The New York Clipper (February 1913)

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Febbuaby 8 ,•-'4- THE STEW YORK- CLIPPER. Bother^ B. H.. and Jnlla Matlowe-B^llogtoti, , fiklnnpr. nt im vi._ •_ »_> __ ■' O., 10-15. .9* HAilC TRICKS ^2* £"• f t ri^^"^^ l '^"3r c .^ !nttt *»■•<>• K^m. UM 5^gffyy T ,&** *fi%aSfti* ^ ™'«-«=P->-Wlchlt., &■*»., lenry ». fed . Estate — Ten* (0. B. Muntlie, up.)— Lima, 0., BoTto^S. lno^nltf. , tn - <- E, '»«M Barrett. mar.l-T/ta.. a .JS°* P .£?J[?"...?%Ay«K»MOVIES, VUjstones"—Klaw/ * Briinger B5too :s lirfeflnjU. ■ "Merry Wl«>w"-ffl«lT W. Savnge '.-Tremont, Starr, Fr.ncea-D»vld P. „ 8 " «odrttaite\" '" - * " onu,e - »*•>-""". <S*MI Stock—Stalnach-Herda'—Ml, Ver- „non, N. Y., 8, lmleflnltp. Wnrburton Stock (Carl W. Ilnnt, mgr.)—Yonkcrs, N. Y., 3. Indefinite. , IpdUn.ppdl.T. fTOmSZ Barrett Pl.ver. d Beloaco's—Johnstown p. - *• Indefinite. ..ii.rrr WlflOW"-—liCHry W. D*""flare".*—rKSW LIT" « -~ r.---i^ --■-■» •»-*«'. wmhvb, 1HI!., u , m kS* LV. S-fl.'Uto Charles 0, Houston. Tex., ""S^ J^"** — Messrs. Shubert _ Milwaukee. C '2Z? T w Ke ? er , 0 < F J«» 0. Channeey, m-)- igFs.i^^ a ' ^ B I '.gS 1 ' , dalmtod U. Ban Antonio 12, 13, Amtta sh™,^.. „_ . „ "*' fJSSZ £*• »,°«*y^i 1(> '3 Te^Ttodrtnl* ""* B « r ->- M '»P" 1 '' Via- American Players (VIn Rlclmiond, mgt.)— Millers- ' burg, 0., (1-8. Athlaud lo-io. (3*0.(10-16. ^J^T B - F ' K"«>'-Brooklyu, N. (Cortland Honktm, mgr.)—Ch«r. 10, Gsltestoa 11, Ban Antonio la, 18, Austin She. Ttvn*,.. aa , „ _ rwuZ;: £V .1^ ,,?• u W«"burg 10-10. -~" T^T*- »-— ^JS^e^aMM*!*.. £S^«*-^ 3afls«s?", , Tr"r •sEWp v —-*— ™*Vv." S-8 - ^""P" 11 ' "P0- *HKEL DURLESOIE SHOWS. Pm Crslg, ragr.)—Caitle Square, Empire—Wcttern. Indefinite. Americans (Kd. B. Daley, mr.)—Howard. Boa- .on, 8-8, Grand Opera House, Boston, 10-15. Anto Girls (Teddy 8inxrads, mar.)—Buckingham. - ■J*B!?'* 3 ' 8 ' Empire, Inttlaimpolia 10-18. Big Review (Henry P. Dlion, irir.)—People's, _ _ w .„,,)_ New York, 3-8, Empire, Philadelphia, 10-16. n-f ■ fa 1'- 8 - Indefinite. * Bohemians (Al. Labia, mgr.)—Mlaulcr. Altoona. Indennlte. "Sto^'TfclSI.JlXj. t ~ ,i?Ji*. .?, oc ^ i^" 1 *? * Bdwarda. mar.)—In- ?! fimbria, Jobnatown, ?, Whlte-a Opera Uonsc, "lliater Mind, Th«"—Werba * Loeacher'»-Bal- rotk. LhZuSXS* * H »"'"'-<3«Iety, New tJSSP& ,nd >'n 8 V la ^ a «^ '"•'"' lieKcenwrt. 8, Btar,, 10-lB. ' tlmore, Md.,' 8-8. „ "SnS Dod«^T^ ru U , °V~Jfri* &A.* **m ■> I iWftitw Cer,'nryG,rU (l ? ,y Qroda. mrr.l-Kn.plre. Brook- "Merry Oonnteaa, The"—Uetsra, Shnbert—flleye- ™» "SS 1 '™-—f*f _ FI «W«—American Mmi^ »J?h **}••.*• IndeBnlte, land, 0., 3-8, Cincinnati 8-1S. "Mlaa Nobody From Starland"—Mort H. Singer** (lolte. .CVltV Three Wire.. Tbe"-Mea.». Sbobert -»» *-*** K "" '•°' Plre ' " °g*l^J«^ (Oto^rt TrV. Hall rff.^^-rT , F J« d ''—American Mnalo «JS «!*■■* WW. '■ - lyn, 8-8, Empire, Newark, 10-15. ' «'sSw , mit2* ,, *ia 8 / • ndefln »e. a 1 ?' '*""• » D<1 P'«Jer» — Clisna Park, III., Cb"ry Bloaaoma (Max Armstroim, mer.J-Oaalao. ^ ^ktlMaTl^fei^'-""^ ^«- n!Z — ,„ _.. ?5 ro0klj °- 3 - 8 ' m ' b * A " nue - Ne » W '° : Waahlntton Oonrt House Xenla 0, Wilmington 7, Bai SFg Ne^vTSM 2 - Zaoe " me "• ^^ te -g^ '■lira. Wlgg. of tbe Cabbage Patch"_Uebler Co.'. ft, OwStonn York—Matinees—3-8. (Cha*. Donaalioe, maT.)—Portsmoutb, 0.7 8, "Sonablne ai$ %%Zt 8 M. , p." f* »J«t Jtgw ty DaYta, ragr.)—Plttabnrga. n.rLm. / Waahlngton Ooort Hon*e 4, Springfield 8 Knlck«b«.t£' vB*^ 01 ! 8 '« B Frohraan'a— n , Pa ,- 3, Indefinite. "onria. D aDydllU_ ^ Xenla 6.. Wllmlngton.7, Hamilton IB, Plgna 10 •%g8STl!3F*l&Z **%L.«V HBM If a . Ttfiffi (K " We " , ' n . mgr.)-Lowell. Maai teysffi'BMBi*, ">^£ Artliur Muller, ngr.)—Orpbeam, Pat- t.??. lj, J 3 / 8 ' Columbia, 8eraoton, fl-8, Trocadero, Philadelphia. 10-15. la.. 0, Clinton 7, Dobiuue 8, 8. H' 01 ? ,*-^ ln « Musical Comedy—Oakland Cal Dl> v ( ' y 9' rla IS"-. P - Cromwell, mgr.)—Bronx, ), Mnaon City 11. Albert Cea. Minn „ 3 ' !?_*i*' ll il> "«• «nu, uai., New york, 3-8. Empire, Brooklyn, 10-18. i ni o.l 8 ' „ E «« h «»ter ". Faribault IB. Gr S*' > "' im , t Player*—B. P. Kelth'a—Brooklyn N """'V 0 n 5 n * h "' r " i 01 '"' Taylor, mgr.)—Lay off WK ^Werb. & Lue^er-iL „,I-J'• "•«•* Brooklyn, N. week 3-8. K. 1 u.6mah«.8.1 ? ... ( Pop Women ; The handsomest shoes In Ataieiw ica are those made by Wichert P We have 3a dfatlnct ttyles In ', J>„ boots for street or dress wear— • Jt' \ pumps, oxfords, colonials rand slip* pen in all the good materials. High Shoes, $5 Up Slippers, 88.50 Up 6th Ave., at 31st Street ■ Tart 14, Maricopa "5fi<lame Sherry" (Madame Sherry Co. mgrs.)—Milwaukee, Wla., 6-8, Cincinnati 0-15. "Mutt aM Jeff." El—Qua Hill's (B. M. Garfield. Jlnch Boad Show |A. K. Phillips, mgr.) ■Dayld City, Nebr., 0-8. Ulyaaes 10. Home, Boatoni S-S" "BronxT'New York" BIINSTnELS, Bla; OJty-nlolin W. Vogel's—Wcat Cheater, Pa.. roni Beno (James Xlaillson, mgr.)—Oaycty, ft Ooatcuville 7, Lancanter 8, Columbia 10, York Milwaukee. 3-S, Oalety, Mlnncooolia, 0-15. ". Honovc-r 13, Gottjabufg 13, Wayneiboro 1*. atford 21, mirr.)—HannlUl, Mo., 8 Quinev 111—n Rock 13-15 — —, «u.u» 1Xl urpneum. i-ateraon, la-io. :h 8, Syd- Xhelhyvllle, Mo., 10. Memnhla 11 hnin'niti Hlllman's Ideal Btoot m..., sij,.. < Monte Carlo Qlrln (Tom HnHIxao, mgr.)—Gaiety, _ gTCyaaH 'la..' lsHcS«U« Q m? Ne^ ^rEkpLJrTee. 1 LebYuon^h.Tmai S** - * ^ a ' aDd ° lX "- B °™- *' P * u1, \T„, "^^Jj^»S»*J5rrf-- *-«»#• H ^J^X-.J»A« e 4a ft .Phye l a~S to . ""SL %ST A " n ^' De,K>lt> 8 ' 8> 8 '"' To ' in V-, M i 1 ,« r, J D,;r -. > 7"^ y ' Mo - 10 - Vandalla, „ t0 ». N ebr.. 8-8. Elgin 10-12. Nellgli 13-15. Harlem Opera House Stock—B. F. Keith's-lNew Lambert, _ y ° rk *. indefinite. ronto. 10-15. Orientals (0. Bragg, mgr.)—Empire, Chicago, 3-8, Oaycty, Milwaukee, 9-15. rrlmrose A Dockstador's (Karl Bnrgeaa. mgr.)— New Brunswick, N. J.. 0, Newark 10-15. OIRCVSBS. Shlpp A Feltus'—Valilerla, Chill. S. Araer.. 8-0. lalachoana 10-10, BueiKi Ayrei, indeflolte. New Plymouth 22, Auckland 24-Morch aey. N. 8. XV., 15, Indefinite. "Naughty Marietta" (A. Hammerateln San Francisco, Cal., 3-13. Olcott. ChauDoey (Heary Miller, mgr.)—Orand Opera House, New York, 8-22. 111.. 12. Elflnchaai 13, Mt. Vernon 14 O'Hara, Flake (A. J. Pltou, mgr.)—McVIcker'a, "SeTen Hours In New York" (Wee & Chicago, 8-15. "Oh! Obi Delphlne"—Klaw & Erlanger's—New Amsterdam, New York, 8, lndeflnlte. "Out Wires"—Jos. M. Galtes'—Cort. Chicago, 3, Indefinite. "Ofllcer 806." Eastern—Cohan A Harris'—Oar- rlck, Philadelphia, 8-22. "Offleer 0€0"—Cohan & Harris'—London, Eng„ 8. Indefinite. ^^rSSCBfS^aS *S£aJ&2JSa^*±>^ nraffil^ Stock-M^Be. Aui/s. ^ ^^^^^f^^^^ * *V£Ffi£ *€^ SSttSSff * n,12 b Galreston 18, Belmont 14, Lake Charles. _*>ta»,.Heir Tort. ,8, Indefinite. _' "^ _««• Ta^flffll flBSs ln$Bl Ml) ITslsaall. JttjJBm '' ntt >- Uo '«'™»> .* Taylor, Lanrette—Oliver Morosco'e—Oort, New Henderson Stock (W. J. A xiRcr i.uiOT ijames weeuon, mgr.)—uoiumt'ia, .."■• •■, "iuiuuih.-. R. B. Henderson, fcranlon. 3-5, Orpheom, Paterson, 0-8, People's, M <V> Dl the world In Motion Pictures—Bererly B. , 8-8. New York, 10-15. DoMaV (Josmb Conoly, mgr.)—Sydney, Au- —Empire, Baltimore, 8-8, Lyceum, Washington, Msjlfeait War anil Panama Canal, In Kinemacolor "Ofllcer 008." Middle—Cohan A Harris'—Kala- Tortt - 8> Indefinite. ingrs.)—Breckenridge, 'ilich., rntsoo, Mich.. 6, La Porte. Ind., 7, Aurora, T"""'"™. ,S ow « r 5 D < J « ck ■■"■* mgr.)—Orand Haines & Price Stock (Geo. P. Bainee, mgr.)— Watwn's'Burlesque™ (Dan. Guggenhelmer, mgr.) - _ stralls. 8. Imleflnllo III., 8, Jollet 9, KendnllTllle, Ind., 10. An- Knplds, Mich., 8-8, Detroit 9-15. Alpena, Mich., 3-8. —■— --•' ■■ *■ ■-- gola 11, Coldwater, Mich., 12, Grand Baplds 'Top o' the Mornln'"—Henry W. Savage's— Jacobs Stock (Geo. W. Jacobs, mar.)—Newark 1315. * Olympic. Chicago. 8, Indefinite. N. J., 3, indefinite. ■ "Officer 866," Southern—Cohan A Harris'—Brum- "Trail of the Lonesome Pine"—Klaw & Er> JerTerson Theatre Stock (Julias Cabn mar )— wick, On., 8, Savannah 7, Charleston, S. C, 8, laiurer's—St. Louis, Mo., 8-8. Portland, Me., 3, Indefinite Orangeburg 10, Augusta, Ga., 11, Newberry, "Talker, The"—Newark. N. J., 8-8, Springfield, Juneau Stock (J. H. Relcbest', mgr.)— Milwaukee E. a. 12, Greenville 13, Spartanburg 14, Ashe- vllle. N. O.. 15. "Over Night"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—Imperlsl, Chicago, 0-16. "Only Way, The"—D. 8. Play Co.'a—Dexter. N. Mex., 6, ArtCBla 7, Boawell 8, Portalea 9, Clo- vls 10, Amarlllo, Tex., 12, Canyon 18, Claren- don 14, Memphis 15. "One Day" (Chas. E. Blaney Amuse. Co., ingrs.l —Waahlngton, D. 0.. 8-8. Pointer, Beulah—Burt & Nlcolal's—Victoria, Chi- cago, 3-8, Indianapolis, Ind., 10-12. Philadelphia Grand opera (Andreas Dlppel, mgr.) —Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, 8, indefinite. Tollard's Australian Juvenile Opera—Montreal, Can., 8-8, Mass., 12. Wis., 8, lndeflnlte. 10-15 Whirl of Mirth (Robert Gordon, mgr.)—Star, To- ronto, 3-8, Lafayette, BalTalo, 10-15. Yankee' Doodle Girls (Msx Gorman, mgr,)—Tro- cadero, Philadelphia, 8-8, Empire, Baltimore, 1015 .Motion Pictures—Carnegie Lyceum New York 3, Indefinite. ■- Balkan War and Homer's Odysaey (Wm. J. Me- Qnlnu, mgr.J—Bndtnry, Ont„ Can.. 8, Blind River 10, Thessalon 11, Maaiey Station 13, Hnull Ste. Mario 13-15. "Truxton King" (United Play Co., Inc., uigrs.) K S J 5 8 S'»ters (0. A. Keyes, mrr.)—York, Pa., Zallah's Own (Wm. 0. Cameron, mgr.)—People's, Rnlney'i, Paul J., Afrlcnn Jungle, In Motion Plo —Oulncy, HI., 6, Mt. Sterling 7. Springfield S, T .r, 8 ' Hngerstown. Md., 10-15. Cincinnati, 8-8, Empire, Qblcago, 9-15. tures—Itljou, New York. 8, Indefinite. Rnlney's. Paul J., African Jungle, in .Motion Plo 10-16. Peoria 9, Canton 10, Jacksonville 11, Decatur KeI,y d„™ e . rmai ^„ S(0< vJ I (Harry B. Sherman, mgr.) ' Cola ila-Eaislern. 12, irrbana 13, Danville 14, Bloomlngton 15. fc -^! up ? r J <)r ', wls ;'. 3 - Indefinite. as i^,,,,- rWHivSW IV E. VLn. m«- \ „ tures-r-Ncwark, N. J.. 10.16. "Thief. The" (Primrose & McGi'lan. mgrs.)— Kw °S'„^" n,> , OSE"* j*H5S °°- ■aW.1 flSSS > ESB&m Ts o'lvmilc JfiJ ™*lo,V R,, , ln0 >". „ p «, nl '« African Jungle. In Motion Plo Memphis, Tenn.. 3-8, Nashville 10-15. ..—9 rana I»lnr.d. Nebr., 3, lndeflnlte, ?„*!',"' Brooklyn. 8-8, Olympic, New lork, tures—Richmond, Vs., 80, Waiblngton. D. O.. "Tliree Twins" (Philip H. Nlven, mgr.)—Blr- K 'i m i .* G "»oIo Stock—Baltimore, Md., 8, to- rn Ingham, Ala.. 8-8. definite. "Thelma" (Henry AV. Link, mgr.)—Sturgeon, Mo., Kelley Stock (Jewell Kelley, 7. Fulton 8, Montgomery 10, Loulalana 12, . Miss., 3, Indefinite. Noho, III., 14. Roodbouse 15. Loug Stock (Frank B. Long, "Uncle Tom'a Cabin"—Klbblo & Martin's (Wm. , S-8. St. Charles 9-15. BssnttBJSfe** w,lkes - ^."a. a Nehr p :T?nd ( eiu.?, w ^" a - •»» ^s?S BfiSsttssF' ™ "Unwritten Law. Tbe"-B. H. Frasee'—Fulton, *&^£U& Lynn, mgr.)_Newburyport, BonZs ^^^cAlle^t'^'^.Sety; ixnl. 0-8, Gaycty, ilrooklyn, 10-15 New York, 7, Indefinite. Mqhs., 3-15. ftgs.ef HSafJ, Wr^ _Bsjsiy,.Wa, Savage's^- "Van^BUly B.^tato&Havlta's-Crown, Chicago, ***££&£» Stock jpick Ferris, mgr.)-Los Bowery BurleiYuers JoeT^ Harris, ngr.)- Bau Antonio. Tex.. 6, 7, Austin 8, Waco 10, -J 1 " 8 - Angeles, Cat., 8, indefinite. Corslcana 11, Daiias'l2,' 13, Fort'Worth 14! Warfield, David — David Belasco's—Ban Frsn- Lyceum Stock (Fox A King,' mgrs.)—Ogden. U. 15. ' clseo. Oal., 3-8, Oakland 10-12, San Jose 13, 3, Indefinite. * ' ' "Pink Lady, The"—Klaw A Erlanger's—Kalarna- Sacramento 14, Stockton 15. Lewis Stock 10. H. LewlB, mgr.)—Great Falls, soo, Mich., 7, Grand Baplds 8, 0. Weber-Fields Players (Weber & Fields, mgrs.)— Mont., 8. Indefinite. "Poor Little Blch Girl, The"—Arthur Hopkins' Birmingham, Ala., 6, Montgomery 7, Mobile La Salle Stock (Oppcnhelmer Bros., mgTe.)—St. —Hudson. New York, 8, indefinite. 8. New Orleans, La., 9-15. LouIb, Mo., 3, Indefinite. "Prince of To-nlgbt, The" (L« Comte A Flesher. Ward and Yokes—Stair A Harlln's — New Or- Morosco Thentre Stock (Oliver Korosco, mgr.) mgrs.) —•Hibcrt, Ckla., 0, Oklahoma 7, 8, leans, La.. 8-8. Los Angeles, Cal.. 3. indefinite. Gutbrle 9, Norman 10. Woldmann, Ednard (E. E. Johnson, mgr.)—I.ynn, Marks Stock (Ernie Marks, mgr.)—B.-ockvllle, "Painted Woman. The"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. 'nd., 8, Falrmount 7, Elwood 8. Ont., Can., 3-8. "Woman, The," Eastern—David jlelaaco's—Park, Maber Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—Berwick, Pa., Boston, 3-22. 3-8. "Woman. The," Weatern—David Eelasco's—Nor- Morlson Stock (Llndssy Morlscn, mgr.)—Lynn, folk, Va., 6, Richmond 7, 8, ilharbtte, N. C Mass., 3, Indefinite. 10. Greenville, S. C, 11, Spartanburg IS, Ashe- vllle, N. 0., 13, Enoxvllle, Tenn., 14, Obulta- nooga 15. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Cc's—Bltlnge, New York, 8, Indefinite. Star and Garter, Chicago, 3-8, Standard, Cin- cinnati. 0-13. College Girls (H. H. Hedg»], mgr.)—Gajety, Pittsburgh, 3-8, Empire, Cle/••land, 10-13, —Baltimore, Md., 10-15. "Pacing Show of 1912, The"—-Messrs. Shubert— Garrlck. Chicago, 8, lndeflnlte. "I'al.- of Country Kids.' A" (C. Jay Smith, mgr.) —Okemah, Okla., 6, Wetumka 7, Halleyvllle 8, Krebe 0, Wllburton 10, Atnka 11, Coalgate 13, Lehigh 18, Bergs 14, Claremore 15. "Paid to Full" (0. B. Prlmro*>, mgr.)—Logans- port. Ind., 7, La Fayette 8, Janesrllle. Wis., 9, mgr,)— 'Quaker Girl, The," A—Henry B. Harris' Ei- "Within the Law"—Am. Play Co.'s—Scrnnton, tate—Buffalo, N. Y., 8-8, PitUburgb, Pa., 10- Pa- 10-12- 15, Manhnttan Players (Geo. E, Brown, Trenton, V. J., 3, Indefinite. Mnlley A- Dennlson Stock—Fall Elver. Mass., 8, Indefinite. Malley A- Dennlson Stock—Lawrence, Mass., 3, Indefinite MlflOELLANEOUa. rieclill's, Mrs., Tyroleans — Wlnslon-Salem, N. 0„ 3-8. Great Raymond (Maurice V. Rtivniond, mgr.)—. Studebakvr. Chicago, 0-March 1. Mysterious Rmltli (Albert P. Smith, mgr.)—. Frankfort. S. Dak., 8, Dolnnd 7, dark 8, Henry 10, Castlewood 11, Estelllno 12, Bruce 18, Elk. ton 14, I.ak? Benton, Minn., :n. Columbia Burlesquers (Jcuse Uuvus, mgr.)—Em- Ncwmnnii, Great—Graltaii, N. Dulc, 0, Ht, Tliom- plre, Cleveland. U-8, Einplre, Toledo, 9-15. as 7, fl, Hamilton 0, II). Drayton 11, 12. Cracker Jacks (Harry Leonl, mgr.)— (loyeiy, 8t. Powers' Hypnotic Show (Frank J, Powers, mgr.) —Harlow, Fla., 3-8, Fort Meade 10-12, Mul- berry 1.1-15. Rlclon Show (R. Melon, mgr.) — Vlcksburg. Mich., 3-8, Mnrshall 10-15, Wright's Comblratton Show (O, A. Wright, mgr.) —New City, N. Y.. 6-8. Whet ten, F. 7)., Oetman Mcllclno Co.—Page, Nebr., 3-8, Foster 10-15, "Wonderland"—Wm. Morris'—New York Roof, New York, 8, Indefinite. Louis, 3-8, Gayety, Kansas City, 0-15. Haulers, The (Olias. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Colum- bia, Chicago, 8-8, Gayety, Detroit, 0-15. Droamlund Burlesriuers (E. Trarers, ragr.)—Gay- ety, Kansas City, 8-8, Gayety, Omaha, U-lfi. Gaiety Girls (Bob Siuionn, mgr.)—Garden, Buf- falo, 8-8, Corinthian, Itoclicstn 1 , 10-16, Gay Masqueraders (Moo Mossing, mgr.)—Stand- ard, Cincinnati, 3-8, Gjyety. Loulaville, 9-10. Ginger Girls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)—Gaycty, Toronto, 8-8, Garden, Murrain, 10-15. Girls From the Great Willie Way I Dave Gordon, mgr.)—Gsyety, Newark, 8-8, Gayety, Philadel- phia. 10-15. North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Okla- Girls From Hippylanil (K. W. Chlpmin, mgr.) 'Quaker Girl, The," B—Henry B. Harris* Es- tate—Superior, Wis., 6, Dulnth, Sllnn., 7, 8, „ Minneapolis 9-15. Ring, Blanch© — Frederic McKay's — Cincinnati, O., 3-K, Lexington, Ky., 10, Owensboro 11, EvansvtUe, Ind., 12. Paducah, Ky., 18, Nash- ville. Tenn.. 14, 16. Bowel], Annie, Old English Comedies—Springfield, noma, Okie., 3, Indefinite. "White Sqnaw, The"—Louis Werba's—Mllledge- , L _ vllle. Ga., f. Columbus 4. Albany 6. Cordcle No " u . B**' 5. to<;k JHfiH ,?' I * ottb ' a f-i— 6. Moultrie 7, Balnbrldgc 8, Qulncy, Fla., 10, _ F » rt Wor '.'J T «- ?b, 1, "'£ llnl i«;„ 1 Tallahassee 11. Tbomasvllle. Ga., 12, Quitman 0l $*° m , ESP D v ( n r 5 I, , k K, Wl . I , Ils . ln f'. ***■)— 13 Wiycross 14 Brunswick 16 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, a, Indefinite. "Whip. The"—Conistock A Gent's.' Inc.—Manhat- ob , r , w ;? t HS* i S\ tl 'L y , 0l ^5 t ' KR'J ~T, Llttle taa Opera House. New York, 8, Indefinite. £. a l " 8 ', Q 5 ?i? n " 8 " 8 ' 8auk 0cnter 10 " 12 ' Alexan- " 'Way Down East"—Wm. A. Brady's—Brook- *'■ 13 " 16 ' lyn, N. Y.. 8-8, Grand Opera House, Fhlladel- Opera House Stock (Reed A Znbrlskle, mgrs.)— Mass.. C-8, West End, New York, 10-15. pbln, 10-15. Paterson, N. J.. 3. Indefinite. "Rose Maid, The," A—Werha A Luescher's— "White Sister. The" (Albert Patterson, mgr.)— Oliver Stock (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—Rockford, III., Fergus Falls, Minn., 0, Wahpetoo, N. Dak., 7. .8, lndeflnlte. Redtleld, S. Dak., G, Huron 10, Miller 11, Pierre J2. Rapid Oity 13, Deodwood 14, Belle Fourclie 15. "Wolf, The"—Jones A Crane's (F. 0. Hawkins, ingr.)—Oreston. la., 9, Charitan 10, Milo 11, Redtleld 12, Fonda 13, Humboldt 14, Mason City 15. "What Happened to Mary"—New Haven, Conn., 7. 8. "Winning Widow, The"—Max Spiegel's (Geo. A Star, Brooklyn, 3-8, Empire, Hoboken, 10-12, Empire, Paterron, 13-10. Golden Crook (Jas. 0. Fulton, mgr.)—Gayety, Om.lis. 8-8, lay off week 0-15. HantlngV Show (Harry Routings, mgr.)—Empire, Hoboken, 3-f>, Empire, Paterson, 0-8, Gayety, Newark. 10-15. Jolly Folly (Al. Rich Producing Co., mgrs.)— Gayety, Detroit, 3-8, Onyety, Toronto, 10-15. Knickerbockers (Louis Itcblr, mgr.)—Westmin- ster, Providence, 3-8, Gayety, Boston, 10-15. Love Makers (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Park, Bridge- port, 6-8, Westminster, Providence. 10-15. Merry-Oo-Rounrters (Lefflcr-Hratton Co., mgrs.)— Empire. Paterron. 3-5, Empire, Hoboken, 0-8, Cntlno. Philadelphia, 1015. „ Chicago, .1-March 1, "Rose Maid. Tne," B—Wcrba A Luescher's— Huntington. W. Va.. 6, Parkoraburg 7, Zanes- vllle. O.. 8. Coshocton 10, Eaat Liverpool 11, Steubenvlllo 12, Unlontown, Pa., 13, Fairmont, „ W. Va., 14. Clarkoburg 16. "Rose Maid, The," 0—Werba A Luescher's—Hert- ford, Ore., 6, Eugene 7. Salem 8, Portland 9- 18. Astoria 14, Aberdeen, Wash., 15. Tteady Money" — H. H. Fraaee'B — Baltimore, Md., 8-8, Washington, D. 0.. 10-15. Rendy Money"—Fratee A Brady's—London, Eng., "Bilt>.«f««« *!-* o«_„ ,n.,i,„ i-™» Mas*. "Wn'te Slave, ~Tne"—^ToTonto."Ont.7 Can.r 8-8, rrospeet Theatre 'Stock (Frank Gcrsten, ragr.)— distoo.' Boston," 16-15. ■SI?. ™„ ano Son"—Wlnthrop Ames —LHUe B nr r„j 0 , jr. Y.. 10-15. Prospect, Bronx, Now York. 3, Indefinite. Rolilmon Cn;soe Girls (Sam Rohlnsen, mg-.)— "VearB of Discretion"—David Belasco's—Bclasro, Trlncess Stock (Elbert A Getchell, mgrs.)—Des Murray mil. New York, 3-8, Park, Bridgeport. New York, 8, lndeflnlte. Moines, la., 8, lndeflnlte. 13-15. "Yellow Jacket, The"—Harris A Sclwyn'a. Inc.— I*earl Stock (A. A. Webster, rag--)—Clarksburg, Itom H vdell'« London Belles (W. S, Campbell, W- Va., 8. Indefinite. mgr.)—Gayety. Washington. 8-«. Gayety, Pitts- Payton Stock (M. 8. Scbleslnger, mgr.)—New- ark, N. J., 3, Indefinite. rayton Stock (T. L. Beely, mgr.)—Jersey City. N. J., 3. lndeflnlte. Prlngle, Delia, nnd Stock (0. K. Van Auken, Merry Whirl (Frank Terley. mgr.)—Columbia mgr.)—Edmonton, Alto., Can , 8, Indefinite. New York. 3-8, Stur, Brooklyn, 10-lfi. I'prucbl-Gypxene (C. D. Pcruchl, mgr.)—New Or- Midnight Maidens (Win. 8. Clark, mgr.)—Gayety, leans, La., 3, lrdcfinlte. Philadelphia, !!-8. Gayety, Baltimore, 10-15. Foil Stock (James Tt-atcher. mgr.)—Washington, Mollie Willnms (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—lay of week D. C, 8, Indefinite. 3-8, Columbia, Chicago. 9-16. Florida, mgr.)—Fort Wayne, Ind., 0-8, Middle- Prlncesa Players (O. L. Richards, mgr.)—Ta- Queens of Paris (Joseph Howard, mgr.)—Empire, town, 0.. 9, Dayton 10-12, Columbus 13-15. coma, Wasb., 8, Indefinite. Albany, 3-5, Franklin Square, Worcester, 0-3, LEST YOU FOlltJKT WE SAY IT YET GROSS LETER HEADS Contraota. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, eto. STAGE MONEY, loo. Book of Herald Cats, 250. CROSS JSWSh. CHICAGO .Theatre, New York. 3-15. Rebecca of Snnnybrook Farm"—Klaw A Er- langer's—Grand Rapids, Mich., 3-0. Romance" — Messrs. Stmbort — Maxtoe Elliott, New York. .10, Indefinite. Racketty-Paeketty House"—Llebler Co.'s—Cen- tury Roof, New York—Matinees—8, Indefinite. Rosary, The," Eastetn—Rowland A Cllrfonl's, Inc. (M. S. Goldalnc, mvr.)—Chllllcothe, 0., Newark. N. J., 8-8, Brooklyn. N. Y., 10-15. Zlecfeld Follies (Florenr Zlegfeld Jr., rpgr.)— Colonial, Boston, 8-15. 8, Indefinite. Princess Stock (Andrus A Do Forest, mgrs.)— Grand, Qblcago. 3, indefinite. PIckert Slock (Willis Plckert, mgr.)—Fort Pierce, Fla., 3-8, Miami 10-16. niisk-Blsbee Playera (J. W. Rusk, mgr.)—Dan- ville. Pa., 8-8. Oarbondale 10-15. Red Raven Musical Comedy (Len Gordon, mgr.) —Pottsvllle, Pa., 8-8, Wllkes-Barrc 10-15. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Lonls J. Fosse, mgr.) —Metropolis, Bronx, New York. 8, Indefinite. burgh, 10-;.',. Runaway Olrla (Peter B. Clark, mgr.)—Olympic, Now York, 3-8, Empire, Paterson, 10-12, Em- pire, Hoboken, 13-15. Social Maids (Robert Cohn, mgr.)—Oaycty, Mon- treal. 3-8, Empire, Albany, 10-12, Franklin Square, Worcester, 1.1-15. Star and Gcrter Show (Frank Welsliorg, mgr.)— Hurtlg A Seamen's, New York, 3-8, Murray Hill, New York, 10-15, STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Traveling. ?' y? TerI / 7 i Portsmouth 8. Ironton 10. A;b> Academy Mu3lc Stock (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Star, land 11, Galllpolls 12, Pomeroy 13, Athens 14, s cw York. 8, lndeflnlte. nelsonvllle 15. American Thentre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— Rosary, The," Central—Rowland A Clifford's, American, Philidelphla. 3, Indefinite. Inc—Herkimer, N. Y., 0, Oneonta 7, Blng- Academy Stock (F. E. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey li-iotton 8, Owego 10, Towanda. Pa., 11, Waver- City, N. J., 3, lndeflnlte. V, N. Y.. 12, Wellaboro, Pa., 13, Galeton 14, Aubrey Stock. No. 1 (D. Otto Hltner, ragr.)— , Corning, N. Y„ 15. Huntington. W. Va., 8. lndeflnlte. Rosary The^" Sonthern—Rowland A Clifford's, Aabrey Stock, No. 2 (D. Otto Hltner. mgr.)— Inc. (Ons Henderson, mgr.)—Annapolis, Md., Annapolis, Md., 8-8, Cumberland 10-16. ,». Martlnsburg, W, Va., 7, Front Royal 8. Aubrey Stock, No. 8 (D. Otto Hltner. mgr.)— Rosary. The,' r Circuit—Rowland A Clifford's, Buekbannon, W. Va., 8-8, Sblnnton 10-16. inc. (Wm. Lemle, mgr.)—Atlanta. Ga.. 10-16. Adair A Dawn Musical Comedy (Ray Adair, mgr.) Rosary. The," Coast — Rowland A Clifford's, — Mancle, Ind., 8, indefinite. »;., (Mer J* b - Smith, mgr.)—©ayton. Wash., Brown. Kirk (J. T. Macanley. mgr.)—Newark, Wis., 8, lndeflnlte. Winning Widow (Jacob QoMenberg. mgr.)—Co J. Walla Walla 7. Pendleton, Ore.. 8, Elgin 10, >).. 8-8, Wheeling, W. Va., 10-16. Sharpsteen Comedy—Charlotte, Mich., 8-8. rlnthlan. Rochester, 3-8, Unstable, By.-ncuae, Lj flranda 11, Baker City 12, Welser, Ida., Boyer, Nsncy (Wm. Morgan, act. mgr.)— Hsgera- Temple Thestre Stock (F. Falkncr, mgr.)—Cam- 10-12, Lnmberg. Utlca. 13-15. „.". Boise 14. 15, town. Md.. 8-8. Dover. N. J.. 10-15. *!n, N J., d, Indefinite. World of Pleasure (Laoaa EiMteln, mgr.)—Em- Rosary, The" (Gaskell A MacVltty. Inc.. Ie»- Belgarde. Sadie. Stock (Leslle-E. Smith, mgr.)— Temple Stock (Arthur Barnard, ragr.)—F.lmlra, p |_ Toledo, 8-8, Star and Garter, Chicago, •«»)-^alequah. OUa.. 7. Wagoner 8. Clare- Whitehall, N. Y., 8-9. Rutland, Vt.. 10-15. N. Y., 8, touefinlte. O^B". "x>re 10. Sapnlpa 11, Chandler 12, Norman 13, Byrs Stock (Fred Byers, mgr.)—Creaceat, Okla., Vinton, Myrtle (H. P. Bnlmer mgr.)—Opelousu, V4UDEVILIE SHOWS, , Ardmore 14. Perry 15. 8-8, Okeene 10-15. La.. 3-8, Beanrnont. Tex., 10-151 Royal Slave; A" (Geo. H. Bobb, mgr.)—Pres- Barbnnk Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— <pn, Minn., 6, Laneaboro 7, Rnsbford 8, Winona l.os Angeles, Cal., 3. Indefinite. J> Lake Olty 10, Mlllvllle 11, Maxeppa 12, Ken- Blibop pfayers (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland "n on } z - Wnt Concord 14, Plalnvlew 16. Cal., 8, Indefinite. Round Up"—Klaw A Erlanger's—Atlantic City, Bnrns Stock (Part Bnrns, mgr.)—National "• J-. 7, 8, Forrest, Philadelphia, P«„ 10-22. Shannon Stock (Harry Shannon, mgr.)—Shelby, Taxi Girls (Loula* Hurtlg, mgr.)— BnstaMe. Hyrn- ^.°i s ' 8, ™. — - — - - ■ . case. 8-6, Lnmberg, Wllca. 0-8, O.iyety, Mon- St. James Theatre Stock (W. M. Guleslon, mgr.) tr?( f to-16. —St. James, Boston, 8, Indefinite. Trocaderas (Frank Pierce, mgr.)—Cnslno, Boa- Stockford Playero (Barrett A Gould, mgrs.)— ton g.s, Gllmore, Sprlngflcfd, 10-12, Empire, Flora. III., 8-8. Albany 13-15. St. Clair. Winifred (B. D. SIpe, mgr.)—Amster- Welch's Bnrlesquers (Jacob LlJberman, mgr.)— dam, N. Y., 3-8. Gayety, Boston, 3-8. Columbia, New York, 10- Saxe Stock (0. A. Newton, mgr.)—Milwaukee, 1E ' adelphla, 3, Indefinite. LEARN TO ACT Stage Dancing, Etc. r.T'c, to Date la svtry dstall/* 1 ilg, Skirt, Chorus Work. Opira, ^loc«tI»ni Singing, V.uJavllle Arta, Sketches, Acting Dramatic Art, Eta, ENGAGEMENTS SECUtED Sdiool Always Open. P.J.ItlfjaU.nndTKNo'l'lIIOItS. llNo.I,a8fllloHt..CIIlL'AO(), I hU. Oood Sketch Team, doing; singles and douhlcs, change for a wcok; also single Irish or Datoh Comedian; Comedy. Sllont or Novelty Aot. Prefer thosu who enn fuke plnno, Tell wlmi jon can do and Btnto lowest HHlwry, Pay your own. Wo pay R. R. otter 'Joining. Under canvas in Summer. Boozers will nor. Inst. Jno Maggnrt write, Rogards to friends. On. FHArVICI.YN aid U VENB, Boa 504, Urorad I.lmnd. Bleb. WANTEft AT ONCE P1KSI-CLA8S WI)E(IUE PIASIST AMD m? DKUMMEII, with fall line of traps ■•», ■■} At Liberty-Advance Agent Experienced, sober and reliable. Route, wildcat, brash and paste. If. w. kaenhieii, Mg Atkins Street, Wexidea, Conn. .- 1 "f Tnnght by mall with personal In- ntru''ilons by beat teachers. Write for free partlcols.m with testimon- ials from onr graduates. ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY, Stndto A, 90 Broadway, N. Y. NEVER f 111 UMPLE DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTERS OR MAILED IN IEALED PACKAGES, SO CENTS. HAIL & RUCKEL, NEW YORK CITY X. BAZIN'S FAR FAMED DEPILATORY POWDER SSSSS HAIR