The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 5 T >#V O MORE HARRY VON TILZER HOME R UN ■ •»... * .■ -i » SPECIAL NOTICE—HEN BORN8TELN 18 NOW IN CHICAGO. CALL AND SEE HIM AT TELE GRAND OPERA HOUSE BLDG HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 125 West 43d Street, N. Y. Plans for a theatre are being drawn to cover the Southwest comer at Broadway and Xinty-ftfth Street, New York. It la owned by the As tor estate. The 100.8x125 plot la under negotiation for a long lease. Br ABiANGEiraNT with Cohan h Harris, Beymour Hlcka will present "Broadway Jones," In London, Eng., next season. The Italian Phllhnnnimlc Society-of New York, recently organized, will give Its first concert Is Carnegie Hall on April 18. There will be an orchestra of one hundred pieces. Mi.;e Dizu has canceled her Keith book- ing for the rest of the season, as her recent Injury baa proven more serious than was at tret supposed. Disirr. Fhohman has arranged to present Virginia Horned, In motion pictures of "Trilby," In which she originated the title role A oniND opera Is to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal, and will be given tor the first time In San Francisco In 1915. It will be composed by Pletro Mwacagnl. Felix Isiian has been sued by Urs. Ellen Fltzslinmons for $50,000 for the death of her husband, Policeman Fltzslmmons, who was killed by Mr. Isman'g auto la Central Park last Nov. 1. The Shoberts will send out three com- panies of "The Five Frankforters'' next sea- son, Irabelle D'AEiioND and Frank Cart»r, after a season of six months In English music halls, will open at the Colonial Thea- tre, In New York, April 14. W. J. HIDE, of the Hyde & Bertram Amuse- ment Co., has been spending the past four weeks In Florida, Is expected beck In Brook- lyn, N. Y.. this week.