The New York Clipper (March 1913)

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la THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. March 2& England! n&S SCUl USraii., foodtm.g* bat bait of "»l Pears, tb* soap of quality »»« parity — tkeae'e liW year* of reputation behind — Pears' soap Ocl a Oafet far ifie Unice nHi be held, for Ave months. In Denver. Thin (iposltlon. which promise* to be of an extra- ordinary character, educational as well as i u to null ilng, it to be fathered by the l'ubli- i Ity League of Colorado* with fieadqnaru-rs hi Denver. *t U to be presumed that Messrs, Tamwn sod Ilonflls will play an Important part In the carrying oot of this event. Gen- eral \v. F. Cody Kill be the director-general of the Indian Exposition. Upon the ere of bl» departure from Chi- cago General Codj made If plain that, while he would no more occupy die saddle In the Wild West performances, which he has made famous throughout tbc'world, that he would be much In evidence with the Buffalo Dill Wild West and Pawnee Kill Far East Shows thl* coming season. General Cody will In- troduce Major (terdon W. Lllllc as his suc- cessor. As to the exact nature of the Tammen- Ronflls-IiuItBlo BUI entertainment In 1014 aud thereafter. General Cody did not care to be committed, but, backed by millions of capltnl and by the aggressiveness of his associates, the General may be depended upon to carry out some novel Ideas fur the amusement of the multitudes. Ed. C. Ksiipp, general agent of the Howe Great London Cfictis, wa» at Wellington, two day* last week, while in Chicago making rnl I run d contracts. During a call at the We*tern Bureau of Tub New York Ci-iwkb, Mr. Knupp said: 'The season of lOl.'l rood to opcu, seems to hold much promise for good shows. The Howe Great London Circus, which Is to open April 28. is in readiness for the 1018 tour, and is probably one of the test equipped organisations en the road." Ed. M. Jacbio*, who bsa been managing the "House of a Thousand Candle*" Co., left Chicago Wednesday, 10, for Denver, to join the Sells-I'loto Shows. ttUDETOll M1M Br sea* uib COMttra down Long Acre Sqeare saw some- thing In the skyline. Thought It was the Woolworth Btrlldlng. Hut. no. It was Prank Worrell's CUaptau Sc llrntlevard. Some lid. Ku.vnk. Boiim Is reported to be resting wen In the hospital and rapidly recovering. iUeriikiit Ashley and Al. Lee will have A new net In a few weeks, Anna Loi'ohu* will return to vaudeville In a few weeks. Indian Clown Night and beefsteak at the V. C C, April t>. President Leslie on the Jo*. Marvin Welt, now a Philadelphia com* muter. Mileage for Marvin. In New York Tuesdays and Friday*. Prank lloim well on the load to re- covery. Back at the old stand In a few weeks. Jack Claris., getting a big novelty act ready for neit season. Prank THoarsoiv. the big manager at the now Palace, opened 24. Jimmy Wiuros ahd Habby Bnu, th* parcel post men, were a big hit In their new act. 1'ai'l Barron* and Bcn Piermont are do- lug a land office business. Beal fellows, these boys, and regular agents. Jack Dakota has shot himself Into promi- nence with a rifle, and a hit on every bill. lii'BB Dickinson will sail for London April 17, and open at the Pavilion for four weeks. Turn say that the Times Square fasblon- {ilato, Arthur Klein, has betn put through he third degree. John, the BAnsaa, has filed an estimate on the tlrst tonsorial Job on Max Bitter. ANNA Chandler and dbotukb. Hub. put over a regular singing turn at the Bronx. Home act. Andy Iticn will spring a surprise on the boys this Summer. Raymond Wylie was the big matinee Idol at Ilninmerstern's Isst week. Raymond bsd to hire a secretary to answer loving and ad- miring missives. At.BX Cum to go with A. H. Woods, In a "potash" act. Water don't go with, this act Ota (Jyoi opened at the i'alscc Monday. Joe Rlnaldo and Vlollnsky are still Broad* way favorites. Don't forget the Jerome H. Eddy test!* moulal nest Sunday night at the Liberty. Take a vacs 11 on and go to the Travel Show at the Grand Central Palace. AT PROCTOll'S THIS WF.EK. At Proctor's Twenty-third Street for the first half of the week beginning March 24 are: Elverton, the spinning marvel; the Mu- sical Macks, "The Hold-up," a sensational bit of melodrama ; Wilson and Waters, a slicing and dancing sister team; La Pell aad Francis, In songs and comedy i utter; Melds and Allen, stugerii, talkers and dancers, and Kelly and Wentworth, m a rural comedy, sketch, "The Village Lock-up." Por the last half of the week, beginning Ttrouday: Klpp and Kippy, comedy Jngglers: Geao SmlS, animal painter; Morrlsey and Rich, In comedy and song; Chas. Porsher and company, la a coinpdy sketch, "His Nerve;" Jem Graham, violinist; the Pour Nemos, u quartette of dan- cing girls, and Do War's comedy animal circus. At PnocTos's FiwY-srontn Street, for 24.21I: dene Smith, animal painter; Tilly Whitney, songs and planologuo; Kin and I\lpp.v, corned)' Jugglers; CDs*. Porsher and company. In "His Nerve.:" Grotto and Claire, two singing girls, and "The Star Boot," a com- edy rounuce of the prise ring. Por l>7-!t0: Ml vert on, the spinning marvel: Mark Silver, in a planolngue; Roslln Mantel! and her com- pany of skitters and dancers, the Musical' Hacks, Taylor and Brown, singing comedians, nnd "The floId-Up," n melodrama. At Proctor's One Hundred and Tttrxtv- FllTit orm'HT, for March 24-21): I#w Palmer, comedy juggler; Carolina Pour, souga and -comedy: MorrUcy and Rich, songs and pat- ter ; "At the Seashore," a novelty diving act In which Mermnldn Is featured, accom- panied by a bevy of pretty girl nymiihs; •The, Passenger Wreck," a merodramn: Ward Baker, violinist, and lioilte Mau- tell and company of singers nnd dancers. Por 27-30: "At the Seashore," Fields and Allen. In comedy, sours and dances: Raunona, ndy violinist: Wilson nnd Waters, a sister net; Clifford Hlppel nnd company, in a com- edy drama sketch. "As a Man Sows:" Kelly and WcntwprUi. In "The Village Lock-Up,'' and Karl Girdcllo and his animal actors, ¥** NFW La aaplerkowslxa, la "The Captive." The Eternal Walts. "■■•■■ Palacb, Moxday Makkw, Mabch 2s, Palace), MoKDAf Hamas, Maick 24. \T A VTT^lt^rVV * U* This oflDtomlmlc dance by La. Naplerkow- C. V. Hmlthson Clrll Chad wick V /^ IJIlr.V I 1 s,JsL# ML »*a, '» u '' feature act of the bill at tie Charlie Vox Henry Vincent w * »^»'«a*aw«-ef ▼ »-nr-f Palace. It la called "The Captlvt," and I* (lustavr- ..Carl Hifbiirg ATTC * *™ ' ron » the second act of the ballet Karl Heller Osorgs OTJell *%%*M9 "L«f AlsUs." The scene Is In the desert. Vco Lniiii , Jules frailly _ and we mt a princess who haa be-tr oaptoredl Luln Voa liodcn....<<<• ......Mabel Betra Tfce Great Adas Tsoas*. by a band of Arabs. One beg* for herJree- xnj, operetta, which ha* b#«n seen In tha Madison Square Oauden, March 22. d«n, and the chief promises to release her If Wcst ia f n two scerie9 . The book is credited This troupe made It* American debut March fJUL*"?iJ'Sfif* <r2i a ,w. 4 a " ces .i^2 » »"« Au8ten Hurgon, but he has neither 22 with the Uanmin A Bailey Show. It con- £ a i*!. 0 v£j.£2?'t,Jjw "i^ ' ^iX,*^? Jtf* 00 originality to Tils plot or cleverness to alsts of four -women and two men, and la one. a^^,*^£„* '^T' w,tb . \«^^{ "* lines. Whatever success the piece achieves of the best of the recent acts of this kind A r a <» 5?" dln .? n ar °"" d rn i2 r ? y " : n L c ,„ c " cc *V 5 e is duo to two things: The delightful music, brought to this country. They nil seem to J" 0 ** f , r .^ tho P^ogram the story of tho ^j^,, by Leo FaU: and the production he possessed ot remarkable strength, trot one ^ C L : fc ^ dan ^L^ c .^^*^ 1, i^ ( * h 5 that the owners have given It The music Is «f the women Is nnasnaliy strong. BUwgxng P* J*."2*?L,^?f ht|l'Jh?lLi 0 -,^ , !f fc" e charming, snd is worthy of the man who to her bocks, with Her head down. atehSS S^5 ta I*S*', t 1,t J 1 b J > S?*ilSJf SS composed the score of "The Dollar Princess" tto rope* of a trapese upon which a man fSLIP 2J t P, S?S i^W«lL^ P rJJS, d and the "Siren." The waltz especially, that hangs in a sHUUrposIHon/He h* mm holds a i? n f ?, 1 b ?.*Sl ft 2e A. h fl *t?5* n ,V #Sf*w •" has written for "Tho Sternal Walts" has ZteropM of aneMer trapese. and npon thla i^ n il'^™^ h ! t n ^L* D ? D ? b * "A £f f 5f! all the ear-marks of potwlarlty. VB^ttU wwk lidone by two of B women. f""^ * -^.SJ* 0 -SS? 0 "i^ t J a $k *?£JSi Mine of Peo Uhll, 7nd composer dtpictt They do this work In vartone forme, to. one JX?; X atSmntaS, B& $ JSfJSSS* himself. of which the woman on the high bar sos- *■». #■.'«»»'>»» tste.f t sf asjajja at, jE gtoI7 ta, been used time and thne tain* the weight of four of ner co-workers. Jg* ^S^ASffTiS & ffif'gf'S "?«'° "» «"«• •*•*/ a^ «nana. the old rtory As a Bnlsii the two men hang by their ^ e ^^/^S:J^i 'S, h th L, lD,e " 3 l ormistaken Identity. Feo Lain, a famemi hocks, on high bars and siupend s machine, gg* rt 1 n *' th ^ B JJS22 A^the^n^fiw. if writ(>r « f waltiti - l9 vWttd OT * Uatn * resembling a «eyde. between ttem, and [& .d-VcTo? th? Be*' «n7 ni25£ fiTw £"«"* comedUn, who want* to seenre a vslng theTr teeth as the chief means of hoidtng iKrtv^s nronSstl. bL ill R «?« n..i waltz for his new production. The chooser the machtae. Three rope* of about twelve Jhw^uft sCtaSTn « «nrrS Thf'-hSi 8 .; «ays that be wUl give hhn the London rights feet each bang down frSm a cradle attach- th^onj? Sean* lift stSfSssft C i?.~if to the waltx If he S llkes the melody. He tells ment on the machine. On the end of each „«« the iSSUrTUSL ^^T.t w!^^ him to go to the Cafe Chapeau Rouge, where rope la a mouth "grip," each of which la taken *32L 'S STSLBTSSi■ " ^° d Lfa Von Llndln, a well known singer, Is to care of by one of tho women. The fourth ^^sS^etSawSS^^^Mi'.x^ -«*,,,, Introduce It Neither the singer nor her woman moouts the "bicycle" affair and sUrts uJr^B^St M SS. t L m JSfS^ m BJfF^ friends have ever seen the famous composer, pedBlhig. The cradle revolves and the three 3*ggW*gg. 1 J!J 1 %. P* 9:** but he promised fliat he would be at the cafe women, banging; by their teeth are swung Satsssal»ai sais»7%s?%5lL"5 TLrSS that night and lead the orchestra while she around at a wrrinc speed until their bodies He^LtTl sasEsss&sa IS ^.r ™?£JS" e i sang hfc composlHon. When the comedian are almost Id a hortaontal position. 2sssntl2« t3?S& JFz£L£2F?S!2 arrives at the «fe he U mistaken for the It Is a real novelty and a startler, and the fw e ? v P e minutf^ in 7wn P* nton,,la : e .- About compoaer , n4 ne |. made a hero. Eventually fact that towards the end of the tourhlllon lwtne "»'" "'-•»■ "■ two Ifelcey. a „ g gtralgbtened out atunt the women grab the hand bars for e«- .^_^._-_._,_ w . ..__ _.. __ The second act. which shows the cafe, Is tra protection In no way detracts from the «»••*»■»*■ a iceiaaale oalaaa Troape. one or tLe mosl beautiful shown In vaude- taeiits of this thriller. Matusdx Sqiabc Garden, March 22. vllle. It la a big scene. Indeed, It looked, * A3 a special feature with the Barnum & with Its dozens of pretty women. Its msny "Win. Hswtrey and Coasaay 1st Bailey Circus, the above act. composed of men, like the most Important act of a pig ♦'Old Hlek * Co." four powerful yonng men presented a self- Broadway musical production. Besides tne HAjisrvFSTEivs MATi-vrr MAnrrr 9a defense performance that for originality and six principals on to this scene there sre about _llla lliasjIII sj T-a, Majinee 3IABCH 24. novc i ty i 3 ^bout as good as anything ever eighteen chorus girls, eight men, six lady W m. Hawtrey presents, this week, for the seen with tils famous show. violinists snd a harpist. The set carries it* flrst time in New York vaudeville a conden- Although not unlike the llu-lltsu wrest'lng, own mualcal leader. Arthur Weld, who laj SSS*S. of £ l,, nl'' Ta ? r stTrt"*- vehicle, -The whkh Jg *J famma,. ia tn f, country, it Is bo In the past waved the baton for many a big Old Urm. The piece Is played in n parlor interesting that it held the attention of the musical play. _ , , . . setting and rings the changes on the familiar » U dl c nce throughout Its whole presentation. Cyril Chadwick Is featured as the principal mistaken Identity theme. It tells the story of © ne c f t Ue members, the tallest and strong- comedian, but he was very sad aa a fan- a good natured, middle aged Inventor, who est of the four, first shows how to conauer a maker. Mabel Berra, who la also featured, Is harassed by creditors, and during a aolll- boxer, and then proves that It is an easy cannot only sing (soprano) exceedingly well, oquy the; old Inventor casually remarks he manner to get rid of a highwayman. As a but she ia also an actress of ability. Oeorge would sell his soul to the Devil for money fin* le he rpslst* the combined efforts of his O'Dell. sa Keller, sang splendidly and scored, to meet the ever present creditors. At this three partners In getting the best of him, despite the fact that he rather mare Ua point a business man, resembling "His Sa- and finally throws all of them at his work by posing. The rest of Oie players tajiic Majesty" In appearance, enters and feet It was a remarkable demonstration of were only fair In their roles. Fortr-thre* offers to rcttcya the stfalned dnaacial •itua- self-oofenie, and ahow* how an ordinary man mlnulta, la two and full stage. JTeloey. tlon for the, who, thlnklag Us.wish with good presence of mind can protect him- ' » has come true. Indulges in a crossfire of con- self. jack. .*..,*» „~a t>» wsstien with the supposed "Aery person." ■■ *' 0 *"* „ *" ck » B * To " r ' „ ,„ The construction of this sketch Is rather j--,-.^ „, , . ^_ MadiSOS 80, (HaboB*, *ATUatiAf, SUfiCK 22. old fashioned, and as a whole la hardly »p .. innara Je»tef. Making their debut in this country with to Mr. Hswtrey's eminent ability aa displayed Palace, Mondax Matinee, Mabch. 24. the fiamum A Bailey Circus, thesa clever «a the dramatic stage. .TA. Wyan and company (Frank Wunderlee men, assisted by a dog, presented a novel and Mr. Hawtrey play* the central character and William HadlerJ presented a sketch) very meritorious tumbling performance. A'- of William Hake, the old Inventor. Paul called "The King's Jester." The plot eon- though they offer a very clsssy set, nothing Pllkington gave an efficient rendition of his cerned a king who wanted to laugh, and sent of the sensational order ia shown, and little role of the supposed "Bvll One." The sup- all over the world for Jesters. If he did not that hasn't already bean seen In this country, porting company were adequate. Harty. provoke royal laughter the Jcatef was ahot. *■*» " " ■ The act proved to be a disappointment. • Beadlek aad Freeman Players. The jokes of the Jester (Mr. Wynn) were 0 , a o r ,| Columbia New Tobk IIabch 23 * er y thin, and most of them were o'd. Not _ ., .„.,.' «.«.». « ( <fki- »Ji . I 2 * t.* ~~. only did they fall to make the "king" laugh, PALACh, Mo.ndaI Matixbb. Ma«CH 24. This trio of clever player* presented on* tut the audience sat In deadly silence while Ota Gygl Is billed as a "violinist at the of the crop of crook playlets in convinctog tbey were being delivered Mr. Wyrni has In Spanish court" Helsl master of his In- manner. A female crook exultaatly relate* tue past made us laugh heartily, and we hava afrifnient. He appeared not la ibe picturesque g_*P- "g* JSSS'Im ta .'Jil 1 ;?''? ,i r it°; long ago declared htm to be a comedian of costume of his country, but In a regular language, the details of her having trlnuned gtcrllng worth, but we could not prove It to American business suit His playing was Th- r0 JSSr ^JiSl^J!".™-?.. . b Jn5S? B0D JJ: * stranger with bis present sketch, which ta loudly spplauded. In one, about eight nln- «JL!C£ KJ? 1 «i.J , 'lii. T ^?i. u 2 U AS-,«!: offered In ene. In twelve mlnmesT'acJcep. otes. Xdcti. versatlon over the wire with a detective x t nsmed Lerd. A letter arrives Informing the _,,,_ „„__ Vm -m* ., . n„i,, r i. crook of bis father'* visit The old man ar- „ „ Th * Fo ™ r Vmnt *' AA Al \ *-■—'l'." ^ -- . _. rives and recognizes the woman as the "trial- Palac*. Mosbat Mati*ei, Mabcr 24. Hammebstbis's, MatinM, MabcM 34. rner." who tells him that his son Is only a Unusually clever wire artists are the Four _*_!. j, Boberts. nllled a* a Whistling vlrttl- essual arqnabitance. The young man con- Vanls, and marvelous are some of the stunts ^^ j^ts no difficulty In living trp to thla trndlcta her in his atory, and the old man 'hat they do on tho wire. One of the yuan*; mther strong billing, as he Is, indeed, an apparently leaves. Then, the couple make men who dresses as a woman, .nearly exceedingly clever anger wnlstlet. fun of hraa, bat the old man returns over- met with a serious accident on, Monday A stronger selection of namoers might be hear* their poavarsatloo, and berates the afternoon while attempting to Jump from #KU fed.^ndo«otedlr this Important detail young man tor his disrespect He finally tho. whra Into a large barrel which stood SS be sptedill' attended ta. About twelve clap* the basdrnS* on the couple, and re- on * stand four feet aoore the wife, minutes, la one. . Baf t*. moving a disguise, reveals himself to be the His second sttempt was soceessfal, and the m ^ atm ^^ m ^ m ^m^mmmm^mmmm^i^»^J^^ detective wdmb the crook had deOed. audience applauded loodJy. He tried to Jomp —— '" .....:. . - The octlou was lively and interestlna from the barrel to fh* wire three times before /\tT*I* f\T! VTSW1T1Q KUM7C ttroitshoat Tne two crvoU wcie wefl hj Ml* hi. tManca oo the wire. Both of 0111 OF iUWil INllWj playedTand) (fas detective was Impersonated Uteserttttsts dtasnd nerve and lodgment. VW* V* avhh iwtty with attention to detail and nn*Tanuiciatten. »»d tt* mail cjrtalnisjBpssejje* these <maM- -«™«»«Mr»wr Hill ties. Ths act runa about twelve minutes, hi ^^^(Sttl^GrTO^f a „ t ' . , ' _ ***' -■ - Ktkty. ^^ tmslaeas rufa* Isst week. MUOUOK Sji'Aas Oabobk, Mabch 22. aaa*I*> MeFaiUnd and asndaaaet Bimttr'' Jrew Urge aodleoce* wee* of March If. Thii troape of European acrobats rnada mma « *—*1 * » Monpat MaacH 24. S^Sji 9 5]^ "** °* *• **"' wlUl their American debet Mardi 22 with the QSL* * nf * 1 '' ■ do * ot h, * D cUs » opiratic n ^!^' ,l Stoddsrd Tsjloft aw».)—Aaals Barnum * Bailey Circus at 'Madison Sousre *»«»*«; , . . . ~ 7~ iaasVaaal & %£££ tJEStea"Sii SaS Oaidea. One woman, three men and two They Joined hands for a trial week a* an ^ conwr ? ' asu ^T-fc BltaU," to Mg bosliess, boys make up the troape. and the work they out-of-town theatre March 17, and March ™ko? 17. "The Ttpoood," with walker Whlte- do, wMl* It lacludes the usual routine done 24 was thtlr metropolitan debot as a duo. ,i,i e , 31. Nsra Btyes, in "The Son Dodgers," by similar troupes, deserves attention because The lady, who rnsist* to still wenrlag a follows . _, of Its clover execution. The two boys are mas* during tho act, using; the soss de BMsM Colcmbu (Pred O. Berser. nujr.) — Owlur to used (or the cradle work and various somer- <* the "Masked Soprano," recently played s the non-arrival of "What Hapseoed to Hatr, taal W T h e t wc2S U m r euK?ort1 I9 C "u^pe I, re *^ --*-«« « a »« «" SnfaMfiMl^^lS ■arMifS&sTaa^t^ ict te to'uhed by J Matte SfoFhrland i. very favorably known «^ru«d«!*, SLL*SXS%2 two of the meii, one after the othe»,sprlngln* to operstio circles, and hss graced the con- S^J^^Hon^^ltchrif weekrt 2-i "The In the afr aftsr three flip-flaps aadTanJlug cert sta«e for r*m>e ^™. E^ foUo^ Friday af"rZ.n 23. M« on the upstretched Lands of the woman, who They gave foM operatic *rla 9 , and theirs B?JZ. wuowb. n»«, aiiemoon, carries then, atMl on her bands stretched over wasaaolldhltof ahign clasaact. 014 Timer. st.r-.onti. (Wm. H. Rapiey, sasr,) — "The her head, out of the ring and for aboot fifty ' ' " ■ " ' f ' ■■'■■ Oauxhter of Heaven," with Tiola Allen and a feet on the hippodrome track. It I* a fang Hr Slayer. flue company, bad sood business week of 17. Mrs. renting arret aatf and deaerre, recog, y^. Mom, a, JUn^t Mahcb 24 gSS jBBS^M *-* 1 fly Mayer, the cartoonist of the Sew Jork turn Montmartre," follows. Hail mm* u.ti Timet, on the above date made his debut PoWe (iawes Thatcher, 4jgr.)—^Ihe Pasama; _.. "■'J *■• """• „ la TandeviaV, although be ha* often appeared «f the Third riooe *«»,'• as given by the?op* GeatXEl Sqdarc, Maecii 20. In h> specialty before his fellow member* fir Phtyera, test week, wen the favor of food A new shooting act is presented by fhte of the- Lambs' Club, In the clubhouse. Mr, steed audleneej^Av & Tan Bnroj, Mark Bert natty couple, In blue uniforms. The lady la Mayer*a reputation as a cartoonist has long *»d Messrs. sbsbdob, Hawiey,_wtiuaias «« ««- posed with a headdress of glsss balls, which teen established. Ho appears In one tot Jff- "fTlJPJ?°%,- fiSi^m vT!f ?^22fc axe shot off without a mis! by her partner, about twenty minutes, during which time he H ~ ^? k .^Mta Ma^w'sstebdid s^rt who also eraci* the larger ImII* piacedctoeely drew various portraits of famous men and "ig, TS2J^t*^'^^r^^The^lr?^ around her bead, arm* and shoulders. The women. With the aid of wigs and facial ex- «S^otden^es^ toOowT lady shoots at a target on the breast of her pressiofl he had no trouble in making himself cts:vo (A. JolUn Bryiawskf, orgr.)—BUI week partner and ttrlke* a match, also annVs • look like the drawings. Before he draws a vt H-. ibe Bell Boy Trio, toe Fry tog OlendaJes; candle. Swinging targets ar< tasy for brm, picture he delivers a monologue. In Which BlnaMo. Joe Lanlgan, Westford rod Bock, WWt- ahot at front all positions with ride and pis- comedy (9 generously sprinkled. JeloVy. ate aM Olnrrd, and new nktares. tol, aad he successfully cracked several awtoa- t ■■ ■ OaisWs (Miss a. whmlfrcd D» WHt, mrr.t— teg telle with shots fired from the rear of Load and Tardea. H *«* <* ?*'■ Amelia Bteahsm^aad.conpsny. Hie auditor Una. Then a auadranle shot to ths .. - ™ » " ""»■■• „ ^ .^ Tom Kswa and company, Aottsan BaU, HcOevitt, telggsrHy ^ee^^tnrratt , ]rf whS « *■** ^ .g"f %. **—&*&**■ fBL&lXZFtSt^SE* tE!*2& shoots a ball suspended close to the ladVa Cpenlng with the Barnum A Bailey Show, g?wards. Ed. Uprton. Bertlsb, &tti «>e Toajan Sir. fUTflilsh te^uo^eh^, weaTSlt. " Oclr annual New Tork engagement, the *&" Klnomacolor Photoplay. Qrand' Pipe Organ ting a ball over the other's Tread, the bullets •*«♦*. »ct, corAposed Of two handsome sad ^SSS. ,/l j Bliu , n rr i.wstL tturr)—Bill week crossteg. It is a aeat, showy act, wall pre- ahapjiy young girte presented" a eaMtal og 00 ^ 8 ^- «Se Y S 7aiiSrw£.''mSz, «* •ented. M Suhe tApew perf^we. ^ ■ *' — 1 ■ - at tho same ttme, they Offered thtf usual tine, tri? fte Tenaita-CTark Otrli, «6i new pttfures. Jessssssalsas Itaafaa. Of work, ata a* a finale offered K new* Sundsy concerts, with music by "That Orchestra." bT K it»'« itu«» £.,•..= u.,.-_ u.~m.<u t/*e« *4*t *a* a "corker." It was a halftwlrt order the baton of a. j. UanvCll, do capacity. KEiTits Uniok Satins, iiAtima. aa^n»M SB Trom one b»r to tho Other, and wo* Oatsht (G«rgo P«k, mgr-)-^BeasrA\TQntB Joseplibis Doafec, a handsome Meade with cleverly executed by one of the young vwraea. shd Folly did big busteeas weak ot 17. WaHroa's a beautlfnl soprano voice, auallfled a big hit /*<*. Ti wa aews week of «. Boole's Knickerbocker* With her single staging offering, Mits rmnfea ■ a——t — ■""• 1 follows. Sunday concerts do satisfactory bust- fcg l"^~&Ml3f*mmf g^ETSE ^vosTmjA-O. M^er. mgr.l^rte Dandy, dirt. & scored U e;%°tSdou» a s^cC r on^e jAtACff, MoNPAT MA»l«a, slaacB 24. ^&^T^ S a tK^S£!^^ bill. Mln« rx.nfce Wiide two conrpMc changes TV these eight girls were accorded the S°"J ^f*^JL 0 IJ*- fJ^E 'fli^.'fS? 1 * It^L at costume, which were extremely llsBdecS' honor of orrmfng fte new Palace Theatre. ^JTitf ^■iSSVZ » eontlnoes and worn In 11 niauncr tliat showed teste. They ire all clever dancers; and they all to °* " B " anfl "" wlre ' Bmest Itnii. in the pit, conducted the ofese*- looked fetching In their Mack and white motes. tra, and brought several difficult selection* dresses with hats to match. All of them Tub Drama Lei cue, at Belaseo's, Tussdiy, 18, over which were In bad straights several time*, wore White wigs. Their work Is srtlstlc, and at 3 p. 11., listened to s lecture by AnnU* BusaeU. O. K. Miss nuafec Is bound to make her they remind otto or the Original Madcaps. Subject "The Pleyer's View of the Plavgow." first vaudeville tour one of triumph. OKo. Their singing, however, left much to be de- _Jus only intimation by Manapr Fred o. Ber- s » ' ■ ' sired. Trie act is one of the "flashiest" girl fZ„^} J, h /™ te (h ? i! ■ "f^tS^S^, S$ The- on roe Trio. acte U vaudeville. Eight mlr^»_ta _fro. gg-^&•^ U now^cen^c".^t. arr,W, * rnocToa'a Piftii Ave., Matinbs, Mabch 24. _^„ , . ^ A-ctvey. A lAE0 , in di (I;ee enjoyed Lillian Russell's leo- The above act, composed of three fine look- ji*. ^ . t,lra °A " How to Lire 100 Yearsv" at the National Ing young fellows, put over a mild hit on •*■ Random*. Tkeatre. matinee of 20. ♦heir Umt appearance here. They appear In Madison 9a, Oa«drh, Saturday, MabCh 22. ^/SSKL w ~l£??!2L A2" . SfSfi"!. < ?'? f 2! "•r white suits, and offer n dancing spe- Offering with tho Barnum & Bailey Show ^ e ±T* ir E , r ?^, u .2f,i?'v«*«i,"2L2tSa f^'^Ji" T1 2» * 00rlt ' r . tma sUr t to fliJah what they caleld a novel and burlesque bl- *?£ 0 *£,'"« #slV» ShK wUl^^S^afi Llfi S pa t , ' rp ,°, r a V' ,r wUolc Performance cycle art. this troupe, consisting of fire mem- rjgpffir jOTl! ATtbe taasssBsPlS dirt gg ^jfttlPaU t> of one of the three that hers put over a sofld hit on Stage 3. Their ^T^fS^fff R'SPt9V*S almost crac*ed their act. It could easily performance, while offering very little new opportunity to clean up all weak spots. ,in„™£r CM .S? ^ tn - AJ1 tfcre * "* e, P« rt nteteiial, Is on a par with anything ever seen »,„,.„,,. v7_K„ m ,tL. a wi»V dajcers and show many new steps fimt here. All five sre clever riders" and per- "wbanwafj, f g, .Bs aan (Tho* F. K^« ThT h ^ru»a^.^ut W flfteS*nUn^^^ ZLTjA SSL^ESiVB SS £V*£& t£tttJ5&&,Tp aiio sot runs aoout nttcen nUmtes. In one. put enough comedy Into tho act to create ^, Ite r Hyde. Root. Lorraine, to "Man and Super- Jtfok. much laughter. Sac*. Bhn,» next A testimonial will be Blveu be«, mDEX TO OUT OF TOWN NEWS. Arkansa*..,. California.,.,.. Canada,........... 10 Colorado,...,,,,,,. 1 Connecticut...... 10, 22 Dtaniet of Columbia, 10 flllnoi 1", go loduna,,..,.,., 10, 37 Iowa 18 M Mas*.,,,.,. IS, 28, 8, 2*1 Michigan, 82, ' Minnesota, Kansas 22, 27 Tennessee, Keirtoesy...,....... 10~- f/salaursa....,,,,., 10 Maine 22 Wirjland 22 * &:::::. % New Oalo,,,.,,«,..«« 1 oUibona,......... 1'enn..,,.., 10, 18, Sooth Okfouns Virginia..•• ««•«.... m Wisconsin 22, 27 for S. Oonn Little, the popular young treasoxtr of this boose, on April 7. Alvtx (John D. Rejnolds, mgr.)—"Bought ant Paid For," with Julia Deau and Cbas. Blckmaa, week ef March 24. For 81 and week, fa Bads*, ta "The Road to Happiness." Giawd (John P. Harris, mgr.—Bill week ef 84: Ethel Barrymore and company. Wula Holt Waka- flrld, Elgbt Berlin Madcap*. Qreek Athlete*, Via sod Schenk. Sharp and Torek, A. O, Duncal, Flyisg Ruawlbj. anil Edison's talking pictures. Lrcarcir (C. R. Wilson, mar.)—for weak of 21. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." "Matt and JeS" neit week. Dc'arrs.x* (D. A. Harris, mgr.)—Harry Davit' etoek 09., in "Much Ado About Nothing," week of 2*. 'The Chorus Lady" next Habbis' (J. P. Hill. ui«t.)— BUI week of 24: Mother Goose Girls. Keystone Four, Garsln and faicum. Marjorle Barrett, Lloyd and Zarlna. Feri.s and Bedell company, Lew Fltzglbbon, Billy Dale, and Al. H. Wilder. Pi.NN Ath. —Formerly the Kesyon Opera Boose. —BUI week of 24: Lurd Uycaw Jape, CSrl Ka - dill. Merlos and Gordon, Logan and Ferris, and Major O'LtogUlln. . Knrrow.—BUI week of 24: "Isle of Smiles," Hedge anil Dotty Holmes, Arthurs and Saunders, Helen Vao Burcn, Four Lorette Slaters, Mar- garet Smith and Grace Edwards, and Frederick Staters. Gusty (Henry Kuruman, mgr.) — Blotch Ooper't Beauty, Youth sod Folly week of 34. Helen Western added a tew rner* friends her* list week. Norm.—Kolb Bros., Nox McCain and others are being heard at Carnegie Hall thla week...... Una Cavalier! played a matinee at the Klxoa, Tuesday afternoon, 23 The new Liberty The- atre, under the capable management of John Me- Carron, will open with popular price vaudeville Monday, 81......May Shirk, leaning lady with the "Happy Hooligan" Co., was entertained bete list week. On Tuesday night, 18, she was pre- sented with an Immense boaqoet of white rose* hy the boy* cf the Harris Theatre, where she made a great hit when playing there la vaude- ville last ssisoo Uar70tic Barrett, at the Harris, this Tetk, is a local girl and a popular one. (B. H. Busty, ek of MeAlester, Okln.—Bnsby east.) North Bros.' Stock Co. week of March 24. Yaxb-Ua/bstic (H. F. Ifosdey, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and notion pictures. LrassTX (J. A. Stelnson, mgr.)—Motion, xtte- tares. Vicroit (will TIppltt. mgf,)—notion plctere*. Dwtbs in the Profe$$ion. i " ■ ■ as sss—asasawesi■ (Bee pate S3) W. 8. Wi/KF.t.EB. Alarcb 14. John U. euMrsox, March 16. Otxo St'ieckeet, Uarch 18. Johk Sutton, March 1L asdbew J. Setmoub, March Id Jobs A. Al.rEna, March 21. habbt C. stiles. March —> John J. Bbady, March 19. CArf. A. H. BoSAsooa, March 23. ' Harry Earls, March 17. John g. oi-ruen, March Id Pbask Clbrhosto March 21. Tom Voce, March 7.: Erich Wolff, March 19. Further mention 0/ obope neat icevk. ^ mm ** mmmam **t*m—— *fmm^Mt*mmm*+ ■ g ■ 1 AT TUB FH1AH9 1 ClitTB DIS.1EH, De Wolf Hopper was ths dinner guest of the Friars at the Hotel Astor Sunday night, March 23, and In the course of a long evening he heard himself praised as the successor of Henry VIII, of bldebeard, of King Solomon, and of Nat Goodwin; he saw himself car- iooned as the man tor whom hair restorers lave no terrors, and he had the unosuai pleasure of listening to the Hon. Julias Har- trerger extend ta him a cordial Invitation to Visit Ludlow Street'and become acquainted with "some of the wisest, most wonderful and versatile allmoners la the world." Friar Abbott John W. Rumsey was ths toastmaster, and the speakers, besides Mr. Hopper and Sheriff Hurtrarger, were: fa Collier, Patrick Francis Murphy, Wm. «3oart- Idgh, Balnbrldge Colby and Hennold Wolf. Everybody took a fling at the guest of the evening, yet none enjoyed It half so much a* Hr. Hopper himself. In the course of his speech Mr. Hopper referred to his recent trip across the conti- nent, and didn't forget to add that It was the happiest moment of many years to be entertained by his theatrical ahd other friends In New York. ADDmORAL LOUDON LETTOT MaBCB 15. Postponed a week on account ot the Illness of Alan Ayneswortb, "Bought and Paid For" was prodoced at the New Theatre on Wedtesday. and met with great success. It Is allowed that Mr. Ayneswortb played the pslnfol scene In the sec- ond act with admirable discretion. AleXaadra Carlisle made a charming and pathetic beroloe. But the popular success of the evening, so fir as acting was concerned, must ceetebrty be allot- ted to Frank Craven, ills Jimmy Oilier waa rewErded with shouts of laughter. Another band has been fomsed for vaudeville emigration, to wit. Alexander's Ragtime Band, cf tMrtf performers. Ida Crispl bas bad aa accident which Will prevent her from appearing for some time. Hong Tong, a Chinese/ musician, who can slag in six languages. Is due at tho London Hlpgo- drotne ou Monday. A most Important part In the revue no* a-prfei paring at the London Open House, will B* en- trusted to Arthur Deaaw. Dave Carter far mating a bit With "That's How I Need Yon." Frank See ley, « Weil kxtrwn comic alnarr, t* dead. He was a brother or Foreman and FaarMn, and of Fred Hauaaa. . ... Josephine Davis aad BTJly Getter, recant ar- rivals by the Mauritania, opes at tne Oxford tra- mediately. a. vf, Hxtchi m. so long at Btrmtngrtaar, ft now manager of the wiuweien Hippodrome, Honey Boy Evini and his minstrel* are an- ODuscea to appear heire. . . . . Hippy Jack Gardner I* on hi* way to Booth Africa. Alamos open* her* with his electrical act next weak. B. Oherraeyer la an immediate visitor to New York. Gardner Orano and bis wife made a soocesaful Opening at New Cross Bmplr* 00 Monday, with r *t» Other One." Bert Coote la to try i new •ketch, entitled "The Office Boy,'' by Horace Kenney, at tho Ilford Hip- podrome, on Monday, - • Edmand Payne, the gaiety oMaediah. la slaying at the Palace in definitely. He will rbrore aa * barber, In a mosleal coiaedy written for tdm, by Michael Morton. TaUman, the blllard expert, has had his engage- ment at the Oxford extended. Then be proceed* or the Moss Tour. Dlbertt. the well known conjuror, fatally shot himself la Charing Cross Station, on Wednesday. Isadora Duncan, whose engagement ta St Petersburg, bas meanwhile been prolosged, (all* for.tb* Stales on April 1, Bzx Biooa silled for Trinidad, W. March 23, for an erjght woaks' In the Itsand Cities.