The New York Clipper (Jan 1913)

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•'ffl W I I .'••3 ,i. I .') : PM Bfe&tfj 11.V'..;. • 11' m i.i • ■■•• : ■; a. 1 *.£,:■}■■■: ■». A sit ,: J,- AS." ' -. mm Him r:*-A m '■I ' ' •J i J i .-,■ V 'Hi* . ■•Mti? ., i'jff !i ■''■»>.''-•■ mm 'im || M H h||. mm • 18 THE KEW YORK OLIPBKBe Januaey 18 SONG BOOKS CHEAP from $5.00 per thousand up CLOSING OUT Our Song B oot Stock Send for samples and prices—they are most attractive. No old books—all are up to date and this season's books. F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO. NEW YORK CITY njjgwjt vm cut Oorelll * Gillette. Keith's. Phlla. Collier 4 De Waldo, Empress, Denver. Combls Etoa., Olympla, f.rnn, Mass. Cotter ft Bonlden, National. Boston. date Is Conroj's Diving Models, Orphenm, Altooni, I'n. of Coombs ft AldweU, Keith's. Columbus, o. Coutlno ft Lawrence. Grcely's, Portland, lb, NOTICE—JSE, A. -~* Jan. 18-18 la represented. Abbott ft Curtis, Orpheum, Slow City, la. "Act Beautiful," Shea's. Bnffalo. Adaii7M»belle. ft Co., Keith's, LoulsrlUe. Adonis, Poll's, Hertford. Conn. . "Alter tho Blunt," Allegheny. Phlla., 1«-1»- Alieira Bros.. Mowrt. Klrnlra, «. *•„,_,•__-. o Crooch. C Akeratrom, Ullle, Seenlc Temple. Proviaence, n. 0t(M 4 j 0B «,phlne, Grand, Syracuse,' N. Y.- I Indefinite. n.inm*-dfiiiV w. Y. n._ 0JV.2K Alfredo, Colonial, ft % 0. Alvla. Jack, VogePa MlmtreU Alpine Ti v ""* Oonroy ft Le Make, Chase's, Washington. Oortls & Florence, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Coonoly ft Wenrlch, Q. 0. U.. Pittsburgh. ■ Colonial Minstrels, Prlscllln, Cleveland. ft Moore, Victoria. Baltimore. Cracker Jack Four, Hipp., Chicago. Crooch. Clayton, Mozurt, lmlra, N. T. Hammcuteln's, K. Y. O.. 20-23. Oressy ft Dayne. Orpbenm. Sacramento, Oal.: Of- ogei a ssinawwa. - - « - nbcum. San Fran.. 20-Feb. I. .Keith's. Providence; Boshwlck. tt KrirT *M?s. Qartner. ft Co., Bronx. N. T. O. 125 West 37th Street "Alice "Teddy." S"*»™'iX i ,? m *' ' Wm,,,s P,n * Cromwells, The. PaHco. Clilcago ttnes', Portland, Ore.. 20-26. Aloha Troupe, Bronx, N. T. C Alfen, Minnie, Ma)e»tic. Milwaaxee. Alfto ft Nnlty. Family, Chatham, Oat, Can. Ae«nde™ftfcott, fm&kJS&kJr p. Alexander. QUdya, t Co.. Colonial, Erie, Pa. Alra Trio. Orpbenm, Cincinnati. Alia Bajah, Oe Kalh. Bkln., 10-18. Or^c ft Will lama, Pantaupis', Spokane, Wuh., Crawford ft Delaney, 0. H.. Wlncheiter, Ky,; O. H.. Franxford. 20-25. . ' Crouch ft Welch. Keith's, Boston. Orotty, Qeo., Columbia. Qrand Bapldt, Mich. Cnlkn, James II., Orpbeum, Seattle, wash. Outler, Bert, Keith's, Columbus, 0. Albergs, The, New, Baltimore. . tfmta , Cnllon Bros., Globe, roaten. American Newsboye' Qoxrtette. B^dway, »«■*>• c^ ou> jiipp., cieTeland. JD'Arrllle, Jeannette, dcnla, Montreal, Can., 13- 35. DRAMATIC PEOPLE AND MUSICIANS — NOTE! — W. I. SWAIN. President W. 1. Swain Show Co., he Will be at Sherman Hotel, Chicago, Jan. 17, IS, 17, 20; Slnton Hotel, Cmcbuatt, 21,22, 23, 24; and Wants to sign Eighty Artist* in all lines, for his shows, season 1913 (20th Annual Season). Especially Wants Young, Petite, Versatile Leading: Women, about 5 ft K to. tall. Wishes to meet them personally, to hear dramatic reading. In fact, all are invited to call as per itinerary. When writing, say all. Don't misrepresent. Impediment to speech or Indistinct articu- lation a postUre bar. ..... Contracts for entire season. No two weeks clause. Everybody works fa after show con- cert. Seasons usually close week before Christmas. The phenomenal success of the Swain Shows has more than repaid us for our diligence to past seasons—therefore all artists must be of the highest type both to ability and chancier, and to return, will receive long, profitable en- gagement and pleasant business consideration. Everybody pays own. Rehearsals called at SWAIN BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA., Feb. 17, which Is also permanent address. Oents» Dress, real halv, ventilated part on netting foundation, »1.85. $2.35, J8.26; Bald Jew, lriin, Tom, German, Old Man, Kube, ll.oo, $2.60, $8.26, $5.00; Crop, $1.00, $1.76, $2.50; Negro, 60c., 76o„ $1.00, $1.25, $2.26: Topsy, 760., $1.50, $2.25; Indian, 760., $1.60, $2.75; Marfjuerlte, 760., $3,50, I7.0O; Clown, Mc, 86c; Japanese Lady, 76c.;«)3.60; ChlnoBo, 75c, $1.00, $2.50; Bridget, 76c., $3.60; Soubretto, $2 60, J3.60, $6.00, $8.00; Old Maid, 76c, $3.06; Pompadour, 76o., $4.25; Mary Jane, 76c, $2.76; Cowboy, 76c, $2.50; Short Curly, $3.00; Rube, $2.50, $8.25; Men's Statuary Wigs, $8.00: Legit. Wig. $2.60, $3,25; Ladles' Ameta. Mile., Orpheora, Spokane, Wash. American Danceri (0 . %U'%Sprto«fteld, ttai*. Amato, Mile. Minnie, ft Co., TamP>».JDetroit. W^^^^SU Can. — .._._. j,_,a ArmBtroiiKB v*r> 'w^"° «• ~ tf^tUaMi wane, miic, sa roflTTTTft T^T^ftTe Armstrong ft Clark. ^? <k be ^;J i ^ no i^"\c nlU . Daris Eros., Guy JStfJ -t-*- -*- -*V JUafm.^» *■ • Armstrong & Manley, ?rpheum, Spokane, wasn. DaTles Relne <5, —_—— Am». De. Ldrrlc Newark. N. J., IB-is.. .. rmrt. n.rlmr. ( BapvlementaU Mnt-Beeelved Too I»a«e Axdeil. FT*nklyn, ft Co., Temple, MfoU. supl for Claajsiacntlon. Arthur, Blchards 4 4f*»»,»BPfe."fff* "Bopght and P-d For»-Wm. A. Brady'-Ham- *^CSfiSk»S%4r Dale, Violet, ft Co., 6th Ave., N. Y. O., 20-23. Delton Trio, Broadway, Columbus, O. Darnels, Broadway. Oolsmbua, O. D'Armond ft Carter, Touring Europe. ai ton Do. Davis, Mark, Orpbeum. So. Bead, Ind. Bijon. w Dsnclng Violinist, Dnion So.., M. •». O.} Alham- bra, N. T. 0.. 20-26. Dasle. Mile., "Tae Merry Countess" Oo. "uy Bros.' Minstrels. Orpbenm, Bkln. Darts, Dsrlng, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash.; Or- pbeum, Portland, Ore., 20-2S. Darrow, Stuart, & Co., Colonial, Akron, 0., IS. 1 - Ashton, Margaret, Orphemn, Hew "t'e™;. ^^ Davis Family, Temple, Detroit. SSSa Princess The»-Messrs. Shubert—Bat- Astaires, Pied 4 Adefe, Orpbeum. St, Paul, Hlnn. D(U ^,, ula ? tn]a , Pantages', Oakland, Oal. tfi Seek MlJh 23? „ Ashly ft Lee. Oolumbla St. Louis. d ^ k}1 ft oonway, Keith's, Cincinnati. nh^nYuTatock (Onas. K. CbampUn, mgr.)—Dan- Ash. Samuel, 6th A.Te., rf. X. O. Davles, Tom, Trto, Keith's, LoulsviUe. tS2 Pa 20-26 Athlctas (4), Orpbeum, Bkha. . Da it 0 n Harry Fenn. Olympla, Boaton; Males:!-. "ivSna im Tiie"—^A. H. Woods'— ColnrnbUB. Athletic Girls Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Keenc, K. H., 20-26. ^^o°18^ Augarde, Adrlenne, ft Co., Orrheum Denver. Do g« Troupe, Savey. AtlanUe Oity. "Call of the Heart, Th»»-01evelan«, O., 20-25. Australian Woodcioppers^ Keith's Cl^natt. j^ ArthurriHsmmerstein's. N. Y. C. 20-!.-.. EvaJis, Geo* Honey Boyi Minstrels—Hot Springs. Anger. Geo., ft Co., Columbia, Grand Bapldt, Ve i m „ & na^t, Orpbeum, Sioux City, la., 20 "Ftvl"FTOJkforters, The"—Messrs. Shubert— AvoloV The Pantaw-s*. San Fran., Cat; Pan- ^ F/all kle. Sylvia. Oaltes* "Olrl of My Dream.' r 1>*J 1? loltaUVk iOkBh ''FSsTweddSg 1 Tbe"—Hamilton, Ont„ Osa., Avery," Van"ft"CarrTe. Empress Denser. 17 18 Ballett Olasslque, Orpbeum, Slonx Oltv, Ja. Qenee, Adeline—Columbus, 0., 16, Grand Baplda, "Girl From' Rector's, The"—Oarbondale, Pa.. IT. Howe's TriiTel Festival, in Moving Pletores (Ly- man H. Howe, mgr.)—Burlington, Is., IT. Holton-PoweH Stock—Rensselaer. Ind., 18-1S- Hlgley-Harrlngton Stock—Mobile, Ala., 18, in- definite. tages'. Oakland, 20-23. _ B a,, De Mario, Harry, Blckards' Tour, Australia. 11- Jnne 0, I-arnes ft Oraw/ord, Orphenm, Ogoea, C-, or- De VeUe ft ZeW AxliUnd, Chicago; Orpbeu:u. pbenm. Salt Lake City, 20-25. Ga _ Ina 20-23. Barrett. Edward, Walker, ShelbyvlUe, Ind., in- ^ mtt Banls h X orrance, Orpbeum, Linol.i. definite. . , . __, Bartnoldt's Birds, Boshwlck, Bkln Barrr It Wolforif, Oroheum, Portland, Cr». i Barry, Mr. 4 Mrs. lb ^al. 5lmmy', Orpbeom. Oakland, Biirker, 'Ethel May, Orpbeum, 8eattle, Wish. Baker, Belle, Orpbeum, New Orleans. Hartman-Wallace Players—Jamestown, N. Y., 18, B«^aa^Jalaay 1 . Bu1 W lt a, afa t tt'l,.0«» Baakaa 1 O Haines ft "price Stock—Sault Ste. Marie. Mlslu, 13-18, Cheboygan 20-26. r _ Uowo's Travel FestlTaJ, In Moving Pictures Ly- man H. Howe, mgr)—Grand Baplds, Mich., 18.19. Barrett ft Stanton, Orpbeum, Spokane, Wash. Baxter Sidney, 4 Co., Orpheuai, Sioux City, la, Barry, Lydla, Grand, Davenport, la. Barrymore, Ethel, ft Go., Keith's, I'hlla. Barry ft Hennessey, Grand, Cleveland. Barnett, Harry. Keystone, Puila. "Hanky Panky" — Lew Fields'—Albany, N. V 20-22. "Little Boy Blue"—Henry W. Savage's—Battle Balsden, E. J., Keystone, Pblla Oreek, Mich., 17. Earuonr ft Lynn, Lyric, Newark. H. J. "LltUe Millionaire, The"—Oobsn A Harrlc'—Ce- Barton ft Lavera, Genu, Arctic, Conn. dar Ruplds, la., 18. Barto ft Clark. Orpheom. Montreal, Can. Mantell, Robert B.—Win. A. Brady's—Toronto, Ballinger ft Reynolds, National, Boiton. Ont, Can., 20-26. Baltons (5). Bowdoln Sq.. Boston. Murdoch: Etc*.' Comedians (Al. Mnrdock, mgr.)— Baker, Doc. Empress, Cincinnati. Karmlngton, N. H.. 18-18, Exeter 20-22. , Bergdre, YaleTle, ft Co., Oth Ave., N. Morphets, The, Maglclans-<!a«Btovrn, O., 16. Ml- Union Eq„ N. Y. 0., 20-20. 10-1S. t. a» Neb. De Grobs, The, Palace, Chicago. De Costa Duo. Oolonul, Brantford, Out., Can. Delavoye ft Frit*. Hipp., Canton, O. "Detective Keen," Orpbeum, Montresl, Can. De Lisle, Jogcllng, Keith's. Lowell, Mass. De ijcy. Leleh, ft Co., Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Devise 4 Williams. Poll's, Springfield, Mass. Decoe, Harry, Maryland, Baltimore; ProciorV, Newark, N. J.. 20-25. De LlBle ft Vernon, Orpbeum, Boston. De Loris, John, Qayety, Bkln. Deely, Ben, & Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Deodata, Hipp., Omsba, Neb. De Camp's Animals, Lyric, Indianapolis, Delmar, Dan, Lyceum, Elmlra, N. Y. Demarest, Carl. Hammerate-n's, N. Y, C. 20-23. Dlero, Hommersteln's, N. Y. C. Dickey, Paul, 4 Co., Oroheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Dillon, Will, Orpbenm, St. Paul, Minn. Diamond 4 Brextnan, Empire, Edmonton, Can., 1618. Dlas, Anita. Temple, Ft Wayne, Ind. Utility [can dress i $7.00; Negress, " IANISTS . :.. ■ ucu o ai.t*Liiary m •eas either wayl, and Modern Day Dress Wigs, $8.00; Wild Girl, $2.00, $2.50, $3.25, $6.00, , ,, $2.50; Indian Lady, 76c, $2.60, $4.26; Oypsy Queen, $8.76; Mikado, 75c„ $2.25; End Men, $1.00; Imported Bald Character wigs. $2.50; Tricot AnlmaTand Men Heads, $1.25 each; Mustaches, 20c, 80c, 60c; Chin Pieces, 20c. 85c. 60c, 75c. $1.2i;FnUBoart1a. 6O0., $1.00, $1.26, $aoo. $3.oa; Tramp Beards, 60c, $1.00; Sluggers, 85c, OOc; Mutton Chops, 81c, 76o. Pif. Stage Money, 25c Full line Stein's Make-up, Uat measure for wlgnlze. Allwlgaprepaid. Keep thlsCUpperforrefereuce; ad. appearsonlyoccaslonally. PERCY EWBG SUPPLY HOUSE, tlT aMMa n£ OT ' II you with to bicome STRONGER, mora BRILLIANT, mora FASCINATING Playars Learn my metnod of playing WALTZES In RAGTIMB. The only PERFECT method In existence. Dlf- ferent and more WoNDERFCL than anything yon havo over heard. Teaches you to play any w»lt« With the STRENGTH, BIULLIANOY and OUAItM of a full orchestra, you can hold your audienceB SPELLBOUND by your playing. My method transforms any waltz Into b magnificent seleotlou, spark- ling with BRILLIANT, BEAOTiFUL effects. This method teaoheayou Ideas absolutely original, tuatyou cannot learn elsewhere, and will make your playing a STAR ACT. This means MORE MONBY. Easy to learn. Necessary to every pianist. Don't mui ft. Complete method. Only ONE DOLLAR, Satis- faction guaranteed. Address PROF. DAILKY, 81 Leater Street, West Ilavrn, Conn. WANTED-T0M PEOPLE Those doubling brass. PIANIST to double brass, also ORGANIZED WHITE OR COLORED QUARTETTE Address C. B. HA.KMOUNT, Tloneata, Pa., Jan. »0. AUBREY STOCK COS., 1, 2 aid 3 GENERAL BUSINESS PEOPLE; also COMEDIAN with Specialty, SCENIC ARTIST People In aU lines write D. OTTO HITHER, Mgr. Aubrey Stock Co., Weston, W. Va„ till Jan. 18; then Huntington, W. Va., indefinitely. bnclc 17, Oleomont 18, Ollvesbnrg 20, Fltchrllle Berends Entertainers, Tbe, Kllbourn City, Wis., Dickens ft Floyd. Cosmos, Washington 21, Shelby 22. Aurora 23. Mantau 24. indefinite. "Maid and the Minister, The"—Deane-Scovllle's Berg Bros., Keith's, Cincinnati; Majestic, Mllwau- —MUford, la., 20, Lake Park 21, Ocbeyedea kee, 20-26. 23, Little Bock 23, Laurens 24, Rolfe 26. "Madame Sherry" (Madame Sherry Co., mgrs.)—Alton, III.. 19. IS. "Morning After, The"—Burlington, Is.. 10. Bedlnl & Artbnr, Orpheum, Duluth, Minn. "Military Olrl, The"—Cedar Rapids, la., 17. Belli. Lea Marco, Orphenm. Dea Moines, la. "Madame X"—Burlington, la., 18, Battle Creek, Bertlsch, Majestic, Milwaukee. Dixon, George, Blobe, Boston. Diving Girls. Empress, Cincinnati. Dickens 4- Floyd, Cosmos, Washington. Bell, DIgby, ft Co., Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Dlxooi (8), Hipp,, CieTeland. Inc., "Between Trains," Empire, Edmonton, Can., 16- "Diamond Dlnoer, Tbe," Union Bq., N. T. O, 20-28. Dick (writing dog), Union Sq.. N. Y. O., 20-25. Dlnxlns ft Burke, FrisclUa, Cleveland. Dollar Troupe. Colonial, N. 1. O. Mich., 16. Bendlx Ensemble Players, Maryland, Baltimore, d ou . Twins, "The Merry Countesg" Co. O'Brien's Minstrel (Nell O'Brien, mgr.)—Spring- 20-25. _. Don Fulano, Orpbeum, New Orleans. field, Mass., 10. Beckwlth, Linden, Keltht'a, Boston; 6th Ave., Dorelands. The, Empire. Edmonton, Can,, 16-18. "Old Homestead," Coast—Frank Thompson's N. T, C., 20-25. Dooleiv, Tbe, Keith's, Boston, (Wm. L. White, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 10, Bernler, Frank. Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Lawrence 17, Topeka 18, Kansas CMy, Mo., 10- Bell ft Oaron, Savoy, Atlantic City. 22, Qulncy, 111., 23, Keokuk, la., 21, Oskaloosa Bell Family. Keith's, Providence. 26. Bennett, Phil, Casino, Washington. "Pink Lady, The"—Klaw 4 Erlanger'a—Ooliim- Bernlvlccl Bros., Chase's, Washington. bus, 0., IT, 18. Berrens, Tbe. Poll's, Scranton, Pa. "Red Petticoat, The"—Messrs. Shubert—Pitts- Benwsy 4 Dnytoo, O H., Richmond, Ky, ' 'ED. Pa., 13-18, Baltimore, Md., 20-25. Berrlty ft Harrlwn. Orpbtum, Lima, O. ScbetT, Fritz! (Joseph M. Oaltes, mgr.)—Burling- Becker ft Adams, Hipp., Chicago. ton, Ia-,_20. _ _..„. - Belknap, Harry, ft Co., Prlscllb\._ Cleveland. Dooley 4 Parker, Keith's. Lowell, Mass. Donovan ft MaeDonaU, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. "Don" (Dog). Keith's, Indlannpolis. Delan ft Lenharr, Hipp., Cleveland. "Drums of Oude.'' Shea's, Buffalo. Dapre, Jeenette, Empire, Johannesburg, So. Afri- ca, 18-Msrch 1. Doaesn, Dan H., Auditorium, Oolumbla, S. 0., a- Dunbara (4), Casting, Keeney's, New Britain, Co&n. Dunbar a Turner, Broadway, Columbus, 0. Ire, Qulncy, ill-. 10-18. "Sweteat Girl la Paris. The" —Battle Oreek, Big City Four, Hammersteln's. N, T, C Mich., 21. Bingham, Amelia, 4 Co., Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb. "Uncle Tom's Oabln"—Kibble 4 Martin's (Wm. BUly, Utile. Orpheum, Ogden. U. Kibble, n,gr.)—dteading, Pa. 24, 25. Bison City Four, National, Boston. " 'Way Down East"—Wm. A. Brady's—Toronto, Blanche, Belle, Keith's, Pblla. Ont., Can., 20-25. Bolees (4), louring Europe. "Whirl of Society" and Gaby Dcslyo—Messrs. Bowers, Walters & Crooker, Apollo, Knremberg, Shubert—Albany, N. T., 18. Germany. 18-81; Elansa, Hamburg, Feb. 1-28. Em , tm » "Yellow Jacket, Tbe"—Harris ft Selwyn's, Inc. Boranl ft Nevarro, Keith's, Pblla. Eckert ._ sjalU ijiim Md., 20-26 ' Bofannv Tronpe, Wm. Penn Phlla. Bdna ft Albert, O. H., Perry, N. H.; 0. n., "Yankee Girl, The" (Joseph VIon, mgr.)—Bal- Boyle 4 Brasll, Proctor's, Newark, N, J. Warsaw, 20-25 tlmore. Md„ 20-28. Bonnette Bros., Central Sq.. Lynn, Mass. Edlnger 4 Oooke. Cooke Comedy Co. —*—liSSSSSSS—^ mmmmm ^**^ Boltomley Troupe. Globe, Boaton.- Edwards. Tom, London, Eng., Indefinite. Bowman Bros., Keith's, Boston. Edward,, Mae, 4 Co., Lyric, Butler, Pa.; Hlp!>.. for Installing an ndjustable operating room fer Boweu, Florence. Colonial, Eric, Pa. Palnnount, W. Va., 20-25. ing pictures in his theatre. _ By clerer device Pen Air Trio, Hnrils, PitUbnrah. Edwards' Song Review, Keith's, Cincinnati. Da Calion, Temple, Detroit, Dunn, Thcs. Potter, Empire, \jumcj, >■■.. DmTyBedcay Tronpe, Victoria, Baltimore. "Earl and that Olrls, The." Hsmmersteln'r, N. T. C. nan, Md, Cosmos, Washington. Eckert ft Francis, Pantages', San Fran., Cal- OUT OF TOWN HEWS Camden, N. J.—Temple, F. Falkner. mgr.) the stock company presents "At tbe Old Cross ltoada" Jan. 18-15, "Alum, Where Do You Live.'" 10-18. "Sew HnoADWiv (W. .VIcOllum, mgr.)—Vaude- ville cotitlnues to attract gwxl crowds. Toronto, Can,—I'rlncess (O. B. Sheppnrd, Qrarid Ilnpids, Mlch^-Powcrs (Harry O. Sotuniera ft Co., mgrs.) mie. Adelinejaenee Jan, 17, Howe's motion Prlnctas" 20-22, »„_ rerro, In "Rebecca of Sunnjbrook barm 8-8. It comee up through tbe floor in tbe foyer of the Brown Bros. (8), Primrose A Dockstader'a Mln- Edwards' Kid Kaberet, Poll's, Springfield. Mn*s. theatre and can be made to disappear In flvo sec- strels. Ellas, Harry, Stetson's Eastern U. T. C. Co. onds, It conforms to the law In every respect. Brlce 4 Gonac, Orpheum, Oakland, Csl. Elisabeth, Mary, Orpbeum, Dea Moines, Iu. ._. _ _ _ ,,_,«,„, BremcnB (3), Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Eldora 4 Co.. Orpheum, Ogden, V. Cedar Unpads, Ia.---areene's (W. S, Col- BradthaW Bros., Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. Ellnore 4 Williams, MatcBtlc, Mil..-. Her, mgr.) "The Great Divide" Jan. 12. 'The Brooks, Harry, 4 Co., Poll's, Springfield, Mass. Elliott, Fred., Bowdoln Sq., Boaton. Littlest Rebel" 15, "The Military Girl" 17. 'The Branson 4 Roth, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Elrton 4 Clifton, De Kalb, Bldn., 10-18. Little Millionaire" 18, "The Price 10, local Brownies (8) Poll's, Washington. anvi.Bit. Py, n ia> mnn rniiram. talent 28, 24, "The Royal Slave" 20. Brummell 4 Clifford, Lyric, Indianapolis. Mmkstio (Vic. Hugo, mgr.)—Bill for 13-15: i-. nc knell 4 Olbney, Empire, Qulncy, III., 10-18. Included- UornB Family, Eckert and Berg, Russell Burr. Win., Keith's. Boston. rcilnoie 4 Wllllama. Majestic, Milwaukee. Bowdo' .n, De I Eldridge's Ponies, Hipp., Chicago. Emmy's, Karl. Pets, 6th Ave., N. Y. O. Empire Comedy Four, Bushwlck, Bkln. Fmore, Marshall, Pantages', Denver. and Church. Whittle;, Inee and company, Beau r.urk'bardt," Harry, "& Co.. Empress, Ban Fran., Emmett, Mr. 4'Mrs. Hugh J., Orpheum, Wlnnl- Brummel Trio, Cowboy Williams. Bor 1U-18: oal. peg. Can., 20-25. "Cheyenne Days," Alf. Holt, Cammlngs and Olad- Burton, Jack. Hipp-, Omaha, Neb. Emmett Bros., Lyric, Indianapolis, ulng, Dena Cooper and company, Lavere and Burkhardt, Cbas., ft Co., Bijou, Bay City, Mich. English Rosea (8). Oolonial, Erie, Pa. lids, Mich.—Powers (H«ry <*. palmer, Chyo and Toko, end Edeugraph. Burt 4 Mnlrera, Broadway, Columbus, O. Ernie 4 Ernie. Poll's, New Haven, Conn, mgra.) Mile. WHWM M .»«e„_j r»«« P»»«vn«- lit n P.r»n> BaI "<y. John, Hanunerateln's, N. Y. 0., 20-25. Ernests (8), Orphenm. Budspest, Hungary, 13-31! ion pictures 18, 10, "The.Balkan Hartfoi^, Conn.—Parsons, < H -°- P"* 0 ""' Buckley, Cbas., 4 Co., Maryland, Baltimore. Apollo, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 1-28. 'JW»S3!L&JKM2t S^^.SSrSjJfflS** S" VxmttS 0 ^ m »l«SE , s»W «* SSSSkS 2- «"?". rislpb, Majeatlc, Milwaukee. . „__ _. Feb. Jan., 15. 3%J*Hggri £u&L^g&!iJ*£ Cartmell 4-Harri., Coloniil, 8. Y. O, Law" 20. 21, The Spring Ma d 23, The Merry O . lt - U iong i«\. Pantaees'. San Fran.. < , San Fran., Cal.; Pan- a Lair - A\t, AX, J.UO oprius ainiu *->, xnv pkhj n.atrlllnns M\ P.ntomM 1 Rn .and week. Eugenie Blair week of _ ? «. Wtf-JLPSh&tg^&rSL ^S^St^JS^ I weds' 19 and week, Bugei— CoLntniA.—Bin w<ek of 13: Aerial Macks, of Jan, Armstrong and 01irk._ Grace ^Cameron, Geo. company mgr.) May Irwlu, In "A Widow by Proxy," week Auger Geo. Orotty Alfred Latell and company. gjoTH gj ^ gnlgra, Spencer and Williams. MM Ur , ft M „ : ED)jfrc , Bi Milwaukee, HaaTrosD (Fred P. Dean. .mgr.)-BIU tor week SSJS,.^2;' "tS'iStSr of Jan. 13; Mme. N'aslmova,' Iu "Bella Douna," week of 20, Alexandra (L. Solomon, mgr.)—"Ready Money" week of 13, Robert Mantell, In repertoire, follows. Ouand (J. W. Cowan, mgr.)—"The Country Boy" week of 13, " 'Way Down East" week of 20. Shea's (J. Shea, mgr.)—Bill week of 0 In- cluded: Era Taylor and company, Kltamura Japs, If A rev and Wllllauif>, Frank Hartley, Bert Flta- lUbluu, Juliet, and Losky's "Tbe Little Part- bleunc." Gavktt (Thos. R, Henry, mxr.)—The Taxi Olrls week of 13, the Winning Widows follow. Staii (F. W. Stair, mgr.)—The Big Review week of 18, the Tiger Lilies follow. Stbano (n. Weill, mgr,)—Tbe photoplay, "The Dawning," Is featured here week of 13. Majkbtio (John Grllnn, mgr.)—Vaudeville and inorlng pictures. Notes. —I.awrance D'Oraay Is going to revive "The Karl of l'awtuckci" and tour Canada from aud Wolff and ZnSella. Adonis and Pollograpb. Onvnmiu.-Fw week of 12: Marie Hughes, Habtiwd (Fred P. a/<rw, msr.;—oiu wr <ttc* n.—,.,, joe" Miles"Detroit King and Johnson, Rice Bros., and tbe Velde of 13: Ferne. Bennett and company, Ulendslo gfjgg gft Sil"' Matt Troupe, Webb and Burns, Geo .Armstrong, At- Trio. coast to coast, opening at Halifax, N. 8.. In >*>»■ Jffl iTSnS^SSxJSBL »t* February 'The Gsmblers" will close at K %«22sS B »s™«2PaS2 , SS5S i?n Ottawa. Can.. Feb. 1. „ «f"g" c . (J ^iJ.K. ' 0I ^'. ■ffii ) «T B i! Casters (4), Miles, Detroit. Jioupe, wuuu auu auras, uuo aruumvusr, j»r- n.K» Bn w Fr«ni-»l« Montreal flsn Oaobick— Por week of 12: Knight 4 Beyer'e teme, Colonlal-Montrose Troupe. Mile. Emery, An- SmSSlI ft' S Hmrard BbsMn Moaieal Comedy Co.. la "Two Jolly Tars." rtenu, Lawsnnn Trio, Curry and Rellty. and the gj^on ^ W lItaro% BliouTTcksonT^'., 16-18. Dny Oitr. Mleaj^Washlngton <W. J. plC jJ^^ 0b0WHi ».„ 1IID p UK| pK-taje »^hJtfflga^Ji^tJalaaB. Daunt, mgr.) "Little Boy Blue,'' Jan. 15, 16, lumaj, continue to draw irood natroDjiBo CoBe i OhalUe, Keith's, Oolmnbus, O. •Tbe Fortune Hunter" 18. Moving pictures on U0B » e, > continue to araw goou patronage Oanillo. Leo, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ JO-25. «IL otoer._dates._.. . _ _ New Hnven. Cona^-Hynerlon (B. D. El- S arr . Nat, ft Co.. Empreai, St. Paul, Minn, ...l.lo» m«r , Nell n'Rrlpn'H«li Jan. IS. Cavana DUO, Poll's, Springfield, MaR«, 12 lturkbart _ . . , . . . . umu, and the BI>>uacope. . ... _. .. 0 f i 8: Ohlng Linn Foo, Graham Moffat's Scottish £ slu * p'Done. Kenyon O.H., Pittsburgh. Players, Dock O'Nell. Stuart and Donahue, Norrls' Carson 4 Brown, Harris, Plttoburgh. war" 10-12. bohoons Adler and Arllne and Ernie and Emle Carroll-Gillette Co., Harris, Pittsburgh, WartotiAn JR.. P. Leahy, mgr.)-Movlag pie- M ^'J^ J. Vannf, T nS^wT 8? Z. Pol!; Cecil, Mme.. ft Leopards, Lyric, Newark, N. J, and who has been connected with tbe mala office In this city, has been advanced to the manager- ship of the Bijou Theatre here- fit. John, Can.—Opera House (F. O Spencer, mgr.) Nellie Gill Players Jan. 9-18. "Freckles" 20-22. Nick«t„ —Slgnor Moneeta, in operatic selections, -Motion pic* tires, to 8. R. O. Stab (Thatcher 4 Son, uagrs.) - lures, to big business. Kaliwviasoo. Mich.—Fuller (Will J. Don. elly, mgr.) "Tbe_ White Slave" Jan. 18-16, Trenton, N. 3. —State Street (Herman Wahn, mgr.) bill tor week of Jan. 13: Tbe Majestic Mu- t leal Comedy Co.. In "Tho Irlsb Sultan ;" Yoko- hama Japs. Cole and Waruer, Mantilla. Plottl, Margsrct Clayton. Lewellyn and Stanley, Henry l'ii'\. Krnuae and Russell, and pbotopiays. itiiotii Stbbst (Geo, H. Brown, mgr.)—Man- hattan Players present "Seven Days" for week of ill. For 20 and week they will offer "Sherlock Marx Bros.' company. For 10-18: Fay, Two , / , .n,l IC.» W.llor .nn «miuin. nn ° ,DB mOViag DKlVreS, "Eternal Walts, Tbe," Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Evans. Billy, Grand, Vancouver, B. C, Can., in- definite. Exposition Four, Orpbeum, Bkln. Fay ft Miller, Mobile, Ala. J Birmingham, 20-25. Fay, Eva, New Sun. Springfield, O. Faden, O'Brien ft Co.. Wm. Penn, Phlla. Fay, Elsie. 4 Boys, Keith's, Indianapolis. Falls, Billy. Colonial. Albany. N. Y. „„. Ferguson ft Northlane, Orpheum, Kansas C»y. Mo.; Orpbeum, Sioux Olty, la., 20-25. Fein, Lew, Auto Olrls Oo. . _..., renton. Bae, ft Yankeee Lads, Orpheum. Bain. Felix 4 Barry Girls, Orphenm, Lincoln, Neb. Fenton, Marie, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Fisher. Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins, Orpheaai, num., 20-26. Fltagerald ft Odell, Keystone, Phlla. Field, Barnes, Francals, Montreal, Can. Fltiglbbon, Lew, Howard, Boston. Grand Baplds, Mich. Figaro. Orpheum, Cincinnati. _ FltaglbbonB, Bert, Temple. Hamilton, Can. Fisher. Harry, Trio, Orphlum, Lima, O. Ftshtrs (8), Flying, Hipp., Chicago. „ . Florentine Singers. Orpbeum. Salt Lal:e City, U-. Orpheum, Denver, Col.. 20-25. _ , _. Florua. Paul. Pantages', Denver, Col.J Pantages. u \Af> PneWo. 20*25, „ -i Chip 4 Marble, Keith's, Ooiuralras, 0.; Uajruner- Fletcher, Chas. I/eonard, Union Sq., N. *• v.. stein's, N. Y. C. 20-25. 20-2S. Chadwlck Trio, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Flannagan a Edwards, Temple, Detroit. Cturch Sisters, Tbe. Portland, Me. Florcnoo Tronpe, Hipp.. Chicago. Chlng Ling Foo 4 Co., Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Fox ft Lawrence, Orpbeum, Canton, O. Clnclnnatus, De Kalb, Bkln., 16-18. Fosters. Tbe, Olynnpln. Boston. Ohunns (4), Touring Euri Chester, Ida, Walter McMillan Co. ai^'ll^S&n^SSS^^STSl ^OxuT^aVk-M'ancbesW. In sengs, and tbe -SKS^MriSLrK«S*Jfe»V2£ f^^t^^^Sl^^ SS« »" ^L^'RT&SSixrS^^SS^VSFSS. moving pictures. pjleum^ Bacin?;. Wis.. 2b-22j Engbert, Iowa Fox a Ward. Emprew. San Fran.. Cal. iiuuMii., i/viii, flvuininy, i.'..i virrii, |imr>n. TBMPtB (J. G. Appleton. mgr.)—BUI for week CI"**. WUIreJ. ft Co. »W^ O^ehiMfa. i 13: Bert Fitsgfbbons. OortU and Florence. Sajton, Uaa. ft Oa.j Poll'a,_ Hartford, Oona. IS! l>O0llttl0 and fjieel, Don Ramsey's Har- -Willi. Pnmllr Onlnlan anil Ttlrhanli Four ltla Grand (Roy Crawford, ruonlits. Sutcllffo Troupe, and BhermHU-De Forest g™lJaff» ^"r 01 ?<-■- F 1 Inline*, In The Sign of the Four. Num.—Harry Lauder and bis company were tin- guests of tbe Caledonian Club, of this city, at ii banquet here, 14. Topeka, Kan titer.) "The Old Homestead" Jan, IB, "Officer and compan dim" 20, "The Sprlnx Maid" 22. MAgWrKl (J. F. Troltt. mgr.)—The Lee Mu- sical Comedy Co. presented "The Wrong Doctor" week of 6. Novsltt (Roy Crawford, mgr.)—Bill for week "f 0 included: Mints and Palmer, Reddlek. Free- •nan and company, Bdltb Haney, Courtney, Four .luuowsky Bros., and the Novebjeope. Revln and Pimple, and Majentlcscope. Good trasl I ess rules. Nora.—All the moving picture shows arc doing nice business. Ilnrllnaton, la. — Grand (R. F. Holmes, mgr.) Howe's pictures Jsn .17, "Madame X" 18, The Morning After" 10. Frltsl Scbert 20, 'The ruing Arter' AU. Fruit trcueir su, -ine on >«nl J Shepherd of the Hllla" 25, tho Daasleta 20, "Tho ;){• ™" * Ii Spring Maid" 30. Oamuck (Geo. Mercer, mgr.)—Bill week of Stab. —Moving pictures. Uhiqub. —Moving pictures. Ltbio. —Vaudeville and moving pictures. Hamilton mgr.) ".My " al iney 25'. City, la., 23-26. Clarke ft Owen, Sydney, Australia, indefinite. Cliff, Laddie, Bronx, N. Y. O. Cat. Clement, bora. Academy, Lowell, Mass. IV. Pa 1. aos (L. P. Blank, mgr.)—Moving nl Kuril (F. D. Greco, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Clayton A Leunle, kenyon. Plttabutgb Conchas, Paul, Cth Ave., N. Y. O. P, nisuk, mgr.)—Moving pictures. . Jbor. Cotton, Lob, Orpbeum, Portland, Ore.; Orpheum, Garden, George, Empress, Denver, San Fran., CaL, 27-31 Oouar (P. Vogt, mgr.)—Moving pictures, Nauo (Allender a Co., mgrs.)—Moving pic iures Vebber, and Linn Puntxer. Klngtaton, Can.—Grand (D, P. Branlgan, mgr.) Paul J. Ralney's African hunt motion pic- Ooghlan, Bosallnd, ft Oo., Keith's, Boston. lures Jan. 18-15, Robert Loralne, In "Man and Oolborn, Jennie, BUly (Swede) Ilnll 0b. Euperman," 16; "The Gamblers" 29. Colonial Trto. Alhambra. N, Y. O. Our jik'b. — Taudovllle and motion pictures Cox, Ray, Bronx, N. Y. n. continue to delight targe audiences at this boass. Cooper, Lew, Orpheum, Denver, FroBlnl, Wax. Penn, Phlla. Frede 4 Primrose, 0. H., Holyoke, Mass. Francis ft Wilson, National, Boston. Frey Twins, Savoy, AtlanUe Olty. _ _ . Franklin, Irene, ft Burt Green, Shea's, Buffalo- Frank ft Dorr, Hipp.. Omaha. Neb. Fuller, Ida, ft Oo., Nixon, Pblla. Fnlgora, Poll's, Hartford. Conn. GnlTin, Johnny 4 Ella, Orpheum, Racine, Wis. Majestic, La Crosse, 20-Feb. 16. Gasch Sisters, Orpheum, Denver. Qautler's Toy Shori, Columbia, St Louis. sir jik'b. — Vaudeville and motion pictures Cox, Hay, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Lvaie (W. H. Bwlug, mar.)—Moving pictures, continue to delight tarrs audiences at tkls bouse. Cooper, Law, Orpheum, Dem Notb— Manager O. H. Dodge, of the Grand Kmo Bdwabd, Pbikobbs AMD WoKonuiti), Colfegisni (8), Orphenm, Minneapolis, Minn, Theatre, at Keokuk, is entitled to great credit moving plctupra houses, all report big business, floan, I*w, Lyric, Waterloo, It. ! Galvln, Wallace. Empress, 8t. Paul, Minn. Gabberts, The, Pantages*, Oakland, Cal. Gatchcll ft Meilorn, Greeiy's, Portland, Me. u . mn Georgia Ooon Bhouters (10), Orpheum, Muskegon, Mlcb. Genaro 4 Bailey, Bushwlck, Bkln. Gee Jaya (8). O. 0- IL. Plttstmrgh. Georgette, Keath's, Oolumbas, o.