The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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2 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembei 28 HITS HARRY VON TILZER HITS Word* bjr „«^.™»_. WEI. JGClOIiJE BEI<BASBJ> - EXSZABEiTH BRIOB'O SEHBAIKOHAEi HST IN ZBEQETaJU'3 EpiASES OB 1913 -BELE&SED JlttKlB V. MMACO THIS HOST TALKEIKOF SONG, AND THE B1GOECT HIT III YEARS, AND IT HAS OlfLV BEEN PUBLISHED A FEW WEEKS. TBI! BONO WILL nut. rawni »"»• J&AKE ART ACT A IUOT. AlfYO.IK CAW SING IT. A BUNCH OF EXTRA CATCH LIHES. Will. JBHOMB TMX GREATEST TOPICAL WHO IN YXARS HARRY vow f ILZKfl GREW ALL AROUND A OINCH HIT FOR ANTOHB, MALE OR FEMALE. TOE FUNNIEST BUNCH OF EXTRA VERSE! THAT BILLY JEROME EVER' WROTE. SPECIAL NOTICE vwits.% i> * iiii. »r Tin OHIO HP1I4 unrsK uri i.m ««. HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO.v 125 West 43d Street, NY OLD TIMEItS IX PROVIDENCE. Harry Le Clair met with great, succcsd at the Old Timers' festival at Keith's, last week. The bill also Included Luke Wilson, Golden mid Hughes, Dan Mason company, Ward and Curran, nines and Remington, Col. Holds- worth, Caron and Herbert, Maggie Cllne, and "Dlnkle end Maglnty's Racket" BubIucss was very big. On Tuesday Manager Lovco- berg gave the entire company a banquet at the Crown Hotel, and on Dec. 20, tbe day Harry became of age, to his surprise, on ar- riving at tbe hotel he found that Mngxle Cllne had reserved a private dining room and gave a Uttlo banquet In his honor. Tbobe who had the great pleasure of sitting at the table with tho great Irish queen were John Curran, of Ward and Curran ; Hlncs and Rem- ington, Col. 8am Holdsworth, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Klgby, who happened to be In the city; your humble servant, and, of course the queen.' Harry writes: "I need not tell you what kind of a time we had, talking about tbe good old days which have gone, never to come again, and then there was speech making and toasts, and the party did not break up until an early hour In tbo morning.' 41 » MBS. «;i,Il 1 ill 1)1: WEYMOUTH. The (loiiUi of Mrs. Gertrude Weymouth, tin well known proprietor of the Weymouth Hotel, Bangor, Me., occurred Dec. 17, after a comparatively brief illness. She wns for- ty-four jtnis of »ge, and Is sunvlved by her husband, George Weymouth ; a daughter, Mm. Ilodney Lowell, ana an adopted son, Robert Lewis, all of Bangor. Mrs. Weymouth was a .former resident of Canaan, but lius lived In Bangor for some time, managing the Bel- mont, on Hammond Street before sbo took the house on Columbia Street. The Wey- mouth was much patronised by theatrical people, and scores of the profession all over tbe country will learn of tbe death of Mrs. Weymouth with sincere regret. She was kindly and charitable almost to a fault, and never turned n deaf car to unyone In trouble or distress. Her goodncBs by heart wits often Imposed upon, but she never lost faith In tbe world In general, and numberless kind acts will long bo remembered. Burial was held from the home of her parents lu Canaan. «»» "ALABI DILI." AT WEBER'S. Joe Weber's Theatre returns once nioro to the list of dramatic houses on Monday night, Dec. 30, when a new play In four acts, en- titled "Alabl Bill," will hold the boards. It Is from the pen of JoBvph Byron Totten. and the play, which Is of tbe underworld, will be produced by u syndicate of managers, Includ- ing Joseph Weber Wm. M. Oviate, William Wood and Edward Mnrgollcs. The latter is a brother-in-law of Lew Fields. Ralph Stuart and Harold Hartsall will play tho leads. ««» "PRIMROSB." Klnw A Erlangcr will present Elsie Fergu- son In the Cosmo Gordon Lennox adaptation of the Calllavet and dc Klcrs' comedy, "Prim- rose," for the first time, at the Apollo The- atre, In Atlantic City, Dec. 20. In Miss Fer- fuson's company arc Frederick TrucBdell, Ar- bur Lewis, Harriet Otis Dcllcnbaugh nnd Helen Fulton, "l'rlmrose" was originally presented at the Comcdla Franchise. 4 '» VERY YOUNG SONG BIRDS. Tho Ohio Humano Society had Manncur I, M. Martin, of the Clnclnnntl Orphcum The- atre, arretted for violation of the child law. Dorothy and Elllo Itutan, of Ilutan's Song Birds, are below tho legal age for stage np- ?earances, hence the action. The mother of ho children, who arc seven and five years old, travels with them. ♦ ♦» BIOHR "WALLINUFOHD" COMPANIES. Chaa. It. Hamlin will go with tho "Cct- Rlch-Qulck Wulllngford" Co. which opened under Abe Spitz's management, in Bridge- port, Conn., Dec. 25. Another conipnuy opened at Dover, N. II., Dec, 25. »»» SCENE PAINTERS UNITE. The Association of United Scene Artists has been formed. Paul Scott la their sole agent. World of Players, Roster and Notes from the Mad La Pouts Co.—Tipton, Ind.. proved to be a "big one" for this season. We played to large business all week, turning them away on Fri- day night, with ''The White Sister," and also capacity with "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall." This la proving to be the beat season Miss La Forte has ever bad, as we have only had one losing week slnco the opening, Aug. 5. After tbe holidays we will start on a trip East, playing only the best time, and many return dates In Ohio. The complete roster of the company: Joe McEnroe, manager; Davo I leiiiimn, agent; 8. M. La Porte, stage mnnn- ger; Sam lOmnn, master of properties: Frank H. Coz, musical director; Del Sherrard. Joe T. Keller, Raymond Hutton, Addle Caldwell, Elaine D'Orsay, Jesse Glldcnnelster and Miss La Porte. This year we will spend Christmas week In Elkhart, Ind., and New Year's week In Kalamazoo, Mich. MiniAM Clhmhnts has closed wth the "Evcrywoman" Co. Thais Magrane will play the leading role. Notes frou Red Raven Comedy Co. — Harry B. King writes: "Just a few lines to let you know that the Red Raven Comedy Co. never forgets the troupers' best friend, The Old Reliable. We are .now In tbe heart of tbe Pennsylvania slate region, and arc packing them in nightly. If business con- tinues to Increase It will be necessary for the company to carry an 'S. R. O.* we played the Music Hall, Bangor. Pa., recently, and then returned for three days as a special re- turn engagement. We are booked solid until tbe latter part of March, which route will pilot us to the far West. The company of twenty-two people and one-half—six male, sixteen female, and Queenle Gordon (one- half), the pride of the company, and posi- tively tho youngest trouper en tour at the present time. Lew Gordon and Manny King are our feature comedians, and have been a riot wherever wo played. Miss Gassmann, one of our choruB girls, recently undertook the most daring feat ever attempted In these parts, that of going down on a small box, fastened by cable, Into the pit of one of tbe slate quarries of Bangor, Pa., at a depth of 400 feet. Tbe natives fairly raves about her nerve, and the press was over enthusiastic with Baby Esmond, the child actress, who made her debut when-she was two and one-half years old, and who received a solid gold medal In Washington, D. C, engraved "Presented by Manager to Baby Esmond, the Wonderful Child Actress." She will hereafter be known as La Petite Ludivlne Esmond, as she is now over seven years of age. She opened with "Rackctty-Packetty House,'* atop of the Cen- tury Theatre. In New York, Dec. 28. Fred Walton Is telling an amusing Inci- dent, after his return to London from his Orst American tour, He was entertaining some of his friends at the Greenroom Club with a vivid description of the electric ad- vertisements used by all the theatres of the "Great White Way/' When he had finished and was satisfied that he had done full Jus- tice to American method* of advertising, one of his friends, a rather bored young Englishman, said: "My word I Awfully In- teresting; but doesn't It make the theatres frightfully conspicuous?" Billy Marshall, with "The Girl from Broadway" Co. writes: "Everybody well and happy, only the mosquitoes bother us' at night. Will spend Christmas In Waco, Tex., rending THE Old Reliable." * ' NOW READY! THE -CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK for Saatston 1012-1913 It contains tbe name* and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents In New York, Chicago, Boston, Phlltdelpbla, Pittsburgh, Baa Francisco, Canada, London; Unite Publishers; Railroad Agents; The- atrical Clubs and Socleriei; T. M. A. Heii- quartera; Railroad and Steamship Lima, etc., and other Information. Sent only on receipt of 10 cents (stamps or coin), accompanied by a coupon cot from TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., LTD. Fl.ll!.lR THE NEW YORK (UPPER ALBERT ). BORIE, Miniglog Editor 4T W. K8th STRUT, AW YORK OUT OCT AND Send This Coupon and Ten Cents for a copy ol THE CLIPPER RID BOOK AND DATE BOOR (For ltia-1818) To THE NRW YORK CLIPPER «T Wast flatb Street, New York Scene on the Stnire of TUB GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME, CHICAGO. Standing on elephant, In centre, Is John 0. Robinson. On extreme left Is John F. McGrnll, general representative of the Hippodrome. NOTICE . HALF TOND PIOTDRBS In the rmd- '»« Pagea ot TUB OLIPPBR will be Inserted at these prices i Front Pace Cat 906.00 Doable Colanan (110.00 • !■»!• Oeh Notes from Scnrob'a United Shows.—Billy Scnrab writes from West Side. la.: "Tim show closed Its tenting season, at West Side, la., Oct. 10, ending a good season. I got a first class outfit, all new from the marque to the four small lining tents, also big tent, sixty foot, with a thirty foot middle piece, Wo ail lived on the lot, and enjoyed the camp line. I stored my outfit hero at West Hide, In the Opera House, for tho Winter, and will open the season about tbe middle «f May, carrying about twenty people and band end orchestra, making week stands, playing tho bigger towns, rutting on repertoire and fonturo vnudovHlo between the acts. I had nine i.cuplt- last season.. Vera Scnrab and J no Klldns wero united In marriage Oct. 0, iu Klckctts, la. Mr. Klldns and myself are run- ning moving pictures and vaudeville In the Opera House, The West Side Orchestra fur- nishes the music for the show. Our best neighbors are three old timers, Mr. Ueroda, who nine the tittle Hungary cafe, and tells the rubes fortunes on the side; wm. Moron, head waiter and music teacher; B, R. Becker, Chambermaid, tailor shop and animal king. The good Old Reliable Is always on file. Drop In and see us. We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." front page notices about same. It proved a big drawing card for us there. Well, if all goes well, r yours truly' will probably cat his Christmas repast In the smoky city of Pitts- burgh, as I expect to be thero on ChrlBtmas Day. All the company are looking forward with great anticipation for Tub Old Re- liadlb Anniversary Number. Tho coming of Tub Clipper Is the one event each week with us all. Herewith Is the correct roster of company at this writing: Lew Gordon, manager; Manny King, stage monagor; Bmli King, musical director; John Hollcy, master of props.; Harry B. King, business agent: Lew Gordon, Manny King, Sam Shaw, John Hollcy. Alllc Janls. Chorus—Ida Prentice Elizabeth Gassmann, Elsie Werner, Marlon Snow, Myrtle Clarke, Mabclle Adams, Melba Lorraine, Joste Hollcy, Babe La Deile, Flo Durand, Billy King. Jean Frisco, Bernlcn Do Farres, Belle Williams, Ollle JanlB Ethel Weston and Queenle Gordon, tho baby doll of the troupe." Will A. Peters writes that he cloBcd a very pleasant sixteen weeks' engagement with the Jack Roeeleigh Stock Company, Dee. 22. Charles Lbland, of the Price A Butter Co., spent the lay-off week before Christmas visiting friends In New York City. Gaskill A MacVitti Notes.— "The 'Frisco E£n%^JKSfilfi! No ' 2 "S&epherd of the Eff 1 r, Co ' f , rom TulM t0 v,D " a . Okla., Satur- day, Dec. 7, was struck by an East bound passenger train at a crossing near Foyil. nnd i»™. Bm 2 ker ™ an ? tne cnnlr «« wore badly SSSRi. Fortunately only a few of the roupe were Injured, and none badly enough to 'tVL 0 . 1 '! ^l ^^ were J »<* Sherman" After a successful season of fifty-two weeks, through Minnesota. Wisconsin, HU- BS! , a , n(1 Iow . a .' Ru !, 0 ' a «<«» Show closed 8* A.W Mr and Mrs , Ru , „, ;£H the holidays with Mrs. Rule's parents/Mr. *i M n?;., Cha8 - N<""lel«b, «t Harrington S^tb agr^nVs"' 1 - °' 1M8 ' Ma ^ ♦^♦L" Ca,bns ? a °s.. seven In number, expect to stage a performance of "In Arizona ■ nt ^"t- 1 "-! I"-, during this Winter tC broth* ors, besides their histrionic abilities have a band, each doubling In brass. * u " lMW ' MTe * P„w!S,. Gern i Bn " A ? erl< ? n D'amatlc & Music Publishing Co. has been Incorporated bv Rose e nbIat e t™ hal,lt ' ,0Mph Qottl '«S and lx,ul. Eddie Black Co. Notes. —After ploying tho principal cities In the Boutti, Including Atlanta and Macon, Ga.; Mobile, Ala.; Jack- sonville and Tampa, Fla., nnd New Orlcaas, La., opened a guaranteed stock engagement of ten weeks at Laurel, Miss., Dec. 10. Mr. Black recently played a three days' engage- ment In his home town, Carutbcrsville, Mo., and turned them away at every performance, and the company was pronounced Ibo best Mr. Block has ever headed. The roster in- cludes : Eddie Black, Chas. Nowhart, CMS. Mnrlow, Ed. Rodgers, Dan Roche, A. »• Flnlcy, Merle Claire, Queen Trenurj, Anni Marvin, Charlotte Murlow and Oiriao Rodgers. They are not opening any banal en route, but nre paying salaries in real money weekly, and everybody Is liaiipy. J. Elwin McBridr closed his "ijlrl « Red" Company, Dec. 18, und is now In KWj f.a» City, Mo., organizing a three night WM repertoire show, which will play ' uro "!L a . Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. All new pM» will bo produced. Some of the Km *J£ were with Mr. IMaBrlde oa the Bell A"' 0 ™; circuit, last Summer, wilt be with, 'he new company, with which Eva Craig will MLR* tared. W. H. Tibblls, "That Agent,' will w In advance. - MUSIC COMPOSBD AND AsW Mjg? for »ny Instrument or number ot lMinaj»»» 8ongs>ordsand Muslo,"ketohee.eto. Scndsumn, 0HA8. L. LEWIS. 429 Klohmond Bt-.J ^nrinnsUi"- HOROeCOPB-Havo your lioroscoi* to' the New Year (1913) cast by the fnmoiiB hif i*' JJ 1 .™ oger, Madame Maudo. For free trliii rejoiW' send 10c. and birth dote to MADAHK MAlWK, 1283 EAST 60th BT., OHI OAGO^HX^ FOR SALB-nHandcufl Act, Boi JWgpjSEZ, Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Mag o J *hJ£Z opfloon. Slides, and a Complelo Magic Bi.n« n ™ Show; also many other banmlns. Ur. nian > STAMP. QBO. A. BIOS. APBUHVN.L- Bronchial Trocsii* A remedy of superior merit for Ooughe Ilowwj nets and Irritation of throat, giving '/"J?"' relief In Lung Troubles, Bronohitls an 1 AW"* Free from opiates or any harmful li - '»<"« Sold only In boxes. Sample mailed fi* JOHN I. BROWN & SON, Bolton e. «7wE*"sTBBET- NEW VOBK.