The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DECEMBER IS THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 ggn— STOCK ft" — | — ■—— ' w * filfB Or T1WBKA1. SUCCESSES OF THE /UTTOB THEATRE SBW TOHK M E BUILDERS A BIC HUMAN PLAY BT MABHW FAIRFAX ' AUTHOR (>F .<THB TAL KER" and "THE C HAPERON." 4 AC'S ' 3 MIS) a IM'>B1 0R8 10 jfflW a WOMKir —1 BOY ftSmnllParts lWm»»»nd4Men - FOR T-RMS, APPLT TO THE JOHK W. RUMSEY PLAY COMPANY 152 West 46lh Street, Naw York City STOCK NEWS FARGO THEATRE BURNED. (/Special to Tub clhtbb.) Dec. 22. The Fargo Theatre, at Fargo. N. D., -was burned to the ground Saturday night, Dec. 21. The Jack Allen Stock Co. was to open there Christmas Day. Besides losing thin date, Hr. Allen lost $1,000 worth of paper which he bad sent to Fargo for distribution In surrounding towns. A. B. Mebbill. ■ TOH MARKS TAKES REST. A. B. A. Barrett, representing Tom Marks, In "The uan from Canada," writes that the show closed Dec. 14, at Brandon, Man., after a continuous tour from coast to const, which has occupied the past three seasons. Mr. Marks opened In Mt. Clements. Mich., on Ang. 5, 1011, and has appeared In al- most ever; city In Canada and the cen- tral States, bIbo a few of the principal towns and cities In Minnesota and Washing- ton. The company has not lost a night since the opening date, having been on the go both Summer and Winter. A very enjoyable Sum- mer was spent among the Canadian Rockies, tad at Banff, the great watering place ot Canada. The past fonr months' tour has been through Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. So many requests have been made for return engagements through Western Canada and the States that It ts Mr. Murks' Intention to open again the early part of March. While the company are ell sorry to sever their connection with Mr. Marks for even so abort a space as two months, never- theless they will appreciate the holiday, and It Is a certainty that Mr. Marks Is entitled to a much needed rest, and his company wish htm a most pleasant vacation, and may his success next season be many more times greater (if that were possible) than It bna been this season. Mr. Marks will leave for an extended trip to Chicago, New York, Lon- don, and his home In Perth, Ontario. After a short visit among his 'aln folks, be will visit the Hot Springs, where he will remain till the show opens. ■ s OLYMPIC DARK AG A IK. Cincinnati Through With Stock* Cincinnati evidently has tired of stock com- panies. The Olympic Players, who wero greeted so cordially after their Columbus asco, (ailed to rccelvo the proper finunclnl encouragement. "The Dairy Varm" wan booked for Christmas week, and when the Jlnyrrs gathered for rehearsal, Dec. 18, they ound Manager A. C. Docrner mlsBlng, and tbe promised liquidation of obligations for hack salaries did not tnkc place. As a result the Olympic Is once more dark, and a number of Thespians are longing for "Dear Old Broadway." A. II. Wlldborg, of New York, was said to be the financial prop of the com- pany, but ho withdrew his support. i » if. P,, manager of Myrtle Vinton Co., writes from Birmingham, Ala.: "We opened our sixteenth annual season In Iowa early last July, played our fair dates, and then entered the Dakotas. Business was not as good In that section as we had been led to expect, and we closed our bIiow, owing to baring unsatisfactory people with us. and my wife (Myrtle Vinton) anil myself and daugh- ter Vivian H. Bnlmer, decided to take a trip South. On onr arrival we found what ap- pen red to be a good Held for our show, so we reorganized down here, and are now playing to very satisfactory business. While this Is new territory to the Myrtle Vinton Co., It la by no means new to me, as I plnyed the South many times In seasons past wltb vari- ous shows, namely—-"the Bella Golden Troupe, J. H. Huntlefr, Jennie Holman, and others. I was with one of the first shows to play the 0 Brlen Opera House, In Birmingham, as far hack as 1882. This house ban since been condemned, but still stands, and Is used for other purposes." Charles H. RosbKah, manager of tbo Chicago Stock Co., and Mrs. UossKam, were in New York last week, during the lay-off, ar- ranging for new plays. RiCHABO Gordon, late of tbe Manhattan Opera House, this cty. has been engaged as Wading man at the Prospect Theatre, New York, to succeed Paul McAllister. [1MB FROH PAuX SCOII OFFICE. -&'. JSA u °ward replaces Mabel Griffith who retires because of serious Illness u " ratn • Josrpb GIL..OW replaced James B Cm.. ?in eh S B,, T at "0 Brood Street Theatre" TwS fctVcompan^ * " «^"« Maiiui Louisa Bbnto.n will become tho StT w th6 B ' 0ai Stree^TTeat^ forsaken vandevllle In favor of stock 8 RUPH KiMSBir. son of Ralph Stuart has co Jay mSL' & Y * tor Jttvenlles ^ MS* *t. lD t, ^ DA i? opened as leading woman with JIu^ 1 * 1 ^ 0 ^ 18011 f t0 , ck Co " at Lawrence, whn »»E~ JFj ''eP'Mtag Louise Marshall who retires to take a well earned rest. Sophie Allen leaves the Richmond Stock c .°-. Staplcton, Staten island, to return to sca e 8 o 8 n O Dec C °30 Pany ln *""• wWch °"* ns lt8 ESS ^ k ?2" at tn,J GW? Theatre, Ho- noken, Dec. 16, as a regular member of tho company, playing the second business. Caiol Abdbn Is in the support of Willard Granger, ln his new dramatic pluylet. Jons Madxice Sullivan will enter vaude- ville with a novel sketch, having engaged •Josephine Morse for the part of a North Carolina mountain woman. Carolina Mobrsion Is the new character woman at the Opera House, Patcrson,, N. J.. replacing Edith Crollus Gordon, who was hurt there some ten weeks ago. ■ FLA1G STOCK CO. NOTES. The above company Is now ln Its seventh successful week, and 5as .become a favorlto with the Memphis public. Arch Schwa lb, general manager of the Talace Theatre, bus engaged tbe above company for a year's work, thus proving that the comnnny has been more than making good. Following Is the per- lonncl of the company: Hnttie Bcall, leads; Ruby Lester, soubrcttc; Mrs. Edna Gilpin, characters and heavies; Edith Grey, Ingen- ues ; Ed. Tnnnchlll, leads; Don Schwnlb, Juveniles; John Gilpin, Southern fnvorito comedian ; Wnllle Stephens, characters; Tom Breet, general business; AuguBt II. Klalg, director and heavies; Harry Pepper, spe- cialties; Harvey Johnson scenic artist; Dill Jones, electrician; John iluller, house treas- urer; Sam Tollnck, agent, and Wm. Schwnlb, leader of the Palace Orchestra of seven pieces. August II. Klnlg presented John Lau- rence's latest play, "On the Brink of Ruin," and the local press pronounced It a big suc- cess. Special arrangements have been made whereby all of John Laurence's plnys will he exclusively played In the South by the above company. o ■ PERMANENT STOCK FOR FOND DC LAC. It Is probable that a permanent stock com- pany will be placed ln the Henry Uoylu The- atre, In Fond du Lac, Wis., due to plans laid out by Its manager, W. II. Stoddard. Begin- ning with a matinee on Christmas Day, the Jack Smith Stock Co., of New York, will con- tinue- at the theatre for two weeks, uud If tho company proves successful, lt Is the In- tention of Mr. StoddTd to retain lt for tho remainder of the theatrical senson and also through the Summer mouths. Putting a permanent stock company In the Henry Boyle Theatre will not Interfere with the presentation of high class theatrtcnl at- tractions, as It is the plan of the theatre management to present ono or two high class prod uctlons weekly. ■ WHAT SOME OF THE STOCKS ARB FLAYING DEC. ia-itH. (-r'sriifsnerl by Darev * Wolford.) Allbntown. — Lyceum, "Girl of Golden Boston.— Castle Sq.. "Gingerbread Man." Boston.— St. Jnmes, "Tho Isle of Spice." iiimoKi. v.n. — Lyceum, "Outlaw's Chrlst- ItiiooKiAN.—Gotham, "Mrs. Wlggs of the (ultbagc Patch." Biiooklvn.— Crescent, "flrecn Stockings." Brooklyn. — Grand 0. H„ "Tho Cow "brouki.yn.— Grecnpolnt, "Mary JnneJ Pi." Ualtimobe.— Hollldny,"TJncleTom'sCabln. ItHiDOKi-oitT.—Lyric. "Tho Little Princess. Hiiinun-oiiT.—Poll's, "Tho lime, the I'laco m "n"u : L.!N."^-Cleveland, "Dora, Thome" (.'amdun— Temple, "The Turning I'ohit. Camiauy.— Lyric. "The Parish Priest. OiLOIUDO SruiNUS.—Burns, "Marriage of K c!vmubjd«3E.— Cambridge. "Cousin Kate " Dbs Moines.— Princess, "Little Lord Fnuntlcroy.'' „_ „ wi_i..„.« KiMli'A—Lyceum, "Our New MlnUter.' KALL UME^-Snyoy, "Tho Third Degree/' IAiht Worth. — "Savoy, The College Hopoken.— Gnyety, "Girl In the Tail." IIolyokb, Empire. "The Regeneration. iNuiANAroLis, Colonial, "Woman Against W J»£sbx- City. Academy, "Outlaw's Chrlst- Ti'ig, Auditorium, "Private Secretary." Lawhbnce, Opera House. "Llou and tbe M Lima. lyric, "The Deep Purple." Lowixi,, Playhouse, "The Climbers. Milwaukee, Saxe, "Sajomy Jane. Milwaukee. Juneau, ' FromSn to Son. WiLWAtKXE, Columbia, "Girl of the S MiNNHAi'OLia, Bijou. "The Dwg Pl«T>«-" .. MT. Vernon.— Westchester, "Llttlo Lord ^Manchbhtsb.— "Park. "The Squaw Man." "bw YORK CITY.-Star, "Uncle Tom's Cft NBW York City.— Prospect, "Gcutleninn of ^Nbw'Yobk City.— Metropolis, "Girl In the Tt NBW YORK City.— Harlem O. H., "Parents **UMM. Falls. -Cataract, "Man Who 1,n NBw"BEDPOU».-nathaway*s "Mr.. Wlggs New Castle, Opera House, "Take My Ad- t1 North Aoams, Bljoa, "The Week End." Nbwabk, Jocobs', "Nlg1\t Before Christ- mas. Newabk, Ornhenm, "Old Heidelberg." Omaha, Boyd, "The Deep IMrple." PIHLAEI.PUIA, aiestnut, "Llttlo Loud Fauntleroy." Philadelphia. American, "Forty-five Mil- utes from Broadway." I'tiiLAiiELPiiiA. National, "Blue Jeamt." PitlL-u elphia, Standard, "Soldiers of For- tune." Pittseotgh. — Duqocsnc, "Little Lora Fauntleroy." Patebson. — Opera House, "Tho Grey- hound." PirrsriBLn.—Colonial. "The Greyhound." Passaic— Passaic, "The Confession." ■ Tub IlABny La Tier Btock Co. opened an indefinite engagement at the People's The- atre, Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 28, and will remain there the rest of the Winter. The roster of the company Is: Richard Kent, leads; Harry La Conr, heavies; Burt Fahr. chnrnctcrs; Harry La Tier, comedy; Claud Norrle, general business; Jack Montgomery, second heavies; Bertha Helllngs. leads; Alyce Earl, general business, and Lillian Tay- lor characters. The company Is putting on high class plnys, and each member of the cast la a decided favorite. Harold Chase has leased the Cambridge Theatre, at Combrldge, Mass., and opened his stock company Dec. 23, with "Cousin Kate." Merle Grey is the lending woman. Emma Campbell, who became well known while with Valerie Bergere. and who was recently connected with the Jersey City Or- pheum Players, Joined the Greenpoint Stock, Brooklyn, Dec. 23, appearing as Miss Faxon, in "Mary Jane's Pn.' 1 Florence Perret, who was with Joe Hart's "Pinafore" Co., also makes her debut with the Grecnpolnters, a* Mary Jane. The Mallet & Dennison Stock Co., play- ing Indefinitely at the Opera House nt Law- rence, Mess., have secured the services of Ida Adair as leading lady, succeeding r.ou'so Marshall. Mrs. G. A. HIbbnrd aUo Joined the company thW week. The Oscar Cook Stock Co. closed at Bra- III, bid., Dec. 17, owing to poor business. Dickson's All Star Platers nre being organized for permanent stock at tho Majestic, Montgomery, Aln. Billie Mari.ow and Jack Ormsry have Joined the Rnwdlah Stock Co., and report (tint the company Is doing big business, nnd Is bigger and stronger than ever. AM OL D CIRCUS BILL. GREAT CMTi:n STATES CIRCUS. The Magnificent Equestrian Troupe of OLDER k CO. Will exhibit their celebrated performances in Portage City, on Weiinesday, Jult 28tu,18!32. Equestrian Manager W. Waterman Clown Puss Homer Tho great popularity of this establishment and the general satisfaction given In tbe per- formances, render an Introduction scarcely ncccssnry to the public. The proprietors, however, will call attention to the fact that, In order to render their exhibition still more attractive and worthy of patronage, they have engaged Borne of the most celebrated Eques- trians In the world and expended a vast amount of money In decorations, trappings, wardrobe and general paraphernalia, render- ing their Circus the most pleasing, and con- taining the largest amount of talent ever seen In this country. Among the moat promi- nent features of the entertainments given Is the famous French Equestrian, MON3. OEBMANI, Better known as the Jongleur Volante, Exhibiting a curious and Interesting display of equilibriums on horseback. Tbe elegant, fascinating and youthful Parisian Artiste, MLLE. MARIETTA, First Lady Equestrienne of the age. Her beautiful road horse, trained by her- self, Is from the finest stock ln Europe, and has been for years tbo greatest favorite at I'ranconl's, In Paris. Ladles who desire to excel In this Invigorating and graceful exer- cise should not lose the opportunity of wit- nessing the achievements of this artiste. MLLE. HENRIETTA, The accomplished Danscuse. McssrB. W. Waterman, B. Buckly, J. Sholes, W. Cole, W. Chambers, A. Burnettc, 8. Itun- Jiolls, T. Osborn, together with others at- tached to the Arena, of equal celebrity. A RRILLIANT BRASS BAND, Led by tho renowned and celebrated Bugler, t, 0. Steele. Added to these attractions, the Interior of luc Exhibition Pavilion will be filled up and arranged In an elegant and commodious man- ner, and a fine Band of Music will accompany the performance. Admission—Boxes, (10 cents; Pit, 2H cents. Children under 10 years of age, hnlf prlco to Boxes. No half price to Pit. Performances to commence nt 2% o'clock p. m, Doors open half an hour previously. The above mentioned company will perform at Kingston on Tuesday, July 27th - *>* CIRCUS NEWS ♦ *»».»»« » - » » »» «- • - »• « - < - « - > 7 » - «.-A FROH DOWNIE & WHEELER'S SHOWS. The new ring barn having been completed nearly two weeks ago, ts now In full opera* tton, and the work of training goes on all day from daylight until U r. >i., and from 7 until 10 ln the evening. The electric lighting aystcm Is one of tho finest ever installed in any rlug barn ln thin country. Although menage and entree horses are bring broken, and tbe training of the ■mailer stock started, most of the time Is taken up working on the big mixed anlnml act, which Is showing wonderful progress, considering the short time tbo work wns started. "Three elephants, two camels, a zehrn, sacred cow and two ponies are used in this number, which will be entirely on different lines from anything ever before pre- sented In this country. A complete new outfit of canvas has been ordered from a leading tent maker. The site of the tops will be nearly doubled In slxe from former sea- sons, and the "World"' BcBt" will without question be a thing of beauty on the Int. Work In the wagon, blacksmith and paint shops Is being pushed, in order to get over the necessary amount of work laid out, Several new parade wagons will be added, and no expense spared to make the street pa- geant second to none. Special attention will be given to the musical end. nnd no less than four bands (two white bands, Scot.'h Highland band and colored bard), to- gether with a bogle brigade, and one of the ctroncest calliopes ln this country, will be heard In the parade. Tbe wardrobe for both street ?nd Inside will all be new, and the finest ever used with these shows. Four more cages of animals will be added to tbe menagerie, making fifteen ln all, and neveral now tnrfned wild nclmn.1 acts will be per- fected during the Winter months. The areslc performance will be an all feature one, and that the enviable reputation already established by tho "World's Best" will be more than upheld Is an assured fact. The Grants, upside-down aerlallat, are en- gaged for the coming season. Walter Allen will again have charge of tho eOcphant nets and high school horses, wltb the Downle A Wheeler Shows, this making Iris third season with the "World's \Ust." Al. F. Whoetcr Jr. will look after tl:o pres-j, bark with the show, also have chnrge of tho reserve seat tickets the coining sen- ■bjl ••THE OLD TIME CIRCUS CLOWN/' BT JAMES O'NEILL. I've seen the Rlugiing circus, also the Bar- nurn Show, But where arc all thu old time clowns who used to cut up so? Of all the funny fellows 1 used to see before— I'm speaking now of years ago—I never see them more. The old time boys, I guess, aro gono where all goad fellows go. For those who caused tho world such Joy could never go below. I sec women now cavorlln' In the loops and gnps of death, And so ninny nets all goln' 't once It takes nwuy your brenth; And never more do you hear a Joke or funny clown song now. For styles have changed In shows of lata that make me sad somehow. My eyes grow kind of misty as I think of old time days. And the dear old boya I used to sco that tickled us old Jays: For tbe good old fashioned one ring show thnt as a boy I do recall Had Its dear old singing, Jesting clowns, to mo the best of all. « RANKING gETTLES IN CHICAGO. Thomas Runklne, for a number of yenrs Identified wltb the Barnum & Bnllcy Ureatest Show on Earth, and who, previous to his circus afilltntlons, established an enviable reputation ln Boston nnd other cities In tho museum field, wns a culler at the. Western Bureau of The Clifpir, Thursday, 10. Ac- cording tn Mr. Rnnklnu the Rnmuro A Hal ley senson, which closed at Meridian, Miss., Nov. 12, was an exceedingly prosperous and alto- gether pleasant one. Rnnklnc Is n command- ing figure ln his particular line of work, and his announcements, skillfully couched nnd oratorlcally correct, help In no small measure to add a zest nnd enjoyment to tbo big show entertainment. Mr. Rnnklnc Is making his home In Chicago and will be wltb tho Harniim Show next season. Al. J. Mabsry Iiiih been engaged as band- muter with Hagcnbcck-Wallncc Shows, Rea- son 1013. He will be assisted by Nate Bolton. Musscy nnd Bolton arc booked solid la vaude- ville until the circus senson opens. Prof. Hbhkoo, formerly of the Bamum A Bailey Circus, has purchased the Richard Croker farm at Rlchtfeld Springs, N. Y. He takes possession Jan. 1, and will make lt Ids permanent home. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Graiiau are spending the holidays with relatives In Boston, Mass. Warren B. Irons, of the Hagenbeck-Wnl- Jacc Circus, returned to Chicago from New York, Friday, Doc. 20, nnd Is stopping at tho Wellington. GOSS^SHQVV fev Canvas ../'.'iiuckr'TENTS^ciRciis FLAGS'.*'-''Waterproof Covers 'jilOM.'s'MW C»mt);,;ll0^t"!W HAsO US1_ ;'. Tn>'j.c.;GQSs"c6:"V, 1 :-;,^ CHRISTMAS For MAJESTIC THEATRE NK^sV IVIA NAOHMENT PERMANENT STOCK A FULL ACTING CO. MB. DICKSON'S ALL STAR PLATERS, Majestic Theatre. Montgonenf, AH. Most lis AND HEW ITEM'S GREETIM Among those who have sent as Christmas and New Year's greetings are: Ad. Carlisle. Ilenway and Dayton, Herbert Warren and Geanle Malloy, Chester A. Kcycs and tho Keycs Sisters, Price and Butler, John snd Grace Weber, Mand Rcnaud, Margaret Rivers, Llbbey and Trnyer, Jcppe Delano, M. A. Franelllon. A. Jack Faust, Bona Sydell, Geo, R. Guy. Jack Singer, Lew Kelly, Vln Rich- mond, Jack H. Kohlcr, Holding and Renting, Billy and Eva Flnnegan. Tearl Livingston, Barney Baldwin, Al. E. Hutchinson. RusKell nnd Test, Gazette Show Printing Co.. Mat- toon, 111.; Ernest Ve Vea, Chns. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rcuiscn, Kdiin Carpenter, Frank E. and Frank J. McN'lsh. W m. J. Mc- Qulnn, L. W. Callahan Dramatic ^Co.. Le Cornpte nnd Flcsher, Edward Felnffr, Clar- ence Sinters, Elsie Lander, Jim Marco, Good- win nnd Goodwin, Hary R. Overton, Bob lt. A. Barrett, Tom Marks nnd company, Harry Le Clair, Davo Hcllman, Gertrudo Ewlng, Ranxetta and Lymun. Mort M. Singer, George Damcrcl, Madge Klnscy, Kinney, Miller and Klnsey, Willy Clarkson, Ellis and McKenna, Al. Darling, Eddie and Carrie Leslie, Lew Kelly, Jack Singer, Go-Won-Go Mohawk. Cant. Charles, Billy Watson Beef Trust Co., Walt Leslie, Milton B. Schmidt, Margie Catlln. 1. Dwlght Pepple, Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Hall, G. Ed. Naftzgcr, Madeline Goodwin, J. L. Tempest, Prof. Bayno, Oracle Emmett, Four Konerz Bros., Chas. Guinness, Charles J. Ilaeon Lydla Ycumuns, Fred J. Titus, Inncss and Ryan, U. 8. Van Fleet, R. W. Van Fleet, E. 8. Thomllnson, Martin and Oenett, Mr, nnd Mrs. Jack Simonds. Thos. H. Bldgatc, Llda G. Arnold. _ . _ Ann Murdock, BcJle Adair, CaBad nnd Do Verne Dick Mnddox, Bowers and Welch, Al. Plnard, Alvln and Nulty, Duncan Clark, Jack Klngsberry, Helen Lucas, 1/ew Graham, J. A. Brennlt, Cook and Hass, Alfred Kubll, Anita Mcrlo, John W. Blommo. Brattle and M Evans, J. Lorctte, nnd the Harding Eng. Co. ♦ .» Colonial Minbtiikls, under the manage- ment of T. Dwlght People, playing vaude- ville, Includes Bonnie Dlcklns. Cells Mullen, Tess Hart, Billy Bnrkc and Tcssle Hays. THE WORLD'S GREATEST TKNT MAKERH UNITED STATES TrNT AND AWNIPG CO. EDW.P, NEUMANN. Jr.. r r es. BOW. R. LITZINOER,Seo'y. WALTER!'. DKIVKR.VIcn-ProB.ATrew. HH-H4-HA atad »H North Deaplalnas Streat, CUIVAUO, ILL., V. H. A. oln r ouam; i un I Prloes Right. We Ohsllengo tho World. Best Work SIDE OrlUW AltU Flntat Equipped Studio In tht United abate* *\ • r» *ai i \# a I DAMMCTDQ I We are In a position to oxo- uts orders Immediately bAltniVAL DflllllKnO I and to guarantee delivery on Umo SEND FOR OUR CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LINTS FAVORITE RKNDEZVOVII FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL X. D. CUMM1NGS, Manager WADASH AVENUE** CIIICil.(jrO, ITsIiSes U • 9* JoL* European. Caft and Buffet Strvlc*) UnixctlUi). VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM Official Headqaarlers for TLe Carnival Managnra' Association of Asnerlra the h:me or THE entirely d fferent show GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME BIC NOVELTY ACTS, CIRCUS FfcATURtS AND SPEC- TACULAR 8INCINC AND MU ICAL FEATURES Address GREAT NORT HERN HIPPODROME, HI ggftaay St., tlilcago, 111. SPARKS' SHOWS Want SENSATIONAL ACT, to Feature for Big Show Also SENSATIONAL ACT, for Froo Outside Inhibition; Tronne of Japs, Big Aorcibatlo Act, Comedy Acts. Producing Olown, MoelolaiiH on all luatrnrnenu, for big show hand; Legal Adjuster, Manager r»r PrtvUoae Car, or will rent same W reap nsible partj; first cla s OookA. Couch Dancers, prefer My rlnn Troupe; Boss Property Han. Address OnAa. SPARKS, Manager, Salisbury, H. C. Carnivals* m **■ '•<$* rli : ■ It. TOH ALLEN IN CHICAGO. Tom W. Allen, associate proprietor of tba Wortham A Allen 8how«, arrived In Chicago Friday, '.'0, nnd Is msklng his headquarters for tbo Winter at the Hotel Wellington. Fred J. Worrell, who visited the Worthum A Allen Show ln TcxaB, returned North with Mr. Allen. During a call nt the Western Uuroau of Tub Ct.irrBR, In Chicago, Bntur- day, Mr. Allen made It very emphatic that no pains or expense would be spared In mak- ing the Wortham ft Allen Shows ready for the season of 1013, which opens about the first of May. The equipment Is ln Winter quarters nt Leavenworth. Kan. Tbe season of 1012, Just closed, wbb on the whole a very satisfactory one, nnd lt Is Mr. Allen's pre- diction that the coming year wilt be one of Die beat ever known In the carnival business for those aggregations which arc properly presented. I Harry R Tudor, general manager Track C. linstock enterprises, has favored Tim f.'l.ip- ,'kii with a copy of "The Jungle Christmas Annual." Mr. Tudor at present is operating the grent Great Krank C. Uostock Jungle nt Sheffield, Bnglnnd. Matt It. Johnson, who ts well known to all carnival men. Is assistant manager, from all reports the Jungle Is doing; excellent business. Harry B. Tudor's spectacular way of advertising has made a great hit. Ih am. probability the Dctgarlan A Zlnney "Ileautlful Orient" will play the Third In- sular Fair, at San Juan, I'orto Rico, Feb. 22-Maroh 2, 1018. James (Doc) Barry will handle the front. ■lien . Ogjrjgj ggjgjgl JKm. T. M. A. NEWS. Newark Lodge No. 28, T. M. A., held a meeting on Sunday, Dec. 15, at Newark, N. J., when the following olllccra were elected for the ensuing year: President: M. J. Mathews; vice president, 1<\ 11. Klandrenu; ?uticrul secretary, M. J. Cullon (eleventh enn); treasurer, J. C. Lacey (twcntj-Ilrst term); marshal, l/rnnk O'Ncll Jr.; Hnrgennt- at-arms, T. Cunningham ; outer guard, A. J. Walters; trustee, D. J. Howe; physician for Newark, Dr. K. Meeker; physician for New York, Dr. 8. Nelson Irwin; delegate to grand lodge, M. J. Cullon; alternate to grand lodge, J. C. Lacey. The next meeting will bo held at Caliph's Hall, 86 Market Streel, on Sunday. Jan, B. 1013, when the Installation of officers will take place. Refreshments will be served and all arc assured of n good time. I Tut) Theatrical Mechanical Association of Los Angeles, Lodge 25, elected tho following officers for tho ensuing year: Jacob KokcI, re-elected president; Henry Ensign, re-elected vlco president; .T. W. Schmidt, re-elected financial secretary; Jack Howard, re-elected recording secretary; Geo. Keasler, sergeant- at-arms. Trustees—Frank Reynolds, chair- man; Carl Taylor. B. J. Louis, II. J, L. Atwood and William Allen. Dr. A. Nlchol Smith, re-elected physician; O. A. Nichols, marshal. Doc Patau opened on the Pnntagcs time Dee. lfl, nt the Wilson Avenuo Theatre, Chi-