The New York Clipper (March 1913)

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18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Maboh 15 WANTE D! YANKEE DOODLE "KLuTZES™ ■AN for Light Comedy. WOMAN* (or Ingenues sod Boobrettcs. -with Specialties, joint or Single. Asm MAN for General Business. ACTOR to Rnn Picture Machine SISTER TEAM that Can my Parts, and a SINGLE COMEDY NOVELTY ACT. tbat Can Change. AGENT that will Keep Sober and Work. All Photos, returned. 11. SUTHERLAND, 733 South 4VffUs Court, CHICAGO, ILL. THE BROOKS STOCK COMPANY WANTS A CLEVER SPECIALTY TEAM Mnat change; prefer those doing some parts; yon most make good and be reliable. Good Repertoire reople write. No fancy salaries, This show never closes. THE DAMPIERS wire quick. JACK brooks, St. Charles, Minn., March 16; Mankato, Mine, March is, and week. AT LIBERTY MARCH IS FLORENCE A. PINCKNEY LEADING WOMAN Thoroughly experienced. Stock or production. Until Saturday, care of Gen. Del., Coming, N.Y.; after that, Hotel Normandls, Broadway and 88th 8t.,N. Y, City. LEARN TO PAINT SCENERY AND MAKE BIG MONEY No matter where yon live, we can TEACH YOU THEATRICAL SCENE PAIKTISG, We have the ONLY MAIL COURSE of this kind In existence. It is a great winner, practical and easy to understand, and not expensive. EVERYBODY can learn this exclusive profession In their epare time and make big money. Just the thing yon have been looking for. Grasp the opportunity and write TODAY for our rase, Illustrated catalogue and full Information. N. C. ENKEBOLL ART 8CH00L, 270r Fort St. Omaha, Nabr., U. S. A. ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for This Column Mast Ilcncli This Office Not Later Than Saturday Before Dar of Publication to Inanre Insertion. Manistee. Mid., 12, Traverse City 13, Petoskey 14. Cheboygan IS, Alpena 17, Bay City 18, Saginaw 10, Flint 20, Owosso 21. Jackson 22. "Freckles,'' Central (A. O. Delainater. mgr.)— "Master Mind, The"—Werba & Litcicher's—Har- ris, New York, 10, Indefinite. "Man's Friend, A"—Llebler Co.'s—Chestnut Street Opera nouse, Philadelphia, 10-15 Oalt. Ont. Can., 12, Stratford 13, Owm Sound "Man With Three WlTes, lue"—Messrs. Shubert WANTE D-For MURPHY'S COMEDIANS No. 3, A No. 1 Young Leading Woman, Some Ingenues. State Height, Weight, Age and Salary, work -roar aronnd tnd.r NOTICE—Hare 00 Foot Round Top, -with Two > Pole*. Used 8 Montbs, In Good Condition. SIcOHEGOR, TEXAS, this week. BERT MEIVIUJ, Mgr. Canvas. Paw Your Own Hotel. SO Foot Middles and Bids Wall, Ho Polos. FOR BALE CHEAP. Carnival companies- now en route. — Send In your routes and other news matter. OBSERVATIONS BY JOE HEPP. ^.."X^i^^ty^rLn^t^Ti /•Continued from page IS.) * start in the nesr future to erect a building , for the government exhibits. I am over- ... seeing the construction of a beautiful Mid- There la no use talking that "lot" ex- way, end this will he some Midway. The perlence, properly applied in other fields of directors are sparing no expense to make endeavor, amusement or commercial, la bound this exposition one to be remembered. They to get results. Think of the obstacles that have olrealy set aside -40,000 for advcrtls- the average circus man has to overcome. In ing, end there la no telling now much farther the lexicon of the man on the lot, there Is they will go. They have also set aside no such word as "can't." Mo matter If the $50,000 for bands and ftee acts. The water lot Is under water and the show is late in carnival will be the feature of the flrat week, arriving In town, there must be a parade That alone will cost ten thousand and It •nd the doors to the biz show opened prompt- will be some water carnival. They are ly. Contrary city officials, at times, have to having erected twenty new boats with what bo appeased, and a hundred and one other they aheady hare, more or less exacting and untoward details Incident to show day looked after. "Sky" dark has gone all through this, and as a result It was only to be expected that he would succeed with his Pacific Coast ven- tures. And they arc numerous, Including a hippodrome and museum in Los Angeles; a acemc railway at San Bernardino, a "tent tlty" at Ban Diego, and a carnival company "The fireworks will be the best money c«n en route. Affiliated with Mr. Clark In these buy, so. taking It aU in all, tola will be the enterprises Is H. C. Snow, a snowman of only exposition of Its kind ever held In the many rears' experience, and one of the most united States. The subject of conservation resourceful amusement purveyors in the West, alone should Interest the people of the D. 8. ' Another thing I admlro about "Sky" Clark to such an extent that they would lend all Is that he always has a kind word for every- the aid possible to make this exposition a body. No one has orer heard him knock, great success. The large manufacturers all and he la always there when It comes to over the United States and Canada are se- aelnlna* a fellow in distress. curing space In the buildings for their ex- a Molts." LION WILL FIGHT BOLL. 1% "Big Otto." and that goes several ways, Phil Cabtaxo, for many years animal man for Otto Is big not only physically (he weighs with the Hagcnbcck-Wallace Circus, Is now S78 pounds), but he Is a big man in the superintendent of the Swope Park Zoo, at amusement business. In fact, In the West, Kansas City. He writes that he likes the be ts known as "America's Animal King, position very well and la happily located. For a number of years he prescuted so- Hn.Lis.ri, of the Barnum & Bailey side ologlcal exhibitions on a grand scale at some show, recently completed a tour of the Pan- of the leading parks and expositions, but tages Circuit and, after resting a week at his more recently lie has built up a big animal former home at Harrisonburg, Va., exhibited preserve In connection with the Sellg Poly- his smiling countenance in New York. HilUar scope Film producing plant, at Los Angeles, Is doing line In vaudeville, appearing under Cal. the direction of E. E. Meredith, who was "Big Otto" was In Chicago last week, re- formerly In the circus game, miliar could newlng acquaintances with old friends and have had many choice dates this Spring, but looking after some details Incidental to a had to repo rt at the Garden, novel exhibition ho Is about to givo in tho- ^SfJSSS hull pen, at Juarer, Mexico, Just over the " —_ "^" — ""~~ ~~~~~~~~ border. A Hon from tho "Big Otto Animal "LIBERTY HALL," R££J£ Sm^S\ZOSmUL fi^/RSS *»»• twentieth anniversary of the Empire, &^n C tS^ U, fc,m2 , »S?h*J&£« IWiSftd * e " York ' W8S celebrated March 11, with &&S3222*JS?SX% a? taken l fo? ^mT^^mTmT iottTot MlW m ll S2T&S !•£*♦£« olTt. 1 eJLi -m wrtlij son and Lennox Pawlo plays tho old book- granted that the Sellg forces wtU l»Ta their aellcr , , A h , ^ { London. Martha camera men on the scene of action. llodmnn was cast for Viola Allen's old port, .._.~__ ..__.._....>. — . _*~_.. OD<l Charlotte Ives for tho role that Agnes WRIGHT ASSEMBLING FEATURES MllIcr formerly acted. The east also ln- „ , ,. «7 »rzX. . , , 1UIU ~ eludes Julian {/Estrange. Wilfred Draycott, Col. Harry W. Wright, who has general Sidney Herbert imd Ada Dwyer. charge of the amusement features and con- m , g cessions and special events for the National i.inninv with vivaTncia Conservation Exposition, which 1b to bo held , !^ , , Tu.k . ,,1, ., !L. In Knoxvllle, Tenn., during the months of . J - Aldrleh Ltbbey, of Llbbcy Hnd Trayer, September ond October, Is laving his plans while resting from his vaudeville time, ac- along broad Hues In assembling entertain- OT' 0 " 1 an engagement as soloist with the rnon? material for the hosts who will visit {.''"T 0 ? * J**A rt "?£r minstrels week of Ihls exhibition. Col. Wright hns hud many March 8, at the MalesUc, Brooklyn. His suc- yenra of practical experience In the promo- ™ 8S ., wlth „">" ballad "A Garden of Old Hon and successful conduct of big amusement fashioned Koscs. was instantaneous, and he enterprises, and may be depended upon to received nt each performance a re- gnther together an array of talent to meet SEE 00 ?- /! ,c , nianagcment was most deslr- ihe approval of the most fastidious pleasure 2*L°f rctn ! u1 "fi Mg services, but previously seokor. Under recent date Col. Wright *«*ed vaud eville dabca would ^i ot permit, writes me from Knoxvllle as follows:. • ' • "Tho National Conservation Exposition, to JAMBS RUSSELL PASSES be held at Knoxvllle, Tenn., during the mnkty-mxth. months of September and October, received j«m M Rimanii «»h,M, »«,. „m„-.. »>,„„*», another big boost when the United States cal m^ In tie w?rid wL nfnSft i?„?t^." Senate nased the bill, aa amended unon mo- X?i 'tJT.i 0 V 10 1 ??f la v. w . a . B .? 1 ?5 t ?: nln ? *<*"> Jxposltlon, The appropriation m i n jj„t 1-60,000, With whet they already nave, appropriations from the county and the State of Tennessee, also the City of KnoxrQIc, BIG THEATRE PARTY. brings the amount up to $000,000. Mr. The Gen. Joe Wheeler Camp No. 80. W. B. Goodman, the general manager, with tho w. V.. have bought out thTonUro bouse at able »t«lstance of the dree tors of tho ex- the Amambra Tlieatre. Now Ywt, for'the po K" lcn W kav l a;; com P , '» htd ™ a .^ l0UI1 ,»■ evening of Tuesday, March 25. ioaeph F. pRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adama, Maude—OSiarles 7iohnun'a—IllUwls, Cbi- cbko. 1015, Peoria, III., 17, Decatur 18. Bloom- tnrtoo 19, Sprisgneld 20, Ba&olbal, Mo., 21, Qulney. 111., 22. Arllw, Oeonie—Llebler Co.'s—'Broad, PhllaJel- pbla, 10, Indefinite. Anglln, Margaret (Louis Nctbersole, mp.)—Ge- neva, N. V., 10. Aborn English Orond Opera—Milton A- Sargent Atom's--Pootiac, Mich., 12, Ann Arbor 13, Toledo, 0., 14, 10. "American Maid, The"—John Oort's—Broadway, New York, 10, indefinite. ' "Auction Ploochle"—Adolf Phlllpp's—Adolf Pull- llpp's Theatre, New YoTk, 10, Indefinite. "Alnta, Where Do Voa Llvel" Bastern (Saul Bor- Hltla, mgr.) — Bdraton, N. 0., 12, Williams- town 13, Tarloro 14, Henderson IS, wnaoo IT. Fayettevllle 18, Rockingham IV, Lauruborg 20, Liimberton 21. Blair, Eugenie (Geo. B. Nleolal, mgr.)—Victoria, Can.. 10-15, Illinois, Chicago, 17-29. Brian, Donald — Obarlee Frobman's — Oaklaol, Cal., 1012,'San Jose 13, Sacramento 14, Fresno IS. Los Angeles 17-22. Bernard, San — Messrs. Shabert — Lyric, New York, 10, Indefinite. Blair, Eogente—Geo. B. Nleolal, mgr.)—Victoria, Imperial and Crown (In order named), Chicago, 10-20. Black Pattl Mutlcal Comedy (R. Voelekel. mgr.) —Kansas City, Mo.. 10-15, St. Louis 16-22. "Bohemian Olrl, The." Paclnc—Mliton A Sar- gent Aborn's—Marahalltown, la.. 12, Waterloo 18, Cedar Rtpida 14, Davenport 15, lay orf week 17-22, at Davenport. "Bought and Paid For"—Wa. A. Brady's, Ltd. (Cbis. D. Wilson, mgr.)—CUea, N. Y., 10-12, Newbnrgb 13, Danbnry, Ooon.. 14, Foughkeep- sle, N. Y.. IS, lay off week 17-22. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady'?. Ltd. —Cleveland, O., 10-15. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A, Brady's. Ltd. —New Orleans, La., 10-15. "Broadway Jones." Road—Cuban A Harria'— Winnipeg, Man , Can., 10-15. Grand Forks. N. Dak.. 17, Crookston. Minn., 18. Superior. Wis., 20, Dulath, MUm., il, 22. "Blue Bird, The"—Messrs. Shabert—Cincinnati, 0., 10-10. "Bird of Paradise, A"—Lewla Waller/s-^Bafftlo. N. Y.. 10-15. "Banty Pulls the Strings"—Shubert % Brady's —Washington, D. C, 10-15, Brooklyn, N. Y., 17-22. "Bunty Polls the Strings"—Shabert A Brady's— Sumter, S. O., 12, Spartanburg 13, Stateavllle, N. 0., 14, Asbevllle 16. lay off week 17-22. "Baby Mine." Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (B. F. Gerard, mgr.)—Phctnlxvllle, Pa., 12. South Bethlehem, 13. Wllkes-Barre 14, Scrantou 15, lay off week 17-22. "Baby Mine," Southern—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— OUrksvUIe, Tenn., 12, Rassellrllle, Ky., 13, Henderson 14. Oweosboro 10, lay off at Owens- boro week 17-22. "Ben Hui"—Klaw *' Brlanger's—Detroit, Mich., 10-15. "Blindness of Virtue, The"—Wm. Morris'—St, • Paul, Minn., 13-22. "Bachelor'* Honeymoon, A" (Gibson A Bradfleld, mgrs.)—Clifton, Arts., 12, Safford IS, Thatcher 14, Globe 10. Charles Cherry and Marie Doro—Charles Froh- man's—Powers, Chicago, 10-15, lay off week 17-22. Carter, Mrs. Leslie—John Cert's—McVIeker'a, Chicago, 10-29. Collier. William — Lew rieHs' — Forty eighth Street, New York. 1042. Otrle, Richard, and Hattle Williams — Charles Frohman's—Ann Arbor, Mich., 12, Flint 13, Port Huron 14, London, Ont, Can., 15, lay off week 17-22. Craeman, Henrietta (Maurice Campbell, mgr.) — Cedar Rapids. la.. 16. Cohan, Geo. M.—Cohan A Harris'—Brooklyn, N. V., 10-15, Providence, R. I., 17-22. Chicago Grind Opera (Andreas Dlppel, gen. mgr.) —Ban Franclaco, Cal., 12-29. "Conspiracy, The"—Charles Frohman's—Garrlcr, new York, 10, Indefinite. ••Concert, The"—David Belasco'i—San Franclaco, Oal., 10-22. "Count of Luxembourg, The"—Klaw A Erlanjer'a —Forrest, Philadelphia. 10, Indefinite. "Chocolate Soldier, The"—F. O- Whitney's— Brooklyn, N. Y., 10-15. "Counters Coquette" (A. G. Delimiter, mgr.)— Davenport, la., 12, Mouse. 111., 13, Rock Island 14, Burlington, la., 15, Muscatine 10. "Common Law, The"—A. H. Wooda'—Toronto. Ont.. Can., 10-15. "County Sheriff, The" (Wee A Lambert, mgrs.)— Belcanf, Ml* , 18, Fowlervllle 14, Lansing IS. Port Huron IS, Stratford. Ont., Can., 17, Till- aonburg 18, London 19, Hamilton 20, Brentford 21, Barrio 22. Drew John—Charles Frohman's—St. Louis, Mo., 10-15, Kansas City 17-19, Lincoln, Nebr., 20, Omaha 21, 29. Dressier. Marie—Weber-Fields' New Music Hall, New York, 10-22. De Koven Opera, "Robin Hood" (D. V. Arthnr, mgr.)—Cleveland, O.. 10-15. "Daughter or Heaven, The"—Llebler Co.'s—Baltl- tnore, Md., 10-15. "Divorce Question, The"—Rowland A Clifford's. Inc.—Victoria, Chicago, 17-22. "Divorce Question, The," Central — Rowland A Clifford. Inc. (Fred Douglas, mgr.)—Bedford, Ind., 12, Linton 13, Rockvlile 14, Terra Hante 16, 10. Eltlnge. Julian—A. H. Woods'—Buffalo, N. T., 10-15. Edwards, Snells—Lynchburg, Vs., 12, Bristol, Tenn., IS, Soldiers Home 14, Knoxvllle 15, mlnghnm, Ala., 17-22, "Kieryivoman"—Henry W. Savage's—Milwaukee, Wis.. 10-16, lay off week 17-22. "Ereryirornan"—Henry W. Savage's—Kansas City, Mo.. 10-15, Springfield 17, 18, JopUu 10, 20, Parsons, Kan., 21, Wichita 22. "Eicnsc Me"—Henry W. Savage's—Columbus, 0., 10. SprlngOeli 13, Hamilton 14, Lexington, Ky., 16, lay off week 17-22. "Eicuse Me"—Henry W. Savage's^—Denver. Oolo., 10-16, lay off week 17-22. "Eieryman''—Llebler Ob.'s — Children's. New York, 10, indefinite. For, Eddie—Weiba A Lneseher'*—Memphis. Tenn., 12, 13, Paducah. Ky., 14, Evansvllle, Ind., 10, St. Louts, Mo., 10-22. Flike, Mrs. (Harrison G. Flske, mgr.)—Gsrrlck, Philadelphia. 10-22. Farnum, Doatln—A. H. Woods'—Lynchburg, Va., 15, Norfolk 17-19. "Fanoy'a First Play"—Messrs. 8hnbert—Comedy, New York. 10, Indefinite. "Fine Feathers"—H. H. Fraiee's—Astor. New York, 10. Indefinite. "Fine Feathers"—H. H. Frasee's—Grand Opera House. N. Y„ 17-23. "Fortune Hunter, The"—Cohan A Harris*—Buf- falo, N. Y., 10-15, Washington, D. C, 1T-22. "Five Frankforters, The"—Messrs. Shubert— Thirty-ninth Street, New York, 10. Indefinite. "Freckles,"-Special (A. G. IMimater. mgr.)— Rocky Mount, N. 0., 12. Henderson 13. Dnrtam 14, Raleigh 15, Winston-Salem 17, lay off 18- n. "freckles," Eastern (A O. DaUaater, mgr.)— 14, Brantford 15, St. Catherines 17, Hamilton 18, 19. Gnelph 20, St. Thomaa 21 London 22. "Freckles." Southern (A. 0. Delamater. mgr.) —Greenwood, S. C. 12, Augusta, Oa.. 13, Aiken, S. a, 14, Blackvllle 15 Barnwell 17, SandersvlUe, Ga., 18, Wricntvllle 10. Hawk- lasvllle 20. Fitzgerald 21, Tbomasvllle 22. "Freckles." Ooaat (A O. Delamater, ngr.)— Los Angeles. Oal., 10-15. —Majestic, Boston, 10, Indefinite. 'Modem Eve, A," Eastern—Mort H. Sinter's (Frank B. Shelters, mgr.)—Arkansas City, Kan., 12, Bsrtlesvllle. Okla.. 13, Tulso 14, Muskogee 15, lay off week 17-22. 'Modern Ere, A," Western — Mort II. Singer's (Henry Plerton, mgr.)—Stillwater. Minn., 12, Faribault 13, Decorah, la., 14. Richland Center. Wis., IS, lay off week 17-22. "Forty-five Minutes From Broadwsy" (B. J. "Merry Oountew, The"—Messrs. Skubett—Lyric. Philadelphia. 10-16. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch"—United Pliy Co.'s. Inc. — Oolumbos, 0., 10-12, Toledo Vi- 15, lay off week 17-22. "Madame Sherry" (Madame Sherry Co., mgn.) —National, Chicago, 10-15. "Madame Sherry" (Madame Sherry Oct., mgrs.)— Hartford, Coon., 12, 13. "Madame X" — Laura Frankentield's — Benton. 111., 12, Centralis 13, Efiingbim 14, Mattcon 15, Decatur 10. Blcomlngton 17, Urbana 18, MootJcello 19. Lincoln 20, Louisiana, Mo., 21. Gordon, kitty —Jos. M. Galtes 1 — Indianapolis, *«?* « ail „"Ml'.ViS!—i U i^ J ?. ,< ?!? I "i w *^- Lasierre, ngr.)—Carlsbad, N. Mex., 12, Roe- well 13, Tnlla. Tex., 14, Plalnvlile. N. Mex., 10, Amarlllo Tex., 17, CblMreKS IS, Quanab ' IB, Frederick 20, Mangum, Okla., 21, Hobart 22. . "Fortune Hunter, The" (Monte Thompson, mgr.) —Warsaw. N. Y.. 12, Batavla 13, Sodas IS. "Family, The" — Cbsttertoo A Bruno's (W. H. Bruno, ngr.)—Allison, la., 12, Hampton 18, Belmond 14. "Fool There Wis, A" (G. D. Johnstone, mgr.)— Detroit, M1&.. 10-16. Ind., 10-12, Terre Haute 21. Gilbert A SuHlvan's Comic Operas—Shabert A Brady's—Casino, New York, 22, Indefinite. "Governor's Lady, 1*oe"—David Belaeeo't—Hollls, Boston, 10-22. "Gsrdeo of Allah, The"—Llebler Co.'s — Boston Theatre, Boston, 10-22. "Good Little Devil. A"—David Belasco's—Repub- lic, New York. 10. indefinite. "Get Rich Quick WallLngford"—Cohan A Harris' —Imperial, Chicago, 10-13, Buffalo, K. Y., 17- 22. 12, Seattle 13-15, Everett 16, Balllcgham 17. New Westm'nster, B. 0., Can.. 18. Nanalno 19, Victoria 20, Vancouver £1. 22. "Mutt and Jeff," B—Qua Hill's—Ottawa, 111.. 12, Clinton 13, Mollne 14. Rock Island 15, Davenport, la., 18, Muscatine 17, Burlington 18, Ottomwa 19, Fort Madiaon 20, Qulney. 111., 21, Galesburg 22. "Mutt and Jeff," C—Qua Hill's—Mauch Chunk. Pa., 12, Freeland 13, Shenandoah 14, Mahanoy City 15, Ashland 17. Mt. Camel 18. Reading 19. Columbia 20, Willlamatown 21, Lebanon 22. "Graustark"—United Play Co.'s, Inc. Preston, "Mutt aid Jeff," D—Goa Hill's—Youngstoira, U.. 12. Logan 13, Malad City. Ids., 14. Twin Falls 17, Montpeller 18, St. Anthony 19, Idaho Falls 20, Dilloo, Mcnt, 22. "Goose Girl"—Baker A Castle's - (Fred WlHlams, mgr.)—Savanuah, Ga., 12, Orangeburg, 8. C, 13, Colombia 14, Charleston 16, Sumter 17, Camden 18. Darlington 19, Florence 20, Marlon 21. Wilmington, N. C., 22. "Girl From Rector's, The"—Wm. Wanuber's 0., 10-15, Cleveland 17-22. "Mutt.and Jeff," E—Gus Hill's (B. M. Garfield, mgr.)—Walla Walla, Wash., 12, The Dalles, Ore., 13, Hood River 14. Woodburn 15. Astoria 16, Kelso. Wash.. 17, Hoqulam 18, Aberdeen 19, Olympla 20, Tacoma 21, EUeosburg 22. "McFadden's Flats"—Washington, D. C, 10-15. Nailmoro, Mm.—Charles Frohman's—Washing- ton, D. C. 10-15, lay off week 17-22. (S. A. Mitchell, mgr.)—Fort Robinson, Nebr., Nlblo, Fred, and Josephine Cohan (J. C. Willlam- 12, Harrison 13. Ohadroo 14, Ruahvllle 13, . son, mgr.)—Sydney, N. S. W., 15, lcdeflnlte. Valentine 17, Alnsworth 18, Atkinson 19, Clear- "Newlyweds ind Their Baby"—Lefler-Bratton water 20, Norfolk 21, Sioux City, la, 22. Oo.'s—Birmlneham, Ala., 10-15, Faducab, Ky., "Girl From Eagle Ranch" (Attebery A Cook, 18. mgrs.)—Scott. Kan. 12, McOrackea 13. I.a Olcott. Chauccer—Henry, Miller's (John E. Ho- Croese 14^ Hcdalngton 16, Great Bend 17, Kins- garty, act. mgr.) Salt Lake City, 0., 10-12, ley 18, Belpre 19, St John 20, Stafford 21, Hutchinson 22. "Great Divide, The"—Rowland A Clifford's), Inc. (Frank Hurst, mgr.)—^Pittsburgh, Fa., 10-13, Cincinnati, 0., 18-22. "Girl From Broadway, The" (0. B. Anderson, mgr.)—Marshall, Tex., 12, Houston 13, 14, San Antonio 15. New Branfebs 16, San Marcos 17, Austin 18, Waco 19. "Olrl at the Gate, The"—Harry Askln's—St. Louis, Mo., 10-15. "Girl and the Drummer, The" (Fred Byeis. mgr.) —Winnipeg, Man., Can., 12, 13. Brandon 14, IS, Portage la Prairie 17, 18, Saskatoon, Sask., 20-22, Begins 24, 25, Dim dura. 27. "Girl of My Dreams, The"—Joe. M. Galtes'— Albany. N. Y., 13-16. "Great Divide, The" (Primrose A McOUlan, mgrs.)—Peoria. 111., 14. 15, Btreator 16. "Ghl and the Tramp, The"—Fred Byers'—Mar- shall, V. Dak., 13, Munich 14, Nanson 17, Neche IS, Newburg 19, Nlsgars 20. "Girl of the Mountains, A" (Wee A Lambert, mgrs.)—Grand Jnnctlon, la., 13, Otden 14, Boooe 15, Gowrle 17. Gllxnore City 18, Rock- well City 19, Wall Like 20, Logan 21, Onawa 22. lay off 13-22. O'Hara, Flake (A. J. Pltou, mgr.)—Washington, D. C., 10-16. "Oh! Oh! Dclphtiie"—Klaw A Brlanger's—New Amsterdam, Now York, 10, Indefinite. "Oh I Oh I Delphlne"—Klaw A Erlanger's—Lon- don, Eng., 10. indefinite. "Omoer 668," Eastern—Cohan A Harris'—Park, oaton, 10, Indefinite. , "Officer 608," Western—Cohan A Harris'—Annis- ton, Ala., 12, Atlanta, Ga, 13-15. Louisville. Ky., 17-19, Indianapolis, Ind., 21. 22. "Officer 668," Southern—Cohan A Harris'—Sor- 101k, Va., 12, Newport News 13, Petersburg 14, Staunton 15, Charlottesville IT, Cumberland. Mfl., 18, Hagerstown 19, Chambersburg, Pa., 20, Carlisle 21, Columbia 22. "Officer 680." Middle—Cohan A Harris'—Lindsay, Ont., Can., 12, Peterboro 13. Belleville 14, Kingston 15, Brockvllle 17, Smith's ■ Falls 18. Renfrew IS. Ottawa 20-22. "Our Wives"—Joe. M. Galtes'—Cort, Chicago, 10,- Indefinite. "Old Homesteod, The," Eastern—Frank Thomp- son'i—Walnut, Philadelphia, 10-15, Brooklyn, N. Y., 17-22. "Old Homestead, The," Coast—Frank Thoopsoo's "Girl From Toklo, The" (Frank 0. Miller, mgr.) (Wm. L. White, mgr.)—Lorain, 0.. 12. Eiyrli —Prince Albert, Sask., Can., 12, 13, Begins 14. 13. Nlles 14, East Liverpool 15, lay off week 15. * 17-22. "Girt of the Underworld, A" (Wee A Lambert, "%F ' N1,h , t »'77 Wm - •*- Brady's, LtA-Orown, mgrs.)—Zanesvllle, G., 10, Rochester, N. Y., Sf * h. a** 17-22. Faddon, Sarah—United Play Co.'s, Inc.—Kansas City, Mo., 10-13, St. Louis 18-12. ™ ; -^" i "V "Piince of Pllsen. The"—Henry W. Savage's— Stockton, Osl.. 12, Monterey 13, Sin Jose 14, Riicramento 15, San Fnnclseo 16-28. "Pink Udy, The"^law A Erlanger's—Colonial, Boiton, 10, Indefinite. "Pink Udy, The"—Klaw A Brlanger's—Ten* Hnute, Ind., 12. "Poor Lltle Rich Girl, The"—Arthur Hopkins'— Hudson. New Yt-rk, 10, Indefinite Price, The" (Clarence Bennett, mgr.)—.Web- ster, 3. Dak., 12, Hllbank 13, Ortonvllle, Minn., 14, Montevideo 15, Wlllmar 17, Little Falls 18, Brslnerd 19, St. Cloud 20, Wadena i.. Fer- gus Falls 22. "PaMlng ehow of 1612" — Metsrs. Shabert — Girrlck, Chicago, 10-22. "ftsaker Olrl, The." A—Hairy B. Harris' Es- bite—Louisville, Ky., 10-15, Columbus, O., 17> 22. • HlUiard. Bobert — Klaw A Erlanger's—Criterion, New York. 10, Indefinite. Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan A Harris' (Ohas. F. Brown, mgr.)—Kingston, Ont.. Oaa., 12, Ot- tawa 13-13. Montreal, P. Q., 17-22. Hackett, Norman—Stair A Nlcolal's—St. Louis, Mo., 10-15, Kansas aty 10-22. "Heartbreakers"—Mort H. Stager's (Sam Myers, mgr.)—New Philadelphia, O., 12, Akron 13, Warren 14, Erie, Pa., 16, Niagara Falla, N. T., 17. Gait, Ont., Can., IS, Stratford 19, Wood- stock 20, London 21, Brantford 22. "Hindis Wakes"—Shubert A Brady's—Olympic, Chicago. 10, Indefinite. "Human Hearts" — O. R Reno's — Huntington, Ind,. 12, Munda 14, Anderson 15, Indiana.wtla 17-19, Columbus. O., 20.22. "Hanky Pinky"—Lew Fields'—Indianapolis, Ind., 10-12, Milwaukee, Wis., 10-22. "Happy Hooligan" — Gus Hill's—Indianapolis, Ind., 10-13, Pittsburgh. Pa., 17-22. Illington, Margaret (Edw. J. Bowes, mgr.)— Clarksburg, W. Va,, II, Fairmont It, Wheel- Quaker Girl, The." B—Henry B. Harrto* Eatats gft ' ^r gjfr * Grand Rapid. 13-W. "S? 11 ',^? 1 !''!, 01l i,Bngllah Comedies—Baltimore, Inrti, S May-Llebler Co.'s—Oohan, New York. m E*»T^Q&SF'£jL S 10, Indefinite. *"&' Blanche—Frederic McKay's—Pittsburgh, Irish Plsyers — Llebler 0o.'s — Wsllsck's, New "■ , "- 18 ' York, 10-15. "Iron Door, The"—John Core's—Chicago Opera House, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. "In Old Kentucky".—Lltt A Dingwall's—London, "Rose Maid," A—Werba A Luescher's—Dubnqoe. :!•• i 2, Cllatoo 13. Cedar Rapids 14, Ottumwa 15, Rock Island. 111.. 16, Darenport, la.. 17. Gallesburg, Ll„ 18, Burlington, 10. Keokuk, la.. OnL. Oan., 17, 18, St. Catharines 19, Brantford ■ -?*• < J^!6. ■ &.■«. anMnlnk Mo., 22, 20, Hixallton 21. 22, "Joseph and his Brethren"—Llebler Cc's—Cen- tury, New York, 10, Indefinite. Kellerd. John E. (L. M. Goodstadt, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y., 10-15. Koch, Hugo B.—United Play Ob.'s, Inc.—Kewa- nee, HI., 13, Princeton 13, Piano 14, Aurora 1C, Crown, Chicago. 10-22. Kolb A Dill and Players—San Francisco, Oal., 10. Indefinite. Lornine, Robert—Llebler Co.'s—Plymouth. Beaton. 10, Indefinite. Lewis, Dave^—Rowland A Clifford's. Inc. (Dave Seymour, mgr.)—New Orleans, La„ 10-16, lay off week 17-22. Rose Maid" (Lloyd)—Werba ' A . Luescher's— Aniconda, Mont., 12, Butta 13, Helena 14, Great Falla 15, Calgary, Alta., Can., 17-19, Edmonton 20-22. "^S* K*f?,'" C—Werba ft Luescher's—Tlffls, 0., 12. Flndlay 18, Plqua 14, Lima IS, Middle- town 16. • "Ready Money"—H. H. Frasee's—Shubert, Bos- ton, 10. Indefinite. "Ready Money" — Fraxee A Brady's — London, Eng., 10. Indefinite. "Romance" — Messrs. Shubert—Marine Elliott, New York, 10, indefinite. "Red Petticoat, The"—Messrs. Shubert—Ameri- can Music Hall, Chicago, 10. Indefinite. Roflirr. The '* RdLm f>A«l. n j m. mi Lambardl'a^Grxud Italian Opera (Fortune G.llo, "*&?•<£% G^TeT mp ^t ?}£.»«: Pa,, 12, Leechburg 13, Vandergrlft 14. "Rosary, The," Southern—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Gus Henderson, mgr.)—Mahanoy City, "Roaa'ry._The," Circuit—Rowland ft OHfford'e, Inc. (Wra. Lemle, mgr.)—Memphis, Tenn., 10- 10, lay off week 17-22. Rosary. The," Ooaat — Rowland ft Clifford's, JS'-^'.M? 1 * H. Smith, mgr.)—Beach, N. Dak., 12, Dickinson 13, Mandan 14, Bismarck 10. Rosary. The" (GaskeU ft MseVltty, Inc.. les- sees).— Adrian, Minn., 12, Wlndom. 13. St. James 14, Sleepy Eye 15. Msnkato 17, Wlnne- • bago 18. Welu 10. lay off 20-22. Royal Slave. A." (Geo. H. Bubb. mgr.)—Rlng- !$?& J*".. 12 '. Bsthervllle 13, Grattlnger 14. Mllford 18, Lake Park 17. Lsrcbwood 18. Lester 19, Alvord 20, Dooo 21, Rock Rapids mgr.)—Honolulu, H. I., 10-22. "Little Roy Blue"—Henry W. Savage's—Altoona, Pa., 12, Cumberland, Md., 13. Clarksburg. W. V a.. 1 4, Pnckereburg IB, lay off week 17-22. "Liberty Hall"—Charles Frohman's^—Empire, New York. 10. Indefinite. "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady's, Lid.—Play- house, New York, 10-29. "Little Miss Brown"—Wm, A. Brady's, Ltd.— San Francisco. Oal., 10-15. "Lady From Oklahoma, The"—Princess, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. "Lion and the Mouse, The"—United Play Oo.'s, Inc.—Lima, O., 12. Upper 8andusky 18. Bacy- «. nl, .".Sandusky IB. lay 9 ff week 17-22. Mantel!, Robert B.—Wm. A. Brady's—Syracuse, N. Tj, 10-16. Miller, Henry—Klaw A Erlanger's—Cincinnati. O., 10-15. 22. Mann, Louis—Werba ft Luescher's—Woee. Tex., Sotbern. B. H. and Jnlls nr.rir... fiimi n.n 12, Merii 13. Marlin 14. Austin 15, San An! "aVLl SnclnnaU O mSb . "K&ZZlSXSI g,% sW agtfg L"* ■^ ^S^ .T&k gfi . n u , Ilngbim's—Globe, New York, 10, indefinite. Mack, Andrew—Messrs, Shubert—Toronto, Oat., fan., 10-15. Metropolitan Grand Opera (Guillo GalU-Casassa Nebr.. 12. 18, Lincoln 14, North Platte 10, Denier, Colo., 16-22. Starr. Frances—David Belssco's — New Orleans, La.. 10-15, lay off week 17-22. mgr.)—Metropolitan Opera House, 10, lndefi- SchUakrnut, Rudolf—Went End." New York. 10-16. "2 »0.T5. H ^off W weet'it2t-- g T^^ S ^SAffEtSStt "lfileatones''-KIsw ft toUnfer , sH-iiberty, New Shea' Thoa. B—A. H. Woods'-Qrand Opera xorr, lO-JJ, Ho»D.r»i? rhllndelrlila 10-13 . "Milestones" — KUw ft Brlanger's — Hartford, "Sunshine Olrl. The"-lfl..rl^. i w,n.. -s-g.i,b conn., 14, 10. . srtotker, New Ywk, 10, lranefinlle . 11 i .-.'1 i 01 ,'i'i.r. ■ ,<e i ■ iMV I'- •:> 4-«n St fi* .i. !,a>«5(U •^SW A.) '" i: ■ £a>fi .jo.3 ts>' ■ '. 1 jLti>'