The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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6 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 28 RLEINE-cines Release Dec. 28, 1912 BALKAN WAR SCENES FRESH FROM THE FIGHTING FRONT Aulh.ntlc War Pictures, .hawing the Armies of the Balkan Alll.a la active engagement, with the Turkl.h fbress. For fnrtber Infor- mation address GEOBGK KLEINS!, 10A N. State Street, CHICAGO, ILL,. FOR SALE—Fifty 1000 feet reels of dim, tlOO, fllniHt $2.6)to >10; the foilowlngtwo reel featu'es: Enoch Arden fib, Celenrsled Cue $40 L'e 113 $60, when Hearts Hi-cut $76. Clio and J liyleteo so-, Who IMsiui nd iso. Days of Nero $80, Humnn Suc- riflce sso, Before YorKiown $"*, Athal nil. Ouecn of Juileu, JuO. WnrOnthc Uahs itW. Thcfo i owing three reel features; Uncle'- om's C'nbln 176 Urlpof Alcohol iii, T.le o. Two cities »76. Price of Beauty $ti, OIU and the Ibv-p |(!0, O.s'er's Last Stand tioo. Whlto Sla e *7r>, Pu, don Flay $120. Fools of Society $7S. 11. Da VIS. Watertown. Wla, Cabaret news. A nbw cabaret has fallen In line along the White Way, Midland's, underneath the Heidelberg Building. Broadway and Forty- necond Street, known as "Ahead of tb« Times." It Is one of the Iluost Vienna i-oslunrants In New York. Being located In the theatrical district makes it very conveni- ent for theatregoers and professional people to meet. The cxouislte decorations are of the rarest type of Viennese style In order to carry out the Viennese plan, the cabaret has adopted na Its emblem the coat of anna of Austria. The show Is made up of the fol- lowing good talent; Helen De Neurlc, formerly In vaudeville, who Is not only THIRTEEN DEAD, FIFTY INJURED. At Rnrraqoos, Belgium, thirteen persons were killed and fifty seriously Injured dur- ing the fire which burned down a moving picture theatre. Dec. 22. None of the audi- ence waB burned to death, death in every case being due to internal hemorrhage caused by known for her neat appearance, but for her pressure In attempting to escape. good singing: Al. Re, known as the big The panic was frightful. The theatre ao man with the baritone voice, doing a double conimodntcd only 000, but more than 700, In- with Harry Rose, comedian, who is half his eluding many children, had crowded in. s'zo, causing a riot every night: Zabo, the When the flumes broke out some of the spec- little fat tenor; Tanly and Young, novelty tatorB Jumped from the balconies upon the dancers; Patsy Arlington, Spanish dancer, etnigglng people below. PICTURES OF BETHLEHEM STEEL WORKS. Leon J. Rubcnstcln bBB put over a great Industrial picture of the Bethlehem Steel Works, I'ennsylvanln. These pictures are of grcnt educational value, as they show the process of uteri making from start to finish. The photography Is excellent, and tho pic- and several others, Including nn orchestra of twelve pieces. The Colleob Inn, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, has added to the show Irwin Dash and Louis t'ollock, with Ted Snyder, music publisher. The two boys can. certainly move the keys on the piano. Betty De La F'lechcllc, one of the new attractions at the Inn, Is becoming quite a favorite with the Uarlcmltes. Imooiine Bennett, Billy Walsh, the ca- baret ilot maker; Jack Manlon, another tures pleased Charles M. Schwab Immensely. c X ret '^orTeTlMl..e Bal.arT'Be.le Dixon. Agncs^Meyers^ Kitty Coffee, Hugo Angelu, ; KINEMACOLOR'S WAR PICTURES ARRIVE. Klncmucolnr films of the war In the Bal- kans, which arrived In New York Saturday, Dec. 21, on the Lusltiinla, were taken under the direction of Frederick Vllllcrs, the war correspondent, under permission from King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria. They will be shown at Carnegie Lyceum beginning Dec, 80, In connection with pictures of "The Making of the I'anamn Canal." At the second annual convention of the Indiana Motion l'lcturc Exhibitors' League, held at theCOennlsou Hotel, Indianapolis, this week, Dr. J. M. Rhodes, of Indianapolis, was elected president; !•'. J, Hunhesch, Shel- by vllle, vice-president; l-:. J. Addy. Indian- apolis, secretary, and A. C. Zarlng, treas- urer. The new oflicers have opened beautiful unices at Hiiks Building, and will be on the Job looking after the best interest of the ex- hibitors nfl the time. They will watch each and every bill presented to tho Indiana Legis- lature In January that affects exhibitors In any way. They lntcad to demand a square deal for exhibitors from law makers and film exhangee all the time. The Indiana League Ellis, Jack Ellis, and the Hawnllans, recently In vaudeville, are In the show at the I'ekln, Forty-seventh Street and Broad- way. Mike Fertio has returned to the city and opened at Voll's Alhambro Garden, One Hun- dred and Twenty-sixth Street and Seventh Avenue, under the Alhiimbm Theatre, and he was Invited, with tho entire cabaret show, by the chief yeoman of the IJ. S. S. Wyoming, to entertain the boys In blue Inst Wednesday nftcrnoon. He also volunteered to entertain at the Grand Central rnlnco, Dec. 11 to 10, for the benefit of the Industrial Exposition of the Bronx Hospital, The show consists of Marguerite Scott, Harlem's favorite soprano; Mnztc Sheldon, known as the Little Blonde; Marguerite Stark, the dainty Viennese; Fran- ces Llttnu, cabaret's most famous ragtime singer, and Doc rick, plnnlst. EniTii Helena has signed to play cabarets for the next ten weeks. Another lively cabaret along the white lights Is the Frolic at Foty-sevcnrh Street, near Brccdwny. The show Is managed by Frank Foraythc. who has tho following enter- taining: Ragtime Harmony Trio, three well known cabaret entertainers, who have made qutte a hit around) Now York; Sam Fletcher, tins 350 members, which Is one of the strong- <'hamcter comedian; Rose and Jlmmle. est leagues la the country, and It Intends to 'Tick*," who will sail in February to ICng- protuct Its members. land; Victor Hyde, in hla own olglnal Rus- P. D. Ghekn. of Hastings, Neb., has bought »'»» buck and wing dancing. Victor Is not only a dancer, but lie can certainly put over character songs. He also docs a turn at Shnndi-y's. Lulu Roma, soprano; Itcglnn ran soprano; Kitty Ross, coou trnoiiter, another live wire; Charles C. Grohs and Sons. Bnriibnn society dancers, causing quite a stir -with their clever dancing. Tbe pair make a very neat team, doing nine to ten different society dances; and the Frolic Or- chestra of twelve pieces. The LonsTEn Palace, at Forty-seventh Street and Broadway, known at the home for sen food, has Chas. Bennct, character enter- tainer ; Milly De Liiskc, coon shoutcr: Edna Bennett, character singer; Rose Mitchell, leading lady; Evelyn Keller, known as tho 'Frisco midget; Phil Cohen, ivoryologlst; Frances Scott, known as the silver tone so- pr-ino: Herman Seltz, character entertainer; Milton Wallace and Herman Walters, two well known cabaret riot makera; Matt Sll- voy, the manager of the show, is the origina- tor of the cabaret clown night, known from Const to Coast as a high class entertainer, and was formerly featured with William Slnfor's Brighton Reach Band. Tub first department store In New York the Elite Theatre, Burlington, la., taking possession at once. A mirror screen and elec- tric orchestra have been ordered. The pic- tures will start every day at 1 o'clock and be continuous up to 10 v. si. Mr. Qrccn owns several moving picture houses. LITTLE STAGE FOLKS' CHRISTMAS. More than thirty children of stage took part In the Chrlslmns tree celebration pro- vided by the Stage Children's Fund, nt tho Comedy Theatre, New York, Dec. 22. Tho gathering Included: Charles Delnhanty, Doro- thy Bicnlln, Melba MacKaye, Mnrjorlo Brown, Irene Brown. Holeu McAnlle, Chiules Paglucla, Mildred Greenwnld. Norn Lang, Dorothy Buedor, Albert Donoglnie, Hazel Webb, Mnrlha lllub, Margaret Kccr. Con- stance Wolf, Mury Wolf, Edward Kocnaii, Baby Jennette. Edna Nlekson, I.ols Alexan- der, Evelyn Ilennett, Lillian Hamburger, to run a cabaret show Is Simpson, Crawford Horenec Rudolph, Jeromo Tobln and tho Co., Sixth Avenue and Twentieth Street. Tho Turner Twins. show consists of the famous Hawaiian Or- A merry evening of entertainment was ehestrn. formerly In vaudeville: Corbett and finished by the distribution of cuudy and a Warner, Fred Taylor. Mile. Cantarelll. and present for each younster, including furs, Victor Sorlln's Orchestra, Kesner's depart- coats, books, watches and other things that BW"t store, 8lxth Avenue and Twenty-third delight children's hearts. Street, litis also started a show on the fourth Millie James, the president of the orgunl- floor of the building. ration, made tho distribution. Max Rooms, formerly a cabaret enter- ____________ talncr, has opened an office in Joe Morris' -_-.. _,-.,_ ' ' . ~"~L muslr house for the booking of cabarets. Mr. IDEA, FOND DC LAC, DARK. Rogers Is managing EstherT3. Wood, the well At tbe close of the second performance at known soprano, the Idea Theatre, Fond du Lac, Wis., Sunday Turin.: Is a live spot in the town of Hoho- evenlng, Dec. 15, the employees were paid oil ken. The Romano Rathskeller, In the Ter- end tbe theatre closed. The house will re- nilnal Building. (18 Hudson Street Times main dark until opened by the parties who ™ay ue hard, hut the cabaret Is packed to may purchase the stock of the Idea Amuse- ,De • ,oore pve T night The cabaret Is made ment Co.. now held by D. C. Sargent and U P tn Dutch Btytc. Along the sides are red A. N. Mcrrltt. They havo announced tho S"*"? benches, which arc used for parties house for sale. rronl ten up, making it different than nny H. C. Prlnaen, who has been conducting °*h p r rathskeller in that town. The tables tho theatre for the past several months, re- .* no ,. ch ? | rs are of mission wood, and the rear cently disposed of his Interests to Messrs. " dlvld.'d Into cosey comers, decorated with Sargent A Merrltt, and will In the future de- rel1 notches, which helps In making a Dutch vote his time and attention to operating the »PP«ir«nce. The show Is made up of three Royal picture house, of that city. 4»» LAMPS ENTERTAIN SIR THOMAS. On Sunday, Dec. 22, Sir Thomas Llpton was the guest of a nenvber of Lambs, at the people off their seats. club hi use. In tii. party were: Frank Dan- iels,, Dlgby Bell, J. Bernard DyUyn, Andrew Mack, Wm. Courtley, 8. Craven. Edgor Smith, and Charles Evans, Sir Llpton recited a number of novel experiences. Including one nt Ceyloa, India, where he met In the Temple of Buddah a priest who confided In htm that his name was Kelly, and that he was frina Ireland. Sir Lipton being seen in earnest con- versation was given credit for being conver- very pretty girls and three yonng men. work- ing In I burlesque style. Outside of this show there nre other entertainers, which Include Irving Mnsloff. Jack Fein. Grace While. Joslo Kahl and Roy Burke, who is knocking the THE NEW WEBER-FIELD SHOW* ^P^»^^^ The electric sip at the Weber ft Flelda V.»l Valli Mr,.Crawford and dgrwi j "Th. Ra ? n , &.* , I^ n ,0 ^ n ? ,c ^? of !•,„, . Frank Danfels, Bessie Clayton, Arthur Ayla- effects by John B. Lynehan. 1)^^™ l Will S w ' worth and Helen Collier Carrie*, In "Holy The cast: A-r™™*h and motion pictures ^ «»«*•)—VanoW Poly" and "Without the Law/' „. _ Percy Fltulmmona Arthur„AyIwwrth ■ w «t B»d <j fc fw.,,, The new show was pnt on Dee. M, an* H lrnm iflttalaiDona. ........ Frank Daniels M Cwtm'' la thVfcSiS' n W r -)~"Th» the numbers now run as: follows: »«ou. nt^mmons.. .Helena^Colllw Oar^dt ^\SSmk£ .& h £^°««»*S Act i. Opening ensemble enbad," entire chorus; "I berg," Mr. Aylsworth and Lonesome Romeo." Mr. Daniels "The Photo Girl," Miss Valli Valll apd CUtton L-rawiora iTr'perforrn"a*DC°es c ' «g-"g^ w »l pafkij"; ohorrts; "The Moving Picture Man," Mr. cerlU. a dancer..... ..... ..Bessie Clayton "»f« "^/° tl w 0 . i?f n ^".""ers f or |ffi Crawford and chorus; "Die Nene .ArtV von K8trto a. a bier stubs oUvtolty. ?o"nd»"follow en ' wUu " T "e Ore? Munich (Dance of the New Art), Miss Clay- filsa Relaharft AAhauEfcri (Claude 8»nnfl„« ton and ballet; "?,» i( Mli. Bf'iftMffi The canoe scene »» now done with fonr weeK of 23: BaWhoWrt Birfc Emi^'- 11 "! ^P»!!SM^r&m£& canoes., conta.n^t^ g.rls^ach. A mo.- Ba.d^, p DO R rothy Kento^ w E »«„T.« ber. In "Milestones" all tbe j; r sdim ai s are introduced by the chorus. j oc \vhit( "Without the Law" ia: Lillian Sh tag," chorus sJ'Come to'My Land of Love Edward PJJ^",— ,;;;;;/,Arthur AyiBwort i Itelth'a Bronx (Harry Hath, .„,„, _ .. ■-■- Lawn Party," the Langdons vSz3, tb * jpm>m^tmvm mn WHAT THEY1U Sil g^ft* 4 «- & -aB stark" Jan. 1. "The Million" 6, Kln.macolor mo- V °92LJE&m a.. M—.^ ^ tlon plcturw on other dates. " " f* 0 «°f ■ •>»c Hondre* and Twcitv. Bijou (J. D. riloiore. mgr.)—Bill for week Dear Sir—Thank, for prompt att*a- Jfth Street (C. O. Allen, mgr.l—iwSj of 22 Includes: The De Kachs Family, Gibson tIoju HBd „ nunl i, er OI answer, nl- houses rule here. For this week • ••()„„ and Oarrln. Carter Taylor and a«p. W ready from the ad., and easily filled East Side Street," Dora Dean, Doliv Vnnil Fnye Trio, Happy Harry Hlnty, and the Bijou- gj / nca nele». With beat wlsbea, wa Girls, Florence Horse and compa, "I BSS5 5C 2 , ' e - „,. i „ «..v. „«■ i_"Th» Fminv ■»«. roars truly, VARNET * MONT- and Dixson, John McGnlre snd coiiinanv in? uJFSll&ftLtJMS?' r-) OOMERT, Managers Carletoa Sl.tera' tag Johnsons, "Mother. Ooose,'' Co "bs »h nrV^tSTaoa. mgr,.,-MoUoa p.c „,« « nd .« nna <he de.trea and Sj,"*^ «"*'Wl4 « SS a tores, to large booses. , hBd no tPOI1 i,le fllllna; vacancy, a. v vHSStr—ixtU Street fl n.n,.f i ' • Flint, Mlcb.-BIJon (P. W. Bryee. mar.) » recelTed xnany "pile.. With beat _r« udev i]| e and p| ctal . ffli 11 - ucr nst«ln, tag,.) I 111 for Dec. 22 25 litcluded: Ike-Cbok-Be. Ciher wishes, IRA E. EARLE, Manager YorlcvIHe (Eugene Meyers mn) v., a and Wbltecllff, Harold Browne sad company. Hlmxocleln'a Playera. TUle and pictures ™«t.j— Vance. Zag Zng Trio. Moreall.s. asd tne Bl)oo«cope. , Family (Fred Jncobv m** \ n ^ For 26-2S: Banders a D d Von Kanta. Bosette only to stood hualniHui 7 ' mgr ' ) ~ Hc '<"« Benee. Pearl Bros, and Barns, AL Lawrence, W. "I had excellent re.alt. from «r 0n »__ > 'fuJ^TS^mmw > v a , 8. Hnrtey and corapnny, and the plctorer. I„ at week', ad. for pianist. T. 9. _,',*" i„ ^l rt hm,-^ - ' - VaUC,cvlllc ^J Stonb-b (F. W. Bryee. mgr.)—"The Thief" STORY." pictures, to good bouses. 21. "The Sonset Trail" 22,^ r PaId In Full" J5. ^_____ ? em ? <Jack Lowers, mgr,)—Vaudetlllf "The Bohemian Girl" 27. "GrauaUtk" 80. • _____ „ _ .,. and pictures. L,u " ._ - -_ DEAR. CLIPPER—My "ad." r»n «_ee Riverside (Herman Goldman m«i Jackson, Mich.—Atbcnienni (H. J. Porter, ,„ i amt month's iaane and seenred me Vaudeville and pictures. ' Jr '~ mgr.) "The Million" Dec. 28, '"The Bohemian an ena-aaremeDt with the Streeter- Proapeet (Frank Gersten mer)_T*. -fl. ni;,^' y w Lt PMt * *• "* ' Bp ''- n stock Co " BBd ' !L?'« h J * a *' * » lock °» er » f °r tWa week •^ , o?n ! ti tiln^ Kitty Oorcon 14. .. i_nni fo* ~"Y ancce.sfnl one. Thanklnar yon Leisure." " t-H°__S_-i t_> U_SS: a«rr7 Orotty! tor tavor * "hown me, I am, trnly Metropolis (Louis Fosse. mgr)-Tt. Ke"y and wfntworth. t'^Co^^out nni jour., HAHH.TON W. WISE. Hartford Cecil Spooner Stock Co. Is attracting emS Dewey's eilucated horse. For 29-28: Frederick City, Ind. ed houses, and the offerings arc up (o tbs and company. Bobby Bobbins, St.nsflelil, Hall and —_—___ standard, tor this week, "Tbe Girl In tb« Lorain, Whltefleld and Ireland, and the Van Bros. GENTLEMEN—Kindly send u an- 2,, •' w " n " Tne Daw n of a To-morrow" lo Denver, Col^—Broadway (Peter McCoort, other Red Book. Some -nprlnct- " _*" mgr.) "Broadway Jones" Dec. 23 and week. pled ralBaa ho. stolen oor copy. miner's nronx (E. D. Miner, mgr.)— OariiKuu (A. C. Carson, mgr.)—Bill for 23 though we can hardly blame him, as Queens of the Follcs Bergere arc the uttrm- and week: Bloncho Walsh and company, How- the book is such n mine of valuable tlon for this week, and opened to a erowil ard, "Meln Lelbcnen," George H. Watt. Herbert's informutlon. Holiday R-reetliiKS and ed house 23. Dora, Charles Drew and company, Les Marco KO od wishes to THE OLD RELIABLE. Loew's National (Harry Lowe mrrl- Belll, and Patbe's Weekly Sincerely yours, HcMAHON A DEQ Vaudeville and pictures. Tabor Gband (Peter McCourt, mgr.)— Mod- ( i nc .) Tremont (Jake Wells, mgr.)—I'lctor« aire Sherry" 22 and week. ' ' ______ and vaudeville - — """ Pantabis' (Nat Darling, mgr.)—Bill for 22 Odeon (H n«.kor ,n~ » v>_u _■ -nil week: Wayborn's Minstrel Hisses, Gertrude "Yon have made yonr Issae very nletmi. wecxer, mgr.)— Vaudeville ant I^e Folsom ancf company, Stella Fancber, Chinese vnlnable to us, nud it wonld be dim- F wi.iia~»«» <u»— —. Baritone. Phil Godfrey, and the Pantagescopo pic CD lt Indeed, to «et nlon* withoot V aud"lle Sffifnlcturcl" ""^ m ™ " KKPrsss (Geo. A. Bovyer. mtrr.l-BIll for 21 g ^"E O T. MIL LER/ Jf±gSST (fic " Nlbur ' ■»>-▼•*«. and week: "La Dance aux Violins," Oolllna and ____=-^^^^=___________!__ and pictures. Hurt, Three Italian Tronbadonrs, Arthur White- »„-„„ , . i_ m_ ____. ° ,," F 'f,', h Av , enae (Albert Lowr, law, Mme. Bwme'e Oockalooa. the Dancing Mad- »">. BosLEr, formerly the Western man- mgr.)—Vaudeville and latest pictures are dens and Ganmonl't Weekly. ager for the Shapiro Mnslc l"ub. Co., baa attracting good business. Bakus (Barry Ward, mgr.)—Cook Musical returned to the New York office, where he Loew's Seventh Avenue (C Sctvardi Oomedy Co., vaudeville and movmg pictures. will take charge of the profecalonal depart- mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. ___________________________ ment. , Gotham (Lep. Solo—an, mgr.)—Vaude- rltALin FAnnAB mournB tho death of his vl „ a" 0 pictures. »%^%>l*%^"^%*/*%+#%'1 mother, Mrs. Mabel M. l'nrrur, who died at Brooklyn, N. Y. — Montauk (F.dwari i her home at Leon, Knn.. Dec. fl. _»■_ Pf»' Frances Starr, In "The Case of ThS forms for the iSSUe Of « , J . om J - "cQ«aw, the Giants' manager, B « C » T , this week. John Drew, in "The Pw- t i no ioiiiib rei too iB»u- w x „„, Bfjejli th , g wfek und ^ gj hcad ; plexc j ii u , DBI)d ~ W£ek ot r, e c. 30. rtrtxry* g~\Y TTJT->1T19 # quarters of the New York Ball Club, to send Broadway (Leo C. Teller, mgr.)—"PaM- ■*• ~—-atv V^_-<—. _:-_—xv - «, j out confnets and prepare the Spring training ers-By' la the Christmas week attraction. TiATED JAN d 1913 _ * our •*"«*-•. He will resume hla vaudc- Ma .J[ ,rwln week of 30. UAltAJ Jfl". t, ±vxo, j Tlllc booida— ftt B t. Louis Jan. 6, to con- ..Majestic (John It Pierce, mgr.)—"Beady Will CLOSE On MONDAY, # ,lnDC uctl1 " an - W at Chicago. teas" , 'ext" - ' 811 .! 4 " WCEk ' " "^ C * 0 "' Lnrfl SA _ *" M ~* M ~~**~ M ~~~~~ Oepbedm (Fa'nk Kliholz, mgr.)—Bill for is-v. ow. s* _■_■._■ _-_-. 28 lududea: Kathryn Kidder and company, »aa«aaa.ua_ua«H«J Klltlll vfYDXT /TTV SM,n Mayhcw and Hllllo Tavlor, Llndm »%^fV-k*^*-"^^—^%—k-i»—— ll|_W lUlVlV LI I I* Beckwitb. Hal Stephens, Koonvy and Bent, —»-_- -_** -o nnlllgan and Sykes, International Polo Knn ninlre wis — -ami tDowllae ft Prootor's Twenty-third Street (Jo- Teams. Wartenberg Bros., and Mr. and Jte ■2&33__9^^»W r Bi-flC -eph Uaug -gr.l-Blll for Dec 23-26 In- B _Sm»K_" fSLS^^tt maD-Dlll ■Tbe White Sister" 27. eluded: King Kolllns and Kllfton Slaters, ,..,"?.! J ii, ,,?"• , m * T ;' , %m bn Uh.qox. ano Bax. motion Austin Bros!: rrlsinl's Animals. Maurice &,&* JfBJ&b&M _■__ Itott} hi picture and Illustrated song houtes, are all doing Samuels and company, Larrle Clifford, Those f?S ~i",h«»- J. <3iii? a ,PS , « 1 Jf? ! big baslness. Four Girls, and Pons und Pone. Bill for 20- an 5 S c f°J a0 w' ^", a , ___2_5_ d f l C i onf i Notd.— W. H. Blgirs. proprietor of the Lyric. 20 Includes: Marie Dreams, singing comedl- a "S " cl<h - Marshall Montgomery La Tosca has sublet that theatre to Walter Oonrad for this clmL .. Howard and Walsh sinners and dan- B , nd «»~pany, and Gertrude Vondcrbllt and r^.on M m B iTfornll ,aiUnyareBOl,,B,0,PCUa gg ' h ^\JsLflR£ SA_S?3 "-cfc rP (Lew Parker. mg,)-The C„v Lincoln. Neb.-Oliver (F. O. Zehrnng. gr» JLS! c»y S_S__^J? ri 5g SS^f^^SfeS? E mgr.) "Bnnty Pulls the Strings" Dec. 26-28, Durfor and Qrlswold, singers and dancers; 2_*« t an Awcniy unc i»r "Freckles" 80, 81, Thomaa W. Roes, In "Tbe the Three Musical Claras, and tho Acrobutic n„-„.„ /n„„,i_„ « «„_•„ -,_i_~,. Only Son,"' Jan. 1; "The Littlest Rebel" 2, 3. Swnln-Ostmon Trio. „ 8_£HL (Pauline H. Boyle, mrr.)-The "Uocle Josh Perkins 4. "Tho Girl from Toklo" Colonial (8am Tauber, mgr.)—Bill for S 0 "!? 1 ?_ stoc K p 0 l -„ D . r , c , 8Cnts , Mr8 ' Wlggs 7, George Sidney 8. "Olhccr 080" 0. the holldar week bcelnnlnc Mondav mHtlnop the Cabbage Patch" tills week. Onr-iiSi/M (L. M. Gnrman, resident m B r.)- Si"^17tJetofcS^Thrfa Dotes %i_r_ GwsiMi point (Fredrick Whltbcck, mgr.)- Blll for week of 23: Gulve and McCarty. Grade n&J?b»ELjtt*li!^m^9mF*5A Tuo Oreenpoint Stock Co. DTOMBtl "Mnrj had and compnny. Mnrirnrct Ashton, Claudius iSSf, U H?,'rrv Breen Norton and En? Jane '» Pa " this week. "Under Southeri C„ CB 0 r eorge MC0 ° maClt ttn ' 1 ™* ° mb ™ "" , f W%j£F ^g?^"'ThaTusu.":' Mr! ^"*K££\*~ m-a-l The M Lvmo a TL%. Garman, mgr.)_nill for 10-21 Louis James and company;. Blxlev and Lcr- 0 Mr«HouBe° Stock Co _j__rts %? oS .n C d U pfoio P K art TCl °' D '" tt a,1<1 Tem " ,e,0n ' SJ^X-: ' rSncbers" U thls:SS_ ^Be P wa^ of-Sr 5 ied American (Chas. 8. Fotsdnm mgr.)— •' * 0, , _,„ McAle.ter, Okln—Busby (B. H. Busby, Bill for first half of week beginning 23 In- Db Kalb (Ida I. Ackerman, mgt.)—BUI !8f''.«^a__l! ,7*°," dl , d ,„ cl " > 7SJ n ,)r £! aiB **.*. eluded -The Ilrlssons, "The Gray Overcoat" for week of 23: May Ward, the "Dresle; _?••.&. atoS*c£f •XStSfim' ^V"™™ Kenny and Hn>lis, the Musical Hodges. Jean China Comedienne;" Eugene I'oworsinJ V t L?\lA»sTiJTll P Mwley met )-Busl- 8n,ltl1 ' IIar]in Kn, B ht « nd company S De Lisle company. Jean Valjcan. Oreenwald Mu«W -JL*^- —B_5 * • r- M0WI * y ' -~.)—nasi- and vernon, Hanlon and Clifton, and Plottl. Trio, Burns and Cliflord. May Edward^ nSwm ?(J I? A. Stelnson. mgr. )-Motk,a pic- Mil tor 28-Sn: nobln, Bhoda Md Crampton, Frisco T -, 0 , the Oswalds, and Mm. tnrej, good piitronage. McAvoy and Powers, Gladys Vance, Harlan AcADMtT oy Mcaic—On Tuesday, -\ VioToa (Will Tlpplt, mgr.)—Motion picture. Knight and company, and the Cliff Bailey the Metropolitan Opera Company were noun; R»-i».rfi-i* Vi io.i,»_nk. ir. i n_.u KS In "CavalTerla Rustlcana" and "PaBllaccl. t^SSV^S^auSSS^SumSimi lo!2l' Proctor's Fifty-elBhth Street <P. 9. aunr by Destlnn, Bori, Duchene. rfau^bjit. "Th^ E l5i«r« Qiu-iuon" 27, ''\IcFadden's' Flats' 1 rtoctor, mgr.)—Motion pictures end iaudc- Caruso, Kartln, Amato, G1U, Bada, Cond ant 28. —Hie. BUI for 23-25 Included: Helen Loralne, Polacco. Nsw Sun (Sua Amusement Co., mgra.)—BUI Langstreet, Barker and Johnston, Marie Emfisb (B. J. Bulkier, mgr.) —The B''- for week of 23: Orion* Bros.. Jane Weir and Cecil's Leopards. "Kelly." Jess Keppler. and hemlnna Is tie attraction for this seet comnaiiv, Vurdainnn, and Five Musical Olijs. For the Brachards. Bill for 20-20 includes: Mont- Queens of the Folles Bergere week ol 3d week of 80, "The 0»t and the Fiddle." turnery Musical Duo, Larrie Clifford, black Sunday concerts are well patronized. . -■——-———————————i——__—i_—_—__. face comedian: Wm. H. Turner and company, Ca«in& (Cbas. Daniels, mgr)—Follies « - comedy sketch, "Dad and Mother;" Coyne the Day this week. Century GlrlB week of» fflasil/i j%# tlt-.iiAti. OB(1 ° wot ' c»-cnlans, and the Osavs, Jug- .Stab (Frank Clark, mgr.)—Kara liowjj iU OT I CI 01 rl_V_r_ ^^ . ,, „ BurlcB> 1 uera this week, Robipson's trnaoe W v a a *s vi ■ s**-y>l-»f. Greeley Saoure (Julius Bernstein, mgr.) Girls week of 30. „,.. ■ —Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill for gayety (Louis Krelg, mgr.)—College bin' (Lola Hat wAim (Mrs. Harry J. Pamplln) 28-25 Included: Two Clippers, Tllford, Jim this week. One of the best shows of the sea- ls Hi ut the home of her parents, Naco, Ariz. Reynolds, Big Jim, Brent Hayes, William san Rose Sydcll's London Belles week of < '< Miss Hayward exiiects to remain at home 1'lcmen and company, _Tlgbc and Clifford, Halset (M H. Saxe, mgr.)—Vaudeville aunt with the Buddah language, and did not Widow" 81 take pains to dispel that belief. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Carliondnle, Pn.—Grand (Frank R. Trallea, mgr.) Jack Uuber'a Show, Including Little Marie and Ave bears, la announced for Dec. 20-28. "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" 30, "Tbe Merry 4 i > Id—l (L. A. Farrell, mgr.)—Lynott's Orches- tra and moving picture), cliauged dally, with epeclal added attraction each Wednesday evening. MISS SPOONER MARRIBD. Hatot (Benny Benson, mgr.)—Big business Cards are out announcing the marriage of week of la. Vaudeville and naotlon pictures la the F.dna Mav Spooner to Arthur Bebrens Wbalcy, P 0 ™_ ■«_. ~» , Dl » ' or &£**£ V^J.?' on Dec. ft, fte Hcv Frederic 8trlcklcr olllclat- $"*_; JS^L^S! n&S£\*E& «S2S2? ing. Immedlntelv after the ceremony Mr. &»»»-■»< _r*.«top_Bah, rWHj* ktamlon, ,.,,..: Helen Beck, Newtou and Norrls, and four reels of Cl Whaley left for a two weeks' trip to p^tu-,, ct *u>gt<\ dally. Gau (Alpbonsc Slrrlannl, mgr.)—Mechanical Bermuda. s)«» PEARL BVANS POR VAl'DBVILLB. Pearl F.vans, at present with Blanche Hlng, will enter vaudeville under tbe direction of Hart A Shannon, In n big girl act, by a well known wilier, and special music by Von Tllzcr. (Alpbonsc Slrrlannl, orchestra, the animated weekly service and mo- tion pictures, changed dally. BusIiicsb is S. U. O. at every show. Family (Collins A Wlngcnficld, nigra.)—Vsuile- tIIIc. burlesque and moving pictures. Psoru'B and VicToaiA (t.wiio Matule, mgr.)— flood music and One pictures draw well at these UOUSCB, thut the Rhow Is making a lilt Mr, l'nmplln lms himself just recovered from a broken arm, which compelled him to lay off for several weeks. Tun iion-mi of Alton & Stoddard's "The <llrl from Broadway" Co. : Urctclicn Von Bergen, U. Andrew Washburn, Wm. V. Fcely, Burt Stoddard, B. M. Buckley, Thos. Alton, Annie Oliver, Charles Carlton and May Mar- shall. Chorus: Pearl Cole, Elsie Graham, Mary Guise, Margaret Brown, Josic Le. Hue, Hazel Mack, May Dotman, Pearl Uuxton, May Wclnert. Bernlce Southland, Ruth Wat- son. DEitNAim Daly, of the "Dion O'Darc" Co., was In New York lost week for a three days' lay off, after a successful tour through Can- ada. He resumed at Yoitngstown, U., on Dec. 23, and will play thrco nights In Akron. O., then the one night stands In New York. DonoTiiY ScHtiMAKGR wns recently en- aged as leading woman nt the Ornheum Manhattan (Walter Yaegcr, mgr.)—.Mo- 1lon pi ctu res and vaudeville Hon pictures otviy. Herald Sqiuare (M. Rothschild, mgr.)— Business here is excellent. First run of pic- tures Is shown. •v.^flowtiip' Pi..... ((David Benjamin, mgr.)— Locw T, g_Sf (William Pox, mgr.)-Picturesm" vaudeville nnd motion pictures. Grand Street (Harry lleckmnn, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Keeney's Third Avenue (Ed. J, Mc- Mnhon. mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pie- ^^ U rMarcua T roe e wV"mgr.)-rhot.ple,-. *ser_i d Hfe_« fox, _«r.)-H«t.".»" vaudeville. . AU ae. COMTMBU (A. Sichel. »8 r '-- SIX V ▼111c acts and motion »««"»■ \__rhoW- Oi.YJtric (Herman Wacke, mg'.l Savoy (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.)—Motion P'oys and ▼audevllle. r ,_phoM pictures In whlcn leading stars appear Is the .Lindbn (A. .- _,fcaw_~i bsj ^ mgr- )__Vaiiil«* flDDPftr in attraction at this lionseT ' plays and vaudeville. Comedy (Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Motion 1 ,f l ' wo i f „ (A -|.i_':t T.hotorVlaTs. plctnrcs and Illustrated songs. vllle and the latest photopinvs. Tj0 _, Colfimhl- (J. Herbert "Mack, mgr.)— *™** m 'Yi^.o to draw WP cK,vit BoMtlMM Crvtoc OlrU this week. Stars of vaudeville eontlnaeB_to ara»„ WI i y Stageland next. The prcgram Is f»'»fM,J wK L .) - M*' Olytnple (Maurice Kraus, mgr.)—<7olsni- Biyou (0*»-„J c ffl t !2 t W™iy. ,„ t , Mo B«rIeso«er« this week? College Girls vandelvlle, f^ n 8« 0 n ' w i cc Jer "L Phatopl"' next. Oxfobd (Cyrns oaie, mgr.; ^ Saged as leading woman nt the Orpbeum, next. ' yw~ J.V* ' . ,«.i crsey Gty, N. f., snccccdlnc Maude Ollbert. Murray Hill (Fred Waldmann, mgr.)— and -andevllle. _ )_-Tb< na - Harry Davies, the Welsh tenor, Joined Bsnoioay Ofrls this week. Al. ReeveB' Show Libmtt i^w. wrauss, ma the Aborn Qrand Opera Co. at Harrlsburg, ncrt. plcturea and vandevHie. ._.vau««"" [ (he .. Pa., Dec. 26. replacing Henry Baron. "Ma- Miner's Blathth Avense (E. D. Miner, Jons'? (M. T. dame Butterfly" nnd "II Trovatorc" arc the mgr.)—Daffydtlls this week. Follies of the .»-« pictures. ,. principal operas sung. Day next. (aonttnuei on *e*t pw<> *my i.i .'■