stock Co. presents "Hast Lynnc" week of 10. "Old Ileldelbe.-j" 23 and week. Jacoiih* (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—The Jacobs Slock Go. presents "Dr. Jekyll anil Mr. Hyde" for 10 nail week. "The Night Before Christ- mas" wrek of 23. OavErv (Leon Evans, mgr.)—Benuty. Ynnlh and Polly week of 10, with Blutch Cooper, Tom MeRae. Lncln Cooper, Dolly Webb, and the Walsh, Lynch company. The Trocudertm week of 23. Minei's Empire (Prank Abbott, mgr.)—Znl- lah's Own Co. week of 10, with Lena La Oouvor. Belle Condon, Marie Croix and Laura Snyder. Jardln dc Paris Girls week beginning 23. WAKirixrrTON (O. R. Nea, mgr.)—Vaudeville nntl pictures, mil for 10-18 Included: Jark Hawkins rnd compony. Three Oomrndes, Society Three. S-hnw and Lee, Red'.vishl nnd Gordon, and Blllle Dixon. For 10-21, Uruce Rlehardsun and company Is featured. I.yrio (R. 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Vauilevllle ond pictures. BUI for 10-1S Included: Sylvester, Wright Ihirfor and Grlswolil, Pauline Cnrr, Lyda Powell nnd company, .Smith end Smith, and Mu- sical Rraiah Riders. For 10-21: J nines Hums, Temple CHrbV Quartette, Kelly mid Adams. Thorn- ton and Moyer, Six Rosebuds, and Browu and Seyioonr. Notes. —The San Carlo Oiiem Co. gave one performance of "La Fnvorlr.i, 1 ' In the Ross The- atre sluing week of 0, with Mines. Verger! and Noveltl, and Messrs. Anuull, Plmazznnl, Giildl, and De Blis Al, Beeves' Show entertained the f-hoe Cullers' Association, Bob While Club, Mas- ter Piilnirs, O. Ballon Association, Spellmnii, B. Wllmn, and Siilllrnn Clubs, nt Hie Gnvetv. week of U Six live turkeys will Is- given away to liolilers of lucky niiniliers, at Ja'tolm', 23. Je.mey City. N. J.—Majestic (P. E. Hon- •lerso'i, mgr.) "Life's Shop Window" week of lice. 10. "Mutt nnd Jeff" 23 and week. Academy (P. E. Henderson, mgr.i — "Uncle TomV- Cal'ln." by Hie Academy Slock, 10 and week. "The Outlaw's Christmas" week of 23. OapiiKt'M (Tlos. L. Sheeley, mgr.)—"Are You a Mason?" by the Oridienin Slock, week of 1(1. Bon Ton (Ed. Cmhignii, mgr.)—Variety, mov- ing pictures, and new souks. Monti.:ki.lo. —Tills house has passed under Hie control of the Sulllvuii & Oulllus Syinllcutc. Va- riety will continue. Hour.ken, N. J.—Gaycty (Olias. Pranklyn. mgr.) "Article 47" Is pnwnted by the Gaycty Stock Co., for week of Dec. 10. "Tin Gtrl In the Taxi" 23 and week. Empire (A. M. Bi-uggemaiin, mgr.) —Troca- dcro BoilesquerB 10-18. Dowory Burlesquers• lf»- 21, Knlckcihockcrs 23-25, Ihc Merry Whirl 20-28. Lyrio (G. S. Rlggs, mgr.)—Variety, moving pictures, and new songs. Denver, Col.—Broadway (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—Julian Kit Inge Dec. 10 nnd week. Orpiibtu (A. 0. Carson, mgr.)—BUI for 10 and week: Amelia Bingham nnd company, Prank Morrcll, Claudius and Scarlett. Grnele Emmctt nnd cotnpaiiy, Ferguson and Northlnne, Ombros Trio, Edwin George, anil I'nllie's Weekly Tabus Grand (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—May Robson 15 and week. Eiiprkss (Geo. A. Bovver, mgr.)—Bill for l-t nnd wepk: "Pun lu a Dellciiiesseii Shop," Waller H. Brown nnd company. Ling and long, Weston and Leon, Alf Holt, Barney Gllmorc, and Oau- 'motifs Weekly. IlAKxn (Ilnrry Ward, mgr.) — Kinerson-Coolr Musical Comedy Co., vaudeville and moving pic- tures. Pantaoes' (Nut Darling, mgr.)—Hill for II ond week: Five Juggling Jewells, Star Trio, Apollo Trio, Flo ond Allie Wullers, George Jasbo, nnd the Panlagescope. Oklahoma City, Oklu Fully (E. C. Mills, mgr.) bill for week of IB: Six O'Connor listers, Hani and Abbott. President McCvuiictI, tbe Pour Vonls. and the Pollyscojie. OvE!iiioi.sKii (Fred a. Wies, mgr.)—"In Old Kenliicky" Ml. Marguret Anglln, in "Green Stock- lngs," 20. 21. Lyiiio (Jnck Itoselelgh, mgr.)—^Hoino Stock Cn. prewnlH "The Man Who Stood Still" week of HI. Mmiiroi.iTAN (S|iort North, mgr.)—Tlie Norlli Bros.' Stock Co. ptcsenls "The Quaker Mnld" week of 10. Norrcs.—E. O. Mills, formerly nfonager of the Plum T'hei.tre, of Ban Antonio, Tex., Is now mint- nger of the Polly, this city. I/con R. Berger, for- iiH-r iniirnger. has returned to Birmingham, Ala. Pied O. Wels Is now managing the Over- liolver, In place of II. J. Moore, who resigned to Like up his i-esldencc In Indiana. Winchester, Ky Winchester (S. Dliielll. mgr.) "The White Squaw" was the attraction Dec. 0. Pastime- (Bloomflolil Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pictures. Lyiiio (Phillips & Moss, mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures. The aging of a cocktail is as necessary to perfect flalvor as the aging of wine or whisky. The delicious flavor and aroma of Club Cocktails is due not alone to the precise blending of the choicest liquors obtainable, but to the fact that they are softened to mellowness by aging before bottling. Manhattan. Maittnl and othtt standard olendt, botlleJ, ready ' '.3 tewe through tracked let,' Refute Substitutes. AT ALL DEALERS* G. F. HEUBLHN & BRO., Ssb Props. Hartford NswYork -WURUTZER-I ORCHESTRAL HARPS Tbe Accef ted World'. Stnitrt Write for beautiful Catalogue. Kasypayments. WerapplylheTJ.o. Uormm'twIthMnrtiaUortrUTflMU The Hudolph "Wurlitaer Oa J7I E.lth. Claclnnsti: 441 «.Wib«»b,Chleip F»tAllltQhQrt i«»« BROWNS! Bronchial Troches Nothing excols this iliuple remedy for Throat Troubles, Hoarseness and Coughs. Also gives relief In Bronchial, Asthmatic and Lung affec- tions. Froe from opiates. Sixty years' reputa- tion. Sold only In boxes, Sample mnlled free, JOHN I.-BROWN & 80N, Hoston, Mass. Want This Suit? ifhow ear Minplw to throe of your friends, tele two ordore fliiy and meke profit enough to get this atrell tailored aultfroe. No tumble, iJtnul/ enow our new op-todtte sample*. KrnrjIxMlf surpriaed, prices so low, itylee so beautltul, onion come eaaj. W# pay 1b« •aortas and fuarantav parfaot fft or no ■ata. You oin make 99.00 a Day Baay. Write a pick nd ret •i.mpUi anil sue uli' uutillfr'Q, erery- ilnf eiplalned. and special inalda price on • mil for ymirieir. It's a wonderful chances B AN H ■ R TAI LOR Ili<* CO., Dap t .m CMIC AGO WILL YOU ACCEPT a steady Job at $30 weekly Would you like a steady Job ai'lllnir my (roots, storting rlyjhtawity, ournlnir. UO n Wfi-k. with n chance to bo pro* muted to a poaitlon |>uyiii(r IJ.OOO yearly. No experlenc* la required. My nj/i-nf a havo Btaady employment the yosr round. I am ready to r[vo you a position right now whoro you can malto big money quick. Juat wrtio men letter or pontnl today aure nnd say: "Mutt pariftrtuara about the volition vou ufftr" and mmk tlio addrait Phonal for E. M. DAVIS. President E. g DAVIS CO-, 319 Pwg Block, Chlcitt BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 61. Ave., bet. 271b and 28th sis., New York MOST POPULAR FIIEVCH HESTAIIUANT PARISIAN CAKH I MUSIC 6.S0 TO 1 A. M. SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE /> MR. UfAiWR YOU NEED OUR CUTS FOR YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS They will mske your ads. "stnnd nut." - (lot sway from tin; old Bicrcnly|icil kind. Sendforcntsloinic. Raymond Theatrlcut Co,, "MM gjf Will smul you the shove tut for OOe. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Patters and Parodies, written to order, Good original work; reasonable pilces. JRSNK A MAKT1N. Box 32. INDIANAPOLIS. INI). MUSICIANS-Use Our s And InttramentalNumliers. Sendpostssofor Free Samples. Agents wanted. NKBOIIAH BNMUC nodaie, Depi. «t, st. i.ntiii, h«. OUR BURIvESQUERS. JACK 1WU8T A«Wfc|i mnscot, "Iloxo,' '■«y Widows Co. HTKI.IiA 45II.MOIII:. .Innlliulel'arlsClrls. nll.MI'- ""' , :;, Snm IIIiT'f imir.vdlll". Mtltli: IIII.T4i.V. M\ lill. sri.l.M A>, I*. I, AH A IIKMIIIIV, Mill moi'un, <;i:h i itriu: iiaykn. QmvMef llrlsCn. • Itcmiiy, Ynniiiiind |- ( ,iiv. HITII SI'I.MVAX, AXXA I'ltOIT. \\ lllll KlfrTRRM, lliniitj. Youth mill riill.v.