The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 21 B.B.&B.SPECIAL 70 Agencies in U. S. and Canada. Send for List. ■ 6-YEAR GUARANTEE! 26-ln.. 28-ln. . 80-ln.. 82-in. . 14-ln.. 88-ln.. 18-ta.. «0-ln.. 42-ln.. 11.00 12.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 Bound wltli our New Cold- Rolled Steel Binding Three-ply 11. B. & B. trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUED deposit re- quired on C.O.D. shipments. B. B. & B. TRUNK FACTORY PITTSBURGH. PA. WIGS««bBEARDS In All Stylo and Qualltlia THEATRICAL JEWELRY and SPANGLES, TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE ml STOCKINGS, FANCY BROCADES, V EL VETS, SATINS, GOLD and SILVER TRIM. MINGS, and all Good* Theatrical. High firtdi Qualities at Lowot Prlcat 0ATALOQUKS and SAMPLES upon request. When asking for Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN ft WEIL 77-79-81 Woostor 8t. NEW YORK The Theatrical Supply Emporium lirOO HIGH GRADE nCOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" ■old by Leading Drauliti, Oaitonwi, llalr storri and slept. Stores "ALIDBLLA" DANCING CLOGS Short Viiiiipa Price, all wood sole, |4.0O t leather ahank, $5.00; de- livered free. Patent fait cnlng. Man ufactured bj Albirl H. Hlamar Shot Co.,, Wit . SPANGLES, 91.00 PKII POUNX GOLD OB SILVER Cotton Tight., pair tl.ot Worsted Tights, pair 2.01 Plaited Silk Tights, pair 2.2r Heat Silk Tight* J 0 M 1> Inch cotton tops J * ,w LIVING 1'ICTUUE BDIT8 Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimming* Send deposit and route with order THE BOSTON IIBGALIA CO.. 8H7 Washington St.. Boston. Mast JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Buoeeeaora to Joseph Nolan MANIIFACTIIKKUH Of Leotards, Tights, shirts, Plo tnro Suits, Contortion, Bear and' Monkey Halts, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pomps. Send foi price list. SB and 6T Bllery St. Brooklyn, New York CKT ON THE VAUDEVILLE I tell you howl Fascinating profession for either sex. Big salaries. Experience un- necessary. Splendid engagements always waiting Opportunity for travel. Thea- trical agents and authorities endorse my methods. Thirty years' experience at manager and perforator Illustrated book "All About Vaudeville," sent FREE, Prertsrln l.n Hello. Btr». I. Jackson, jfcjj ?j2&DmHONDS. *—■— '^^ sH/41 at mi-di eoun ooutaiMoa ar.rMTT3 luil ull Urt US' tiMft iiiMmIIu W. pm™«i« ihtm Ml Mi.** flrit— IMn ,.r . IM.IK Oltir-lll hit.., n.f in SIM to..u,U|> cl MM Ilk SIX ■•■SIM 6..I ■ C O D. M IpitMMk. CtLl.t Pall. 4k»i lull II*. 1-tWM Hnt nunI*(l.dc4. IBOiU niMnSUi.thikUa Ckl.i|i WuRLiTzER r FREE . CATALOG Musical Instruments' tS2PuiM.2fi«lArtlelc«dmorll»i]. T88 Ilia- 5tratlons. 67 Ootnr l'luton. Kvury Minical n.tmmont. tiuporb Qunltty. Lowoat Priocn. KftSy FujUumtS. Mention llihtru- in,.lit jnu nro InttirvnUid In. Wo supply thu U. H. Government. TIIK ItlDOiril WflMTZKHCO. STl t <IM... (Isduill 441 S. VfiWb Av.. Oksn CAPSULES^ MM CATARRH and DISCHARGES Relieved In 24 Hours Eaoh Cap-/'->. ■ulo bears the IMinVl name *»• \^y Stuart o/oounlcT/MU PARKEF& JUMPING HORSE. CARRY U8 ALL THt«Lr'l)UCCUJIlf\»' l »r»Htl i AW Iff! CM AT EST MOM* k«**C« JWKfWC H0«S{ CAWf USAU^a/V.,^ H Ul AKn'rlChl 1 ll«. On* maehlna •irnid 9*8,900 In 20 wesks, 1004 On* ma eh In a oirnad 917,043 In 20 «*«•■•, 1800 Ona machine aarnad 910,002 In 28 wnf.i, 1900 On* maehlna aarnad 910,017 In 27 woaka, 1007 Ons maehlna earned 912,062 In 27 w'thi, 1800 On* mifllilno aimed 910,842 In 29 weaka, 1000 Ona machln* oarnad 919*821 In 29 waaka, 1010 Ona machine earned 920,139 In 82 weeks. 1011 "Aimivo fitfi rca will 1>c verified to customers." C. W. PARKER, Loavon«vorth ( Ka8. ^ACK OF THE NAME /T. STANDS ^ ^KSTTm.^tVrRBUllX ROBERT IIARLAND Snys: "Purchnsed a Taylor Trunk la ihici, been nround tbe world Ihrco times and never been re- paired." Pretty good service. Send for 1013 Catalogue C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS I CHlCACOt 3BE. Randolph St. I NEW YORK. 131 W. 38th Su I TIGHTS THU BALIOTS Complete Line of SILK WORSTED AND COTTON THEATRICAL TIGHTS Always) on Hand Order* Pilled Promptly Cotton Tights, very good quality, a pr. $ .711 Worsted Tights, medium weight, a pr. 2.00 Worsted Tights, heavy weight, ■ pr.. 2.7(1 Silk Plaited Tlghti (Imported),a pr.. 2.50 silk Tlgbts, heavy weight, a pr tl.OO Pure Bilk Tlgbta .... 8.BO Shirt to Match, same price aa Tights CLIPPER CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION BERNARD MANDL i 210.212 W. MADISON STREET CHICAGO STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOflS Plain Kid, • • $3.60 PaUnt Laathar • $4.60 All Colors, - • $5.00 Extra neat, will not rip. STAGE LAST .. _ In Oxfords, Slippers and •It-tie \ ^^fflBnBf iK.OO ~ -^^jpr lend for Catalog Bent C. 0. D. If f 1,00 per pair la advanced. FINE MAPLE DANCING MATS, made to order at 80 cts. per square foot NEELY BROS. 720 W. Uadtaon Street Opp. Haymarket Theatre CHICAGO USED MOVING PICTURE MACHINES bought and sold on 10 per cent, basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 86c.; Msln Shaft, <«>c.; Intermittent Shaft, 060.; Roll Tickets, Co. per; Uondensors, 40c.; to Carbons, $1.00; Aro Lump, 83.26; StorooptlconB, $12.00; Calcium Jet, 12.26; Film lo. a foot, any length; Acotylene Jets, $2.60; Beavy Condonser Mounts, $1.10; Aabeetos Wire, to. per foot; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other bargains. (Catalogue). L. HETZ. 30)s E. »3d Street, Hew York City. P. A BTALLMAN'B DRBSBBR TRUNK. Let our catalogue tell what an Improvement it is. Bow easy to get at anything. How qulokly packed. How use- ful in small room aaohlffonler. Holds as muoh as a good box trunk. Costa no more. Strong- eat made; band riveted. So good that we Bhlp It 0. 0. D. subject to examination. Send 3o. sump to-day for catalogue, l.M A N, 86 E. Spring St,,OOIAJMBUB, 0. Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSION 8, TRICKS. Etc. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOQUE, 2Bc, tree by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MAltTINKA * CO., Mfra., 408 Sixth Ave., N. X. V VAN FLIBT 47 WEST 28th BTREET, NEW YORK. The Edison Kinetoscope Underwriters' Type • <D" -is When the crowds begin to drift your place wt night and get jumping around the entrance of the movies on the next block, don't stick an extra arc light out in front and think you've fixed things. Look at the heart of your business —at your moving picture machine. Pictures look wobbly and spotty and full of specks? Keep the audi- ence waiting for repairs once in a while? No wonder the crowds are going somewhere else. Ever seen an Edison Kinetoscope? Ever notice how simple and strong it was—how there wasn't any possibility of fire risk in running it? Ever notice the pictures it threw—bright and clear and steady as real life? Ever thought of its economy? Of course you have. Then sit right down and ask us to send you a copy of the Edison Etna*. CURREMT E p |S0|| nm oeram and Catalog 500. You 11 V 6 1BU * ***«* •■ ■" O Dcc , i4_" A Christmas Accident," by Annie Eliot Trumbull. J.O00 \\ex trior! feet. Dramatic. D6 glad.. „ 1(J —„ Tlie j. uu u c . n „d Private Care of Infants." Produced In co-operation with the Ilussell Sage Koundntlou—Depart- ment of Clilld-Hclplng. 000 feet. Dcacrlptlvc-Kducatlonsl. Price, with Rheostat, 110 volts, 24-40 amperes, - - - $225.00 Price, with 110 volt, 60 Cycle Transformer, - - - - $245.00 IMCOMKOaATsO 9237 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. 17—"Lady CInrc," by Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1,000 feet Bra- math'. 18—"An Old Appointment," by Harry Furnlss. 500 feet. • linuiiiitlf. :.■*"' .«Whei>:Joej ; ;jVa» on.gXImci' Bldgcly. 000 feet. ■ ' Comedy. "•« . •> —• 20—"Tho First Settler's 1 Story," from "Farm Festivals," by Will Cnrleton. 1,000 feet. Drnmfttlc. |j . 21—"A Proposal Under Dllucultles," by John Kenilrlek Hangs. 000 foot. Comedy. ' ' 23—"An Old-Fnshloned Elopement," by F. 0. Ford, from "The aontlclromnn," England. 1,000 feet. Comedy. 24—"What Kittle Did," by Cba*. M. Scay. 1,000 feet. Drnmatlc. 20—"Love Among the fleysera." 1,000 feet. Comedy. 27—"A Clu* to Her raroutngc," being the alxth story of "What Happened to Mary." Produced In collaboration with "We l.iid'-s' World" 1,000 feet. Dramatic. 28—"Ho Sworn Off Smoking." 025 feet. Comedy. "How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family," by f.oulsc 8yu- metli. 470 feet. Comedy. 30—"The Crime of Cnrelessncss," by James Oppcnhelm. Pro- due-id In co-operation with the National Association or Manufacturers. 1,000 feet. Drnmatlc. 31—"For Her," by Bannister Mcrwln. 1,000 feet. Dramatic, Em $35 to UN Weekly. Study QTAHF DAKOINO 01 AM. SINGING Vaudeville Acta, Sketoaoi, Drama. Make-op, Playwrltlng. Personal in atruotlon by phonograph at your home ir you cannot come on to New Tork. Write for Illustrated booklet how 8,000 students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure Impossible. AIvIqhb Theatre School of Acting x3d hi. and 8th Awe.,Raw York TIORTB *M> MHIHTM of every description, Paddlnsy, Fr»a. •nalte and Monkey Snlta Blaetle and Cloth Supporters Gynaaaatle Pampa and Gaiters, •panatlea and Bnlllon Fringe. Send for catalogue and sample of tights—FREE. JOHN SPZCER Successor to Splcer Bros.. a« WOODBINE ST.. BKLTN. K. T SHORT VAMP SHOES FOR 8TAGB, STREET and EVENING WEAR SLIPPERS ^AuSofoi?" 1 Send for our new catalog S. of Shoes and Hosiery. SHORT I ■ A If'C SHOE vamp Jflbn O SIKH' 4«t Sixth AV., bet.» A so at*. Tel. 1088 Mad, ja. LEARN TO HYPNOTIZE! lDflaanoana4(OBtralo4han, Wakafuab; lUfaaur, Trait AlMaMt and bafl fcablU. Naw ul Inatialtna. auataathca. OraatHat/>ftukn. 101/tntjrlawnll. Veryaofc)l«at HaoeaaaaoTa. WotdrrfulIllwtfUM THIAT1BI and full paxtUulaiarBIR. FUvdaddtMt. ■. l». DOTS, Dnh fllS. ~ SHOOTING GALLERIES Write for Catalogue and Prices W. F. MANGELS GO,, CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. "THE.OLD RELIABLE' Plantens oR bLA CK- C & C CAPSULES ForCATARRH 8.DISCHARGES (ffi (BBS FOR EVERY PURPOSE 1,000 STYLES ESTABLISHED 180B WRITE FOR CAT. No. 41 110-117 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK OFFICE, 1165 Broadway SEATTLE OFFICE, 008-10-12 First Ave., So. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. 728 Mission St. m The A. H. Andrews Co. CARL ttTTLER. Pro. and Treas. HERBERT KETTLER. !*!• CARL KETTLER WIG CO. S000ESSOR TO wii. HBPmnB wia oo. FAOB POWDERS lor bo reara Amerloa*. W' 0 ' . SSSSJT™ wio bSebs £5. Write for IUautrated catalog B-oeit Issasd this country is/las ren(«d tot STAGE MAKE-UP V. Xi occasion. ■ Mr. Oari Kettior gives his personal supervision to the nun" detail of all orders, whether large or small. BEAOHET A LAWLBR WSSSS KM. N. W. Cor. Washington and »•«!»»»..« ill. 66 WEST WASHINGTON 8TBEET - ■ CHICAOU, a« ,« »F 0 L S6 . voraI X e , a ™ 7 e nav « tr, od to add to the Joys of Christmas, by allowing a spet NH 'Kb!? on a " V e 5! her Goods 80l<1 during the month of December. S5? i «.% r M $" I'^ynnt thing starts Decern • er 1, at 12.01 A. M. ...„ sc u, m .Ji u .I L t a b tller aood . B llDe '» • om » "•»• too. We make every Suit Case and Bag ** 8C "' wl e ?L l H?. womak8oartrunls - tn «' heat we know how. We can fit every pocketbook from $6.oo up. Hscoonto! and« WILLIAM BAL. Inc. HB W. 45th STREET, - NEW YORK CITY. Mack Trunk Co., l^V ^ Vlotor Trunk Oo., 74 EUls Bt., San Fiaui"^