The New York Clipper (Jan 1913)

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16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 4 id 9f STILL THE GREATEST HIT IN SONG HISTORY THAT MELLOW MELODY DIGGER SOW THAU KVER. A BVHR FinK SONG FOB ANT ACT OH ANY SINGER THE NOVELTY BALLAD OF THE SEA80N "DADDY DID A WONDERFUL THING" A REAL COMEDY NUMBER "ALWAYS TAKE A GIRL NAMED DAISY, CAUSE DAISIES WONT TELL" "THAT SYNCOPATED BOOGIE BOO" OIIKATEST OF ALL GHOST NUMBERS. A WONDERFUL DOUBLE "I'LL BUILD A WALL AROUND LOVELAND M ONLY A BEAUTIFUL BALLAD, THAT'S ALL GEO. W. MEYER MUSIC CO. 1367 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Gin Chicago Office Cor. 37th Sf. (Regal Bldg.) RANDOLPH BUILDING WANTED-DIVINC CIRLS IANI »*0., FOI RICE & CORE'S WATER CIRCUS 25--PE0PLE IN THE WORLD'S GREATEST AQUATIC ACT--25 Opening at Keith's Union Square Theatre, Monday, Jan. 20 PLAYING UNITED BOOKINCS BIG TIME ONLY Mono but experienced water people wanted. State all you can do and lowest salary In first letter. Can U80.ti PAT CLOWN l'OLIUKM AN THAT (IAN SWIM. Would like to hear from Comedian with California, Frank last season. Also heavyweight dlvor with Walter K. Sibley. Address L. W. HURRAY. 107 W. 45tU St., New York City. ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for Thia -Column Mu.t Itracli Thia Office Not Lnter Than Saturday Before Day of Publication to In.are Insertion. OOHPANY HANAOERS, ATTENTION!!! OPERA HOUSE, CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Write quick for open time for balance of the season. House newly decorated, new scenery, new managers (who are pushers). In fact. EVERYTHING NK\V and up-to-date. Good show town. Address DR. C. E. BCHUCHEIIT, Mgr., or, A. W. HARRISON, Trtai., tJAPB GIRARDEAU, MO. CHAS. OHLMEYER and JANET GRIFFITH COMEDIAN I INGENUE LEADS AND SINGING AND DANCING SPECIALTIES I SECOND BUS. Ability, wardrobe, sobriety. Write or wire, oh as. oh lmk yuii, Eerrtn, ill. Fnterfion. \. J.—Empire (Floyd Lauman, nn;r.) Columbia liurlcHqucrs Dec. 30 Jan, 1, Dove's Love Makers 2-4. emni'MTii (0. F. Edwards, mgr.)—Jardln de Ports uirlN Dec. 30-Jan. 1, Miner'. American! 2-4. Capac'ty houses rule. ■ Lrosuu (J. E. Wilbur, mgr.)—"The Shepherd of (Uc Bills" week of Dec. 80. OffflA HOD8E (Zabrhkle ft Bold, mgrs.)— "All- ot ii Sudden Peggy" 30 and week. Majestic (W. H. Walsh, mgr.)—Bill for Dec. 30-Jan. 1: Five Vestolfs, Baby Grace, Lightning Weston, mill ivrrln and tee. For 2-4: Old Town Quartette, Mary Kcogb, miller and Lewis, and Cohan, Geo. M.—Cohan ft Harris'—Oohin, .New H i li,.l fluritnu. m>T knulnna. .iiUa Vrtf-lf 1 It [rwfnlintfA DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adams, Mande—Charles Frohman's—Empire, New York, SOfJan. 11. _ _■ _. . Arllai, George—Llebler Co.'»—Plymouth, Boston, 80, Indefinite. > • Abarbsnell.' Llna—John Oort't— Park, New York, 80, Indefinite. . . Anglin, Margaret (Loula Nethersole, mgr.) — Momphlf, Tenn., Jan. 3, 4. Aborn Gtand Opera (Milton ft Sargent Atom, mgrs.) — York, Pa., Jan. 2, Hanover 3, Al- toona 0. "Alibi Bill"—Joe Weber's, New York, 81, indefi- nite. "Auction ' Pinochle"—Adolf Phlllpn's—Fifty-Mr- enlh Street, New York, 30, Indefinite. "Alma, Where Do You Lire?" (Saul Bursteln, nigr.)—Cartondale, Pa., Jan. 2, Scranton 4, Grand Opera House, Philadelphia, 6-11. Blllle Burke— Charles Frohtilan's—Lyceum,' New York, 80-Jan. 4, Broad, Philadelphia. 0-25. Brian, Donald — Charles Frobman'e — New Or- leans, La., 30-Jan. 4, ' Galveston, Tex., 6, Houston 7, San Antonio 8, 9, Austin 10, 11. Bernard, - Sam — Messrs. Bhubert — Lyric, New York, 30. Indefinite. Blair, Eugenie — Nloolal ft French's — Detroit, Mich., 80-Jan. 4, Imperial and National, Chi- cago, 5-18, Brown, Gtlmor (F, A. Brown, mgr.)—Pecos, Tex., Jab. 2. Beaton Grand Opera (Henry Russell, mgr.) — Boston Opera House, Boston, 30, Indefinite. Black Pattl Unalcal Comedy (It. Voelckel, mgr.) —Palatka, Fla., Jan. 2, St. Augustine 8, Brunawlck, Ga., 4, Savannah 6, Charleston, S. 0„ 8, Orangeburg 0, Columbia 10, Greenville 11. "Bohemian Girl," Pacific (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—Kalamaioo, Mich., Jan. 2, Fort Wayne, Ind., 3, Logansport 4, Terre Haute 6, Mattoon, 111., 7, Jacksonville 8, Qulncy 0, Han- nibal, Mo., 10, St. Joseph 11. . . "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —Adelpbl, Philadelphia, Jan. 8, Indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's— Princess, Chicago, 80, Indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's—Pa- ducab, Ky,, Jan. 4, Memphis. Tenn., 8-11. "Bird of Paradise, The"—Oliver Morosco's—Bal- timore, Md., 30-Jan. 4, Weat End, New York, 6-11. "Blindness of Virtue" (Wm. Morris, mgr.)— Studebaker, Chicago, 80, indefinite. "Bunty Pulls the Strings" — Messrs. .Bhubert ft Brady's—New Orleans, La., ,10-Jsn. 4, La Charles 6, Beaumont, Tex., 7, Galveston 8, Houston 9-11. "Bunty Pulls the Strings" — Messrs. Shubert ft Brady's—Topeka, Kan., Jan. 4. "Blackbirds" — H«nry Miller's — Lyceum, New York, 6, Indefinite. "Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's. Ltd. (E F. Glrard, mgr.)—Salem, 0., Jan. 2, War- ren 3, Alliance 4, Aablnnd 6, Kenton 7, Lima 8. Upper Sandusky 9, Bucyrus 10, Bnndnsky 11. "Baby Mine," Western—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (D. B. Collins, mgr.)—Atlanta, Ga., 80-Jan. 4, Birmingham, Ala., 6-11. "Baby Mine," Southern—Wm. A. Brady's. Ltd. (Harry J. Jackson, mgr.)-—Andalusia, Alrr., Jan. 2, ftufaula 3, Americus, Qs., 4, Balnbridgc 6, Thomasvlile 7, Quitman 8, Brunswick 10, Jacksonville, Fla., 11. 12. "Beverly of Gniuatnrk," Eastern (A. G. Delnraa- ter, mgr.) —Carthage, Mo., Jan. 8. Joplln 8, Glrard, Kan. 7, lola 8, Ottawa 9, Topeka 10, Wamego 11. "Bell Hop" (Maple ft Norrls, mgrs.)—Hlllaboro, Tex., Jan. 2, Waxabacble 8, Waco 4, Taylor 8, Austin 7, Ban Marcos 8, Becvllle 0, Victoria 10, Cuetro 11. Collier, William — Lew Fields' — Forty-eighth Street, New York, 80, lndednlte. Carle, Blcbard, and Hattlo Williams—Charles Frohrunn's—Colonial, Boston, 30-Jan. 4, Wor- cester, Mass., 0, Springfield 7, Bridgeport, Conn., 8, Waterbury 9, Hartford 10, 11. That Awful Smart Your Shaving Soup Did It The tree caustic found its way into the porea of your skinand that terri- ble smarting and draw - Use, ing sensation resulted. MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM which contains no free caustic, and enjoy a cool, comfortable shave. Mermen's Shaving Cream make* a lather which requires no "mbilng In" to soften the beard.' You lathtr and then shave. Soot* Urn*, and does away with tender faces, For mat* mmrywhn*, 36c Sampl* Tab* Frtm GERHARD MEKNEN CO. Newark, N. J. OUT OF TOWN HEWS 4 Baltimore, Md.—Ford's (Obas B, Ford. mgr.) "The Girl of My Dreama" Dec. 80 and week, Ohouncey Olcott week of Jan. 0. Aoapbuy (Tunis Deon, mgr.)—"The Count of Lux MM K>urg" Dec. 30 and week. AmuTinmm (Frank McOrath, mgr.) — "The Bird of l'sradlae" 30 and week, Wm. Favcrahatu, In "Julius OffiBsr," week of Jan. U. Holliuat Btuhbt -(William Rife, mgr.)—"Ous- ter's Last Fight" Dec. 80 and week, "The Four Corners of the Earth" week of Jan, I). Gaybtx (Wm. Ballauf, mgr.)—Bowery Bur- leepurra Dec. 80 and week, World of Pleasure week of Jan. 0. F.urits (Geo. Rife, mgr.)—Oriental Btir- lesquers Dec. 80 and week, SSallah's Own Shew week of Jan, 0. Maxtland (Fred Shsmburger, mgr.)—BUI for Week of Dec. 30: Percy Haswcll and company, ft. L. Goldberg, Lambert and Bali, Sturirt Barnes, Julia Nash and company Paul Conchas and com- Emiy, Harry Breen, Helen Trlx, Kitty Traney, Tamer and Murtlu, and Insa and I.nrelln. Vutobia iciiiih. E. Lewla, mgr.)—Bill for SO and week: Bed Sox Quartette, Ktaln's Ooincdy Client, llililn Petersen, Vogel Crawford, Mailo I/«-e. Helms Waters and company, Harry Antrim, Nick and Lldn itusaell, aud I* Vlne-Olnioron Trio, New (Geo. Scbnliler, mgr.)—Bill for 30 and week; Moral I Opera Co., Coleman, Francis and Company, Musical Ln Moines, Spear nnrt Define, Oollon aud Mites, and Lillian Sisters. Loulavlllc, Ky. — Maraulcy's (John T, Ma- ?,™' 0> '•.. n ^« r • , lobln Hood" Wee 80-Jan. 1. The Little Millionaire" 2-4, "The Onncert" 8-8, Siirnmrr'a Mahonio (J. J. Garrlety, mgr.)— E. II. Sotlicrn and Julia Marlowe Dec. 30-Jan. 8. James Powers, In "Two Little Brides," 8 4. Jft®t£gr& fev^ *&->*& W«k r o7W 0 ' T " T * T, ° r ' w ' t - ) — The Dsulen Oarnauu (I. Simon, mgr.)—"An Old Sottler's ory" features week of 80. Novelty (8. Levenson, mgr.)—"The Aufnkt" features week of 80, Majehtio (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—"The Price of Success" features week of 30. Avenue (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Hoi-kind' (E. W. Dust in, mgr.)—Motion pic- turea and Natlcllo'e Band. ideal (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Notb. —Too motion picture operators and mu- sicians of this city arc on strike, and there la llttlo chance of a settlement as yet. Ethel Gardner. Big business rules. hi . Panl. Minn. — Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Flsko O'Horn, ln "The Hose of Ell- dare." Dec. 29, for the week. Blanche King, In "The Wall Street Girl," Jan. 0-8. Balney's Afri- can Hunt pictures 9. Suraur's (Frank O. Priest, mgr,)—The Alwrn Opera Oo„ ln "The Chimes of Normandy." Dec. 29-Jan. 2. OnrnBuii (E. O. Burroughs, mgr.) — Madame Barati Bernhardt and company, In "'Lucrella Bor- gia," De:. 30, matinee and night. "One Christ- mas Night Under the Terror," 81, matinee and night, and "Oamllle" 31. Others on the bill are: "And They Lived Happy Ever After," Charles and Fanny Van and company, Josle Heather, SarnnohT, and MOM alios. Diamond and Olemencc. Grand (Theodore L. Hays, mgr.) —Teddy 8i- monris' Auto Girls week of 29. Pat White's com- pany sjsjssj of Jsn B. fCux-Rasratm <Otiss 8. Greening, mgr.)—Builness Is big. Bill for week of Dec. 29: Lawrence Crnne and company, J. K. Emmett, Marie Fleming, Morrlssey and nanlon, the Olclra, and the movluar pictures. „, l4 i„ 8 " 0 .<"• 1 Mitchell, mgr.)—A big vaude- ville bjll nnd moving pictures week of 20. PatNosaa (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—This house continues to draw big crowds at all performances. Stajilanu (C. F. Rose, mgr.)—Continued bin: business. Star (Jacob Ilnrnet, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures to big business. AODiTonicH (M. F. Morton, mgr.)—The popu- lar symphony concert! afternoon of 29. Dea Moines, In.—Princess (Elbert ft Get- cnell, mgrs.) for week of Dec, 20, "Fifty Miles from Boston." • Brbohbm. (Elbert ft Getchell, mgrs.)—Geo. Sidney 20 and week, excepting SO, when Blanche King will appear In "The Wall Street Olrl." Ouraioai (H. H. Burton, mgr.)—Bill week of .; 3 °**P^ Jefferson and company, Frank Mor- rell, Ward Broa., McOormlck and Irving, Fred, and Allele Astalre, the Kyles, Two Alfreds, and pictures. Big business. Majestic (Elbert ft week of 29 Wr^H De Mine's —Harris, New 30, indefinite. York, 10. Indefinite. Clarke. Delia—Loula Werba's—Sparta, Ga., Jan. 2, Winder 8, Athens 4, Carteravllle 6, Oedur- town 7. Gadsden, Ala., 8. Huntsrllle 9, Colum- bia, Tenn., 10, Fayettevllle 11. Chicago Grand Opern (Andreas Dlppel, mgr.)— Auditorium, Chicago, 30, indefinite. "Concert, The" — David BelaBCo's — Blackstone, Chicago. 80-Jau. 4. "Count of Luxembourg, The"—Klaw ft Krlane- er's—Baltimore, Md., 30-Jan. 4. "Conspiracy, Tho"—Charles Frohman's—Gtorrlck, New York, 80, Indefinite. "Chimes of Normandy" (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—Omsba, Nebr., Jan. 2-4. "Country Boy, The"—Henry B. Harrla' Estate —Olevelend, 0., 30-Jan, 4, Akron 6-8. Youngs- town 0-11. "Cheer Ur York, 30. .. "Concjsplon, The"—Rochester, N. Y„ 30-Jnu. 4. "Couuty Sheriff, The"—Wee ft Lambert's (M. 0. Jenkins, mgr.)—Holdenvllle, Okla., Jaa. 4. McAlestcr 0, Atoka 7, Colgate 8, Denlson, Tex., 10. Bonlinill 11. ' "Countess Coquette"—Terre Haute, Ind., 8, i D ^ w ' . John—Chnrles Frohman's—Brooklyn. N, Y., 30-Jnu. 4, Hollls. Boston, 018. Duly, Eernord (Starr L. Plxley, mgt cute, N. Y„ Jan. 2-4, Oawego 6, Newark 8, Rochester 9-11. De Haven. Carter—A. H. Wooda'—Grand Opera House, Chicago, 30. Indefinite. Drone, 'The"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd Dalv'u Now York, 1. Indefinite. * Ua " *> Daughter of Heaven, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Cen- tury, New York, 30-Jan. 4. Divorce Ouestion, The"—Rowland ft Ollfford'e, Inc.—lnJlanapolla. Ind., 30-Jan. 4, McVlcker's Chicago, 6, Indefinite. "' " D lr, T e 0r " ! riSSS" l n ' f Be "—Row'and ft Ollffonl's, r.S" sTS! Dcu ?, 1 ."'. "sT")—nichmoad, O. Jan. 2, Connersflllc, Ind., 3, Muncie 4. New Oaatle 0, Hartford City 7. ' ew •Divorce gucstlon, The" (Gaskell ft MaeVItty, Inc., lessees).—North Platte, Nebr., Jan. 1 Kearney 2, Aurora 8, Grand Island 4, Hnatings B. Holdrege 7, McOook 8, Norton Kan B Msnksin in rv,n~.„ii. i, ' 4w " on > »an„ u, mgr.) — Syra- " Sodus 7, Mankato lb, Concordia 11. "Bverywoman"—Henry W. Savage's _New York, 30-Jan. 4, Wasblagton, —West End, D. 0., 611. St. Loula, Mo.—Olympic (Walter Sanford, , mgr.) "Gypsy Lore" Dec. 20 and week, Maclyn on V, ,lle l" c, " res - B'g b Arliuckle, In "The Round-Up," week of Jan. 3: _ uniquh, 8t*b, Lraio, 'The Daughter of Heaven, 1 ' with Viola Allea, J* m «. Picture houses, - Getchell, mgrs.)—Bill , 'A Hollowe'cn Hop," Four Mulla- vpn. Marimba Trio, Holland and Holland, Henry , r££L'~ Mc ^ l » Irf / er ,y ,8r Trl0 ' Scott nna Wilson, "Eycrywoman" — Henry W. 8avage's — Atlsnta. JW and West, Hayward Sisters, Geo. Rollins „Jp»- Jan. 2-4, New Orleans, Ls.. B-ll. a - umw ' Big business. "Eva"- Klaw 4 Erlanger's - New AmiUrdam. Colonial, Casdio akd .. New York, 30, Indefinite. Ktohhh Mo" — n.n.v tv nre all doing big >busl- Col- Mrs. Price flho week of 18. Obntuhx (W. D. Cave, mgr.)—"Officer O0.U" seek of Dec. 29, "Countess Coquette" week of Jan. • 5. SntrsnT (Melville Stotls. mgr.)—Robert Man- tel!, :n repertoire, week of Dec 80s "The Mil- lion" week of Jan. B. (uniucic (Melville Stolts, mgr.)—Primrose ft tlest Rebel. 1 popkstuJor's Minstrels began a second week Dec. M.ijehtio (Vic Hugo, mar ) Bill tnr n™t „# SO. "The Chocolate Soldier" will open for two Dec. 80 Includes: La Tell B^V, Brown anf Bar' weeks beginning Jsn. B. rows, Wilson and Washington. n'.rrTn?^„ $". AttsnicAN (Harry Wallace, mgr.)— "Where Cellar Raiiida, In—Greene's (W. 0. ller, mgr.) D, c . 20, Billy Clifford. Jan. L ' yiggs of tho Cabbage Patch;" 2, "The prW .„ Paid;" B, "The Girl and tbo Tramp;" 8. Frltslo Mag, in "The Love Wager:" 11* "The White ?l«? r iChi?l. *• ° Knt 5lTlUei " 15 ' "Tto Lltt Glsser, Vaughsn (H. 8. Carter, mgr.)—Crown and National. Chicago, 30-Jan. ll" '^" wn "Governor's Lady, The"—David Belasco'a Re- Snbllc, New York, 30-Jsn. 4, Brooklyn, N. y„ ■11, "Garden of Allah, Tho"—Llebler Co.'s—Forrest Phllodelphlo, 80. Indefinite. "Good Little Devil, The"—David Belasco'a— Washington, D. 0., 30-Jan. 4, Republic, Ne<> York, 6, Indefinite. "Get Blch Quick Wslilngford," Eastern—Cohan ft Harrla'—Pittsburgh, Pa., 80-Jan. 4, To- ronto, Can., 8-11. "Get Blch Quick Walllngford," Western—Cohsn ft Harrla*—Salt Lake City, V., Jan. 2-4. "Goose Girl"—Baker ft Castle's (Fred Tfilllams mgr.)—Tupelo, Mils., Jan. 2, Aberdeen 3 Starkrllle 4, Columbus 0, Macon 7, Greenville 8, Clarksdale 9, Lexington 10, Yazoo City 11. "Girl st the Gate, The"—Harry Askln's—I.s Salle, Chicago. 30, Indefinite. "Great Divide, The"—Rowland ft ClHTonl'a, Inc. (Frank Hurst, mgr.)—Akron, 0., Jan. 2-4. Buffalo, N. Y.. 6-11. "Great Divide, The"—Primrose ft McGlllan's— Bine Esrtb, Minn., Jan. 2, Algona, la., :i, Albert Lea, Minn., B, Austin 6, Mason City, la., 7. "Girl of My Dreams" (Jos. M. Galtes, mgr.)— Baltimore, Md., 80-Jan. 4. "Girl From Rector's"—Wm. Wamsher's (S, A. Mitchell, mgr.)—Auburn, Nebr., Jan. 2, Te- cumsch 3, Wymore 4, Falrhury 0, noldregc 0, Hastings 10. "Girl of the Mountains. A"—Wee ft Lambert's (Harry Myers, mgr.)—Plymouth, Mass., Jan. .1, Nashua, N. B.. 4, Gardner, Maes., 0, Cllnlon 7, Bath, Me., 8, Farmlngton 9, Pawtucket, It. I., 11, "Girl of Eagle Bsncs" (Attebsry ft Cook, mgra.) —Ryan, okla., Jsn. 2, Marlow 8. Duncan 0, Bowie, Tex., 7, Wanniks, Okla., 8, Haatlngs II. Apache 10, dray 11. "Olrl of the Underworld"—Wee ft Lambert's (B. F. Clinton, mgr.)—Wsynesburg, Pa., Jan. 2. McDonald 8, Newark, »).. 4, Ptqua 8, Sidney 9, BJchrrond, Ind., 11, "Olrl and the Drummer, The"—Fred Byer'a— Blnffton, Ind,, Jan, 2. Decatur 8, Kemlall- vllle 4, Terre Haute B, Auburn 6, Angola 7, Ooldwnter. Mich., S, Jackson 9, Kalamnioo 10, Pontlac 11. "Girl of the Sunny South, The" (W. 0. Downs, mgr.)—Mlddlcbury, Vt., Jan. 3, Brandon J, Milton 6. Millard, Robert—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Criterion, New York. 80, Indefinite. Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan ft Harrla'—Tremont, Boston, 30-Jan. 11. nackctt, James K.—Wasblagton, D. 0.. 30-Jan. 4. Hatos, Miss!—Werba ft Lnescber's—Rome. OS., Jan. 2, Chattanooga, Tenn., 8. Knoxvlllc 4, Mlddletown, O., B, Hamilton 0. Conneravllle, Ind., 7. Greensburg 8, Terre Haute 0, Dan- ville, 111.. 10, Qulncy 11. Hackett, Norman—Stair ft Nlcolal'a—Washing- ton, I). 0., 80-Jan. 4, Richmond, Va., 0-11. "Hlndle Wakes" (Messrs. Shnbert. mgrs.)—Mar- ine Elliott, New York, 30-Jan. 3. "Heortbrenkers, The" — Mort H. Singer's (Sara Myers, mgr.) — Ohattnnoo«a, Tenn., Jan. 2, New Decatur, Ala., 3, Columbia, Tenn., 4, Nashville 6, 7. "His Wife by bis 8lde" (Sydney Rosenfelil, mgr.) —Berkeley, Now York, 3U, Indefinite. "House of a Thousand Candles"—Primrose ft Mc- Glllan'a—Springfield, Mo., Jan. 2, Columlius 4, Vlnlta, Okls.. B. Olaremore 0. "House of a Thousand Candles"—0. S. Prim- rose's—Brookfleld, Mo., Jan. 2. Bevler 3. "Happy Hooligan"—Ons Hill's — Nations!, Vic- toria and Crown (In' order named), Chicago, 30- Jan. 18. llllngton, Margaret (Edward J. Bowca, mgr.)— Danville, Vs., Jan. 2, Charlotte, N. 0„ .1, Co- lumbia, 8. O.. 4, Charleston 0, Savannah, (la., 7, Jacksonville, Fla., 8, Macon, Ga., 0, Oolitm- bus 10, Birmingham, Ala,^ 11. Irwin, May—Llebler Co. 's—Brooklyn, N. X.. 30- Jan. 4. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Obnsadlne, mgr.)—Sew Orleans, Ls„ 85-Jsn. 4, Atlanta, Ga., Oil. Juvenile Bostonlsns (B, Lang, mgr.)—Fargo, Dak., 80-Jan. 2. "Jose»h and his Brethem"—Llebler Oo.'s—Cen- tury, New York, 11, Indefinite. Kellerd, John B„ and Players—Garden, New York, 80, indefinite. Kolb, Bill and Maudo Lillian Berri—San Fran- claco. Osl., 80. indefinite, liuncska. Gene—-Werba ft Loosener's—Portland. Me., 30-Jan. 4. Augusta 0, Lcwlnton 7, Water- fllle 8, Skowhegan 0, Bangor 10, 11. Lewis, Dave—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Dave the Trail Divides" week of Dec. 29, "Mutt aad Jeff" week of Jan S. La Sam.s (Oppcobelmcr Bros., rngrs.)—"Undo Tom's Cabin" week of Dec 29, "Ten Nights In a Bar Boom" week of Jan. S. OnLUiiniA (Harry Buckley, mgr.)—Bill for week of Dec. 30: Owen MeOlvcney, Bella Baker, Kdmond Hayes and company, Julius Tanncn, Mar- garet Aahton, Inblkawa Bros., and the Taklnesi, HirrohBOMB (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.)—Dili York, 80, indefinite. ton ^n fcr W ia rl, 5 .*■ ^-Mcher's-Hoills, Boa ton, SO-Jan. 4, Baltimore, Md., 0-11. l»V^*an^Dee" 0 30.ia R n'. h^' *WI'J»%-«Sig. * Brlanger's-Clnclnn.M. fe ■*■»-»« WMlt * 80 ' 9&Jt^&^T^^^^Z. kH?°v "f 01 ?* 1 * (n;orarejfc0rocklln, mgr.)—Miss New York Jr. week of 29. asktSE! "'•*• W ,^* 1 ' *"«».)—Bill for week of wf»t M Dec. 20, the Dasslers week of Jsn. B, Si '^y £,_iS-L* (>l l: , . c, 7. *H" eontpariy, Kiss Bnef- ^ff e WA fiJL JM * ^Belchenbach, .mgr|) — The . Ki.t n"' 1 Washington, Harry Brown, Malt VL2SST- Jock M '" 8 ' ^ & ""»' - » "BBUfSfll, -. . . .. . York, o-ll, Blrmlnsrham, Ala.—Jcfferaon lass, mgr.) "Kver; Bijou (M. L. I "Tho Follies of 1012."'"' """ "*" ~ " v * "^Hg- D >«tln—A. H. Woods'—Deriver/CoU)., . **&s,%J : Jr4TkX' ) -^zsr k 1 £ t^w^r*****-**.*.** for week of 80: Kuby Lusby. Wilson Franklyn ginning shortly after the New Year' this houae will <n? an- ?' 2(. St Jo »«rh, Mo., 4. and company. Three Dixie Girls, the Four Itoed- play tabloid mu.lcal eaiVales instead of vaudc VSH'O/W P J ny S s » in s - * 1** Shnbert, era. John and Maile irogarty. the French Bio- fllle. ,ua * ,,J , , nc -^ >,m «<'r, New York, 30, Indefinite ESUFffi Eml1 H"B Ifelfiffi Dardeens, Majsstic (M. L. Semon, mgr.)—Bill for week *l n ' EK'S**" .—. a - H >rssea's — Mils SK!.^ 0 0mge ' " a Dr - " ss s s aiW Boropean of 80 lncluden: Swain's Cockatoos, Bobert Hsll *' lrcu "- Three Dixie Girls, Harry M. Morso, B. J. An! OATntT (0.1, Wsljers, -»L-J*| Nta %$fVne«a »gr.,-B..l vv^k of .23 Included: Bayjnond snd_ Hess, De Auldln Amiterdam, " R mT «/r.T^7,^- Savnge's-Detroit. Mich., 80-Jan. 4, Lima. O.. 0 Ssndiuu* i ManHfleld 8, Harrlsburg, Pa n hSSS* tft! **%**• Dave—Rowland ft Ollffonl's, Inc. , Allenlown 11. """""«• ln " »• K'adlng 10, Seymour, mgr.)—Providence. R. I„ 30-Jan. i "Bicuse Me"—Henry W. Saraee'a—wi !>».» r B ?. CDe J , . ,e 'i N - *o °- 8 ' Syracuse 0-11. Tex., Jan. 1, Tucson" ArbT I raijnlx fi' Lo ? bard . 1 <»«<<« Opera-ris Angeles, CM., 30 'Ell and Jane" Lois H. Daly. mgr.)—Enale- wood Kan. Jan. 2. Ashland 8. CoTdwater 4 Pavershaji William (L. L. Gal ogher. rogr.)- Flsk7 a M™ N Vfr" T 1 ^*' ^^' M . Md , K fl'.\l. iskc, Mrs, (H. G. Flskc, mgr.)—Hudson, New Jan. 4. flit; »ri" A J 'Jvi-3' Kn0 ^T 1I1 ?l .' 1 * an '. 8. Snd aISiW KlRht Berlin, OooSibs Jhlrl of Mirth week of Dec. 29, Moulin Bongo !,"* F J."': nichmond Trio, tho Flnnegtns. and mo- "FrolSTO ft^l&W Z K+lf*. ' Kf SSSliLjP** ™« Williams. Ls Vler. and B"'"?."?.™ ,week_of Jsn. 8, . _ . tkm P' ctn,e «' J?wide, L. MortonT mK^BInteE'' a 1 , 0 . 6 ' Toaeha. Kan. —Grand (Boy Crawfbrt, „ * 0 '»«>- *• mnningaam, Ala., rr.) "Uncle Josh Perklna" n» an "r«,i.i™ "Frivolons ner.Mino" v_ «• « .._ .. the Kelthoteone, ni?' m?m°J1". IMS h aimo °' ">er.)—"When an of 30 ctl ' Bu,y "aasBBsB the films week Ie.°t U ref"wJk M of fc,""* ■«-«-» W ^Hoboken, Dbi.vab (R, H. Pine, mgr.)—Delmar Opera Co., in "The Mascot," week of Dec. 80, with Lcotta Garnan playing the lead. Business is good »«. 0btb, *S - ,m - Switow. mgr.) "Tho Law ot the. West" features week of arj. ° "" or •vi x> iE. MB J.*-''' Simon, mgr.)—"The Power nt tt* Oross" features weekof 80. Oasiwo (I. Simon, mrr ? _ "A w«a..a OOSSh in OsUfornT." fetTareTwiek X^ .M„ EllMBB (A. M, Makers 80-Jsn. 1. E n * T ;? -. Dn 9it Io,h Perkins" Dec. M "LnuisTsmi Lon' 31. "Freckles" Jan. 1. Thomas W. Boss 4, "The Olrl of the U. 8. A." 6. "Beverly of OrsBstsrlr" 10. "Chocolate Soldier" llT V ° r J , M . l ^". TI0 (BoT . Crawford, mgr.)—The Cook L»- Brmrgemannr tngrT— tors a '« , Vb, <^ fj» hew week of Dec. 28. ^ pilnmbla Wlesqnen 2-4, — •MECi.'SS 0r ,» wft)r,, i mgr.)—Bill week of M Included: Jplly Fanny•Rice, Eckboir sod Okr- Hoboken, N. J._Oayety (Obss. Franklyn, togr.) "The Woman in the Case' 1 ls presented by the Gayatr Stock Co. for New Year's week. Little Boy Blno"—Henry W. Savage's—Lyric, , Philadelphia, 80-Jan, 18. "Llttlo Millionaire, The"—Cohan A Harris' — Louisville, Ky., Jan. 2-4. "Little Women 1 '—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—Play- honse, New York. 80, Indefinite. "Little Women"—Wm, A. Brsdy's, Ltd.—nam- llton, Ont., Can,, Jan. 2. * "Little Miss Brown"—Wra. A. Brady's—Adi'lnlil, Grand^ra-Hoaac^ew "llffiSSS WSStVfi-S O. Tlsdale, mgr.)—Charlottesville, Vn.. Jan. 2, Richmond 8, 4, Norfolk 6, 7, Rocky Mount, N. p., 8, Fayettevlllo B, Wilmington 10, Char Iotte 11. "Louisiana Leu"—Barry Askln's—Springfield, O., Jan. 2. Miller. Henry —Klaw ft Erlanger's —Hartford, . Conn., Jan. 2-4, Garrlck, Philadelphia. 0-18, Mason, John — Charles Frohman's — Hollls, Bos- ton, 80-Jsn. 4, Newsrk, N. J., 8-11. Mann, Louis—Werba ft Lnescber's—Chicago Ope" House, Chicago, 30-Jaa. 25. , . Montgomery, Stone and Elsie Jnnls — Char rs Dillingham's—Globe, New York, 80, indefinite- MacDonald, Ohrlntle—Werba ft Lneichcr's—Onr- rick. PhilsdelphU, 80-Jan. 4, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 6-11. ' ... Meelian. John (Monte Thompson, mgr.)—Sanit ZSSr^Sifc* Howard's-dym. U ^J\&\±'<£Z b3&W**St , Wis.' ao-Jan: 4, Aat'orrNevV" %rk, t. TaSflg "^iIS* Hnnl 1 er ' The"—Cohan ft Harrla 1 0„ Blr- Jfew_ Oilesnsj Ls mgr.)—Metropolitan Opera Hoose, New York. 80, Indefinite. _._ Brooks, mgr.i— Boblnson's Crusoe Girls 0-8, Collets (Mtta »-ll «i.hH!I?-l 0, B ' Blw ' "aW 3 VsrietT, pictures and songs. 3- "Famlly. The' 1 —Ohatterton ft Brnno'a flra H Vo * tr *'l Grand Opera <H. Q. Moore, mgr. —New Hampton la i„ ?' .Montreal, Can., SoFeb. I. Waucoma S, Strawberrf Point \ ' ' 2 ' "Million, Tlie"^-Henry W. Ssvsge'iI-■pawn- Gordon, Kltty-^Ios. M. Gsltes'--in|jMj|. m,i. P° rt ' '»•. '"i- »• Ro«" T »l»»<'. •**» fs But,l °' , _««>. 80, Indefinite. *uu»lg, Chi- J^, 3 Q„| n „ 4 8t- ^^ Mo.. o-I 1 -,,,^,. WWlttl SSu?*!. 0 .'li t i!l K . n,T f 3 i. 0,le * t K « lta *. »»w»lliSS m lh»rt 4 Sullivan Oomto Open—Uesars m.n "M««»tones. The"—Klaw ft Erlsngtr's—Llliertf. ■""'"• Jordon. sad motion pictures. "™ b « rt .-7. (Jin '<*. Ohlctfo. 8Wss * ThLJSt .. f&» *°'K »». Infleflnlte. ^ „„„, O.. 5.11. ^"' 9v ** a ' *< OinciBllstl, "Milestone., The"—Klaw ft Brlsng»r's--ntlc«. C .»«..» /. N. Y„ M.JK 4, Waallngton, D. a, ML iMV't