The New York Clipper (Jan 1913)

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16 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. January i« MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE WANTED IOOKKD WESTERN VAUDEVILLE ASSOCIATION WALTER A. BOHMK, Gaiety Theatre, GaUsbnrg, III. INGENUE, LEADING WOMAN, for Tabloid Stock People In other lines e» wrlld, Mint be flrat class In appearance, ability. Bend photos and nil Brst letters. wardrobe and NATIONAL STOCK CO., PEOPLE THEATRE, PETOSKEY, MICH. KARL KING WANTS To hear from Albert Vees, George Clark, John Taylor, George Taylor, Jack White- side, Jack Ormsby, Fred Carmelo, Tom Flndlay, Harrle M. Hooper, Harry P. Ford, W, W. Shatlleworth, Blllle Harlow, A. M. Wecht, Eleanor Denman, Belle Brace, Margaret Dawson, and any responsible performers who are able to start rehearsing hy Jan. 27, and who are willing to make their salaries conform to the towns played and amount of worn to do. I open two towns In Penna.; one Peb. «. one Feb. 10. One a week. Send particulars and photos. 1 prefer single engagements. UOOM 77, 161 SUMMER BTRBKT, BOSTON, MASS. ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for This Column Mast Reach This Office Not Later Than Saturday Before Day of Publication to Insure ' . Insert Ion. OBSERVATIONS BY JOE HEPP. (Continued from page H) OUI.LX Gully Mikk -— How is the Oriental Club progressing? You know "tacitly" what I mean. . Buia Deloarian Is a very busy man theso days. Elephants, camels, donkeys and horses. lellah effendl Salig. Eh? Maluhm. 'A. 0. Wright, general contracting agent for the Johnny J. Jones Exposition Shows, was a C. K. C. In Chicago, Tuesday, 7, on Us way from Tampa, Fin.., to New York City. iCai.ifohnia. Frank was a caller at Tin OTlipfir offices, In Chicago, Wednesday, 8. Be left for New York City, and thence to Augusta, Ga., Thursday, 9. He says his "all ■tar" Wild West this coming season will be as good as ever, If not a little bit bettor. Col. ■alloy will remain In the South for two or three week*. . DON'T BE A "GLOOM," When the world seems dark and dreary and your friends have turned you down, when of life you're getting weary, do not cultivate a Sown. Cheer up, don't be dull and moping— Hugh, be gay, though times are bad. 'Stead of walling, keep on boning, There Is ono thing makes me mad— that's to see a bright Soiing fellow look as glum as a tombstone ■nil display a streak of yellow that sinks down to the backbone. Keep your troubles under cover, cultivate that happy smile, and fbrget your worries over the condition of lour bile. Laugh at everything that's funny, siid laugh hard and 'way down deep—a good "snicker' Is like honey, and far better than s weep. Try n smile to those around you; tike a. balmy Summer's breeze, 'twill bring *r that -will astound you, for there's noth- ing like a. wheeze. It is Indeed gratifying to note the firm Hold that this department has taken on.the omtdnor amusement fraternity. » Tub Western Bureau of Tni Clifpbb is thing made the Chicago headquarters for a targe number of wide awake showmen, and ftii'lr name Is legion, with continually swell- ing ranks. Bear this feet In mind, I really wiiii( to help )/o», so If there" Is' any- thing that I to further your, Inter- nets or welfare don't be backward In making shown your desires. Thin department Is Here to stay, and, In staying, to boost you and yours whenever ana wherever oppor- tknlty offers, riemember the address, Joe flopp, SOB Ashland Block, Chicago, U. S. A. * HAtinv S. NoYift left Chicago Saturday, Jon. 4, at night, and In a hurried and mys- terious manner, on a seeming secret mission. Bow did yon go, Harry, by way of Port atrthur or Suspension Bridge? TIIE BELL I1UWR0. . . Every train of burros used in transporting snsscngqrs, baggage or minerals over the rocky and precipitous passes of the Andes, Is lid by ii sagacious, sure-footed little animal, with a tinkling bell hung from his neck. Ho has been over the narrow nmt danger- ous pathways before, and bns n remarkable Bieulty of remembering the easiest ways Of atrcu inventing the numerous obstacles that Btstrew his road. His senses nro alway on the alert, and he Is credited -with an nlmost supernatural ability to scent danger. He Is the pntliUnder for the others that follow, and 81s Is the hardest work of all for, in addition tb using his little burro mental equipment, ho also binds his back to the gronnlng load of the pack-saddle, and It Is generally a case of "willing horse.' His reward is usually a Hick in the ribs or a lash with the quirt. The other burros of the train Just plod along and follow the sound of the tinkling Nell, never thinking for themselves, usually drcnmlng of feeding lime, when their portion af oats will be just as largo as the hell Burro's. What n simile between this little quad- suped and Ihc showman at largo 1 Along comes a man with a new Idea, a tew show-—n novelty. Ho has, so to speak, Iron over the rocky pathways before, and ■Is think tank hns enabled him to avoid the Visions of bygone days were recalled re- cently by an accidental meeting with the one and only George II. Hlnes. George Is looking younger to-day than ho did ten years ago, and reports business of his various theatrical enterprises encouraging. ET TU, BRUTE! William Judklns Hewitt: I regret to say that I was most surprised—nay, hurt—to hear you use "In any manner, thape or form," at the Wellington, the other day. While this one had not as yet been officially placed in the Cannery, I trusted you, above all others, to honor the ethics of the game. Jud., my heart aches, but to guard against further In- fringements, you are hereby served with notice that grandfather "Manner, Shape and Form," is in, and, I trust, in to stay. « Howb's Great London Thiibb Ring Cibcus Notbs. —E. C. Knupp will be the general agent, season 1918; B. H. Dockrlll, eques- trian director; C. H. Tinney. bnndmaster; James A. Orr, superintendent reserved seats and concert ticket seller; W. H. McFurland, manager side show; L. C, Miller, boss butcher; W. N. Scott, superintendent sleeping cars; John (Irish) Martin, master transportation; Harry Sells, boss canvasman; Chris. Zletz, boss animal man ; Wm, O'Day, side show boss canvasman; Jack Kent, boss hostler; Chas. Randall, chandelier man; Harry L. Keller, superintendent cook house. Proprietor Jerry Muglvan Is shaping up a tine show this season. HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS. The forty-first season of the Muglvan ft Bowers "big llttlo" aggregation closed at Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 20, 1012. This Is the only American circus boasting a .foreign origin, having been organized In London; Eng., in 1871, and was brought to the States two years later. It may be of Interest to note here that the first herd of trained elephants exhibited In this country was brought over by this circus. Late in the '70s the Coopor & Bailey in- terests acquired the show, but upon the ad- vent .of P. T. Ennium Into the circus Held, the title was dropped and remained dormant until tho Messrs. Muglvan & Bowers placed It before tho public, a few years ago. 'Following was the personnel of the show at the close of tho 1012 season: Executive staff—Proprietors, Jerry Mugl- van & Bert Bowers; general manager, Fred Asnl; treasurer, Louis Tillman; legal ad- juster, Geo. Steele, assistant legal adjuster, Wm. Kellogg; press representative, Wm. Mit- chell ; foreign agent, Eddie Lewis j adver- tising solicitor, Sylvester Cronln : equestrian director, It. II. Dockrlll; bandmaster, C. H. Tinney; charge of tickets. James Orr; re- served seat ticket tukcr Mrs. Bert Bowers; treasurer of candy Mantis, Mrs. Jerry Mugl- van ; side show manager, J. C. Polo; side show band londjr, Louie Gilbert; side show door, Clint Pnrtello; side show ticket sellers, S. E. Bnrrls, J. J. Murphy, "Doc" Cilae • master of transnorlatlon, John Mnrtln, with fifteen men; master of canvas, Harry Sells, with fifteen men ; assistant master of canvas, Left Craig; general manager sido show, Ralph Crossett; boss canvasman side show, Wm. O'Day with fifteen men; superin- tendent lights, Tom Myers, with six men; spucrli.tciident stock, Jack Kent, with twen- ty-five men; superintendent properties, W. A. llntton, with tlfteen men: superin- tendent menagerie. Chris Zeltz, with twelve men; Assistant superintendent menagerie, W. B. Henderson; wardrobe mistress, Mrs. C. A. Taylor; steward, H. L. Kelly; oho/. Joe Kramer, with live assistants; balloon privi- leges, Florlnda Zlngnro. Advance—General agents, W. E. Ferguson and I. V. Streiblg (deceased) ; opposition agent, Wm. M. Scott; contracting agent, Chas. FIck; manager advertising car, Joseph G. Howard. Billposters—Mart Simmons, S. B. Mc- Donough. Geo. CheBtnut, L. O. Walto, Claude King, Courtney Wynne, Tobe Beers, Jess Lane, L. Lewis, Jas. Cox, M. J. Jones, Wm. lis think tank hBB enabled him to avoid the fe*»j& Wm. Hays, F. Llbby, W. Corbctt, Iltfnlls he has met In the past. Experience j0 ° n ? ln & porter; Peter Wiggins, cook, as taught him a lesson and he hns profited * l> , rfor "? ers —ft ■■ , Do £ k 'J u .„ C cc » Lo- „ pr... thereby. He exploits his novelty, and ero tinny moons hove passed he has a train of ■urros following In his wake. Of course, this is as it should be. If you cannot pro- lure something new, by all means Imitate something new, but eliminate the kick in the albs and the lash with the quirt. « SEAVER SWELLS MONICER. According to present Information, the title •f the Wild Weat and Far East aggregation, • sf which Colonel Vernon C. 8eaver Is presi- dent and general manager, and Colonel Fred- erick T. Cummins, nrcnlc director, will In 1013 be "Vernon C. Soaver's Hippodrome, Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins' »nr East Combined." Some title, and should •over n multitude of features. It Is fair to •resume thnt the addition of the Hippodrome will entail n material Increase in the equip- ment, and It should add considerable Interest lo the exhibitions. * COL. CTJMMINB IN JAMAICA. I nm in receipt of a most Interesting letter from Colonel Fred Cummins, Informing mo that he has recently purchased a orana-new ■ome on Union nnll street, Jamaica, N, Y„ at which he nnd his family aro cosily enjoy- tog these Winter days. While the colonel is • hit secretive ns to Tils plans for the Far East next season, It is apparent some of the features will cause considerable Interest. Fred has a number of attractions plnvlng vaudeville engagements, which bring him a nifty revenue while he la out of the saddle. aft WALTER K. niLTj IN PHILADELPHIA. Hare not heard from Walter Hill for a long time, but am Informed ho Is in PhPa- lelphla In the vaudeville booking gome. I would not be surprised to see him blossom •nt rb n full-flrflged agent on Long Acre square some of these days, If ho does not ■eed the call to the white tops. I tO I I » I 1 <- •wanda, Wm. Melrose, Joe Bell, Ed. Mlllette, Mike Cnhlll, Glen Ladaro, Geo. E. Lorcttc, Ira Mlllette, Jimmy Ladare, Wm. Langer, Wm. Ashton, Win. Roscoe, Walter Ashton, Billy Woods. Harry Block, Raymond Maltzen, Claude Sheridan, Uyeno Jans (0), Nellie Lowandn, Mario Meers, Mildred Kellogg, Mnud Eorle, Madame Mlllette, Zella Earle, Vivian Cahlll, Elln Kelthley, Lllllnn Klncald, Mile. Lorette, Little Irene, Agnus Warner. Big Show Band—C. H. Tinney. H. D. KycB. H. Archibald, George Koehlcr, John Voccll, Arthur Cox, J. P. McManiis. W. G. Fink, Frank Ruff, Geo. McCain. Tlte Alto- bolll, Ed. BoBtwlck, John Lee, Fred Hanson, Frank Opple, C. O. Robinson, B. W. Chap- pell, W. G. Mcintosh, Lloyd Kendall, Chas. Homer. Sldo Show Band — Theo. Thomas, Doule Gilbert, Irving Brown, Junk Edwards, Chas. Arrant. Joe Webb, L. C. Kitchen. M. 0. Rus- sell. Walter Howard. Louis Ford. Sldo Show Performers—J. C. Polo, Dollle Asal. Ida Donson. La Belle Carmen, Mar- R«t Pnrtello, Grace Clark. Prince Frlzzo, Ida Plfer, Mont. Jack. Marltana. Ticket Sellers — Jag. Orr, Chas. Taylor, Gene Durand, Harry Wheeler, Jack Partollo, Howard Partello. Eddie Newcomb, J. B. Mc- Mslion. Geo. Fisher. Dan Mclntyre, Frank Slehert, Arthur Farmer. Manager Uptown Wagons—ni ram Garrison; assistant, Edward Mnnnlo. Missouri Car—Wm. Brockman, ohef, and Joe Weber, porter, 122 Car—Chas. Alrant and Theo. Thomas, porters. Dining Car—Wm. Bauoy. steward; Harry Denson, assistant steward; Jas. Jennings end Wm. Steward, porters. 121 Car—Bcnnlr Gray, porter. 110 Car—Sam Simpson, porter. Candy Butchers—£. C. Miller, boss: J. Wolf, G. J. Harding, Wm. Blckett. Carl Lanz, Jack Sampson, Jess Feldler, Eugene Cor. Clydo Mender, Fred Davis, W. M. Brown. Pittsburgh Red, ; DRAMATIO AND MUSICAL. Adams, Maude — Charles . Frohman't — Detroit, Mich.. 18-18.' Ann Arbor 20. Jackson 21, Bay City 32, Saginaw 23, Luting 24, Grand Rap- ids 28. - Artlss, George—Llebler Oft's—Plymouth, Boston. " •Affairs' of An.tol, The"—Wlntbrop Ames'—, Maxlne Elliott. New York. 13, Indefinite. . "Auction Pinochle"—Adolf Phlllpp's— Fifty-lev- entb. Street; New York, 13. Indefinite. "Angelas, The"—Hartford, * Conn., 17, 18. "Alma. Where Do You live" (Saul Bnrnstein, mgr.)—Paterson. N. J.. 13-18. "Angel of the Trail" (O.P. Farrlngton, bus. mgr.) —Hontxdale, Pa., 16, Lewlstowa 17, Punxsu- Uwney 18. BiUle Hurko—Charles Frohman's—Broad. Phila- delphia, 13-25. Brian. DonaH—Charles Frohman's—Dallaa, Tex., 16, Oklahoma, Okla., 17, 18, McAleater 20, tfnakojee 21, Tnlsa 22, Kansas City, Mo., 23- 25. Bernard, Samuel—.Messrs. Shubert — Lyric, New York, 18, iLdeflntte. Blair, Eugenie—NIcoUl A French's—National, Chicago, 13-18, Kalamazoo, Mich., 23-25. Boston Grand Opera (Henry Russell, mgr.)— Boston Opera House, Boston, 1.1. Indefinite. Black Pattl Musical Comedy (B. Voelckel, mgr-) —Flown*. S. C. 10. Wilmington. N. 0., 17, Fayettevllle 18. Durbnm 21, Greensboro 22, Winston-Salem 23, Danville, Va., 21, Martlns- vllie 25. "Bohemian Girl," Paclac (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, ragrs.)—Kansas Olty, Mo., 18-18, Omaha, Nebr., 18-22. "nought snd Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —Adelpbl, Philadelphia, 18, Indefinite. "Bonglit and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —Princess, Chicago, 13, Indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —Louisville. Ky , 13-18. "Ben-Hur"—Klaw s Erlsnger's—San Francisco, Oal 13*18 "Bird 'of Paradise, The"—Oliver Moroeco'a—New- ark, N. J., 13-18, Jersey City 20-25. "Blackbirds" — Dtnry Miller's — Lyceum, New York, 13, Indefinite. "Blue Bird"—Messrs. Shubert—San Francisco, Oal., 13-18, Los Angeles 20-25. "Blindness of Virtue" (Wm. Morris, mgr.)— 8tndebaker, Chicago 13, Indefinite. "Bunty Pulls the ftrrlnis" — .Messrs, Shubert ft Brady's—Waco. Tex., 10. Fort Worth 17, 18. Dallas 20-22, Oklahoma, Okla., 23. 24, Knld 25, "Bunty Pulls the Strings"—Messrs. Sbuhert ft Brady's— Cincinnati. 0., 13-18, Majestic, Boston, 20-Feb. 1. "Bunty Palls the Strings"—Mesirv. Shutiert ft Brady's—Trinidad, Okla., 10, Sunte. Fe„ N. Mex., 17, Albuquerque 18, El Paso, Tex., 20, Tucson, Aria., 21, Phoenix 22, Yinna 23, Riv- erside, Cal., 24, Ban Bernardino 25. "Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady'a, Ltd. (E. F. OIrani, mgr.)—Fremont, 0., 10. Bowl- ing G-rcen 17. Flnillny 18, Wabash, Iud.. 20, Hunting™ 21, Defiance, 0., 22, Adrian, Mich., 28, Jackson 21, Ann Arbor 25. "Baby Mine," Western—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (U. B. Collins, mgr.)—.Memphis, Tenn., 13-18, NaBhvllle 20-26. "Baby Mine," Southern—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (Harry J. Jackson, mgr.)—De Land, KIn.. 10, Orlando IT, Mulberry 18, Tampa 20, Lakeland 21, Ocala 22, Palatkt 23, Gainesville 24, Lake City 25. "Beverly of Granstark" (A. 0. Delamater, mgr.) —-St. Jotepb, Mo., 10-18. Des Moines, la., 19, Plattsmoutb, Nebr., 20, Falls Olty 21, Axteli . 22, Osage Olty, Kan., 23, Emporium 14, Colum- bus 25 i. \ . "Butterfly on the Wheel, A"—Lewis Waller's— Mcntrenl, Can., 13-18, Buffalo, N. Y„ 20-25. "Butterfly .on toe Wheel, A"—Lowle Waller's— Denver, Colo., 13-18, Lincoln, Nebr., 22. "Balkan Princess, The"—Messrs. Shubert—Akron, 0.. 18, Lima 18. Grand Itnplds, Mlcb., 20-22. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (Ollson ft Bradfleld, mgrs.)—Bedford, la., 10, Greenfield 17. "Billy, the Kid"—Wm. Wood's (Herbert Farrar, mgr.)—Warren, O.. 10, Akron 17; 18. "Between SUowera" (0. D. Parker, mgr.)—Jersey Olty, N. J., 18-18, Grand Opera House, Phila- delphia, 20-25. , . ■ | Cbhrles Cherry—i Charles Frohman's —Atlantic Olty, N, J., 16-18. Collier, William — Lew Fields' — Forty-eighth Street. New York, 13, Indefinite. Carle, Richard, and Battle Williams—Charles Frohman's—Forrest, Philadelphia, 13-25. Orane, Wm. H. (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—Gieonvlllo, Mlas., 10, Vicksburg 17, Nelcbei 18, New Or- leans, La., 10-25. Cohan, Geo. M—Cohan ft Harris'—Ooheu, New York, 13. Indefinite. Carter. Mrs. Loallo—John Cort's—Newark, N. J., 20-25. . Clark. Delia—Louis Werba's—Jackson, Toon., 10, Tupelo, Miss., IT, Statesvllle 18. Macon 20. Aberdeen 21, Columbus 22, Greenwood 23, Olatksdale 24, Yasoo Olty 25. Clifford, Billy (Bob Le Roy, mgr.)—-Terre Haute, Ind., 16. - Chicago Grand Opera (Andreas Dlppel, mgr.)— Auditorium, CMcrgo, 13, indefinite. "Count of Luxembourg, The"—Klaw & Erlanger'a —Illinois, Oblcago. 13-18. "Conspiracy, The"—Charles Frohman's^—Garrlok, New York, 18, Indefinite. "Concert, The"—David Belaaco's — Cleveland, 0„ 18-18, Cincinnati 20-25, "Chimes of Normandy" (Milton ft Snrgent Aborn, mgrs.)—St. Louts, Mo., 13-18. "Country Boy, The"—Henry II. Harris' EBtate . —Toronto. Con., 18-18, Buffalo, N. Y.. 20-25. "Cheer Up''— Cecil Dc Mllle'a — Harris, New York, 13, Indefinite. "Chocolate Soldier. The"—F. C. Whltney'a—St. Louis, Mo., 18-18. "Olty, Tho"—United Play Oo.'e, Inc.—HI Paso, Tex., 17-18, Tueumcnrl, N. Mex.. 20, Amnrlllo, Tex., 21, Childress 22, Quanuh 23, Wichita 24, Gainesville 25. "Common Law, The"—A. H. Woods'—Cincinnati, 0., 10-25. "County Sheriff, The"—Wee ft Lambert's—Fort Worth, Tex., 10, Dallas 18, Corslcana 21, Teaguo 22, Maxlu 28, HUlsboro 24, Waco 25. "Call of the Ket rt"—Olnclnnatl, O., 18-18. "Confession, The"—Buffalo, N. T., 13-19. Drew, John—Obarles Prohman'a—Hollls, Bos- ton, 13-18, Lewlston, Me., 20. Bangor 21, Port- land 22. Haverhill, Mass., 23, Salem 24, Wor- cester 25. Daly, Bernard (Btnrr L. Plxley, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. &, 18-18. De Koven Opera (D, V. Arthur, mgr.)—Colonial, Chicago, 18-26. "Daughter of Heavea"—Llebler Oo.'s—-St. Louis, Mo., 18-18, Indianapolis, Ind., 20-25. "Divorce Question, The"—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc.—Mcvlcker'a, Oblcago, 18, Indefinite. "Divorce Question. The," Central—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Fred Donglas, mgr.)—La Fa- yette, Ind., 10, Orawfordsvllle 17, Danville 18, Pekln, 111., IS, Oanton 20, Bloomtngton 21, Urbana 22, Hoopeiton 23, Stroator 24, Aurora 25. "Divorce Question, The" (Gaskell ft MacVltty, Inc., lessees).—Sallua, Kan., 16, MePherson 17, Hutchinson 18, Council Grove 20. Manhat- tan 21, Marysvllle 22. Wymote, Nobr., 23, Falrbury 24, Beatrice 25. Dltlnge, Julian—A. H. Woods' — New Orleans, La., 1318. Memphis, Tenn., 20-22, Nashville 23-25. "Everywoman"—nenry W. Savage's—Richmond, Vs., 18-16, Norfolk 17, 18, Lyric, Philadel- phia, 20-Feb. 8. "Hverywoman" — Henry W. Savage's — Shrcre- port, La.. 16, Beaumont, Tex.. 17, 18, Galves- ton 20, 21. Houston 22-26, "Eva"—Klaw ft Erlanger'a—New Amsterdam, New York. 18-18, "Excuse Me"—Henry W. Savage's—Brooklyn, NY., 18-18, Grand Opera House, New York, "Excuse Me"—neary W. Savage's—Pasadena, Oal., 16. Fresno 17, San Joso 18. San Fran- cisco 1B-Fel>. 1. "Exceeding «be Speed Limit"—A. H, Woods'— Grand Opera House, Chicago, 18. Indefinite. Faversham. William (L. L, Gallagher, mgr.)— _ Washington. D. 0„ 1818, Cleveland, 0., 30-25. Flrte. M's. (H. O, Flake, mgr.)—Hudson, New York. 18-18. Hollls, Boston, 20-Feb. 1. Fairbanks, Dnuglas—Oohan ft Harris'—Brooklyn, N. Y., 18-25, Ferruaon, Elsie—Klaw ft Erlsnter's—Bltckstone, Obtcago. 18-18. ' Foy, Eddie—Werb* ft LBeachtr's—Washington, D.-O., 18-18. Btchmond, Va., SO. Norfolk 21, Fayetteville, N. 'U., 23, Wilmington 28, Charles- ton," 8. 0-; 24, Savannah, Ga.. 25. Farnnm. William—A. H. Woods'—Syracuse, N. Y., 18-18. Farnnm; Dcitln—A. H. Woods'—San Antonio, Tex., 10-19, Houston 20, 21. Galveston 22, Beaumont 28, Lake Charles, La., 24, Alexan- dria 25. "Fanny's First Play" — Messrs. Shubert — Cona- edy. New'. York, 13, Indefinite. . "Fanny's First Play"—Messrs. Shubert—Milwau- kee Wla 13-18 "Fine" Feathers"—H. H. Frasee's—Astor. New York, 18, Indefinite. . . "FreeklM.'t Eastern (A O. Deuimeter, mgr.)— Independence, Kan.. 10, Ooffeyvllle 17, Pt-nem* 18, Carthage, Mo., 19, ColumbuB, Kan.. 20, Jop- lln, Mo., 21, Parsons, Kan., 22. Springfield, Mo., 23, Lamar, Kan.. 24, Olrard :5. "Freckles." Central (A. G. Delamater. mar.)— Bangor. Me.. 10, Calais 17, Esatport If. ft. John, N. B., Can.. 20-22. Halifax, N. 8., 23-25. "Freckles," Southern (A. 0. Mama tar, mgr.)-~ Natcbes, Mlas., 10, tatoo City 17, Jackson H Meridian 20, Hatttcsbnrg 21, Ouirport 22, BI- loxl 23, Mobile, Ala., 24, Pensacola. Fla., 25. "Fortune Hunter" (Ernest Scbnabel. mgr.)— Johnson Olty, Tenn., 10, Ashetllle, N. C, 17, Greenville, S. 0., 18, Anderson 20, Spartan- burg 21 Columbia 22, Sumter 23, Darlington 24, Florence 25 "Fortune Hnnter"—Oohan ft Harris'—Lonlsville, Ky., 13-18, imperial. Oblcago, 19-25. "Faust"—Manley ft Campbell's—Bedford. Ind., 17, Linton 20, Washington 21, Vlncennet 22. "Family, The"—Bruno A Chatterton'a — Mabel, Minn., 20. Harmon 21, Preston 22, Spring Val- ley 23, Stewertsvllle 24. Kellogg 20. "Fool There Was, A" (0. D. Johnstone, mgr.)— Toledo, O., 12-18, Grand Rapids, Mich.. 19-25. Gllmore, Paul, and Associate Plsyers (Paul Gll- moro Co., Inc., mrrv.)—Fayetteville, N. 0-, 1«. Rockingham 17. Charlotte IS, Statesvllle 20, Aaheville 21, Spartanburg, S. 0-, 22, Green- ville 23. Anderson 24, Abbeville 25. Gordon, Kitty—Joseph M. Galtes'—Kalamaioo, Mich., 16, Racine, Wis., 17, St. Paul, Minn., 19-25. Gilbert A Sullivan's Oomle Opera—Messrs. Shu- bert—Detroit, Mlcb., 13-18, Cincinnati, 0., 19- 25. '. "Govemor'e Lady, The"—David Belaseo's—Grand Opera House, New York, 13-18, Washington, D. O., 20-26. "Garden of Allah, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Boston Theatre, Boston, 13, Indefinite. "Good Little Devil"—David Belaseo's—Repnbllc, New York. 18. Indefinite. "Gypsy Love"—A. H. Wood-j'—Omaha, Nebr., 14-10, Lincoln 17, 18, Denver, Colo., 20-25. "Get Rich Quick Walilngford," Eastern—Cohan ft Harris'—Detroit, Mich., 18-18, Grand Rap- ids 19-22. "Graustark" — United Play Oo.'s, Inc. — Albn- qnerque, N. Mex., 17, Gallup 18, Kingman, Arli.. 19. Fkgstnff 20, Williams 21, Prescott 22, I'h.vnix 23, Mesa 24, Blsbee 25. "Goose Girl"—Baker A Oastle'a (Fred Williams, mgr.)—Jackson, Miss., 16, Kentwood, La., 17, Amite 18, Ntw Orleans 10-25. "Girl at the Gate, The"—Harry Askln's—La Salle, Chicago, 13, Indefinite. "Great Divide, The"—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Frank Hurst, mgr.)—Cleveland, O., 13-18, Rochester, N. Y. 20-25. "Graustark" (B. 0. Andrews, mgr.)—East Jor- dan, Mich., 10, Traverse City 17, Big Rapids . 18, Manistee 19, Ludlngton 20. Evart 21. Ca- dillac 22, Reed City 23, Beldlng 24, Holland 25. "Girl of the Mountains, A"—Wee ft Lambert's —Albany, N. . Y., 19,. Herkimer 17, Glovers- vllle 18, Newark. 20, Medina 21, Hamilton, Ont., Can.. 22, Brantford 23, Petrolla 24, Port Huron. Mich., 25. "Girl of Eagle Ranch" (Attebery ft Cook, mgrs.) —Olustee, Okla., 20, Snyder 21, Vernon, Tex., 22, Frederick; Okla., 23, Granite 24, Sentinel 25. • • ■ ■ ■ • "Great Divide, The" (Primrose ft McGIlIao, mgr.) Sioux Kails, S. • Dak..' 19, Canton 20, Mitchell 21, Cbamberlln 22, Planklnton 23, Yankton 24, Vermilion 25. ... "Gamblers" (W. T. Speatb, mgr.)—London, Ont., Oan., 17, 18,. Woodstock 20, Stratford 21, Bar- - riu 22, (i rill la 23,. Lindsay. 24, Pcterboro 25. "Girl of the Underworld, The"—Wee ft Lambert's Dsyton, O., 10-18. "Girl of the Sunny South, The"—(W. O. Downs, mgr.)—Mlnerllle, N. Y., 17. Port Henry 18, Rousej Point 20.' ' Illlllard, Robert—Klaw ft Erlanger'a—Criterion, New York, 18, Indefinite.- Hitchcock. Raymond—Cohan ft Harris'—Luwlaton, Mer, 16, Portland 17, 18, Lowell, Maas., 20, New Bedford 21, Fall River 22, Provldenco, R. I.. 23-25. Hajos, MIjiI— Werba ft Luescher'a—Toplln, Mo., 16, Plttaburg, Kan., 17, Wichita 18. Ottawa 20, Lawrence 21, Topeka 22, St. Joseph, Mo.. 23, Moberly 24, Columbia 25. Hackett, Norman—Stair ft Nlcolal's—Norfolk. Va., 13-18. Hawtrey, William (A. O. Delamater, mgr.)—St. Paul. Minn., 18-18. "nindlo Wakes"—Messrs. Shubert—West End, New York, 13-18. "Hanky Panky"—Lew Fields'—Malestlc, Boston, 18-18. . ' "Heart Breakers, The"—Mort H. Singer's (Sam Myers, mgr.)—Paris, III., 10, Charleston 17, Urbana 18, Detroit, Mich.. 19-25. "Happy Hooligan"—tlus Hill's—Crown, Chicago. 18-18, Toledo, 0-. 10-25. ■ "House of a Thousand CnndleB. The" (C. 9. Primrose, mgr.)—Carbondule, 111,, 20, Benton 21, Harrlshurg 22, Mt. Gunnel 23, Fairfield 24. Illlngton, Margaret (Edward J. Bowes, mgr.)— Memphis. Tenu., 10. 17. Nashvlll* 18, Lexing- ton, Ky., 20, Huntington. W. Va., 2i Clarl's- burg 22, Fairmont 23, Wheeling 24, 26. Irwin. Slay—Llebler Oo.'a^—Toronto, Ont.. Can., 18-18. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Oonsadlne, mgr.)—Bir- mingham, Ala., 13-18, Memphis, Tenn., 19-25. Joseph and hln Brethren"—Llebler Oo.'s—Cen- tury, New York, 13, Indefinite. Kollerd, John B., and Players — Harris', New York, 18, Indefinite. Kolb, Dill and Maude Lillian Bcrrl—San Fran. ~ Cisco, Oal., 13, Indefinite. "Kindling;'— United Play Oo.'s, Inc.—Norton, 5 al !:'„i 6 '- O)nC0, ' aU "> Beatrice, Nebr., 18 York 20, Oolumbns 22, Fremont 23, Lincoln 24. Ltmeekn, Gene—Werba A Luescher's—Gloucester. Mass., 10, New Bedford 17, Newport, It. 1.. 18 Taunton. Mass., 20, Brockton 21, Holyoke 22 Hartford, Oonn., 23, Wlnsted 24, White Plains, «. Y., 25. Lewis, Dave—Rowland ft Clifford's. Inc. (Dave Sey-nour, mgr.)—Albany. N. Y., 10-18, Wor- oeater, Muss., 20-r,2, New Haven, Oonn., 23-25. Loralne, Robert-iLlebler Oo.'s—Kingston, Ont,; U SS!! U a. l G nd°Xlti ,al,an •»-»" A"^ 1 "' " I o!t|? £ "o*"-"^ W. Savage's-Bsy "R^Tn.o, B ''rh"eT n A , lwerh. ft Lue^her-s-ln- "Llitia Kn'iw™ i V...V-,. r.^ „. .dlanapolls, Ind.. 13-18, Oolumbns, 0.. 20-25. tSSL N^ e "v^ m i A ;J£S& , »' Mo—Play- "Rose Maid,.The »' B-Wexha 4 LuWher's-WIJ- Marahalltown M, De. Moines 24. St. Joseph '' U Njr, to Y^t^"ind^tef> r, ' W, ^ , '-"r! "'Vz&rit™'-* 1 " * —*;*-*—*, "Mefrr Widow, The"—Henry W. Bav.-,^ ?"!!l^! e ' & 9i' l h BP«rt.nbnrg, §; 'of fr Aaheville, N. 0>, 18, Atlanta - Ga <m' .„' AsguaU 22. OolimMa. R™"' stTUaaaS' Ga*. 24, Charleston, rf. 0„ 3(J. . 8 *™ n,u . "Merry Widow, The"—Henry. W. Saran-. Ironton, p.. 16, Ashland, fty., jV fi.^.'T Hng 18. Winchester 20, ParU 21 BaWS Mj Fv.nk7ert 28, Owenaboro M.'BVanavllu? "Matter of the House"—Mews. Shntert—law, N. Y., 16-18, Akron. O.. 20. D " U,,B "—Buffalo. "Modern Eve, A." EistenW-Mort n Rinn»>. (Franx B Bhalters. J&£%M&J£*& Va., 16, Pcrtsmouth, O., 17. Lexlnctnn «■"' 18, Lonlsville 20-22. Vincenies, 'ind? "t Evansvilie 24, Owenaboro, Ky., 25 ' ** "Modem Bvs, A," Western—Mort a. Stage-. (Henry Plerron. mgr.)—Seattle, Wash. tSTi's Everett 19. \lctorla. B. 0., Can.. 20 21 k.S Westminster 22. Vancouver 23-25. ' ' w "Man With Three Wives"—Messrs, ShmVrt Waber-Flelds' New Music BaU. New York !>7 lnaeflnlte.' . ' ■*• "Merry Oountesa, The"—Messrs. Shubert — Sin, bert, Boston, 13-18, Montreal, Can., BO-25 " J i7'- W-ifrgr» of the Cabbage Patch"—Unlttd Play Oo/s. Inc—Ames. la.. 16, Pcrrv it rw Moines 18. Belle Plalne 20, Anamosa 22 SSL wein 23. Osage 24, Charles City 25 ' °* "Maid and the Minister, The" (Dcnne ft SeovUl» mgrs.)—West Bend, la., 16, • "Miss Nobody From Starland"—Mort H. Slnm-'. (Oharles Dor.oghue, mgr.)—Salem. 0 in Alllan-M 17. East Liverpool 18. Akroii 2o'' N.w Philadelphia 21, Coshocton 22\ Wh«llig, v. "Madame Sherry, A" (Madame Sherry Oo, ins nier.)—Dayton, O., 13-is, St. Louli, Mo, & "MlsMorl Girl. The," Eastern—Merle H. Norton'. —Britton. 8. Dak.. 16. Havana. N. Dak 17 Llgerwood 18, Hanklnson 20, Ellendale' II 1 Edrerley 22. L* Moure 23, Oakes 24. ' "Missouri Girl. The," Western—Norton ft Rlth'a —Ohlco, Oal., 17, Ororllle 19, Corning 21 Willow. 22, Coins. 23. VaUejo 24. Heallibarj "Mutt and Jeff," A—Gas Hill's—Provo, U. 16 San Bernardino. Oal., 18, Redlands 20, lilvit. aide 21, Santa Ana 22, San Diego 23-26. "Mutt and Jeff," B—Gus HIH's— Kansas Cltr. Mo,, 1318, St. Joseph 19-22, Beatrice. Nebr 23, Nebraaka City 24, Plattsinouth 25. "Mutt and Jeff," O—Qua Bill's—Kenton, 0., 16 Mansfield 17, Bucyrus 18, Oblcago Junction 2o! Wooster 21, Alliance 22, Akron 23-25. "Mutt and Jeff," D—Qua Hill's—Providence, R. I., 13-18, South Framlngbsm. Mass., 20, Con- cord, N. B.. 21, Dover 22, Portland, Me., 24, 25. "Mutt and Jeff," E—Gus Hill's (B. M. Garfield, mgr.)—Bonbam, Tex., 19, Sherman 17, Dcnlson 18, Gainesville 20, Wichita Falls 21, Abilene 22, Sweetwater 23, Pecoa 24, El Pnao 25, 20. "McPadden's Flat." (Jack Glines, mgr.) — Youngstown. O., 16-18, Columbus 20-22, Day- ton 23-25. . . Naslmovt, time.—Charles Frohman's—Baltimore Md., 13-18, Toronto, Ont., Can., 20-25, Nlblo, Fred, and Josephine Cohen (J. .0. William- son, ingr.)—Ohrlstchurch, N. Zealiud, 20 2il, Tlmaru 27, Oamaru 28. Dunedln 20-Feb. ;l, Invercarglll 4, 5, Matterton 8; Hastings 10, Nspler 11, 12, Danncvlrge 13, Palmerslon, Slli, 14, 15, Wangonnl 17, 18, Bawera 19, Stratford 21, New Plymouth 22, Auckland 24-Marcli 3, Sydney, N. 8. W-. 15. Indefinite. • . "Newlywtda and Their Baby" (J, o. Brooks, mgr.)—Grand B.plda, Mich., 13-18, Knlima- zoo 20, Jonesvlllo 21, Angola, Ind., 22, Hlcks- vllle, O., 23, Defiance 24, Fort Wayne, Iml., 25. O'Bara, Flske (A. J. Pltou, mgr.)— Madison, Wis.. 16. Kenosha 17. Racine 18, Miluauto) 10-22, Rockford, III., 23, Ottawa 24, Jnllct 25. Olcott. CUauncey—Henry Miller's—Newark, N. J., 13-1S. Washington, D. 0., 20-25. "Oh! Oh I Delpblne"—Klaw ft Erlnnger't—Knick- erbocker, Now York, 13, Indefinite. "Our Wlves"--Jos. M, Galtes'—Cort, . Clilcnro. 18, Indefinite. "Officer 063,"' Gaiety—Oohan ft Harrla'—Roch- eater, N. Y., 10-18, Brooklyn 20-23. "OlOcer 000"—Cohan ft Harris'—Globe Londnn, 18, Indefinite. ' "Officer 600." Western—Oohan ft Hsrrlv ■iCnn- ' me Olty, Mo.. 18-18, Topeka, Kan., 20, Wlrhllu - 21, Enid, Okla., 22, Tulsa 28, Muskogee 24. McAIester 25. "Officer 000," Middle—Oohan ft narrla'—Sidney. 0., 10, OouucrsvlIIe. Ind., 17, Richmond 18, Mlildletown 19, Anderson 20,' FmnkfOri 21, Ornwforri-ivllle 22, La Fayette 23, Kokomo 24, Loco'nport 25. , "Old Homestead," Eastern—Frank Thouipspn'a— ' Springfield, Maas., 17, 18. Philadelphia Grand Opera ' (Ambeas Dlppel, mgr.) — Metropolitan Opera House, Phllmlel- phi., 13. indefinite. Poynter, . Beul.h — Burt ft Nlcolal's — Del roll, Mich., 18-18. Dayton-, 0., 20-25. i "Prince of Pllsen, The"—Henry W. Saviije's— Reims, Ala.. 10, Dlrralngliam 17. Meinplils, Tenn., 18, Pine Bluff, Ark., 20, Hot Siu-lngs 21, Little Rock 22, Fort Smith 23, Tulsa, Okla.. 24, Oklahoma 25, 20. "Pink Lsdy, The"—Klaw ft Erlanger'a—Mllwsn- - kee, Wla., 13-18, Minneapolis. Minn.. IMS. "Pink Lady, The"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Sprleg- field, 0.. 10. Hamilton 19, Zanesvllle 22.' "Poor Llctle Rich Girl, The"—Arthur Hopdns* —Walnut, Philadelphia, 13-18, Hudson, New York, 21, Indefinite. "Prince of To-night. The"—Le Gomte k FIctIkt's —Ottawa, Kan., 16. Chanute 17, Oolumbu« 18, Vlnlta, Okla., 19, Claremore 20,, Kan., 31. Wllifield 22, Arkansas Olty 23, Bl«ck- „ well, Okla., 24, WlchiU, Kan., 25. "Price, The"' (Clarence Bennett, mgr.) — New ton. Is., 17, Grlnnell 18, Rnplils 10. Manchester 20, Independence 21, Cedar Falls .. 22, Chi.rles City 23, Osage 24. "Paid In Full" (0. S. Primrose, mgr.)—Decatur, III., 19. "Passing Show of 1913, The"—Cleveland, 0., 13- 18, Garrlck, Chicago, 20-Feb. 1. "Hunker Girl, Tlte.' r A—Henry B. Harris' Es- tate—Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadel- phia, 13-18, Baltimore, Md., 20-25. "Quaker Girl, The," B—Henry B. Harris" Es- tate—Yakima, W.ah., 10, Spokane 17-19. Mis- soula, Mont., 20. Helena 21, Anaconda 22 Butte 23. Billings 24. King, Blanche—Frederic McKay's—South Bond, _ Ind.. 10, Toledo. 0.. 17, IB, Cleveland 20 25. Russell, Annie, Old English Comedy — Shubert, Boston, 20-25. "Ready Money"—H. H. Frasee's^—Toronto, Ont., Can., 18-18, Weat Bud, New York. 20-25- "Ready Money"—Frozee ft Brady's—Wyndham's, London, 13, Indefinite. "Rose Mold, The." A—Werba ft LuescbefB—In- ,., B .^, M ' ,E ew Tork ". 1S . Indefinite. Little M ss Brown"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— JSh L ?? "• JJ°" 1 . 3 ' 18 - Olnclnnatl. 0., 10-25. L A ttIe m M i 89 , Brown"—A. 8. Stern ft fjo-'a (W. O. Tlsdale, mgr.) —Columbia, S. 0., 16 Ohnrle3ton 17, Savannah, Ga., 18. Jacksonville. Fla 19, 20, Macon, On.. 21, Onlumbus 22 Montgoniery, Ala., 23, Pensacola, Fla., 24, Mo! bile, Ala.. 25. A$P«%ftrz£&A H ' Norton's-Globs, Arlt., is, 10, El Puso, Tex.. 24. Lion and tho Mouse, The"—United Play Oo.'t. Inc.—BaracsTlllc. fla.. 10, I.atrobe 17. Johnl- 2°2 Wn ri. 8 ,hi^ t 00 ,^ » £H!f4 21 ' Blalisvllle 22, Leechburg 28, Torentum 24, Beaver Falls " L K , n t !. e " t ,5 e, ? 5, y- A i H ' Woods'-Arkansas Olty. fin Wvi 0, / n de E, e 1 a ' nc ?.. 1 . r ' Ooffervllle 18, Jop- 22' vS'iiA?i. o 1 i M ',, 0k . 1 *-' L0 ' Oklahoma 21. 22. McAleater 28 Muskogee 24, Bartlesvllle "Lady From Oklahoma"—Baltimore, Md., 18-18. ■SfS' M™ry —Klaw ft Erlanger's — faarrlck. Philadelphia, 13. Indefinite, , . ' Mnson, John — Obarles Frohman's — Plttsbu-gh, Pa., 13-18. Powers'. Chicago. 20-Feb. 1. Mann. I/>uls—Werba ft Luescher's—Chicago Opera House, Chicago. 13-25. , ManteM. Robert B.—Wm. A. Brady's—Rochester. Montgomery, Stone and Elsie .Tanls—Charles Dll- llnahamR—Globe. New York, 13, Indefinite. MseDomld. Christie—Werbs A Luescher's — New Amsterdam. New York, 20-Feb, 1. Metropolitan Grand Opera (Gnlllo GatU Oasazta. l^VnaeflnHe ' * H0U8 *' NeW Xotk ' Montreal Grand Opera (H. Q. Brooks, mgr.)l* ...S. , !? tpe " 1 - °« n - 13-Feb. 1; ' ^ ' "Million. The"—Henry W. Savage's- -Bloomshnra njlngton, N. O.. 10, Darlington, S. C, 17. Charleston 18, Savannah, Ga. t 20. 21, Mucon 22, Athens 23, Augusta 24, Columbia, S. 0.. 25. "Rose Maid, The," O—Werba ft Luescher's—Los „ Angeles, Oal., 18-26. "Racketty Packctty House"—Llebler Oo.'s—On- tury Roof, New York—Matinees—13, Indefinite. "Rose, of Panama"—John Cort's—St. Paul, Minn., 16-18, Minneapolis 10-25. "Red Rose, The" (lee Parvln, mgr.)—Denver, Colo., 18-18, Amnrlllo, Tex.,.20, Childress 21, Wichita Falls 22, Dentson 23, Sherman 24, Fort Worth 26. 26. "Rutherford and Son"—Wlnthrop Ames*—MUto Theatre. New York, 18. indefinite. "Round-Up" — Klaw ft Erlanger's — Olnclnantl, 0., 18-18, "Rosary. The," Eastern—Rowland ft Ollff-wd's, Inc. (M. S. Goldalne, mgr.)—Oolumbns, Ind., 16 Shelbrvllle 17, Salem 18, Durpjer 20, Bloom- field 21, Bloomtngton 22, Bedford 28, Seymour "Rosary, The," Southern—Rowland * CTirferil's, Ine. (Qua Henderson, mgr.)—Rilelgh, >• &• 16, Henderson 17, Graham 18, Bller City 20. Fayetteville 21, Dunn 22, Goldsboro 28, Fre- mont 24, New Bern 25. __ ... "Rosary, The,". Circuit—Rowland ft 2««f« ri1 /' Ine. (Wm. Lemle. mgr.)—Indianapolis, Ind.. „ 18-18. Lonlsville. Ky„ 19-25. _- ... "Rotary. The," Coast— Rowland, ft Clifford 9 , Ine. (Merle B. Smith, mgr.)—Hoqnlam, Wash., 16. Alma 17, Olympla 18, Vancouver. B. <-•• Oal.. 20, 21, Belllngham, Wuh., 22. Ann- „ cortes 2.1. Tacoma 24, Ole Elnm 25. . . "Rosary, Tlio" (Gaskell ft MacVlttv's, Inc.. 1<* sees)—Henrietta. Tex., 16, Vernon 17. Qnn"; a* 18. Lnwton, Okla., 19. AttnB 20, Bj»tJ« 21, Hobart 22, Anidarko 28, Wanrlka 24, Co- manehe 28. . ... "Boysl Shre, A" (Geo. H. Bubfc mgr.)-»»' Yi\U if'„