The New York Clipper (February 1913)

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14 THE ISTEW ^rOK3S: C!im&&EXL Sill- H I >- P. If Jj'KBHDABY 22 NOW AVAILABLE FOR STOCK TEE FIB8T TIME FUTER OPFERED Madame Sherry _ . . . J U ^1WI» aula JlMMtA **"^ For lowest terms and particulars apply direct to 1432 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Bole and exclusive agents i^yajf^ STOCK NEWS NOTES FROM THB TAVh SCOTT OFFICE. Marian Rnckert has been reengaged to play the leading roles In tbc stock company at the BIJou Theatre, North Adnnw. Mr.s-. llanager Nathan Goldstein had endeavored to Induce Miss lluckert to return from Van- (surer, and finally succeeded In doing so, as the natrons of the house had made constant •ad insistent demand (or their favorite. Cecil Owen, etage director for the past year •t the Prospect Theatre, New Vork, has algned his contracts for I'oll's Theatre, Seranton, Pa., John Docking, manager, open- ing about May 1. 11m Robinson children ere returning to the East, after twelve successful weeks win -Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." Upon the announcement of their availability there wore many demands for their services where they have been seen before. The little ladlci close in St. Louis, Feb. 22. Carol Arden 1s winning her audiences at the Opera Howie, Patterson, N. J., where she Is playing leads. Margaret Maedcr (second woman) has boon engaged as second woman for the Schil- ler Players, at the Broadway Theatre, Ba- yon do, N. J. , Wards Howard Is outdoing her rivals In leading business, for she has boon giving a singing and dandne specialty in "Slam- •file." the past wcel, at the Broad Street Theatre, Trenton, N. J. Robert Le Bueur is playing Raymond, In "Madame X," at the Broadway Theatre, N. J. Lorno Elliott's performance of the title role has won recognition from scores of professional people, who have seen hor exceptional work in the part. Alice linker leaves "The Third Degree" company, Fen. 22, and will •return to the East to go Into stock. ACTOR'S WIT QUIETS AIDIENCE. Smoke from papers bring bnrned In a yard In the rear of Jaequea' Theatre, in Water- bury, Conn., durlug the atternon perform- ance of Feb. C, greatly alarned an unusually large audience, and only for the quick thought of James Devlne, who was in the most Im- portant part of a difficult role, a panic might have resulted. Mr. Devlne stepped to the footlights and told the audience not to be alarmed, explained the cause of the smoke, and added: "Don't he afraid, because If there was any danger I would not be here." ■ ■■ FLAIO STOCK NOTES. After a twenty weeks successful run at the Palace Theatre, Memphis, Tenm., we will taxe to the road and play the Illinois vaudeviHe circuit of houses being booked by Arthur Nelson out of St Louis. The Flalg Stock Co had a splendid season at Memphis, and will be back again next Summer and play Arch SchwaJb'a Alrdome Theatre. Mr. Bchwalb and his brothers are well known In the South, nnd it is with regret that the com- pany Is leaving, but owing to Mr. Fluid's company being unable to cancel contracts, we nad to leave, lite company, through The Clipper, extends Arch and Win Schwa* and the employees of the Falacc, their best wishes. I TOO rtE.VL FOR CLIFF. Cliff Hastings, who Is playing leads with the Garslde Stock Company, which Is playing an Indefinite engagement at the Arcade Thea- tre, In Padncah, Ky.. recently gave bis audi- ence a touch of realism when hla company was playing "In the Heart of Alaska." In one scene there Is a roughhouse and Mr. Hastings accidentally slipped ana fell and sustained a scalp wound and body bruises. He ilnlshed the play, bat when he walked from the stage he tell in a faint His In- juries did not keep him from the following performances, however. R£0. US. FAT. OFFICE Celebrated HATS Spring Styles Now on Sale NEW YORK Chicago Philadelphia Agencies In AH Principal Cities Will D. Howard and Florence Chapman closed with the Mnlley & Dennison Stock Co., in Lawrence. Mass., Feb. 15. They contem- plate entering; vaudeville together. Wayne Amur, of Boston, has oeen engaged as leading man for the Mallcy A Dennison i,,L™ri Ct ,,? U ™i! ,a8 iJ >eei1 ^S 0 ^ 0 , 'or leading stock Co! to Lawrence, Mobs Luslness ut Wllkes-Barre. by John Docking, Ferdinand Tioma of Scronton. Pa., who will iinndle both Poll houses In the Twin Cities, the coming Sum- !'.■:. MAGIC THEATRE STOCK CO. The Magic Theatre 8tock Co. opened Its srason Jan. 0, at the Magic Theatre, Fort Dodge, la., to a capacity business, nnd ever since tho business baa held up to all our ex- pectations. Our nights are all sold out, and our matinees are very good, and getting bet- ter every day. The compnny was organized by H. Dudley Nashold, manager of the theatre, and he Is very favorably impressed by the work of every member. Tlio roster Is as follows: H. Dudley NnMiold. manager; Howard L. Case, stage director: C. P. Montgomery, scenic artist; John Anderson, electrician ; Clarence Nichol- son : stage manager; Howard L. Case, Chas. Payne. U. L. llerrlman, C. P. Montgomery, Neil Sehaffner, Harry Bernard, Chcrvcn Cliestlk. Mary Fulton, Pauline Falvre, Vir- ginia I.eo. We are putting up all special scenery for all plays, and tinder Mr. Montgomery's brash •nd Mr. Case's direction, we are meeting with great results. Mabel Griffith, who tcrmlnaited her en- fagemint as leading woman of the Broad trect Stock Co.. Trenton, N. J., In order to undergo a surgical operation, to rapidly recovering, but will not continue hor work this season. She will recuperate for four weeks In Boston, and "then take a six months' rest In Los Angeles, to fully recover her health. The Ketch SiBTEitB Co. opened art en- gagement at York, Pa., to n capacity house qui presenting "The Old. Old 8tory,' r followed Dy 8. "The Little Girl H« Forgot" and "Capt loj Clay of Missouri." EARL D.S1PR PUTS FORWARD WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE Her Owm Co, THERES A REASON' LOCATION WANTED CHAMPION S RICHM0H0 STOCK COMPANY Tabloid dramatic, productions: two shows nightly. Uhange twice weekly. JACK CHAMPION. P.KVKHB HOUSE, OHIilAOO. ILL, WANTED PERMANENT Stock People . BIPPOHTING- iish has become a great favorite as a member of Mallcy A Dennison .Stuck Co., at Lawrence, Mass. "Madame Shbuby," ote of the most phe- nomenal successes of recent years. Is now available tor stock, having just been released for stock after touring the entire country for the past four years, under the direction of Messrs. A. H. W-jods, Frtzee A Lederer. danger A Jordan are the sole and exclusive ngents for this piece, which has proven one of the biggest "money getters" ever produced in America. The majority of stock managers may think that "Madame Sherry" require a large cast, but It doesn't Any competent leading lady who can Blng, can play the title role, and the "book" of this famous musical piece Is ajgreat farce comedy in Itself. Babbt Swift, the new manager of Keith's Harlem Opera House, stock. New York, has secured Jean Oalbralth as leading woman, to open 24; also an entirely new supporting company. The Bnhler-Sablno Stock Co. opened Feb. 10, at tho Auditorium, Toledo, Oi Fred W. Wear and Lillian Remiss are enjoying a successful stock engagement at St. Louis, Mo. Pbircilla Knowlm will close Feb. 22 with the Keith Harlem Opera House stock, and will open with the Fox Academy stock at the Star, New York, 24. C. J. Esimeiuck Is with the BIJoti Theatre Stock Co., at Minneapolis. Tub Keyes Sisters Stock Co., under the management of C. A. Keyes, closed a suc- cessful stock engagement of ten weeks at Hart's Theatre, Philadelphia, and again took the road opening nt Columbia, Pa., for a week, and broke all records for attendance for stock attractions at that place. Tub Shannon Stock Co. were given a ban- et by the Shelby, O, Lodge, T. M. A., Jan. A One time end a great spread was enj- oyed by all. The company played to excel- lent business during their first visit to Shelby, and look forward to a return en- gagement next season. Under the personal management of Col. Harry Shannon we are doing an excellent business ; In fact, tho be -t business since the company was first organ- ized. Dainty Mas l.\ Foiiti and her company will open a stock engagement at the tllobe Theatre, Washington, l T o.. March 10. The first play will be "Just Plain Mary," to be followed by "Dorothy Vemon of Haddon Hall." If the engagement Is a successful one many of tho latest successes In New York and Chicago will be presented during the ten weeks that Miss La Porte Is hooked for. The same company that Is supporting Miss La Porte on the road will bo taken to Washing- ton for the engagement Dave Helhnan will be the press and advertising agent. Mana- ger McErroe will engage a scenic artist, and each play will be staged with all spuclal scenery and elettrlcnl eaects. IIblen Fobest Rusbbll, w*o was featured for the past three seasons with the Manhat- tan Stock Co., through tho middle West, writes: "I ara now with WUlard Lee Hail, In vaudeville, playing the Ingenue lead In his sketch, entitled 'Out of the Past/ carrying all of oar own special (cenery. The roster of tho company li: WUlard Leo Hall. Floyd Diigan. Daniel Trllle, Joseph Capcto, Mrs. C. Wolcott Rntsoll and Dorothy S. Russell." En. A Kovac's Stock Co., at Perth Am- boy, N. J., under the direction of Geo. L. Uravee, wants a good Summer location. Hilly Boss, manager for Reynolds A Boss, writes from Bait Lake City: "Wo have taken a lease on the Garrick Theatre here (which for the past few months has been playing musical comedy), and will open same on Sunday, Feb. 16. with the Reynolds & Boas Players, producing popular priced stock plays. The roster of the company is as follows: Guy Reynold?, Dick Wnkcflcld, Bam Avey, Justin McNahb. Boy Hartnett, Chas. W. Bice, Bonnie Bernard. Gwynne Ster- ling and Jane Grey. Have been playing to good business, especially on the return dates." England! H3S 0vUl US many good things but beat Ot* nil Pear*, the soap or quality and purlty-there's US Fears of reputation behind — Pears 9 SOAP tto. a Oats for the VtueenUt VAUDEVILLE DOEX TO OUT OF TOWN NEWS. Alabama.. Arkaasu. California 15, Canada o, Colorado Ctoaoeeucat District ot Columbia. Georgia.,. Illinois 20. Indiana O, Iowa 15, Kansas..,. Kentncky 9, Louisiana Maine Maryland 13 Maassehassrts.lO, 90, 23 20 Michigan 9, 20 16 Minnesota 9 13 Nebraska 16, 20 22 Hew Jersey 16, 22 IB New York 9 15 Ohio 15, 22, 26 22 Pens..... 15, 16, 20, 23 22 South Carolina.. 15, 23 23 Tennessee. 16, 20 lBTexa* H OVIrglnia 16 22 West Virginia 16 . 9 Wisconsin 16, 16 9 Washington 10 20 Deaths in toe Proration FLASHINGS. BY ECXS USE. JACK LEWIS SOUBRETTE, INGENUE, LEADING HAN. HEAVT BUB, STAGE DIRECTOR. SCENIC ARTIST WHO CAN ACT Address 21AIUIY GORDON, .. Orpheum Theatre, Wheeling, W. Va* QTrtOH. NOtGS FROM TUB A8IILSY FAMILY rtNTTR- tainbbb, —We are spending; the Winter visit- ing our daughter Norma (Mr?. J. A. Hltchcy), and on pleasant Fridays and Saturdays are showing at the surrounding and nenrby towns. We usually have S. R. O. sign out early, as snows are tew nnd far between, aitd we are well acquainted. It seems more like a visit to old friends than showing. We open our season about the middle of March, playing all return dates. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS "A Poor Liar." Union Squabb. Monday Mat., Feb. IT. The one act farce In which Miss Phillips and company of four appeared on Monday afternoon Is far from a hit in Its present form. As It stands now. there la much ado about nothing, and with the exception of Miss Phillips and Haxel Campbell, who plays a French maid In capital style, the cast 1* amateurish. The author's name is not given on the house program. His handiwork tells the story of Mrs. Wotherby, who Is lively and well when her husband is away from home, but when he is at home she poses as ill and weak. In her deception she has the aid of the French maid. The purpose of the decep- tion is to compel her husband to send her to the seashore. A doctor, who was form- erly an admirer is called in and the wife, finding that the doctor will not become a party to the deception, makes violent love to him. The purpose of this Is to get the doctor to advise the husband to send her to the seashore. The doctor, however, convinces the husband that he should pose as a sick man, if be wants to break his wife of her deception. He does so, and when the wife thinks that her husband Is going to die, she confesses her deception. Miss Phillies, who la private life Is the wife of Taylor Holmes, gave a splendid per- formance of the wife. ' Tie sketch ran about eighteen minutes. Interior set. Ktlcey. s Joxtes and Sylvester, la "The Two Drummers." HaSIMERSTEIN'B, MONDAY EVENINO, FEB. 17. Geo. W. Jones and Harry Sylvester, late of "That" Quartette, are presenting a comedy sketch, entitled "The T-»o Drummers." They work straight, L» one, before a drop picturing a railroad station In a small town. The act Is composed mostly of talk, some of which went over with the desired effect In a singing specialty one of the boys Intro- duces a fake sneeze that was amusing. They close with a ballad, which pleased. The act ru ns flfteen minutes. P°e- -ROTES FROM S0 WGLA1TO. J. W. STERN * CO. Messrs. Stem A Co. based their action upon the contention that Alfred Solman, the well known composer, who was under exclusive contract with them, had written the music of this song during the period ot hla agree- ment, nnd that the Laetnmlo Co. had pub- lished Solman's muele with the knowledge of Stern A Co.'s exclusive rights to Soltnan'a works. . The main Issues came to trial In June. 1012, before Justice Newtrarger, who decided from the bench at the conclusion ot the trial that Messrs. Stern a Co. had sustained) their rauac of action, and were entitled to an Injunction and an accounting. The Carl Laemmle Music Co. thereupon appealed to the Appellate Division, and the decision Just handed down affirms the Judgment en- tered by Justice Newburger. • Hit Caiuu. will Join the "A Man's Friends- Co. ... Hf.vcy Wood writes: "1 am enjoying a very pleasant season with J. L. Percy, In his revival of 'East Lynnc,' with Chartotta Lclghty, the young and popular emotional actre9», as Lady Isabelle. I wish to thank Tub CLirprn for being the means of me se- curing ao pleasant an engagement. We have been playing to packed houses despite the Lenten season over since our opening at Urbana, 11L. on Feb. 1. This proves beyond a doubt that the great emotional drama will live forever. We are blessed every week wltn the arrival of Tub Old Rbmablbj, and wait In longing for Its appearance." GBoncn Hickman, manager of tic Orpheum and Bijou theatres. In Nashville. Tenu.. was reeentlv confined to his bed In the hospital for a few days, but is now doing nicely, and he expects to be back on the Job soon. Mani-.y's Perambulating Newspaper Bun- galow, at Pueblo, Colo., provides opportunity for buying Tin Clifpbb, to professional visiting that city. ^__ _. _ Constance Jackson, of the Drama i lay- ers company, playing an Indefinite engage- ment at the Playhouse in Lowell, Mass., it taking a much needed rest Wat T. Howlby, formerly manager of the Academy Theatre, In Lowell, Mass.. was re- cently appointed general manager of the Tre- mont Theatre Circuit. , _. . Maiiie Doban has been Informed that Meyer end Bond have teen playing her ver- sion of "Tempest arid Sunshine" without au- thority, nnd refers to her warning notice published In Th« Ci-irrss some time ago. A LITTLE BULL. Say, bo, you talk of headline acts That always top a bill. Who book a route from North to South And have no time to mi. There never was a bit like me From 'Frisco back to Maine; Out West they're waiting dally For my return again. I never played for B. F. Keith, For Proctor, nor for Locw, The S. A C, no: not for me, Not even TJ. B. 0. A try-out East, nix with that stuff Why should I. I'm no shine? But If you want to book a hit Just grab this act of mine. My bit In one la Just the kind To pack them In, you know; eure-nre and fast, it gets the laughs, AB. action, nothing alow. Ill show you Just a few write-ups From dallies East and West: Say, kid. I've some collection hers— I'll show yon just the best The hangar .Veto*, away down East, Devotes almost a page; The "headline," tee, refers to me As "The Wonder of the Age." In Qnlnry, 111., and Glens Falls, too, In Newark and Bayonne, The papers there they all declare My act stands out alone. Before I go I'd like to know If tou will book me time. My singing, dancing, juggling bit Is novelty sublime. Oh, say, it's great to top a bill, I work In "one" or "full," Tou ask me how I bill myself, JUBt Say "A LITTLE BULL." A LITTLE SCOTCH ON BROADWAY. Harry Lauder will hot Scotch it at the Broadway Theatre, beginning Monday, this week. « Sophm Tccxes turned the real syncopated melody stuff loos» In St Louis, Mo., last week. Four weeks In Chicago, then East Booked solid. A SINKING FUND. Clayton White and Joe Hunt have sunk their B. H. in a submarine device. Something new and novel. * Luthbb McCarthy doing the hide-away thing with the Western act. Throwing the lariat and shooting the boll's his specialty. Lancaster the last half. Thb Griat Talulan sailed for London Feb. 15. Fred will get a line on a few sharks going over (the one hall In the corner). Bert Leslie:, the V. C. Ci president. Is getting everything In tip top order for the big ball, March 10, at Terrace Garden. Ifs oli IV MEHOBULM or xy fblekd FBAVK UVABII1K Dub Fxb. 13, lsia J. Bernard Dyl]> n or old A-PELrai Pays, 'Fbisco going to be a whale, hoys, ■IIarry Basts, the boy poet getting West- ern material for a drama. In Des Moines, la., last week. Harry's book's selling. DF.LHoar, and Lzb were a strong feature at Keith's, Boston, hast week. Job Jackson bumming It at Keith's, Syra- cuse, last week. Bo. Jolly's "More than Tnlrty-nve Min- utes from Boston, Mass.." but doing great business with his musical repartee. GENE GREEN HAS SCALES. Gene Green has a little pair of scales he carries with him to weigh his salary. Gene's paid In pounds. Dear old London, with a little American Rag Johnny Ford, now with the Tanguay •how. Good luck John. BROADWAY BEAUTT SHOW. Wo. Morris slipped over one ot those Beauty Contests on the Broadway fans last week. No chicken. Just the regular cold turkey stuff. BIG ROUPE AND SMALL JUMP. Direct front Forty-fourth Street, Clifton Crawford Jumped to the house on the corner (Hanmeratelu's). Some routing financier, Clifton. Small jumps pay. "SOME BIRDS." The evolution of the musical comedy chorus girl, by one who knows: Flrtt season. Squab 1 Second season. Chicken! Third season, Cold Turkey 1 Fourth season, Buzzard I Filth season, Eva with an "Uncls Tom's" show. f THB SEAL OF SILENCE. Walter Law, a riot over the big time. His route covered by the "Seal of Silence." 9 Matoicb Wood opened oh the Loew time at the American last week. Week stands only. Tills is a return engagement over ths time. Maurice a big bit JOB KANE'S NEW ONE. Joe Kane will grab himself a new partner, Introduce a new act and book new time. Joe is always pulling something new. VMS De Vorne is the new one this time. Mrs. 1. E. Doarssn,—The remains of Mrs, J. E. Donegan will be burled In Green- wood Cemetery from Merritt's Establishment, Eighth Avenue and Twenty-first Street, New York, at 2 r. at, Wednesday, Feb. 19. Jbanbttb Rilttabtb, Feb. 15. Andy Barb, Feb. 11. Beetib Britain, Feb. 13. Mildbid Howard De Grey, Feb. 11. Adolph Rio, Feb. 12. May li ill man Rosen eb, Feb. 9. Mas. S. E. Courtney, Jan. 28. Carlos Elscaitp, Feb. 9. Mas. iUraicE Sullivan, Feb. 14. Alice Leonard, Feb. 14. Ibene Russell, Feb. 10. May Brooks, Feb. 14. Cathesihe Bay, Feb. 17. T»« WorM—Marvelous. The Oloba—Won- derful r*e Timet —Predominant. Ed's laying off. TIME CANCELED. It was reported that Nellie Bevelle bad joined the matrimonial club. Arthur Keller was supposed to have advanced the proposi- tion and Nellie bad booked him solid. Later reports state that "The Tie That Binds" has not yet been produced. BEAD THIS SIGN IN AN AGENTS OFFICE. NOTICE I We do not book acts for Spain or Mexico. Acton wishing to throw the bull, kindly apply to Kino Alvonzo, Blarney Castle, Madrid, Spain. Say boys, how was our big Anniversary Number? Great I "That's what they all say!" A Mexican act opened the bill In Flashing last week. One of the troupe sang "I Wish I Was In Mexico." A galleryite yelled out "So do we." PICTURES ONLY. The new Regent Theatre plays pictures only. MANAGERS AND AGENTS LAY OFF. i Cube and Tebdi, those two wops, have decided to try burlesque nest season. Great act, this. Two ways to get the coin. Arthur Klein, the boy wonder, booked the acts for the Tanguay show and travels with, the troupe as manager. That's getting It coming and going. Arthur says: "Business is business." Too Sloan Js again pitying that single harness thing. Loew h German means Hon. So be truthful In speaking of the Marcus Circuit and stop your lion. A younq man looking over the freaks at the Wonderland last week, passed the beauty show. Eight next to the fair ones sat Bum- bula, the wild man. "Pipe the beauties and the'beast," he said. Bell Adair arrived In Greater New York last week, with the Julian BltLnge Co.. and was given a big ovation the first perfor- mance, at Brooklyn, by her many friends. Sax Shannon Is now doing a single at the old stand. Marib E. Nason has left "The Little Millionaire" Co. to Join ber husband, Wilbur Dobbs, now comedian with the Social Maids Co. They will start rehearsing a one act playlet entitled "Plum, the Plumber." Dorothy Pabkbb will play Asenath, In •Joseph and His Brethren. 0 Paul, Fbancib and Rose DeMab, in their singing, talking and plaoologue act. Who were at Keitht'a, Lynn, Mass., Tfiestre. week of 8, nre meeting with great succev- on Ihe United time m the East: at Lowell, this week. At. Grant writes: "After playing practi- cally all ot the Gus Sun time, I am mow in the South, working for Sam Maasell, of At- lanta. The art is gtvtng excellent satisfac- tion, and I an expectlnarto remain In the South for the rest of the Winter." E. H. OLB8BH and wife were given a fare- well party at the home of his mother, at Omaha. Neb., by hla three sisters, the Misses Agnes and Leah Oleson and Mrs. Mabel Welch. There was music and singing, be- sides a swell lunch at 12 o'clock. Mr. Olesen end wife are returning to vaudeville, after a long rest at Omaha. , Nbd Nelson writes: "I have joined hands with Jas. Wolfe, and we arepresentlng a e.ure-lire comedy bit entitled 'The American Heiress.' We carry five people In all. with special drop and are hilling our act as Wolfe- Nelson ana company. Mr, Nixon Nlrdllnger Is our representative." Thb Bachblbt Mysteby Show has been doing capacity business at the PennsyivLnla stands. The new exhibition Is Improving at "•all FOB NINETY DAYS POTt THE RCBE AND BLOSSOM. Blossom Seclcy and Rube Marquard were to wed out West last week, but In tho dlvorcs decree, between Joe Kane and Blossom, the Judge prohibits a re-marrlaga within ninety days. HcaniE Jennings dosed bis vaodevllU engagement, at Scranton, Pa., last week. HugbJe returns to the diamond business. FREAK CONNOISSEUR. John Anderson, the connoisseur of freaks, tipping off the -value of the side show at- traction to Wto. Morris. Tub Casulliaxs, Bronze Statues, a "Jilt edge" act So says Gus McCune. GREAT JUNK THIS. Kd. Wynn's favorite press clippings read: The SWIM fixs t»ys: Ed Wynn—Great every show. The engagement at the Palace, London, has been postponed for three weeks. Qubsb and Quaint write: "We are meet- ing with success In vaudeville on our eleveatn week for Walter Pllmmer. Am now presenting till act with my wife, making it much strocger and a bigger hit than when I used a man In the straight part. The act is the same, using our own Eongs, patter and acrobatic dancing, greatly inproved by elab- orate wardrobe. Also carrying our own spe- cial drop. Will play return engagements ovor the Loew time. Next season will find the act in burlesque again." Pauline Josbp writes: "Have twenty weeks of consecutive time throughout the Southeast Sam Mossell did the booking.' HabadbN Vaudeville Noteb.— -The roster of the orchestra of the C. F. Haraden Big Vaudeville Show, at present touring NorUi Carolina, is as follows! F. C. Grcenwalo, UaderTN. B. Smith, Chan. Dubell, Ollle Ham- ilton, Luther House and Carl Neel. Tbw company Is a two-car show this season, and Is playing week stands. C. E. liable, well known trombone player, Joined De lino Brothers' Ideal Minstrels Feb. 2, »t Btorgls, Mich. The Robertas, Iron Jaw performers, will be with Sain Brothers' Show during the coming season. Fred Biggs, female Imper- sonator, will be with John H. Sparks' Show next season. ' ._ . LcittmLS Aim Lemuels, who recently closed with Ihe Orpheum Comedy Co.. are now pitt- ing the Sam Massell time In the South, nnd are doing nicely.