The New York Clipper (Jan 1913)

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8 THE NEW' YOEK OLIPPEE. January 25 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEE A T. D, SULLIVAN COMMITTEE, Founded In 1868. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(limited) norosroM* ALBEET J. BOBIE Eoroiux. and Boxinxii Manaoxb. NEW TOBK, JANUARY 25, 1913 Entered June 24, 1879, it the Post Office tt Mew York, N. Y., n second cits* matter, under m act of Much 3. 1879, RATK8. OSCAR GILKEY DEAD. QUI OF TOWN NEWS Information ir wanted as to the relatives **~ . of Oscar Gllkey, last_employcd^aa adjance i Ba |«««poll«, Ind.—Marat (Fred J. Dilley agent for the Crowo Dramatic Co. Be was *", '■Boujfct ami Paid For" week of Jan. froxen to death, and his body is being Held rrg^', N igh t " week of 2T. Foot-drop extension pnrcsli la the disease at Brockett, N. D. He claimed Byracuse, -which canted the commitment of Timothy D. N. Y., as his home address. Address l>. t. Sullivan to a sanitarium. Suicidal mania and Humphreys, Brockett, >'. D. the continuous fear of being poisoned by dope _ •» » made It necessary for him to be under In- HIPPODnoMKRS DANCE. cesBant observation. The petition' for the 20, Sixi'sl i (AdT F. ilfller. nfc)-'™ 0 D *«« h : ter of Heaven," with Vtoli Allen, week : of 20, May Irwin 27, Henrietta Crosnan 28, 29, FItke V »aS Undirai * Hfflir. *&£?££& . Onlek WilIlMford" Jan.. 20-22. 'The Wlnnbig The eighth annual ball of the attaches of a.,,*_•. 23-26 "A Tool There Wis" week of 27. committee to be appointed to aamlnjster his tt *^Tora Hlppodrorjie, at Palm Garden. w ^ VI S (Holder A Edward*, mar..)-The J an enjoyable I!o i5e^ PlBjers present "Toe Wbtte Sitter" weea Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, single column. Advertisement* act with border, 10 per ct. extra. SUBSCRIPTION, One year, In advance. Si; six moottu, $2; three an order permitting service of a notice on UMi»lia « t r^n.ila a«,1 t?Aiul_ .„_.___ ■* r\_ T),._ 4 « A. AAA "V*.-. —t-V, TlvAnHii-nT- Vnrbofa interests ba7 been presented to the courts, and ™.U was well attended' and _. the bearing wis set for Jan. 20, In the So- t j"£ • fl alt out j ame fl Tiemey was or 2 o, "The Penalty" week of 27. preme Court, flodr manager: H. Mtlierns and J. FHigcrald, MAJisnc.—The any Players. In My Jim, The petition asking for the appointment of. ...i.tants The committee of arrangements week of 20; "The Cry_Saby; ▼«««J» _«•, the committee Is signed by Patrick H. Snlll- i nc i„rted- R Hllliard, chaiTman; Arthur van, a brother of the leader'; Lawrence Mulli- Rt ._ e pitchau, B. Young, Dippy Dlers, J. gan a half-brother, and Margaret Hickey. a r J ltcnar0i C . Beamish, E. R. Bauer, O. Bit- half-sister. The law Arm of Billion A Ellison *'„,£ b Fuller and C. Cooper, drew up the petition. Justice Amend signed Tn ' 0 «i cer g 0 ( the association are: .Arthur L Joseph Eisner aiTH's (Ned 8. Halting*, mgr.)—Hill wesk of 20: Blanche Wilth tnd company, Claude and Fannie Usher, Htydn. Dunbar and HsvOn, Lane, lon Lucler ind comrauy, Ben Lewln, Three Dixon Sisters, and Tom Dtvles Trio. ^^ Ltbjo (Olten A Barton, marn.)—Bill week .0. Alaaworth. Arnold and company, hellle Amu ance, $4; aix moottu. 12; three an order permitting service of a notice on vocetlln. honorary president; Joseph blsner, . months, |I. Canada and foreign potuge extra. Dr. Bond, at 960 North Broadway, lookers, vrt fl ien t; Thomas Fitzgerald, Vice preal- ^Tcbmnony ^ddle Blley and the O'Neil Twlnt, be sent, postpaid, on receipt of where Sullivan is now an Inmate. „ en T. p,' n. j, potter, treasurer ; E. Louis i. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Single copies will 10 cent!. Oar Terms are Caali. THE OLIPPEE It Issued ercrj THURSDAY, The Forms Closing- Promptly on Tuesday, at Noon. Please remit by express money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash enclosed with letter la at risk of tender. Address All Communication*! to THE NIIW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. Tel. 2274-Madlson. Regit ter el Co bit Aidreu, "Autbobitt." . THE yFEBTEBJS BUREAU of Tan CLiprxa la located at Room COS, Ashland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager anil correspondent. Tub Ctrrria can bb obtained wholesalb akd nrrxiL, at our agents, Brentano's news depot. 87 Avenue de l'Opera. Paris, France; Diamond News Co., 12C Prtdo, Htvana; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co., 128 Escolta, Manila, P. I.; Gonlon ft Catch, 123 1'ltt Street, Sydney, N. B. W., Australia. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. DRAMATIC. The petition states: "That the mental con- i )auer nn „nclal secretary ; James Brennan, dltlon of said Timothy D. Sullivan la such le rordlnit secretary; John Busch, sergeant- that personal service of the petition or any at -nnn8. papers of this proceeding would. In my The grand march was led by Joseph Eisner cplnlon, greatly aggravate bis malady and Bni M "g 7,| eb arth. seriously jeopardlie bli recovery. «.mong those present were the floor com- This affidavit is signed by two notaries, m)'..,^ § 0 i d„ Vrlcs, chairman; E. Convey, M. A. Fowler, of Kings County, for Dr. Her- p 0a 1] BKncl . t. Lefkowltz, E. Jacoby, J. rlty, and Joseph D. E. Hughes, notary for H an raharl Wni Hhux, Wm. Wordcn, Wm. Dr. Prltchard. The Hcrrlty signature was WatBOn f De Vrles, 11. Fertel, B. Jordan, wltncsstd on Jan. 17, and the Prltchard slg- c cooper H Brown, nature on Jan. 18. ■ . ' Tne rcc eption committee, P. Lem'.eln, chalr- The personal property of BuMvan consists n . Q e0 . willlflms, Wm. Smith, I. Scrlbner, mostly of partnership and corporation Inter- Wm ' n'Keefe B. Curry, F. Vowmkle, A. csts In various theatrical and other amuse- ETa i, H La'Pearl, G. Hanrahan,T. Chlelka, ment enterprises, and other business outside ™ , Mu ii| nB p Hansen, the theatrical line. There is not now a way • Honorar V members: Lee Shabert, J. J. of definitely ascertaining the value of these g DUDe rt Carroll Fleming, Manuel Klein, interests, it is stated. Krarcea'Zlebarth. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mlaco, The real property owned by Sullivan, as oancin- ii ke birds; Mrs, Harry La Pearl, a far as the petitioners know. Includes several fl nnnrer : Fred Dirks, escorting Mattle and parcels in New York City Mt. Vcruon,.Long HatOe Welsh ;■ Helen, Gilmore, Nellie Mordc- iBlaud, Throggs Neck, N. X, and ,ln New cal g opt .| a Mordccai, Kate Mordecal, Dora Jersey. • • ■ _• West, Daisy Smith, Phil Whiteside. Gracs The only relatives and next of kin are. W |u[ am8 j. Jerome. Kitty Doollttle, Lou Good- Tatrick 1L Sullivan, a brother; UmM |n NataIla j^aia x aa Hurt, Ida Llnd, J03 „■ * nil ul8 Irkn( £ are planning a big welcome Mulligan, halt-brother, and Margaret Hickey, War(1 u att | e Dorsell. Blanche Boone, Jennie Io ; U | m ■half-Bister; the four children of a deceased ci S ghn, ac Jennie Meyers, Ella Sacks, Ada Ln- Aa»:.'Ciu»D. Coxt a.vd Tokxo, motion plc- slater of Sullivan. Irene Summers, of full ce tte Maud Hartley, E. Bufus, N. Ncliison, tare hoaxes, report good returns, age: Olive Summery nlrieteeo. years old; Go i dle Damon, Dolly Morris, Luclle Davla, Terre Httntc, lad Grand (T. W. Bar- f.r^tt A. Raciett: Paul and As.Ua. sud Thoa-s aB E^"(E U a™BUck. mgr.)-Moulin Rouge Barlennen week of 20. Norms.—Ytaye, the noted vtollDlat. gave a re- cital it the Murat l».,-, v ,-?™J"&n ™n' end Bsrls Hambonrg, 'cellist, were beard In con- cert at Tomllnson Hall, 20.,... .Oomp Irnentnry tickets from the local hous« were dl«rlhut«i nmoni; the roembera ot the Indiana Legislature. which was. In-session bete lait week There are rumors of a bill to be Introduced, permitting Sunday performances at theatres, and moving pic- ture shows la this city. Loxansport, Ind—Nelson (SoeFInk, mgT.) •■The 83 of the tnderworW; Jan 21, "Tli«: Win- nlng Widow" 22, Monte Carlo Olrls 23. Oincer OOS. 1 ' 23, "The Third Degree" 27. Oozr (Frank Bond, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Broadway (K. B. Cannlngtam, mgr.) —\ auile- vlllc and pictures. ,, Notes.— John and Jimes O'Donnell, who own the local transfer line, bare also purchased the Mil iwatlng plant, end bare already started mak- ing extensive alterations. All boards will be re- placed by steel boards Fred Smyth, former majiajtev ot the Nelson. Is now business nauager r.t "Th« Third Dmiw?" Co.. which appears b.T« of.'The Third Degree" Charlei S. Scmmqrs, sixteen years old ; Tlmo- Ada Mansfield! Mamie'AddUin, Lillian Kat L ^," r r %"T , Adell"Ge«ee , 'jarr. 21, 'The Girl C. K. Boston.—We lave no knowledge of thy S 1 I ?, mc "'« twe, V HEFmS rivJSS. flfrt," 1UB - Ellen Spellman. Anna Crlpper, Irene „J tne Tjmiirworl.l" 2.1, "Maa«ine Sherry" 26. h«»,„i«iV „&.JZZ„fl : v ®#.K. K °° w i! age .5 I mors children,live at 240 West Seventy-fifth Bl . own Do l|y'Gray. Lottie Van Hagcn, May tabietiks (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.)—Billl,23 : 20: the present whereabouts of the party." Ad- ?VV P 9 ct iew york eiess her to tare of this office and we will strcot ' new * 0T ' advertise- the letter ln Tux Clippeu letter list. J. J. B., New York.—While we do not know the present whereabouts of the two flrat men ti t Lubin,'-Louise Bert'rova, Eva Bateman, Due j; mm , cnm,. Tempo Trio. Mitchell and Mitchell Swain. "Vlvtan Gillette. Selma Feller, Blllte Melody Four, and the Twelve Hawallans. Good '*.. . ■■ *sa - m*t^^—_ ■■ \t^„,l,i tlniml T.'lri si - -»-■ ft English,' mgrt.)— v rvwxiTte iirKTATTTB 1» At>lTBC Grewe'll. Emma Warren, Maude Ravel. Flo business. LOEW S AVENUE B OPENS* tSSSSjn sharpe, mwS* Mitcbcii. Ljg- obi-hew mmmm On Saturday evening. Jan. 18.. Marcus vellle. Georgia pK. Lou Garrett, Tolly Wat- Pletnre, to capac.iy. tloned, we presume they are acting with some Loew's newest and handsomest playhouse ____——— — ■ — company. Mr. Wlllard Is ln England. n-as opened to the public. It was a wild. L. A. L., Detroit—See answer to C. N., scrambling, almost fighting mob that stormed Boston. the entrances - long before show time, and, T. J. M., Brooklyn.—J. W. Kelly made his indeed, until long after the show had started lost appearance on the stage June 20, 1890, the crowd outside seemed to grow rather at the Bergen Beach Casino. Brooklyn. N. 1\ (ban diminish. Many who held reserved T. F. B., Bridgeport—Lillian Russell sang seat coupons bad a hard time breaking the title role in the comic opera, "Peplta." through to the lobby, where a number oil March 16. 1880, at the Union Square The- policemen and special officers had their hands atre. Cbauncey Olcott was ln the cast. Ed- lull protecting the ticket takers. Perhaps Mr. Loew's own words best de- scribe the theatre. "The Avenue B has been built on the site of the house ln which I was born forty-two years ago, and Is the hand- somest show bouse on our string. Maybe my Advertisements not exceeding on* line In Icnxta will be published, properly classified la this Index at the rate of 110 for one year <82 lames), a copy of Thb Niw Zobx aurrsa will be scat frts to etch advertiser while tat advertltetaent la raa- BJng. " ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PICTCRR BOOTHS. O. W. Trainer Mff. Co., T6 Pearl St., Boston, Siasa. BICYCLE « GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. Hart Mfg. Co., 852 Atlantic Ave., Bosun, alaaa. CHIMES, BELLS A SPECIALTIES. B. H. Hayland, 881 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. X. CONFECTIONS. Rnecklielm Bros, ft Ecktteln, 249 So. Peorlt St, Chicago. GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. a A. Hswklnt. 834 E. 17th St, N\ r. City. MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Edwin R Street. 28 Brook St., Hartford. Conn. A. Brtanelsa, 1012 Grant Ave., Richmond liia. N. Y. MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. O. Dctgon, U80O N. Clsrk St., Chicago, 111. OPERA CHAIRS AND AUDITORIUM SEATING. H. J. Harwood't Sons, 69 Pearl St., Boston, Mass, POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Rueckbelm Bros, ft Eektttln, 24R So. Peoria St. Chicago. SCEKERF AND SCENIC PAINTERS. 0.. b Story Scenic Co., Bomervllle Station, Bos- ton, Mass. Tlie New York Studios, 1001 Times Bldg.. N. T. Q Busman 4 I.andls Co., 417 S. Clinton St.. Chlcagt, , Tonmcj- ft Tolland. 2312 Market St.. St. Ixmls. < Shell's Scenic Studios, 581 So. High St., Colum- bus. Ohio. ! SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Planet St-ow Prist ft Bug. House, Chatham. Oat SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. - The Callle Bros. Co.. Detroit, Mich. SNAKE DEALER. W. O. Learn, 715 W. Commerce St.. Sin, Texas. STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Panl Tauslg ft Son. 104 B. 14th St., N. t. C TENTS. Knokely Tent ft Awning Co., 163 Booth St., N. T. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regtlli Co.. 887 Wish. St.. Boston. Uut. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. E. Walker, 809 W. 89th St., New York. THEATRICAL HARDWARE A. W. Ocrstnor. 034 8th Ave. (41st St,), N. Y. & ward Solomon wrote the music of the opera. Whether or not he led the orchestra, our records do not show. C. W. N„ Boston.—Willie Edouln died April 14, 1908, ln London, Eng. The last record we have of blm on the stage la 1905, better Judgment was overbalanced by my when he appeared ln "The Blue Mouse," but sentlmentallsm and my longing to do some- whether or not his last appearance was made tblng better here where I was born than I In this play we cannot say. CARDS. M. F„ Philadelphia.—"Dan" is right Is not compulsory to lead trumps. It WHO WAS FIRST? ever did before' The Avenue B speaks for Itself ln bearing cut Mr. Loew's wishes. Four times the origi- nal amount intended has been invested, and the house stands to-day as one of the best of modern theatre architecture. The exterior is of marble and white tile. The Interior is most attractive, the marble pillars and stairways harmonizing with the tapestried wells and heavy carpet. The new houso Is entirely fireproof, and when a few Tiih CLirpEu, Is continually ln receipt of minor finishing touches have been made, It communications from performers, claiming ^SkiX^SS^JSSl^ ° f that other artists arc copying their acts, their Many of Mr. Loew's personal friends from gugs or their business, and In most cases It the Eleventh Ward were present on the open- is impossible to determine whether they are ^AS^tftSZ&SX&rt was the or!glnatots of the business claimed or cn interesting speaker as he sketched Mr. not. The CtirrEU believes that if some re- Loew's life. On closing his speech he called liable and trustworthy method of recording "^ ^ ^ Zttio speak, but said a original work on tho stage was Invented, It tew words of thanks to the audience for their would prove of Incalculable value to the per- appreciation of his efforts, and then called former ln After careful and thoughtful consideration of TYcse~~wcii~ known "comedians' stay "on the this subject, The Clipper has decided to stage wns all too short. They told a few THEATRES and OPERA HOU8E8 We insert lavtrtlsenienti In this eolamn at 1 ■peelal rstt et f 1.71 par agstt luu for < raonLki (or 18 ernes). This will sasblt local tsanagea to keep their kouss proaunently tad eoatlaaalhr berore the musgeri of eonptnUs. Daring tit Ume the ad. Is raining ws will wot seek idvt* Bsr a espy of Txa Cloth fee*. -WANTED, First class attractions for seasci 1912-13. GRAND THEATRE, JUBt opened, Klttas- nlng, Pa., near Pittsburgh. Seating capacity, 90S; stage, 32160. Fully equipped. Drawing popula- tion. 26,000. Address THB ATRE. establish a FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF FOOLS. Tommy MulIIns, Dippy Dlers, Spooks Hanson, Fat Ferguson, Steve Mlaco, Geo. H. Adams, Harry La Pearl, James It. Adams. sottUng-nWerous-TonVro^rsTes. a^3^SSSt5«» m£^^%£&2& J &2S SEfflSF °' "" *T " *" "1** „ and thoughtful conslderatlo , of ^""ST &£°22&JP B &. We J&«& SLA. ^i^pre^n^ts^ S?Sj VS^K%S^SX "Ah You Little Fool," and Is Geo. H. Adams, who has been some fifty years a merry Jester. The secretary Is ' Ah You lool," and is none other than Spook Hanson. The treasure is '•The Fool," and Is Dippy Diers. He has two esslstants ln "Fat Fool" Ferguson and "Just Plain Fool" Mlaco. Tho keepers of the "Foolish Records" are "Folly's Fool" Tnouny Mulilns and "Foolish Fancy" Jim Adams. "REGISTRY BUREAU" irncrcli every performer can regietcr any iokes aud performed some of tie stunts that iavc made them famous. The show Itself was an excellent one, being headed by the "Texas Tommy" Dancers. The performances of these llghtfooted young men and women was closely watched by an audi- , act, gag, laying or stage omineis of toMe/i ence largely made up of young people who he U the originator. An explanation of this dance to hand organs almost from the tlmo klnson, Julia Herzog, Laura iMoura, Anna Yost, syitcmw,,, bo found elsewhere in the columns therein «fc ^ _ ^ffSS^^^fQgQ^& or this issue. By conforming to this system Ycria nud Adele. This young man and woman Ctarens, Margaret Ade, Grace Heraog, Amelln tho actual date of presenting anything orlgl- performed various stunts of contortion that Heraog, Flo O'Connor, Ethel A, Elliott, rnl on the stngo can be permanently reels- won them n good hand. . Mabel Kcrwhj E. Uuss, F. Mnrray, C. Wat- ' » u "-"" " ■V""™"» ">'" Ralnh Connas a ventriloquist, started son, Helen 8u!llvan, May Luby, Margaret: tcrcd in our files, and can bo reproduced at nnely, but ovcr-pl'ayed a little Luby, Lillian Luby. Flo. Anderson, Mathilde Jiuy time ln tho future when required. This Frl'nele and Allen offered a comedy sketch, Joost. Helen Raymond, Eray Wolden, M. Brat- plan will involve a large amount of gratul- entitled "Keeping An Appointment." Dave Ferguson, a comedian, did well with an Impersonation of on effeminate young man reciting "The Charge of the Light Brigade." HIb rendering of "Love. Honor nna Obey" also went over well. W'olfo Gilbert, the well known writer of operation nnd a careful observance of the in- SO nge. delighted the crowd with a number of Georgia Russell, Grace Williams, Julia Con- structions given in our announcement. his well known songs. (Mr. Gilbert had an win, KJatene F. Carter, Tessie Hammer. Syl- Wo have before us at this time several assistant who sang from the orchestra, and via^ Kraft Eva Bateman Vlvtan Gillette, rs-tfc ™„*i,„r tv,»«.„„„ ™f«, m „~ „„„,. th-lr harmony made a big hit. _ _ . Fanny Tucker, Pp ly Whatkenson. Rose tous work on our part, but wc cheerfully enter upon it, believing that it will bo a great boon to a large number of performers, and all wo nsk of them is their hearty co- lon, C. Stelnkamp, F. Manhaus, E. Graham, E. Tedro, C. Dyke, M. Ross, Emma Lange, Lottie Martin, Eddh Monroe, Margie Kelley, Anna HUton, May Clarence tnd Ethel Ed- wards. The ''What Club,' 1 in boxes 23, 24, was represented by Mildred Flora, president: Loir (E. B. Sheets, mgr-)—Vaudeville and pictures. BAvor, Colonial, Fountain, Cbxscent, Pam- ci ss, Ki.n. and Ambjjican, picture houses, report good business. Hartford, Conn,—Parson's (H. 0. Pa,-eons, mgr.) "Within the Law" Jan 20. 21. Cblcaso Grand Opera Co. 22. "Tlie Spring Maid," with Gene Luneska, two performances, 23; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 25. Annie Russell's Knillsh Com- edy Co. £7-29. Gertrude Hoffmann Co, 110, John WANTED—Good Soowb, for Fraternal Ban, Oxford, lid. Seating capacity 825. Population ct town, 1400. Good for one night shows with band. WANTED—One Klgaters. Musical Comedies and Vaudeville. Oldest house, with established busi- ness. Nothing but ctean high class attractions neel answer. Magnet Theatre, Lonoke, Ark. -WANTED, SMALL ATTRACTIONS. Have pic- ture house, bat can play small repertoire, musical tabloid or comedies, minstrel or traveling vaude- ville cos. New house. MAJESTIC THEATRE, L0* OKE. ARK. 20 miles east of Little Rock. They want women and comedy here. Write. Good business. RED HOOK LYCEUM, Red Hook, Dutches! Co., N. Y. Best show town along the Budsoa 8eats 400. Electricty, steam heat, full scenery, dress lng rooms, complete. Wanted, First Class Attractions. VAN DE BOO ART ft GRIFFINO, Ooera Bonse, Eostis. Fla. &?«!*■£ First class attractions. Address W, F. KANTET- MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any instrument or number of instruments, songB, words and Music, Sketches, etc. Bendstamp, nHAS. L. LEWIS. 429 Rlohmond St. Cincinnati, 0. THEATRICAL COSTUMES, PERSONAL EFFECTS, CIRCUS, BEACHES, PARKS, 1NSUR ANCE everywhere. Wsrdrobes, 8ceuery, Baggage TEEATRIOAI. MAIL RECEIVED. REMAILEU JOS. H. GOLDSTEIN, 1547 B'WAY, NEW YORK. SAJV FRANCISCO. (Specialdiipatchto The New YOBK Clipper.) Columbia. —Sunday, Jan. 19, beginning of two weeks' season of ''Broadway Jones." Coht. — Sunday, 10, "Excuse Me," with Willis P. Sweatnam. Savoy.— Sunday, 10, Kolb and Dill and Ascough, mgr.)—Bill -reek of company, with the addition of Wlnfleld Blake lawsuits pending between performers over Charles Bowser and company offered a drn- tlie originality of an act. or n name, which mntlc sketch, showing how a'reporter, with could be decided beyond the question of n th" help of n fortune teller, gets something Lunge. Frances Zelborth, Lillian Robb, Elsie Balrd. E. Singleton and 8. Dorsell. Jan. 20: Mrs. Gene Hughes ami compniiy, mff Gnrdon, Six American Dancers. Burr anil Hope. Clara Inge, tne Peers, Alpha Troupe, and the Poligrnph. HAirrtrcBn (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Bill week of 20: RoUVi 'Ten Dark Knights," Alma, Mile. Develle, McAlesvey Marvel, Bronghton and Tur- ner. Harmony Four, Wilton and Merrick, Kalee unci Dunne, Tokl, aud the pictures. Nona.—^The forty-fourth anniversary of the and Maude Amber, ln "Algeria." In order to prepare for the above production the bouse was dark all week of 13. Alcazar. — Monday, 20, Evelyn Vnughon and Bert Lytell, supported by the stock com- pany of the house, in "The Dawn of a To- morrow." Orpueum. — Bill week beginning Sunday (matinee),. 19: Ralph Hera, Will M. Crcssy on n big politician. When he Insists on giv- ing his copy to tho paper bo finds tho poli- t:cisn owns the sheet. A good sketch, well ncted. Tlghe and Clifford, ln comedy and song, pleased, and tho other acts were all well liked. / Mr. Loew's Avenue B bad an auspicious opening, and will undoubtedly win the favor of the Inhabitants of tho old Eleventh Ward. S. N. Kuhn will be the local manager. Doc. doubt if they hnd been recorded in a registry bureau Biich us we have nr>w established. 8cc page 10. PROMINENT SINGER DEAD. James A. Mctcalf. well known ln musical circles, died In the Now York Hospital, this city, Jan. 17, in his sixty-first year. Mr, Motcalf wns a prominent church soloist, and was at different times active In the Men- delssohn Glee Club, the Male Quartette, and was a member of the New York Yacht Club, Ihc PlayerB' and the Church clubs. l it "SNOW WHITE" MOVES. Beginning Monday afternoon, Jan 27, "Snow White" will be seen for a limited on- gngement at Maxlno Elliott's Theatre -every afternoon, except Saturday, at 8,80, and Sat- urday morning at 11 o'clock. Wlnthrop Ames matlc Club prr-bontcd "A Bunch of Keys, mode the change ln order to give perform- "The Cowboy Girl" Is here 28-25. ATLANTIC CITY NOTES. R. G. Knowlcs entertained good sized audi- ences at the Apollo, last week, with his travel lectures. At the Savoy tho bill Includes: Avon Com- edy Four, Max Hart's Six Steppers, Frances Stevens and company, Robert Emmctt Kccne, Adonis and dog. and Bronson and Roth. At the Apollo, on 22, the Holy 8plrit Dra- ^f60th ANNIVERSARY NUMBER the house has been .levotel to every form of en- tertainments. Three years ago It was given over to Shabert enterprises exclusively, As a vaude- ville house playing the acts of the Marcus Loew time, - and pictures, It Is most successfully con- ducted by Manager Fred Dean Philip H. Dunning, of the "Pomander Walk" Co., which closed recently. Is now acting as private secre- tary to Louis N. Parker at the Century, dlreotlnj OF Hartford Theatre occurred 20. During this period and Blanche Dayne, "Those French (llrls, Henry LewiB, Hugh McCormack and Grace Wallace, "The Eternal Waits," with Mnbel Bcrrn and Cyril Chadwlck and company: Joe Morris and Charlie Allen, Wilson's Comedy Circus, and Daylight motion pictures. Empress. —Bill opening Sunday (matinee), 10: The Bimbos, the Quaker Maids, Ed. nnd , Minnie Foster, the Moznrto, John Neff, "Fu« Mr Parker's new play, "Joseph " Mr. Parker on tho Ocean," and Twilight pictures. Pa*taoes\ — Bill opening Sunday (mati- nee 1, 10: Sbcrburn and Montgomery, IJuo- nntl, Kllllan and Mooro, Salmo, Ted IJailey t poBlng dogs, George Ebner and Ellxabeta Mayno, and Sunlight pictures. „„ . National, — Monduy, 20, "The Silver K,n ft" „ m American.— The Armstrong Bcvue to.. "" "Whirly Glrly." ,. . . _ Iupbmal. —Tabloid opera and photoplays- NOTES. The second half of the annual senson of nnccs at prices which will put the play within reach of many who could not afford to pay Little Theatre rates. The cast will remain unchnngod. ♦*-* "NEW SECRETARY," JAN. 23. will sail for England the litter part of this month. New Haven, Conn,—Hyperion (E. D. EI- drtdge, mgr.) "Don't Lie to Your Wife" Jan. 24, 25. Boston Opera Co. 28, Gertrude HotTmann Co. Feb. 1. Pou'B (B. C. Edwards, mgr.)—Bill week of 80: "The Little Parlslenne," Dlero. Chivies Drew aud company. Una Clarion arid company, Burns und Fulton. Sntton, Mclntyre snd ijuiton, and Warren and Conley. Hoboken, N. J.—Garety (Chia. Fnnklyn, mgr.) "The Fortune Hunter," by the Qayetv stock, week of Jan. 20 ""-* *"•- v hi'irtord" follows. Kupisi ties 20 » «t> PADEREWSKI TO TOUR. Charles A. Ellis has announced that Ignaco Paderewikl will tour the United Btates and Canada next sencon, his trip to begin In Canada in September. He will remain ln WILL RE DATED FEBRUARY 15, 1913 PRICES FOR PORTRAITS The New Secretary," by Francis Crolsect. New York until April, and give more than a which recently hnd Its premiers at Atlantic hundred concert*. City, will he produced at the Lyceum Thea- ♦ «t> !,n°,v\l Ur 1 Bd K.. nlgh i,.' . Jail V 23 a P!"?; C . ne n; y CHORUS GIRLS' CLUB. and Marie Doro will be starred jointly In the ». t « .. • . - - - - ■* p!ny jv.uujr un Mrg j ararH gpeyer has Interested herself t - i in a house for chorus girls which Florence Williams. Olive Cnrr and Gladys Zell, of "THE BUPERIOR MISS PELLRNDBR." "The Lady of tho Slipper" company, are Slae 3 a;ra "|-3t»r T>f*r.J-i..l rt ,r \irVf xu <- SUCODU UU1I OI lUU milium •"-'"~" r , A Get-Bleh-Qulck WaL the Larobardl Pacific Coast Grand Opera Co. ia (A. a Abbott, mirr.)—American Bmb. wlu commence at the Valencia Theatre, tin- >22. Behman show 2MB. Am * ncan B ** n - der tho management of Will L. Greenbnum, Lnto (O. 8. Riggi. mgr.)—Murray Hvlntston on Sunday evening, 20. The nrlnc pal ar- and company heads the bill for 23-25. Metlon H»tl will be Estor AdabcrtO, Rcgina Vlcnrino. - nnd songs are alto preaented. Lina Bertossl, Blanche Hamilton rox, n, Union Hiu.—Bill week of 20: James Eugenlo Folco, with Arturo Bovl as randcrt kZflStff! i 31 , 1 *" 1 ' McLoughlln's dogs, director. The opening opera will bo "AI*J. p«i^* UMW • " Bd ««*<». FH- followed by "Lticla," ''Thais." "Zasa," "M* ■NtSiiciiof-D. Witt Mlllen formerly treni- non'' "Anrea Cenler" and others. rer at the Empire, receatlv left forAnn SS. wl " .•» pictures nnd songs are alto presented. Hudson, Union Hiu. Thornton, FI ' Walt Arthur, ^Notbl-ciioT d. wilt iitn«, - "-"•-" no'ny'«Anrca Center" and'otners. Thcp PRtcES FOR ADVERTI"SEMENTS°° P^trto^vscTncy"' "' " 8 "' , " t - "" l - "o'n'^count of "tho great demand for scn« > ,ES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS jertey City. N. J.—Mtlcstle tv v n»n *<> witness "The Blue Bird," now In Us sec .lx.a-1* eoln-.» .Ton l *"° n - ^VVsK'Sli" week^f" ond •««* a * »"» Cort Theatre, extra wa£ , single eolnmn - 12.80 j an . 20 , f-n,, siiepher.l ot the Hill"' follows n< *8 »" Tuesday and Thursday afternoons " - nie Separation." a one act playlet, will Promoting. Elsie Janls assured them that eti'do the production of "Tho 8upe"rlor Miss s " p w °u'<l furnish the living 'Vllender," a three act eemody'W Bydney Unrkctt, at the Bhnplrc, New York, Thursday afternoon, 28. ^* ♦ »» room of the club. Per Inch, 100 Lines ISO Lines Quarter Pane - Hnlf Pane . Whole Page - Mrs. Walteb Law presented her husband with a baby troy, Jan. 8. Hl.OO 24.O0 - 4K.20 00,40 10O.BO Send In your orden tor Portraits and Adv-ertliementi, ■i. *«, auc mifpueni oi .lie mils folrows "wo nu aii.-buu.v uhu iiiu>nu,, —-.„, nrn1 , AciDxitT (F. i Hemlerton. msr,)—"The Boy bad to be given, thus making eleven perform Detective." by the Academy itock, 20 tnd week: ances In one week. Tlie Bowery After Dark" week of 27. 4 a » ■ ton%7ocrc^peUV» £*<&?&?& ««MTTLB -LORD- PACirTLEROT.'' u *o" 'S" YSf T**X r? w - Tb' 8 former success will be put on at jne JS22. T i°? J? 6 - J , '.ii c, . dtt f , 5' avr)—Variety, Lyric, New York. Friday afternoon, 24, bj ws n»tlon pictures and luustraled tongs. Bohemian Dramatic Club.