The New York Clipper (February 1913)

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Febbuary 15 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 240 MM RML'S WINTER SEASON 1912-13 TALBOT'S HIPPODROME, ST. LOUIS, HO. ftSSSK acts bach week GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME, CHICAGO ISSSSStwm each week 40-GREATEST PERFORMING HORSES IN THE WORLD--40 IN VAKKUS COMBINATION ACTS PWNOFAL RIDING ACTS HIGH JUMPING ACTS HAUTE COLE ACIS WILD WIST NUMBERS MILITARY EVOLUllONS COHEDY RIDING NUMBERS EQUESTRIAN NOVELTIES EQUINE STATUE POSTNGS TRICK PONY ACTS and TINY MUGGINS The Smallest and Fattest Working Unity Elephant on Exhibition. H". B.---CIRCUS ACTS FURNISHED for the REGULAR STJUMXB SEASON WILL CONCLUDE THE WINTER TOUR IN CHICAGO MARCH 1 ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO ATT. OUR FRIENDS RHODA ROYAL Permanent Address - . 238 SYMES BLDG., DENVER, COLO* Equestrian Director SELLS-FLOTO SHOWS Who will play the Eagles' State conven- tion, street lair and Jubilee, at Louisville, By., May 3-10, Inclusive? (Greek) Geo. Anaqnosticas, of "Athens Lunch Boom" fame, will hare the cook house privilege with the wortham A Allen Shows. The Fred Eli ring Shows open the 1013 season la Columbus, 0., on the streets, April 26. James R. Colto.n —Who wll you be with this season? James Ashby will have a portable dante floor, with a Ave piece orchestra, with the Chicago Greater Shows, this season. C. W. Hoi-kins will have one of the largest museums on the road -with bis show this eeason. After playing Ybor City, Fla., the Benny Krause Shows will go into Winter quarters at Philadelphia, The Greater Expo. Slows will open the eeason March 15, at Anderson, Ind., under auspices of the Merchants' Association and Board of Trade. Looks as though the "Perry Victory Cele- bration," which will open at Put-La-Bay, N. y.. July 6, will be a real "Make-em-slt-up- an-tafee-notlce" affair. H. T. Febbd, late of the Nichols-Freed Shows, has opened a store room show at Dennison, Tex. S. Pebsch will handle the front of Frank Stone's new rep. show with the Southern Fair Shows. Still another new carnival company. The Three Boyds, late of the Progressive Ameri- can Shows, are responsible. The Wright Greater Shows open the 1013 eeason at Little Bock, Ark., March 8, under the Moose. "GOVERNOR" SHAVER'S STAFF. The following constitute some of the heads of departments for the coming season with the Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cum- mins' Far East and Vernon C. Seaver't Hip- podrome: Vernon C. Seaver, general man- ager ; M. C. Cookston, superintendent: D. Robinson, treasurer; C. B. Gerdes. secretary; Geo. Applehanse, In charge of tickets: Geo. Wombold, boss canvas man; Monk Wilson, toss hostler; Lew Nichols, manager side ahow; Willis Atterbury, bandmaster: Wm. H. Held, manager side show band. Advance : F. C. Cooper, general agent: H. S. Maddy, local contractor; J. H. B. Fitzpatrlck, gen- eral press agent; Joe Rosenthal, manager advance car No. 1; Geo. A. Kennedy, mana- ger advance car No. 2; Jack Williams, special agent Fred Class; of the Blverslde Print, left Chicago Tuesday night 4, for a ten days' trip, in the Interest of his arm, embracing Kansas City, Shreveport, New Orleans, and other Southern points. Thb onward march of progress, and- the substitution of machine labor for the labor of man, are the marvels of the twentieth century, In this advancement the circus has been in no way backward, and possesses im- Srovements to-day that formerly were un- eard of. One of the greatest labor savers Is the "stako driver," used with all the big shows. The machine Is driven by gasoline engines, saves the services of twenty-five men, and accomplishes the work In far less time. The difficulty that circus proprietors formerly encountered, when their working- men took leave of them, for the more profit- able harvest fields, Is In a great measure overcome by this mechanical device, which accomplishes the work with more expedition. The stake driver may rightfully take its place among the labor saving devices of the century. , Barney R. Parker left Chicago for Leaven- worth, Kan., Feb. 14. . _ , , Saiieo —Was de lions in do cen wlf Daniel, circus lions? Kastds —Naw, dey sho' was not circus lions. Sambo —How come you know? Bastus —Doan" de good book say date Daniel lived B. C? Sambo —Sbo' does. _ _ _ _ Bastus— Well, doan' you know dat B. C. stands foh Befoh Circus? Some men knock loud only to be let In: the bustle they make is animated by their private interests.—Lord Halifax. Abthds Davis says: "Some shows are so big (?) It takes half the season for the ghost to get around." ... 'If too had been hero last weekwltn your show, you would have done better.' "Contracting agents contract a hotel but don't stop there. There's a reason." Harry R. Overton Is some booster, uet this, written from Augusta. Ga., Feb. 2, 13: "Dear Joo Hepp—Everybody Is reading your page, and It Is the most Interesting matter that we've had In many months. Tls a boost to all showmen." Mr. Overton but ex- presses the Ideas of thousands of readers. (Continued on another taoe.) OUT OF TOWN NEWS THE WORLD'S GREATEST TENT MAKERS United States Tent & Awning Co. EDW. P. NEUMANN Jr., President WALTER F. DRIVER, Vlcc-Prcs. and Trcas. EDW. It. LITZlNGKIt, Secretary M-M-asaS Ho,th Oe.p.alno. S.r..«, CHICAGO, ILLS., U. S. [A, T.,i«„i,„.,„ u . itavu niimvp a .1.1 ami 44.1—Prlvntu Kiclinnee all Departments Cable Address: USTErvl Telephones: HAYMaRKBT 444 and 445—Private Exchange nil Departments Our Motto: "America Our Home-The World Our Field' PHILADEIyPHIA. The coming of Lent his bid no treat effect upon attendance it the theatres, sail on Ash Wednesday some of the vaudeville houses were crowded. Several Important changes of bill will be made on Monday, Feb. 10, with the most in* terestlng thit at tic Lyric, where Gertrude Hoff- mann and the New York Winter Garden Snow, "llroadway to Paris." vill lie on view. To the Walnut Street will come A. G Dclamnter's spe- cial production of bis road success, "Freckles," with John Maclyn as the star. The Forrest will have Maclyn Arbnckle, in "The Round-Up." Metbopolitan Opeea House (Alfred Hoogerle, mgr.)—The Philadelphia-Chicago Opera Co. will sins this week ;is follows: "Noel" (first time) and "Pagliacci" 10, "La Tmvlitt" (matinee), "Tosea" (evening) 12, "Die Wslkare" 13, "Thais" (matinee), "Faust" (evening) 15. Tba return eugixement of the company began last Monday, with Tetrazzlal, la "Lucia." During the week "Mlgnoo," "Concblta," "The Secret of Su- xaane," "The Juggler of Notre Dame" and "Lo- hengrin" were given. Busluesa was excellent. The opening wis to a standing room only house. (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.) — Gertrude Hoffmann, with ter big musical show, "Broad- way to Paris," opens tor a United engagement on 10. She will play four matinees a week, as well is the usual number of night performances. "Everywoman" closed Saturday night. $, a three weeks' return engagement, to fair business. Wilnut (Harris Estate, num.)—A company organized especially to present "Freckles" in Philadelphia, and with John McCloskey as star, will open 10. The theatre will return to the dollar and a half scale, temporarily dropped dur- ing the three weeks' engagement of Wm. Farnum, In "The Littlest Rebel," ending successfully on 8. Farnum played at the dollar scale, Inasmuch as his was a return engagement without his brother as co-star. Fouiest (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Mac- lyn Arbuckle, In "The Kound-Up," opens 10. A big engagement Is expected during the fortnight. Advertising us for Uty miles around Philadelphia. Raymond Hitchcock bid a big engagement of two weeki, ending 8, In "The Bed widow." At the Wednesday matinee be held op toe show for twenty minutes with a highly diverting speech tbst gave him opportunity to mike laugb-gettlig remarks about the numerous actors who bad come la to see the piece. Gabbicx. (Nixon ft Zimmerman, n<grs.)—"Officer 00(1." with the New York company, Including George Nash and Edward Abeles, begins the sec- ond week on 10. Business has been splendid and the show is receiving considerable praise. The engagement will conclude In another week. BnoAD (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — "The Govitbot's Lady" Is doing well at the Broad. The piece is here for four weeks, ending 21. During the past week there was established after each performance ft "bread lice" for the poor of the city. Food used in the Obllds' restaurant scene of the play Is given away at ttw stage door. Chestnut Stbext Ofbba House (Nixon & Zim- merman, tngrs.)—The concluding week-of Otis Skinner's four weeks bere, in "Kismet." begins 10. Business has been line, and an effort was made to extend the engagement, but without suc- cess. Julian I.ltlnge, In "The Fascinating Widow," Is doe 17. Adeli'HI (Messrs. Shubert ingra.) — No an- nouncement is vet made tor the conclusion of the engagement of "Bought and Paid For." BuBlness is large. The sixth week begins 10. Chestnut (Frank Wllllsms, mgr.)—"The Deep Purple" will be played by the Orpheum Slock, bcglnnlug io. "The Lost Paradise," given week of 3, was well received, and > line production was made by Stage Director Percy Winter. "Doctor BUI" Is announced for week of 17. National (Joe. M. Kelly, mgr.)—Langdon Mc- Corxilck's drama, "The Burglar and the Lady," will be the Paul Burns' Stock Oo>. attraction for week 10. "Leah, the Forsaken," given the week of 3, created very favorable comment. Godfrey Matthews, Marcus Hoefs, Paul Burns, Victor Burns and Emma Lowry are favorites. Nina Barnes joins the company 10. American (James WaU, mgr,)—"Fifty Miles from Boston'' will be the offering of the Amer- ican Stock Oo. week of 10. "Alias Jimmy Valen- tine." given week of 3, was very popular, and John Loreni, In the title role, was at bis best. Grace Huff was seen as Rose Line. Giiand (Stair ft Hnvlln. nigra.)—William A. Brady's production of " 'Way Down East" Is the attraction week of 10. "The Country Boy" played to a Mg euguseraent week of 3. Slannger W. Dayton Wegefirfh Is very much alive to the interests of the visiting attractions. Exp:aa (Wasb. Martin, mgr.) —The Oay Widows played the week of 3. Eddie Mack, the "dope fiend." was a bit In the leading comedy rt.Ie. The Five Alarcons, la their act. won ap- Erovil. The Country Store it this house Is a Ig event Thursday night*. 'Week of 10, the Big Itevlew, bended by Fraskls Heath. Tiger Lillies week of 17. __ TxorAUEKO (8am Diwsoa. ngT.)—The 8am Rice DnIVyilllls are doe the week of 10. The High School Girls had • good week. 3. Burt Jack was s hit hi the leading comedy work of the two burlesques Col. Dawson is having suc- cess with Surprise Night Country Store and Wanting Contest features each week. Follies of Casino (fella* ft Koenlg, mgrs.)—The Merry- Go-Itounders arc the week of 10 attraction. "The Vampire Dance," In the show of the Ameri- can Beauties, week of 8, waa a feature. Cook BUY YOUR TENTS, CANOPIES, SEATS, LIOHTS. SIDE SHOW BANNERS, FLAOS AND STAKES AND GENERAL SHOW EQUIPMENT, IN CHICAQO ALL ORDERS GIVEN OUR PERSONAI. ATTENTION Write for Catalogues and Second-hand List : Our References nre Our Customers. : Wo can equip a Show from Stakes to Flags. We completely furnish Aviation Holds. THERE IS NO SENTIMENT IN SPENDING MONEY FOR TENT 8H0* EQUIPMENT-RESULTS ARE THE SOLE PROOF OF VALUE Side Show and Carnival Banners. Prices Right. We challenge the World. Beat Work. «« • » and Lorens and Fay St. Clair added the lustre of their achievements to tbe show. A cabaret scene offered ten acts. Hastings' Big Show IT. Oatktt (John P. Eckuardt, mgr.)—Girls of tlie Gay White Way are on for week of 10. One- Round O'Brien, who agreed for a forfeit of 125 to knock out any man In one round, was at each performance of tbe Midnight Maidens week of 8. Elmer Tenley and Bob Van Osten, favorites here, headed the comedy contingent and were well re- ceived. Clark's Itunaway Girls 17. B. F. Karen's (U. T. Jordan, mgr.)—The bill for week of 10 includes: Simon and Osterman, In "A Persian Garden," retam date; Bessie Wynn, Mabelle Adams and company, "Jack" Bastard, Van and Schenck, Jackson and McLaren, Wllllama, Thompson and Copeland, Archl Onrl and Mlas Dolly. Wm. Penh (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 10: "The Girl In tho Vase." Arthur Deagon, Mae West, Gillette'* animals, tbe Torlejs, Dotson and Gordon. . _ . , .« Linrnrr (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of. 10: "FIB" In Paris, Wm. Bond and company, May Eltnore and company, O'Brien and Lear, Martini and Trolse, Columbia Mnslcal Four. , . J Nixon (Frederic Leopold, mgr.)—Wluaid'l Palace of Melody, Bruce Richardson and com- pany, the Dancing Belles, the Wheelers. Barnes and Robinson, Josle Flynn for week of 10. Keystone (M. W. Taylor, mgr.) — Week of 10: "Tbe Suffragette Jury," Graco St, Claire and company Harry Cutler, Shirley and Kesaler, the Ohamberilos. , Allkokeny (Jos. Cohen, mgr.) —Week of 10: Hawthorne Minstrel Maids, Joe Flynn, Mott and Msxfleld, Three Singing .Miners, Splisel Brothers, Peenhrrton, Robertson. And company, Myron Baker Troupe. ■' •..; • ■ ." Dumont'b (Frsnk Dumont, trfgr-)-r T A Nlgnt at the Club" and "The Duck Shooters" are bur- lesouees billed by tbe minstrels for week of 10. The last times for "Ellen Goole'a Wedding" art) announced. "The Parcel Post" was • feature *f tbe bill of 3. NOTES. Moviho pioipxs snows are given at tbe Glrard, Bart's, Forepaugb's, Alhambra, People's, Pslace, Victoria. OlympU, Bllou and Colonial. Ana L. EiNSVBUf Is at t(ie bead of a syndi- cate which will erect sn amusement device known as the Devil's Slide, at Woodslde Park. Ncx .McCain begin* bis series of travel pic- tures at the Academy of Music, beginning 21. The Philadelphia Operatic Society Is rehearsing "Cavallerla Rustlcana" for production' at tbe Academy of Music on April 24. A BsnxwiT for Die Charlotte Ousbman Club will be given In' the Chestnut Stret Opera House ™ Tuesday afternoon, 11. Otis Skinner Is In cliargs and ho has prepared a big bill with the principal players of the visiting companies on the lust. Maclyn Arbuckle. Mr. Skinner, Geo. Nasb, and others are scheduled to appear. Eleanor Gordon and Merle Madden, of the "Kismet" company, will present, for the first time here, tbe StrlrulbeTg ploy, "Tbe Stranger." Krnm Zyiidamst will give a violin recital at the Academy of Mimic afternoon of 14. The Philadelphia Orchestra, nsnally playing Friday matinees, has a rest period. Concerts will be re- sumed 21. Visits will be made to Washington, 13; Reading, Pa., 19; Springfield, Mass.. to open Municipal Auditorium, 18. Max PAnra will be soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the Academy of Mn-tc. 17. Bubton Holmes will give bis Pansma trav- elogue it the Academy of Music 18, for the eighth time here. Each appearance his been to soldout bouses. ANniEAS Drrrn, was tho hott at tbe Rlti- Curlton last Thursday, A, at a supper for the music critics of tbe city. The mora directors were among tbe grjevts. Dlppel. who Is manager of the Philadelphia-Chicago Opera Co., In a speech declared that tbe compiny has been growing In popularity and that receipts are Increasing each season. v.. K. NtrwitAN, the travel lecturer, will con- clude bis scries of five weekly lectures at the Academy of Music 14 and 15. tub Wnrrtu Cabnival Association, with headquarters at Baltimore. Is sdvertlalng 1 Carni- val of AH Nations, ball and turkey trot context, to be given 14, Valentine's Night, In Lula Temple. Cabaret performance between the dance* Is announced. Altoona, Pa. — Mfsbler (I. 0. Mlsbler, mgr.) "Tbe Ghost Breaker" Feb. 11, "The Mas- ter of the House" 12, Folles Bergere Barlewroert 13, moving pictures of "flitsn" 14, Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Red Widow," IT; "The Wed- ding March" (local) 18. 10. "The Rote Maid" 21. "Oet-Rlch-Qulck Wslllnafotd" 22. ORPiieom (Arthur E. Denman, mgr.)—Fea- ture attraction 10-12 was "Mercedee." For 18- ill' Marlon Munson and company, John West and company, and Miller and Vincent. Carboadale. Pn.—Grand (Benjamin Kahn. mgr.) The Rnak-Blsbee Co.. In repertoire of plsys. it popular prices, week of Feb. 10. Ideal (L. A. Farrell, mgr.)—Lynott's Orches- tra and photoplay*, changed dalty. flpedil added lltraetlOD* each Wednesday. One (Alfonso Slnrlsnnl, mgr.)—Mechanical or- chestra and motion picture*, Savor (John E. Lewis, mgr.)—Good music and One display of motion picture plajn. People's nnd VlOTOIiiA (l/JUls Matule, mgr.)— Music and picture* twlro dally. Family (Collin* A Wlngeullcld, mgr*.)—Bur- lesque, vaudeville and pictures. Lynn, Mass. — Central Square (James n. Donovan, mgr.) Bill Feb. 10-12 Included: Otisrles Farrell, Wood and Lawaon, Burt Howe, anil the Mlnuoioe*. For 13-1S: Madell and Oubley, Ca- naan and Howlaud, Pepper Twins, Irene La Toure, and Harry Pell end pictures. Lynn (Jeff Callan. mgr.)—BUI week of 10: Al. Haynea and Julia Redmond and company, Mlkl and Goto, Presto, "Tlie Uwn Party," Mar- tin nnd Courtney, Hay Cblln, Pauls Itcevcs, and Beyon and Julene and picture*. Olyhfia (A. E, Lord, mgr.)—Another strong vaudeville bill week of 10. >_ AuimoimiM (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—The stock company present* "Jim, tlie Peiittiau" for 10 and week ''Get-RlcbQulck Walllngford" week of IT. CoMicjua (Al. Newball, mgr.)—Pictures and Il- lustrated songs. Dbsumland (Samuel Grant, mgr.) — Pictures end songs. DaauM. OLirroNOALi (Charles ir. Oullen, mgr.) —Pictures and tongs, Fabtiui (H. A. Loud, mgr.)—Songs ind pic- ture!. ' Notss.— Ou* Wllllsms played an engagement at tbe Olympla, week of 3 Genevieve Bllnn, .leading lady of tho Morrison Stock Company, It renting for the curent week. Lawrence, Mass.—Colonial (Julius Oabn, ek W*lllngford" Feb. 14, Jungle pictures week of IT, mgr.) "Get-Rlcb-Qulck .Walllngford" Feb. 14, 15. Ralney's African it " "The Woman" March i; Opbsa House (Julius Cahh. mgr.)—Malley ft Dennison Stock Oo, present* "Girls" 10 and week; "Darkest Russia" IT and week. Good business. NioitEL.(John R. Oldleld, mgr.)—Bill 10 and Seek Includes: I.ecna Lainarre, J. France* 'ltellly. Three Gllden Slaters, Lavelle and Grant, Lamond and La Belle, and "Cheyenne." Good Business. Bioaoway (J. Fred Lorett, mgr.)— Motion pic- tures and Illustrated toots, to good business. James Carney and Edith Woods ire the singer*. FaiHtta (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures, to good business. VioTotiA and Pastime, under inanagerneiit of Bill White, are doing good business with motion pictures. Springfield, Mast,—Court Square (D. O. Ollmore, mgr.) 'The Talker" Feb. 12, "A Bird of Paradise" 14, IS, Primrose ft Dockitnder'* Minstrels 18, Mario Dressier 10, Eva Tsnguay and vaudeville company 20-22. Pou's JOordon Wrlttiter, mgr.')—Bill week of 10: "The Little ParltlcnneT 7 Gordon Illtt- landen, Hunting and Francis, Lint Pander, Pauline Moran, Mullen and Ooogtn, Karl Qrees, and electrogrsph. GiLiioni (T. Ash Jr., mgr.)—Trocsderos 10- 12, "Sis Hopkins" 13-111, Knickerbockers 17-10. Nelson (Edwsrd Shield*, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Plaza (Goldstein Bros., ingra.) — Vaudeville and moving pictures. AnntLL, Bijou, Edisohta, Grand, Quids. Nov- n/rr. Minium, Palaob ami Subway, moving pic- ture bouses, are doing well. Lowell, Mass.—Opera House (Ralph Ward, mgr.) The Lnnergnn Stock Co., In "A Woman't Way," Feb. IB and week. Playhouse (Kendall Weston, mgr.)—Tho Drama PInyers present "Oamllle" 10 and week. Keith's (Will II. Stevens, mgr.)—Bill for 10 and week: Rush Ling Toy, Bert Flltglbbon, La Decdlitin, Ueorge Richard* and company, Kimball and Donovan, Relsner and Gores, Lourle and Alleen, nnd Jean Wtrd. IIetik Sq. (James Carroll, mgr.)—For 10 and week: The Temple Players, Arthur Collier, tbe Levlnos, Dyke Thomas, and photoplays. Aradsmi (W. T. ttowley, mgr.)—Tlie T. F. Tiomat Musical Comedy Oo. and pictures 10 and veek. Taunton, Mass.—Park (A. A. Kelleuiann, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving picture* are drawing big business. Columbia (W. A. Lock Jr., mgr.)—Moving pictures. Casino (Donovan ft Wilker, mgr,)—Moving picture* and Illustrated songs. Stab (Leonard Bro*., mgrt.)—Moving pictures and Illustrated snugs. Nickel (Jot. Ltplant, mgr.)—Moving picture*. Doylen's.— This new theatre opened to good buslnesa 8, with vaudeville and moving picture*. " Milwaukee, Wis, — Davidson (Sherman Brown, raxr.) John Mison, la "The Attack," week of Feb. 9. Siicbkut (Wm. E. Mlek, mgr.)—"Alibi Bill" week of If). llAJtsno (J. A. Hlgler, mrr.)—Bill week of 10: Mile. Ntpltrkowtkl, Nat M. Wills, Hale Nor- cross and company, Bohker'a Arabs, Harry De Coe, Merldlth and Snootrr, First and Millar, and Ethel McDonougb. (Jatety (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.)—The Orientals 0 and week, Zatlah week of 10. I'aiist (Ludwlg Kpelss, mgr.)—The Gorman Stock Co, presented "Die Kentche Suaanne" 9; Hurry Lauder 10. matinee and nltbt. Saxb (C. A. Newton, mgr.)—Tho Ssxe Stack Co. presents "The Little Tenderfoot" 0 and week. Crystal (Wm. Owy, mgr.)—Bill week of 10 Includes: Paul Cavella, Karl Dewey and Girls. Hosumont and Arnold, Jewell and Jordon, and Win. Anthony McGnlre ami compiny. l'lui'Mtss.—Jac. Isaacs, formerly minager of this house, bsa been appointed manager of th« new Flulllvan ft Oonildlne house In Chicago, and I* succeeded bore by 1)111 Baynor, former manager of the Oiltage Grove Empress. Hill week of Bi Ida Fuller and compiny, Mr. ind Mrs. Mirk Murphy, Volmot Wettony, Mail and dark, ind Msrle La Vatic. k _ ____ Junsaii (J. B. Relehert, mgr.)—Juneau Block Co. presents "Under Two Flags" week of 0. Fond da Luc, Wis.—Henry Boyloit!. H. Slodd.rd. mgr.) 'The Pink Lady'' Feb. 18, "TO* Spring Siftld 7 ' 22. Idea (O. J. Vollert, mgr.)—Vaudevlllo and pic- tures to packed bouses. Mr. Vollert bat returned from Sheboygan, and has been appointed manager here. lucccedlng E. O. Prlimen, wlio has acceptod tbe nmnaaeraeut of the Royal, Koyal and Buon are running moving pictures, to g-wd bunlnes*. St. I'nnl, Mlnn^-Metropolltaa (L. N. Bcott, mgr.) "Mutt and Jeff" week of Feb. 0, "Tba Quaker Girl" week of 10. _„,., SnuortiT (Frank 0. Prlett, mgr.)—"A1IM Bill" work of U. Op.piichm (H. 0. Burroughs, mgr,)—Bill week of 0: I.atky'i "Mlis Callfotnla." Belle Hiker, Percy Woram and company, Meredith Sisters, IsiilkutvA Bros,, Gasch Sitters, and Ball and West. Gband (Theodore L. Hays, mgr.)—Monte Carlo Girls week of O, Girls from Reno week of 10. ICMl'BKS* (Out 8. Greening, mgr.)—BUI wttl of 0: Tho Diving Girls, Marie Kusaell, Valentine Vox. Four Van Htaata, And Lavlne-Clmeron Trio. Majestio «D. 8. Oourtnsy, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures and vaudevlllo. _ . Princess (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—Usual food features week Of 0. __. Staiilanii (0. F. Bote, mgr.)—Continued good bills are presented here. ■_-•__, Hirronnnus (Jacob Harnett, mgr.)—GoodM AiiniTonitm (31. V, Morton, mgr.)—LeopoU Coiloniky 11. Detroit, Mloh.—Detroit (H. ft Whltaw, mgr.) MM. Fltke, In '"llie High Hold," Fab. 10- 12; John Drew, In "Tho ?.'or»-!cted Ilutband," Oabbiox (R. H, Lawmen, mgr.)—Lew Fletds' All Star Co., iu "Hsuiky Panky/' week of 10. to ■mm (E. D. Btalr, mgr.)—Thurtton, the mialclin, week of 0. . Avenus (Draw ft Campbell, mgrt.)—Stirs of Stnxelanil week of 0. . _^ . (JAYtTT (Wm. RoBche, mgr.)—Pete Onrley ind the Dasilen week of 0. Trmplb (J, n. Moore, mgr.)—Attendance is good. Dill for week of 10: Howsrd and McOtne, W, II, St. James and company, ltooney and Bent, William A. Wetton and company, Bert Cutltr. Three Emersons, Hilda Hiwlborn*, Fovr Konen Bros., and the Mooreoscope, Miles (0. W. Porter, mgr.)—Bailnet* Is good. Hill week of 10: Lillian Mortimer, "Cheyenne Days," George Wilson, and lbs Mlletcope. Hamilton, O. — Smith's (Vom A. Smith, mgr.) Abom English Open Co. Feb. ID. Public are voting on their choice pf repertoire to be pre- "*G»ANn (John E. McCarthy, mgr.)—Bill 10 and week: Arthur Le Vlgno and compiny. Villi. I'dille Gray and EllEibeth Blrdtnll, Elliott and Hassett, Davls-aradeblll Trio, and moving pic- tures. Buon (A. nimmerls mg.".)—Vaudeville and motion pletures, to good returns. Jewel, Akdbu, Royal, Kaolb, Stab ind Ltiio, nntlon picture houses, report good business. Noras. — Elltabeth BlrdtalT, working with Eddie Oray, at tbe Grand, thla week, It a native of tbla city, and a former member of the Kail- man talking picture compiny, "prliiKflcId, O Fairbanks' (0. J. Becker, mgr.) Maude Adams, in "Peter Pin," Feb. 10] Carter De Haven. In "Etceedlng the Speed Limit," 11; "The GlasshUnrers" 13; Aborn Optra Co., In "The Bohemian Girl," 14; "Biby Mine" IB. Nsrw SON (Bun Amusement Co., mgrs.)—Bill week of 10: W. J. Duholse. Moat. Vaile, George lllllmirm ind Singers De Luxe. Lngananort, Ind.—Nelton (Sue Fink, mgr.) "Mutt and JetT'' Feb. 11, Al. O. FWd't Hltv erelB 15, "The House of a Thousand Candle*" 24, Aborn Opera Oo. 20, "Orinstark" 2T, "Tbe Olrl at the Oate" March T, "The Servant la lbs Hoik*" 12. nnalnete Is good. , Cozr (Fred Bond, mgr.I—"The Star of Betblsv t.em" Is the feature film for 13. liHOADWAr (B. 13. Cunningham, mgr.)—PlOtoret chanted dally and raudevllle cbinged triweekly, are drawing good house*. Osamd, Aax, Ooir and Tokyo, motion picture houses, report big returns.