The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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PEOKMBBB 28 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 80* ETHINC NEW t&^'t^ %$£££ A NOVELTY ACT HAVE YOU &EEN THE $600.00 CHALLENGE ACT? THE ACT WONDERFUL THE GREAT RflGO Will give $600.00 oaah to any- one, bar none, who oan release th«nBoIvea from the Bnaaian j^MPturo Board. THE GREAT A FEW MYSTERIES THE CAT IN THE BAG v THE COOPERS ? THE TORTURE BOARD 5 W A NUMBER OF ENTERTAINING AND SENSATIONAL MYSTERIES Th# ■■«•••• Sensational Mystory In Vaudavlll* ■GFEEXS 3MEA.ID OF IMEirsrrER'E' g.rsr before attempted by anyone except The Great Hugo. Pronounced by Press «n,l P.bllc to ».. a Bensatlosaal Ac, _^ Address raoo, Care of N. Y. CLIPPER. OBSERVATIOWS BY JOE HEPP WILL MARK NEW EPOCH. Tbe big March meeting to be held In Chi- dgo promises to be an Interesting event. Ac that time lie leading carnival managers of America will be here to hold communion Kith the commltteo of the American Asso- ciation of Fairs and Expositions, empowered to contract for the 1013 shows and features. The great booking exchanges of tbe country will have their representatives 011 hand to "tell" free acts, and concessionaires will ne- gotiate for privileges. In the mean time the typewriters are hum- ming In the genera] offices of the carnival magnate? and long distance phone tolls are eating Into the bankrolls. The State fairs and expositions la the United States and Canada havo taken on a magnitude un- dreamed of a decade ago, and they play a moat Important part In the amusement and the education of tbe people. The superb buildings erected on the State fair grounds ire enduring monuments to the pioneers In this field. With this remarkable development It Is but Datura) that there should oe a demand for n higher class of amusement enterprises, and In consequence carnival promoters are keenly on tbe lookout for novelties and "big" shows. It Is apparent that 1913 will mark a new epoch In the history of the carnival business, wood, clean, novel shows, properly conducted ind aggressively presented, -will it per. The days of the ■'* cumbered. Wm, Jcdkinb Hewitts Goloshes are good for guni'slioelng. llosb. a dozen uoarm for talkers. Don't smoke on the ballyhoo. Don't permit the performers to converse during your opeulng. Don't be afraid to lend a linml when the show Is lHte In getting up. Don't Inject sarcasm Into your opening. Don'.t neglect your personal appearance. Don't lose heart when they're not turning. Don't be afraid to work HARD. Don't be stereotyped. Don't blow your own horn. Polish It up and other;, will blow It. Don't eigue with wise cracking chumps. Don't think that you are the whole snow. Don't get too officious. UAZZEL USD BROKA to the dONZER UIS1IP0KA and to all, A Merry Ohrittmaa and A Uappy New Year. surely pros- ■rag" troupes are SORCHO AT HIPPODROME. Word comes from New Orleans that Sor- cho's Deep Sea Divers are the feature of tbe bill at the Hippodrome (formerly Winter Garden) In that city. Captain Sorcho car- ries a company of fourteen people, and has contracts for good time to follow. Tim holiday season was the cause of con- siderable shrinkage in the Chicago tent show colony. Many of the regulars 'eft to renew homo-ties and spend Christmas with the folks, and In consequence the dally meetings at the Wellington and other rendezvous were scantily attended. IIkiit, of the Four Dclnos, last sea- son with the Great I'arker Shows, la making an indefinite stay In Chicago. Tom McNbw Is managing a theatre In Peoria. I congratulate Peoria. Essib Fay and her educated horse, Arabia, laat RciFcn with the Greater Farker Shows, will have a new outfit that will be a credit lo any carnival company. HATHAWAY TOURS SOUTH. James Hathaway has mapped out a tbrco months tour for one of tho Hiigenbcck-Wal- laco moving picture exhibitions, opening at Birmingham, Ala., this week, to embrace cities In Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and Cali- fornia. Hathaway left Chicago for Birming- ham Wednesday, 18, to assume personal di- rection of the tour. He has been In nego- tiation with Colonel C. W. Patter for some time, to take charge of one of the Parker carnivals next season, and his friends arj In hopes the deal may be consummated. Bon AnitAMB, the veteran boss hostler, who lias si in service with a number of big "hows, was a CuiTKit caller, In Chicago, lust week. H&iiiiv W. Wiiioht dropped Into Tub ('i.iitimi'h Western Uureau one day last week and expressed himself as highly pleased with the carnival outlook for next season. Wright 1ms been remarkably successful In routing and contracting the Greater Parker Shows. K. U. ii-—I do not know -when, or where, the next annual meeting of the Carnival Mnungcrs ssoclatiou of America Is to be hold, but hope to be able to print au official an- nounceinnt In tbe near future. AMONG THE "CRACKERS." Andy Nolan, general announcer with the 101 Itaneh Wild West, made good with tbe movlnu pictures of that show in Mlchlgnn. lie lei't for Atlanta, Ga., on the Dixie Flyer, Tuesday, IT, and will tour the South during the rest of the Winter. sa- lt will be "bock home" for I*ark Pren- tiss, with tho Hells-Kioto Shows, next sea- son. Some bandmaster. Promotes Mobrly, of ninilvul fame, has the "dm den of Allah" pictures dn St. Louis, meanings on tho man who Invented tho "movies." WlLLAnn Backknsob Is up-to-date. Christ- mas shopping In Chicago, with the assistance iwd us ever" """ l xvx 9mm 01 "' uut IB "" nt ■ mi «° rctl automobile, must have been a pleasure. Vail S J BMY AN OrTIMIST. THESE TO THE CANNERY. An iStJr WWi whoso extensive cxpcrl- "Listen." author ui i« c *ffj val business makes him nn "I'm not going to tako up much of your •muse, /„ T J n * h,n »* 8 Pertaining to outdoor time." ah arrivSnJS" T ft ca " or S"%r« 10 - . u P on " Lon IT lengthy." nrtsnemni 22! ^"enworth. He predicts a "Fully an hour beforo tho big show starts." "raihit JTOPtlE J 013 - UaD J ,T t0 rc ~ "' «o not wish to tire you with a long MB l.'cad. h?£ Walter's seasons (luring the lecture." Wll dhiiio navo been prosperous ones. He while tho Cannery Is but a week old, and New v„ru *ki JfiM between Chicago and extraordinary measures were taken to pre- |r*Qt how Sui Ir'"' anii wl " P 0 ' on a vent P'l'erlng, I And that someone has In- Wi know what your right name Is on (he road, but what Is your moniker at tbo Well- ington ? Sbbn In Chicago: Beverly White, of Gentry Bros.' Shows; Sam McCracken, Harry Earl and F. W. Mclntyre, of the Barnum A Bailey Show; C. E. Corey, Geo. Connora and "Solly"' ftlse, of the Hagcnbcek-Wulace Shows; James JfcNully. Dave Jnrrett, Wlllard Backenstoe, waiter K. 8lbley and J. D. MeCollum. JARRETT PLAYS CIRCUIT. Dave Jarrett manager of the Two Bills' advertising ear No 8, and Jack Berahclt, of Aurora, III,, are putting on a show consisting pi two vaudeville acts and moving pictures in a circuit of small houses at Batavla, Ore- gon, Mt. Morris, Forrestoo, Polo and Mcn- dota, III playing one nlgbt stands, showing every night, with a change of bill weekly. Mendota Is tho Saturday and Sunday stand. They are meeting with success. 1 At,. W. Mabtin left Chicago Thursday, 10, for Ho Springs, Ark., to spend the balnnco or he Winter, making his headquarters with "illy Maurice, until tbo opening of tho "agon hock-Wallace Show In the 8prlng. ft H Clemkntb left for Hot Springs Sat- ""J 8 /. where he will remain thrco weeks. w. ii. GonrnRY was In Chicago last week booking acts for tho Dixon fill.) Opera «ome. Godfrey objected to the reference ■Ms lo him In this department somo wcekJ ago as the "old time" circus adjuster. Beg ™i' r ¥&*& w - "•• we merely meant to convoy .he -fact that you know your business. «• II- McFarmnd Jn. has been engaged a 'manager of tho Sclla-Floto side show. ii„ i'l . '"Mid. will bo a combination of i, .i * J on ln ono W* shows—on Innovation m tho circus business. McN'ULTY GOES WITH BARNES. a„n5v 1(, \ M £ Nu "J wUl he Identified with the annex of th c Al. O. Barnes Show next sen- vdti, u. R* Hi* P""* thrco years he has been tiin v.! i . l0 J.°' and P tior *° that wna with for £££!." !lowe End the Two Bills Shows 'or several Beasons ' 4ft Princk McKcif) has been engnged for the n.;„"■;"*• s, ' lfl "now. cook (M In °'-b. manager of the SolIs-FIoto rkMi ,.Li"" 1 Nellle Carroll, who were mnr- W ii*i?'n m keeping house In Denver. (Mi ',."•„ Jffl?*ffiAiro Sn. will manage the next 'I^X wUh Howea* Great London Shows KrnHh«, S?J J? 0 , ,B spcn'llng tho Winter ritUH %J"Si fl8hln ? at nls own home In Karh,n i. 11 ?'. A! ' M ar,ln dcclarcB that Mc- «" J. 8 Bt J eo«t 101 years old, hut Is as HERE'S TO YOU, WALTER I Personality, perseverance, and an Intimate study of tent show requirements, has brought Walter F. Driver to the fore as one of the most popular, as well as moat successful, men In his sphere of endeavor. In this connec- tion It Is but fair to record the fact that through Driver's efforts and popularity most of the circus, Wild West and carnival can- vases are made ln Chicago. The Winter months finds him ln close conference with managers and promoters, going over equip- ment specifications, and during tbe Bummer he visits the various aggregations on tour. An opening, or tbe closing of a show season without finding Walter Driver on the lot would be a strange thing Indeed. Popularity and success has not increased the size of Walter's cnopeau, and his friends In the pro- fession are legion. * Frank J. Noethkn, for a number of years In an executive position, with tbe Great Parker Shows, and who has had the privi- lege car with Wortham & Allen this past season, arrived In Chicago' Wednesday, 18, from Leavenworth. During a call at the Western Bureau of The Om> Rkliablb Mr. Noethcn reported a pleasant and prosperous season, and Intimated he might have a privi- lege cur with a circus next Summer. Davh Mobbis, promoter for the Greater Parker Shows, was a Clifceb caller Wednes- day, 18, upon bis arrival ln Chicago, where be will spend thc Winter, at the Wellington. An interesting rumor Is current that Harry W. Wright may be associated with James Hathaway In directing the destinies of one of thc Parker Carnlvale.—a nineteen cor outfit. J. B. W.—Don't know about scacow's milk. Inquire concerning the market price of but- ter on South Water Street. B. E.—Answering your Inquiry as to what would make a good substitute for meat In hamburgers would suggest alfalfa. 8oi(B fellows are so fond of travel they get Jobs as showmen. AU MA8C0TT, of the Oollmar Bros.' Clrcjs, Is In Chicago contracting side show people for 1013. HARRY WRIGHT ENTERTAINS. Harry Wright gave an Informal dinner to a party of select friends at the Wellington, Tuesday evening, 17. The welfare of the show business at large was exhaustively dis- cussed and a very enjoyable evening was IHiHHcd. Wm. Judklns Hewitt entertained with a pointed dissertation of a philosophical nnlurc. Guesta r The Misses Pearl McVey, Margaret Kleffer, Corrlue Wilson and Mr. W. J. Hewitt. * Tub Buckskin Ben Snow Is In Winter quarters nt Cambridge City, Ind. 'Pom Kankin, general announcer with the Iliirnuin A Uiillcy Show. Is In Chicago. This world Is full of wise guys who can't make good. It is miMOBBn that Joe Baumann, the Chicago Jeweler, is financially Interested In Iho Fred M, Barnes enterprises. Vic lloun Is making weekly trips to the Windy City In connection with bis Cedar Point theatrical Interests. A nDTDOBPBCTivB mind recalls countless threats concerning thc Invasion of Australia. i.nls or big talk and gigantic plans. Lo and behold, along comes Bud Atkinson, unherald- ed, unsung, unprcss agented, and puts It over. A man after my own heart. There will be a No. 2 Herbert Qllpln Show cut next season. Ed. 8. Qllpln, last season with the Clifton-Kelly Show, will manage thc No. 2 Show. Jim Austin Is general agent with the Nichols-Freed Greater Shows. Tub r. S. Wolcott Shows open the 1813 senaon March 16, at Marlon, S. C. Thb 101 Ranch Wild Vest Show Ib to be complimented upon the acquisition of Or vliic Bunnell for next season. Pkrby Thirbaut, now better known as "Papa," doesn't fancy Chicago Winters, and will hibernate In N'Yawllns. Arciiih B. Miller has acquired the show property of the Cosmopolitan No. 1 Shows, stored at Argcnta, for the new twenty-five car Snvder Greater United Shows, which will ireat .C., "inter, and will pi Bprl,,. Uow wl «» Herbert A. Kill Ino next Ibe ^JfiPfiJ*" * aa a Cliwbr caller at 'bo Sv".',.v n, .fc? ureM - He will bo with ono of 01 'ey shows next season. tt'h • n Y0U REa *E-MJlErt— W'hl,! n'.^u 11 ! 111 ' wa " an undertaker? Wh,." ," a . n ,,™!! l . vc » J>?<1 a plantation show? vnded tbe vaults and maliciously extracted from Jar No. T, "WAS BROUGHT TO THIS COUNTRY AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE." Circumstantial evidence points an accusing finger. My suspicions are aroused. I make no direct accusations, but, George Donovan, I am watching you. Tiibrb arc two kinds of showmen, positive Ift-fe^WJSBKH -JSft ^S^WSlS to CUa* "Tho ', : !.ii Im i"°„ ana Bolossy Klrulfy put on Wednesday. 18, from Tucson, Aria., wheroh wii. ■' »S J* l yi »a V' i Mi" ,'i't thi"?, Lyons loeked tho doors to Inifd. j ,l10 uelegntes while ho "carpentered" Dan Jennings was with Captain a *> arnei -Wl has been 'since Oct. 8, ln attendance upon Mrs. Albort, who has been very HI. and Is making her residence at Tucson. Wo are happy to announce that Mrs. Albert is con- siderably Improved. Frank brought back with him a collection of Navajo blankets and Bllver Chlen" \ Dli, y Maurice ran a shoo store In ornaments as Christmas gifts for some of hlj W? ' friends. He will irmke his headquarters at Wl :! £ urI 7 ne8 » saw snakes? the Wellington, and look after his aviation \V S an "Bhoney was Doc. Foster? enterprises. Mr. Albert recently effected nr- Pwu : . n h tnle Wallace had a restaurant In rangements for an aviation school at San An. ' na ' tonlo, Tex. open nhout April 1. Jarour maloob closed with Macy's Olympic Shows nt Lurerne, Ala, Imaginh a man stopping at the Welling- ton who en it And no ono to dine with him. Kismet. Cheer up, Hewitt, want you to moot Doc. Miller. LOUIS HAS BIO TLANS. it. J. Louis, who has been spending a week or two In New York City, arrived in Cbleago Tuesday, 17, and during a visit to Tna Clip- I'br ofnecs, stated that he Is now In negotia- tion with a big feature attraction, which, In addition to tho Snmar Twins, may be identi- fied with tho Herbert A. Kline Shows ln 1013. Mr. Louis was pressed to divulge the nature of this new show, but further than to state It would bo a complete Innovation, he deferred making a definite statement. Louis Ib a progressive showman, and with thc other leading factors In tho tented field, appre- ciates thc absolute necessity of meeting oil over growing demand for high class features, awrfy from tho ordinary, and may be de- pended upon to do his part In the general uplift of the carnival business. Acmi.i.K PiiiLi.ioN, of spiral tower forne, who cloH-d with tho Wortham A Allen Shows, at Beaumont, Tex., was a OLirrt.R onller ir Chicago Tucsdny, 17, on his w«y to Detroit, Mlcb., where he will spend the By-tiib-Byb, what lias become of Harry Tlpps, of tbe Royal Amusement Co.? Do You Know Us? If Not, Get Acquainted Quick Columbus Booking Exchange UNION NAT. BANK BLDO., COLUMBUS, OHIO WANTED, VAUDEVTLLE ACTS MANAGERS OF VAUDEVILLE HOUSES For time In Oolnmbns, O., and oar Circuit. We are Retting new houses every day. WAHTBD-PKOPLE IN ALL LINE! for Repertoire, stock, etc., and cau place any and all performers that can perform. In Ohio, Ind., W. Vs., Ky„ write ns If yon want a real service and sou that are acta. Wo have tbe exclusive Booting Office of Columbus, and our Circuit Is growing every day. WHY? Be- cause we havo the service, when yon get tired of the old method, then write us. MAHAOBRR of Opera Houses, when you want your tlmo filled with good one night alands. shows, or good stock cos., write us, we are In position to take care of yon. We nro tuned up to speed a nd everything hi humming ln harmony. Will leaae or buy moving plotarn .how. or vaudeville iioa>«> amy plate* in Ohio, W..t Virginia or P.nn.ylv»nl» VLATBIQ THB BUST Df VAUDKVUXX iULLIVAN and OONSIDINK O GENERAL BUS IN SCSI OFFICE! •alllTM. aUBd Coa.ldlne Blda., Third sod Madison Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. rRKD. LJHCOLN, - - fkm^pk GENERAL BOOKING OFFICII noa Broadway (Htridelbarc Bldar.) NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, ■ - - Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES i PAUL GOUDRON. 8 North Clark St.. cor. Madlsoo, Chicago, 111.; MAURICE) J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Sts, Soattle, Wash.; W. P. RBBSB, 968 Market Bt, 8an Frandsco. Cal; B. OBBEMAYBB, 16 Greene Bt. London. Eat, CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, Inc. •BOO KINO TAB I0S8 & BRILL CIICUIT, THE CIIMIMIIAN-FLLKGBLIM CIRCUIT TIE MILES CIKCUT Fitzgerald Building, 43d St. and Broadway, • • New York City l'ltOUK 5*01 BRYANT JOHN L. WEBER HUBERT I.. WEBER Jl IMPORTERS AMD MAKUFA17TUKKR8, 143 MO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, U. ft. A. looda Thaatrloal-Oataloga •*>•»•» Catalog No. a, Bonbrette Gowns and Costumes. Catalog No. 8, Wigs, Tights, Make-op and Spangles Catalog No. 4, Boots, Shoes and Western (foods. COSTUMES FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY JU8T OUT! IM, THE NEW 80NC : BRITIJ HIGH 0LAS8. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Solo. 60c.; Duet with great chorus, 00c.; largo Orchestra- lion (18 pieces), II; small, 60c.; Cello and Mandolin Duet, or Trombone, Baritone and Bassoon Duet, with orchestra, COo. Will DETAIL Orchestra Leaders or Singers or nolo who furnish program and loc. postage. O. A. FRAME, Cambridge!, Ohio. SHERMAN KELLY STOCK CO. ■UroillOK OKAND. SUPERIOR, WIS, People all lines. Those with singing voices preferred. One mat.; 1 hills a week. Itoad work will follow this engagement. People most bo Al sad have excellent modern wardrobe. Loading People, Character People, Heavy Man, Comedian, Char. Comedian, Stage Ifgr. Write, state salary, lend photo drat letter. This show works year round. Add. ■HBRMAN KELLY, Superior Grand, Saperlor, Wis. NOTES FROM SONGLANT. NOTES FROM STERN A CO. Blossom Seeley Is still smashing all records with the prise winning, gold medal "rag" of tho year, "Those Ragtime Melodies," by the well known composer and vaod«vllle artist, Gene Hodg- klns. Mr. Clifford, formerly of Clifford and Burke, Ii Introducing a great Soothers song, "At the Levee on Revival Day," by Ohrls Umltb, who gave na "Down Among tho Sugar Cane," "Cousin of Mine," ttc. Carrie Reynolds, now touring the Orpheum Cir- cuit, is scoring a tremendous success with "Dream Kisses." Holmes and Riley, singing "Mr Heart Shall Find Your Heart," are taking encores galore over Ih? United time. Llbbey and Trsyer, the well known singers and comedians, sre using "Those Ragtime Melodies'' and "Little Lovln' Aero Man," to great ad- r milage. Otto Motian, the well known European com- poser, who was "discovered" by the Jos. W. Rtcrn Co., Is now nnder contract to write exclusively for that Arm. Mr. Motsin holds s very enviable position among tbe modern school of writers, hav- ing been associated with the eminent Frans Lehar, composer of 'The Merry Widow," for some years, both being members of the Rojal Austrian Mili- tary Band, Mr. Motsan Is tbe writer of Belle Baker's famous songs, and was ber musical di- rector on several of her national tours. He has a lurge circle of friends In the profession who will no doubt be glad to hear ibat he Is to stay in this cnunlry permsnently. Mr. Motssn will be glud to receive all his old friends and moke new ones st his new ausrters. Among his latest efforts are: "Whfn I Told tbe Sweetest Otrl the Sweetest story Ever Told," "In Iho Lsnd of Hearts and Flowers." "Somewhat Different Girl," "Mj Egyptian Mummy" and "Just a Little." Oharles R. McCarron. who Is In charge of Jos. W. Stern A Co.'s professional department, and suo stsff lyric writer, Is to handle the lyrics of all ot Mr. Molsan's compositions. Mr. McCarron being the author of tbe above mentioned numbers. Lillian Lorraine made nn auspicious vaudeville dobut at Hammersteln'a last week. Before she wna on the atage a minute there was no question of lie.- auccess. MJsa Lorraine has a repertoire of songs whlcb are certainly gems, psrtlctilarly "Su«>o Boy" and "Daddy Has a Sweetheart, loth by Gene Buck and Dave Stamper. s WK A RICH-HOW AHO CO. MUSIC NOTES. When music publishers, as a unit, concede that "Kentucky Days" Is the positive blgBest msreh linllnd hit since "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet," It surely means something to tbe professions' world. As a further proof of lis greatness, we mention some of tbe best singing acta in the profesnlon, ami wo have bona /Ids letters from tbe entire list, suylng tlio biggest hit they hsve ever used. We consider 11. tbe best song ever written by Percy Wenrlch: While and Berry, Six nrowu Bro«., Lew Dorktiteder (parody), Ashley and (par- ody), Ho«er Mldgley (parody). Van and Rclienck, Bohemian Four, Bison City Four. Big Oily Four. I'lelson and Ooldle, Will Oakland. Nell O'Brien's Minstrels, Geo. Evans' Minstrels, Ootmrn's Oreater Minstrels, Jones and Sylvester, Ben Deelr snd company, International Harmony Four, Bell Boys Trio. Jack Allman, Dolly Connolly, Earl and Ourtls, lour Hsrmonlsts, Morgan, Bally and Mor- gan, Hodgee Bros., Kelly and Violette, Hsrry Ilreon (parody), Virginia Rankin, Virginia Grant, Sherman, Van and liyraan. Holmes and Bucban- Dan. "Tenmsoee Moon" Is a positive greater success than "Mcv.rillght Bay," thc biggest hit Geo. Prim- rose has ever had. This la a guarantee of Ita suiwrlorlty. s I.IBBBT amo TniiSR are scoring big with tbe Ohsrles K. Harris bnllerf, "Not Till Then Will I Cense to Lcve You," at Tampa, Florida. singers are using Jlmmle Right on the Moon," which Is rapidly becoming popular. M.\nv spotlight Monaco's "I'H Bit Noras rnou "Uncli Ztuw" Co., under the management of P. E. Gallagher and I. Jacobs, touring Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and the Dakotas,—We are more than pleas- ing the patrons and. getting a Mg share of tbe business. We are carrying a company of twelve, nine piece band and eight piece orchestra. Roster Ig as follows: FT B. Gal- lagher A I. Jacobs, managers and owners; 8. M. Curtis, advance representative; F. ii. Onl lasher, Billy Plumlee, Frank flayden, Ouy Long, Bruce Abby, Lou Strieker, Jack Davis, Lou Edwards, Walt Williams, lone Jacobs, Jecny Abby and lone Mcllrlde. SINGERS, ATTENTION! HERB ARE THE BONOS YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FORI The Ship That Is Slaking at Sea, Titanic— Tho Only Girl—Hetty Green's Favorite Gal- lop—"i'was Only a Namo—Bleep Ob. Dear Heart —Will Your Love Grow Cold —My Mountain Maid — Won't You Please Come Hack to Me—That Bumble lice ltng—Baby Looking Out for Mo—Answer the Dinner Call—Canoeing—Tho Lovers' Meeting—Only a Stroll In the Twilight—Speedometer Rag— I'll Return in the Springtime, Hose—-Would You Refuse—The Great Titanic Wreck—If You Doubt the Ono You Love—Our Boys In I'unumu—In Bachelor Land—Eph Johnson's Band—That Grand Little Girl—Meet Me at Twilight Hour, Sweet Blaine—A Bong on Iho Deep—My Oklahoma Home—Tbe Spear- mint Klddo with Wrlglcy Eyes—When Prai- rie Blossoms niow—Why Don't You Kiss Me Once Moro — Down Where the Pineapples Grow—I'll He Your Little Rag Doll—The Hand of Gold—Sixteen Years—Waiting for You—Come to tho Master—My Angel Sweet Irlnn—Just Wondering—Will You Love Ms ns of Old—My Dream Girl—Good Old Boston Town—Voiceless Heralds—Tho Railroad Bum from Dunvcr—Just Ono Goldon Curl—From One Over tbe River—What Will the Day Bring—Oulda's Wild Flowers. PROFESSIONAL 8INCER8! We stive yon the maale free, bat ask yon to enclose Ho. stamp for each iiiuiilH-r ordered tu liny Doatasre. Ad- dress MUSIC PUBLISHERS, 1405 Yon* St., N. XV., Washington, p. C. HAIR ON THE FACE Neck and Arms Instantly removed without Injury to the most delicate skin. In compounding, an Incomplete mliture was ac- cidentally spilled on the back of the hand, and on washing afterward, it waa discover on that the hair was completely removed. We named the new discovery "MODEMB." Ap- ply for a few minutes and the hair disappears as If bymaglo. IT CANNOT FAIL. Modeno supersedes electrolysis. Used by people of refinement, and re- commended by all who have tested Its merits. Mo- dene Is now for sale at drug stores, or will be seat by mall In safety mailing cases on receipt of $I.oo per bottle. Postage stamps taken. Address flodtat Hanoiactarmi Co., Dtp*, j I. Cbdnaatl, 0. DON'T FORGET FUNK'S "THE WIG MAKER" FORMERLY MoVlokeras Theatre Building NOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Oor. Bute and Monroe Ota., CHICAGO BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 61b An., bet. 2711 ud 78th Sis., Niw York MOST POPULAR rnBNOH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFE t MUSIC 0.80 TO 1 A. If. 100 COLORED PANAMA OANAL LANTERN 8LIDEB, for sale, cheap. Fall aet, right ud to date. W. WVNDIIAM, 8 PATCH IN PLACE, N. YTcITT.