The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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8 TITE ISTETW YORK CLIPPER. APBIL5 THFnnnnF morse rwsic co ^ THEODORE MDR5E fi MUSIC COMPANY**!! MSfMS West 4©* ST- CNT1R.E FIRST FLOOR*. |an Fried* c» Officii Otoflaula! Hot*. R. A, GRAHAM. Sffr, CD 143-145' W«t 40*St NEW YORK tllaage OHIm! 146 north Olarl ttraet MATOICX fUTITKB, Ken April April 8.— April 4— April 0 c April T.—' April 8. April 0 April 10.—" Unburn, Jewel Hllburn, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgren, Mr. and Mra. William E. Roberts, George Biggins, Percy Hlliiurn, Carrie Birch, Ethel Conrad, Belle Beach, Wilson Koshny, Mildred (lay, Edward Adler, C. Wallace van Nostrand, Mr. and iMrg. Nicholas Orlando, Charles Lang, Cyrus Jones, J. C. Power, Marguerite Lane, S. W. Bpedon, Lucke O'Aii, May Greene. Miss Bon- bam, Gertrude Jiutt, Harold Foahay, Harry J, Smith. REI.UASES. LICEJiSED FILMS. Eiimw. -"The BherllT'e Son" (Dr.) -"Tho Prtdo of Gold" (Dr.) -"Tho Will-Bo Wcda" (Com.) -"A Wolf Among I.arulm" (Dr.) -"Broncho Billy's Way" (Dr.) -"The Wardrobe Lady" (Oom.-Dr.) -"Tlia Sheriff's •Wife'* (Dr.) -"F\jund Out" (Oom.) -•The Little, Mother" (Dr.) -"Hruuelio Billy's Reason" (Dr.) Sella?. -"A Prisoner of Onbanaa" (Dr.) -"Margarita and the MlBaloa Funds" (Dr.) "A Lucky Mistake" (Oom. Dr.) "Arabia, the Rqulne Detective" (Dr.) "The Hoyden's Awakening" (Oom. Dr.) -"A Change of Administration" (Spe- cial Dr. On two reel*). "Vengeance Is Mine" (Dr.) "Robert Hale's Ambition" (Dr.) -"The Shotgun Man tad the Stage- Driver" (Dr.) 'Teamy's Atonement" (Dr.) On same reel. "l%e Tombs of tan Ming Mmperors" (Ed.) —"With Love'B Eyes" (Dr.) -"We Sew Bleep." Eclipse. (0.. Klelne.) —"Tho Prult of Suspicion" (Dr.) —"The Winner of the Swecpstakea" Clnes. (0. Klelne.) —"Flo Wouldn't (Hie Dp" (Ocm.) —"Modern Program In Soniallland, East Africa" (Kd.) On snaio reel. "Palut Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady" (Coin.) —"The Ancient Town of Oubblo, Oen- tral Italy" (Scenic). On same reel, "Anllo, Ihe Ortihau" (Dr.) —"A Fugitive at liay" (Special Dr.- no 3 reels). —"For Ilia Chilli's Sake" (Dr.) Ed 1 urn. "Tho Klder Brother" (Dr.) —"With tlie Byes of the Blind" (Dr.) —"The Duke'a Dilemma" (Com.) —"The Inventor's Sketch" (Dr.) —"Muter and Man" (Dr.) —"A Shower of Slippers" (Oom.) "Old Jin" (Dr.) —"The Well Sick Man" (Oom.) ,—"Tho Capture of a Wild Oat" (Des.) On tame reel, "llule Thyself (Oom.) —"Ttc Man Who Wouldn't Marry' 1 I'athr. —"Pathe'a Weekly," No. U. —"now Planter Is Obtained" (Infl. On same reel, "The Moron" (Acrobatic). —"The Rngloeer's Daughter" (Dr.) On samo reel, "Oalro, Egypt, nud Its 15n- vlrone" (Scenic). —"Nobility" (Cr.<RpeclsMn 2 parta). —"There She floea*' (Oom.) —"Willffllei Tries Moving Plctnre Act- ing" (Cora.) On same reel, "An {ex- cursion to the Orande Chartreuse, France" (Scenic). —"Pathe'a Weekly." No. IB. .—"The Snap Shot"* (Oom.) On same reel, "The River Clyde at Lonark, Scotland" (Travel). —"Too Much Parcel Post" (Com.) April 11. April 12. April 2. April 10. April 1 April 5. April IS April 10 April 11) April 0 April 10.—"Ood Is Lore" (Dr.) April 11.—"The Analysis of Motion" (Science). On same reel, "The Locust" (Science). April 12.—"The nappy Home" (Dr.) On some reel, "In the Days of War" (Dr.) INDEPENDENT FILMS. Eclair. March 90.—"Married In Haste" (Oom.) April 2.—"The Superior Law" (Dr. In three parta). April 0.—"He Wants What He Wonts. When He Wants It" (Oom.) On same reel, "Orystallaation" (Scenic). Imp. March SI "Ouplil In Uniform" (Dr.) April 8.—"The Bishop's Candlesticks" (Dr. In two parts. April 0.—"Sinks, the Terrible Turk" (Com.) Nestor. March 81.—"Superstitious Mary" (Oom.) On nine reel, "'Mum's the Ward" (Oom.) Champion. March81.—"A Knotty Knot" (Com.) Gem. . April 1.—"Billy's Double" (Com.) On samo ted, "I.yndlmvou Turn, Virginia." Powers. April «.—"Bachelor Dill's Birthday Present" (Com,) Frontier. April 8.—"The Bandit's Redemption" (Dr.; Victor. April 1.—"Letters to Mother" (Dr.) Meccsu April 5.—"By- the Curate's Aid" (Dr.) Bex. March 80.—"Her New ChsaBtur" (Oom-Dr.) April 8.—"Fiddler Pete" (Oom.-Dr.) April C—"Hobby's Baby" (Dr.) s For the Ohieaaro Press Olnb. Several well known and talented members of tho Chicago Studio Stock, ot the Scllg Polyscope Co., have graciously consented to old In the production, and performance of the second annual hlsh-JInka, or frolic, of tho Chicago Press Club, which will he held In the Auditorium. Theatre on tho afternoon end evening of April' 20. The "scoop," as the show Is known. In an annual event among the social and literary clrclca of Chicago, and is produced along original lines. Oscar Eagle, chief producer of the Sellg Chlengo studios, will direct the production, nud lta artistic success is assured, us Mr. Eagle bus had vast experience In nA'alrs of this nature. CharlC9 France, tho Scllg comedy producer, will portrny the character of cx-Prcsldcnt daft In the bn.irlcsu.ue afterpiece. Julius Frnnkcuburg will play the port of "The Com- mon People." adapted from Oppcr's famous cartoons. Palmer Ilownuiu will handle Ihe role of Gov. Iladley, and Ucorgc L. Cox will Impersonate Roosevelt. i Al. W. Fii.hon, ono of the chnracter actors with tho Sellg Paciflc Coast forees, is a unique example of tho fascination which photoplay work: holds for the best rlitsj of singe people. Mr. Ftlson, who Is fairly well advanced In years, is n man who doesn't have to work for a living. Not by a long way! lie owns one of the finest orange groves in Southern California, holds control of four producing oil wells, and has fattened his imrso through dealt In fancy real estate. Mr. Fiison left the stage, where he and his wife had been famous for years, to go into business, and he was successful in a largo way. But tho lure of moving pictures proved Irresistible to him, and ha has yielded to the work heart and soul. Tho little frost which hit California orange groves this Winter cost Mr. Fllson about $10,000. Mr. Fllson appears in the rolo of old Col. Haaklns, In Belle's latest animal feature. "A Wise Old klcpbuut." TIMELY SELIG FILE hootblist. The Ohio audi Indiana floods have been realistically pictured by the Sells Polyscope Co., who rushed their operator from Chicago to the scenes of the disaster. On April 1 the Sellg Co. released a special, twenty-four boors after negatives were received, showing the many thrilling scenes that transpired at Dayton; tho swirling waters, the heroic res- cues of the Imperiled occupants, dinging des- perately to places ot refuge, fully verifying the description, of the flood by the newspa- pers. The fact that the operators had to face all sorts of danger to get these excellent re- sults, makes this fltm an the more remarkable. ■ Kathltn Williams, who was recently married to Robert Alien, of the Burbank Theatre, in Los Angeles, last week purchased an extensive tract of residence property In one of the suburbs near Los Angeles. It is Miss Williams' Intention to build a unique bungalow upon this site, which she and her husband can use for a home while they are located in the Southern metropolis. JEROME EDDY BENEFIT. The benefit tendered to Jerome Eddy San- day night. March SO, drew an audience tliut taxed the Liberty Theatre to its capacity. Probably more money was represented than ever before in the boose, from the fact that not only were advanced prices paid for many of the seats, but in many Instances seats and boxes purchased by prominent players were returned to be sold again. Many prominent • players had volunteered their services, and there were few disappoint- ments. Ethel Barrymore, who Intended to make a special trip from Pittsburgh, Pn„ where she appeared last week, wired her re- grets owing to tho fact that the floods had disorganized railroad travel and made it im- possible for her to be In New 1'oik Sunday night. Blancho Ring sang "Bedelia," "Kings on Her Fingers," ''Tip I Addy," and others. Car- ter De llavcn and wife rendered a medley of songs. De Wolf Hopper gave one of hla humorous talks. Alexander Carr sang "Tho Rose of tho Ghetto," from "Louisiana Lou," and gave a recitation. 'Florence Jerome sung several songs in con- junction -with Harry Von Tllcer. Laura Ouerlte, Willie Weston, Mike Ber- nard, VUollnaky. IMItu Clifford, Charles A. Mason. Tom Fcnfokl and Henry Marshall, the Bison City Four. Helen Davis, Artie Mehllncer and Samuel Ash wore others on the bill who lent good aid In giving a thor- oughly pleasing entertainment, which lasted until after 11 o'clock. AD in all. the benefit to the "dean of press agents" was an unqualified success, and re- flects credit upon Its protectors. »■ » An iNTKMRTjya announcement of tho post week was that of the engagement of Louise Randolph, late art director and leading woman of her own company. The Marlowe Players, of Chicago, to be lending woman of the new company being formed for Spring- field, Mass., of which Walter Clarke Bellows will be stage manager. Miss Randolph is one of the most distinguished dramatic lend- ing women In tho country, her association la this field having been with many of tho most important companies of the East. Tho new company, which is now being formed by II. L. Dlllcnback, will be one of tho strong- est In the East, nna will open on April 21. Tins Arthur Chatterton Stock Co. Is lo- cutcd at McrlUtn, Conu. ■applememtsri List—Received Too Late tor Clsaaltcauou. A born Engl lob Grand Opera — Trenton, N. J., April 4. .Barrett, Edward. Players (E. 0. Btwwu, mgr.)— •Darlington, Wis.. 31-Aprll 5. Bohemian Stock—Elmlra, N. Y., ill-April 5. "Billy, the Kid"—Lawrence, Mass., April 4, 5, "Balkan Princess, The"—Hamilton, Can., 12. Barkoot, K. Q„ Stows—Concord, K. 0., 31- Aprll S, Winston-Salem 7-12. "County Sheriff, The"—Wee ft Lambert's—King- ston, Ont., Oan., April 5, Port Hope 10, Peter- boro 12. "Oounteas OoqneUe"—Kalamoaoo, Mich., April 3. De Koveo Open (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Hamil- ton, Can., April 8. Evans', Geo.. Honey Boy Minstrels (Daniel Shea, mgr. (—Norfolk, Va., April 12. Eltlnge, Julian—A. H. Woods'—Terre Haute, Iiid., April 13. "East Lynn"—Indiana polls April 7-0. "Family, The" ■ (W, II. Bruno, mgr.)—Cowrie, la., April 2, Uansoa 3, Pomeroy 4, Gllmore B, Rolfe 7, Pocahontas 8, Marathon 8. "Fool There Was, A"—Erie, Pa., April 3. "Freckles"—Indianapolis April 10-12. Glfford ft Donnelly Co.—Plattevllle, Wis., April 712. GrapewlD, Charles (Frank Perley, mgr.)—Muh- vTlle. Tern., April 7-12. Grieves' Musical Oomedy (John Grieves, mgr.)— Shenandoah, Pa., April 3-5. "Girl of the Underworld, A"—Wee * Lambert's— Lebanon, Fa., April 4, Reading 6, Worcester, Mass., 7-0. Springfield 10-12. "Girl ot the Mountains, A"—Wee ft Lambert's— Sioni Falls, S. Dak., April 0, Bmmetalmrg, la., 9, Algorta 10. Albert Lea. Mini., 18. "Girl of My Dreams. The"—Jos. M. Galtea'— Elmlra, N. T., April 8. "Girl In the Taxi, The"—Camden. N. J., April 8-5. Honest Bill Show—Qnrsemo, Kan., April S, Will- iamsburg' 7, Richmond 8, Greeley 6, Parker 10, Ceatcrville II. Blaemomul 12. "Human Hearts"—Baltimore April 7-12. Home Stock—Jamestown, N. Y., 31. Inderlnlt.0. Holden Players—(Correction)—Indianapolis 81, Indefinite. "Love Leash, The"—Atlantic Olty, N. J., 31- Aprll S. "Little Women"—Scrantos, Pa., April 3-5. Lewis, Dave—Terre Haute, led., April 8, 0. "Lion and the Moose, The"—Terre Haute, Ind., IS. Lonlne, Robert—Llebler Oo.'s—Cleveland, April T-12. "Little Miss Mix Up"—Battle Creek, Mich., April 2. Marks Bros.' Go. (R. W, Marks, mgr.)—London, Ont., Can., 81-Aprll 5, Woodstock 7-12. Murdock Bros.' Comedians (Al. Murdoek, mgr.) —Spencer, Mass., 31-Aprll 2, Ware 3-5. Mantel), Robert B.—Wm. A. Brady's—Trenton, N. J.. April 3. Manhattan Players—Wllkea-Barrc, Pa., April 7- 30. "Missouri Girl, The." Feature (L. A. Edwards, mgr.)—Oiitrallu, Mo.. April 2, Moberly 5, Sal- isbury 7. Triplet t 8, Hale 0, Braymer 11, Bicckenbrldge 12. "Muestones"—Kluw ft Krlangct's—Buffalo. 30- AprU 0. "Miss Nobody from Starland"—Battle Creek, Mich., April 3-5, North Bros.' Stock (correction)—McAIester, Okla., 31, Indefinite. "Newlyweds, The"—Norfolk, Vs., 31-Aprll 5. "Our Wires"—Peoria, 111., April 2, 8, Terre Haute, Ind., 7. "Old Homeelead, The'*—Montreal, Can,, 30-AnrlI 5. Hartford. Conn.. 10. 11. "One Day"—Louisville 80-Aprll 5. Power, Tyrone—Erie, Pa., April 2, Elmlra, N. Y„ 0. "Passing Show of 1012" — Terre Haute, Ind., FOR s a.le-3 Picture Moving Machines, wlta stereo-combined lot slide, 20 reels nuns, no lank, all for $150. Somersault, High Diving Trick, Dogs and Doves; Soda Fountain. Will exchange dogs, doves, soda fountain foranythlnglc&nuao in parka, or food fllma. Prof. Harry Smith, Grata, Pa. April 0. "Pllgi Igrim'a Progress," hi Motion Pictures—Battle Creek, Mich.. April 4, 5. "(Junker Girl. The'*—Peoria. HI.. April 4, B. Russell. Annie. Old Engllsb Comedy — Buffalo April 7-12. Russell. Lillian, assisted by Moving Pictures—- Elnilrn. N. Y.. April 8. King, Blanche—Syracuse, N. *%> April 8, 0. LIB DAVID iTIIIIII Age so, height 6 ft. s in., weight 140 lhs. Anything cast lor. Address OltASU OPBRA HOUSE OTTAWA, OUT., CAW. WANTED leading Man, H«avy, Comedian, Lead- taag Woman, Character Woman, In- Kane, Piasalst, Agent, Uood People for ■wrtolre. Slammer's work. Price's Popular Players RASTON, HD. WANTED, ror Stetson's UncleTom's Cabin Co. Actors who doable band, Trombone, Trap Drum- mer for B. and O., etc.; also Colored Singers and Dancers, etateloweatsalary. LEON WABHBURfl", Manager. April t, Torre Haute, lad.; 1 WUUanav port, ind.; 8 Danville. PL at oactv Ai OJsMHET PLAYER* B. & 0. (HIGH PITCH IffSTIUIMENT8.) Write to ' Wire, stating salary, t _ OKAS. F, HARRISON «3ajo Haarrlson Theatre. Co». TKMPIJg, TKX Wanted, At All Times TRICK CYCLISTS liADIBS AND OESTLBMES Wire ox write, dan use you at once. Address CHARLIE aiikarn, Care ot CLIPPER. Behcet. Frltr.1—Jos. it. Oaitca'—Norfolk, Vs., April 11. "Seven Hours In New York"—Wee & Lambert's— Sandusky, 0., April 0. Ashland 7, Wooster 8, New Philadelphia 9, Franklin, Pa., 11, Green- ville 14. "Servant In tbe House, The"—Jones ft Crane's— Win. la., AprU 2, Newhall 3. Toledo 4, Tracr 6, Cedar Rapids 0, Waterloo T, Hampton 8. "Snn Dodgers, The"—Lew FleHe'—Baltimore April 712. "Seminary Old, The"—Norfolk. Va., 31-Aprll 0. Serosa, Mary—Grand Rapids, Mich.. April tl. Sothern, K. H., and Jnlia Marlowe Cleveland April 7-12. Thomas' Musical Comedy (T. F. TJosnas, n»CT.)—• Lynn, Mass., 31-Aprll 0, Portland, Me., 7-12. Thurston, Adelaide—Boy City. Mich., April 12. "Virginian. The"—Jones A Crane's—Plsno, III.. April 2, Mendota 3, Qolva 4. Kewance 5, Hock Island 6, Morrison 7, Clinton 8. Savannah 9. Manchester, la., 10, Independence II. „ _. Van, J. R„ players—Aurora, III., 31-Aprll B, OorienhDKen 7-12. Warfleld. David (Correction)—David Belaaco's— West Knd. New York. AjMril 7-12. "Wolfe, The"—Jones ft Crane's —Kellogg, '«•• AprU 2. Plalnview 8, OhatAeld 4. St. Charles B. Stewartvlue, Minn.. 7, Grand Meadow 8,; Waseca 0, Wells 10. Winiiebago 11. Wlndoan 1- Walker. Oharlotte—Elaw * Erlanger's—Baffalo April 7-13. _ „ "Where the Trail Divides"—Syracuse, X. I., April 3.0. If '•