The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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APBtt* 5 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 THB ^ *gE>W YORK CITY TH EATRES CONTINUED ATTRACTIONS. 1IUAMATIO AND MUSICAX. "AHR BOYD." . w ^ u « sk '» (Charles Burnham. mgr.)— KEITH'S VmOR SQUARES. (BLliKH F. MMIM, MOB.) .The show »t the old "Snuare" week of inOLF PHIUPP'S.—Adolf Phlllpp, la Lucille Le Verne, of Will N. Harben's nov2 M8rch 81 '.M J*»lewed at the opening per- (Sam 8. & Leo Shubert. Inc., proprietors).— AW "Auction Pinochle," nineteenth week, of the same name. Produced Honda* March % or . m f BC * Monday matinee, contains that In- The Ocitha, a Japanese- musical piny In two MM,ASCO.—"Te»rB of Discretion." fifteenth 81, by the Messrs. Shnbert, with this cast ■ uellnlte something which tend* to make Idem) acta, was given a delightful rovlval at this mh „/Zb ... . S2» W "* M vaudeville entertainment, house Thursdny erg., March 27, vritu thin oast: "THE GEISHA." Weber A Fields' Forty-fourtluStreet .Jam S. A Lee Rhubcrt. Inc.. proprietor*).— contains that In- The OcMia, a Japanese musical play In two week. Act 1—1860. CASINO.-The Beggar Student," second ^^^^ :::::; ..^noe G^U Safi.ftjSl.M, week. J*2LSa!^*«L*J!e*H-S*J»M ?'"? "»;.• -....,. James T. Powers PBNTOBy?— "Joseph and His Brethren," Nettle ...7777. vS3ILiLE3& tr|o. wbottoee aU tho abooUng la a wonder Tommy Stanley.. .. CB eleventh wee£ gHNfi............ Wnson^?™? K5k**2?t Doole ' an(1 "®? <M * New DlckftiSSSSnam... rRlTERION.-*obert miliar*}, In The Ar- Col. Chester.. "mSEX n£2S A , ct f)> two ^""II n«ra ta a varied aaaortment Boglnald Fairfax.... C1U1 J~i« caae." fifteenth week. aXmhaT.i ™V' V . Ic6atu Gordon of songs and comedy, followed and left the Naml... roRT-Uuretto Taylo?. to "Peg o' My Additional Characters in Acta II. Ill audience In excellent humor for Prancla Juliette.:! . ... . H Heart," flitejathwek^ ■ Luke Kin* *V-1876. ^ m ^ Yatoa ; »Je ? a^ Impersonator^ who ahowed_a Maranls.Intarl.. don CI Cecil Rerwird ... .Charles, King ...Carl Gantvoort ....Irene Caselnl ... .Georgia C'nltie .. Kdwrn Btcvpna /lAiPTV^'Stop Iblet" fifteenth week. lfe l filft"»*"«V.\"\V.* | ^H6j»aajaj ^Cathrlne Countii'a^Uted 'by a coinpany Chu^rTT.Tr!V.'.'.V.'.\'.\'.V.V.iS^"So3«r g^^lady^fteailPPer," twenty- S®^W:"V/^,|B tiU^a'SdV ESP TM Ste—.VrffiS .Preiartca Slemons «r<mg heart Intereat. and was received with Blossom Zetta Metchik SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS. VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED Raw and Second Hand deanery la Stock HURRAY EJJLL SCENIC STUDIO HURRAY HILL TBKATRB, N. Y, WALTBUtt, MAXHY.Marr. Tel. MMMar. Bill. BROADWAY AND 89th STREET BUILDING • ILL SUBLET MAGNIFICENT Suit* el OFFICES Opposite Metropolitan Opera House, overlooking Pennsylvania Station, alao few single offlco* at as- tonishing low rsntala. Plan and details on request. MIL.TOK NATKIlf 8 Afjagj on pr.mli.1, or yenx- Broker. Waycroft third week. Mar OBOROB M. COHAN'S.—May Irwin, In ••Widow by Proxy," sixth week. HIPrODROMB.—"Under Many Flags," thirty-first week. HARRIS.—''The Master Mind," seventh rjfMjfc HUDSON.—"The Poor Little Rleh, Girl," eleventh week. . .. . . fa , t ^ gaff thaTtirnTlt"w"Sutd have "■JlitaWaki.Ttl •*7^ *Vt»n*Jlias, OJOUUU9 -"- ™s» ■ " —■ ■ »*'<-'«^ «■"** "" .a IP. V» V VU FV ' LAI *J i.rrJBUTJl . . . . . a.nfflS,&rf£SKS*Y Harriet Bent ™pt attention, by the capacity house. (Seo Golden Harp SiWf""* 1 ,me ' Luclla Wade New Acta.) Chrysnnthcmi IIAMMEUSTEIN'S. (WH. UAitMERSTEIN, MOB.) Thla popular house continues to pursue .Cora Trader Van Hoven, the dippy mad magician, had £.', e Violet '.Edith Timyor Aunt Maria. After several "dark" weeks this house re- tbmjtiS^tf^T^tn&iSSliSbSS £ oko San-- .......'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.". '.TAnnaViiilon • Pa n sa) <n Mn—T«y night, with the above snd tite seats are pretty strongly secured at Hanna^San ..Amelia Roso i on a ' HE n,^?!* ,no CTCD tl>nor Pt lis way, and capacity bual Alice Baldwin nem nilea nt all nerformsn<<i<a. 1YRIC. —'Sam Bernard, in "All for the Ladles." fourteenth, and last week. LYCEUM.—H. B. Warner, In ITThe Ghost Breaker." flfth week. UAXINB BLLIOTTB,—"Bomance," eighth week, UANHiATTAN OPERA HOUSE—"The Whip," twentieth week. NEW AMSTERDAM.—"Oh. Oh, Delphlne," ninth, week at this house. TARK.—^Eva Tanguay Co., last week. PRINCESS.—Four one act plays. REPUBLIC—"A Good Little Devil." thir- teenth week. THIRTY-NINTH STREET—"The Five Frank- furters," flfth week. nests rules at all performance*. Pauline, the comedy bypnotlnt, who has Just returned from a successful tour of Ku- rope, la clvcn the headline honors of thla wvek'a bin, and he ftlla the position right worthily, Pauline always makes hla per- formances enjoyable by bringing Into them a chief brindof -drama"was"ix; greaT^e.- ^S^iMJM^TU wYSTT'ver? Ar&u? SSmM* and SS SrTsbu' & rWS»^TL Hat of aplendld Bo?d e "V°th^ bt a™V^'?r^ C '* Sb "BTua Don^' 6 " "**""" KMlmoT »- ta f«t ^ the grand style In wlXh.hey'rcvh'ed acts'contXd tatlls 0 w^el's biu?the"namo wpya, for ttere are tnousaads of women Bella Donna. this richly entertaining; musical offering, of dainty Besslo Wynne Is given tho proml- actor, and un . on entering the house the atmosphere rings nonco It deserves. Miss Wynne, osaullfully class, pre- S ut , tt . sample or what you are going to enjoy, cofrtiimod, aariK her sorws Impressively and rtst." Ills }°* •» is Japanese from the moment you step all wero cr- mentioned play, which, according to the play- Union Sanare. Ho has a great laughing act. !•*• 8»n '..'.'..." .'.'Siiaanno Douglas wrlght, was written aome years ago. Had Violet Dale Baac three specially written Sakl San Nelllo iwd KNICKERBOCR^rT— JuUa Sanderson, In "^ n P™nee* «t that Ume it would have S un *"» * introduced several dialects Let na begin right by heaping a few de- ami-njBjtto 8OT-hlBe Glrl „ ^m week - been a great Bucceas, for then the handker- S 4 " 31 ' 11 * ^em ollvery well esneciaUy the eorvlng gooof worJa upon tho Shoulder of „.., ,. 'Bella Donna, who love to cry over the misfortunes of the Owen McOivenay. a protean ttage heroines. Now that tbe greater part one of tho moat artistic in his of the orchestra seats at Wallack's costs eented hla version of "Oliver Twist only a dollar, tills class of plan get a ba— a good o Mm La Verne (who is also"ln"the cast), has folio— Nance u own scorea neavny in tne tine loHowed all the "vocalla: t and comedlni' role, which gives her plenty of opportunities that preceded them, and cleaned up one of t . Thc first settlnjf Is a beautiful stago pic for cmoUooal actlna-. and Mass O'Neill tnkea the hits of the bill. Herb. Ashley made a £f r0 - lowing tho Teahouse of the Tea encored; ££& .?!!L ^ la ^. of 1 S a, 'fS rs . wl . u S ar i cter actln ? wlu o* 111, comparison with in from Forty-fourth Street. Than you are The Six Musical Cuttys gave their claaay VSrSJSSL « AP™. B °y"' xt ■* ^e °«*. • n ^ "is changes are made In a . m «* • n < 1 u»aorod to yowr seat by {ho girl act In their quietly refined manner, their .. ?I w „ /2L "P 0 .**P"u -x. warvelously short apace of time. ushers, each of whom are attired In a Japan- mualcal selections being rendered with their 9U* J "?*- fl*S I? also in tte cast), Ashley and Lee in their faanlliar talUng e *<> 5™»* And Musical Director O. Sh-iola usual skill and perfection. gMwg&Jg' H"^ " ^ JtOT -tWtjtfngr. and staying vehicle, "A Night In Chlnntown" 22S?52Ll85 r ««»of wltb his capable Tho sketch position of the program was In "l"?..? N f I1! T*™* 1 , h f* TU / l» the tftla followed all the "vocalising and comedlng" ebT ,i^ orchoMro. . v the capnblo hands of Bert Leslie and com- pany, and tho lively sketch. "Hogan, the »""i»v u. iuv iuu Painter,' was greeted as an old friend. Mr. Silif !S? f 5.£ f iS an ^S e i ia ?J n,ln '. 8tr0 P* 8lM>rt l*" 0 ot thanks. Houghton, Morris ff!?" 8 ^^ 3<> '">- f* YO" r thrilling apprecla- Leslie's alang talk was, ag usual, a feature. 5^vS:«^To?. r^if^f 1 J5? ***lJ*- *■ and Houghton closed the sbow with a three „*,",,*?, lnc rensoU by tlie alnguig of "Tho Frank Fogarty. "The Man from Dublin,' WINTER GARDEN.—"The Honeymoon Ex- iSRSPJS! '2!, f£fi!ft A* w i5^ C S f° man Wc y cle formation which had the nu- SBffJjE , ,n **? opening chorus ensemble, P«t over Ms Irish sayings and songs In hia press," eighth week. £$££ SS,£',.Ypun ^ and pretty wife In dlence In turn watching In trepidation, and J£f p JK J»puti.' And so you remain la that well known clover fashion. Thoro Is no one WM. COLLIER'S COMBDT.—"Faany'B First rf^#2?«H l Efc2"85* , 8S2$ woman ^owllng with laughter at their hair raising B2E?*JHJS S*"! r*!« flr8t number, fol- Just like Fomrty. Play," nineteenth week. n JLf i w0 A ( J?' C A *»*» P"** "*"■ yc »™ Wle tricks and comedy rough riding. I3 w l"« ''""''.Jno oxtremeJy fimny trouWca l»»y Gould and nolle Ashlyn, In their r£Li«? , r?W25 ^if"?? 'woman. man bicycle act which had the audience In *i '.J" 189 a / Power* aa Wun HI. proprietor songs, conversation and dances, camo mlRlily _ mqtrt I* Verne acted the role of Jane turn watching In trepidation, and howling Sf Jft e teahouse, to save hla chief gelBba. «ic»r walking away with the ahow honor* Heinmlngway ta splendid fashion. Her scene with laughter at their hair raising cyclo 2 J*"" 08 * ■■* *"* inarrylna; at least one Wlnsor MrCay entertained finely with hla in tho last art (when atto lea ma that she tricks and comedy rough riding. (See New= of .hi 8, !i t ? r ?-.. pictorial drawlnga. GttEELETSQUARE. ™J£?%EF%?£L* here sz&gJ&Stt&SL'S. "Albert Donnelly «iowed clever ahadow- ettdhsS *" "*** * ^ "*' Sn 8 t?.vS W M " h,Wd " * Bd * ^ MiDe "SS 8?mTn^k new co ne r to Broad- "'He» Wanted" la • sketch employing a ^'i fl e a cleTer performance at the slip- #ece n ,vid ra bV er -th, A sea *K «S 81e v?z 9 n m Mfl ?ii■ai.ffusf w?sj& _ comedy rough riding. (Seo New Acts.) Edison's talking motloaplcture? _ "The Worm Turns" and "Vie Master Harry. pictorial drawings. the boxing kangaroo act Interest ofthe audience. ■-•'* in t contlnuea to make good mSLS'SS SB R'. 6 "* 0 ' Production. Edwin «* » *«ngl«" 1n up to-date aonss, an agr.•r- ™W h«. and Mr. Stevens Is playing the «DIo pcraonollty bring a valuable asset to Ma rSfJSSJ« •■ ,<le"«htfully. it la that of set. ^.^? e **?*!?•, . w«» drat produced In thla The oddity of I presented £?, un, V ■* g»V" Theatre on Sept 0. 189«L served to hold tho I er Mind" w „ l , tu .HL*Sf »P eln,,er <>' ">e original east ArtJo Mehllnger f^S^SS^L.t f. &W T&'^tSS'Zi'k WOTtoeT-g ""The Seven Bracks begin their acrol.atlc (euu taomi, mob.) Is deonly In love with q Mlmoaa. Ho revokea work where maoy of" their conmet/.tors The bill nt the Colonial for the week be- 5S„jl„if , tne teal >ouse and baa all the '«»»* off. Thero has certainly been wltnetwd eaffs on him, when he pleads for his liberty for the sake of -hla family. His Identity Is established and he Is released and hired. The young man played the Italian effectively, and Toe production left notMng; to be desired, selves into the good graces of the audience wu ? happens along on a yachting trip with was all that could be desired. Select/. with a clever and handsomely costumed act. h a W w /. nnc ; So she (Molly) dons tho Mollle King, a newcomer here, sang sevoral ' i Norton and Nicholson have a very classy ''"'"ha disguise and dances at the same mn ** «nA d'4 Imitations entertalnlnnly jeservaltWr«lso7wa-s-wen-,-,.ed. likewise PHOOTOR'S TWEHTPV-THIHD 8TBBET. ®E5S£ Car^n^M' brtfnl "& ^5 fffeStSS .-W l lSfUffm» Re^e Santo, have a ,, the mhjtress. (wttLJAit a. Matthews, mod.) fast and extremely funny lines, with numer- b ; y.* ! ; r 'I u| s ImarL She is rescued and re- fined and artistic act. Introducing song solos, C. W. Llttlcfleld retains all of hte youthful A five piece orchestra now decoratea the ?ue funny situations which kept tho audlcnco VSES t0 *#!* *»lrfax, however, when <J«ets, and expert dancing, and they word specialty of mimicry p | t at this 'yere popular house. Manager w tnebest of humor throughout Se2™8 ° , fcreac '> J Interpreter attendant, one of the best liked numbers of the long I recitations over la Matthews has the "real" idea of harmonU- K J - 'Francla Dooley and Corlrme Sales, In a ™S5 «, p i a ? e unde ?'. "• e .. orl<ta ! Te" «nd hill, tuoyancy, and got hla and impersonations and lhat carry, and the make-ups of the various stalled. Results^—charming. lnft jE (8 tB9 act * ol K n,t< l 1 ? '^ 8 1 Ho * nd Una Abarhanell bad one of eperators are funny. Bliptical wheels, step- a "regular" big bill the flret half of the _^ ,Ba Buejcer, billed as the world's great- SJ'JHS na , mDC f» ot tho present production, ladder wheels, wheelbarrow wheels, paddle week made the incoming one of Thursday, e ? t i ""? na ? 'cellist, proved to the audience ¥} y ion "j**?.' »nd they were warmly ap- wheela. plnwheels, wagon wheels, mill wheels 27. appear somewhat any. but, considering Jgf», BH »,f 0 accomplished performer on Pisuded and broufht hack for numerous en- Old Timer, "Snooky Ookums" and "Come and Hiss Your Little Baby" to several recalls. A lady worked la the audience tor this number with . Vivian Kane's opentag selection was not ence'gave* venT to their" apVredatloa! "Hla which were ilfflenTt but dcie^ithVraco"and AUe ? loppUy chosen, but she came back In a nice female partner doea more than feed, aa she ea ??i ( £ ? e a a ? t scored heavily. fpwn, singing "I Wish Tou Did Belong to manipulates a bit herself and doea It w< Hi!" to several persons In the audience. Jean Graham, a pretty girl, offered "when Tou Were Sweet Sixteen" was well minutes' worth of her ability on a v •a Zcppilli and Carl Gantvoort have <o "Villon rtctorea. been beard to hotter advantage. "The Loew'a Dylnnoe Provtor'a PlftyclirMli Street (-F. F. Proctor, par,)—Vaudeville and motion pk- III for first half ot week: Hruninn Bryson, Kay and Irving, Merman company. MorrWy and Rich, _ Comedy Clreua ror last half: Rnmson Trio. Harry Fcnn Dalton, Kelly and IV.Sn'wortli. 41 Burton, Brown Broa., and nigra,)—Motion ~ appear la the now devoted oliinccy Street (Bernard Frank, well. . ,9 bJck Ss'es, the" protearTentertalnor, never Aiaornos Goldflah" /ully' dSpfuyed r 'the ex- ol «J.)—Vaod>vlllo and motion pictures. 'luisite voice Mia. Zewllli posksks. while wSHftfJL.^E v : PWS5. aft.) - ten '?"» t0 Put over hi* "Country School" «pe- _ violin **> snd * h o| high class entertain- retnembered and encored. with fine results. Besides *elng well up in ment was given by thla clever Uttle per- Jss. Bums, the wire walker, did a aeries her specialty, Hiss Grabam wears good cos- fonner of rural character, ef good stunts on the tight and alack wire, tumes well and proves a good single act. . J >T ; p aTi Hermann had a hard road to .— - -; -:-j— 3. — v -"- r»"—■ ■»«" it— . . . riding and balancing a bicycle. He also Charles Forcher and a company of two ♦'?"! to get his electric act over. The wait "H? Sifs ,n tne duct with MIni Abnrba- »,.h,T? ,, t!_f, ., ,^X*"" e . <Ed ' 3 - Vf ' rorked in a barrel with a bottom, sliding men offered a comedy burglar sketch, entitled between his opening part and tho Illusion noil, "llue Toy/' and "Star of My Soul" sung ?' a ?. 0D ' ■**»—Vaudovlllo and motion pic- the same along and Jumping in and out of "Hte Nerve." The foundation of the bit is nwfle the audience restless, but nevertheless alon ,e- „ .„ ft frith easy precision. good, but is crude with Its present cast. ft?, 8 ? 4 °J er ln fine style With bis "Haunted , Charlie Klnc and Irene Cassunl also had a The pictures Included "Moonefhlner's tnat De War's Circus travels along mostly on "'J 00 *^ mystery. duct number, "Jnppy Jap Jappy," and both Stand/^ "The Unprofitable Boarder." "The the fun derived from the bucking mule, but , *** Samuels, in a bad position, next to ""a « »it, of opportunity to display their """■us Reward" and "The German Stagers." the animal refused to remain within the closing, cased over a number of new rags dancing abilities during the number. 'So Long, Good-bye" was the Harris gong ropes st this show, so the fun wna mhssed. an _d nihe dirties, which are always a big hit „ '•eofgla Cnlne, Paulino Hall and Frank „.,.,„ „ , ;■— :-•'— offering. Closed well with tie pony on the spinning when this performer sing. them. Pollock gave a good account of themselves, ™'J 0 ,jnd jnwtloit pictures, Sehrode and Chnppclle presented their pa- table. Uietic interview between a drunken man Morrissey and Rich, a man and woman, wnom his wife has located ln a saloon, and offered their "squirrel food" talking and aiog- vho, after a quarrel and a lively exchange lng act to many laughs. They work well together. Two of the old Original Madcaps compose half of the Four Nemos, aa acrobatic dan- cing girl act that, with a little re-arrange- ment of the numbers, will be fit for advance- ment The girls are all pretty, are graceful a elty. ef repartee, repents and accompanies her home. It gave satisfaction. KM JBFFBRBOW. (X. BKBNSTEIN, MOB.) ■ 5 ' opening Thursday, March 27, con- dancers and didn't neglect dressing the act to ined plenty of variety and was consistently tastefully, entertaining throughout, The orchestra of Gene Sum*. *«r ...u.u v.. hwm, „.. ,^.-,t- . i-tt . - ..—. —— —-- pis bouse, that all-imnortant adjunct of a worked out four picture, with the oil and 2i°J! r i*" the first to put in an appearance and «rst class vaudeville program, is on a par brush. Opening with a horse's head, which ■"I** • p SS» ,tT ' and ■•* with a hearty re- *ith any ot the beat of the two-a-day. The he changed to a Hon, then a favored one of ^f?" 00 - Tnetwo songs rendered, of which •Pen."* number was given by Twisto, a con- a dog, and closed with n tiger sketch to the S™» t i e „ C0 ?J ,o * e L' 1 w * r0 "f encore getters. lorUtmist, who hats a "aomoivhat different" tuna of "Tammany." The audience were r?S2 J* cn «" ve bta monologue and went •outtii* of trlcta. andnresents an act that generous with their approval. tELt^I*!^ -i«.^. - *. will go on any bill. He will be heard from KInemacolor and the Patents Company pic- «™Si *?° "* without .question, one of in fast company very shortly. . 'wnnor and Bonner,, a man and woman •ngtng and dancing comblORtlon, otta l" c *jgn* OHMlley of tongs and patter. We Ua Three," a trio of colored folks, Cold Storage Egg" (Kaleta) this couples'duet, "Teiich"Me to~Ws»"'wlth- Va " ( l e vllle and motion pictures, the nejyssary buslneas administered, wae - ■ > ■ ! ** ■ ■■* J*V9. . U. Wesley Ro»eo- splendldly rang a half dosen times o'er. SSft »»».) — VaudeviUe and motion pic- Mr. Gan Ijoort's^ voice and personaljty wore ,ur 5'- Mahor tures. Mnnhnttnn (Waller Vcager, uigr,)—First run motion pictures are shown hero. gaajejaj (13 L. Weill, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures, Plaaa (David Benjamin, mgr.)—Vaude- ........ . Ho and motion pictures, Ce Dqra, the girl in the goldeu globe, was nn<1 . tu « choru. waa tplendidiy trained and l'. l Sf ain . •«"«»• (Chas. Ferguson, mgr.) fine closing act with her motor cycle nov- P««cd. ' —Motion pictures and vaudeville. Olio. ... T ^ CTe never has been shown a more beau- ,, 'K™"" (Charles 8. Potsdam, mgr.)— tlful procession of klmouos than thla revival "BS™ 1 " * D< ' niotlon plctues. brought Into llttlo old New York last Tours- „ Vil 0 "' T.*? 0 " 01 *^ Pictures of Paul J fc day evening. ItMmf* Afrlcaa hunt began the twenty- r 'Thc OcW' is delightful, and will con- <1 *8*!'"?*£.•* *6 to .}!P"» «*«» *>• tlnue to revive old Joy. to Hie eMer and new v -«*fJ?iI. < ? r .f e *l. Har !ZJ , ** kmM ' ■e».|~ oon- t0 *■ younger generations for woe time to * i J™*5a! a . D< i aaa fl g pxctores. come. * ™"° "■" w „ Lo«w'« Awatnao fj (S. N. Knbn, agr.l— Tha second w/i>k.b<»ron March M. Tod. Vaudeville and motion pictures. »— mvwwoL. j VU . Hemid faiauir* (MTBothsealld, mgr.)— ., 4 ,. OT Bualnesa here «. eieel/«tt\p»rit' "Jnlc- I'ALACB, turea are shown. ' <«tasx Thompson, mob.) ,9°"'* d y 1 Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Moilon The bill fer the week Includes four bold- ''ciiS.^v. 1 SkJffli! 4 " IS^lJ overs from .last week. The bill, opened with cfr&&* V ff*&jg& W* PROCTOB'S FIFTH AVENVB. (OIIB MCCOKE, WltL.) Those long shows are becoming quite popu- lar here, and Manager McCunela to •be con- gratulated on thia big bnslness puller. Jamea and Bonn to Thornton, those two good old stand-bys, cleaned up with their The Painter of Animals," u ? oal up-to-date and anappy material. Hon Jtoriio-s bulldog.; here la a real novelty anl" j 0 uu»\.J22! :be %K M ^ K . mar ' ) ~ mal act, which was n very clever opener. St.,!. K. , '*„ we ?^ . J,''* Ds«*'ora ncxt Thla Never The The S?*J ^5S a rf,^ e ^? n :iS* Jenny^eame in franl Dlck,y tB d company, preacating'The 11^,,^^^^" fw W» week. "The sing, dance andpiay piano very well Indeed. a • "Li fS^Jf^'^ JffiP Uas0 . ™ e boja Come Back," a college .ketch, went over In W*g« *" * ^£ w , 1 ? c 7»iIJ. n S • »»«* cai>a- Jut the sketch flea should be dropped ami Gawd Orna Hoaue <R. 3. Madden, S 0 !*'JhT^S^? 22£ Si'^Ki'&'kH i nBt <*terT»ni with w exceptional cast and tie Bov?*'' *"* ot Aprt1 7 ' ^tner and "• Mt presented ln one. mgr.)—"The Count of taisiboarg" la this S 0 B *i. ,n * t were Ttr * weU «» iUlfl *» ***** "ne stage setting, waa a hit KelTCv. tu,., ,%. Im ^ „ -. -.. 4..VTOUICU in one. mgr.j——i-ae urnm 01«noo»rK 1. tnis T ,^, ■—• —— -» »-*« „„c Husr •eniDt was n nu. Kalikta iil.. ,1 ,s„ ,,}?!**: • «?te, dainty little M1m, offered a week's <*erl»jr, with BehtMMe. A. Percy *"?!*. _. Ota G/«l. the tIoU.i Tirtaao. played several m^Jilrui. rhiT S!*T*a»i C !SHfH. B »° ( n, 'e r ». J}J|"iand singing epeclalty to merited ap- Woodley, Al. Fairbrpthe^ Fred .Walton. _Ru»- ..**» •* d ^f^ n ^J'»^niajn, f ta songs and Brnifeajj eaja *a aj masterful nuuustr, and waa BeHaven. Wllard^Maek M^ hfTr aadiBBM v.i. «nd eeaipn'nr. "Court bv mSS^Vt^SSSH Plauae. Hg Slmpaon, Harold J. Rehltt, Irene Palmer, P |nflo . P'ailng were on too late, and this reoarded a fuse reception. Wltaon and Rich (ollowed »irh their black Evelyn Koctms-, Harriet Do Barry, Minnie word a llg handla* Nerertheles. their Saseha Dator and Novatoa, In ball- neto TRRIKu ZUl ** 5 lr J"' Kn J ] Buuny's • Ikea rona. dauees. were a good offering. E„' ffl„?* tt,sff*Jlty Lucr. Edgar Ber- ,, Artkar Dunn DeJJy Cenaoly and Percy Wenrt5, is their ReAnv NohSl e L!'* M m K */ ■»* ««twelL Ian, Ann Swinburne, Fred Bishop, Hn,-ry «"»<} Catterfae Hayca. were there with aonga poputar and melodious alnglag and piano sBSFSmSS!^ *" a platt - »»« Sam and SS•»*»«*«»««a»d talking act. Tne boya went Martrlt, George L. Moore, Hamad MerrUu. "Mhto ner/Smanoe was well likc.L ra? wel k Their new material and dancing Wta C. Reed, Harry »F. Smith. Frank Mou- I b SS^.**r ,0 •5 t • «* coo **r. ****• ff 11 q Uh were Immense. -id's "Temple of Music," u pretentious j^tnaon. Be^.Gro«l. Weaw'efcwft^Jfofiia f°jlj!*!L.'^*.i*5'_^Li 1 . < 5 1 ^. J^eoo^iiunwr Bgj5aTty t wWw"oS bijr'hit TJoiaBl part, S.* ?*.i"1?, lwm ca Vy ten carloads of stuff Thomas. Beth Harrlaon and Giadya Homfrey ev 25f, »nhrute Oey occupied the stage, ana a "million dollars"' -worth of scenery. In the cast C. W; Wllleto Is the manager; , asJaWww. jashJs^s; moving picture, Four comely young ladles put this big act James BobMns. taetoesa xaaBagerTTFied ^EtttJP^SBSr* . t ^..^_ . Blslwp. stage manager. Heit -week, "The "™»«s ponies pleased the children and Girt from Moutnvsrtre." u«S&- tne jKr2 n ;p»P« *n"ll«on ««B«re Canl.-n—The Baroum ..f ,q > u er and Mullet, a neat two-man singing A Bailey Circus began, March 31, its second w'o "IS ™ e oaaeace of clasa, and their num- week to continued Mr attendance. TTp to the Si™j- re w «l encored. They carry a very present time the business, ln spite of several aanasome velvet drop, which helps some. rainy days, has exceeded that done in tho with their clever rendering of S'orcy ., present- rich's popular fangs. J n f EZ2 *°2« ect * •■!"■ .*•* v *"* 1 «a«onnt of 1a Nnplciltowsku rave her dnside dances, interest. Tbe ceconcl picture was the beat, whle* bar* been eevlewed In tb#w mluam Mlpd,- M>& Edmund Beese. their miufeal nerelty. "U PKita De Us . ?** ?'!2? lfi, * »f«o«haw, in their wonder- Mooteeumas." fill contortion sertomanee act were one ot '*■ **ov sad Kitty Morton. Ki'i tii-n vronx (Harr IS^"" |r " "Foil* lllorry A. Bailey, nigr.) -Thla week's Mil: MagWcilne""h?MooRs, , yj£}5' • B i 1 3", Tt ' B ' A-.Rolfe's "Arcadia/' '"• Jn.rk.oa and McLaren, Bobby and Bale, Viil ftb «£■ tMi }1 PWM^"W» Movie.,'' MubalK ("baa, E. Mark never tb e oJggest fcaxurw^ on the bill ' " pearcd to herber adassdana, aai^ircn 'tha bl The Kaufman Bros., the two black faee nit «n the Mil. Iob Tn«ZJ^™n° T *Hewas iutcrsperaed with mo- same space of time for many seasons, and <0 , mo0an ^ *ntert«tned with aoagf and dldoea, ..npts ~E.i*W m Pf£ ssanadswal mid Tweuir- n- f^*" "?"iiJ C :. Q - Allen . mgr.)-Tne bill fir ft& ,r !« k . , "L 0 Hold-Up,» Klpp and Klppy. '« Aldra SUters.^anacrs and Cnrr; Al. Burton Bro "'?„I ,, ?J n * , *' lf » rr r* •'eno Wallou. Prin- cess Victoria, Southern Quartette, Hborman Frank Ki-rnan and company appearad In 2!?tSHl*^LS5F gaa« nUiajn, Prin- h™ „,_»"*:"- "■■ iiM'iipiv>» niiu uiv- Biime npuie ui inn. n^ nmy oeosons, ana •™™-",>«h.™ji-» "„„ wu(l uuu uiwei, ■ nu. .'-riiui nun company npue«r*l n «„„. vi-»Aif.T^ i Vi—' S . :.,..' "'"• r^?^* 01 * 8 *"» tl» Lub 'n. Psthe Freres there la every lndlcatta that the engage- with much succcbs. " his dramatic playW, "Mant* VaaFwlilch ELErSSs ••»«?•'«, Quartette, Hborman SSf.YiMgraph studios. They were excellent, ment this season will be the blggesttfila „ The Kratona, expert hoop rollers, opened held the attention of die audience rh rough. alEUt? «"J p *" r ' FW an * "srton, Mark A .io u * 0 »s commodloua and beautiful, and popular clrcua ha. ever had In New York. the show and Judging /rata the amount of nut. Mr. Kecnan's portrayal of Jim rJrob. iSLJL ' clca, l r »°d Tracy, and frank La IJ.-JS 1 ' ooa^ucted by Mr. Bernstein, the Fertr-riahtii Mree-t. — The home If «PPls«ae they recetved by their artistic work. B«vo him a chance to vdiow tho audience some «J*' .._ ... Fnrty-ela;litl» «<ree>t. — The home la spplsaso they received by their artistic work, Itnvo him a chance to mJiow tho nudlence some are deserving of a much better position " ' elevWcha"rarter VoVwhl^SHOT J&fSL**?" So,om ^ ^.J-PIcture. say was fully appreciated. «-«""■■ ™ *3££JB*' m BSi. _JW coaducted by Mr. Bernstein, the ,...,,_,,. -, : , , - ,.., , g S. 1 " courteous house manager. The <8*r»t till April 2. when rfte Z«d|/ /roe. on*- n, Jl orcnestr i mentioned above Is under Aom<i will be given. Mardle Grae, a oomesanune. Louiu r.a <lai - vS;.»2? laB ■ 8 - "*• Lawton. Business Playlion.e—Orace George began, April assisted by La Barbo and Metsie, and Carter, . EJUabeth Murray mjug several new songs r s 80 "- Hornr. ». a revival ot "Mvercoaa." the niagldan, ad gave entirely new nerforaa- In a pleaalag ainaner. Tb» Palaee Glrla. Al- . Mlner'a Ktithth Avenue (E. D. Miner, sneea. and are fully reviewed in «ar New rect from the Palace, London, closed the #„ v\ ae. . Jack ahow. Olio J■•*!y ,B '* t " a Opern B.nie<-Bills week xngr.)—fftsrt of Btagciani this week. Pace enmng Wejrch a> were: OBraito, 44; Ijohcn- Maker, next. 5?V^22i. ■*«•<"*». 27 (ssatincet: aviitcii. Olympic (Mnurice Krnus, mgr.)— Amtri- m'n J * ht ' : Bor " OrtunojT, 28: Cvnmo. 20, can Botmtia thla week. Girl, from the Gay matinee; ConipjWsaer, 2* (night). White Way next. Act column. B i n . Miner's PeoetSe's (F„ r>. //(</h U/c to Burtewu this week. Maidens next Mtner, «rr.)— Mnrray mil (Fred Waldtnann, mgr.)— : a week. Social Maids derry o»rni 4) Port* thla week. next. niKh<y.Nlx(h Street (R. McGcc, mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures. BJnr (J. Leo, mgr,)—The .tock continue* draw good house*. Ilnrtiar A Seamnn'a Mnale Hatl (Sam Hurtle, mgr.)—Social Maids opened Ml to a well filled bouse. Lenox,—Pictures only make good here. (Qontinvet on page fit.)