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JANUARY 25 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 SS5 1 The lource ol your delicately tinted cheeks cinnoi be detected II cou uh El Perfecto Veda Rose Rouge. \-ci by women fimoui (or their beiaty. Protects * ikr ikln initead al harming. Send lot frte lample Vie Atrentt-GF.O. BORGFELDT & CO. S3 Street and Irving Place. New York , Dtilrftaltn if \V*rld-f*miul Tkllrt Prtftralltit j nn.i'^fiT °* , Sn , 0,T > 'or many yean Idcntl- m™ u m T mus ' c » J and theatrical affaU died KS,» M v 13 ' Bt ,lle hMne of his brother the nS'bJSS^ " 0 ms graduated from I™. . m fifffi! Conservatory of Music, and ETVLS* 8lngcr of note in Boston Later f&JSRS! pr<,3S , "S 0111 ot th ° Metropolitan Opera House trader Maurice Grau; wfth the Walter Damrosch regime of Oernnn opera! *lth Henry Russell nnd the San Carlo Opera Company and Oscar Hammcrateln. Slr.Bnow tad acted also aa press representative for the lours of Gllmore's Band, Kdward Strauss' Orchestra. Banda llossa, Ysaye, Oabrllo- wltsch, Mine. Nordlra, Mine. Calve, and the last lour of Jan Kubollk. His funeral was beld In Maiden Wednesday, Jan. IB. Jnoob L. Shctter, who was well known ns orchestra leader at the old Academy of Music, In Milwaukee, Wis., for a number of years, and also acted In that capacity at the hmpross nnd Saxe theatres there, died at his home In that city, Jan. 7, from heart failure, lie left a young son, who was taken to Mr. Snetter's old home In Indianapolis. 'William Tliomas, a vaudeville perform- er, died Dec. 24, at the San Francisco, Cal., City and County Hospital, aged forty-seven years. He was formerly of the team of Thomas nnd Quinn. Two years ago he was tnken 111 and since tint time ho hnd been cured for by his friends. The remains were interred 28, in Cypress Lawn Cemetery. Ella Ewlnir, who was thought to be the tallest womna In the world, died nt her home In Qr.incy, 111., Jan. 10. Miss Ewlnr claimed to be eight feet four Inches In height, and bad traveled as a «!do show attraction with circuses. Mr*. Ilollirook, mother of J. It. Hol- Irook, died Jan. 5, at Chelsea. Masj. She was well known In the '60s as a prominent performer In Great Britain. Deat hs in the Profession. EIN MEMORIAM | Of Our Beloved One * ,Y O. ST. JOHNl Who Died Jan. 21, 1912. B MOTHER and M AI.. | Sidney IlnrrliiRton. Sidney BarrlDgton, an actor of the old icliool was found dead Jan. 11 In a gas filled room in the boarding house at No. 310 West Twenty-ninth Street, New York. The police ■ ——n_^_ said Harrington had committed suicide. " Friends of the dead actor said that Bar- s\tTT S\T* 1*/vitm lrKtirn «£$ r«| »*»&. OUT OF TOWN NEWS which story Is now being investigated. They said he had been sick ever since, had visited several hospitals in search of relief, and had been almost entirely without funds. In Bar- rlncton'a room was found a note marked: "Orion la case of accident." It was dated Oct .10. 1012, and read as follows: ■To Whom it May Concern—My name Is Sidney .Toslah Harrington, descemdent of the royal"family of Barrlngton, England and Ire- nnd I was born In San Francisco Oct. 27, 18S0 I buried my wife, Minnie llclle, one year'ago last February, In San Francisco. VVc were known In the show world for nearly fourteen years as Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bar- rineton. In case of acclent, notify Mrs. 8. Klshon of the Hampton Court Apartments, corner'of Golden Gate Avenue and Larkln Street, San Francisco; also my son. Sidney, who Is twelve years old. Also notify .Tames J Armstrong, in the Knickerbocker Building; who will notify the Actors' Fund Association. "Thanking you In advance, I beg to remain, yours very sincerely, Sidnet J. BAnniNGTON." George Beban and other well known actors took charge of Barrlngton's body. Arrange- ments for the funeral were made by the Campbell Undertaking Co., under order from the Actors' Fund. Aaton Schott, at one time a popular singer with the Metropolitan Opera House Co. New York, died last week In Stuttgart, Germany. Mr. Schott was one of the com- pany which helped to Introduce Wagnerian opera In this country. " Mr. Schott was born In 1RI3 In the Swablnn Alps. He attended the War College nt Ltidwlgsburg after finish- ing at the university, and In 1885 wns made a lieutenant of artillery. He had previously cultivated his toIco, and after the close of his service In the Franco-Prussian War he went on the operatic stage at the Royal Opera, In Mnnlch. He was lyric tenor In Berlin for several seasons, then he wont to Schwerln and Hanover, where he developed Into a dramatic tenor. He was brought to the United States by Dr. Damrosch In 1883- S4, and remained for several years a mout- her of the compsny at the Metropolitan Opera Honse. After the death of Dr. Damrosch he desired to become the musical director ot the organlMtlon. ' The directors refused his (ip- rllcatlnn, hut his suggestion that Anton Soldi be engaged as conductor was followed. While he was nssoclated with the company at the Metropolitan Opera House. Mr. Schott took part In the first performances there In German, of "Taiinhauser," "The Prophet, "Die Walknre," and "Rlenzl." He was last heard in New York, In opera, ot n series of Improvised performances of the Nlbeltineen dramas given by Walter Damrosh. In Carne- gie Hall. In 1S94. He went to California at the close of his engagement at the Metropoli- tan Opera Honse to sing In concert with Amalla Materna. He went from Snn Fran- cisco nnd taught In Portland until 1902. Later he returned to New York, and tnitsrht for a while, and after a short stay In Charles- ton, he went back three years ago. to his native land. Two sons and two daughter* survive him. Jnmea D. Oelrher, a well known mana- ger, died J«in. 13, at the New York Hospital, The New Steno," written by John B. Tbelssen, a Cincinnati newspaper mm, In collaboration with Otto SchlclKher. The tfetch will have Its prrmierc it the New Lyric. Indianapolis. JOSEPH, O'MIABA'S OtlKON SEADINSI h«T« bttn postponed until Feb. 18. Montcouert Phistsb calls De Wolf Hopper the Petor l*an ot comic opera. Schuaiiii School announces three evening; re- citals at Hie Orphcum ballroom 20, 21, 22.. "In- cognito" snd "The Artlit'B Wife'' will he pre- sented by the young Thespians. "AiiasiikboV' will be sung by the Voting Wom- an's Christian Association it Emory Auditorium, Feb. 3. ' "Ruubbn's Pasty" Is the title of a big card- ial ovent at the New Rink Music Hall. 30. Ths Norwood Mimical dob put on "My Lady's Ring," with Bias Weber and Robert Toepfert, at the Plan, Norwood Kt.SA JUnstiAix, vocalist, became the recent hrlilo of Rutherford H. Got ot the Business M-n'a Club. Julia Coxr gave her final recital In Cincinnati in the Slnlon, under the auspice* ot the Mati- nee Mualcale, 10. The Knolso) Quartette and I-ton Raines ami Rudolph Qans proTlde the last two concerts. Tn» Cincinnati SrurnoNT OniMnsa Sootrrr gave Its first concert at the Hotel Slnton 14, with Emll Hermann, Mar Scbuls, Julltw Slum nnd Sol Cohen, and Dr. Ernest Kuswald at the piano. Tub Chicago Grand OrtSA Co. may come to Cincinnati for a series of four performances late In April or early in May. Richard A. Pick Is In the city raising a, guarantee fund of 134.000 to Insure the company against loss. Mary Garden, Tctrazilni, Carolina White, either Frcmstad or Gntiskl, Dalmores, Olnrcnce Whltehlll and Jane Osborne Hiinnah are to take part In this festival of rnusle. ATTRACTIONS AT THIS NEW YORK. Til ISA Till:*. HEW AMSTERDAM "SfiJgS" Svet. s.11. Maa. Wed. and Sat. 116. WKItllA A MIE8CIIER present CHRISTIE MMDOMlDttax-g TheSPRING MASD Original Now York Vast and Choral. LIBERTY 4M8t - nMrB ' ,r »J- K«ta. Wed KLA W A ERLANQER Fresent MILESTONES By aknold bfnsktt and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH. A* played to orowded houses at Tho Royalty Theatre, London. GAIETY Evenings, 8.15. Matinees Wed. A Sat., 2.16 BROADWAY A 40th 8TRERT. Phone 210 Bryant. COHAN ft UAKKI3 announce " «. -i- «r-» ra t U • cr e-" Ohio's beautiful river went on a January ram- pi.tje and overflowed the lowlands. Railroads were hampered, thousands rendered homeless, and, ot course, the theatres felt the depression. The Lyric opened Its doors Jan. 17 for a matinee per- formance for the sufferers, and the affair recalled a similar scone In Music Hall quite thirty years ago, when Sembrlch, young, beautiful ami en- thusiastic, aong at a similar beneflt at .Music Hall, receiving the greatest evntlon ever given an artiste In appreciative Cincinnati. Gin Edwards and his boys and girls took possession of Foun- tain Square the afternoon before the Lyric per- formance, and sold papers for the sufferers. The benefit bill at the Lyric was provided by Gus Ed- wnn's and Ills Song Revue of 1013, Frisco News- boys' Quartette. Jones and Sylvester, Cesare Nt-al, the Free Setters' Quartette (Drury, Frankel. Stanhope and Pickett), Marlon Russell, Earl Gates. Walter Vaughn. Maclyn Arbuckle, Valen- tine Vox Jr., Dora L'ellltlere, and Alusnorlh Ar- nold, Joho Patton, Francis Deltrich and Cora Cram. In the sketch, "The New Steao." Gband Ofeba Housb (John H. llavlla, otet.) —David Bchtsco presents Loo DltrlclisleiB Jan. 20, In "The Coocert." Good-sized audiences en- joyed tho return ot Mackiyn ATtmctle. In "The Roiuid-Up." Grace Benham was a sweet echo. The east was acceptable. Including Ro'.iert Vaughn, Harry Cowan and Ofllcn Crane. The 8|>ectacle was gorgeously staged. Rose Stahl, in "Magglo ri-iipor," omes 27. A STRAIGHT FA11CE WRITTKN AROUND A CROOK by CAIILYLE MOORE. TBBATRK, Broadway A4M Street, Evgs, 8.11. Mats. Wed A Sat., 2.16, GEO. M. GEO M. and hla own Company In HR. COHAN'S LATEST COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STREET, IT. V. Tills werk-HASTINGS SHOW. illllliRAV HILL THEATRE Lexington Are. and J'4ti St., If. Y. This weeW ICV H KUIUIOC ICK11S. IQTnn B'way4 46 8t. Ev<s.8.16. Matinees AOlun wed. A Sat. 2.16. Phone 287 Bryant. COHAN A HARRIS, Leasees and Managers II. II. KRAZEE Presents Fine Feathers Ry EUGENE WALTER, author of "PAID IN FULL," With a Distinguished Cast. B. F. KEITH'S GREATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT COLONIAL BVSHWICK ALHAMBRA CRESCENT BRONX GRBENFOINT OHPIIEUM GOTHAM BONNIE PARLEY AND DANNIE MORRISON, Sinking Harry Von Tllzer hits. Ilayard Velllcr, author of Within tho Law,"'The Dia- mond Dinner;" Dick Tulib, Harry Williams, Fred Watson BETH CAMPEAO, Successful v.ith Clias. K. 1101x1!' songs. Lvnic (Jiimes E. Fennessy. mgr.)— Mitle MI'S Ilnnvii," week of 20, with Maittfe Kennedy as the stir. "Itnnty-I'ulls tlie Strings" returned lest week with tho orlBlual New York cast liicliiillng. Mollle 1'enrson, as "Buaty," ind Sanders.)!^i Mof- M ns WMlom. Amy i5lB«Iclon, EtUellert II;t«'». ?>lmund Ik-resfortl, Vera 1'olc, Margaret Nyldoe. ami J. K. McGregor were among the ■ WjBl of the cipable company. Good business. rite Master of the House" comes 20 and Hurry lou- der 30, ■ _ B. F. Keitii'8 (Charles L. Donn, m?r.<— Fcr, mca ,wn. as. nt me r.ew lorn iiuspiuii, n. *•. nraxii » v^iu,.™ "•"-:"■■■. -;sy- „/ •>»■ Win. H. Tltoniimoii anil eoinpnny. i.owu New York, from trlglifs disease, after a long Mj-tcs McCarthy ami company are tie lwndll«r* "f,,,"^,,,,., mtm m \ De i Mns sisters. Chick Hiiinllton, O. — Grand (John E. McCarthy, tngr.) hill for Jan. 20 and week: Etb Fay. ltaltoti ami La Tare, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Friel, Orcnt Mnrvelle, lSyal and Early, and pictures. Iluon (A. Humn.erle, m«r.) — Vaudeville nnd motion pictures. jBWBt,. Lvatc, Stab, Royal, Amusk-U ano E.tai.B, i-lclitre theatres, report good returns. Notk. —Miinager Uroomhall of tho Jewel, pic- ture theatre, nttemleil Ihe Ohio State Convention ot moving picture iM'ii and censors, at Oulumbua, O., 22, 23. YouiifEHtcnvii, O. —Tnrk (Fiber & Shea, n-.gra.) bill for llrst half of ivetk of Jan. 10 in- cluded: Joe Welch, Bobker'B Arabs, and Bemi- rlccl Bios.. Attendance is liig. GaiNn (John It. Elliott, mg,-.)—Titos. E. Siiei week of 20, la rejertolr". Knr Dome (Christy Delble, nigr.)—This new htiiRe Is doing Immense business with moving pic- tures and vaudeville. ._■ Notb. —Geo. A. McDermott, well known In the theatrical profession, la on the Job at Hie Park, ally assisting Manager Ccole. SiirliiKileld, O Fairbanks (0. J. Becker, mgr.) "Iloitgl.t and Paid For" Jjn. 21, Aborn Opera Co. 25. , ^. _, „,„ Nkw Sun (Sun Amnsement Co., nigra.)— Bill w<-ek of 20. Mile. Silverado, Seven Mlsclilef Mokein, the i.u!I>jb, Calu and Odom, and Dc Clinnlnl Twins. New Orleans!, La. — Tulane (T. C. Canip- 1k>II iiier-) Wm. II. Crane week of Jim. 10, to H fuilou-eil I'.v Ilnatln Farnum week of 20. Cubkckkt (T. O. Campbell, mgr.)—l'or week * ) '-The Goose Olrl." "Three IVlns" week of in. Daupiiink (Hy. Greenwald, mgr.)—Lsstntw olid motion pictures. Lvatc (G. rerucbl mgr.)—The stock company presented "St. Elmo" week of 12, to capacity Fiioc'ii (M. Layalle mgr.)—Satisfactory hii»l- itess weeK of 12, wlien the French Oncra <>>. pte- »eiiteil "Thais," "Quo Vadls," "L'Afrlcarje, ami "Veeonlque." ,, , ,, T ,, grkknwai.d (Hy. Oreeowald, mgr.) — Joiij Girls" week of 12, to good business. , LAFirB-rrE (Abo Sellgman tngr.)—Moving pic- tures and vaudeville. , IlieeoDnoMK (Lew Rose, mgr.)—Bill week uf 13 Included: Olmrch OKy Konr. Jack Grant, Lcs- ilo and Pratt, Adclph ami Raymond ami E. J. AP Onmim:jt (Jnles F. BIstea, mgr.)—Bllt week 20: Win. H. Tltoniiwon and company, t. B. P. KEITH'S UNION SQ._„ „_ THEATRE, B'way A A Addlo Oswald, Valeric Her- 14th St. Phone 3400gen- riarers in "Where Stujvcsant, Matinee There's a woman," Dick (the Dally 26o.; Nights, Hand-Writing Dog;), Charlra 210. to fl.OO. iLconard Fletcher, Woods A Woods Trio, Blanche Stone. HIPPODROME «th A v., 43-44. Dally Hat. at 2. Beat Seats, $1. Ev.8. UNDER MANY FLAGS Superb SnrloB of New 8| ieet»cles. UflllTCD PlDllCII B'way A 60th St. I Evga.8 Til 111 til UrVnllti1PhonoM60ColB.| Sharp. mitibddo Tnos., Thurs. and Sat. •< aa ■AllflBBS too., :5c, and Beat Seats ll.VV wTek GERTRUDE HOFFMANN, Bnadway to Paris Now In preparation THE 11ONF.YM0ON EXPRESS, with GAUY UKSI.YS. RRfiAnWflV The*., B'way*41at8t. DilUAUVVAl Telephone 101 Bryant Evgs., 8.1G. Matinees Wed. and Sat., 2.1t. HENRY W. BAVAOE offers "SOMEWHERE ELSE" YOUTH JOYOU8NES8 BEAUTY A Fantaxtle JlaiU'iil Feast of NoiisenBit I VBIft *2d, West of B'way. rhone 6218 Bryanl. LI nlV Bvgt., 8.16, Ma I luces 2.16. MATS. WEDNESDAY it SATUBIDAV- SAM BERNARD All FOR T HE LADIES In a new Comedy With muslo William A, pi AVUnTKi; 48th Eaatof B'ww. Brady's 11-AI HUUOE puone, 2fl» Bryant. Evgs. 8.16. Mat luces Wed., Thus and Bat. 2.1a. FIFTH MONTH Little Women F. F. Procter'! Kathrjn Kidder. HairlUe Jpii- BthAve. B'way A28th St, Dally Bat., 26c Eves. 26o to f 1 2 CONCERTS Snn., 2.16 A 8.16 All-Star Dills ninfta, assisted by Ben smith; Violet Dale, Bird Mllinuin Trio, Linden Beckwith, "Honor AinoiiR Thieves," Havlland and Thorn- ton, Billy McDcnnutt, The Aerial Shiavs, Ralph Smailey, Carson and Brown, The Three Simmons. THKATHK. W. 44th St. Mats. Thnra. and Sat, at 2.16, III BELASCU presents BEUSpJ YEARS OF DISCRETION A Coined; In Three Acts hy Frederick nation and Fanny Locke Hatton. DlitlngulBhed Cast. DEDII1H If T1IKATKB, W. 4M St. Evenlnjrs KIXUDLIU at 8.16. Mala.Tues.W,d. A Sat,,2.16. David HoIksco prepouts a fairy play for growD-nps A GOOD LITTLE OEVIL By Rosemond Gerard and Maurice Rostand. Adapt- ed by Anson Strong, with special music by Will- iam Furst. NOTABLE BKLASCO COMPANY. 10 VI T1NCP Just w. of Broadway. Phone H420 E.L1111UE Bryant. Bvg.8.20. Mats.Wed.and Sat. 2.16. wed. Mat. Popnlar. THB AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY Announces NEW of TO-DAY NOTABLE OAST OF WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. 42d St. Theatre WITHIN THE LAW H AKIIIA B'way A mull St. rtiono A840 Greeley. WHwInll Evga.,B.16, Mats.. tt'cd.4Sat..'J.ir,. EMMA TRENTINI in THE FIREFLY Foua Special Wednesday Matinee* lieginnlna; Wodticsdny. Jan. 22. NINA MOKOANA In tlllo role. Seats 60c. to »1.60. 39thSTfiEfT^ HA,rs "' 'Phone 413Bryant. 03111 1>II1CCI amnSt.,nr.B'way Evgs. 8.90, Mats. Wed.. FTl, A Sat, 2 30, WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd., pruHcnts THE WOMAN OF IT A New Comedy by FREDERICK I.ONBDALB. Uivina Cltlntt'o TllKA.,8iithbet.B'wayA6thAve. IrldHIIS Clllilll i pi,,,™ m6 Bryant. Evenings 8,46. Matinees Wud. A Sat. 2.30. SCIINITXLKR'S SATIRIC OOMKDY , Original Little Theatre Onat and Production. ffiBCKg. Snow White ANAtOL William i1« m .«J«i 4l8t ' Kastof B'way. Phono SK Comedy u ^a\^^ Thursday Hats., Best Seats (1.10, (Iranvilla Barker's London Company, In FANNY'S FIRST PLAY 48th ST. THBATKIJ 481b, East of B'way. CORT THEATRE, 4s,h St., just East of B'way. Telephone Bryant 46. Eve. 8 20; Hat. Wed. and Sat. 2.30. OLIVER MOROSCO Presents LAURETTE TAYLOR In o1 8 Y C o 0 u , m <I, PEC O' MY HEART By J. HARTLEY MANNERS. WILLIAM A. BRADY'S Evgs. 8.16. Mats., Thurs. k Sat,, 2.16. Phone 178 Bryant. LEW FIELDS Presents WILLIAM COLLIER SKi N E VER SAY DIE /WNTI1UV THEATRE. 02d St. anil Klghth Ave. VEdilUAI Tliniie.itKou-Col. Mats. Vt'ul. ASat.,2. JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN 13 scenes. BuHposklng parls. 300 on singe LHIOEST ItltAMATIU PKUDV0T1ON KVKIt MADE 1FI TUB WOIII.I) Illness. Mr. Dclchcr wns a native of New York Cltv. He was horn hero on March 20. IRfifi. He entered the theatrical profession ohoiit eighteen years ago, as manager, but llrst enmc Into prominence os n member of the (Irm of Deleher & Hcnncssy, in 1801). when this firm exploited "Brown's In Town. Thry hnd this attraction on tho road for several seasons, and later bad other attrac- tions, hut none of them proved profitable. Later Mr. Deleher tried uls hand at the lintol business in New Tnrk. In 1008 he went to Jacksonville. Fin., and hecamo manager of tho Duval Theatre, thnt cltv, the year following. He came to New York tn business several weeka ago. He wis 111 at the time and rapidly prrew worse nntil he v.'as removed to the hospital, where he died. Ills wife, professionally known ns nelen Cmntly. wns with him. His father, mother and sevornl brothers i-nd sisters also survive lilm. Mr. Helcher wns a prominent Mason, ii'lrtg it member of Union Lode;o No. 21. P. and A. M., tn New York, nnd helonclng to Hi" Florida ConBlsroty Scottish Utto-Masons. n» was also c noble of the Mystic Shrine, adulated with Morocco Temnle In Jnckson- Y'lle. He wag a member ot tho Green Boom Club. L. O. Conver, thlrtv -venrs old, who was Pnlillclty man for the Eclair Film Mnnnfac- liiilng Compnnv, died suddenlv Jan, 8 In a bospltni In Ncw'York City. Mr. Coover had ■fen connected with the Eclair Company over J venr, during which time he made mnny ifl'-nds with hla cheery disposition and cood nahire. He was taken tn a hospital nhout lwr> wer-ka aeo. supposedly mlTerlng from r-Hilonltls. nis ailment wns Inter found to be nrtilr. nppendirltls. ond ho was onernted unon ""lnesdnv night, following which he died. I "nornl services were held .Inn. 10 nt the '""lortnklng establishment of M. E. O'Siilll- vnn. 2".7 Hudson Street. Mr. Coovcr lived at ;"5 West IVentv-thlrd Street, this city. He ,hives a mother In Los Angeles. Cal. Hntide HobBon, n London, Ens.. Gnycry P'il. died Jan. C, In that city. Rh3 wns, up •" the time of her marriage to Cnpf. Hnlrv. '■■ the Eleventh Hussars, n footllght fft- J'/'lt'. Upon her mnrrlnge she retired from ]"< mefesslon. nnd with her husband went '" Hawnll. where she subsequently beenme Veld of Honor to the Queen. Following the <i;ith of her husband she returned to th3 slice. T, VlK B in.no, of tho New York Hlnpo- ^rome stage force, died suddenly Jan. 13. of nr »Jt fnllure. no wns thirty-two years old frank A. Hares died Jan, 3- 22, offering "In tho Bairacka.' Others McGlveney. W. a Fields, Jack Ilnizaril, Pmr> and While, the Kauirraan Troupo of bicyclists. ■Ma Fare and her two dancing hoys, and Went- wortli, Veatn aad Ted.ly. Pathe's Weekly. Walnut Stbket. (W. t. Jackson, mgr )—An- otlter lawk play, "The Comiaon Law, _with :^-oon- nr.l Id;, comes 19. after a week of "The Call of the Heart," which proved a crude but Interesting <iran,n. Ann Hamilton played the leading role ,'cceptablr. "Get-Rlch-Qolck Walllnsforil" comes " Eurri:ss (George F. "'Ish, mp-.)—"My Lady's Fan" la the headllner W. Otbera: Bobert Ful- ton anil Mattle Choate, In "The Mayor and the Manicure," Ilarnian and James, fa " »*><»»?• Yestenlujs and Tomorrows;" the Three t-relKh- ton Girls, the Tambert Sisters and Brother Paul, and Block and White. Jlottoa pictures. OitfiiifBJt (Isaac M. Marlin. rojr.)—Captain Dill Sweeney, of the Boston Nationals, and Frejl Webber were the heailllnera 10, In a baseball Ftotcli Tho Four De Kocka, Charlotte, the toeing violinist: Acme Four Dllla and Temple- ton In "The Goblin's Den;" Teanette Adler anil McDonald end Genereaui. Klnen^color plctjrefl- Pi.oi-i.e'o (James E. Fennfasy, mar. I— The Olrls from Reno will arrive 10. They MM"* the Monte Carlo fllrle, who were long on rollick- Inir fun, tuneful music and nretty flrls. Horry Welsh was the Mn-corter. Billy lntnan Zella Clavton Arthur Mayer. Evn Stillivaa and Arthur SS£; are all sparklers In actio,, The M Setters' Ounrtettc mmle good In the olio. Tlie 0r S^li 0 r (R? n K? 11,'nlcka. ragrO-Bohby Man- cl,esU.?s Cracker Jacks are doa 10. Dove llBrlon in? his Dreamland Ilurlesipiers did finely Inst w"U In "I'mtsse Cafe.' 1 Marion was still nearly tin?"whole Ihlne os "SntilTy." the cab.-nan. but he id £2$ al i™ in Max Gordon. Wm. Lnwrenco „' SlMBT. The Symphony Four dispensed splendid harmony Id the cabaret sccac. Ben Ton S'Effi'ffi,,i-.K'S.n5Kii for the Inst bill. "The Return of Lady Linda TaJ^SSatffig iSg. SS Tsv'm 9 soloist at the coacerls of Bt Cincinnati Sym- **£££ *&£• Olio Schmidt. m«T.)-The RlSSIf Mi- to present "Flachsmann ala ■^,%M ANn Nsw CRXTcnr still give vaudeville and pictures. Nnws-ctransxTS Sale,"Ward Bros., and Rradshaw Bros. nilYSTAI.. El.lTB, Al.llAMIlltA AND lll'.K OCC doing well with moving pictures. KiioxvlUe, Tttnn. —Stnali's (Frllt Stntih, mar.) "The Servant It, the Ilgnac" Jan. 20. Ituuu U'red Jlartln. iiinr.)—"A Wliitiliiff Mlaa" 20-23 "Whose I.ltlk- Olrl Are Youl" 2T-Fob. 1. (Jiianu (Frank Hoaers, nigr.)—Vttudevllle, to cowl iKlUHes. ^ Oaiilb, Rant, OavsTAi., Gay, Majbstio, and Lvnui, ploturo hiunea, reiiort good bualnesit OnBTTA AND Singing the Morse bit, < lvihi:, "^VTtlBtllng Jim." Acr, (AN Tun Foan Van Staats made good In &>**" m i musical ■et.^BBd their singing of The fnrmcrly of tb^Forepaugh Slock Co., A,K ^ onT w ^7n 0 ''t'own'™hear.i D i"bI. ..etch, aiBimilils. Tenia.—Lyceum (Frank Oray. n,g"? Jt'l nn Kit n/e Jan. 20-22. '^'he Trull of uioLo.wa.nno 1'1,«" 2:i-26. Aborn Ol«ra Co. 27, Chns. B. Hansford 2ft-Feb. 1- , .. Lvato fBetiJ. M. Stainback, mgr.)— 'In OH Kentucky'' week of Jan. 10. , oieiKt'Bf (Max ^bM. mgr.)— Bill we,"( of 20: riota Paka. Dalay Jerome. Cfnre Se^ . the Stanleys, Ombrns Trio, Ashley and Lee, II«,-ry I^>lchton nnd company, and pictures. • F 0Un%°A..SST1CB, rBIMCESS. CABttOMTON. PIL- AI.U10 Oubkn, CowMMfc Koiio. Amkii:- Two Pastimrs., Ofh. Savoy, IT.kin. Jov, DAtar. ItovAL. and Famous, picture houses, re- port good business. NoNhvllte, Tenia.—Vendome (W. A. 8iie?ls. mgr.) Oe». Evana- Homy,Boy Mlnatrels Jan. 21. Jtillna KlUnge, In "The I'nsclnatlng Widow. ^.1- M Oni-Jtnu« (Geo. II. Hickman mgr.) — "Over Nlnht In Boston" wo* of 20. Psncbhs (ilnrry Stt.lekiini, mgr.)—Bill week of 13 Included: "»'•; Helm Frank. Pairlsh. Rother and Anthony, Idanlas Troui*, F. I*. Mc- °%oaa tOeo.°H!' Hickman, mgr.)—Walter Jones, In "Baby Mine," week of 20. Dal Ins, Tex.—Dallaa (Geo. Anry. mgr.) DiiMtln Famum. In "Tho Littlest Iteliel," Jan. 10. 11, to good business. M.IIHHTK) (O. V. Ooulil, mgr.)—Bill week of 13 wns: W. 11. St. Janies' Players, Minerva Pis- lers, Kotkw'od anil Malcnm. Vr.li Oss Troiipe, Roll- wt Hall, Snytler mid Buckley, and OooiKir ami MsfiL OarstBtiM (Roy DaJlon, mgr.)—Vaudi-vlllc and motion pictures. IlAfi'Y Ilouir (Iloy Dalton, mgr.)—Went Avey nnd eliniHiny. and nmtlon plclurea. OAm>ny inro»-n A Stinnett, nigra.)—Vaudeville to good bUt-lMCHS. Fort Wortli, Tex.— Mnjesllc (0. Musselt, mgr.) bill for week of Jan, 13: Byrn-ItleliDeld coiiiiiauy. Jialisu Tnnnen, June and Krwln Con- urlly,, Kins and iiernlc, "Visions D'Art," Demu- rest and Doll, llnlb rial's doga. and picture. IlrEBB' (Phil W. areenwall, mgr.)— "llnnty Pulls the Strluga" 17, 18. _ Savoy (Ft.init Norlh, mgr.)—"Tlie Barrier" wwk of 13. Hirro»ao«B (I.. D. Brair, mgr.)—VuiidivllW ami pictures. Onklnnil, CbI.— Mncdonoiirjli (V. A. Gelsa, niRr.) May Robaoa, la "A Nhjht Out," Jnn. 21, "'Yh Liokbty (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Thn Vislhip Plnyers presented "Tlie Belle of New York" M ""obpiibuu (Geo, Bby, mgr.)—Bill week of 10: Minnie Dupree and company, Harvey Fcmlly, Iloiikltis and Axtell, Landers. Steiena and Coop- er. Merrill nnd Otlo, Mile. I.ncllo, the Grasers. Eo'oy and West, and phntoiibys. PANT.tosa' (W, W. F,iy, mgr.)—Bill 10 and vtck: Six Cantllll-ias, Four Avoloi. Two Worths. Hnyties and Montarmery, Illlllar, George Uowly, K.ekert and Franclti, and mollon pictures. Oom'mdia (Dlllou & King, mgrB.I—Oolumbta company presents "Tlie Roun.lcrs' 10 anil week. Bboaoway (Guv C. Smith, roar.)—Vaudeville nnd motlim pictures, to capacity nttendnnre. Oakland, I.ymio, Hobnic, Bbown's. Caheiia, Bboent and Bijou I>ita\»c, photoi>lny houses, im- port good attendntiec. Woailstoek, Cnn.—Orlflln's (M. J. Orinin, m«r.) "The OnmbUva" Jnn, 20 "Mcl'niliieii's nats" Feb. 12 Vandevlllo nnd moving pictures on lnt-rrwhlBK date*. _, . Wiiitji Stab IF. T, Kgener mgr.)—Mmlng pie- lures. IllriiilniriinMia, Aln.—Jefferson (B. S. Dong- Ihsb. ngr.) "The Prince of Pilien" was tlio at- Iroctlo't Jan. 17. _ _-. _ Majkbtio (M. T/. Scmon, mpr.)—For week or 20, Ollle Mack, in "Flnnegaii r s Bnll." OnrllBUU (M. L. Simon, mgr,)—Closed for n-novstlon. Will re-open about Feb. 3. Bijou (M. U. Simon, mgr.)— "Wliero the Trail Iilvlilcn" week of Jan. 21). Amijbm-U (II. M. NewBOme, mgr.)—Bill week of 20: liOtila List, Ixing and La Mode, Four Crulintns, llmnly ninl Norman, and pictures. Norn.—The new |30,i)<)0 photoplay bouse here, owned by II. M. Newsomc, anil to be named by tho public, will open !h» doors nhout Feb. 1. This house la located on Rccoud Avenue, In tho very lieurt of tlio shopping district. Mr. New- snmo now controls tlio Ainuse-U, Bonlta and Princess theatres In tills city. 1'iwlni nil. mprr.) Jan. 20. Oilier ilnles lllleil by Cornvll-Pi'icu Plnyers. AltCAim (Joss^ili Dt'slHTger mgr.)—Onrsldo , mgr.)—Moving ple- num.) — Moving pic- liacaili, Kr,—Kentucky (W. A. Finney, Heiirli'fln Oiximuun, in "The Real Thing." Stock Cumiuiay, liuhiliilte. (Itodikey O. Dovla Kil/.Y lurw. Ht.t'iu (Di-stxrwr Bros, tuivs. Bijou Staii lures. Nut*. —l'.vet* during llio steaily rains tho Oar- side Slock 0> drew crowiled bouses Tho OiriH'll-I'rk'c I'lnyers nro making a favoralde Im- pression All of tho moving plcluic shows are drawing Iiiiko houses, IJ. A, Undel, mgr.)—Moving pictures. (Li'Kbergcr Broa,, nigra.) — Moving, pie I.II.MAN IIAHKNT, HlngliiB "Oil, Wlint n Ih-fliitiful Dream." 1'iiblMicd hy Shapiro, (oliiinlilra, H. ti. — New Columbia (F. L. Brown, mgr.) '"lite Forlttnp Iluiiter" Jan. 22, '"Hio Merry Widow" 23, "The Itoao Mild" 25. (Iiianii tic. D. Kilwanls, mgr,)—Suzanne Carter Music11 Comedy Co, Inmr, 1F«. II, Edwards, mgr.)—M. P. Ilnrrey oUd pictures,