The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DEOEF 3BB28 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 NOW FOR THE REAL NUMBER! I JBLICITY IS THE .LIFE BLOOD ( F THE THEATRICAL GAME . H , 7 eyo production or vaudovlllo act represented by an adver tlsement or your photograph in the coming 60i Anniversary lumber OF THE PI TPPPB ulnFiDn ISSUED ON FEB. 15,1913 The cover will be magnificently embellished in colors, and the inside pages will be profusely illustrated with the highest quality of half tone engravings. There will be much interesting reading matter. The ANNIVERSARY NUMBER will be sold for the regular price TEN CENTS. PRICES FOR PORTRAITS Siae 2* x 3S Sic* 4H x 4M NET. •15.00 25.00 PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . NET. Far Inch, tingle column ■ a ■ ■ f 2.80 100 Lines ...... 16.<iO 160 Linen ....... 24,00 Quarter Page ..... 45.00 Half Page ...... 90.40 Whole Page ...... 169.50 Send in your orders for Portraits and Advertisements. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ALBERT J. BOHIB, Manager. 47 W. 28th St., NCW YOI"k (Jaudepllle notes. H11.1.Y Pauadis, "The Canadian Sunflower," writes that lie has doubled up with Itlta Campbell, high class character entertainer. The; will present a refined character Blnglng >ct, and will bo known as the Campbells. They bavc the Canadian time booked up. Iliiiiiv i)n Mablo sailed from London Dec. 13 to play twenty-four weeks for the Rick- ird tour In Australia, He also plays sixteen weeks In South Africa, and Is booked up to 1022, he Informs us. Leonard Mhbiian, of U10 well known team of dancers, Warden and Meehan, fell, break- ing his kneecap, while playing an engage- nent at tho Mujcatlc, Fort Worth. It will l» • few weeks before Mr. Meelian will be oble to go to work. They canceled all their Interstate time, NUDUM and Wood write: "We are In our sixteenth week through Western Vlr- glna and New York State, with no lay off. After tho holidays, Mr. Needh&ni will re- rise the act of Inst season, 'An Uproar lu Court, 1 with a good cast." Goldino and Keating write: "We arc to open on the Pantages time on Jan. 16, 1013, MOM through our agent. Norman Jeffries. 11 1. S ve Ju8t concluded forty weeks of the united time, which was Tory pleasant . 3*S H ■efcBllAg writes that hu hns recov- too. trom an operation for an abscesi, which *»b pet formed on Nov. 25, at St. James' lospltal, UorneU, N. Y. He also Informn ub that on Dec. 5, his wl(e, Agnes Goary ffpsn, prckented him with a baby gin. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. SIONBY liAXTEB AND BEATRICE SOUTHWICK SSoSi Qt-pheum circuit Jan. 5, at Mlti- J£l m T - Bailbt writes: "Huvo Juit SJfl » sueiessfnl engagement In Canada ■n fcaitcrn provinces, with Hammvmd, the E59X uf ">'l dramatic lecturers. We con- iwipiat4 no extended tour of the middle and SJ2J2 ,statcs ' .P'nylng the picture houses, wring no spec | nl mm9 D ut using the air- won 1 UH 1 , ns b ook«l by the managers "s f«rt..?J.^ cc !S I r elc««s by the leading manii- Sison;- Uave ha< * a mMt B " c ™ 3atn[ Diiiw 1 .i I>- . DflWEt * ND Lillian Moblei are Tm \ for Pflul Ooudron. VmSL 1!l il ,E ' iDS ', El8 lo and Clarence, of the Krt , 1 ; n,0 " n ' n < ! ". are taking a much Wl«1 n„ f' st nt tDDlr aome ln Kllbourn City, sherWii " 1 ?' lnfit to Ml ' s - Berends' poor health, mor iLIS* return to w °rk until next Sunv a sin* "'e.mean time Mr. Berends will do week in " :t ln vaudeville, opening the first ffinLir ■'' 1 , D , uarr ' and next Summer ho and tour til.. w \ n »^ ko out tn «l'' own show and l)«koi«i ^ wl8 «on8ln. Minnesota and North S82 hi.Stafi 5 '* httve bullt ,,p •■ CQ - our VA !!i';> AN0 ***"<ox write: "Wo are on Alonr., »i con *o«utlvc weelc for agent his;«»,'■ Montr «al. Can., nnd are enjoying Wrist '"' , nnd $ oaA health. A Merry 555KS i\*& A ** appy New Ycflr t0 Tuu li? ,E *ki Vl> l ? EZ Kaopiian, one of the "rcgti- Onisbui L',™ 1 " ot vaudeville, recently time , .'° st successful trip over the Texas The1 1" mt ovcrythlng •'fine and dandy." other i: ',"« Pfeparlntf ln Chicago for an- fin•' S.°t™ Orpaeum Circuit, write r V r Vlv I*»8. expert sharpshooters, »akc 1' n. L 5 n ? on ° 8 follows: "We will Alhaini . ' London appearance at the ln K T> 1 c f omm cnclng Jan. 27, after hav- t»»ttrh , „i£ e past y ear and nine months ItaJy"", , ,e , Pm any, Austria, Prance, Itusala, •nontS ' ,,-T e i u9t "turned from a seven 10 ret, '," r ! n South America. We expect U P 011 ■ , ,?■ A ™orlca next Summer, to take Mai v,, £ s mor t,le United time." """de 1 L P ACH ». "The Southern Girl,' In Br,. . " rst „ n PPearance In a "single" net *'U to -m?A , N ' Y - week of Dec. 10. She later , "hS 8 „ to , w o* alone for a while, and nasic:,- ;! n w "• a Bew Partner In a big MI8S0DBI Lodoe, No. 50, Loynl Order of Moose, held a "smoker" at Kansas City, Dee. 10, when the following talent volunteered: Tho Cnbllls, Trof. Cliff J. Spencer, story by Dictator J. L. Jewell, solo by Kyle W. Leeds, "Fraternollsm," by Supremo Trustee Sod- week ; Clarenco 10. Ilislc, buck and wing dancer; I-'rnnko Jewell and company, music by orchestra, Harry Klrschbnum nnd I-'rank IIoIobI i'Kii: and Myrtld Connelly, known as the "Clussy Comedy Couple" are playing their sixteenth week for the Ted Sparks Vaude- ville Circuit, booking through the middln West, nnd report meeting villi grent success. Miss Connelly's character work Is most fa- vorably commented on. They have six more weeks to play for the above firm. 'IIahiiy B. Gordon, who has been III for over two years. Is agRln In harness, and, with Alice Turner, Anna Jackson and Mabel Hoff, has been producing a new version of tho "Katzcnjammcr Kids''Christmas" at a New York department store with great success, re- maining there until Christmas Ere, Job Kanb and Lillian Doughty opened in a new act Dec. 18. at New Brunswick. Tho act, written by Nat Aycrs and Harry Williams, entitled "Back Again," is a nov- elty. Four songs have been written ex- clusively for the act. Miss Doherty will in- troduce her whirlwind dances. A. B. Phillips, manager of Leon Finch and company, writes: " 'College Copers la the title of the new offering now In rehearsal l»y Slater & Finch. I have surrounded them with a company of clever people, and tho act will be one of vuudevlile's greatest nov- elties. All of my people were secured through Tun Clipper columns." Harry B. Lbster will start on tho Or- phcum Circuit at Kansas City. Mo., next month. Hie Is spending the holidays at his home ln Borough Park. 0UTOTTOMJ1WS jPjHiryAJDBIvJPHIA. Playgoers will have no occasion to complain ot a dearth of novelties for Christmas and New Yonr's weeks, qb the new offerings, consist of "Little Doy Blue," at the Lyric; "Little Miss Brown," at the Adelphl; "The Spy," at the Biond; "The Quaker Olri," at the Chestnut Street Opera House; Chrlatle MacDonald, ln The Snrliig Mutd," at the Garrlck, and Cbauncey 01- cott. In "The Isle 0' Dreams," yt the Waluut. Mctroi-olitan Oi'EtiA Hohsb (Alfred Uoegerle, mgr.)—"Tosca," with Farrar and Arnato, drew a line house 17. . ,„.„„., „„_ Lvaio (Messrs. Sboliert, mgrs.)— Little Boy Blue" hns Its first local Tlcw 2.1, »*»ftW&M>« stay. "Hanky Panky" departed 21, after a profitable two weeks' engagement. ...1..1. AnxLem (Messrs. Slubert, oigrs.) -- Little Miss Brown' 1 has Its local prcmiero 23. A Butterfly on the Wheel" had two weeks of good business ending 21. , „_. UnoAn (Nixon & Z mmcrman, mgrs.)— ine S„y" Is also a new playto this city beg Innng ST "A Good Little Devil" departed 21, after a ten day slay, to big hnslnesa. OAltnicic (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Curls, lie MacDmiiiW. In "The Spring Maid." starts, 2J, a two weeks' stay. "Era'' concluded a aucceas- ful two weeks' engagement 21. /wi.on A CHBSTNIIT 8TBBW OPBKA H OU '?,,„ (I 1? OI, ™ U * Zl,nm»rmnn. mgrs.)—"The Quaker Olrl 23. TW llernhnrdt film pictures of "Queen ElUnhelu tiau ""ironarsr 9 (Kli^SI-mtnaaB. nigrs.)-"Tbo fli/rrof Alluh" continues to be a very popular ?ryh'k^ T,,.rf. na SS ve yea?«iat Mr. Olcotl hns been booked for the Chrls'trass a..d New Year's attraction at this ^OuL-stnut MMH Thsatbs (Frank WIllIaajB, »ir» .? ackelt .' 0llb J !rt & and Florcace Roberts WJW sIbo entrusted with Important roles and made big snewsaes. "Two Men and a Qlrl" 80. nn «^l CkJ i ii ,D1 ™ Wal1 ' mgr.)—The stock puts ™.TF k .# M '. Forty-five Minutes from Broad- n£l w"!."*,.' } u ° ,nd M " n '" » n *w play i>r ;»I*.SS Mitchell stage manager of the stock, ireateu a most favorable Impression on its pre* !?! i ■■ las i. wc " t • T °c P'»y h «» Its «oeoh» In the Indian Territory, and ts full of exciting In- cidents. John Lorens and lack Stanley, In the BHffl* ^r 0 '!*' * ""■» '°>«*f«l acting, while did w k t0n ' "' nn Indl,n * ,ri - ald «*• «P'« 0- NiTiowAt (Jos. SI. Kelly, mgr.)—The Paul unriis Stock Co. opens here 2?„ with "Blue ;£"!!'' The eompn.iy consists of Paul Bums, Oodfrey Matthews, Gertrude -Perry, Orare Me- Master, Helen Desmond, Grace Fries, Pauline Burna. Charles Moore. Joseph Carter and Harry Standard (George Arvlne, mgr.)—The Arviue i .In? 1 " 1 " nlso ****** "s season here 23. In Soldiers of Fortune." The company will consist of Ethel Elder, Marcus F. Hoefs, Hirry EST*? an ' 1 a nnmber of others. Charlei Harris will be stage director. OnAND (Stnlr & Hnvlln, mgrs.)—"Alios Jimmy Valentine" week of 23. "Matt and Jen" were Mg winners to huse audiences laat week. Richard A. l'rceman. as Mutt, snd Gas Alexander, as Jeff, nre well placed and score big. Hart's {Jolm W. Hart, mgr.)—The Keyes Sis- ters appear in "The Old, Old Story" week of 23. Bmpirh (Wash Martin, mgr.)—The New Oen- (ury Girls will be on the lob 23-28. Despite the usual pre-Chrtstmas dullness, the houses were big Inst week to witness the antics of the Follies of the Day Co. The show possesses plenty of new material, and, with Gertrude Hayes at the head of a capsule company, there were very few dull moments. The Dandy Girls next. TnociDiTio (Sam Dawson, mgr.)—The Oriental Burles'iucrs 23-28. The Girls from Keno were juliHimr entertainers, to fine houses, last week. Mike Oolllns was the live wire In the comedy portion of the show, while Dolly Fields and El Were also scored big with their clever offerings. The Zallnb Bnrlesnuers 30. Casino (Ellas & Koenlg. mgrs.)—Beauty, Youth and Folly nre scheduled for 23 and week. The Gay Mjsquerailcra liuil a dozen good houses to greet them 10-21. Countess Hedwlg Von Mueller, Muhel Clnrke and Mildred Ollmore are the lead- ers of the female contingent, and they all make good with a vengeance. George B. Bcanlon, Mark Adams and Eddie Nelson are also right up to the front with their abilities as entertainers. World of Pleasure follows. Oatktv (John P. Eckhardt. mgr.)—The Bow- ery Burlesquers are tenants 23 and week. Al. Iteeves' Show accommodated big numbers last week. The star bad his usual bunch of new stories, and got many hearty lui-gbs. Andy Lewis, iJeorgo W. Scott and George Durgln were also up-to-date with their fan. Zelln Russell and Vers George also presented stunning appearances anil made good. Trocndero Burlesqucrs SO. B. F. Kkitu's (II. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Florence Roberts and company, ln the playlet, "The Woman Intervenes," la tho feature Week of 23, In addi- tion to Edward F. Reynard, Kitty Traney, White and Perry, Conlln, Steele and Oarr, Juliet, Lids McMillan and company, Ben Linn, Lament's Cockatoos, and moving pictures. Wm. Pbnn (Wm. W\ Miller, mgr.)—Week of 23: Joe Welch, Max Witts, "Court by Girls," the Martells, Rtchnnls and Kyle, Alfredo, Good- win Bros., ond moving pictures. Nixon (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 23: Red Sox Quartette. "The New Leader," Alice Hanson, Smcdley, Powers' elephants, La Vine- Clmaron Trio, and moving pictures. Kuvstiink (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week ot 23: Wrocslmdr, "My Lady's Fan," Oregan and Mauler. Davis and Walker, Lewis and Norton, While's Oomedy Cirrus, and moving pictures. LiBERTr (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 23; Wlllard'c Palace of Music, Toklo Japs, Four So- ciety Girls, Wilson and Sterling, McDooHld, and moving pictures. Ai,i,i:i.hi:nv (Joseph Cohen, mgr.)—Week of 23: Van's Comely Olrcus, Jos. Kennedy nnd eom- jntiy, TMhiii and Parker, Frank Bush, Roy and llrown, La Rein, Geo. Offerruan, and moving pictures. Dumont's (Frank Duniont, mgr.)—Following lis usual custom, Dumont's Minstrels will have a Christmas Tree on the stage week of 23. for the cdlncotlon of the kiddles, who will all lie presented wltb presents. There will also be s new skit, entitled "City Hall Plnu," with a lot of local take-offs as well as new sketches oy Denny Froukllu and Joe Herds. The usual chuuge In the flrat port will provide new songs and Jokes. GtnARD. Fosr.i'AUuu's, People's, Ai.iiA;tnru, I'ai.i'.'k, Victoria, Ci.yhi'u. Colonial, and Bijou give vaudeville snd moving pictures. notes. Burton Holmes bad a $2,000 house at the Academy of Music 20, when he repeated bis travel Inlk on Panama. Tun Charlotte Cubiiman Club tendered a re- ception to Lewis Waller ond Madge TltheradTO on the afternoon of 20, at which a number of prominent nctorB and actresses participated. All of the litigation in connection with the Oi-pheu.ii Theatre on Chester Avenue, German- town, has been disposed of, and title will he conveyed to M. W. Taylor, wbo will Immediately proceed to have the building completed with a view of opening early lu the Spring. Miscua Rlman was the soloist with the Phila- delphia Urchestru at the Academy of Music 21. Al. Reeves, who was a Philadelphia newsboy many years ago, Issued a bunch of free tickets to the newahoys for I he performance at the Gay- ety, on the evening of 17. The boys Jammed the uppper portion of the house, and certainly applauded the show as It never was before, Altoonn, Fa.—Mlshler (I. 0. Mlsblcr, mgi.) Adelaide French, In "Madame X," Dec. 2B. Girls from Jojlarul 20, Margaret Illliigton, in "Kludllng," 27; "The Fortune Hunter" 2H, Cluls- leln Gonl, violinist, 30; J. Warren Kean, ma- gician, 31; "Human Hearts" Jan. 1; moving pictures of Sarah Bernhardt, ln "Queen Eliza- beth," 2; Monte Carlo Girls 3, Al. G. Fields' Minstrels 4, the Aborn English Grand Optra Co. 0. OnrifRDtr (Arthur E. Dennan, mgr.)—Bill for £3-23 Included: Trent's Educated Beats, Arm- strong and Ford, Mattel Onrew, and Thomas Hall. For 2028: Lamb's Manikins, Hsrrv Pay- ward and company, Three Dixon Sisters, >>nd Snmpou and Douglas. Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, "Officer OO'J" week of Dec. 22. SmiimiT (Win. 10, Mick, mgr.)—James T. Pow- ers, in "Two Little Brides," Is the attraction for Oliri9tmns week. Majestic (J A. Ulglcr, mgr.) — Bill for Christmas week: Madame Sarah Bernhdidt and company, Bartholomae Players, In "Aim They Lived Happy Ever After;" Saranoff, Joale Heather, Ohus. ond Fauny Van. and McMahon, Diamond and Clemencc. Gaykty (J. A. WnlUhend, mgr.)—High Life in Burlesque week of 22. The Merry Maidens 20 and week. 8AXB (0. A. Newton, mgr.)—Tho Snxe Co. prcsouta ''Because Sho Loved Him So" 22 nnd week. Oiiystal (Wm. Gray, mgr.) —i "A Winning Miss" lu the attraction here for Christmas week. EhI'iibss (Jac. Isaacs, mgr.)—Bill for week of 22: "The Buttle of Bay Ruin," Loju Troupe. Woudnr mid Stone, Rita Reddeld, and Moore and Young. J unhaw (J. B. Relchcrt, mgr.) — Tho Jimeint Stock Co. presents "From Sire lo Sou" 22 and week. OoLUStniA (Wlnnlnger Bros., mgrs.)—The Win- nlnger Sleek Co. presents "The Girl of the Streets" 22 and week. Terrc Hinite, Intl.--Crnml (T. W. Dor- liydt Jr., mgr.) "Gypsy Love" Dec, 22, house dark 23, 24, "Runty Pulls the Strings," matinee and ulght, 2S: dark 2'), "A Fool There Was" 27, Lymnn II. Howe's pictures 28, 20, dark 80, 81, "Officer OHO," ni.illnoe and. night, Jan. 1, 2. Varieties (Jack Hoefller. mgr.)—Bill for 23-25 Included: Martin's dogs, Ward and Klare, Burt, Johnson and Burt, Marie Rosa and Eddy Grey. Bill for 20-20: Sorority Girls. Sherman and Mor- rlsey. Otto Bros., Blnsou and Bell, and Do Voy and Dayton Girls. Oiipiii:um (llrentllnger A English, mgrs.)— Organ recitals and pictures to capacity. Lois (E. B. Wheels, mgr.) —Vaudeville snd pictures. Savoy, Colonial. Fountain, Csesoent, Pbin- l-sbs and Elk. moving picture houses, report gooil business. Note. —The American, a new moving picture house, opened week of 10 by Maurice Less, a dim dealer. BOSTON. The managers of (be local theatres are evi- dently going ufter the Christmas Week business, ar the changes offered are many, three being new altractlons, and two shows we have witnessed berorc, the latter being well suited for the Yulc- tlde. All complained of rather light business last week, even the picture house managers coming ln for a little knock Colonial (Frohmsn ft Harris, mgrs.)—For Its holiday attraction this bouse has Richard Carle and Hattie Williams, two Boston favorites, as co-stars In "The Girl from Montraartrc." Miss Williams presented the musical farce for a abort time al the Park, In this city, last season. The offering Is said to have been changed s great deal, and under the new partnership it Is said to be greatly Improved. J. M. 'Barrte'a much discussed skit on the problem, play, "A Slice of Life," Is also put on during the evening's performance. Carter De Haven, In "Exceeding the Sliced Limit," had three weeks of good business. Hollis (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—It lias been some time since we bare bad the pleasure of seeing John Mason, tut we have him now for s fortnight, in Henri Bernstein's new play, "The Attack." Two prominent characters ln the sup- porting company are undertaken by 8ldney Her- bert and Martha Hcdiuan. We all regretted to witness the finale of "Rebecca ot Suunybrook Farm." Majestic (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—Nora Bayes and Jack Korworth are coming to town again. This time they are presented by Lew Fields as leading members ot one of his new shows, "The Sun Dodgers." The show opens Christmas mati- nee, and among tw> la the company needing no Introduction are George W. M mi roe and Harry Fisher. Great praise and unslnesa for the fort- night of Wlllleru FevcrsJinm and company, la "Julius Caesar." Boston (Fiobman-Harrls Corp., mgrs.)—This is tho second week ot Eddlo Foy, ln "Over the River." Although we saw the star In the same plsy, last )esr, it seems sot a bit the worse fo.- wear, I mean the plsy, nnd star has Introduced many new bits that are well worth a visit. There era many new faces In the cast. Tbkiiont (Jno. B. Schoeffel. mgr.) — Eighth and last week of Henry Miller, In "The Rain- bow." Mr. Miller understands the srt of acting lu all its branches, and ln bis present offcrlne. be Is called upon to give of his best. Raymond Hitchcock, in "The Red Widow," will tie here next week, Skdiieut (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.) — Goby Deslya seems to be merrily going on nt this house, where she Is appearing In "The Whirl of Society," anlsted by Al Jolson as the chief fun- maker. TMb Is the third week, am) the com- bined attractions may continue longer. Park (Uhcrles Frohmaa, Rich ft Harris, mgrs.) —Ever since Labor Day Rose Stahl and "Mngglc Pepper" Luvo been entertaining phigyoers. They are now entered upon their seventeenth nnd last week of their stay In this city. "The Woman" is the Incoming attraction. Prominent among the players will be John W. Cope. Kdwln Holt, Cuyler Uostlngs, Jane Peyton and Mary Nash. Plymouth (Fred Wright, mgr.) — Another week of George Arllss, ln r 'DIsraeli," and this Is the eleventh of the really phenomenal run. There is nothing that can be added to what has already been said about the artistic player and his vehicle. St, Jaukh (W. H. Gulesian, mgr.)—"The Isle of Spice," which pleased Bostonlnns during Its long bummer run seine years ago, Is the Christ- ians attraction. In the cast are: Ethel Grey Terry, Beth Franklyn, Theodore Frlebus, Dudley llawley, Charles Abbe and William 0. Walsh. The aliening Is slated for Dec. 24. Castle Squaee (John Crslg, mgr.) — There were busy doings on tho stage of this house last week, as reheursala were held for tho production of "The Gingerbread Man," which Mr. Oralg offers this week for his Dfili annual production. In addition lo the regular members of the com- pany forty lingers appear In Ihe chorus. Mr. Crslg has had great success lu bis Yuletlde pres- entations, and the current may run several weeks. Keith's (B. F. Keith, mgr. J—This Is the week cf Ihe year tor the youngsters. George Williams Is, of course, Santa, and bunds out st every after- lion perfurinuuce something to gladden the "kid- dles." If George does the Sauta act much longer the "kids" will be getting onlo him. The hill: Miunl Amnto, In "The Apple or Paris;" George Roland and company, la "Fixing the Fur- nace;" Glllett's Funny Monkey Howling Alley. Kale Watson, Adonis and bis dog, Pearson and Goldle, Earl Flynn and Nettle McLaughlin, Carlo- Ion and Ray, and Charles Lcdegar. Uiii'ii miu (Victor J, Morris,, mgr.)—For the flrst halt of tho week: Kulhrjn Flyim, Harry ImikIIi'i company, Ralph Connors, Win. 8. GUI Co., siiollliq; Players, and Seymour and Koblncnn. For tho second half: Hums and Una, Two Sing- ing Girls, Wilson and Pearson, Robcrtl's Aiilmul Circus, Olnri Wood, Ralph Connors, nnd Wm. 8. Gill Co. tlLonn (Robert Juliette, mgr.)—Week of Dee. 23: Welse Family, Gladstone and Tuhmage, Alf Rlpon, jfcnnliiglou Brothers, Colo Troupe. De Stephana Brothers, Harry Dalton, Emery Trio, Farley end Morrison, Umwn and Lawson, Three O'Oonnor Sisters, and the Vlnnldoso Brothers. National (G. A. Hulcy, mgr.)—The manage- ment of Ibis house Is lliero with an extremely strong hill this week, and the advertising of same ought to lack lbs house. The acts are: Ar'uu- Duun and company, Chorlcs Weber, Orelghten Brothers, Lnughlln's Dogs, Church sisters. Ov vaso Duo, Kimball aud Donovan, Musical Irving, Alvln and Kemmy, and Charlie Uradlcy, WALonoN'B Casino (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.) —The Behroan Show Christinas week. It Is needless to state what It means lo the house and show manager. Oharlle Robinson and bla Crusoe Girls last week. The music of Ilia burlesques was catchy, the comedy of a rollicking kind, and there were plenty of good specialties, musical and dancing numbers. The American Beauties follow. Gaiety (George H. Batcbeller, mgr.)—Johnny Webber, who Is one ot the runniest German co- medians we have visit us, was rigid at home Inst week, and bis friends in this city turned out royally to laugh at the funny little fellow. Rose Sydell'i company is one of tbo bc»t on the rand today, and as it was announced the engagement of Miss l-'yilell was In the nature of a farewell tour, the Interest In her week's stay wus sug- iRSEL TldBweek, the Star nnd Oarler Show; Midnight Maidens next. Howard (O. U. Lotbron, mgr.)—The Yankee Doodle Girls, with two burlesques, "Pat, the Porter," and "The Piano Movers." The extra features arc: The Seven American Whirlwinds. Cody, Ous Williams, Kaiser's terriers, Charles Nellson. and Alice Dudley and Mabel Parsons. bam Rice and bis Daffyrilils follow. guano Opera Hoi-be (0, E. Lotbrop, mgr.) Billy Watson and his Eeef Trust are too well known to say more. They arc here current week. The Yankee Doodle Girls follow Bowcoin KouAur (G. E, Lolhrop, mgr.)—For the week: The Clayton Drew Players, Bliimi- Bomm-B-r-r-r, Ben and Eva Walker, Pierce aud Itoslyn, Lange und Titus, Harry Tsuda, and Nat Clark. Gordon's Olyupia (J. E. Comerford, mgr.)— As usual, this house Is right to the front wltb Its bill of the best acts to be found. Garclncttl Brothers, Johnson and Wcntwortb, Colonial Troupe, Wm. J. Abcarn and company, Fitch B. Cooper nnd company, and Musical Aliens. Washington (F. G. Collier, initr.)—Fredo nnd America, Armada, Hebert nnd Lund Is, Van and Hlilncbart, Daytons, Those Poor Boys, Allle Johnson and Paul Perry. Ott» South (F. O. Collier, mgr.)—For Ihs acts arc: Krusader and Joab, Eerlo and Bsrtle'l, Knshlmn, Conroy, Dalley Bmthsrs Myers, Sachs and Vjllln. Wm. Buylles, and May MacDonald. aiteumath. Special Kong niitl picture features arc being of- fered at Ihe Bijou Dream, Huntington Avenue. Shawumt, Unique, Apollo, Oriental, Eagle, Pas- time, Purltur. Back Buy, Beacon, 1'remler, Nor- folk, Coinlque, Niagara, Whithrop Hall, Williams' Ideal, Superb, Scenic Temple, Hlar, Navlllus, South End, and the Roxbury. Loew'b South End, which has lately been miming a vaudeville and picture entertainment, Is now being managed by the Automatic Vaude- ville Company. The principal attraction at the Boston Opera House this week is Madame Tctruzzlnl, who ap- pears Christmas Night. Performances vf "Aide" and "Hansel and Gretel," "Louise" and "La Boheme" will also be given the week. While In town last week Johnny Webber, of the Rose Fydell company, was more than on- Ihuslastlc regarding his Summer home at Fulr- bnven, N. J. From the description given the place mind be an Ideal one, nnd the outlugs dur- ing Ihe warm weather must liven up things a bit. At tho Huh this week are: Clotilda and Mon- trose, Delyx nnd Edwards, Carter and Aleta, and Harriet Herbert. HARBr Laldku and coupany will follow Oaby Deslys snd ber associates Into the Shubett. gZBKZ. Creme Simon SUPERIOR TO THE".BEST Makes disappear In otto night CH€ AF>S CRAOKS REDNIS8 mid protects the fnen against cold weather. Simon Powder and Soap MAURICE LEVY. Sole U. S. Ag.nt, 15 and 17 W. 38th Strait. Niw York Newark, N. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Bobbins, mgr.) May Irwin week of Dec. 23, In "Widow By Proxy." supqmrted by Orlando Dnly, OI»r« Klnndick, Dom Ooldlhwalte, Francis Gaunt, Helen Woulhrriby Lynn I'rntt, Arthur Bowye:-, and .Tnscph Woodhiirn. "Passers-lly" week of 30. SiiuiiEUT (Otloleiitpil, mgr.) — Lewis Waller, and Madge Tlthcradgo, ln "The Dutterlly on tho Wheel." week of 23. William Puvershstn, In "Julius Ctcear," 30 and week. Phoctoh'h (It. O. Stuart, mgr.)—BUI for Christmas week includes: The Telephone Girls, Wynn and Ilusson, Bert Levy, Ilattlo Tlmlierg. Bogcrt and Nelson, Bunthnin and Erwln, Tom Kyle and company, Mario Trio, Lowe and Devote, und Sum. Ori-iikl'u (M. S. Schleslnger, mgr.)—The Corse Piiylun Stock Co., In "Old Heidelberg," week of p,. For week of 3(1, "Forly-flve Minutes from BroMlwuy," 'm which on especially large chorus has teen engaged. Jacohs' (Geo. \\. Jacobs, mgr.)—Tlie Jacobs Slock Co. presents "The Night Before Christmas" week IB-ginning 23. Fur week of 30, "Too Proud to Beg." Miner's liMrinn (Prank Abbott, mgr.)—Jardln De Paris Girls 23 and week, with Leo Stevens. I.ydln Jospy, Mile. Ponnitere and company, and Ihe Tlerneys. The Bohemians week of 80. Gayety (I.con Evans, mgr.)—Iw Trocaderos 23 nnd wiH-k. with Frank Finney, Sam Adams, Minnie P.urkc. Norlne Holmes, Murray J. Blmous, Elale Ix'slli-. Frnnklo Bailey and Corrlne Ford. Roble's Kiilckerlsiekers week of 30. Wakhinotow (O. R. Neu, ingr.)— Bill for 28- 25: itossner llllluiiin and company, Three Trial- h.icliiui's. Riley nnd Moreno, Weslon and Keith, Kate Rodney, nnd Coy De Tricky. For 20-28, Grace De Mur Is featured. Lvmc (II. 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill for 28-28 Included: Montgomery Duo, Shelley nnd Proctor, W. II. Turner ami company, Smith snd Champion, Hnwllioi-ue Minstrels, and tho Osnvs. For 20-28: IajiiIs Granst, "flu a Side Street," Brown and Brown, Morrlslnl'a anlninls, Tlioso Four Girls, ami the Brachards. Notes —Among the attractions In preparation by tho Corse Pay ton Stock Company are: "Po- mander Walk," "'Tho Thief," 'The Onmblora" nnd "Mre. Wlggs of the Onhbngo Pntch." John J. McNalley, press agent st Jacobs, has been appointed general organiser at large for the Eastern Slates-, of the International Alliance of Blllers and llllposlers. Mr. .McNalley Is a mean- NT of No. 18, New Jersey Zalloh'a Own Company intertahied the Einmett J. Qulnn As- sociation, Ed, Benkcrt Olnb, Bonid of Business Agents and Bnrtrnui Shiifflebnuril Club week ot 10 'Monsger Ahlmtt, of Minor's Empire, tendered n benefit Hundny, 22, to the widow of Pollco nmcer John I. Paffaev. The I'hmnlx Sing- ing Society, iiiid-r the leaderslilp of Uroll Lin- der, anil the Police Baud, volunteered II. 0. Miner paid a complimentary visit to Newark week of 10 Harry Davlea, the well known Welch leimr, has Joined tho Aborn Rngllsh Grsnd 0|«ra Co., to sing '"Mine. Butterfly*' and "II Trovutoro" here 23. Jeritey Clfy, N. J.—Majestic (F. E, Hen- derson, mgr,) "Mutt and Jert" Christmas wsvk. Al. Wilson week of Dec. 80. Aoaiiiimy (F. B, Henderson, mgr.)—"The Out- law's Christmas," by the Acn.u-my Stock, 23 and week. "Tony, tho Boolblack" New Year's week. OupitEotr. (Tlios. I„ Blireley, mgr.)—"Little Lord Fnimtlcroy," by the Orplicnm Stock, week of 23. "The Belle of New York" week of 80. Bon Ton (Ed. Oatlugsn, mgr.)—Variety, mov- ing pictures and songs. MONTK1EI.LO (OolllllH-SlllllVOll O)., mgrs.) — Variety, moving jilctiires and wmge. Notes. —Alex Mcliilosh and Bavldson, Scottish pl[iers of the Now Jersey Highlanders, snd Geo. Black, driiinmer ot Kearney, will go wltb Harry Lauder's Scotch llnnd Ilernard McOweo, of the Oayely In Hohoken, was especially engaged to support Prank Perry. In "Are You a Mason?" at the Orplituni week of 10. Moliokin, N. J.—Oayely (Ohus. Frauklyn, mgr.) "Tho Girl In Ihe Taxi," by the Onyely .Stock, week ot Dee. 23. "Tho Woman ln ths Case'' 30. EMPinn (A. M. Rruggememi, mgr.)—Roble's KnlckerlMckers 23-29, Merry Whirl 20-28, Colum- bia Bui-ICKmiors Jnn. 2-4. Lyiui: (a. S. lilggs, mgr.)—Variety, moving pictures nnd songs. Notes. —W. Wulsncr, a local contractor, hns acquired a pint ot ground 108 feet by 180 feet, on Bergen Lino Avenue, West New York, for the erection of a now theatre, it Is to be completed lu six months. Detroit, Midi—Detroit (B. 0. Whitney, mgr.) utls Skinner, lu "Kliniet," week of Dec. 23. Gauihck (It. II. Lnwreuc'.-. mgr.)—Sam Ber- nard, In "All for Ihe Ladles," week of 23. Lyciiuk (K. D. Stair, mgi-.)—"Tho Great Di- vide" week of 22. Avi:ir:i ilirew A Campbell, mgrs.)—Tho Cherry Blossoms neck of 22, Gaykty (Win. lloache, mgr)—Queens of Paris Week of '22. T'Eiu-Lii (J. II. Moorr, mgr.) — Business Is good. Illll for week of 23: Dr. Carl Herman, Cross nnd Josephine, the Australian Wood Chop- pers, Jackson and McLaren, Cossclll's Midgets, Kdwlun Barry and company, Bud and Nellie Helm, Kcilforil and Winchester, Harry Atkinson, and the MooreoHeope. Milks (C. W. Pnrler, mgr.)—Mill for week of 23: A lair, Webb ami company, Will iiayden and company, the Perclra Sextette, with Raul Perelra, violinist; Rnpoll. Curtis and White, Bert Mel- burn, and tho Mllcscope. K.ilniniir.oo, Mich Fuller (Will J. Dun- nelly, mgr.) "tlrauitork" Dec, 25, "The Mil- ilnn'' 20. Majestic (J. Jolly Jones, mgr.)— ill 1,1 23-2H Ineluiled. llolmun, iUilund Carter and con'ipuiiy, Johnny Sewall and Sister, Hetty Urnm und Clins. Burkhnrdt uud cmnjiany. For 20-28: Bush and i'eys.-r. Moun and Baker, Bullerlnl Four, Trolier and Green, William's Olrcus, and Matesltcicope. Good hueluess rules. • V Nora—All (be uiorlug picture shows report good business.