The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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jjgCEMBER 28 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. SELIG'S nVE r A-WEEE THE DnrmOBLE PROGRAM J»n. «. PROMPTED BY JEALOUSY A strong drariia of niddem day society awl Uie petty Jealousies" that cause jgggaggg am" 01 ; ggg »■»"»«■ j.n. T. , THE GUN FIGHTER'S SON A story of the Weet. In whloae young men battles successfully against ihst instinct wnioh wag the undoing of his father, the Instlnot to proteot or shoot when {Suited . About 1000 ft. . Jan. 8. THE MAN WHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN A real be»rHnterest drama that strikes close to the home and heart of every andlence. A story of a man's misspent life, and what It might have amounted Jo If . Abo ut 1000 ft. jan. 9. THE FALSE ORDER Featare Rntlrosd Drama, A Headllner. An Intense and sensational railroad drama wttn an excellent story, and c n- tiinimr one of the most thrilling scene* ever depleted In motion pictures. See the greathead-on collision of two giant locomotives. About 1000 ft. j.n. io. THE COWBOY EDITOR A most laughable comedy of Journalism In the West of yesterday. . Good situ- etlonj and clover oharecterUatlons mark this as a winner. On the same reel with WHOSE WIFE IS THIS? Another brilliant oomedy produced In the best style of Bella's Western comedy players. Combined length about looo ft. Watch for Aosooocemeats of the Next Great Sells Feature Send In your name, we want to place yon on our mailing list. Ton will receive our weekly bulletin free. Send to-day. THE SEIIG 20 East Randolph St. <&> POLYSCOPE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. fo^O/WO/ Si/nopsps of this V/c i A h /./ eductions in this ;,u/:( i r^nrnw OywiGR:- cowboy Films. *v ? m\ fii-Jt-ttftt f*ti\stii, Mr.G.M.Anderson. * t- r rifL't DAYS IN WES"!! s». A.MtS!C*;i^,CtC pH&ER^lt FKSCN TO EXCHANGE MEN Otside of New York State, who can handle on a percentage basis the beet 2 and 3- red features made. wi bate tbe test features on the market to-day. If you can book them write NOW for our list of tenures and terms. Among our features are the "Qneen of Cam»rque,"or Gypsies' Vendetta. N. Y. and SI ■ -Palace of Flames," N. Y.; "In the Land of Darkness." STAIt SPECIAL FEATURE FILM EXCHANGE, Ine., 1 and 3 Union Square, Mew York City. ¥SSSS and SONG SLIDES A Sir Redaction In Film. 100 reels at 1 cent a ft.; some at $5 a reel; have Western and Indian reels. No worn out aim. 300 Seta of Sonar Slides, $1 and $1.50 a set; Power's No. 6 Machine, ISO; Edison Ex- hilltion Machine, $80; Model'B" calcium Machine, $20. I also bar Film, glides and Machines, mood. O. y. OAIXOT. TO Chrisrtopher ■treat W. Y. 01 tr. •The First Settler's Story" (Edlaoa). Released Dee. 20. A poetically captioned picture story that tapllcates on the screen tho story the old •rttler relates to bis friends, who listen and reep with him In Its sadness. lie and his wife had been the first settlers It the wilderness where together they built their cabin. They lived happily until one ay tbe rows strayed from the pen, and the hstanil stormed over his wife's carelessness. lie went off to his dally toll next morn wltb- nt a good-by embrace, and the woman's beart bled so with hart that she was deter- tlaed not to return without the cattle that \ returned that eve and she was still iwst, having left a note behind of her er- rand. A forest fire broke out all about her, and he went In search' ot the good little roman he knew she was. She returned with the cattle before him, but he found her young life crushed out, and she felt not the hug and the kiss sbe so longed for that morning, lor she lay cold and still in his big, strong inns, never to laugh and love with him again. - . The story Is beautifully pictured, and the •witching back and forth- from the group of litenen to the story' the 'old settler Is tell- idj dikes It.doubly impressive and a success. si t! '•HI* Western Way" (Lnbln). Released Dec. IB. Out In the rough West the girl and boy grew up together as sweethearts, but the girl s mother was socially Inclined and suc- ceeded In moving the family to the city, and toe girl forgets her sweetheart and becomes ■> Infatuated with a supposed "boob" of no- uilty that she Ignores ner childhood lover "en he calls at the stylish city residence, to crapel her to return West and marry him. He Is again Ignored, but the following day «"nej across the man who Is courting the tl for her money alone, and when he se« m showing the girl's photo and boasting of Jis good luck, the cow puncher immediately nocks him Bprnwllng and takes the picture »«cfc to the home. Here he is welcomely petted by the father, who Is told the story, •M after a third proposal the cowboy's western way wins the girl's hand, and the jwple and the old man catch the first train ■** to Arizona and are married amid a noisy inception from the ranch hands. • The story is there, and some good acting "done by the cowboy principal. Other parte are overdone. The scenes are very good; PMtography fair. Tod. *MSj Hnnn in New York" (Kalem). Releaaed Dec. "20. This picture shows many familiar scene* f=f-PP0(l during the busy hours In New York S7'- 1 ,' B,art! » with the arrival of one of »«.early morning ferryboats crowded with J™«ers from the Jersey side. Then fol- JO'S successive views at City Hall at 8 a. «.. urooklvn Bridge, noontime In Herald fffi e .1P? a dose-up view of The Herald shorm. °* twelve, a bird's-eye view of the S~Ppers and mattueegocrs enmeraed still J?™>« up Broadway, then a glimpse of the BsV2J m ta Wa » Street, and the "quiet »... v"? 000 on Ftftn Avenue. tat. .. orker " wl » rmd much to Interest In * ekceptionsiiy wen photographed subject. Tot. "The Divorcee" (Biournphi. Released Dec 10. thatT i,.E lc n ure . "IMMea out better comedy ££J usually is accomplished by this com- J5t£n *"•"*" produced, and tells of ^oM» *&• «PPS™'iA»»2?*JK! The story Is made Impressive and funny by the portrayal of. the characters by good people. t Tod. FIRST INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF THE MOTION PICTURE ART. It Is only a short time ago that the New York branch of the M. 1*. E. L. of America de- cided to hold an International exposition of the motion picture art, In conjunction with tbe third annual convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America, With this object In view the following member* were appointed as committees to manage what will be known as the First Interna- tional Exposition of tbe Moving Picture Art., at the New Grand Central Palace, New York City. July 7-12, 1913. Tbe general committee consists of: Frank Tlchenor, chairman; F. E. Samuels, secre- tary; h, F. Blumcnthal, treasurer, and M- Needle, L. Rosenthal, J. King, B. FJ. Cornell, and S. H. Trigger, president ex-officlo. Tbe advlsorj- committee Is made up of Sidney Ascher, chairman; R. L. McNabb, secretary, E. Valencia, A. Baucrnfreund, Grant W. An- son, M. J. Goldfard, M. L. Flelsohman. B, M. Davidson, G. F. Wright, William Douquo, A. N. Wolff, E. N. Day and R, C. Whltten. These gentlemen have had a number of meet- ings, and a great deal of preliminary work has been accomplished. A number of show promoters have en- deavored to buy the exhibitors franchise, but the committee have refused to allow any one to handle the proposition and will run it themselves from the offices of the exposition committee on the second floor of the Ger- man Bnrk Building, Fourth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York CHy. A novel plan has been suggested by Mr. Samuels which will undoubtedly be used to advantage. He suggests building four modern motion picture theatres on the mezzanine floor of the New Grand Central Palace, and In these theatres install every known device to make them what every moving picture theatre should be, and what In future every moving picture theatre will be. At the present time there Is much criticism about some moving picture theatres, and much of It Is undoubt- edly true. The motion picture exhibitors of Greater New York are for the most part law abiding citizens, and are endeavoring to con- duct their theatres on a law abiding basis. The above Idea will give an opportunity to 20,000 exhibitors from all over the world to see tho very latest in theatrical construction and Inner decorations appertaining to the motion picture Industry. The Idea Is to have the latest ventilating systems Installed and the best lighting effects, the most comfortable chairs, the best projecting mjchines. the recognized leading screens, and everything that will make the motion picture theatre. Dlenslng to the public. Manufacturers will Sndoub?edly«>e anxious to.showtheir prodnrta to exhibitors, so, therefore, these theatres wilt be numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. Film manu- facturers Comprising 'the ft tent. OjBgg will be given an opportunity to show tueir pictures In one theatre, the Fi m Supply Co. of America In another, the Universal la a oJportunltV to cnoose for himself wnlch he ?o°u°i r d & irg r y SLSA^t 52J. doilarf (J* 001 per square foot, and SwCMnan be absolutely tree of all duties. ■ H.FPODBOM-, Newark. N.^J. former* ''THE VHAGRAPH GLOBE TROTTERS/' tmm^* "f* »PP"«tlon at a farmhouse £&>, ? rk - TtM ftmner ' arter Providing- him, iSH * ««l? r o , « neal. told him he could get lSSr.^^ w<,od t ll 5: Tbe gentleman of leisure looked up at the calendar and said, „f tS Ji cry * orT f!' fcoMjtat I couldn't think mnnof^. work °, n «»» thirteenth of the .Si? - " *■ ■■ Plucky day I" „,_">• Vltagraph Globe Trotters," who ara ri! W .~*. kln 5 " %O0 l. ot th « world - «■ "ot be- lleTers in signs. If they are. they, certainly oery tradition and throw superstition to the winds. The Vltagraph Co. has so often over- thrown all precedents In Its marvelous and marked success, no doubt "The Globe Trot- ters will add to It In their twirl around the world. "The Vltagraph Globe Trotters" was conceived on Friday, June 13. Some of the trotters" left New York on Friday, the 6th, the rest on Saturday, the 7th, making a total of 13; leaving on the 2.13 train, and one of the company was assigned to lower berth 13 In the Pullman. They left San Kranclsco for Hawaii on Friday. Dec. 13. They had twenty- Mx pieces of baggage which, divided by two, makes 13. They will take steamer from Nagasaki for Shanghai on Monday, Jan. 13, 1913. They will reach Rangoon on Feb. 13, 1913, and call at Aden on their way to Port Said on Wednes- day. March 13. 1913. The/ are expected to turn home on Fri- day, June 13, 1913. and will probably ar- rive In New York City ca Saturday, Sept. With this record of fhlrteens the Vita. graph Globe Trotters will all be eligible to the "Thirteen Club," and should occupy the seats of honor. There are thirteen letters In "globe trot- ters;" five of the trotters nave thirteen let- ters In their names: William 8. Smith, William Ranous, Eugene F. Mullen, Harry L. Keepers and Helen Costello. There Is always a fascination in doing tho unusual and placing your fate In destiny, thirteen or no thirteen. Optimism Is the hope and Incentive to success. He who does the right thing at the right time, regardless of dogma or adage, is the one who does the most good for others. Those who arc doing the Vltagraph globe trotting arc: William Ranous, director; Will- iam S. Smith, business manager; MaurlcoCos- tello, Mrs. Costello, Helen and Dolores Cos- tello, James Young and wife, Clara Kimball Young, Eugene Mullen, scenario writer, and Harry L. Keepers, camera man. ttS 2rtK*° r . s jfi» SHiaTTB!gors"to^cno, *nc^*V, lTor , e « " na returns with a nobby M HaVa! Wronger than hers, and tnetead aha h.nrf J 0 " 8h0 '» "Mde to wait on JrtbyVoVkS foot - *n d humiliated when ™ "F™ , H[oVlttn'B tiVSW w* ""in ot» » rtnpi noW> 7 No- 1 home to look tte ^m^onyAamMm.^^ j^ <£ mMiMn. Brown rellihe. seeing her taking ••-■-■ him. lclne ■he formerly, aaaaefl out to w i^^lV^"^ NTH Bernhardt uloj. FOLKS BILL PASSED. With but one dissenting vote, the city aldermen on Dec. 17 decided In favor of tbe ordinance proposed by Alderman Ralph Folks, regulating moving picture houses. The ordi- nance was put through, however, only after Alderman Folks and the other Fusion and Republican members agreed to accept an amendment to It, proposed by Alderman Frank Dowllng, the Tammany minority leader, providing for censorship of films by the Board of Education, along the lines sug- gested by Canon Chase, of Brooklyn. The ordinance, as drawn by Alderman Folks covers the increase of the seating ca- paclty of moving picture houses from 300 to UOO, the construction, ventilation, lighting and heating of future theatres, and concen- trates In the Bureau of Licenses the mu- nicipal powers necessary to regulate the busi- ness. It was Alderman Folks' intention to deal with the censorship matter at some fu- ture time, after the ordinance had been adopted. ■ M. P. LAW IN dlKBEC, CAN. The new Prorinclal Government law. relating to nmlng picture theatres. Is raising nil kinds of trouble In St. John, both for managers unit patrons. Hie clause, which prevents children under ten years of kc attending the afternoon performances, la the discussion, m many parents bare made it a practice of sending their smaller children to the matinees, accompanied by older ones, hut under the adult age of twenty-one. Manaser F. 0. SpeD.ce, of the Unique, and Man- ager ColUlng. of the Nickel, were Tecently fined tor infraction of the new laws. The managers now nave two sets of laws to contend with, one the provincial law and the other the city law, Mr. Ooldlng being reported under the latter, while Mr. Spencer was reported under tbe former. m ■ r E LEAS K®. LICENSED FILMS. Sella. ■"Harbor Island" (Dr.) •'■Roderick's Ride" (Dr.) •"A Counterfeit Santa Otaus" (Ooni.) "The Utile Organ Player of San Juan "How the 'Duke of Leisure' Beached His Winter Home" (Com. I Oa same reel, "A Pair of Doota" (Com.) "Our Lady of the Pearls" (Dr.) ."A Rough Ride with Nitroglycerine" '^Ioyal Dererter" (War.-Dr.) •Greater Wealth" (Dr.) "A Curious Family" (Com.) On same reel with "Steak and Onions" (Com.) i'Tnmpted by Jealousy" (Dr.) "The Gun Fighter's Son" (Dr.) ■"The Man Who Might Have Been" (Dr.) ."The False Order" (Rallroad-Dr.) ■"The Cowboy Editor" (Com.) On same reel with "Whore Wife is Thlsl" (Com). Gassnay, ."The Sheriff's Inheritance" (Com.-Dr.) -'The Oafs-Paw" (Dr.) ■"BUI Mixes With Hi* Relations" (Com.) -"Love Through a Lens" (Com.) .'The Beward for Broncho Billy" "Requited Love" (Dr.) -"Seeing Is Believing" (Com.) ■The Miner's Request" (Dr.) -"When Soul Meets Sool" (Dr.) -"Broncho Billy and tbe Maid" Clues. (0. Kielne.) -"A Ladles' Man" (Com.) On reel, "Plctnresone Borrento, Italy" (Scenic), and "His Spring Ovarcoat" (Cool.) ."Balkan War Scenes" (Actual War- -"Among the Abruiri Moortalna" (Travel). On same reel, "Amy's Choice" (Oom.-Dr.) ."A Sister's Heart" (Dr.) Eclipse. (0. Klelne.) -"Beenty Boots In South Wales" (Travel). On same reel, "Wood Indus- try In French Jus" (Ind.), and "Tne Angel Child" (Com.) ■"Laughing Billy" (Com.) On lame reel, "A Foor-Footed Cupid" (Com.) Edison. —"An Old Fashioned Elopement" (Com.) —"What Katie JTJgr JD*.) „ .—"Love Among the Geysers" (Com-). .—"A Oloe to Her Parentage" (Srreatt story ot "What Happened to Mary") (Dr.) Dec. 23. Dec. 24. Dec. 25. Dec. 20. Dec. 27.— Dec. 30. Dec. 31 Jan. 1.' Jan. 2. Jan. S.- Jin. 0. Jon. 7. Jan. 8. Jan. 0. Jan. 10. Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 20 Dec. 27 Dec. 2S Dec.-31 Jan. 1. Jan. 2. Jan. 8. Jan. 4, Dee. 24. Dee. 28. Dec. 31, Jan. 4. Dee. 25, Jaa. 1.— Dee. 23 Dec. 24 Dee. 25, Dec. 27 (Dr.) (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"He Swore Off Smoking" (Com.) Oa same reel. "How a Horses boo Upset a Happy Family" (Corn.) Dee. SO.—"The Crime of Oareleaaneaa" (Dr.) Dec. 31.—"Per Her" (Dr.) . ■ rathe. Dee. 23.—"Patio's Weekly. No. B2." Dec. 24.—"The Christmas Miracle" (ConvDr.) Dec. 23.—"Dynamited Love" (Com.) Dec. 20.—"The Beach Combers" (Dr.) Dec. 27.—"French Naval Manoeuvres la the Baa- lish Channel" (Scenic). On same reel, "The Obanucb and Her Family" (Ed.. Colored). Dee. 28.—"The Bear Trap" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"Pathe'a Weekly, No. 53." Dec. 31.—"The Caprices of tbe King" (Hlat.Dr.) Jsn. i.—"Too Oowhor ind the Baby" (Com.) Jan. 2.—'The Frame-Up" (Dr.) Jaa. 3.—"Between Two Olrla" (Com.) On lame reel with "Sand Hopper*" (Ocean), and "Romeo and Juliet (Dr.-Colored). Jan. 4.—"The Doctor's Blind Child" (Dr.) Labia. Dec. 23.—"The Moatebank's Danshter" (Dr.) Dec. 24.—"The End of the Feurt' T (Dr.) Dec. 2(1.—"Two Boys" (Oom.-Dr.) Dec 27.—'Talmetto Hat Industry" (Ind.) On same reel, "Once Was Enough" (Ooni.) Dec. 28.—"The Blind Cattle King" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"The Power of Silence" (Special two reel drama). Dec. 30.—"Mother's Strategy" (Dr.) Dec. 81.—"The Bravery of Dora" <Dr.) Jan. 2.—"John Arthur's Trust" (Dr.) Jan. 3.—"A Guilty Conscience" (Con.) Oa same reel with "Just Oat et College" (Com.) Jan. 4.—"The love Token" (Dr.) Vim (graph. Dee. K.—"While She Powdered Her Koto" (Com.. Dr.) Dec. 24.—"It All Came Out In the Wash" (Oom.- Dr.) Oh same reel, "Ida's Christmas" (Dr.) Dec. 25.—"Two Women and Two Mea" (Dr.) Dec. 26.—"Freckles" (Com.) Dec. 27.—"The Better Man" (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"Sue Slmpkin's Ambition" (Oem.) Dec. 30.—"Planting tbe Spring Garden" (Oom.) Dec. 31—"A Woman" (Dr.) Bloffrnph. Dec. 2!!.- -"A Cry for Help" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"The God Within" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"Rill Bngg*' Windfall" (Oom. I On same reel with "A Day's Outing" (Cam.) Jan. 2.—"Three Krlcnda" (Dr.) Kalem. Dec. 23.—"The Sliaogrann" (Special. 8 reels. Dr.) Dec. 23.—"The Two Runaways" (Dr.) Dec. 28 "A Rosy Dny in the Jungle" (Com.) On same rtel with "Brave Old BUI" (Oom.) Dec. 27.—"A Business Buccaneer" (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"A Mountain Tragedy" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"The Peace Offering" (Oom.) On same reel with "Why Tightwad Tips" (Com.) INDEPENDENT FILMS. Kay-Bee. Dec. 37.—"The Law of the West" (Dr. On three reels). Jan. 3.—"The Great Sacrifice" (Two reels. Dr.) Jan. 10.—"The Paymaster's Son" (Two reels. Dr.) Keystone. Dee. 23.—"Hoffmeyer's Legacy" (Com.) On same leel, "The Drummer's Vacation" (Oom.) Dec. 30.—"The Duel" (Oom.) On same reel, "Mabel's Stratagem" (Oom.) Jan. 8.—"Saving Mnbel's Dad" (Oom.) On same reel with "A Double Wedding" (Oom.) Jan. IS.—"The Oure That Failed" (Com. On same reel, "How Hiram Woa Out" (Oom.) Comet, Dee. 23.—"Hey 1 Babe" (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"Winning a Bet from Dad" (Oom. Dr.) Gnnmont. Dec. 24.—"A Peach for a Prisoner" (Dr.) Dec. 20.—"Zlgoto Drives a locomotive" (Oom.) On same reel, 'The Man with the Pull" (Com.) I tola. Dec. S3.—"Easy to Return Home" (Oom.) 0» same reel, "A Good Hunting Dog" (Com.) American. Dec. 23.—'The Recognition" (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"HIackened Illlls" (Dr.) Dec. 28.—"Tho Girl of the Manor" (Dr.) Dec. 30.—"Loneliness of Neglect" (Dr.) Jan. 2.—"Love and tbe Law" (Dr.) Jan. 0.—"The Fraud That Failed" (Dr.) Majestic. Dec. 22.—"Jack In the Box" (Dr.) Dec. 24.—"All on Account of a Banana" (Oom.) Dec. 29.—"Love anil the Telephone" (Dr.) Dec. 31.—"Jim's College Days." Ttannhonser. Dee. 22.—"Tbe Repeater" (Dr.) Dec. 24.—"The Star of Bethlehem" (BIblltal, on 3 reels). Dee. 20.—"A Militant Suffragette" (Oom.-Dr.) Dec. 81.—"With the Mounted Police" (Dr.) Jsn. 3.—"A Poor Relation" (Dr.) Klnetuaeolor Releases. DasCBMBCH. "Grape Harvest In Piedmont. Italy" (Ed.) "What 1 Want to Be When I Orow Up" (Child fijirjt'rj ) "Motor Boat Races at Lowestoft, England" (Kport). On same reel, "Modish Furs" (Fashion). "A Christmas Spirit" (Dr.) "Balknn War I'lctuns (5 reels). OUT OF TOWK HEWS Hartford, Conn. Parsons' (H. 0. Par- sons, ragr.) lleyiuond Hitchcock Dec. 28, Robert Lorraine 30-Jaa. 1, Henry Miller 2-4, Nnnco O'Neil 0, 7, Harry Lauder 8, Mme. Tctraixlnt 0, Richard Carle and Hattle Williams 10, 11. Pou's (W. A. Ascough. nigr.)— Bill for Christ- mas week: "Tbe Dance Dream," Three Keatons, Havlland and Thornton, Kennedy, Nobody and 1'lstt, A'llyno Lowe and company, Arcble Onrl and company, Wilbur Swcntman and company, and tbe Pollgrapb. Habtford (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—"Bill for Christmas weeU: "Little Miss Cut-Up," Balllnger end Reynolds, Hoey and Moiar, Bijou Gertrude, Texas Tommy Dancers, Irene La Tour, Freeman and Freeman, Pauline Feldlng/s Players, Ham- mond and Forrester, and pictures. Buries (P. L. McMahon, mgr.)—Three shows dally to good crowds. . _. Bran (Harrison Harris, mgr.)—Daily change of aims to large houses. ... „, Duon and I'BiNcxss, new picture houses, will soon be thrown open to the public. Ifevr Hnwesi, Cfcnn^rpeTton (B). p. M- drldge, mgr.) "The Poor Little Rich Girl'' Dee. 23. 24: 'The Woman" 26, "The Muter of the Hfatlgaafl' * 27 28 Pou's (E, 6. Williams, mgr)—HI" for week of 23: Edward's 'Kid Cabaret," Madden and Pltipttrick, Moflet-Olalre company, Cooper and Bownson, Spencer and Williams, Stuart Barnes, and the slfcla Troupe. Barllaarton, la. — Grand (R. F. „Holmei, mar.) "The Sweetest Girl In Parla" Dec. 27. •The Third Degree" 28, "The Price" 20, "The Million'' Jan. 8, "Brewster's Millions" 4, Wlttl- ker Stock Company 5 and week. OasaiOK (Oeo. Mercer, mgr.) — Three shows dally, to ceod crowds. Boyle Weoifolk'e Musical Ob„ with Wm. Morris. Oraee Tkorstn. Nan Haiperla, sad Oar SolTracaUss week of 33. Piuoa (L. P. Blank, mgr.)—M«vkt! atetires, to good business. Eirrs (W. H. Taylor, mgr.)—Moving ptetnres drawing well. Const (P. Togr, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Nsmo (Allender a Co., mgrs.) —Moving pic LvatO (W. H. »wlng, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures, Nors.—Louis Mann was greeted with an en- thusiastic audience 17. De» Moines, lew—Princess (Elbert a Oetch- ell. Dim.) "Little Lord Fsnatleroy" week of Dec. 22. . Bmonau, (Blbert A OetdMll, mgre.)—"Tbe Sweetest Girt In Parts" 22, Wm. H. Orane 35, Too*. Rosa, la "The Only Ben," 28. Mi/ssTia (Blbert A Getchell. mgre.)—Bill week of 22. De Onso Bros., Oole Ruaeell, Davis Ooltou, Darrow company,' Clans IUdclltfe, Faotalns and Fisher. Billy Wlleon. Bert Von Klein and Grace Gibson, Roweoe and Belnea, O'Rouaha sad O'Ronsbe, McConnell and Austin, and pictures. OarmroM (H. B. Burton, mgr.)—Bill week of 22: Jack Wilson and company. Will Dillon, Claude and Fannte, Five Jugailng Mowatts, the Great Aaahl, Owen Olark, Fisher Sisters, and the picture*. St. Pi'nl, Minn.—Sletropolitan (L, H. Scott, mgr.) William Hodge, In "Tbe Msn from Home" Dec. 22 and week. Mme. Emma Cairo aud Gali- leo Oarpirrl afternoon of 22, In scenes of fa- mous grand operss, preceded by a concert. Flake O'nara, In "The Rose of KUilare," week of 29. SuusasT (Frank 0. Priest, mgr.)—'The Bra to" week of 22. Oar-BITM (B. a Burroughs, mgr,)—Very good business. Bill for week or 22: Grace OasMrou. Franklyn Ardell and company, Howard's Novelty, E. Frederick Hawley and company, Felix Adler, La Mase Trio, snd Ignatius Oardosb. Big pre- parations are bring "made for the appearance of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, Dec. 80-Jan. 1. She will play matinee and night, 30, "Lncretta Bor- gia;" "One Christines Night Under tbe Terror," matinee and night, 31; ''Camilla" Jaa. 1, mati- nee and night. GaANO (Taeo. L. Hays, mgr.)—The Pace Mak- ers 22 and week. For week Ot 28. tbe Ante Girls. Kmpbi-is (Qua 8. Greening, mgr,)—Very gox*. business. BUI for week of 22: ,T A Night In the Park," Bud Snyder, Jack Ark, Bordoa and Shan- non, ami Bessie La Ooiint. MafasTio (H. S. Mitchell, mgr.)—Buslnens heavy with vaudeville end moving pictures. Add- ed attractions for Christmas week. PaiKOUss (Thorn.!* McCraily, mgi.)—A strong bill of vaudeville and moving pictures for Christ- mas week. Btaxuhd (0. r. Rose, mgr.)—Business kee;ia up well at this popular playhouse. 8tar (Jacob Harriott, mar.)—Good business. Vaudeville anil moving pictures. Aimrrnmru (M. F. Morton, mirr.)—The popu- lar Symphony Orchestra concert, uficnioca of 22, with Mme. Oenevleve Wheat, coutralto. St, .Tolin, Can.—Opera House (F. G. Spen- cer, nigr.) tbe Academy of Music Stock: Co., from Halifax, N. »., week of Doc. 23. Polard Juvenile Opera Co. SO and week. . Ni.iKxr, (Margaret Hrvck, la Sengs, and tbe moving pictures. Uniouk. —Moving pictures. Stab. —Moving pictures. Gbh. —(Irace liolcombe, la songs, and tbe mov- ing pictures. Ltbic. —Vaudeville and moving pictures. Nuts. —II. It Jacobs, manager rlprtnghlll (N. S.) Opera House; V. VV. Winter, of tbe Monclon (N. II. I Oiiera House, and J. D. O'Ootinell, man- ager of the Academy of Music, Halifax, N. 8., arrival In llils city 18. Montreal, Can. — Hla Majesty's (H. Q. Brooka, mgr.) Montreal Onuul Oiwrs Co. con- tinue* to do good business. Pbincbss (II. C. Judge, mgr.)—Lewis Waller week of 23. OKr-iimtu (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23: Ray Cox, Henshaw aud Avery, Trovullo, Farber Sinter*. Gonlon Highlanders, the Gee Jay*, and Woods and Woods Trio. Kraxoajs (J. 0. Hooley, mgr.) — Vaudeville anil moving picture*!. Bill for week of 23: Jug- gling Mattlileu, Henry and OfDormoll, Dora Itonca. Ilutily and Adams, snd Arlon Quartette. Gatbtv (J. F. Arnold, mgr.)—Girls of Ihe Gay White Way 23 and week, Hastings' Big Show 30 and week. Hamilton, Con. —i Grand (A. R. Loudon, mgr.) "Don't Llo to Your Wife.'' Dec. 25. 2U; ■'Mis* Nclody from Stnrland" 27, 28; "Little Women" Jan. 1, 2; "A Marriage of Convenience" 8, 7. Txuplk (J. 0. Apol.'ton, mg.-.)—Bill for week of 23: Little Lord Roberts. Donovan ami Mc- Donald, Mile. Martha and Ulster*. Klmlierly atnl Mohr. Cotdon Hid rid aud company, anil Honors and Lo Prince. Savoy. Pbincihb, Ri.n Mill, Gaiety, Csistal. anii Uniuus are sll doing well with motion pic- tures, and pleasing big patronage. Nors—A new and ttuely e>|ulp|ieil moving pic- ture hcuso hBB been opened on Hast Barlon Street, li-re. ami is known as Die Empire, with I'rv.l Gfest as manager. Sernnton, Pa. — Lyceum (T. M. Gibbons, mgr.) "The Trail of the Lopesomo Pine" Dee. 25, 26, two mntlneen; "A Butterfly on the Wheel" 28, matinee and night. Pom (John 11. Docking, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23: "The Karl anil the Girls," Hart's Six Steppers. Darrell nnd Conway, Grace Wilson, the Upside Down Zeralilns, De Marco's Monks, snd Those. Four Entertainers, Business continues One. , Columbia (G. Nelson Teots, mgr.)—Girls from Missouri 23-20, Zallah's Own Co. 28-2S. Acaobmt (A. IT. Wlnstrom, mgr.)—Photoplays snd special feature nights throughout the week. Bijou IlBSAaa, Mwiiat-tan, Oki-iikuu, Wom- dbih, Victoria and Wunpbslano all report wiod returns, presenting movie*. Nora—John H Docking, msnagcr of Poll's Theatre here, has been made manager of tbe Poll at WUkes-Barre. Wllllamsport, Pn. — Lycoming iW. G. Lamade, mgr.) Mme. Hrinbrtrh pleaaed a big houso Dec. 19. Gbetterilun Stock Co.' week of 23. Family (B. O. Johnson, mgr.)—Bill for 2,'I-IM: Boso Royal and her horse. Schooler and Dickin- son, Fred W. Peters and company, Linden and Puckley, and Evelyn Clark. Hill for 20-2M: Majestic Musical Four, the Empire Four, Hall oiid Salon no, Antono Zlnker, and Jack Boyl. Norfolk, Vn Academy (Otto Wells, mgr.) Paul ailawro Dec. 2.1. Sarah Bernhardt, in mov- ing pictures, 20-28; "The Merry Widow" Jan. I». Colonial (0. 0. Egan, mgr.)—Hill tor week ot 23: Insa and Lorelln, Stewart and Donahue, Billy (Swede) Hall ami company, Six Klrksmlth, h'lsters, Al. Fields anil Jack l«wl», Alexander and Heott, anil Leltxel Sisters. Rnslness good. ■ Obanbt (Otto Wells, mgr.)—"Three Twins" week of 23. Viotoxia (Otto Walla, mgr.)—"The Holllckers." a tabloid musical comeily, week 23, Ahsmoan, Aucaiib. Oolumsu, WoMDIlltiKD, Bonita, and Kotosiio, motion picture bouses, report good business. Petrrsbara*, Vn. — Academy (M. L. Hof- tielmer, agr.) Al. Wilson, In "It Happened In Potsdam," drew an appreciative audience, 10. Helen Orayce. In repertoire, week of 30. Oockaiih and Viaui.'iiA are doing well with mo- tlon pictures Fond do Lao, Wis.—Henry Boyle (W. H. Stoddard, mgr.) beginning with a matinee on Cbrletmas Day. Dec. 25 Ihe Jack Smith Stock Co. Iiegsn a two weeks' engagement. Manager Slodilard Intemls retaining tbe company should It prove s successful venture. Bijou (Wm. Smith, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Royal (0. Printer, mgr.)—Moving pictures lo good business. Notb. —The Idea Theatre closed after tbe Sun- day evening performance, IB, snd will remain dark until opened by parties wbo may pnrchsw the stock of the Idea Aaaseneat Company, now 'nil by D. 0. Sanest 9 A. N. Merrllt.