The New York Clipper (February 1913)

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Feukuaby 15 THE NEW YORK CUPPEE. 20 /■J y *■■■ -nfc- TTn nclejqe Plays A rad HIS OLD BANJO f Dl.ESR'OM' Si THEODORE MORSE ' lRGD?c-??i , ^Tiiis sons.Chosen from Five, strong CATALOGS CO/ABINED IN ONE, WILL THE MOST SENSATION/XL HIT EVER MADE w&j Theodore JAo'rse f^visijc'Co '56? ; ^rp^owm us :aGQ ClFFiHE: 145 M CUi?K- 5.1 iC'TE 40' "Pirate, The"—WluUiron Ames*—Little Theatre, New York, IT, Indefinite. "Painted Woman. The"—Win. A. Brady'*, Ltd. —Baltimore, Mil.. 10-15. "Price. The" (01*rence Bennett, mgr.)—Atlantic, It., 10, Fremont, Netir., 11, Schuyler 12, York 18, Kearney 10, Grand Island 10, Central Oily IT, Norfolk 10, Bloomfield 20, Sioux City, la., 21, Elk rolnt, 8. Daki. 22. "Passing 8ho«- ot 1012"—Messrs. Shubert—Gar- rlck, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. "Paid In Fall" (0. 8. Primrose, mgr.)— Racine, Win.. 10. "Pair of Country Klda, A" (0. Jay Smith, mgr.) —Lrhlgb, Okls., 13, Beggs 14, Cltremore 15, Vlnlta 10, Sapulpe IT, Pawnee 18, Pones It, Carmen 20. Cherokee 21, Alva 22. "Quaker Girl, The," A—Henry B. Harris' Entate —Pittsburgh, Pa., 10-18. Cleveland, 0.. 17-22. "Quaker Girl, The." B—Henry B. Harrla' Estate —Minneapolis, Minn., 10-15, St. Paul 16-22. Rnasell, Annie, Old English Comedies—West End, New York. 10-115. Blnz, Blanche—Frederic McKay's—Psducah, Ky., 13, Nashville. Tenn., 14, 15, Memphis 17, 18, Birmingham, Ala., IV, Atlanta, Ga., 20-22. "Boss Maid, The," A—Werba A Laescher'a—Co- lonial, Chicago, 10-March 1. "Boss Maid, The," B—Werba ft Luescber's— Unlontcwn, Pi., 13, Fairmont, W. Vn., 14, Clarksburg 15, Morgan town 17, CoonellsTllle, Pa., 18, Cumberland, Mi!., 19, Huntingdon, Pa., 20, Altocna 21, Johnstown 22. "Bote Maid, The," 0—Werba ft Luescher's— Portland. Ore., 10-18, Astoria 14, Aberdeen, Wash., 15. Seattle 10-22. "Beady Money" — Frasee ft Brady's — London, Bur., 10, Indefinite. "BatBtrford and Son"—Wlnthrop Ames'—Little Theatre, New York, 10-15, West End, New York, 17-23. "Bomanee" — Messrs. Shnbert — Marine Elliott, New York. 10, Indefinite. "Backetty-Paekelty House"—Llebler Oo.'s—Cen- tury Roof. New York—Matinees—10, Indefinite. "Bossry. The," Eastern—Rowland A Clifford'!, Inc. (M. S. Goldslne. mgr.)—I'omeroy, O., IS, Athena 14, NcUwnvlllc 15, McArthnr IT, Jack- son. 18, Logan 10, Gloucester 20, Shawnee 21, ZaiictriUc 22. "Bosary, The," Circuit —, Rowland A Clifford's. Inc. (Win. Lemle, mgr.)—Atlanta, Ga., 10-15, Birmingham, Ala., 17-22. "Bosary, Too." Coast—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Merle E. Smith. ,ngr.)— Wclser, Ida., 13, Bolee 14, 16, Twin Falls 10, American Falls 17, ' Ito'rney 18, Erlghsm, U„ 10, Proro 20, aprlug- vllle 21, Spnnlsn Fork 22. "Bosary. The," Central—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.—Wellslraro, Pa., 13, Oaleton 14, Corning, - N. Y., 16, Elmlra IT, Watklns 18, Wellsvllle, Pa., 10. "Rosary, The" (Gnukctl A MueVltty's, Inc., les- sees).—Norman, Okla., 13, Ardmore 14, Perry 15, Pawnee 17, Stillwater 18, Guturlo 10, Black- well 20, Humboldt, Kan., 22. "Round Up"—Ktavtr ft Erlanger'e—Forrest, Phila- delphia, 10-22, "Bed Petticoat, The"—Messrs. Shuhert—Shuhert. Boston, 10-22. "Boyal Blare, A" (Geo. H. Bubb, mgr.)—Ken- yon, Minn., 13, West Concord 14, Plalnvlew 16, Blewartsvllle 17, Spring Valley IS, Grand Meadow 10, Dexter 20, AuHtln 21, Ellendsle 22. Skinner, Otis—Klaw ft Erlanaer'n — Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia, 10-15. Btahl, Rose—Henry B. Harris' Estate—Cleveland. O., 10-10, Toledo IT, 18, Springfield 10, Dayton 20, Columbus 21, 22. Starr, Frances—David Belasco's—Baltimore, Md., 10-16, Washington, D,' 0., 17-22. Buratt. Valeskn — Messrs. Shubert — Memphis, Tenn., 18, 14, Oklahoma, Okla., 21. Schorr, Pritil—Jos. M. Unites'—Nashrllle, Tenn., 18, Belma, Ala., 10, Jackson, Miss., 20. Sotltern, E. II., and Julia Marlowe—St. Joseph, . M6., IT. fllieo. Thos. E.—A, H. Woods'—Toronto,. Out., Can., 10-16. Sidney, George (A. W. Herman, mgr.)—Cairo, 111., IS, Paducah, Ky., 14, Owcnsboro 15, Louisville 10-22. Smart Bet, Southern (T. L. Oorwell, mgr.)—Con- cord, N. a, 13, Charlotte 14, Cheater, S. 0., 16, Columbia 10, IT, Greenville 18, Spartan- burg 10, Aalievllle. N. 0., 20. "Spy, The"—Charles Frob man's—Empire, New York, 10, Indefinite. "Sunshine Girl, The" — Charles Frohniau's— Knickerbocker, New York, 10, Indefinite. "Spring Maid, The," A—Werbn A Lucschcr'a— Owntonna, Minn., 13, Rochester 14, Faribault 10, Maokato 10, Bed Wing 17, Stillwater 18. Eaa Claire, Wis., 10, Oahkosh 20, Apiilctuti ' 21, Fond du Lac 22. "Spring Maid, Ihe," B—Werba ft Luesclior'a— Norfolk, Vn., 13, 14, Durham, N. C, 15, It«- Hegh IT, Fsyettevllle 18,' Wilmington 10, Dar- lington. B. 0., 20, Columbia 21, Charleston 22. "Stop Thief"—Cohan ft Harrla'—Galely, Now York, 10, Indefinite. <• "Sun Dodgers" — Lew Flelda' — American Music Hall, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"—Wlnthrop Amea'—iMaxlne Elliott, Now York—Matinees— 10-15. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"—Gaokell ft Mue- Vltty's, Inc.—Rochester, N. Y„ 10-15, Newark IT, Lyons 18, Penn Yan 10, Corning 20, Elmlra • 21, Ithaca 22. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"—Gsskell & Mac- yittj's. Inc.—rayettevllle, Ark., 18, Spring- field, Mo., 14, Aurora 15, Joplln 16, Columbun, Kan., IT, Ooffeyvllle 18, Independence 10, Chi- nnte 20, Iola 21, Parsons 22. "Shepherd of the Mils, The"—Gsskell ft Mac- Vltty'e. Inc.—Carbondale, 111., IS, Marlon 14, Harrlsburg II). Anna IT, Padncnb. Ky., IB, Princeton 10, Madlsonvllle 20, Elkton 21, Bowling Green 22. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"—Gaakell A Mac- Vltty'n. Inc.—Canton, N. Y., 18, Carthage 14, Watertown 15. Fort Plain 17, Amsterdam 18, „ Oloveravllle 19, Johnitown 20. TJtlca 21, 22. "St.Elrno" — Bobt. BhCrman's (F. E. Moore, mgr.)—Bonipart, la., 13, Keosanqoa 14, New Sharon 10. "Servant In the House, The"—Merle H. Norton's —Coshocton, O., 18, T/hrlchsvIlle 14, New Phil- adelphia 15, Barnesvllle IT, Crookarllle 18. New Lexington 19. Mlfldleport 20, Pomeroy 21, Galllpolls 22. "Servant In the House"—Jones A Crane's (J, L. Miller, mar.)—RBngban, III., 13. Mt. Vernon 14. Belleville 1«. Oentralln 17. Mtirphyiboro IB. Carbondale 10. Do Quoin 20, Benlon 21, Marlon 22. "rV-en Hoars In New York" (Wee A Lambert, mgr*.)—BUCTTUS.'O.. 18," Kenton 14, Lima 15. Ottawa. IT, St. Morya 10, Union City, Ind., 21. „ Mnnele 22. "Pnnny Booth" (I. C. Bockwtll. mgr.)—Elkader. Kj 18, Deroran 14, West Union It, Iaoeptn- dence IT. Oelweln 18, Waverly 19, New Hamp- ton 20, Charles City 21, Mason City 22. Trentlnl, Emma (Arthur Haramersteln, mgr.)— Casino, New York, 10. Indefinite. Taylor. Lanrette—Oliver Monaco's—Oort, New York, 10, Indefinite. Thurston, Adelaide—Oklahoma, Okla., 18, 10. Thurston, Howard (Jack Jones, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich.. 10-15, Indianapolis, Ind.. 17-22. "Top o' the Uornln' "—Henry W. Savage's— Olympic, Chicago, 10. Indefinite. "Tmxton King" (United Play Oo.. Inc., mgra.)— Urban*, 111., 13, Dinvllle 14, Bloomlngton 15, Jollet 16, South Bend, Ind., IT, Elkhart 18, Katamasoo, Mich., IB. "Thief, The'' (Primrose ft McOUlan. mgra,)— Nashville. Tenn., 10-10. Atlanta, Ga., 1T-22. "Trtelma" (Henry W. Link, mgr.)—Nebo, III., 14, Roodboose 10, Winchester IT, Beardstown 19, Petersburg 21, Ullpolls 22. "Uncle Tom's Oabln r '—Kibble ft Martin's (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Scrantoo, Pa.. 13-10, Port Jer- vli, N. Y., IT, Banbury, Coon., 18, White Plains, N. Y., IB, 20, Fawtuckct. R. I., 21. 22. "Unwritten Law, The"—H. H. France's—Fulton, New York, 10, indefinite. Warfleld, David — David Belasco's — San Jose, Oal.. 13, Sacramento 14, Stockton 10, Los Angeles 17-22. Weber-Fields Players (Weber ft Fields, mgrs.)— New Orleans, La., 10-10, Lake Charles 16, Besumont, Tex., IT, Galveston 18, Houston 19, Austin 20, San Antonio 21-23. Waldmann, Eduard IE. E. Johnson, mgr.)— Cayuga, Ind. 13, Oockrllle 14, Hymera 10, Bloomlngton IT. "Woman. The," Eastern—David Balaaco's—Pork, Boston, 10-22, "Woman, The," Western—David Belaaeo's—Asbe- vllle, N. C, 13, Kiioxvllle, Tenn., 14, Chatta- nooga 16, Nashville 17-10. Memphis 20-22. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Oo.'s—Eltlnge, New York, 10, Indeilnlte. "White fiqunw. The"—Louis Werba'a—Qoltman, Ga., 13. Wnycross 14, Brunswick 15, Ferdan- dlno, Fla., 17, St. Augustine 18. Pnlatka 10, Dnytonn 20, New Smyrna 21, De Land 22. "Whip, The"—Oomstock ft Oest'i, Inc.—Manhat- tan Opera House, New York, 10, Indefinite. "'Way Down East"—Wm. A. Brady's — Grand Opera House, Philadelphia, 10-15, Newark, N. J.. 17-22. "White Sister, The" (Albert Patterson, mgr.)— Rapid Oily, 8. Dak.. 13, Deadwood 14, Hello Fourche 16. "Winning Widow. The"—Max Spiegel's (Geo. A. Florida, mgr.) —.Columbus, 0„ 13-15, Kenton 17, Adrlau, Mich., 18, Ann Arbor 19, Battle Creek 20, Lansing 21, Grand Rapids 22. "Wolf, The"—Jones A Crane's (F. L. Hawkins, rrurr.)—Fonda, In., 13, Humboldt 14, Mason Olty 15, Brltt IT. Algoua 18, F.mtnetsburK 10, Graettlnger 20, Ellsworth 21, Rock Rapids 22. "White Slave, Tuo"—Buffalo, N. Y., 10-18. t'Yeurs of Discretion"—David Bclasco—Bolaseo, New York. 10, indefinite. "Yellow Jacket, The"—Harris ft Selvryn, Inc.— Brooklyn. N. Y., 10-15. "Yankee Doodle Boy. The"—(Geo. W. Stephens, mgr.)—Pelser, B. Q, 16, Chester 18, Lnncnster 10, Rock Hill 20. Concord, N. C, 21, Charlotte 22. Zloiffelrt's Follies (Florena Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.)— Colonial, Boston, 10-15. STOCK AKD MUSICAL COMEDIICH. Permanent and Traveling-. Academy of Mur.c Stock (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—8tar, New York. 10, Indednltc, American Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— American. Philadelphia, 10, li definite. Acmletu.v Stock (F. E, Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J., 10. Indefinite. Aubrey Block, No. 1 (D. Otto Hltncr, mgr,)— Huntington, W. Vn., 10, Indefinite. Aubrey Stock, No. 2 (D. Otto Hltner, mgr.)— Cumberland, Md., 10-16, York, Pa., 17-22. Aubrey Stock, No. 3 (D. Otto Hltner. mgr.)—- Shlnnston, W. Vn., 10-16. Weston 17-22. Allen Mnslcal Comely (nilly Allen, mgr.)—St. Johnsbury, VI., 13-16, Barre 17-22. Brown, Klrk (J. T. Macaulcy, mgr.)—'Wheeling, W. Vn., 10-13. Rover. Nancy (Wm. Morgan, act. mgr.)—Dover, N. .T„ 10-15, Mtddlctown. N. Y., 17-22. Belgarde. Sadie, Stock (Leslie B. Smith, mgr.)— Rntland. Vr.. 10-15. Ilyers Slock (Fred Brers, mgr.)—Okecnc, Okla., 11-16, nkmiilcce 17-22. r.urbank Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— 1,04 Angeles. Cnl., 10. Indefinite. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oaklsnd, Cnl.. 10. Indefinite. Burns Stock (Paul Burns, mgr.)—National, Phil- adelphia, 10, Indefinite. Barrett Plnyers (0. E. Muuthe, mgr.)—Lima, O., 10, Indefinite. Inrrett Players (Edward Barrett, mgr.)—Mat- loon, 111.. 10-March I. , . _ Craig Stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Castle Siuare, Boston, 10. Indefinite _ ., Orexrent Players— D. F, Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. , _ Colonial Stock 'Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Ohar- lotteiown. P. E. I.. 10, Indefinite. Oornclt-Prlce Players (Cornell ft Price, mgrs.)— I'ndin-nh, Ky., 10, Indefinite. Colonlnl Btock (Ilolilea ft Edwards, mgrs.)—In- dlenopolls. Ind.. 10, Indefinite. Coirces Players (C. b Conness, mgr.)—Wllmlng- lon, Del.. 10. Indefinite. Ohsuncey-Keltfer (Fred O. Ohauncey, mgr.)—Fort Plain, N. Y„ 10-15, Cortland 1T-22. Carleton Slaters (Vsran- A Montgomery, ingri.))— Richmond, Ky.. 10-15. Somerset 1T-22. Davis Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.)— Pittsburgh. Pa„ 10, Indefinite. Drama Players (K. Weston, mgr.)—Lowell, Mail., 10, Indefinite. _ . , _, Dillon ft King Mnslcal Comedy—Oakland, Cat., lu, Indefinite. Eirle Stock (L. A. Xarle. mgr.)—Du Bolt, Pa., 1015. Horned, N, Y.. 17-22: Franklin 8tock (Edwin Weever, mgr.)—Water- town, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. Greenpolnt Flayers —B. F. Keith's — Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. Gleason Players (T, 0. Oieason, mgr.)—College. Clilcsgo, 10, Indefinite. Gothsm Stock—B. I*. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. Glsser Players (W. X. Garyn, mgr.)—Cleveland, (>.. 10. Indefinite. Gsvety Theatre 8to?k (Chan. Franklyn, mgr.)— Hohnken. N. J., 10, Indefinite. Garslde Stock (J. B. flarslde, mgr.)—Patncab, Ky.. 10. Indeflntle. Grand Opera House Stock—Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. German Plsyers (Ludwlg Krelss, m|r.)—Milwau- kee. Wis., 10, Indefinite. Oar Players (O. W. Ueiar, mgl.)—InfUaatpolia, TatfE io. Indefinite. Ilayward, Orace (Geo. M. Gatts, mgr.)—War- rington, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. lllrameleln's Associate Players (Ira E. Kirle, mgr)—Asbary Park, N. J., 10-15. Ixiog Brincb ■ Imuran's Ideal Stock (F, P. Illllman, mgr.) — Onlda Rock, Nebr., 18-15. Illllman's Ideal Stock (Harry Sobns, mgr.)— Smltn Center, Kan., 18-13, Rennbllc 17-10. Haves. Lnry, and Associate Players — Ncllgh, Nebr., 13.15, Albion 17-10, Scrlbaer 2022. Harlem Opera House Btock—B. F, Keith's—New York, 10, Indefinite. Dome Stock (Col. F. P. Borne, mgr.)—Erie, l'a.. 10, Indefinite. Harvey Btock—Harvey D. Orr's—Mason City, la., 10, Indefinite, narvey Stock—Harvey D. Orr'a (H. H. Budde, mgr.)—Muscatine. In., 10, Indefinite. Ilolden Players (Holden ft Edwards, mgrs.)— Cleveland, o., 10. Indefinite. Ilartnun-Wallaco Players—Jamestown, N. Y., 10, Indefinite. Illgler-Harrlngton Stock—Mobile, Ala., 10, In- definite. Jacobs' Btock (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—Newark, N. }., 10, Indefinite. Jefierson Theatre Stock (Julius Cahn, mgr.)— Portland. Me.. 10. Indefinite. Juneau Stack (J. H. Relchest, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., 10, Indefinite. Keren Slaters (C. A, Keyei. mgr.)—Waynesboro, l'a., 10-15, Martlniburg, W. Va.. 17-22. Kelly, Sherman, Stock (Harrr B, Sherman, mgr.) —Superior, Wis., 10, Indefinite. Keene, Lorraine (Lawrence Amuse. Co., mgrs,)— Orsnd Islsnd, Nebr., 10. Indefinite. Kiimt ft Gasxolo Btock—Baltimore, Md., 10, la- definite. Kelley Stock (Jewell Keltcy, mgr.)—Meridian, Mils., 10, Indefinite, Long Stock (Frank B. Long, mgr.)—St. Charles, Mo., 10-16, Warsaw. III., 17-22. I.nng, Eva, and Players (O. D. Woodward, mgr.) —-Omaha, Nebr., 10, Indefinite. Lynn Block (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Ncwburyport, Mass., 10-15, Leominster 17-Mnrch 1. Lyceum Theatre Stock (Dick Ferrla, mgr.)—Los Angeles. Cnl., 10, Indefinite. Lyceum Stock (Fox ft King, mgrs.)—Ogdea, U., 10, Indefinite. La Balk- Stock (Opiieiihrlner Bros., mgrs.)—St. i»ii1h. Mo., 10, Indefinite. Lyceum Plnyers (T. J. Lynch, mgr.) —New Brltnln, Conn,, 10, Indefinite. loiH-rgau Sleek—Lowell, Mass., 10, Indefinite. Morosco Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— Los Angeles, Cal., 10, Indefinite, Morlnou stock (Llndkoy Morlsoo, mgr.)—Lynn, Mohh., 10, indefinite. Manhattan Players (Geo. B. Brown, mgr.)—Tren- ton, N, J., 10, Indefinite. Mnlley A Dennlson Stock—Fsll River, Mans., 10, Indefinite, llalley A Dennlson Stock—Lawrence, Mass., 10, Indefinite, Mnltlr ■ Stock (W. B. Mattlce, mgr.)—Mayvllle, N. Y.. 10-15. Muhcr Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—I^hlghton, I'n., 10-15. North Bros.' Btock ("Sport" North, mgr.)— Oklahoma, Okla., 10, Indefinite. North Bros. 1 Btock (Frank C. North, mgr.)—Fort Worth, Tex., 10. Indefinite. Orpheum Players (Frank Williams, msTr.)—Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, 10, Indefinite. Obrecht 8tock (Christie Obrecht, mgr.)—Alexan- dria, Minn., 18-10. Opera Ho wo Stock (Reed A Zabrlskle, mgrs.)— PateraoD, N. J., 10. Indefinite. Oliver Btock (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—Bockford, III., 10, Indefinite. Payton Stock (M. S. Bchleslnger, mgr.)—Newark, N. J.. 10, Indefinite. Tnyton Stock (T. L. Beely, mgr.)—Jersey Olty, N. J., 10, Indefinite. I'rlngle, Dells, and 8tock (0. K. Van Auken, mgr.)—.Edmonton, Alts.. Can., 10, indefinite, Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton. D. 0.. 10, Indefinite. Feruchl-Oypteno (0. D. Peruchl, mgr.)—New Or- leans, La., 10, Indefinite, Frlnccns Player* (C. L. Ilk-hards, mgr.)—Tacorna, Wash., 10, Indefinite. Proapcct Theatre Stock (Frank Gersten, mgr,)— Prospect. Bronx New York, 10, Indefinite. l'rlnceas Slock (Elbert ft Oetchcl), mgrs.)—Dea Moines, Is., 10, Indefinite. I'earl Slock (A. A. Webster, mgr.)—Parkeraburg, W. Va„ 10, Indefinite. Princess Slock (Andrua ft Do Forest, mgrs.)— Grand, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. Price A Butler Stock (Price A Bntler, mgrs.)— Kpbrata. Pa„ 10-10. Piekert's Block (Willis I'lckerl, mgr.)—Miami, Fla., 10-10, Naaaau. N, P., Bra. Islds, 17- Mnrch 1. Powell Musical Comedy—Michigan City, Ind., 18- Prosser A Diamond's Musical Comedy—Sanborn, la., 10-15, BuskBlsbeo PInyera (J. W, Rusk, mgr.)—Carbon- dale. Pa.. 10-15, Sunbury 17-22. Bobbins, Mil* "Bobby" (F. E. Clayton, mgr.)— Rtnsselaer. Ind.. 10-16, La Fayette 1T-Marcb 1. Bed Raven Corned/ (Len Gordon, mgr.)—Wllkes- Ilarre, Pa., 10-15. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Ixwls J. Fosse, mgr.)— Metropolis, Bronx, New York, 10, indefinite. *• ""W S. .\- Newton, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., 10, Indefinite. Temple Theatre Stock <F. Falkner, mgr.)—Cam- den, N, J.. 10. Indeilnlte. »—"■>" Temple Btock (Arthur Bernard, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. Y.. 10, Indefinite. Vinton, Myrtle (H. P. Bulroer, mgr.)—Deaoraont, Tex., 10-10. Van Dyke A Eaton Stock (F. ft 0. Mack, infra.) —Toledo, 0., 10, indeilnlte. Van Dyke A Eaton Btock (H. Walter Van Dyke, mgr.)—Milwaukee. Wis., 1ft, Indefinite. Vnll's Stock (Geo. B. Hendrlckson, mgr.)—Bes- semer City, N. 0., 18-16. Wllhnr-Sacray Stock—Sandstone, Minn., 1316. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 10, Indefinite. West Cheater Btock—Btalnacb-Hards'—Mt, Ver- non, N. Y„ 10, lndV.1nlte. Warburton Btock (Csrl W. Hunt, mgr.)—Yonker*, N. Y„ 10. Indefinite. COHPAlflBS PLAYING MOVIES. American Players (VIn Blenmond, mgr.) —Aaa- land. O., 10-16, Amherst 17-22. Flslg Slock (A. II. Flsig, mgr.)—Memphis, Tenn., 10, Indefinite. WnKBI, nURLESQUE SHOWS. Cnl ambla- Eastern. AI. Reeves' Beauty Show (V. M. Leslie, mgr.)— Olympic, New York, 10-16, Empire, Paterxni, 17-19, Empire, Hoboken, 20-22. American BaaujUs* (Dave ObTAD, Bjr.)—Qor- tlg. A Seamou's, New York, 1015, Murray 11111. New York. 17-22. Beauty, Youth and Folly (W. V. Jennings, mgr.) —(Icyely, Brooklyn, 10-15, 01) tuple. New York, 17-22. Itclininn Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Gayr-y, Washington, It) U. Gnyety, Pittsburgh, 17-22. Bon Ton* (Frank McAller, mgr.)—Gaiety, Bt. I.onli, 10-15, Gaycty. Kansas City, 10-22. Bowery Burlesquer* (Geo. U. Harrla, mgr,)-— standard, Cincinnati, 10-15, Gayety, Louisville, 1(1-22. College Girls (H. H. Hedges, mgr.)—Empire. Cleveland, 10-16, Empire, Toledo, 10-22. Columbia Buprlesquer* (Jesse Barns, mgrj—Em- pire. Toledo, 10-15. Star and Garter, Oblcsgo, 10 22. Cracker Jacks (Barry LeonL, rforr.)—Gayety, Kansas City, 10-15, Osyety. Omaha, 16-22. Boitlers. The (Chni. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Gayety. Stars of Slageland (Wm, Dnnn, mgr.J—Avenoe. Detroit, 10-13. Sl»r, Toronto, lT-28i- Titer Lilies. (James Wcedon. • mgr.)—Peonle'a, Now York, 10-10, Eninlre,- Philadelphia, 17-22. Wilson's BurleiQuers (Dan fluggenhelnicr. mgr.) —Lyceum, Washington, 10-15, Lyric, Allen- town, IT, Academy. Reading, 18, Majeitle. Har- rlsburg, 10, Mlahler, Altoonn, 20, Cambria. Johnstown, 21, White'* Optra House, McKeea- prfrr, 22 Whirl of •■ Detroit, 1(1-18, Gayety, Toronto, Dreamland Burlesquer* (E. Traveri, ')— Gay- ety. Omaha, 10-16, lay oft week MK&, Gaiety Girls (Bob Simon*, nur.)—Oorlntnlan, Rochester, 1015, Bastable, Syracuse, 1T-10, Lumberg. Utlca, 20-22. Gay Mssqueraders (Moe Messing, mgr.)—Gayety, Louisville, 10-10, Gayety, St. Louis, 10-22. Ginger Girls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)—Garden, Buffalo, 10.16, Corinthian, Rochester, 17-23. Girls From the Grett Whlto Way (Dave Gordon, mgr-)—Gayety, Philadelphia, 10-15, Hurtle A Beamon's, New York, 17-22. Girls From Hsppyland (R. W. Chlpman, mgr.)— Empire, Hoboken, 10-12, Empire, Patenoa, 18-16, Gayety, Newark, 17-22. Golden Crook (Jis. C. Fulton, mgr.)—Lay off week 10-10, Columbia, Chicago, 10-22. Hastings' Show (Harry Hast lugs, mgr.)—Gayety, Newark, 10-10, Casino. Philadelphia, IT-22. Jolly Folly IA1. Blrh Producing Co., nigra.)— Oayetr, Toronto, 1016, Garden, Buffalo. 17-22. Knickerbocker* (Lout* noble, mgr.)—Osyety, Boston. 10-10, (llltnore, Bprlngflekl. 17-10, Em- pire. Albany, 20-22. Love Makers (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Westminster, Providence, 10-10, Casino, Boston, 17-22. Uerry-ao-ltounders (Lcffler-Ilrstton Co., mgrs.)— Casino, Philadelphia, 10-15, Gayety, Baltimore, 1T-22. Merry Whirl (Frank Perley, mgr.)—Star, Brook- lyn, 10-15, Empire, Uohokcu, 17111, Empire, Peterson, 20-22. Midnight Maldem (Wra. S. Clark, mgr,)—Gayety, Baltimore. 10-15, Gaycty, Washington, 17-22. Mollis William* (Phil Isaacs, mgr.) — Columbls. Chicago. 10-16, Osyety, Detroit, Hi 22. QiutiiH ot 1'nrlM (Joseph Howard, mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 10-10, Columbia. New York, 17-22. Ilohlnsoii Grnsuo Girls (Bn'n Rolilnson. mgr.)— Park, Ilrklgepott, 18-16, Westminster, Provi- dence*, 17-22. Rose Bydcll's I/Ondon Belle* (W. H. Cninplsdl, mgr.)—Gayety, I'lttsburgh, 10-16. Empire, llh-veliincl. 17-22. Itiintiwny Girls (Peler B. Clark, mgr.)—Empire, l'ni>ti<in, 10-12, liumlrv, Hoboken, 11110, Gay- ety, Phlladelidiln, 17-32. Social Maids (Robert Oohn, mgr.)—Empire, At- hnny, 10-12, Franklin Square, Worcester, IB- 15, Gnlefy, Boston, 17-22. .. Mirth (Robert Gordon, mgr.)—L*fay*t(a, Buffalo, 10-15, Columbia, Scrauton, 17-10, Or- pheum, raterson. 20-22. . „ Yankee Domllo Girl* (Max Gorman, mgr.)—Kn»- plr*. Baltimore, 10-10, Lyceum, Washington, "•22. _ Zallahs' Own IW. O. Cameron, mgr. — Kmplm, Chicago, 10-16, Gayety, Milwaukee, 10-22. VA1DEVILLE SHOWS. Hoffmann, flertrude — Messn. Sbuhert—Lyrle, I'blladelphla, 10, Indefinite. Lauder, Harry. A Co. (Wm. Morris, mgr.)— In- dlanspolls, Ind., 13, Broadway, New York, 17- ■5il l, Targusy, Eva, * Co—Springfield, Mas* , 20-22. MINSTRELS. Big Olty—John W. Vogel's—GettTsnrg, l'a., 13, Waybesboro 14, Ob am bees burg 10, Evans, George, Honey Boy—Washington. D. 0., 1015. Star and Garter Show (Frank Weinberg, mgr.)— Murray Mill, Now York. 10-10, Park, Bridge- port, 20-22. Taxi Girl* (Ix>ul* Hurtle, mgr.)—Oayetr, Mon- treal, 10-15, Empire. Albany, 1T-10, Franklin Square, Worcester, 20-22, Trocndrms (Frank Pierce, mgr.) — Oilmen-*, Springfield. 10-12, Empire, Albany, 18.10, Gay- ety. Brooklyn, 17-22. Welch'a Burlesquer* (Jacob Lleberman, mgr.)— Columbia, New York, 10-10, Star, Brooklyn, 17- 22. Winning Widow (Jacob Goldenberg, mgr.)—Bat- table, Syracuse, 10-12, Lumbers, Utlca, 18-10, Gnyety, Montreal, 17-22. World of Pleasure (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Star and Garter, Chicago, 10-16, Standard, Cincin- nati, 10-22. Empire—Western. American (Ed. H, Daley, mgr.) —Grand Opera House, Boston, 10-10, Bronx, New York, 17- 22. Aulo Olrla (Teddy Blmonds, mgr.)—Empire, In- dlsiispolls, 10-15, Folly, Ctilcjgo, 1022. Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Empire, Philadelphia, 10-15, Casino, Brooklyn. 17-22. Bohemians (AI, Lnbln. mgr.)—Star, Cleveland, 10-15, People'*, Olnclunatl, 10-22. Century Girl* (Isiy Grodi, mgr.)—Empire, New- ark, 10-16, Orptici Patcrson, 17-10, Coluiu- bls, Bcratitoti, 20-22, Cherry Blossom* (Max Armstrong, mgr.)—Eighth Avenoe, New York, 10-15, Howard, Boston, 17- 22, Daffydlll* (Arthur Muller, mgr.) — Trocsdero, Philadelphia, 10-15. Empire, Baltimore, 17-22. Dandy Girl* (Glial. F, Cromwell, mgr.)—Empire, Brooklyn, 10-10, Empire, Newark, 17-22!, Dante's Daughter* (Clias, Taylor, mgr.)—Krug, Omaha, 10-10, Oenfury, Kansas City, 10-22, Follies of the Day (Jack McNamsra, mgr.)—Or- pheimi, Peterson, 10-12. Columbia. Hcranton, 18-16, Trocadero, Philadelphia, 17-22. Oay widows (Louis Oberworth, mgr.)—Csslno, Brooklyn, 10-15, Eighth Avenoe, New York, 17-21. Girl* From Missouri (Louis Talbot, mgr.) — Bronx, New York. 10-16, Empire, Brooklyn, Girls From Reno (James Madison, mgr.)—Gaiety, Minneapolis 10-15, Grand Opera House, fit. Paul, lft-22. Girls From Joyland (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Lay off week 10-16, Krug, Omaha. 10-22. High Life In Burlesque (Chtk. Falke, mgr,)— Buckingham, Louisville, 10-10, Empire, Indian- apolis, 17-22. Jardln 0* Paris Girls (Morris Walnstock. mgr.) —People's, Cincinnati, 10-16, Empire, Chicago, 16-22. Lady Buccaneer* HI. M. Slrouse, mgr.)—Century, Kansaa City, 10-16. Standard, St. Louis, 10-22. Merry Maidens (Kdw. Bchsefer, mgr.)—Standard, St. Inn)*, 10-16, Buckingham, LouUvlllr, 10-22. Mil* New York Jr. (Wm. Fennessy, mgr.)—Co- Inmhla, Hcranton 10-12, Orpheum, Patcrson, 13-16. People'* New York, 17-22. Monte Carlo Olrls (Tom Sullivan, mgr.)—Grand Opera House, Bt, Paul; 10-10, lay off week M4I. Monlln Rouge—-Star, Toronto, 10-10, Lafayette, Buffalo, 17-22. Orientals-(O. Bragg, mgr.)—Gayety, Milwaukee, 10-15, Gaiety, Minneapolis, 10-22, Pace Makers (It- K. Patton, nit.)-Folly, Oil- cag», 10-16, Avenue, Detroit, 10-22. Q'leens-of Ihe Fotlrs Bergerc—Counlhsn A Shan- non's—Mlaliter. Altoono. 13, Cambria, Johns- tov.n, 14, While'* Oners House, McKeesport, 15. Star, Olevelaiul, 17-22. Boat Mud* (Ilsrxy Shapiro, mgr-)—Howard, Djs- uk.. tots, OrtBA Operg Howe, Set too, 17-23. Field's, AI. 0. (Rdward Onnsrd, mgr.)—Urbane, 0., 18, Peru, Ind., 14, Logansnort 10, Spring- field, III., 10, Hannibal, Ms., IT, Qutncy. III., 18, Keokuk, la., 10, Burlington 20, Dnveninrt 21, Dei Moines 22. O'nrien'*, Nell (Oscar F. Hodge, mgr.)—Peine- cola, Fla., IS, Mobile, Ala,, 14, Meridian, Miss, 16, Jackson IT. Primrose A Doekstadev's (Earl Burgess, mgr.)— Newark, N. J., 10-15, Springfield, Mass., 18. oinousBi. Sblpp ft Feltus'—Talachuana, B. Amer,, 10-10, Buenos Arret, indefinite. FILM SHOWS. Atop of ibe World In Motion Pictures—Beverly H. Dobbn' (Joseph Conoly, mgr,) — Osrnegle flail. New York. 10, Indefinite. Atop or Ibe World In Motion Pictures—Beverly II. Dobhs' (Joseph Cottoly, mgr.)—London, Kng., 10, Indefinite, Alop of Iho World In Motion Pictures—Ueverlr II. Dobhs' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—I'ortlund, Ore., 10, Indefinite. Atop of the World In Holloa Pictures—llcvrrly II. Doblm' (JoM-pii Conoly, mgr.)—Honolulu, II. I., 10, 'Imliilnllc. Atop ot Iho World In Motion Pictures—B-verly It. Dobba' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Sydney Aii'lra- llll, 10, Indeilnlte. Ualknn War and Panama Canal, In Klncmacolor Moving Picture*—Carnegie Lyceum, Now York, 10, Indefinite. Dalknn Wnr ami Homer'* Odyssey (Win. J. Mc- Qnlnii, mgr.)— Hniilt, Hie. Mnrle, Gut., Cull., IM-15, Sturgeon Kails IT. Weld>won<l 18, Huiits- vtllo 10, Brrcelirldgo 20, Newmarket 21, Au- rora 22. Rip Van Winkle. In Moving Pictures (Win. Ike.pic, mgr,)—New City, N. Y„ 14. Knli ey's, Paul J.. African Jungle, In Moving PIO lures— Hljoii, New York, 10, Indefinite. Ralney's, Paul J., African Jungle, In Moving PIo turn—Newark, N. J., 10-16. Balnoy's, Paul J., African Jungle, la Moving I'M* tures—Washington, D. 0., 10-10. Thompson's Moving; Pictures (F. It. Thompson, mgr.)—Oresti-n, 111., IT, 18, MISCELLANEOUS. Great'Bsymond |Maurice F. Raymond, mgr.)—• IX)* Angeles, Cal.. 10, Indefinite. Mysterious Smith (Albert P, Smith, nvgr.)—Bruee, S. Dak., 18, Volga 14. Lako Preston 15, Brook- ings 17, White 18, Watertown 10, Gary 20. Madison, Minn., 21, Boyd 22, Powers' Hypnotic Show (Frnnk J. Power*, mgr.) —Mulberry, Fla., 18-15. Wright's Combination, Show (0. A Wright, mgr.) —Southfleld, N. Y„ 18-15, Greenwood Lake IT- 10, Florida :.0, 21. Wlielten. F. D.. Gorman Medicine Co.—Foster, Nebr., 10-16, Plnlnvlew 1T-22. Wonderland—Wm, Morris'—New York naif. New York. 10, indefinite. !! MAGICIANS!! AMATEUR AND PROFESSION ill Owing; to Iho tremondou* demand /or our new hatidk orclilcf trick, wo Will cjntlnuoour offor FOB 80 DAYS MOKK. 1 Dollar Trick for Ten Cents A M10W METHOD OF THE VANISHING HANDKERCHIEF Cuing no clastic, thread pulls, hand hug or li»nd bog. An entirely now method and positively a WINNKIi. RBUBMUBR. yoa get a silk handker- chief, appsratu* sod fall Instructions, and our Illustrated cataloguo for ton cent*. If you haven't already sent tor one, DO IT NOW. If you don't, yoa will Wish yon bad- aORDON ft HALL BOX MIB, a"TA. A, CAMBB1POB1, MASS. CABARET ENTERTAINERS Blngera with Ug repertoire nnd tlioao using instruments preferred. FBATTjaD NOVELTY ACTB—Open filr or Indoor. SAND SHOWS—Wanting Musician*. MUSICIANS— Wishing liitrngemeDtu. Write full particulars quick. AI„ ALLEN, 300 Andrew* Plug,, Dallm, Tex. PAIIIHSIKI'S BIRD ACT la not only beintlfnl. but prerienfi the World* wreatsnt Bdocated Biros. /!» aniwcrins wit. pUau mmtton Cbirni.