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li^ftin iraS m wmmmmmm 18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 5 1 NEW COMBINATION OF GREAT WRITERS WITH GREAT SONGS • UR KIR8T OrPBRINO BROADWAY" Tkli li not a lo*»l mm. ' Every town has » "Biwaawny." ANYONE cm ilog It AN Y WHERE. The tag with ft Inula ^ at atse finish. A punch thftt la dlf7eront from all other*. " on Hearing the »ong ii seeing the play. A Wonderful Song with Heart Sentiment. Can be mied a* ft Bftilftd novelty ^ " ~ Blamber or •'Kid" Song. FIVE OTHER WONDERFUL SOIMCS IN MANUSCRIPT Published toy aftS-tH NEW YORK. STOCK NEWS SANGER & JORDAN ROTES. Francis Satles will produce "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall" at the Opera House, Mew Cattle, Pa., week of April T. Spitz ft Nathanson will produce "Araene Lupin" at the 'Empire, Providence, B, I., . week of April 14. __ Phil Nash haa announced "Father and the Boys" for week of April 7, for tie Har- lem Opera Home, New York. It haa been played most extensively In stock. J. Gouoan Edwards, stage director of the Star, New York, produced "Bapbo" last week. I Rosiest Blatlock produced "Forty-five , Minutes from Broadway" Inst week at the Evanston, Evanston, Hi. TitE Princess Theatre, Des Moines, la., produced "Forty-five Minutes from Broad- way" laat week. Musical comedies In stock houses are growing very popular, as many of the stock companies are running about one musical comedy to five dramatic pieces. Emma bunting appeared In "Teas of the Storm Country," at the Majestic, Topeka, Kan., last week. Miss Bunting has Just rc- ' moved from St Joseph to Topeka with her ' stock, under the management of Boy Apple- gate. Khank Youno appeared as -Sam Graham, in "Tie Fortuno Hunter," when produced at the Mohawk, Schenectady, this week. This Is the second time that It has been the bill •t the Mohawk Theatre tils season. Man- ager Geo. Ford wMl produce "The Rejuvena- tion of Aunt Mary" at the Mohawk. "Tar. Girl I Lair Behind Mb" was pro- duced by Frank North at the Savoy, Fort Worth, Tex., laat week. "The Spendthrift" was produced this week at Hand's Opera House, Troy, N. iV by William Malley. . Tim Buhler-8ablne Players, tinder the di- rection of A G. Dclamater, produced "Mary Jane's Pa," at the Auditorium, Toledo, 0., last week. Carl G. Milliqan produced 'The Fortune Hunter" at the American, Spokane, Wash., last week. Henry Hall appeared in Jack Barymore's role of Not Duncan, and Justlno. Wayne as Betty Graham. This week they are producing "The Thief." E. J. Scuiu.br produced "The Wife" last week at the Broadway, Bayonne. "The Great Divide" this week. William Mallei Is again producing a mu- sical play at the Savoy, Fall River. Mass., "Fifty Miles from Boston." Julius Caiin, proprietor and manager of the Lowell Opera House, produced "Zani" last week, with great success. Mr, Calm is also operating a stock company In- Portland, Me., and Is interested In several other New England stocks. Geo. Bakeb, manager of the Baker, Port- land, Ore., produced '"The Barrier" this week. "Till Cheat Divide" was produced this week by the Pearl Stock Co., at the Park Opera House, Brie, Pa, "BtcwsTtB's Millions" was produced by the Academy Players last week, at Halifax, N. 8. Sidney Toler played the part of Monte, and Ansa Doberty appeared as Peggy. Monti Thompson will produce "Tie Talk of New York" week of April 14. at Brock- ton. He will follow this with "When Knight- hood Was In Flower." i PEARL STOCK CO. NOTES. The Pearl Stock Co., under the manige- ment of Alfred A WebBter, opened a return Indoflulte engagement at the Ptrk Opera House, Erie, Pa., Easter Monday, to the big- gest business In the history of the house, the Park being sold out before the opening of the doors. The dally matinees, as well as evening performances, are attracting record breaking crowds, Pearl Evans Lewis, the featured player, Is the most popular stock woman who has ever played Erie, having gained countless friends ana admirers during Iier forty-five weeks' engagement la that city last season. Alfred'A. Webster, leading man. Is also a great favorite, both ho and Miss Lewis being tho recipients of numerous beau- tiful flora! pieces. Other Krle tavorltOB with tho company aro: Charles Karmoat, Fred E. Strong, Sam Frols, Louis Pinskt, Master Jack Murphy i.nd Carrie Lowe Muruhv. Tho new- comers ore: Boy Sutherland, Leon Hahn, Harry Beeves, Violet Morsden aod Minerva Deneau. Tho productions, which are pre- tared on a magnificent scale, are painted by eroy Frlttlngor and assistant, and Almo Todd Jr. is business manager nnd press rep- reseutattve. The opening bill, "The Gam- blers." was welt received, and "The Great Divide" Is announced as the second week's offering. YOVNOSTOWN PLAYBtW. The Yotmgstown Players. T. K. Albangh, manager, will take possession: ol the Grand Opera House, Youngstown, 0., on April 14. Grace Bryan will bo the lending woman, snd the leading man will be Godfrey Mathews, Others enraged: Franklvn George. Thomas Irwin, Phil Bishop, Lee Harvcv, Charles Do Flesh, Walter Howard, Agnes Barrlngton, Mabel Reed and Minnie Church. Edwin Clarke and Charlea Ashley have charge of the stage. PAUL SCOn NOTES. Theodore Gamble has beea engaged by M. Ulrshfeld, of Trenton, N. J., to play lead- ing business with the Manhattan Players when the company opens In Wllkes-Barre, Fa., April 7. wardo Howard, Marie Louise Denton, Wm. E. Blake, Mildred Hyland, Harry Huguenot, Thomas Kruger and Wll- ——» ~ •»». ~..—..., lard Dashlell, director, will continue In their csted at Rochester, N. Y., for the Spring and respective lines. . Summer. Carol Ardbn will open in "A Woman's ———^—»^—■— Way," with the new Empire Theatre 8tock "~~"~~~ ~~~ ~~ — " —— ""~ ~~~~~ s SEWfe SSt \/ss OUT OF TOWN NEWS Charles E. Howson, lately with the John " At tm Grand Opera Hoase, Brooklyn, Irene Douglas Is playing Tykle, In "The Girl and the Detective," assisted by Manuel Sny- der, Wm. Elliott and other members of the company. Pebct Haswell will open in stock at the Alexandra, Toronto, In May. The Klimt ft Gazzolo Stock Co. left Balti- more 29 for Atlanta, Go. Tiev will be lo- .. Keller! Shakespearean company at the Garden Theatre, Joins the Louis Leon Hall Stock Co. In Trenton, N. J., as Juvenile man, April 7. Habmon MacGbeoob has been signed by the Goldstein Bros, for their new stock com- pany in Springfield, Mass., for light comedy roles. After seventy-five weeks at the Pros- pect Theatre, New York, Mr. HacGregor took a much needed rest at Atlantic City of four weeks. Viboinia Pebui opened with the Hartman- Wallace Stock Co. in Sharon, Pa., March 24, as leading woman. Harry W. Labribee opened with the Dor- BoOftlo, If. Y.—Star (Dr. P. a Cornell, mgr.) "Milestone*" week of March 81. Cbarlotte Walker, In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pise," ftavf VTr^sT. Tick (Messrs. Sbabert, mrrs.)—"The Bed Petticoat" week of 81, Annie Russell's English Oo. next week. Majestic (J. Laughlln, mgr.)—"In Old Ken- tucky" week of 81, followed by "A Fool There Was " Shba's (M. J. Shet, mgr.)—BUI week of 81: Edmund Hayes and company, Ktmberly and Mohr, Una Clayton and company. Lord Robert, Ethel Green, Duoedln Troupe, Stlckney's Circus, Stuart Barnes, and Edison's talking pictures, GinoiN (M. T. Mlddleton. mgr.)—Bert Baker ner Stock Co., South Bethlehem, Pa., Inland the Boo Ton Girls week of Ji. Gay Masquer- "Alias Jimmy Valentine," March 31, playing adera next Manager Mlddletoa arranged a big character parts. benefit for 1, for the flood rotrerers. . _ ' B. A. Roberts will produce "The Passing of the Idle Rich" at the Garden Theatre, New York, April 28, and Is engaging the company at the Paul Scott office. Alice uilmobe has been engaged specially by Malley-Deniaon Stock Co. for Aunt Har- riet, in "The Spendthrift," for both Troy and Schenectady. Dobotht Stanton will be the new leading woman with the Louis Leon Hall Stock Co. at the Novelty Theatre, Brooklyn, opening snd Scott, Knssde and Joel, and Sylvester. Columbia ' (Charles Bow*, mgr.)—Features week of 31 inclodes: "Detective W. J. Boms' Ex- posure of the Land Swindlers" and "Pete the Artist" In pictures. LArATBTTB (C. M. Bagg, mgr.)—Colonial Belles, with Mite Mooree, week of 31. Dante's Daughters next AOAonrr (H. M. Marcos, mgr.)—Bill week of 31: Austin and Carleton, Saunders and Van Kunts, Gertrude L. Folsom, Mr. and Mrs. Bobyns, Harry Antrim, Jordan Bros., Homer Bennett, McCrea le and Joe. Strand (Harold Edel, mgr.)—"Satan, or the Drama of Humanity," In six reels. Is the feature for week ot 8L ' Albany, N". Y. — Hermanns Bleecker Hall (Edward M, Hart mgr.) Lytell-Vanghsn Stock Co. began the second week of Its Summer season March 81, presenting "Nobody's Widow." David Belosco's "The Woman" 8, 9. Empire (Jas. H. Rhodes, mgr.)—Mollle Will- lams' Buriesquers 81-Aprll 2, Harry Basting's Show 8-8. Gaibtt (Dan McMahon, mgr.) —< Australian Beauties week of 81. »t u.iu.11, juKBut, oui «au.ce ^iw Oolonial (Stacy ft Perrin, mgrs.) — Bill for Augustln Glassmlre, stage director, and 31 and week: The McElvray Marvels. Doe. Bice, the Maltease Bros., and Montague's Cockatoos. Pboctor's (Howard Graham, mjrr.)—Continu- ous vaudeville with moving pictures. Majistic (Emll Deletes, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Clinton Sqcabr.— Moving pictures. April 7. SUMMER STOCK FOR POLI'S. On Monday, April 7, the Summer season of stock at Poll's Theatre, Springfield, Mass., will open with a production of George M. Cohan's "Get-Rlch-Oulck Wallingford." The company will Include: Bthel Clifton, leading woman; Adah Sherman, character woman; Eleanor Flower, Ingenue; Carl Brickert. lead- ing man; Brandon Evans, Harry J. Fisher, Leslie King, Forrest Seabury, comedian; G. Swayne Gordon, Juvenile, and James Bren nan. Augustln Glassmlre, Btage director, am! Thomas Wlrth, scenic artist. "The Man from Home," "The Greyhound," "The Gam- blers" and a number of other successes have already been secured for attractions by this company. s ARRIVALS FOR GREENPOINT STOCK. Nlntta Guy Brlatow, formerly ot the "Littlo Miss Brown" Co., has joined the Greenpoint Stock, Brooklyn, opening March 81, in- "Seven Days." Franklin George has replaced G. S. Gordon In the juvenile roles. His first professional appearance waa with Henley's "A Gentleman from Gaacony," which failed. He was engaged by David Belasco for "The Heart of Maryland," and also ap- peared In "Under Southern Skies," "The Vol- unteer Organist" and "When Knighthood Was in Flower" and "Brewster's Millions." Mr. George was In "The Men of the Hour" and "The Gamblers," THE YOUNGSTOWN PLAYERS. The Youngstown Players will be estab- lished at Youngstown, O., opening April 14. Grace Bryan Is leading woman, and Godfrey Mathews will play the principal male roles. Others are: Franklyn George, Thomas Irwin, Erie. Pn.—Majestic (John L. Gilsoo, mgr.) "Fine Feathers" March 31, Tyrone Power, In "Julius Ostsar," April 2; "A Fool There Was" 3 "Broadway Jones" 11, "The Littlest Bebel" Park (John L. Qllson, mgr.)—For week of March 81, the Pearl Stock Oo. presents "The Gnat Divide" Columbia (A Weachler, »gr.)—Bill week of March 31: WlUara Blmms and companr, Claudius and Scarlett, Billy McDennott. Darrell and Con- war, Fraak Booello and Bitter, Pettle Sisters, Llord aid Sarins, and the Bote Valero Troupe. Colonial (A. Veeehler, ngr.)—Bill week of 81: Imperial Trio, Edith Ward, Beo and Norman, and moving pictures. Eutxnth Baser (Soerkes A Omnmlns, mgrs.) —For week of 81, the stock company, In "Girls Will be Girls." Hapft Horm.—Musical Comedy Oo. Victoria, venicb, Pxincbss, Grand, Stab and Bijou, moving pictures. Scranton, Pa.—Lyeeon (T. M. Gibbons, Love Phil Bishop. Lee Harvey, Charles De Flesh Sfc) .WSSSl Uh . n °ir it i. 0o .'.'r J Su^ e J; 0 ; Walter Howard, Agnes Barrlngton, Mabel IjKJ* J5h52?' April 8; UtUe Women Reed and Minnie Church. Edward Clarke. stage director; Charles Ashley, electrician. 8-8, two matinees. Poli (John H. Docking, mgr.)—Bill March 81: "The Trained Nurses," atcBte and Clegg, Crouch and Welch, Carana Duo, Frank Mollane, Laura Hockley, and Cross and Josephine. Acadimt (A F. Wlmtroo, mgr.)—Photoplays JACK IS HBIR, The report that Jock H. Kohler, leading man with the Shannon Stock Cxx, and known changed dally, and special feature, nights. «u» "The Man from nhe South," has verified , 0ot 5 ienA .JS; .Nelson Pests, mgr.)—Merry the report that he Is one of the heirs to the large estate of the late John Rex Kohler, of York County, Fa. Roster of the Bduard Waldmann Western Co., Braying. "The Devil" and "Dr. Jekyll aod Mr. Hyde," Includes: E. E. Johnson, mana- ?:er; halliard Waldmann, Howard Montague, .dwin Q. Packard. Frederick Varrv (ieanra reopened March 31, with "Hanky Panky." The Maidens 81-Aprll 2, Merry Bnrleaquers 8-5, big Boxing Bout*, Friday, A Bijou Dbrams, Wonders, Manhattan, Would, Victoria, Objhrtm, sad Hirpooaoirx, moving pictures. St. Panl, Minn—Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mar.) "Gypsy Lore" April 8-5. SnuBBBT (Frank O Priest, mgr.)—This house and Daisy Dwyer. George Brown, stege car- penter, Henry J. Morton, ecrrance agent. The Goldstein Brothers announce that Onr-nxuM res* here. Margaret Astaton Burroughs, mgr.)—Big bosl- reek of 30: Walter 0. Kelly, Wm. H. Lytell and company, (e. a Bill for week of 30 ROUTE LIST. Rontes Intended tor This Column Mast Reach This Oflce "lot Latter Than Saturday Before Day Ot Publication to Iaasswe Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MC8ICAL. Adams, Mande — Charles FTohnan's — Lincoln, Nebr.. April 2, St Joseph, Mo., 3, Topeka, Kan., 4, Wichita S. Denver, Oolo>, 7», Salt Lske City, U.. 11, 12. ArUis, George—Liebler Oo.'s—Broad, Philadel- phia, Sl-AprU 11. Aborn English Grand Opera—Milton * Sargent Aborn'a—Brooklyn. N. I., April 7-Hay 8. Aborn English Grand Optra-Milton A Sargent Aborn'*—Newark. N. J., 31-April 19. "Ana Boyd"—Wallack's, New York, 31. lndefl- nlte. "AucUon Pinochle"—^Idolf Pblllpp'*—Fifty-sev- enth Street, New York. 81, indefinite. "Alma. Where Do Too Lire)" (Baol Borstcln, mgr.)—Wln»ton-fl*lem, N. 0., April 1, Char- lotte 2. Greenville 4, AshtviUe 5, KnoxTlUe, Tenn., 7, Chattanooga 8, Bowling Green, Ky., 12. BUlle Burke—Charles Froiunaj'a—St Louis, Mo., 81-Aprll S, Indianapolis, Ind., 7, 8, Lexington, Ky., 9. Loulirllle 10-12. Bates, Blanche — Cbas. Frobnan'* — Blackatooe, Chicago. 31-AStU 2. Bernard, Sam—Messrs. Shubert—Lyric, New Tork, 81-Aprll 5. Brian, Donald—Charles Frohman's—El Paao, Tex., April 2, 3, Albuquerque, N. Hex.. 4, Santa Fe 8, Trinidad, Colo.. - 7, Hktchiuson. Kan., 8. Wichita 9, Topeka 10, St Joseph. Mo.. 11, Des Moines. la., 12. Barrymore, John—John Oort's—McVIcker'*, Chi- cago, 31, indefinite. Black Pattl Musical Comedy (E. Voelckel, mgr.) —Dayton, O., 31-Aprll 2, Ooluxnbus 3-5, Zanes- TlUe 7, Wheeling, W. Vs., 8, Fairmont 9, Clarksburg 10, Grafton 11, Cumberland, Md., 12. "Beggar Student, The"—Shubert ft Brady's— Casino, New York, 31, Indefinite. "Bohemian Girl, The," Pacific—Milton ft Sargent Aborn'*—Rochester, Misn., April 2, Faribault 8. Hankato 4, Bed Wing 6, Winona 7, Wausau, Wis., 8, Ashland 9, Superior 10, Dulnth, Minn., 11. 12. "Bought and Paid For"—Win. A Brady's, Ltd.— London, Bug., 31, indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A Brady's, Ltd. (Cbas. D. Wilson, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn., April 2, Elisabeth. N. J., 3, New Brunswick 4, Perth Amboy 8, Baltimore, Md., 7-12. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A Brady's, Ltd. —G. 0. H., Keokuk, Is., April 10. "Broadway Jones," Boad—Oosan ft Harris'—La Crosse, Wis., April 2. Dslnque, la., 8, Janeo- vUle. Wis., 4, Bockford, Hi., 8, Aurora 6*, South Bend, Ind., 7, Fort Wayne 8, Lima, 0., 9. Flndlay 10, Erie. Pa., 11, Auburn. N. X., 12. "Blue Bird, The"—Messrs. Shnbert—Toronto, Out, Can., 81-Aprll 6. "Ben Bur" — Klaw ft Brlangrr's — Indianapolis, Ind., 31-Aprll 2. "Bird of Paradise, A"—Oliver Morosco's—Adel- phi. Philadelphia, 81-Aprll 5. "Blindness of Virtue"—Wm. Morris'—Victoria, Chicago, April 7-12. "Bmrty Pulls the Strings"—Shubert ft Brady's— Fayettevule, N. C, April 2, Balelgh 8, Wilson 4. Elisabeth City 5, Newport News, Vs.. 7. Petersburg 8, Fredericksburg 9, Charlottesville 10. Roanoke 11. Lynchburg 12. "Baby Mine." Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. (E. F. Glrard, mgr.)—Wllilamsnort, Pay April 2, Mt. Cannel 3, Ashland 4, Shenandoah 6. Free- hind 7, Mauch Chunk 8, Allentown 9, Dover, N. J., 10, Westfleld 11. "Butterfly on the Wheel. A"—Lewis WeUer's— Terre Haute, Ind., April 2. "Between Showers"—Cincinnati, 0., 81-Aprll 8. Carter, Mrs. Leslie—John Cort's—Battle Creek, Mich., April 2, Lansing 3. Jackson 4, Ann Ar- bor 5, Pittsburgh. Pa.. 7-12. Carle, Richard, and Hatttle Williams — Charles Frohman's — Wsahugtoa, D. 0., 31-Aprll 8, Grand Opera Hooae, New York. 7-12. Collier, William—Kw Fields—West End, New York. 31-Aprll 8. Oohan, Geo. M.—Cohan ft Harris'—Grand Opera House. Chicago, 81, indefinite. Chicago Grand Opera (Andreas Dlppd, gen. mgr.)—Portland. Ore., 31-Aprll 2, Seattle, Wash.. 8-8, Spokane 7, Butte, Mont, 8, Den- ver, Colo., 10-18. "Occsplracy, The"—Charles Frobman's—Garrlck, New York, 81, Indefinite. '•Concert, The" — David Belasco'a — Tacoma. Wash., April 2, Victoria. B. 0., Can., 3, Van- couver 4, 8, Portland, Ore., 7-12. "Count of Luxembourg, The" —Klaw ft Erlan- ger's—Grand Opera Boose, New York, 81- Aprll B. "Common Law, Tne"-^A, H. Woods'—Cleveland, O., 31-Aprll 6. "Country Girl, The" (Thos. Alton, mgr.)—Jew- ett. 0., April 2, St ClaJrsTllle 8, Maynard t!.,5?'r* wlT . S ' Tippecanoe City 7, Coshocton 8, Ktlbuck 9, MlUersborg 10, Dresden 11, Johns- town 12. "Climax, The"—Geneva, N. Y.. April 2. "Confession, The"—G. O. B., Keokuk, 1 19. R ,,.?*. c ? DDa ] > ?' HP Qer t1lclr management, Kramer and Morton, the Oromwelle, Gordon and will be Installed In the Broadway Theatre, in Klnley. and Edison's talking inovlnVplcturea. Springfield, Mass., for the Summer season Grand (Theo. L. Hays, mgr.)—Watson's Beef VELMA Whitman, leading lady of the Jack Trust week of 31. Yankee Doodle Girls next ItOKclelgh Stock Co., Oklahoma City Is rest- Kmfsbss (Gas 8. GreeaUur. mgr.)—Week of log In Santa Barbara Col. SO: Willie Ritchie. John T. Doyle and company. Roma Reads is causing much favorable B »vnea and BoMnson, Agnes Lee and company, comment by the extensive advertising she Is * n !l lbe N,th ,V 5 i S » . «.. , ^_ having done in behalf of the fine stock: com- J P ,"iJf,?' 8 m '.^"nSnrST* ■ n * r ' ) - 0ood hati ' nany she is heading at the Grand Opera "*?* ,,,h >no«!on_plcture*. In tbi Novelty Stock, Brooklyn, present- ing "The Ninety and Nine'' this week. Louis Leon Hall is playing Tho Engineer. Marlon Nichols, Beatrice Bentley, Franklin Sea- bright, Wm. K. Bonnay and Waldcmar liurk- hardt are also Id tho cast House, in Ottawa, Can., and 8. R. 0. busi- ness proves that ''it pays." The many floral tributes received by Mlae Reede testify tho approval of her large audiences for her splen- did work. Robsbt Thornb has been engaged for the Gotham Players Brooklyn, opening March 31, In "Alias Jimmy Valentine," as heavy The company also includes: Jas. K. Mac- Curdy. Alfred 8wenson, Miss Desmond, Frank Fielder. John Dllson. Daniel Lawlor, Paul Caxaneuve, Philip Gerald, Mist Flake, Miss Lock and Ethel Conrad and Jess Kelly. Paul McAllister is recovering rapidly from his breakdown four weeks ago. At the end of this week (Miss) Jean Gal- braith will leave the B. F. Keith Harlem Opera House Stock CompariJ, where she was leading woman. Stabland (0. T. Rose, mgr,)—Motion plcturet. MAJxsna (D. 8. Oourlney. mgr.)—^Moving pic- tures. AcniTtnnnc (M. F. Morton, mgr.)—John Mc- Oorrosck. the potular tensr, and his company, were a feature 31. Peoria, III. — Majestic (Henry Sandmever Jr.. mgr.) Hugo B. Koch, la '"The City." March 80, 31, "The BUftCms of VirtDe" April 1, "Our Wives' 1 3. 8. "Toe Quaker Girl" 4,5. Orfbtxum (Felix Greeaberg, mgr.) — Vaude- ville and picture*. Ltcstm (Felix Greesberg, mgr.)—Tabloid Stock snd picture*. Pbinossb (Sesvee Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—Vaude- B« and picture*. DmrsBT's (Msrtln Dempsey, nurr.)—Stock burlesque, vaudeville and picture*. Columbia. Crxscsxt. Da Ltnu, Empxfss, Ilu- nois. ItrrsniAU Lisjarr, Boial and Sanoamo, motion pictures. la., April "Chocolate Soldier, The"—F. a Whitney's Lyric, Phlla., 31-Aprll 8. Drew, John—Charles Frohman's—Salt Lake City, ^ D. April 8-8, Los Angeles, Cat, 7-12. Dressier, Marie, and Flayers—Cleveland, 0.. 81- Aprll 6. De Koven Opera, "Bobtn Hood" (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Toronto, Can., 81-Aprll 8. "Divorce Question, The"—Rowland ft Cllfford'a, Inc.—Crown, Chicago, 81-Aprll 5. Edwards, Bneits—Rome, Ga., April 2, Talladega. Ala., 8, Tuscaloosa 4. Tupelo, Miss., 6, Mem- phi*. Tenn.. 6-12. EJ S n *?'^? B I liI> - A - a Woods'—Detroit, Mich.. 31-Aprll 5. "^♦^oman"—Henry W. Savare'i—Rochester. N. Y., Si-April 2, Syracuse 8-5, Dtlca 7-9, Am- sterdam 10, Binghamton 11, 12. '■Everywwaaa''—Henry W. Savage's—Des Moines, la., 31-April 3, Davenport 4-0. Cedar Rapids ?'. 8 T^* terIo ?„ 9 ' Dojniue ">. ^ Crosse. Wis., 11, Winona, Minn., II. "Excuse Me"—Henry W, Savage's—Danville, HI.. April 1, OrawfordsvlUe. Ind.. 2, Terre Haute 8! Indlanajjolls 4. 8, Ctcclnnatl 6-12. Excusei Me"—Henry W. Savage'*—Kansas City, Mo., 81-Aprll 5, St Louis 812. FOyersham, William (L. L. Gallagher, mgr.)— Garrlck, fjhlcaro, 81-AprU 8, Shubert, Milwau- kee, Wis., 7-12. F HJft' ^?'. *5*rrt»orA G. Kske, mgr.).—Baltimore, Md., 31-Aprll 8. Falrhanta, bonglas—OohaB ft Harris'—Colonial, Boston, 31-Aprll 12. ^^ For, Eddie—Werba ft Lneacher's—Oedar Rapid*, la.. April 1, Waterloo 3, Marshalltown 3, Fort Dodge 4, Mason City 6, Sloox City 9, 7, Lin- coln, Nebr., 8, Grand Island 9, Denver, Colo., 10-12, "Fanny's First Plsy"—Messrs. Shubert—Oomedy, New York, 31, Indefinite. ^^ "Fine Feathers*'—B. H. Frasee'*—Toledo, O.. ftpvll 2, Elldisrt Ind., 3, Decatur 4, Qulncy. III., 8, Kansas Olty, Mo., 8-12. . 'vJT? Franforters, The" —Messrs. Shubert— Thirty-ninth Street, New York, 31, indefinite. Fortune Hunter, The"—Oohan ft Harris'—Pater- son, N. J., 81-Aprll 5. "Fortune Hunter. The" (Monte Thompson, mar.) —Oneonta, N. Y„ April 2, Kingston 8, Middle- town 7. Gr 4 re t °T^ - X n : A ' Brady's—playhouse, New York, 81. indefinite. Oordon^Kltty—Jos, M. Galtes'—Mtabler, Altoona, "Governor's Lady, The"—David Beiasco's—Brook- „ Ifn. N. Y.. 81-Aprll 8, B.ltlmore. Md., 7-12. S2* ??: l? p —HammerstelB ft Shnbert—Weber- field*' Forty-fourth Street, New York, 81, In- "Good Little Devil A"—David Belaaeo'^Bepub- „J le ', N « w * mk : «. Inoeflnlte. ^ Garden of Allah, The"—Liebler Co.*s—Balti- more. Md., 31-April 8. "win? aflC^i S- ^""''-Minneapolis. WlS 6-12 ' 3t P,Bl 8 * 5, MU »»o*ee, '^l2S Ut A^ ,J ; 1, ^,, P1 ^ a'-' 1 ' '«—Havre. ^•'auf'n 2 ' B t ,, » n » 8 : °™»« *«»« »• Oal- ig^KS^ | "P.^rciun 8 try^a.^.r" Jw -^ Crosse 12 \l "apius 10, Tonah II, La Mo.. 7. Memphis 8, Lancaster 9. StroagSorat in., 19. Elmwood 11, Galesburg 12. ThcManVVhoPatlhe E Es tit F tET Look for the Trade-Marie Picture oa the Label when baying AllEV'S foot=ease Tt»<!»-iia»x The Antiseptic Powder for Tender "Girl of Eagle Ranch" (Attebery ft Cook, mgrs ) —Jennings, Kan., April 2. Kensington 3. Smith Center 4. Mankato 5, Lebanon 7, Burr Oak 8 Randall 9, Jamestown 10, Osbo-oe 11, Stockton 12. "Girl From Broadsray"—Alton ft 8toddard'» (A P. McDonald, mgr.)—Stnecavllle, O., April 2 - Quaker aty 3, Bsmesvllle 4. St. Clalrvllle 5' Flushing 7. Dennlson 8, New Philadelphia »' Akron 10-li. "Glri at the Gate"—G. 0. H., Keokuk la April 4. ' "Glri and the Tramp, The" (Geo. L. Barton mgr.)—Columbus, 0., Si-April 3, Youngstown 8-8, Cairo, W. Va.\ 7, West Union A Tunneltoo 9. Grafton 10. Morgaatown 11, Oonnellsvllle Ps.,-12. Billiard, Robert—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Criterion New York. 31, indefinite. Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan ft Harris'—Milwau- kee, Wis,. 31-April 2, Madison 3. Clinton, Is.. . 4, Waterloo. 6, Marshalltown 6, Mason City 7 Omaha. Nebr.. 8-10, Sioux City, la., 11, Lin' ■ coin. Nebr., 12. ' * - ■ Hackett, Norman—Imperial, Chicago, April 7-12 "Heartbreakers"—Mort B. Singer's (Sam Myers mgr.)—Toronto, Can., 81-Aprll 6. "Hlodle Wakes"—Shubert ft Brady's—Olympic, Chicago. 31, indefinite. "Hanky Panky"—Lew Fields'—St Paul, Minn.. 31-Aprll 6. "Happy Hooligan"—Gas HUl's—St Paul, Minn.. 31-Aprll 8. Irwin, Msy—Liebler Co.'s—Cohan, New York, 31, indefinite. Illlagton, Margaret (E. J. Bowes, mgr.)—Garrlck, Philadelphia, 31-Aprll 12. Irish Players—Liebler P .'•—Plymouth, BWo. 31, indefinite. "In Old Kentucky"—Lltt ft Dingwall's—Bottalo, N. Y., 31-April 6, Rochester 7-9, Syracuse 10- 12. Juvenile Bostonlans (B. Lang, mgr.)—Pincher Creek, Alta.. Can., April 2, BUlrmore 3. Cole- man 4. Ferule. B. C, 7, 8, Kallspell, Mont, 10-18, Llbby 14, Bonsers Ferry, Ida., 15, Cran- brook, B. C , Can., 18, 17, Nelson 18, 19. "Joseph and His Brethren"—Liebler Co.'s—Cen- tury, New York. 81, indefinite. Koch, Hugo B.—United Ploy Oo.'s, Inc.—Dan- ville. 111., April 8, Peoria 6-9, Bloomlngton 10, Urban* 11, Springfield 12. Lewis. Dave—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Dave Seymour, mgr.)—Nashville, Tenn., 31-Aprll 8, Evmsvllle, Ind., 6, 7, Peoria, 111., 10-12. "Little Boy Blue"—Henry W. Savage's—Cincin- nati, 0.. 31-Aprll 5, Lexington. Ky., 7, Frank- fort 8, Louisville 9, Indianapolis, Ind., 10-12. "Liberty Ball"—Charles Frohman's—Empire, New York, 81-April 12. "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady's—Newark. N. J., 81-AprO 5. Brooklyn, N. Y., 7-19. "Lion and the Moose, The"—United Play Co.'a, Inc.—Tipton, led,. April 2, Alexandria 3, Franklin 4, Bedford 0, West Baden 6. Wash- ington 7, Vlncennes 8, Olney, HI., 9. Robinson 10, Linton, lad., 11, Terre Haute 12. "Little Millionaire, Tie" — Oohan ft Harris' — Holyoke, Mass., April 2, Newport, R. I., 3, Taunton, Mass.,' 4. Springfield 5, Bennington Vt, 7, Botland 8, Burlington 10, Barre 11, Brattleboro 12. Mann. Louis—Werba ft Laescber's—Selma, Ala.. April 1, Birmingham 2, Chattanooga, Tenn., 3, Knoivllle 4. Lexington, Ky.. 8, Huntington, W. Vs., 7, Charleston 8, Clarksburg 9,- Fairmont 10, Morgantown 11. Miller, Henry—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Grand Rapid* Mich., April 3. Montgomery, Stone and Elsie Janla—Charles Dil- lingham's—Globe. New York. 31, Indefinite. MacDonald. (bristle—Werba ft Lneacher's—For- rest, Philadelphia. SI, indefinite. Mortimer, Lillian <J. L. Veronee, mgr.)—Colon- bus, 0., 81-AprU 2. Akron 3-5. Youngstown 7-9. Metropolitan Grand Opera (Quillo Gattl-Casasxa, mgr.)—Metroplltan Opera House, New York. 31, indefinite. "Merry Widow"—Henry W. Savage's—San Fran- cisco, Oal., 31-Aprll 12. "Master Mind, The"—Werba ft Laescber's—Har- ris, New York, 31, Indefinite. "Milestones"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 31-Aprll S. "Man's Friend. A"—Liebler Oo.'s—Astor. New York, 81, Indefinite. "Modern Ere. A," Eastern—Mort H. Singer's <Frank B. Shelters, mgr.)—Topeka, Kan., April 2, Manhattan 3, Sallna 4, St. Joseph. Mo.. 8. Kansas City 6-12. "Modem Eve, A," Western—Mort H. Singer's (Henry Pierson, mgr.)—Manitowoc. Wis., April 2, Sbeyboygan 3, Fond on Lac 4, Racine 8. Kenosha 8. "Merry Countess. The"—Messrs. Shubert—Lyric Philadelphia, 31, indefinite. ^^ "Mr*. Wigg* of the Cabbage Patch"—United Play Oo.'s, Inc.—Victoria, Chicago, 31-Aprll 8, St Louis, Mo., 6-12. "Madame. Sherry" (Madame Sherry Oo.. Iae, mgrs.)—Lyceum, Detroit, Mich.. 81-Aprll 8. "Madame X"—Laura Fr»jikenne!d's—Dlxoo, III.. 2, Sterling 3-, Bockford 4, Racine, Wis.. 6, Kenosha 7, Belvldere, I1L, 8, De Kalb 9, Belolt Wis., 10, Mooroe 11, Jsnesvllle 12. "Madame X"—Imperial, Chicago, 81-Aprll 6. "Missouri Girl, The," Eastern—Merle H. Norton's —Thompson, N. Dak., April 2, Bllisboro 3, Barnesvllle 4. Aleiandrla 5. Melrose 7, Osakls 8. Foley 9, Sandstone 11. Pine City 12. "Missouri Girl, The," Southern—Norton ft Rlth'a —Snyder, Tex.. April 2, Lubbock 8. Plain view 4. Tolls B, Amarillo 7, Daihsrt 8, Ouymoo, Okla., 9, Liberal, Kan., 10, Meade 11, Fowler "Married in Haste"—TJnlted Booking Association's —Bsraboo, Wis., April 2, Beedsbarg 8, Wone- woe 4, La Orosse 5. "Maid and Minister"—Scoville-DeaDe'B—Oldham, 8. Dak., April 2, Bryant 3, Garden City 4, Clark 6. "Mutt and Jeff," B—Ous Hill's (B. M. Oarteld, mgr.)—-Great Folia, Mont., April 1, Helena 2. Livingston 3. Big Timber 4, Billings 8, Miles Olty 6, Dickinson, N. Dak., 7, Mandan 8. Bis- marck 9, Jamestown 10, Valley City 11, Grand Forks 12. Xailmova, Mme.—Charles Frohman's—Syracuse, N. Y.. April I, Ithaca 3, Rochester 4, 6, Hamil- ton, Ont, Can., 7, London 8, Jackson, Mich., 9. Lansing 10. Bay Olty 11, Saginaw 12. Nlblo, Fred, and Josephine Cohan (J. 0. William- son, mgr.)—Sydney, N. S. W., 81, indefinite. "Naughty Marietta'' — Arthur Hammersteln's— Logsnsnort Ind., April 2. Oleott, Cbsuncey— Henry Miller's (John E. Ho- garty, act. mgr,)—San Francisco, Cal., 31- Aprll 8, Oakland 0-9. San Jose 10, Santa Bar- bara 11. San Diego 12, 18. O'Hora, Flake (A. J. Pltou. mgr.)—Walnut Ph»- adelphla. 81-April 6. "OhI Oh! Deiphlne"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—New Amsterdam. New York. 31, indefinite. "Oh! Oh I Dekihlse"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Lon- don, Eng„ 31. indefinite. "Officer 686." Eastern—Cohan ft Harris'—Park, Boston, 31, Indefinite. "Officer 068." Western—Cohan ft Harris'—Kit- tanning, Pa., 2, Clearfield 3. Da Bols 4, Altoons 5, Burlington 7, Bastou 8, New Brunswick. N. J., 9, Atlantic Olty 10-12. "Officer 668," Middle—Oohan ft Harris'—St. Johnsbury, Vt, April 2, Barre 8, Brattleboro 5. "Old Homestead, The," Coast—Frank Thomp- son's (Wm. L. White, mgr.)—Bsrnesboro, Pa- April 2, Huntingdon 3, Altoona 4. JohDsto<vn 5. Paddon, Sarah—United Play Oo.'s, Inc.—Rock- vllle, Ind., April 2, Frankfort 8, Elwood 4, Huntington 5. Fort Wayne 6, St Marys, 0.. 8. Greenville 0, Oonnersvllle, Ind., 10, New Cas- tle 11. Mantle 12. Power, Tyron—Geneva, N. Y., April 17. "Prince of Pllsen, The"—Henry W. Savage's— Marysvllle. Oal., April 1, Portland, Ore.. 3-5. 8eattle. Wash.. 8-li _ _ , "Poor Little Rich Girl. The"—Arthur Hopkins —Hudson. New York. 81, Indefinite. _ "Price, The" (Clarence Bennett mgr.)—Pierre, «■ Dak.. April 2, Rapid Olty 8. Sturgls 4.Belle Fourche 5, Spearflsh 7, Deadwood 8, Alliance. M-- '-■. ) •.-.. M> \mv *&<< . ir 1K1