The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 5 ! OPT OF TOWN HEWS ,, ijoerroiv. Two plays never before seen In this city an I offered current week. They are: "Hawthorne of the U. 8. A.," at the Colonial; and "The Fire- fly," at the Bbubort. Easter Week brought us good busloesa despite bad weather conditions. I ' Colonial (Charles Frohman & Wm. Harris, mars.)—Cohan & Harris offer Douslas Fairbanks, In "Hawtliorne of the U. 8. A." The supporting company Include!: Irene Penwlck, Itlth Allen, 1 Bam B. Hardy and Louise Le Roy. A fortnight ' la the length of the engagement. Fair business 'during the two weeks of "The Fink Loily." Biiumet (Wllbur-Sbubcrt Oo.. nigra.)—Current .week and for a run, Emma Trentlul and company, in "The Firefly." In the company are: Melville ' Stewart, Roy Atwell, Craig Campbell, Wm. Wolf, I Sammy Lee, Audrey Maple, Katherlne Stewart, ! Buby Norton and Nina Morgana. This attraction I was to baio played In Boston near the close of I last season, bat after being billed, etc., a sbltt wib made In the bookings, and our playgoers wore denied tbe pleasure until now. IIollis (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—Second week : of Otis Skinner, In "Kismet." The first week's ; audiences were largo and cordially appreciative. TnmcNT (Jno. B. Schooftel, mgr.l—"Top o' ! tl' Moruln'," tlie Irish oomeily, In Its second nml : last week. Is a good entertainment—farcical, full I of pert repartee, a little melodramatic In spots, 1 and with a "Kerry Fair" for a wind-up. April ! IT the Aborn Opera Oo. comes for a season of I grand opera. i Boston (Frohman-nnrrls, mgrs.) — Apparently ' Boston will never lire of "The Roond-Up." In ' spite of tbe fsct that this spectacular melodrama ; has been produced bere many times, In various ' theatre*, ft was greeted during the first week with unmistakable enthusiasm by large audiences. Second week now on. Plymouth (Fred Wright, mgr.)—The Irish l'laicre are In the second week of their engage- ment. Quite a few plays now to Boston are Be- ing given during the engagement. Muss-no (Wllbur-Sbubcrt Oo., mgrs.) — After four big weeks at tbe Shubert, "Ready Money" has been transferred to this house. Pass (Obas. Frohman. Rich A Harris, mgrs.) —"Officer 008" Is now in Its fourth week. Castlb HquAns (John Craig, mgr.)—Eleventh and Dual week of ''Believe Me. Xantlppel" It has bad a run that exceeds In length the notable success of "The End of the Bridge." la prepara- tion for next week Is "Tbe Darling of the Gods." (Charles H. Wsldron, rxgr.)—Al. Rich's Jolly Follies Oo. attracted large audiences laat week to all performances. "A Royal Four Flush" was the title of a funny two act burlesque that served to Introduce clever comedians and hand- some girls. Week of 81: Girls from Happy land, and on the way Is tbe Mollle Williams Oo. Oaictt (George H. Batcheller, mgr.)—Expecta- tions regarding the liveliness of the Harry Hast- ings Show were fulfilled last week. Bam Sldman, Tom Coyne and their supporters were Immense. For tbla week tbe Daailers are the entertainers. Week of April T: Merry Whirl. Uowud (Geo. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—The Moulin Rouge Burlesque Co., with tbe following old Howard's extra features: De Veac Trio, Allen and Clsrk, Richard Brothers, Eldredje. Mabel Whit- man and her Picks, Joe Parlse, McKlsslck and Shadney, and Chan. Bradley. Luther McOarty proved to be the strongest drawing card of the sea- son at this house. Blanch Balrd and her Stars of Stageland next week. (.hand Opxba Houss (Geo. K, Lothrop. mgr.) —There was a merry welcome for will B. Cohan, a south End boy, who appeared last week with the Miss New York Jr. Burlesquers. Cohan, nsslsted by Jos. K. Watson and Fay O'Dell, pulled a lot of laughable stunts. Whirl of Mirth week of 31, with Moulin Rouge Burlesque Oo. to follow. Kejtu'b (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—B. It. 0. pre- vailed during tbe nineteenth anniversary week, and a splendid all around bill pleased the patrons. Cliff Gordon, "tbe German Senator," tops this week'a bill. Others are: W. H. Macait and Kthelyn Bradford, Four Rlanos, Wilbur Mack and Nella Walker, Great Delasao Troupe, Buckley's animals, Pauline Moran, Penfold and Marshall. the Van Dykes, and Edlsoo'a talking pictures with new features, Including "The Indian Girl's Re- venge" and "The Five Jolly Bachelors." National (G. A. Haley, mgr.)—Murphy and Nichols and their company, Dacobeco Troupe, Santley and Norton, Stuart and ICeeloy. Kennedy and Burt, Billy Davis, Juggling De Lisle, Arthur Joslln, Edison's talking pictures, and the Klnenia- color comprise bill for this week. Oipheum (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—First half: Little Robert, Carter and Waters, Swan and Bam- bard, Kelly and Calvin, "The Way Out," Francis Ford, and Slg. and Edith Frans. Second half: Hall and Hair Plotti, Rlalto, Donahue and Stew- art, "A Cold Deal," Arthur Hlgby, and tbe Three Joggling Bannans. ST. Jai aues' (Marcus Loerr, management).—Hall ond Hall, Plotti. Rlalto, Donahue and Stewart, "A Cold Deal," Arthur Rlgby, and the Three Juggling Bannans first halt. Last three days: Little Robert, Carter and Waters, Swan and Dam- bard, Kelly and Calvin, "The Way Out," Fran- cis Ford and Big, and Edith Frans. Globs (Robert Janette, mgr.)—Week of 81: Blocksom and Burns, Victor's Musical Melange, Brown and Williams, La Rex and La Rex, Al. Hedrlck and the Wright Sisters, Marguerite Hel- blg, Fred and Annie Pelot, Maley and Woods, and Ragtime Harmony Trio. Goidon's Oltupia (J. B. OomerfOTd, mgr.)— The suppliers of the entertainment are, the afield Jsps, Great Rudolphy and company, Lnba Wesoff, Dr. McDonald, Blrnm, Bomm, B-r-r-r, Block, IIutoo and Thomas, and Barry and Wllhelml. Bownour Bcjdabj (Geo. E. Lothrop, mgr.)— Hardeen, the handcuff king, who was here a few weeks ago, la back again. Tom Sldello and com- pany, Wood and Lawson, Prof. Karl, Brown and Hodges, Nellie Nice and Obas. Bradley complete the list of acts. Siiawmut (H. E. Chenoweth, mgr.)—Week of 81: Minstrel Four, Kennedy and Melrose, the Mc- Carvers, Ollle Wood and a four reel picture; Blanche Walsh. In "Resurrection," for the first half. Second half: Four Musical Ostes, Smith and Champion, Willis Twins, Von Hoff, Western fea- ture picture, and others. NOTES. Ohanobs are to be found In vaudeville, songs and pictures at tbe BIJou Dream, Unique, Loew'e South End, Old South, Washington, Hub, Unique, Apollo, Oriental, Pastime, Puritan, Back Bay, Beacon, Premier, Norfolk, Oornlquc, Wlntbrop Hall, Williams' Ideal, Superb, Scenic Temple, Star, Hamilton, Harvard, Eagle, Dorchester, and the Roxbury. Puank L. BaowKl, manager of the Pastime, Old South, Washington, Shawmnt and Star thea- tres at different times, has returned to vaude- ville, and at present la playing Canadian time. He bills himself "The Chattering Chauffeur. 1 Klnemacolor pictures called 'The Making of the Panama Canal" have been attracting pleasure seekers to the Tremont Temple. Tbey are pre- ceded by thrilling scenes of the Balkan War, In the aame process. Nothing of quite this sort has ever been seen in Boston before. Lillian Bussixl will lecture In Symphony Hall, April 1, 2 and 8, on "How to Live One Hundred Years" and die young. Williau P. Cablxton, who was bere early In the season with Blanche Ring, In "The Wall Street Girl," has been engaged by John Craig for hla Caatle Square Oo. He will probably make bis first appearance in "The Darling of the Gods," next week. Lao Flynh, manager for Otis Skinner, la a Boston boy, and began hla theatrical career under the Henry W. Savage banner. He has held man- agerial positions with James K. Hackett and tbe late Kytle Bellew. W. 0. Fmldb, the clever Juggler, who played Keith's lust week, leaves for London In May. Mr. Fields Is Interested In the London openings of Mc- Intyre and Heath and Edward Hayes and com- pany, as be booked both acts. He predicts a suc- cessful opening for the headline acts. Sam Mbsbino, formerly assistant manager of the Orpbeum, Is now connected with the Variety Booking Offices, Inc. He recently recovered from a severe Illness, but appears to be In good shape now. Tabloid musical comedies are now being done at the Huntington Avenue Theatre, which hereto- fore has been devoted to vaudeville and pictures. Jack McGann has severed his connection with the U. B. 0.. In this city. He has not announced bis future plans. The general Impression around town la for an early closing of the legitimate theatres. As yet, no Summer announcements have pat In an appear- ance, with the possible exception of the Tremont, where the Aborn Opera Oo. commences an engage- ment of Indefinite length, April 7. It will be remembered that the company made the Boston Opera House Its home during tbe past two sea- sons, but It was found to be out of the way for transient patronage. Better financial returns are looked for downtown. Keoknk, la.—Grand (Chas. H. Dodge, mgr.) —"The Blindness of Virtue" March 31, "The Girl st the Gate" April 4, "Bought and Paid For" 10, "The Confession" 18, "A Modern Eve" IT, Maude Adams, In "Peter Pan," 24. Hu-PODXOUB (Mark Anrell, mgr.)—BUI week of March 81: Lowe and Demarle. Arthur Hahn, Bert and Bessie Draper, tbe Oorsonlans, Kreaco ond Fox, Demarest and Chsbot, Manias Troupe, and Murray K. Hill. Colonial. Obphbuk and Grand, moving pic- tures. DON'T OVERLOOK "JOE HEPP." OEN. W. F. CODY (BUFFALO BILL) And Showmen's League Group, At tto Bolls Plant. FRANK HOWIE. Few theatrical men are better known than Frank Howie, the stage manager of the Peo- ple's Theatre, New York, after being st the old London Theatre, New York, for seventeen years. He is a Thirty-second Degree Mason, a Mystic Shrlner, Knight Templar, an Elk, a Moose, a T. U. A. and a T. P. U.. No. 1 mem- ber, and alto belongs to the Players Boat Club, at Falrbsven, N. J. Of LOUIS niullNSTKIN, Shapiro, Bernstein A Co,