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10 THE !N_UW YORK CLIPPER. January 25 WANTED—Burlesque People AT ALL TIMES, FOR BURLESQUE STOCK AT NEW ORLEANS. Ad(Tr»*s • - . SOL, MYERS, Green-frail Theatre, New Orleans, La. 1VB MURKY BL0SS0J1S HAklV HASTIMI'S Bid SlWff (Wctttn) Peuale's Theatre, New Tork, Jan. JO. The Cherry Blosroaw, tor their first New Tork appearance this smsou, opened to a food Bouse. The show Is nolo the standard set by them last season, and there Is still niocL room for iinproyeniwit. The brat part, a bor- lcan.ua, entitled "What Happened to Mr. Quirk," !a tie same as seen loot season, with a few minor changes. The entire first part Is written along old style burlesque lines of the sUp-stlck variety, with pUnty of hurrth dashed In. As the shows on the Empire Cir- cuit have been eUmimt'iig this style of book for some ttae, at the present time the Cherry Blossoms aeons to be behind the times In this respect with a poor opener. The burleaatie, a new one by Johnny Ferry, entitled "Widow SrcCarthy's Boarders," went along in good fashion, and was up to the standard. Lottie Mayer, "The Diving Queen," U an added attraction, and was a Dig help. The regular olio features with the show, by good work, held down (heir positions In hit form. Frank Dobson Is the best act on the bill. (Eastern). Calnnbln, Sew Toa-Ic, Java. SO. Sum Shtman and Tom Coyne, in the two principal eomedy roles, and Mabel Leslie, as the prima donna, are at the head of this show, which has had bat few changes hi cast since It was reviewed in these columns, at the beginning of the season. All three keep up the good work, and Hiss Leslie loomed up well In her handsome costumes. Thoa. Shea, as the detective; Ed. Edwards, as "Kid" Simmons, and Lee Rose, as the college boy, are retained. Win. Wafdrtm Is playing the hotel clerk. He also Introduced a funny bit aa the harc-llpped, stuttering messenger boy, and his exit in that character was a big laugh. Ollle Olden, as the telephone Ctrl, and. Alma Baldwin, the cigar counter girl, dashed on and off at Intervals. Pearl Lester, aa the girl from Newark, created a very favorable Impression. She Is an at- tractive Monde, and her acting and singing helped along greatly, as she played the Im- portant role well, and led, several numbers In encore-commanding style. Catherine Moon and Lola Leslie completed the cast. The thorns: Thelma Howard, Edith Dora, Btetta. Adams, Dolly Taylor. Marcelle De Lien, Rose Dtrpree, Maud Lally, Violet Du Vail, Stella, Raymond. Gene Bliss, Eleanor J. Russell, Gladys Le Molne, Clarice Allen, Sadie Qalvin, Hattle Newton. Beatrice Lyons, Mamie facanloii. Metn. Clark, Ethel Kelly, May Alberta, Lenoro Walters, Evelyn Fuller. The numbers incinde: "KI?vator Boy," by Miss Moon; "Lonely Widow," by Miss Leslie; "Girls Are Good to Me," by Lee Rose; yodllcg specialty, by Lola Leslie; "Alabama Bear." by Ollle Olden; a dance by Lee Bose; "Nothing's Too Good fox the Irish,*' to a lot of encores, led by Mr. Coyne; "Ton Can Have It at Any Time at All,'' "Broadway Glide," a lively number, by Miss Lester; "The Joy Ride," By Lee Rose; "Im- aginatloR, n by Sam Sldman; a tunny dance, by Thoa Bhta; "The Meat-jan Twist," led by Mis9 Olden, looking well In red; "Full Moon," by Miss Lcslt;. and "The Hastings ballet ef the Four Seasons." ON RED VTE CHARGE. Frank I'. Dwycr Is before the Federal Jury cm a charge of conspiracy In granting rebates to the Empire Circuit In. transporting Western wheel shows on the Grand Trunk Railway. The nsnel method of advertising In. theatre programs is alleged to have been used. Hayes and her Six Little Brick Tops were the centre of attraction, while Tom Kennedy, the white hope, held down stellar honors In the male division. Bight after the night per- formance of the Follies of the Day, Bliss Hayes arrived with her company, and was escorted upon the stage of the ballroom to witness the prise waltz contest. Geo. Miner, Barney Gerard, Jack McNamara, Art Mullcr, Chas. Feldaelm and L. M. Boric were ap- pointed judges, and after eight couples danced, the committer adjudged Lena flng- gerty and Tom A. Hern the winners, who received a silver Bet of twenty-four pieces. The grand march was led by Tom Ken- nedy and wife, and Barney Gerard and Ger- trude Hayes were second in line. About one hundred and fifty couples marched to the strains of Vic Baravelle's orchestra. Rlllle Hill, leading woman with the Daflydllls; Madge Hughes, Kitty Lewis and Alllellugbcs, under the management of Art Multer, ar- rived Immediately after the grand march, nnd started the ball rolling with regular The Crackob Jacks Co. 'will remain intact for next season, tinder the direction of Chas. B. Arnold. Pete Curley will join. LLlbbx Campbbu. Jb., son of Harry Camp- bell, the well known Irish comedian, died Jan. si, In New York. Jack Brsorui has booked, a number of well known vaudeville and burlesque acts for hia big Summer show. Jeanexxk Shebwooo. formerly with Hur- tle & Seaman and T. W. Dlnklns' Tiger I.lllcf, la bow with Max Spiegel's Winning Widows playing the Southern time. Do**! ovsnooK The Cum* JJeytsrfnr Bureau. Register your act or bit See. page 10. SUnaqeb Mack, of the Columbia Theatre, New York, bss provided splendid new uni- forms in red for the attendants and ashers. to match the Interior decorations. Viola Shtldos (Mrs. Harry Hastings) has lately fallen heir to a considerable for- tune. Barry and the Mrs. are taking things easy this season. . ,, Hakbt 8. La Yah, "The' Hebrew with the Funny Laugh," now with San Bice's IMffy- dllls, will be seen with one of I. H. Berks artractlona next Mason, his second on the FBAirKm B aili i , now with the Trocaderos, will shortly be seen In nosings before a mov- ing plcturecamero. OUT OF TOWN HEWS LoufarrtHe, Ky.—Maeanley'a (John T. Mi- nis singing, talking and dancing specialty was a pleuslng feature, and the boys didn t seem to want to let him leave. Lillian Ferry and Ethel Bail got over a couple of songs nicely, in their sister offering, which was well liked and received a goodly share of the applause. Clifford and Rose, in a talking and singing turn, were O. K'd. Both boys have good voices and sliotild use more staging in the act, as they harmonize exceptionally well. Kelo and Payne, in an acrobatic offering; were well liked, as (lever acrobats, and the straight of the team is a very clever tum- bler. Clara Raymond, principal woman, made a good Impression In the leading role. She slogs well, knows how to pot over her nuca- bers, and must be marked down a hit. Lillian Perry and Ethel Hall shared honors in the soubrette roles. Jack Perry is always clever in Irish eom- edy roles and a big favorite. Bis work was up to the mark and his comedy the kind that burlesque fan* like. Frank Dobson as a comedian Is a clever young fellow who knows bow to make the audiences laugh, and he was a big hit Geo. Payne must also be referred to as a comedian. His Irish character work was of the three star variety. Geo. Clifford made a good straight, and was always on the job with fast material and a voice when needed. Jack Rose also has an exceptionally good voice, which he uses to advantage. The following numbers were introduced: "On a Beautiful Might," Ethel HaU; "Down Where the Love Blossoms Grow," Jack Perry; "III Be Wei:ome In My Home Town," Lilian Perry; "Gee, We Are Having Lovtiy Weather," John Perry and Ethel Ban; "Tou*re My Baby," George Clifford; "Bring Back My Bonnie to Me," Lillian Perry; finale, "Lincoln's College Flag" and "Wilson, That's All," Clara Raymond; "Hello, Hello, New York Town,'' Gewge Clifford; Medley Stehi Sony, Frank Dobson; "When 1 Walts With YoV* Geo, Clifford: "There's a Girl In Havana," Jse* Rose; 'The Ragtime Board- ing House," Clara Raymond; "Hlchv Koo," Ethel Hall; "'WayDown South," Lillian Peiry; "Sustnrnn," Jach Rosert Waits Eccen- tric, Ethel HaU and Frank Dobson; "Keep Away from the Fellow Who Owns an Auto- mobile," John Perry, Fsank Dottaoa, Lillian Ferry, Clara Baym-nl Staff; Max Armstrong, manager; Fred Jacobs, representative; jack Ferry, stage manager; Charles Miller, musical director; William Jackson, stage carpenter; Lew Mil- ler, master electrician; James Byrnes, mas- ter of properties; Jennie Hipp, wardrobe mistress. The show Is nicely costumed and the dif- ferent musical numbers are well staged. Olio. * MISER'S EMPLOYEES DABCB. Yea, bo! Some dance the P. J. O'Hara Association put over at Muller's Casino, In the Bronx, Jan. 20. It was conceded by all who attended to be a big success. Gertrude —-». -» ' Itflc Brick Tons were cauley, nigx.) "A Modem Eve" Jaa. 20-22. Hen- - fa.tr .figJVj^M* SSS a. 3. HASST^* 27-20. Smraanrr'a Masonic (J. J. Gerrletj, tsar-)— Aborn Opera Co.. In "The (hhnea ot Nornundy," 20-22. , Walnut Sronsx (a A. Slaw, mgr.) — "The Rosary" week of 10. Gayuiy (O T. raylor, mar.)—Dave Marlon's DreomlsnJ Bnrleaqoers weec of 10. BtruBtnrGKASc (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.)— Stars of Stugelnnd week of ID. Karrn'B (J. L. Weed, mgr.)—BID week of 19: Edwards" Song Revue, Australian WooddUDBCXS, Kauf mrui Bros,, the Taklnewt, the Zanettoa, Bale Korcroaa and company, Georgette, and Kdtho- seope. Majxmiu (L. Dittmar, mgr.)—"The Three Black Bats" Is the feature aim for week of 19. Avsnuh (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Vaudeville end motto:» pictures. Xovbltv <S. Levenson, mgr) — "Toe Cowboy Editor" testates week of i». Oasis>> (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Doable Life" features week of 19. Ouuukum (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Little Min- ister" feature* week of 19. Hiffoobkus (Mas L. Simon, mgr.)—"A Maid or War" features week of 10. OLTUPto (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Hollow Tree" features week of 19. QrtBTAL (M. Swltow, sngr.)—"The Little Turn- coat" featnreB week if 10. Columbia (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Wheel of Futo" features week of 19. Hopkins (IS. W. Dustin, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Ideal >,L. DJttuvir, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pic- tures. Noras.—Manager -Charles T. Taylor, of the Gaytty* Theatre, recently Introduced the first tabcret show ever given in this city, sad record business bus prevailed at bis tlicsrre daring the past mouth Ibe motion picture ceases are Buttering from the strike of tie musicians and motion picture operators The Bopklns The- atre have inaugurated vaudeville, commencing 19. Manager Horace McCmcklin, of the Buck- ingham, la being complimented for the success of Athletic night, which uns become a drawing card, ltoxliiK nnd wrestling matches are featured on this night. Cleveland, O.—Opera House (A. T. Harts, mgr.) Blanche Ring, *n "The Wall Street Girl," week of Jan. 20; "The Little Millionaire" 27 and week. "The Daughter of Heaven" follows. Colonial II". liny OomatDCk, mgr.)—F*er week of 20, Wan. Vaveraham. In "Julias Casar." The Gilbert A eollivan Festival Co., la repertoire, 27 and week, Keith's Hipvodsoiie (H. a. Daniels, mgr.)— BUI week of 20: Flovence Roberta and company, Andrew Kelly, Howard's posies, Lambert], Phlna nnd Picks, Brawn, Harris A Blown, Wood and Wyde, CoiUln. Steele and Oarr, and Richard Wal- ler anil company. PaosvxcT (O. M. Todd, mgr.)—Tor 29 and week, "The Call ot the Heart;" "The llearijweds" week of 27. Clstelaud (H. D. SQrker, mrr.)—HoloVn Play- ers present "Her Great Temptation," week of 20; "Znan" week of 27. Dfcbsss (W. B, Oaryn, mgr.)—Vanahn fllsaer Co., In "The Thief." 20 and week; "Tho Seven Sinters" week of 27. a>A*T> <J. H. Michaels, mar.)—Vaodevlue and pictures. rniscitj.A (P. R. «ea*. tmrr.)—Mill week of 201 New Tcrk Ctabant Review, the Obrrlin Mu- sical Girt*. Cliff Slater*. (Tracts Banff. Vnlle, l-lllen* Fadley, Enoch, and Leavltt and Dtnamore. Kama ie. A. McArdle, mar.)—Beamy Bur- leaqucra week ot 20. The old firm of Mahler Brothers have no interest and are not connected in any way with the New Mahlers Store, which is now one of the handsom- est in New Tork. We only use the name Mahlers on account of its location being so well known. JaiBai7C!eariDg Sales Right now during our Jan- uary Clearance Sales, we of- fer unusual bargains in all wearing appareL STORE .TORWOM 8* fitfl lye. at SIst St. Stab «Drew * CampbeU, mgra.)—Oriental Bur- lesqners aeek of 20. -._._. Goanoa SgaACtv—Vaudeville and pictures. itmimi. (Wm. Chaie, mgr.)—Gaetona llane, In c e me r i: and the feature films. IQncicsaaooaiaa (E V. Downs, star.)—For week of 211. the Allen Tela and feature dims will bo the attractions. Za.P.Tllle, O.—Sennits (Wm. S. Csumlng. war.) "The Pink Lndy" Jan. 22. "Bluj. the sfla* 29, Abom Opera Co. 31, •'Get-RIch^nick WalfrLffard" Feb. 1. „ Wblusb (J. G. England, aaar.)—illna OeuneD, seesad week, in tabloid, mosleal plays. „"The Serrant m toe House" week of Feb. 8. followed by AJ. G. Fielda' ltlnstrtls. Oaivisirtt (E. R. Harris, mgr. — Split week vaudeville. . _ . Htvporaom (O. W. Sfosrrlsoo, n»fr.I— Moving pictures. „ . , Qtrurar (Clyde Qulmby, mgr.)—Station pic- tures, to good buslaes*. Nora.—Ajnerlcan and Qrand. sailer the man- sgeinent of Junes Osllns. are dotal splendid busi- ness sjtui motion pictures. Coitrmbna, O. — Hsrtmanr (Lea SI. Boda. mgr.) for week. 20, Mlzrl Ha Jos, la "The Rose Mold." SooTHEm (J. F. Laft, mgr.)—A-born Opera Co. 23-23. HiffBt ST. (C. W. Harper, mgr.)—"MeFad- deu's Ksts" 20-22. "Oet-Bich-Qulck Walllng- f«rd" 23-2B. Karra'a (W. W. Prosser. mgr.)—Bill week ft 20: ffeorge Bcban and company. Sfermnoltrjn Minstrels, Solan and Lenlurr, Wulter S. Dlckln- oss, Froalni, Fosr Bards, and pictures. BaainwAT (Wm. Janses, mgr.)—Bin WSet of 20: Jean Weir and company, Massle and 1'olton, Lsord aod Olbssa. Baaahter Girls, Qulee Trio, and pictures. II! MADKI.I1IVE NASH, Tile Little iielba. figures, a la Bear Cat. Other prominent per- on. who attended were: Anna Propps, Mar- ie Hilton, Barney Frank, Pearl Lester, Morris Wolf, Madge Hughes. Kitty Lewis, Conrad F. Ray, Buster Burby, and a big number of girls from the different burlesque shows playing Oreater New York. Olio. s DALE AND CAT-LIN FOR VAUDEVILLE. At the close of the burlesque season, Johnny Dale, singing nnd darning comedian, will Join hands with Margie Cstlln. sou- brette with the Pace Makers, and put over an net for vaudeville. Johnny Dale is at present making a decided hit playing the tout with the "Mutt and Jeff" Co. . FOLLIES FROLIC FOR PITTSBCHCll. Bamey derard has completed arrangements with Stair & Havlln by which the Follies Frolic will go Into Pittsburgh for o two weeks' run. Mr. Gerao-d is also making ar- rangements for the show to play an Indefinite Bummer run on Broadway. s Fit an Kir. Martin, who has been ill for several weeks, will return to the cast of the Crusoe Ulrls In Philadelphia. Mabel Lee, who has been playing her part with big suc- cess, will remain with the troupe. OisonoB Hf.nki.f:, electrician with the dirts from Missouri, died Jan. 15, of paralysis. He Is survived by Mildred Fletcher, bis wife. Ida Rmkrson and Harry Hills are on the Fox time, in their new act, "The Maid and the Coachman." A WALit contest 1* the "extra" announoed , for the Murray Hill lor Jan. 23, during the Knickerbocker's week. Alta Phots, Abo Reynolds and Walter Johnson will be with the College Girls again next season. Tint Baotow replaces Sylvia Jason with the American Beauties. Haiby Rooms bss replaced Lew Bower. with the Winning Widows Co. Wash Martin will be continued as mana- ger ot the Bmptre, Philadelphia, by the Em- pire Circuit, to whom the house was recently turned over by the governing committee, at the aapiratlon of try-out period, agreed, upon. REGISTER YOUR ACT ORjaiSAL, BUSINESS, BONO, THICK, GAGS, BCBXJCSQTJ1C, AJTXMAL TRICK* P1.AT, AT.ATXJET, BKCTCn, IDKA, MOVING PICTURE Msfjaj, PARODT CLOWS BTCBTTS, ■PBOTACrLA» NUMBER, PANTOMIME, la tact, »aythl«J you Haw* produced, as* avow pswstactmsr, *ur will pitdsce, > REGISTERED FREE OF CHARGE TOO MAT WAST TO FROVB IT SOME DAYI THE CLIPPER, in, order t<> make our Records ot original productions in all lines and departments of practical value to every cm i in the profession, will devote a n,» department to the registration of EVrmYTHING that is ROW being done on the start or that will be done in the future, throughout the entire world. All that is necessar* for you to do is to send ns a description of the material you wish to have placed oa record. IN THE CASE OF A PLAY, a sketch, or a motionpicture play, siention should be made of the important points, scenarios, incidental business or other features you may want to record If ospynghted, give numbers, also dates and in what house or on what circuit it was produced. TRICKS should be described in full by acrobats, comedians, riders, circus clowns etc. GAGS should be sent in full. ,' Anything that YOU ARE USING or doing wilt be recorded for future reference! Even if your act is not new at present, sen t it in as you are doing it now. There are many things you CANNOT COPYRIGHT, but YOU CAN REGISTER them here. CUT OUT THE ATTACHED COUPON and send it to us with your description one coupon for each act, gag, trick, or for a series of them, THIS COUPON will be num. bered to correspond with the number on your contribution, and coupon will be returned to you as an acknowledgment, and for future r.ference. The contribution should be signed plainly by the person or firm sending in same, and should be endorsed by the manager of the show or of the house where the act is being used. Further acknowledg. ment will be made by the names and numbers only being published each week as received. ^___«____ AT ANY TIME, ONE WEEK OR TEN YEARS THEREAFTER, SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY FOR YOU TO PROVE THAT YOU HAD USED THE ACT TUB CDTPEB WILL, ON YOUR REQUEST, ACCOMPANIED BY COUPON, FUR*. NISH YOU WITH A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ENTIRE PLOT, DESCRIPTION SONG, PARODY, DESCRIPTION OF TRICK, AND DATES WHEN REGISTERED! OR IF DESIRED WILL PUBLISH SAME IN OUR COLUMNS UNDER THIS DEPARTMENT, GIVING YOU THE DESIRED PUBLICITY AT THE PROPER TIME, WITHOUT TROUBLE ON YOUR PART. Thew will nOT BE FUBUBHED sslaas TOO TOPRSELF WAST THEM Is app*asv. This also applies to the use of trade marks, such as the "Unbleached American," "The Happy Dutch Girl," "Tnat Funny Fellow," "Always Working, Funny, Ain't It?" over which controversies continually arise. GET BUSY AT ONCE AND HELP US HELP YOU, as through this department others can also ascertain it any- particular name, or plot, or trick, or number that they may have in mind has been or is being used by you, and if so, when. THIS DEPARTMENT, if taken advantage ot by all those who should do so, will lequirrt considerable attention, and all performers can assist us by WRITING THEIR MATERIAL, ALhO NAMES, PLAINLY and by giving ADDRESSES where acknowledg- ment will be sure to reach them. Address your contributions to THE REGISTRY BUREAU NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 W. 28th St, New York r.tmn, O.—Faurot (L. H. Cunningham, mgr.) Owl's lUnstrels (local) Jan. 22. "Tie Light Eternal" 23, Zi. f Tbe Pink tatty" 2T. OaraiCM (0. E Foreman, mgr.)—Bill W-22: Three MiKlcapa, Oollette Trio. Fraud? Rvans Barr, Wagner and Rbodes. and Ids James and company. For 23-25: Harry La Vlgne and coir posy, la "The Oralse of tie Merry Bo Wow." LtbiO iO. C Destrdoarff, but.) — Tne Barret Players MSB* "Kary Jane's- Pa" for the welt of 22. Stab. Bout., Dbsuilastd, tnia ism Ea- rns, mottou picture homes, to large business. AJfcrctn, O^-Colonlal (B. U. Stanley, aaar.) till week ot Jan. 20: Texas. Tunnny Dancers, Marshall V. Wilder. Teschow's eats. Three Trou- badours, Five Woslun Sisters, aaJ Frank Hartley. QbuvD (0. L. ETIslcr, mgr.)—"Mutt and J«fi" 23-25, Thomas E. Sbu week of 27. Rattler's Af- rican hnat pictures week ot ltb. 2, Abom Eng- lish Grind Opera do. 10. "Boogat and Pail For" 14. 15. NaxiosAL, Gh.htv. FasTnu, Babe, DnzaM- laud, itsiaai amu Lux-i, motlou plctare houses, are doing well. Vrnark, Bi. J«—Newark (Geo. W. Bobbins, mgr.) i'miicls Starr week o£ Jan. 20, la "The Oase ot Eecky." For week of 27, "Tt>e 01J IIomestMiI." auouairv (Lee OttoleajruL mgr.)—Mrs. T^slle Oerter week of 20. In "Zara" and "The Second Mrs. Tanijneray." "Excuse He" wtek of 17. PHooron'H (B. 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill week ot 20: Albei-tlna Uasch sid company, Leo Carilio, Frank Uayne and company, McKay aad Oantwrll, MurlH aa-1 Francis. Victoriae and Zoier. Van and Schenek, the KtcUlnga. aad the .Mosleal John- stons. OaraxoH (U. 8. Scnlesloger, mgr.)—Tie Corso Pnyton yuek 0»- presents, tor week of 20. "The G1H In the Tail." "The City" week of 2T. Jacobs' (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—The m*l->- draaiatlc stock company presescs "Only a Shiip Girl" week of «>. ^•Biily. the Kid," week ot 27. Oirrrr (Leon Brans, nycr.)—For week ot 20. Star anil Garter Shiw, with Jack Conway, Lee Barth. James J. CoUlu, David Trowa Jr., Dolly Bowea, Ray Mootsxi-nery. Bealy Sisters, Marion Blake and Ootmle Lehr. American Beastles week of 2T. Barms (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—Tsakre Doodl-j Girls week of 20, with Lillian Keeley. Frankle Rice, Bart Jack, WllUams and Mills, Toang and Rice, Fox and Ev.in'i, and Dainty llark. The Datrydlll* week at 27. Washimotos (0. K. Now, mgr.)—BUI 20-22: Guy Bartlett Trio, Hsnley and Jnrvij. "The Tel- Itw 8«ooix" Herald Musicians Trio. Evelyn Clark, aad the tlpplncotu. For 23-251 Edraood Hayes and company are featured. Liaio (tt. 0. Btturt, mgr.)—Bill 20-23t Gil- snore, Klnry and Gubwiv. Elsie Taylor, Ssdlo McDonald and eotrroiny, "The Last of the Regi- ment." "Esoa Trio, aad Presto. For 23-25: Oanway and Brady, Alva MeOIII, Barry Barvev, Tate's "Motoring," Wnu Morrow and cotBpuny, sad La Mase and Mack. Camiea, N. J^-Trmple (F. Falkner, sagr.) that Tvaanle Stock Op. lay off while "Alma. Wrens Do You tin " balds the boards week of Jam. 20. Nsw nsiuowsT (W. McCaUuaa. mgr.)—Fred Bowers, weB known la mimical comedy, brcwe Into vaudeville *t this bonae week ot 13, and scored a success. Bin week of. 20; Chat. Mack Date. NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU: Enclosed please find copy of my entitled , , for Registration. NAME ADDRESS AVUo will be tbe first to Ilca-lstar 1 Tell at. what yna thank at this Departmentt and <»inpeny, Haeleton and Rasleton, Rottttno and Bnauiau couipany, Frank Howard, Bandy nnd Fields, Gillette's monkeys, Star Operatic Trio, De Vore, 1'uber and company, Goff Phillips, and Buna anil Hughes. Portland, Me,— Jeffersoa (Julius Cain, mgr.)—-Join Drew, n "The I'erplcied Husband," large audience Jan. 20. Julius Calm's Jeffetsor. Theatre Stock Co. opened Its season here 21, presenting "The Kaalest Way" for the rest of tha week. Adelaide Kelm, in the leads, Is supported by Franklyn Munnell, Belle D'Arcy, Joseph. Law- rence. Lotus Albion, Wm. Terrance and Miss Wouldrlch. '"Pae Choms Lady" 27 and weak, Nsw Pciilanj (L M. Moaher, mgr.l—Vande- vllle au-l moving plkarea. BUI for 20 and week: I<ora, Dooley and Parker, Noodles Fagan, Mu- sical Vinos, Matey and Wood, and moving pic- tures. Keith's (James El. Moore, mgr.) — Excellent business with moving pictures. Gasnn.r's (James W. Greely. mgr.) — Vanile- rlllc and moving pictures. Bill for week ot 20: The Daytons, Nellie Nice, Drlswll aad Perry, Bausoae uud company, LadeUe and Taylor, Ma- belle Fairfax and Picas, and motion pictures. Oisoo (M. O. Blumenberg, msr.)—Moving pic- tures, Mr. Evans, vocalist, aad the Cases Or- chestra. Bu Nickel (Wm. E. Bee*es, mgr.)—This moT- lng plctare bouse Is attracting Iatge attendance. Nsw Pavilion- (J. W. Greely. mgr.)—Motion pictures, tlanclag and tbe Arlington Orehestn attract excellent attendance. Dea Hotnca, la.—Orpbenm (H. B. Birtnn, mgr.) for week ot Jan. 18: Alberana Basche nnd company, La Crandall, Pattoc's Old Soldier Fiddler*. Abbott and Out Us, Tiim Bremeiii, «oM- sohUb and Hoppe, Maye and Addis, snd pictures. TJmqca, Biab. Lvaic, Casino. Vaicilt and Colonul, picture houses, are doing big business. PaiNCKHt (Elbert * GetcheU, mgrs.)—Prlr- teas Stock Co.. in "Tho Man from Home." week of 10 Bsanim . i , (Elbert is Getchell, mgrs.'i—' Bev- erly of Graastark" 19, Wllllani Bawtrey 23, 23, "The Million" 24. "OoarMess Ooqnctte" 25. Majestic (Blbcrt & Geicliell, mgr*.)—Bin weel: of 19: Hayden Troupe, Kelrlan, Walters and Klennan, Qllmore Corbln, Brook* anil %+ Rella, Kthel Louise Bitter. Wlllat Troupe, Harrison Bros., Daugsa and Bastoa, Chas. Carran Tulsu KIwIo and plctare*. St. Loals, Mo.—Oeaiury (W. D. Otre. mgr.) Eva Lang, In "Making a Man of Him," week of Jan. It; Cartes De Haven. In "Bxceedlag the Speed Limit," week cf 2«; Charlott* Walker, la "Tlie Trail of the Leoesome pine," follows. i Liwric (Walter Saaford. sagr.>—"Widow by Proxy" VMS* of 20. 'The Concert" w*»k of 27. SHvaaBT (MeHllle Stotla, mgr.)—E. H. Sota- era nnd Julia Marlowe, i n repertoire, tt-25. GAxnox (Melville Btotla, mar.)—'The Master of tbe Howe" wee* of 2D. ••Oarter" week of 27. AaramcAa (Harry Wallace, mgr.) — "Madami liberty'' acts ef It, "The nosarv" week of SB. La Salui (Oppcniilnier Bros., Bgra.)—«The Thief" week of 18, "Hoose of a Thousinj Candles" v.eek of 26. _.„ Coldkbu (Harry Buckley, mgr.)—BUI teen of 20: Julias ategitr aid compsny, Floreriee Tempest nnd Tea, Mclntyre and Harty, LUlljn Heriein, WlLUama and Warner. De Witt Von.-: and Slaters, Miller ami Mack, La Mase Trio, awl photoplane. _.,, HirponaoMa (Frank L. Talbolt, mgr.)—BUI week <A 20: Ned Wuyburn's Minstrels Mlssf*. Six Ame.-lcan Beauttea 0. Kessier, Ml!o jattSl and company. Bev^lle snd Derry, Reed's asaalap, Kelso Bro*., Joe Roland, and Shomann's atalllon-. asttssjsjgsj (Leo iULienbach, mgr.)—The r*« Makers week of 19, Auto Girls week of 26.^ Gatett (0. L. Waters, mgr.)— Golden Oj» week of 19 Dave Marlon's Dreamland Co. wees of 26. Norfolk, Vaw-Aeademr (Otto WelU, uuj-) Eddie Foy Jan. 21. PoUc Miller 23, Fre;'«* 1 ,* Ward, la motioo. pictures, 24^25; Weber * lw> Oo. 27. "A. Batterdy on the Wheel" 28. 28; aa- garet AagUn 30. 31. ,.. . „, Oolomal (0. C. Egsn. mgr.)—Bill *•** 20: Bert Leslie and company, Mjron ia*«v Troupe. Camlllo Trk, Five Melody Maids sad s Man, Irene Bercsinl, Sampson and Douglas, »wi Foster and Lovette. a^^.-> Gb.u»bt (Otto Wells, mgr.)—"Human Hearts week of 20. .„, , ,.._ Vioroau (Otto Wells mgr.) — "Merely alary Ann" week of £0. ._,,m Auxbicah, CoLtrnniA, Wosdbilai«p. to*" 1 !: Bo.fiTA aitd Fotobo, motion plctare houj«, sr port good business. Richmond, Vn.—Academy (Chas. Brlssj. mgr.) Edile Foy Jan. 20, Frederick Warde 21-* Nell O'Brien's Minstrels 24, 26. . j Btjob (Harry McNlven, mgr.)—Per «*»■ 20, "Sis Hopkins." k o( Ooiosiat. (E. P. Lyons, mgr.)—BUI w«j \m 20: La Deodlma, Murray, Love and Anorra. Huford and Chala, Nat Goets, Harry '' J"™ anil company, and pictures. _ ,, ., « Earar (Blair Mesulv, mgr.)—For week ot ^ "Tho Girl Question," with Raymond I aire Une Tajlor, and the rocvlng pictures. . snl) Lmuif (D. L. Toncy. mgr.) — Vnndcilllc an" pictures. Petersburg*. Ttl—Academy («- ]•■'%', helmer. mgr.) Neil O'Brten'a Minstiels Jan. «* Blaek Patrt 80. — .xd Lraic. Auibioah, Iota Hooa, OfK*"f * VraonviAH, motion pictures tad vaoaevni*- Wichita. Knst^Crawfocd (ft t. ItartUaS. ■gr.) "Officer 686" Jan. 21. ., sete t Lxcaun (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—The wci'e = "* Co. presented "The Goose Girl" »t«* of «. good business. __.„ _«rt of PantcsMB (L. K. Miller. ntgr.>—WJ' »«^ rj 20: Mae, Bedlnl'. animals, Mints and J££i. Wliltfleld and Ireland, Ooartnty. aad as** Freeman Players. . nl „ ,-etk ■ Emtscs. (John Lovtridge. W'-^rJii.r Oor.- 18 Inrhiiled: Asshl Trcupe. ?«•' 'fJ i/d^i nefly Bisters, Dyer and Dyer, Weston and ^ nnd Empresacope. Bpleadld baslnesa, 't ,.?l