The New York Clipper (Jan 1913)

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JANUABY 18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPEB. 19 NOTICE TO ALL FASTEST TIME TO PHILADELPHIA gNew Jersey Central One Bow Fifty Minutes Prom Ltnattir «*•. s A. ■. to • p. ■. TeB gilmntea of the Hoar From «3* «•. •*• A * "* *° 9B0 ■ Jfc oT HNfli tbaihb ,. Wf «.80, w.B©,- ll.SO F. M. comult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt. M 1«4H» BROADWAY .. _ * TMancey. Keith's. Columbus. O. STOP-LOOK-LISTEN WHEN IN NEW YORK, STOP AX Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 to 146 W. 491b St., near Broatay, URGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS PROFESSIONAL HATES: 100 Rooms—Near-Bath, $1.00 per Day and up ■JKftfitf B »">. 6M per Bay uiT Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, 13.00 per Bay and up Excellent Restaurant Goad Munla Club Breakfast, 2S cents up. 8peclal 75 cent Table d'lloto Dinner. ••Girl from "Girl >•, Orpheum, WtMiW, D {,, n „^ Kelly ft PoUock, Alhr.mbre, N. Y. C. MUwattfee, The," Orpncnm, Minna- Kenti w «lMar C, Orpheum, Oakland Oal Kent, Annie, Orpbeuu, Lincoln, Neb DO YOU COMPOSE Songs or Instrumental Music? If so, be SURE to aave same arranged by an EXPERT I Anartlstio arrangement means SUCCESS! I have done HUN- DREDS of dig hits ! Write or call afternoons 3 8. ElUKNE PLATZ.MAKN Care, Shapiro, 1*10 Broadway, ff. V. C. "Roae of Mexico, The," Enipreei, Milwaukee, Hominy Opera Co., Empress, St. Paul, Minn. Robert, Little Lord, Poll's, Washington; Ham- inersteln's. N. If. C, 20-28. Itoudy, aeorge, Pintagra', San Fran., Cal ltooncy ft Bent. Poll's, Hartford. Conn. Roberts, Florence, ft CO., G. O. 13.. nttnborgb. Russell & Doretto, Portland, lie. ltudolpby ft Dnrees, Krsncn.18. Montreal, Can. Russell, Marie, Empress, Cincinnati. . Rucgger. Elaa, ft Co., U. O. II-, Pittsburgh. .. _ Sudor's, Paul, Circus, Orpheum, Koasai City, McDonald, Mary, Central Sq„ Lynn, Mass. Kan., 13-23. McCarthy, Justin. Grand, Knoxvllle. Tenn.; Vic- Santell, Great, Touring England. ,. lutlu, Charles town, 8. C. 20-23. Saxons, Maalcal (3), Alrdome, Eoswell, N. Mn. McIJermott, Bill/, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.; Mb Sale, Chick, Orphetini, Memphis, Tenn. Are., N. Y. 0.. 20-28. Sampaell ft Rellly. Palace, Chicago. Mckinley. Nell, Empress, Milwaukee. 8a Hera. Orpbeum. Cincinnati. UcCyonell Slaters, libou, Jackson. Ukb., 1018. Schmettans, The, Orphean., Oakland, Cal. McHneh, Morris, Miles, Detroit. Schenck Bros., Orpheam, Seattle, Waab. McMakon ft Chnppelle, Keith's, lloiton. Bcblchtl's Manikins, Orpbeum, Denver. JfcWattcra ft Tyson, Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J. Sebreck 4 Porclval. Shea's. Buffalo. McGlveney, Keith's, Indianapolis. Sears, Zelda, ft Co., Orpheum, Bkln. McKay " tor' $£%£&, The," Bijou, Knoxvllle. Teaa.; k^-JoS ISBSThSS: Norfolk. Va... 20-28. «? /», ^rarin^poiu, SS LduV ft Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Kelly ft Galvln,' Globe, Boston. Keasner Slaters, Poll's, Washington. Keno ft Green, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cal. Keasler, Mae, Savoy, Oalutb, Minn.. la-lS. Keine, Robt. Kmmett, Maryland, Baltimore. ly ft Cantwell. Maryland, BaltUoore; Proc- Sevenrala, Altcgheny, Phlla. =r '.Newark. N. J. 20-28. Seymour's Happy Family, Empire, Qulney. UL, ucGralth ft Yeoman, Victoria, Baltimore. 10-18. Merlin. Keith's, Boston. Bhappell, Ikey. Oreat Santell Co. UtMlle ft Hlgglns, Orpheum. Minneapolis, Mlnu. BheTvey Boys (3), Touring Europe. Meredith & Snooier, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn,, Shaws, Aerial, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.; 5th Aw., . 20-25. N. Y. 0., 20-25. Mehllnger, Artie, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C, 20-21). flhepperly Sisters, Central Sq., Lynn, Mass. Merrill Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Merrill ft Otto, Orpbeom. San Fran., Cal. Meredith Slaters, Orpheam. Spokane. Weill Helving (3), Orpbeom, Dnlutfi, Minn. "Meln Llebcken." Orpheum, Des Moines, la. hlUmura^aps, Temple, Detroit; Temple, Boca- Melody Maine (5) ft Will J. Ward, Keith's, Phlli. eeter, £0-25. Kldci, David. Orphetun, Lincoln, Neb. Glyder. Hilda, Kaj.renbjt. £Hk m !5?. '"nileom 'Winnipeg, Can., 5»-2J. _, „ King ft Gee, Orpbeum, Boston. Mells, MarVriWj - flnldS-HcS.Orpbyu^Kansa. City, Mo.; KldJer, Kalhryr l ft 'Co.. Chase's, Waiblngtoa; Merrlltrik.T^Pbe'm OrpbeoB. .Dea MMJrV»^JgJh. -„„ „.?* gfcllu, 20-25. Mehaffey ft Oyrli; Orpl Sharp, Mort, Olymnln, Beaton Sbaw, Lillian, Poll's, Washington, Bfcarty ft Shady, Prtscllln, Clereland. Sl.lello, lom ft Lonlee, New Portland, Portland, Me.; Mosle Hall, Lewlston, 20-28; Rockland, Rockland. 2B-M. Merry Yonna:9ter8 (B), Washington, Newark, N. J., Slmma. Wlllard. ft Co., Buahwlck, Bkln. Aden! Claude, Orpheum, Dolatb, Minn.; Or- Klnp, Musical Four,'MajesUc.' Chlcaro- n, Winnipeg, Can., 20-26. ,reh rAahTrnrOrib^-M« J *la,ton. Ktsbl, Toko, Lyric, Indianapolis. 1018. Melrose, Bert, Lynn, Lynn, Mass Mells, Marrelotm, Majestic, Davenport, Is, " cum, Boston. Orpbeum, St. Paul, Minn. Sllrer ft King, Globe, Boston. Slntrers De Luxe, Orphlum, WL O. Sloan, Blanche, Colonial, N. Y. C: Dnk» Sq., N. Y. O, 20-28. Slater ft Flneta Co.. Belleville, Kan., 1«-18. «™»"y « w/ru, viyuruiu, 01. raw, biuu. Plater m W men \sr,, iKiu-Tiire, smi * v ^?* / * —- .- Milton, Frank, ft De Long Sistera. Orpbeam. Smiths, Aerial, Palace. Bull. England, *?-*»; v pri. ,20^28- Millard Bros. (Bill ft Bob!, Osogo, Bakersseld, Kluong's Entertainers, Dominion, Ottawa. Can. Cal.; Belaico, Los Angeles, 20-2S. Knight Bros, ft Sawtell, Merk. Sq, Lowell, Mass. Ulllner, George, Do Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Mass Knaop ft Obrnella, Empress, St. Paul, Minn. Konert Bros., Majestic, Houston, Tex.; Plata, San Antonio, 20-28. Good * Amu", y-r— S"!*,," - vf-.T.i. ir^ ia Bi ',. ,? ' \' •- 'a. 1 ™*". _ , aaannw, riana, m ue ung oisiera, urpoeom, Braltha, Aerial, rsi— Oordons. Musical (2j. Family, Nevada, Mo., 16- King ft Joluiaon, Jrpbeum, Grsud Rapids, Mich. Memphis, Tenn.; Orpheum, New Orleans, 20-2&. Empre, Liverpool, 27-Feb. 1; rilpp.. Belfast, IB; Oollsemn, Uberal, 20-S6. .«,..-_, Kluier, O. H., Winchester, Ky.; O. H., Frank- Miller, I^rry, H. T. McOoonell Co. Ireland B-S; ^rivoll. Dubllo, 10-IBi Pslaet, GotBons, Bobby, 0. H., Newport, Ark.; Gem- gJBSMST>W ^rttjndf Me. nramllle PteTpOnt ft CO., Ota Ave., JS, X. U. na iu,iuu,v, «v-««. S" ' Ethel Orpheum, Denver; Orpbeum, tin- Kokin, Mignonette, Orpbeum, Ogden. U. «,in' Neb.. 20-26. Kraga Trio, Varieties, Canton, 111.; Orpbeum, orfce Frank ft Llsale, Auto GlrU Co. _ Peoria, 20-25. n.r.ti'r & Kew. Happy Hour, Cherokee, la. J Clm- Kurtlss' Roosters. Hipp., Chicago. ton 20-28 K ^ lM < 3 »- Orphenm. Minneapolis, Minn. Grces' ft Jackson. Mcjestlc, Belvldere, 111. Ism Alfred, ft Co., Columbia, Grand RapldB S r Tv"ttaTLa H Vo?d«'"r^eum, C Si. Paul, Minn. La Boojb. Louise. Empress, Muskegon, Mich. SSJ; TeVer ft Co Orpbenm, Ogden, U. I*", Walter, ft Co-, Union Sq., N. Y. 0. GrovJr ffflb£J+&38SFttX& "La Savate." Hammerstelu's. N. Y. 0. rr»v ft Qraliam. Kedile, Cblcsgo; Wilson, Cbl- Lang ft Davis, Howard, Boston. w. 20 25 Laureirae. Bert, Windsor, Windsor, Can.; Grand r,.nt * Hone Orpheum. Duluth, Minn., 20-25. Gary, Ind., 20-25. G™Svlile ft Bat* Fraueals, Montreal, Can. »- ' ^ » ,1 «"» ""•-' «"»"™«>il«- "'""-' P"n GronU, lx>uls. National, Boston. Gultlni, Kathi, Oniueom, ^ew Orleans. "Gyusv Queen. The," Bronx, h. Y. C. Banco, Virginia, ft Co.. Union Sq., K Y. 0. Harcourt, Frank, Girls from Happyland Co. Mailers, The, Klrby's Shows. Haines. «obt. T., ft Co.. Bronx, N. Y. C. Harveys (4), Orpbeum, San Fran., Cnl. Haatrell. Percy, ft Oo., Orpheum. New Orlo.ins. Hayes, Ed., ft Co., Orpheum, New Orleatn. Hall ft Francis, Orpbeum, Winnipeg. Can. Hawley, E. Frederick, ft Co., Majestic, Mllwau- Lars»n. I*nn, Tronpe, Allegheny, Phila. La Tell Bros., Grand. Minneapolis, Minn.; Prin- cess, St. Paul, 20-25. La Raub & Scottle. Couurn Minstrels. Lu Toska, Phil, Puiilases', Spokane, Wash.; Pan- taRCS'. Seattle. 20-2.1. Lnypo ft Benjamin, (irplienm, .Muscatine, Ia.; Lyric, Vlrglnln, .Minn., 20-25. Landry, Mrs., Orphenm, Portland, Ore. La llocea, Rosy. Orpbeum, Portland. Ore. Lander, Stevens ft Cooper, Orphenm, Oakland, Cal. La Maze Trio, Majestic, Chicago. La Belle. Cora, Crystal, Milwaukee Lan*enour, Hnzel Bess. BIJoo, Jackson, Mich., 16-ltS. , „ I.nngilons, The. tlriiheum, Montreal. Can. Lamb's Manikins, National, Boston. La Marr, Harry, Bowdnln Sq., Boston. La Dells, The. Merk Sq., Lowell. Mass. La Barres' Kozv Kids (7), Academy, Lowell La Vine-Cimeron Trio, Empress. Cincinnati. La Rex i- La Rex, Poll's, Washington, "Millinery Salesman, The," Bijou, Phlla. "Mischief Makers," New Snn, Springfield, 0. Mimic Four. Allegheny, T'hlla. Mlllman, Bird. Trio, Proctor's, Newark, N. J,; 5tb Ave., N. Y. a, 20-28. Montgomery. Marshall, Hammersteln's, N. Y. O M'.ntambo ft Wells, Poll's, Wllkes-Birre, Pa. Moiurt, Fred ft Eva, Empress, San Fran., Cal., 20-25. Monsey Sisters, Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0., 20-25. Moss ft Fryc. Puritan, Boston. Morton ft Glass. Albambra, N. Y. C. Morris ft Allen. Orpbeom, San Fran., Cal. Morton. Ed., Orpheum, Salt Lake City, U. Morrell, Frank, orpheum, Sloix City, Ia. Mowatts vn. Empire, Edmonton, Can., 16-18. Morris & Clark, Howard, Boston. Monarch Comedy Four. Clone. Boston. Mori Bras.. Maryland, Baltimore. Morgan, Hnlley, ft Co., Chase's, Washington. Mosher, HsyCH & Mosher. Shea's, Buffalo. Moffat's Players. Poll's, Now Unven. Conn. Muller ft Stanley. Union Sq., N Y. C; Poll, Bridgeport, Conn.. 20-25. Mullnne, Frnnk, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Murphy-Nichols & Co., Bushivlck, Bkln.; Ham- mersteln's, N. Y. 0„ 20-25. Muslkal Girls, Orpheu"'. Lincoln. Neb. Murphy, .Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Nixon, l'hlla. Mulligan, May, Globe, Boston. For Woii.e ■ The Handsomest Sh jes ev cr introduced; 22 distinct styles of High Shoes, at 6.00; 84 styles of Hand Sewed Slippers, at 3.50; 14 colors of satin slippers always in stock. Saltier* STORE fOR WOMEN 6th ire. at 31st St. ./Tlvoll. Dnbim, lO^lB; Pslaet, 1 UMI m , v Hodderirleld. Bug., 17-22. " NEW YORK 8mltb, Chas. X„ Bfae Edwards Oo. Smith. Lee. Fred Rlsor's ^llh,. u .. Smaller, Ralph, Poll's, Springfjeld, Mass. Emllettn Sisters, Majestic, Elmlra, N. Y. Snovrden * Benbam, Proctor's, Newsrk, H. J* Rpsdonl, Pan), Emjnejs, Denver. Worlc A P)ayi Orphenm, Portland, Ore. Npi Bros., Bmprws, BvJIWr. _ ^ .. Wotpert ft Panlnn, Oroheum, Winnipeg, Cnn., Bpencer ft Williams, Poll's, Hartfo.'d, Conn. Wood , & VcoAa p,,,, t> llloo 8q ., {j. vT C ., 20-25, Zlegfelds Wlnsomo Wo n<1 ft Wyilf. Mnlestlc. Ohlcago. ?/. RouS. et Nolr" Hammereteln%, N. X. C, Kevins ft Gordon Pontages', Oakland, Cal U» liouge et noir, n«™i"' ... n „_ Br _ K«lth'a. Cine banal . 13-25. taxes', Sacramento, 20-25. I.m-lne, Arthur. 4 Co., Broailwsy. Columbjis. O Lee,. Sol, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C,^20-25. kee. Hayward, Harry, ft Co., Colonial, Richmond, Vn., 20-25. Hawthorne, Hilda, Majestic, Chicago. " TUB LFPTLdB COMKDIAN BILLY HALL WITH BILLY B. VAN CO. Hall ft Clark. Nixon, Pblla. Hart, Aaule, Liberty, Pblln. ia-w. Haiard, Grace, Proctor's, Newark. W. 3. Lelghtons <3). Hanimersteln s, N. X. O. Havlland ft Thornton, Proctor's. Newark, N. J. ; Lewla, Chas. T., Maud Hall Mucy Co. 5th Ave.. N. Y. C. 2*25. I«wls ft Lake. Pontages^San Diego, Lai., ran IbKgerry ft Le Clair, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 10- 18. Haney, FeJlx. ft Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J.. 10-18. Hamlin ft Barron, Merk Sq., Lowell, Mass. Haines ft Montgomery, Pantagea', San Fran., Oal. Hays ft Hays, Columbia, Baton Rouge, La. Hammond ft Forrester, Casino, Washington. Haydn. Dunbar ft Haydn, Keith's, Louisville. ;—s=-i- -f-,--- „„,„ ■ ,i "Boston Hawthorne's Mtostref Maids, Majestic, Elmlra, j^OJalr. ton. Howard, Boston Hall's Elephants, Hipp., Chicago. Haziard, cobn, G. O. H., Pittsburgh. Balllgau ft Bykcs, Hipp., Cleveland. Bealy, Jeff, ft La Vera, Leander's, Springfield, Mo., 10-18; Lyric, Tulsa. Okla., 10-22. Bess Slstcrr Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash, Ilennlnes, John ft Winnie, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Herbert ft (Joirtsmltb, Orpbeum, Denver. Herbert's Dogs, Orpbeum, Des Moines, la. Berleln, LI'llan, Palace, Chicago. Boilers. The. Empress, Sau Fran., Cal. Bemlrlx-Bellelslo Tronpe, Hipp.. Omsht, Neh. Bill ft Ackermnu, Moss Tour, England. lllrsflioms. The. Empress, Denver. Biggins, John, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Hickman Bros., Olympla, Boston. ■ "Hlch Life In Jail," Olyraplo, Boston. llllller, Pantipfs', San Fran.. Cal. Hllilieler, Ray. Manning's Cafe, Milwaukee, In- definite. ■ . ' Hlgglns, Tom, ft Co., Mornrt, Elmlra, N. Y. Bow ft Lee, Colonial, N. Y. 0, Muriel & Francis. Maryland. Baltimore; Proc- Sweatnmn, Wtlhur, Hammersteln's, N. Y, 0. tor's Newark, N. J., 20-25. Rwoin-Ostmnn Trio, Globe, Hostou. Naxarro, Nat, ft Co., Orpheum, Kansas City, M«. Taylor, Mae, "Olrl Question" Co. Etsrrett Jr., Howard, Widow" Co. _. Stevens ft Dnnn. lyric. Rice Lake, Wis. Stephens, Hsl, ft Co., Btuliwlck, Bkln. Steadman, Al. & Fannie. Bushwlcli. Bkln Steck, Olga, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Stone ft Knllss, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. 8tmrt ft Keeley. Coltunbla, St. Ixiuls. Steger. Julius, ft Co., Msjestlc, Chicago Stomhler, Sally, ft Co., Liberty, PhllB. Slllb ft Gamier, Empress, Milwaukee. '•Street Pavers of Paris," Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Znurnh & ^,,| m „ Merlden, Conn., Indellnlte. Stnnrt Sisters. Nittlonal, Boston. Eega». Carl. Victoria, Baltimore. Stanley, Johnny, ft Mlllcrsblp Sisters, Savoy, At- ^^ —»——■ lnntlc Oty, N. J. Stvlllnqs, The, I'mclor's. Newark, N. J,, 20-25, SleveiiB. Pearl, Oreely's. Portlnnil. Me. Stnnrt ft Donahue. Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Stafford, Frank, & Co., Victoria, Baltimore. Sutton, Larry. Lyndon's Bin Show. Suiann, Princess, Globe, BoBton; Huntington, Boston, 20-25. Stilly Family, Bronx. N. Y. C. Saffrugettei Jury, The," Keystone, Phlln Worths (2), I'snuges', San Fran., Cal. Wolf * Udells, Columbln, Grand Rnnlds, Mich. Wright ft Dietrich, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Wynn, Bcxrle, Maryland, Baltimore. Young, Ollle, ft April, Colonial. Lancaster, Ps,; Orphenm. York.-20-25. Young, Do Witt, & Slater, Orphciini. Lincoln, Nib.; Orphenm, Memphis. Tenn.. 20-2B. Znuettos. Th". Tilth's, IiiilUnapolts; Kellli s, f/>ulsvllln. 20-2(1. JULIA BIKA'S PLANS. Jtllln »lka will rejoin tlio cnsl of "I'lio Bono Mnld" In Chicago In n week oe two. She will remain with the urgnnlr.ntlnn for a short while and then will enter vnmlcvUh 1 . Nnwn. Tom. ft Co., Pal nee, Chicago. (hunha Jt|>B. Miles', Detroit. Nadell ft Kane, Orphenm, Cincinnati. Nash. Jnlln, ft CO., Toll, Scranton, Pa. Kevins ft Erwood, Uuloii S(|.. N. Y. 0. Nolser, Henry. Al, G. Field's MlnBtrels. Nellen.-Jack, Harry Orandall ft Co. Newport ft Stlrk, Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Nesl, Csrxar, Keith's, Cincinnati. Nelson, Kerns Co., Victoria, Baltimore. Nichols. Nellie, Orplicuin, Kansas City, Mo. Nicholson, Ned, Central Sq., Lynn, Mass, "Night at the Movies, A/' Keith's. Boston. North, Frank, ft Co.. Bronx, N. Y. C. Noble ft Brooks, Kenyou, Plttxburgb. Tanguay. Kvn, Albambra, N Y. 0. Tasmanlan-Vnn Dleuiiu Troupe, Pantngts', Onk- land, Oal. Taklness, The. Keith's, Cincinnati. Terry ft Sclmlts, Nickel, Lawrnce, Mass. 10-13. "Tecderfoot. The," Lyceum, Kluilra, N. Y. Tenny ft Allen, Niagara, NlHgnrn Fnlls, N. Y. Thayer, Joe, New, Hudson, N. Y. Thornton, George, "Mutt and Jeff," Sneclol Co. Thompson. Wm. H., ft Co., Orpbeum, Memphis, TVnn. Thra-ber ft Madison, Lynn, Lynn, Mass. hSter■Ni™ Auditorium, Quebec, Can.; 0 H., Norval, Jas.. Miles. Detroit. cLm'pbeHford, Ont?, fe. , *>'""> * Nicholson,. Keith's._Colnmls,s. 0 Leroy ft Adams, Guy Bros.' MlnBtrels. I^onard ft Louie. Alhsmbro, N. Tf. U. ^nee & p 8 ig°g n uV, ft'cToiS! St?^* Minn. O'Brien * Buckley ft.djeunj.II-.ta.. h n ?Sti. *{%.?,' no^a'rd Boston. O'Cornor Sisters 3). Dow<loln 8n., Boston Cdiva. Majestic. Chicago. Ofcdo's Opera Co.. Orplieum. Winnipeg, Can. Norrls Baboons. Poll's, New Haven, Conn. O'Brien, Havel ft Co., Orpheum, Salt tale City, V. Original, Comedy Beenlo Novelty. JO PAIOE SMITH, Representative, leonard, Bessie, ft Kids, Pontages', Denver. I^mslre ft Lltt, Nlxou, Phlla. \ye Duke, Fred, ft Co., National, Boston. Lc Clair. John, Howard, Boston. I*o ft Pcrrln, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa, 10-1B' Lewln, Ben, Keith's, Louisville. l^n g "ft M**i* %U?eis, H KenyonO 8 H.. Pltl - Thurston, Leslie, Cosmos, Washington Thoo ft her Bundle.-., New Baltimore. Tlnney,. Frank, Hammersteln's, N Y, 0. Tlinl«rg, Herman, lilut Ave., N. Y. 0. Olcott Charlie. Orpheum, Des Moines, la.; Or- Tlcber's Seuls, Pantages', Oakland, Cal. pheum, Omaha. Res., 20-25. "Top o' the World Dancers," Orpheum, Mlnne- Ombtas Trio, Oduinblu, St. Louis. Omega Trio, Orpheum, BoBton. O'Neill, Doc. Poll's. New Haven Conn. Ix. Ro? ft Paul, Kenyon 0. H„ Pittsburgh, iiononl & Russell, Maryland. Ba tlmore. I^sslk. Anita, ft Co.. New, BaUlmore. Mnton ft Lawrence. Bronx, N. Y. C. LIBBEY and TRAYER INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS 65 HANCOCK STREET. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Llntou. Tom, ft Jungle Girls, Ptiutnges'. Denver. ••Uttle Miss Cut-Un." Olymptu, I.ynu, Mass. Livingston, Corn, Howard, Boston. m ft L*e. Colonial. N. Y. 0. ™f Z^Ti^^Sn ^Zmt' I.o,K,r Among Thieves," 5th Avo., N. Y. C, 20- JjgJ *$&* g» w fcf Meld. O. „ ■"' tJ*«i & sterling, Oniheuiu, Qiilucy, UL. 10-19. Hopper, Chas., Graham Comedy Co. Onrrhik Burlington la., 20-22; Bijou, Qulncy, llouston, Henry. Gaiety. Bombay, India, 13-31. SSo Holmen Bros., Pontages', Ijos Angeles, Cal.; Pan- T ... vnmllr Touring Europe. _ IngCB', San Diego. 20-25. Loxano Troupe, Albambra, K. Y. C. nowanl Bros.. Orpbeum. Peorln, 111.. 10-10; Em- touctilln's Dogs, Chase's, Washington. plre, Rock Island, 20-22; Gaiety, Gnlesbnrg, 23- MJSTta the Suburbs," Keith's. Indianapolis. 2 "- TAfdis Oeeella Hipp.. Cleveland. How ft BamMell. Fred Klsor's Shows. Loogstreet. Harker ft Johnson, New, Baltimore. Hopkins ft Axtell. Orpheum, San Fran., Cal.; Or- L b B v Wal , Pe nn. Phlln. , . ,_ M .... „pbeum. Oakland. 2o-25. "Lunch Rotni Cabaret," Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., Howard ft Snow, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Howard, Great, Orpbenm. Omaba, Neb. hoilge. Root. Henry, ft Co., Wm. Penn. Phlla. jlobson, Klngaley ft Co., Keystone. Pblla. Howard ft Lawrence, Crystal, Milwaukee. Hope, Daphne. Keith's. Boston. H;me, James, Merk Sq., Lowell, Msss. Ho den, Max, Academy, Lowell, Mass. Holdswortbs, Greely'o. Portland, Me. llovp, Aline, Cosmos, Washington. Hoey ft Mozar, Victoria, Baltimore. HuilBons, The, Gordon ft Wallace Comedy Oo, Iluntlnp .. P'leuai, M,Hu«|nttH, n,u.u, *" —*j. Hunting ft Frances, Poll, Scranton, Pa. Hugues, Mtrle, Orpheum, Grand Rapids, Mich. Hughes' Musical Trio, Kenyan O. H., Pittsburgh. Hnnter ft Davenport, Harris", Plttsborgh. ingtshnm, Leo Dale, Hary Lin wood Oo. In limo." Orpbeum, Dulnth, Minn. Irwin & Herzog, Empire. Qulncy, 111., 18-18. «v ng. Musical, Howard, Boston. isl.lknwa Japs, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. It Happened In Dogvllle," PrlBcllIa, Cleveland. •James, Mis. Loulp, ft Co.. Hipp., Cleveland. i"fkson, Joe, Maryland, Baltimore. Orlotf Bros., Now Sun, Springfield, O. Oscur ft Suxette. Ornkeum, Los Angeles, Oat. Pantxer, I.Inu. Temple, Hamilton, Can; Orpheum, Montreal, 20-25. _ -'• Parktr, Renee. Hnmmerstcln's, N. Y. 0., 20-2"l. Patty Bros., Empress, Victoria, B. 0., Can., 20- Pattec's Old Soldier Fiddlers, Orpheum, Kaunas Tuscniio' Bros.,' Ortibeum, Snlt Lsko City, U aiwlU, Mlnu, Tornailos, Great, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb, Toont-y ft Norman, Keith's, I'hllu. Troubadours (III, Grand, Evanavllle, Ind,; Gaiety, So. Chicago, 20-20. Urovato, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Oal. Troupers (8),. Rovrlaa.r, Wllklushuru, Pa„ 10-18. "Trapping Santa Clans," Nixon, Phila. Trent's Seals, Liberty, Phlla. Trnvlllas CD. Chase's, Washington. 'J'rovcdlo, Poll's, Wnsblcglon. 8AJI it. SHKPARD.—Any Information con- cerning the nbovo named will bo very thankfully rocolvod. Ills mother died, Aug., 1012, In Cleve- land, Ohio. She left no will, and he Is heir la real estate and money. Address coiu V. HABGKAVB (Admx.), B610 lOtli St., N. W., WaBhlrigton. D, 0. MED. PBRFORMBIRS, Look. Can and will tou do2ipeclaltlos each night for ono week, and comedy In opening and closing; sets! $19 and exp. I want n real mod. man to nil my place. Wt lie me. Chas. E. Motoalf, week of Jan. 18, Hebron, No. Dak.; week of Jan. 20. Bellfleld, No. Dak. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND MUSICAL BELLS 1 set each of tho follow- ing Orchestra Balls. No. 1418,11100; No. 1619, 112.00; NO. 1122, *2O.O0; No. 1042, .20.00. No. 1124, $29.10. NO. 1420, $10,00. No. 1023, $23.10. One set No681'nrclfalBellB,lx>{ In., double tone, $so.(.o. No. 88 Aluminum Harp, low pitch, $50.(0. No. 42Nago:d Xylophone on A. rack, $25.00. 2 Seis No. 40 Xjlos. for two people, $20.00 (worth $40.00.) No. 1118 Steel Marimba, one H. P.,.pn» L,_P. t $38.00. No. lilt 10-18. Pome ft Christopher, Poutages', Oakland, Cal. Providence Players, Keith's. I/mlavlile. Princeton ft Yale, Portland, Me. Proul. Eva, Bijou, Jackson, Mich., 10-18 Priscllla Trio, Colonial, Eric, Pa. Proval. Orpheum, Cincinnati. - Puck & Lewis, Shea's, Buffalo. Msybew ft Taylor, Colonial, a.. Y. v. _ _ n u | ve 4 McCarty, Orpbeom, Duluth, Minn. Mario Trio. Bronx, N. Y. C. I 5th Ave., N. Y. 0., gjjjjj^ & „„.„,'„„, .t ewp i c , lUmUton. Can. 20-25. ._ _ , , „.„,._ •. Raymond ft Blllottte, Miller's. Excelsior Show, City, Mo. ; Orpbeum, Des Mollies, la., 20-25. Pandur, Lobby, Empress, Spokane, Wash.; Em press, Seattle, 20-25. Pattersons. Bounding, Orpheum, Memphis. Tenn. Paddocks The, Empress, Milwaukee. Penlson ft Goldle, Alhambra, N. Y. C Pererla E«.tette. Orpheum, Cincinnati. Pelrora. Mme. Olgn. Bnsliwlck, Bklu. Ferry, Pool, Poll's, Merlden, Uoiiii. Peren, Lopltu, Poll's, SprlnglleM, Mas*. Pelletler Bros., cu|ilienm, Cincinnati. Peeri>, The, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Perry ft White, Keith's, Louisville. Plsano, Gen., 6th Are.. N. Y. 0. Plnard ft Hall, Billy B. Vau Co. Pierce ft Roslyn. Central So.. Lynn, Mas*. Pierce ft Knoll, Orjmlum, Lima. 0. Pluiikelt ft Brown, Savoy, Atlantic Olty. Powers Bros;, PrlS'.'llln, Cleveland. Post. Tom, Guy Bros.' Mlustrels. Potts. Ernie ft Mildred, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Von Mueller. Hedwlg, Gay Musqneraders Oo. Minn, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn., 27-Feb. 1. Usher, Clnuile ft Fannie, Palace, Chicago. Usher ft Whltcllffe, BBou, Bay City, Mich. Vnlleilta's LeopnnlH, Orpbeom, Sioux City, lu. Vnldare ft Vuldure, nlngntwre, Straits Settlements, India, IrilcDnllc. Vun Gofre g. Colrely, Happy Hour, Lyndon, Kan.; Star, Einiiurli, 2U-25. Van Studdlfonl. Gruce, Hniumcrstelii's, N. Y. C. 20-25. Van ft Scheuck, rroctor's. Newark, N. J., 20-25 Van Stants (lj, Empress, Cincinnati. Valentine ft Bell, Hipp.. Chicago. Van Horn & Jackson, Kenyon 0. II., Pittsburgh. Vebln Trio, Orpheum, Grand Rapids, Mich. Vivian, Alma C, "A Western Girl 1 ' Co. Vivian ft Alton, Rleksrds' Tonr, Auslrnlln. Vlctorlno ft Zola. Lynn, Muss.; rroctor's. Nevi- ark, N. J.. 20-25. Victoria, Princess, Olympla, Lynn, Musi, Lands. Musical (5). Empress, San Fran., Cal. Lutgcns, Hugo, Poll, Scranton, Pa. Luken's Animals, Motart. Elmlra. N. Y. Lyons ft Ycseo, Dominion. Ottawa, Con. Lynch ft Zeller. Howard, Boston. Jtadden ft Fltzuatrlck, Union 8q„ N. Y. O. Msgle>. Guy B.. "1012 Cabarel [***}*>£ %£&%& £ BlFAIlen Comedy Co. Mario Trio. Bronx. N. Y. C. „ THB JOLLY LITTLtQ pvBLLOW BURT JACK . with the Yankee Doodle Girts, Jsmwj, Stanley, ft Co., New, Baltimore. Jewell's Manikins, Broadway, Muskegon, Mich.; , '"I'y, Oklahoma City, Okla., 20-25. Jftoine, Daisy, Columbia, St. Louis. Jewt'tte, Bob, Scenic, Providence, R. I. grmoa ft Walker, jjllegheny. Phlln. Jennings, Hurhle. ft Smith, Maryland, Raymond ft Caverly, Rusbvlck, Bkln Ilnyiw's Bulldogs, Orpheum, Denver. Rasch, Albertlna, ft Co., 5th Ave., r>, Proctor'B. Nework, N. J., 20-26. Rny, Frank. & Co.. Columbia, 8t, Louis, Itawaon ft June, Wm. Penn. Phlla. Rays, The. Globe, Boston. Bawls ft Von Kuufinao, G. O. H., Pittsburgh. ;d Ed. F., Colonial. N. Y. C. ™ ft Hilton, Midnight Maldcna Oo. Hoed ft Beldon, Humraersteui's, N. Y. 0. Beeve. Ada, Orpheum Los Angeles, Cal. Reynolds. Carrie, Orpbeum, Sail Lake Olty, U. Itedwood ft Gordon, Olympla, Boston. Red Sox Quartette. Cosmos. Washington. Relsner ft Gores. Chase's, Washington. Rcddlnsten ft Grant. Lycemn, Elmlra. N. Y. Richards ft Kyle, 6th Ave.. N. Y. 0. Volant, Empire, Edmonton, Can., 18-18, Voelker, Mr. ft Mrs., Majestic, Chicago. Voce, Tom, Lyric, Hot Springs, Ark., 10-18. Vox, Valentine, Empire, Cincinnati. Von Dell. Kenyon. Plttsborgh. 'Ward ft Onrraii, Colonial, N. Y. C. . Walsh, Blanche, ft Co., Orpbeum, St. Paul, Minn. Watts. Geo. H., Orpbeum, Omaba, Neh. Ward Bros., Orpben.n, Memphis, Tenn. Warren A Blanckard, Orpurara, Ogden, U. Walker, Musical. Majestic Athens, (.?«.. 18-26, Wagner ft Rhodes. Colonial, Cambridge, O., 1II- Y. 0.; Warren ft Connelly, Lynn. Lynn, Mats. Wallace's Cockatoos Majcsilc, Little Rock. Ark., 10-18 ; Kedsle, Chicago, 20-22 ; Gayety, Chlragn, 23-25 marimuB, oub a, 1., uuo u, 1 ., ,*:.™. .w. «..* Bteol Marimba, ono II. P., one h. P., $M).00 No. 1116 Steel Marimba, one H. P., one I. P., $00 00. 8>,' ocu Nugu;d Xylo. a. raok uud Res. L. I'., $46.00. 1 oct. is-bar It oso Murlmbn Xylo., I..)'., $36. 'Mi Oct. 42 bar Marlnaba Xylo., $66,00, All tho above aio In first-t'hwss condttlon and will lie sent 0. O. l>,, with privilege of ejamlnatlon ami trial, on recVlpl o( sninclent deposit to guarantee oxproM chstges. J. O.DEAOAltf, moBfcrtoauAv.,Ohlcagt>.U.s,A. AT LIBERTY ON ACCOUNT OF COMPANY OLOBINO "THE POPULAR YOUNG ACTOR" WENDELL S. HOWARD Leading llualneis or Heavies. Wardrobe, ability, oxporlenco. BEN. PEL., HALLBTON HPA, N. V. AT LIBERTY MISS CLARE SUMMERS CHARACTERS AND HEAVIES Wardrobe, experience, study and ability. Prefer Southern stock. Till St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. M.dceiis Berlin (8), Palace, Chicago EESS ft Bo ton )l"vay. Columbus. O. MnKee ft Kerrv. American. Davenport, In. "SJnt Frank? ft Co., Proctor's. Newark, N, iswT'ogeW." * ^»>. Empress. Ban Diego, K„d C , * H arry' ft. York Springs", Ps., h thl.'; Empress, Salt Lake Olty. D^SM*.^ ,„!«,. Walter. Ann, Temple, Detroit. Waring, Francals, Uor.treal, Can. Watson. Kale, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Watson ft Oswald, Union Sq., N. Y. C, 20-25. Wallace A Mack, Euipreos. Hsu Fran., Cal. Wnrd ft Webber, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Washburn, Rose. Lyceum, Elmlra. N. Y. Warlnir, Eleanor. Victoria. Btltlinnve. WpKlon, Ww., ft Oo., Pull's, Hurl ford. Conn. Weslon. Fred K. A Beatrice, "Bachelor's Honey- moon" Oo. Wells, Billy K„ Allegheny, Pblla. Webber, Ohns., Poll s, Washington. Wentworth. Vesta ft Teddy, Keith's, LooUvllle. ,,.?" 1,; ." C« «llta Eng-I Hipp., Blr- a&rtrl The. Majestic. AVlnterset, la.. 10-18; Weber Family. Orphlum, Lima. O. "Mascot," Pwaea BBB1B, ,»« '„ $&. s . 8i n "^!h X°^, 20-22; Ma.kstlc, Nevada, 2»-25. Wheeler Sisters, ntlly Allen Comedy Co. mlnghnni. ^U-2o, uipp.. j 17-22 nfceEimer ft Tom, Orpbeum, Budapest, Hun- White's Mules, Cosmos, Washington. Palace. Burnley. 1010. i»y«, uice, "K." ' Whiting & Hurt, Keith's, btdlsanpolls Marco Twins. Keystone, J "'«■• __ „_.. 1ft .ig. _.s«7t J£0£ „„ t „..„ ,^ i.,^ n«i. win. «.♦ 3» riotrMi- t». „, Baltimore; K ^M& Sylvested Keith's, Lowell, Mass 5th Ave.. N. Y. C, 20-20. S«r, Musical Orpbeum. Claclnnat. Johnson. Howard ft Llsette, Union Sq.. N. Y. 0. JJJJ1' ^w«* k er Savoy. AtJ».it1e City. N H' r ? S nn» Slekel Lawrence, Mobb., 10-18, B lvi I. Cmsnr. Orpteim, Los Angeles. Oal. Wills. Nat M. Marshall, BHa. Nickel Ln«ri ^^ n 0 B roT (4). Kings Hall. Showbrldgc. Eng.; ester, 20-25. ""•"• , " M,lp " * ! --■ —■ Him. Botherbnni, 20-25; Empire. Uewsbary, wills ft Hnmt 27-Feb 1: Palace, Bnrrow-ln-Furness, 8-S; can, 20-25. Kincs. Sontl. Sea. 10-15; F.mplre. Kingston, wil II;s4«s^b Marshalls. The, , Rochester. N. Y., 20-20 Family, Temple, Detroit; Temple, Roch- 1 , '°'Botle'rharii"°"20^25;' Empire, bewsbory, wills ft Hassan, Oahkosli, Wis.; Indiana, Clil- i-'JL : . . T._1-_ A Dn.MMV.In.tfll.nM. S.St M.MH Oft-OS !"««. uownrd ft Llsette, Un on Sq.. N. T. o. f;^' & walker, Bnvoy. ™», .»• - Johnstons, Mnslcsl, Bnshwlck, Bkto.; Proctor's, "" **. "gSfc, shea's, Buffnla Newark, N. J.. 20-25. u»V 4 Cameron, Empress, Ssn Diego, Cab. Johnsnn's Trnvologues, Orpheum, New Orleans. ""^ SsJt Lnke City, V.. ?" ; 25. Jo don Girls. Orpheum, Spokane, Wnsh. . .r. p J^i;-, Birds, Bijou, B?> City. MM- n. Orpheum, Spokane, ,. Jonnson, Lawrence, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Joi.ley, (2), K «.| tn .,, fiK. Johnson, Allle. Oreely's, Portlnnd. Me. Jalmsons, Juggling (4), OolonUl, Albany. N. Y. Jallet, Orphenm, Montreal. Can. £""*■ .Bertha, ft Co., Orpbeom, Bkln. Knnnnerler U Howland, Oreely's, Portland, Me. s-mifnian Bros., Keith's, Hipp.. Cleveland. Jei.lon, Dorothy, Union Sq.. N. Y. C Ken on, j ac t_ Amerlcnn Beauties Oo h <™nns (g). pou, wUkw-Barre, Pa.S 17-22 - ; Paviilon"~Newesstle, 24-Marcb 1, Ring. Jullu. Miles, Detroit. . __ ■- Rigor Arthor, Keith's, I^iwell. Mass. ninnoi (4). Temple, Hamilton, Can. m« Bros'. ftrSSS-. Orand ttaplds, Mich. llosalres. The. Keith's. boaCD. Mass. Roseoe ft Sims, Orphenm. Oelweln, la. 10-10 uaxxe.ii a «"»"• ---'---'f, pittsimrgii. no ,.i, u Fulton. Orpheum. Minneapolis, Minn. Mantley, Clay. Kenyon1 O ir Indianapolis; S^f B Sn Craig. Victoria. Norfolk, Va.; Victoria, Williams, Harry, Kavoy, Atlantic Olty. Hc ,9", r .K' rinc'lnniU. ifcl* _ Ilfl Clfnr.eston, H.C., 20-25 Wllllamajk Ayer.. Won_8q., N. Y. O. Km- irnnclla's Birds. Bijou, son Bros.. Bronx. N. Y. C. Wlhon's Circus, Orpheum, San Fran.. Oal. Winter, Wlnonn, Orpbeum. Oakland, Cnl. "Window ;t \pparltlou, The," Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. . AVIIIlnras ft Warner, Mafentlc, Mllwankee. Wilson. Jack, TrlJ, Majestic, Chicago. Wllletts. The. Liberty, Phlla. Willis Twlnn. Orphenm, Altoona. Pa., 10-18. McOoriiilck ft Irving, r.mpirr, McOonnel., H. T.. * Co.. Union Sq., Ross ft Holt. Broadway Oonmhns 0. B<»t ft White. Hammersteln's, N. Y. C, 20-25. Can,, n. y. a. DAINTY »Slg^S»*i** O" 1 '"* 0 ' Bn * ,e "' M0Gr7w? John J.''MS Chicago. May Bozella ■o,«.a»d %«o>l«.. SBW.$BIW. t RT.O. %£g%S*% fe %&& N . y . C Williams « jiyvr, umuu tin., .-■. *..«., -, Wilson, Chester, ft Co., Casino, Washington. Willis Famltv. Templp. Hamilton, Can. Wilson Troupe, Keith's. Indianapolis. Williams ft Wnlfiis. BIJou, Bay City. Hlch. Winston's Seals, O. 0. II.. Pittsburgh, Wilder, Marshall P., nipp.. Cleveland. Wilson ft Gallagher. Victoria. Baltimore. 20-25 Booney, Julia, Lyric, Newatk, N. J., 10-1!. Woolwnr'd, Botnala L., Cook ft Hoas Comedy Co. ;» , I 4 ' I Bronchial Trochia For Hoarteneti, Coughs, Inflamed Throat, Bron- chial and Asthxnatla Troubles. Give prompt and grateful relief. An artlele of superior merit, ab- ioIu tely free from any harmiul Ingredient. Sold only In boxes. Sample mailed Iree. JOHN I. BROWN & SON. 11oston J _Majs : _ WANTED QUICK REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINBB Only tho best wanted. Long sosson if you nro rlgllt. MANAGER STOCK CO., Gardner Thcntro, Gardner, Must. REP. COMEDIAN, OBH. DUB. MAN with Specialties, afctv. BUS. WOMAW swlth Bpeelaltles Peoplo all lines, for tabloid stock. Send photim, etc. Answer quick. LANII AM BROH.. week Jnn. 20, Lebanon, Ind.i Salts 4, Marlon uldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED. PIANO PLAYER Lady or gent for picture house. H. Y. Bute. Bnn- nlna; twovftiidevllloacW andthroe ploce orchestra N of.ooVern Write. PIANIST, care of CLIPPER ; 1VANTII Address B. h. PAUL, Cherokee, Kanoas. WANTID Experienced Vaudeville Pianist Union. Write or wire. AL. 1CH.UO, Musical Director, Lyceum Theatre, Elmlra, N. Y. 1 v. 1 ,• J '•