The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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Apkil 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 10 NOTICE! Largest and Best Equipped Scenio Studios in the World Painters and Constructors of Productions:: Stock Scenery Drop Curtains Asbestos Curtains, etc. Decorators of Interiors of Theatres Model and Sales Rooms 42d St. & B'way, Longacre Bldg. Studios 308-310 E. 48tb St. New York "Sprint Mild," O (fffrti A LoMchtr, mgrs.)— B. Liverpool, O., 14, Steubenrllle 17, OreenB- bars, Pa., 18. Onmbsrland, Hd., 19, Hagere- tows 21, Frederick 22, Hanover, Pa„ 23, Chambersburg 24, Carlisle 25, York 26. •Seven Boon In New York" (Wee A Lambert, man.)—Indiana, Pa„ IB, Punxsntawney 10, CTearfleld 21, Kan* 32, St. Mary's 25, Do Boll 26. "School Days"—Brrtnln-gham. Ala., U-10. "Bb«plwrd of tie Hllla"—Gaskell * McVltty's, Inc.—Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-18, Olnclnnatl, 0., 20-20. "Shepherd of the Hills"—Oaskell 4 McVlttr'a, Inc.—Renting, Pa., 10, Lebanon 17, Hsrrls- i burg 18, 10, Hanover 21, York 22, Lancaster 23, Huntingdon 24, Altoona £5, Johnstown 29. "Shepherd of the Hllla"—Oaskell A McVltty's, Inc.—Union City. Intl., 10, Portland 17, De- catur 18, Albion-10, Kcnclrillvllle 21, Nappanee "Bun Dodgers, Tbo"—-Lew Fielda'—Lyric, Pblla*. 14-20. "Sunny Boath" (J. O. Rockwell, mar.)—Waupun, Wla„ 10. Beaver Dam 17. Berlin Iff, Plymouth 10, Chilton 21, Algoua 23, Sturgeon Bar 24, Ueonto 20. Wausaukee 26. Taylor, Laurette—Oliver Morosco's—Oort. New York, 14, Indefinite. Tmitlnl. Emma — Arthur Hanunersteln's — Shu- bert, Boston, 14, Indefinite, Thurston, Howard (Jack JOnes. mgr.)—Norfolk, Va., 14-10, Washington, D. 0., 21-26. "Top o' the Mornln' "—Henry W. Savage'a—Tre- mont, Boston, 14, Indefinite. "Trmlon King" —. United Play do."a. Inc. — St. I-ouls, Mo., H-10, O. O. II., Kanaaa City, 20-2rt. "Three Twlna" (Philip H. Nlven, mgr.)—Oolum- boa, O., 14-16, Dayton 17-10, Toledo 20-26. •Third Degree, The," Eaat—United Play Oo.'s— William-sport, Pa., 16, Shamokln 17. Asbland 18, Mahanoy City 18, Snnbury 21, Oanton 22, Towands 23, Waverly 34, Hooesdalo 2S, Pt. Jtrvla 28. "Thelma" (John Oonnera. mgr.)—Mason Olty, Ia„ 14-1(1 Boone IT, Grand Junction IS, Og- den 10, Karuiamvllle 22, Lake City 24, Sac Oltr 38. Bolsteln 26. Trail of the Lonesome Pine"—Syracuse. N. Y., 16, 17, Bay Olty, Mich., 18. •'Ilnde Tool's Oabln"—Mnrttn & Kibble's (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Saginaw, Mich., 16, Mt, Pleas- ant 17, Lansing 18. Kalamaioo 10, Grand Bap- Ida 20.28, Ann Arbor 24, Jackson 26, Battle ...Creek 28. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Stetson's (Leon Washburn, mgr.)—Benson, Minn., 16, Appleton 17, Granite Falls 18, Redwood Falls 10, Now Ulm 20. Uncle Tom's Oabln," Stetson's (J. W. Braunlce, ...mgr.)—Beaver Falls. Pa., 16. "Virginian" — Jonea A Crane's — West Liberty, la, 16, Wellington 17. warfleld, David—David Belaseo'e—Opera House, Cleveland, 14-10. Warner, B. B. (Maurice Campbell, unrr.) — Ly- ceum, New York, 14. Indefinite. Waldmann, Eduard (R. E. Johnson, bus. mgr.)— Kalrbury, Neb., IT, Geneva 10, Central City 21, Davenport 22. Ware, Helen — Oliver Moroaco's — Chicago Opera II»obc, Chicago, 14-May 8. Whiteside, Walker—Majestic. Boston, Indefinite. "Within tbe Law"—American Play Oo.'a—Blttnge. .New York, 14, indefinite. "Whip, The''—Oomstock ft Qest's, Inc.—Manhat- tan Opera House, New York, 14, Indefinite. "What Happened to Mary"—Lee Morrison Pro- ducing Oo.'s—forty-eighth Street, New York, 14, Indefinite. "Woman, The"—David Belasco's—Buffalo, N. Y„ 14-16, Jamestown 17, Bradford, Pa., 18, Butler 18, Mansfield, O., 21, Lima 22, Ft. Wayne, Intl., 28, Springfield, 0., 34, Columbus 26-20. "rears of Discretion"—David BelaBCO'a—Belasco, , New York, 14, Indefinite. "Yellow Jacket, The"—Harrle ft Selwyn's— ., Powers', Chicago, 14, Indefinite, "YeUow Jacket, The"—HarrlB ft Selwyn's, Inc— _ IxraTjon, Eng., 14, Indefinite. fctegfeld's Follies (Florens Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.)— Colonial, Chicago, 14, Indefinite. STOCKS AMD MUSICAL COMEDIES- Permanent and Traveling. Academy of Music Stock—Wm. Fox's—Star, New . York, 14, Indefinite. •totrlcan Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— . American, Philadelphia, 14, Indefinite. Academy Stock (F. R. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey , Olty. N. J., 14, Indefinite. , _ American Stock (Carl G. iMllllgcn, mgr.)—Spo- tine, Wash., 14, Indefinite. Arvme Players—Lancaster. Pa., 14, indefinite. Aubrey stock (D. Otto Bltttner, mgr.)—Hunting- ton, W. Va., indefinite. _ „ . Bishop Players (B. W. Blabop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 14, Indefinite. Bums' stock (Paul Bums, mgr.)—National, Phila- delphia, 14, Indefinite. BuMtr-aablno Stock (A. Q. Delamater, mgr.)— Memphis. TVnn., 14, telefinlte. . . Bunting, Etnma, and Players—St. Joseph, Mo., 14 -May - Hay IT. B, oT l 14 P iSeSi t i , • »• »««*"• «rr.)-Uma, Sgp/fsktttfg* ■ nr - ) - H ' n - Broadway Stock—Bayonne, N, J., 14, Indefinite. CHasc-Llster, Northern (Glenn F. CbiuTnttr™— Bheridan, Wyu., 14-10. * wp ' 1 ^i^v 8 ^ , ( P,?"' H ' Bo "«»"'. mgr.)-Hud. °°t?4V. l>r JL eo P'°l"».(Oornell ft Price, ngrs.)— Huntington, Iu<L, 14-10, Rochester 21-26. Craig Stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Castle Square, Boston, Indefinite. C "ndennlte 1,y ' C * —B ' F Ke " a,,_ BrooU/n. N. Y., Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Char- lottetown, P. B. I., Indefinite. Colonial Btock (Holden ft Edwards, mgrs.)—In- dianapolis, Ind., Indefinite. Crescent Players—Brooklyn, N. Y., 14. Indefinite. Doyle, Edward, Co. (Edw. ft Robt. Doyle, mgrs.) —Vlnelojid, ft. J„ 14-10, Havre de Grace, Md., 21-26. Davis Btock (Harry Davla, mgr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., indefinite. Dudley, Frank, ft Associate Players—Galveston, Tea., Indefinite. Drama Playera (K. Weston, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass., Indefinite. Dillon ft King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., 14, Indefinite. Davidson Stock—Milwaukee, 14, Indefinite. I)urh. stork (L. A. Earle, mgr.)—Bath, N. Y., 14-10, Rldgwar, Pa., 21-20. Empire Stock (Bergman ft Todd, mgrs.)—Lansing, Mich., indefinite. Feriwson Bros.' Btock (A. K. ft A. O. Ferguson, mcra.)—Oklahoma, Okla, Indefinite. Frank, John B„ Stock (O. Ausklngs, mgr.)—Su- perior, Win., 14-July 20. Finis ft Gilpin Stock—Km, III., 14-10, Prin- cess, Dn Quoin, 21-20. Flnlg ft Gilpin Stock, No. 2—Memphis, Tenn., n, Indefinite. Qreenpolnt Flayers—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., Indefinite. Glaser Stock (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)—Cleveland, ii,, Indefinite. German Stock (Ludwg Krelsa, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Indefinite. Gotham Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., Indefinite. Garslde Stock (J. S. Garalde, mgr.)—Paducab, Ky., 14, indefinite. Gayety Theatre Stock (Chae. Franklyn, mgr.)— Hoboken, N. J., Indefinite. Grand Opera House Stock (Louis Barr, mgr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y., 14, Indefinite. German Stock—Milwaukee 14, Indefinite. QTsyce, Helen (N. Appell, mgr.)—Jackson, Mich., 13-10. Ilaywanl, Grace (Geo. M. Qatts, mgr.)—Waring- ton, Chicago, Indefinite. Hayes, Lucy If., Players—Oakland, Neb., 14-16, Pender 17-10. Huntington, Wrlgjit, Stock—Terra Haute, Ind,, 14-May il. Holden Players (Holden ft Edwards, nigra.)— Colonial. In<llnuii|K)llH, 14-10. Hoyte ft Wilbur Stock—Cuba, N. X,, 14-10. Hlgley-Harrlngton—Mobile, Ala., Indefinite. Jncobs Slock (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—Nownrk, N. J., Indefinite. Jefferson Theatre Btock (Julius Cabn, mgr.)— Portland, Me., Indefinite. Juneau Stock (J. H. ltelchctrt, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., 14, Indefinite. Kcyes Stock (O. A. Keyea, mgr.)—Connellavllle, Pa., 14-10, Clarksburg, W. Va., 21-20. Kelly, Sherman Stock (Harry B. Shennan. mgr.) —Lake Olty. Minn., 14-10, Winona 21-20. Kelly, Wm. J., Stock (Ed. Kelly, mgr.)—Salt Lake Olty, U., Indefinite. Kllmt ft Gaixolo Stock—Baltimore, Md., Indefinite. Kovacs Stock (Edw. A. Kovaes, mgr.)—Perth Amboy, N. J., Indefinite. Long Stock (Frank E. Long, mgr.)—Kenosha, Wis., 18-10. ltaclnc 20-20. Lynn Stock (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Donlelton, Conn., 14-10. Roekvllle 21-20. Lytell-Vaugban Stock—Albany, N. Y., Indefinite. Lang, Kra, ft Players (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)— Omaha, Neb., 14, Indefinite. Lorcb Stock (Theodore Lorch, mgr.)—Passaic, N. J., Indefinite. Lyceum Stock (Fox ft King, mgrs.)—Ogdeo, U., Indefinite. Lonergan Btock—Lowell, Mass., Indefinite. Lewis Btock (O. H. Lewla, mgr.)—North Yakima, Wash., Indefinite. Manchester PIsyers—Fine Arte, Chicago, Indefinite. Morrison's Stock (Llndaay Morrison, mgr.) — Lvnn, Maaa., indefinite. Murphy's Comedians (Horace Murphy, mgr.)— Palestine, Tex., 14-20. Manhattan Players (Geo. B. Brown, mgr.)— Wllkes-Barre. Pa., 14-30. Mailer ft Dennlson Stock—Lawrence, Mass., 14, indefinite. Morosco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles. Cal., 14. Indefinite. Maker Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—Dn Roll, Pa., 14-10, Klttanlsg 21-20. Majestic Stock—Topeka. Kan.. Indefinite. McGlnley. Bob ft Eva—Churches Ferry. Can., 10, Kolla 17, 18. Perth 19, 20. St. Johns 21, 22, Ckndo 23, 24. National Stock—Philadelphia Indefinite, North Bros.' Stock (Frank O. North, mir.)— Fort Worth, Tex., Indefinite. Orphenm Players (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Phila- delphia Indefinite. Opera Hon** Stock (Reed ft CabrlaUe, mgrs.) — Paterson. N. J.. Indefinite. Oliver Stock (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—Rockford, 111,, indefinite. Poll Stock (Gordon Wrlgfater, mgr.)—Springfield. Mass., Indefinite. Payton Stock (M. 8. Schlesinger. mir.)—New- ark. N. J.. Indefinite. Prlngle, Delia, and Stock (O. K. Van Auksn, mgr.)—Moose Jaw. Bask., Can., Indefinite. Poll Players (Jas. Thatcher, mgr.)—Washlugtou, D. 0., Indefinite. Princess Players (O. L. Richards, mir.)—T»- coma, Wash., Indefinite. Prospect Theatre stock (Frank Cerates, mgr.)— Prospect. Bronx, New York, Indefinite. Princess Stock (Elbert ft Getcheli, mgrs.)—Deal Moines, Is., Indefinite. p ** r J i"Si k (A * A - Webster, nut.)—Brie, Pa., Indefinite. Plekert's stock (Willla Plckert, mgr.)—Charlee- ton S. C, 14-10, Lynchburg, Vs., 21-26. Pernchl-Gypsene Stock (A. perucbl, mgr.)—New Orleans, La., Indefinite. Reed, Roma—Ottawa, Can., Indefinite. Reynolds ft Ross Players (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Halt Lake Olty, U., Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Louis J. Fosse, mgr.) Metropolis, New York, Indefinite. Shannon Stock (Harry Shannon, mgr.)— St. Mary's, O., 14-10. Bare Stock (O. A. Newton, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., indefinite. St. Clair Btock (Harry St. Clair, mgr.)—Bran- don, Man., Can., indefinite. Bayles, FranclB, Playera (F. H. Sayles. mgr.)— New Castle, Pa„ Indefinite. Btrong, Avery, Co. (Monte Thompson, mgr.)— Webster. MaeB., 14-10, Atnol 21-20. Stanton'a Musical Comedy (Job, Stanton, mgr.) Denver, Colo,, Indefinite. Spooner. F. E., Stock—San Angelo, Tex., 14, In- definite. Temple Theatre Stock <F. Falkner, mgr,)—Cam- den, N. J., Indefinite. Thomas' Musical Comedy (T. F, Thomas, mar.) Rockland, Me., 14-20. Von Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. ft O. Mack, mgrs.) —Toledo, O., Indefinite. Vanghan-Glaaer—Lyceum, Detroit. 18-10. Wlnninger Players (John D. Wlnningtr, mgr.) Wausau. Wis., 7-May 81. Wolfe Stock (J. A,. Wolfe, mar.)—Wichita, Kan., indefinite Warburton Stock (Carl W. Hunt, mgr.)—Yonkers, N. Y., Indefinite. Westchester Stock—Btalnach-Harda'—Mt, Vernon. N. Y., Indefinite. Young-Aiisms Stock (H. Wllmot Young, mgr.)— Halifax, N. 8., Can., Indefinite. COMPANIB9 IN TABLOID FLAYS. American Players (Vln Richmond, mgr.)—Louis- ville, Ky., indefinite. VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Dressier, Marie, A Co.—London, Can., IT. Lauder, Harry—Garrlck, Detroit, 14-10. Tangnay, Eva—Washington 14-10. Brooklyn 31-36. Tangley, Pearl—Cripple Creek. Colo.. 14-10. Todd, Wm.—Darlington, 8. C, 14-10, Wills, Mrs. John B Shamokln, Pa., 14-10. Dan- ville 21-23, Bloomsburg 28-May 8. WHEEL BURLESQDB SHOWS. Empire—Western. Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.)—Star, Cleve- land, 14-10, People's, Olnclnnatl, 20-26. Bis Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Trocnilero, Philadelphia. 14-10, Empire, Baltimore, 21-20. Bobcmioiis (Al. Lubin, mgr.) — Btamlard, 8t. Louie, 14-10, Buckingham, Louisville, 20-26. Century Olrla (Issy Orodt. mgr.)—Gayety, Mil- waukee, 14-19, Gaiety, Minneapolis, 20-20. Daffydllla (Arthur Muller, mgr.)—Grand Opera Ilcuse, St. Paul. 14-10, season closes. Dundy Girls (Cbas. F. Cromwell, mgr.)—Empire, Chicago, 14-10, Oayety, Milwaukee, 20-20. Dunto'a Daughters (Obaa. Taylor, mgr.)—Lay off 14-10, People'a, New York, 21-20. Follies of the Day (Jack McNamara, mgr.)— Gaiety, Minneapolis, 14-10, Grand Opera House. St, Paul, 20-20, Giria From Joyland (81m Williams, mgr.)—La- fayette, Buffalo, 14-10. Girls From Missouri (Louis Talbot, mgr.) Peo- ple's, Cincinnati, 14-10, Empire, Chicago, 20- Glrls From Reno (James Madlaon, mgr.)—Avenue. Detroit. 14-10, Btar, Toronto, 21-20. High Life In Burlesque (Obaa. Falke, mgr.)— Casino, Brooklyn, 14-10, Eighth Avenue, New York, 21-20. Jonlln de Purls Girls (Morris Walnatock, mgr. I— Buckingham. Louisville, 14-10, Empire, Indlan- apollB, 21-20. Lady Buccaneers (H. M. Strouse, mgr.)—People'a, New York, 14-10. Merry Maidens (Edw. Schaefer, mgr.)—Lay off 14-10, Casino, Brooklyn, 21-20. Mln New York Jr. (wm. Fennessy, mgr.)—Em- pire, Newark, 14*10. Monte Cnrlo Girls (Tom Sullivan, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, 14-10, Lafayette, Buffalo. 21-20. Moulin Rouge—Bronx, New York, 14-19, Empire, Brooklyn, 21-20. Orientals (G. Bragg, mgr.)—Folly, Chicago, 14- 10, Avenue. Detroit, 20-26, Pace Makers (R. B, I'atton, mgr.)—Howard, Boston, 14-10. Grand Opera House, Boston, 21- 20. Queens of the Follea Bergen—Oounlhan ft Shan- non's—Century. Kanaaa Olty, 14*10, Standard. St. Louis. 20-28. Rose Buds (Harry Shapiro, mgr.)—Mlibler, Al- toona, 17, Cambria, Johnatown. 18. White's Opera House, McKeeaport, 10, Star, Cleveland, 21-20. Stars or Stageland (Wm. Dunn, mgr,)—Grand Opera House, Boston, 14*10, Bronx, New York, 21-26. Watson's Burlesquem (Dan Guggenhelmer, mgr.) —Knur, Omaha, 14-10, Century, Kansas Olty, Whirl of Mirth (Robert Gordon, mgr.)—Empire, Brooklyn, 14-10, Empire, Newark, 21*26. Yankee Doodle Girls (Max Gorman, mgr.)—Lay off week 14-10, Krug. Omnha, 20-20. Zallah'a Own (W. 0. Cameron, mgr.)—Empire, Indianapolis, 14*19, Folly, Chicago. 20*26. Columbia—Eastern. Al. Reeves' Beauty Show (W. M. Leslie, mgr.)— Standard, Cincinnati, 14*10, Gayety, Louisville, 20*20. American Beautlea (Dave Ouran, mgr.)—Gayety. Philadelphia, 14*10, Oayety, Baltimore. 21*20. Beauty, Youth and Folly (W. V. Jennings, mgr.) —Star and Garter, Chicago, 14*10, Standard, Cincinnati, 20*26. Bebntaa fchow (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Gayety, Omaha, 14-10, 1st off week 20-20. Bon Tons (Frank McAller, mgr.)—Hsstable. Syra- cuse, 14*16, Lumherg, Utlca, 17-10, Oayety, Montreal, 21*20. Bowery Burleaqaers (Geo. H. Harris, mgr.)— Garden, Buffalo, 14*10, Corinthian, Rochester, 21*20. College Girls (H. 11. Hedges, mgr.)—Columbia, Chicago, 14-10, Oayety, Detroit, 20*20. Columbia Burlesquers (Jesse Burns, mgr.)—Oay- ety, Detroit, 14*10, Gayety, Toronto, 21-20, Cracker Jacks (Hsrry Leool, mgr.)—Qsyely, Mon- treal, 14-10, Empire, Albany, 21*23, Franklin Square, Worcester, 24-26. Usailers, The (Cbas. B. Arnold, mgr.) —Btar, Brooklyn, 14-10. Dreamland Burlesquers (E. Trsvers. mgr.)—Km* l>lre, Albany, 14*16, Franklin Square, Wor- cester. 17*10, Casino, Boston, 21-20. Gaiety Girls (Bob Simons, mgr.)—Casino, Phila- delphia, 14-19, Hurtlg ft Seamon's, New York, 21-20. Gay Masquerade™ (Hoe Mesatnf, mgr.)—Oorln- tblsn, Rochester, 14-19, Has table, Syracuse, 21-23, Lumbers. Utlca, 24-26. Ginger Girls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr,)—Osyety, Newark, 14-19, Casino. Fhllsdelphls, 21-20. . Girls From the Greet While Wsy (Dave Gordon, mgr.)—Empire, Hoboken, 17-19, Oayety, Phila- delphia, 21-26. Girls From Happyland (E. W. Oblpman, mgr.)— Oayety, Brooklyn, 14-19, Olympic, New York, 21*20. Golden Crook (Jss. O. Fulton, mgr.)—Oaaioo, Boston, 14-19, Colombia, New York, 21-20. Hastings Show (Barry Hastings, run'.)—Olympic, New York, 14-19. Empire. Hoboken, 24-20. - Jolly Folly (Al. Rich Producing Co.. mgrs.)— Empire, Hoboken, 14*16, Gsyety, Newark, 21* 26. Knickerbockers (Louis Roble. BgT.)—Empire, Cleveland, 14*19, Empire, Toledo, 20*26. Love Makers (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Oayety, Pitts- burgh, 14-10, Empire, Cleveland. 31-30. Merry Go-Rounders (Leffler Brat ton Co., mgrs.)*— Osyety, St. Louis, 14-10, Oayety, Kansas City, 20-20. Merry Whirl (Frank Perley, mgr.)—Ollmore, Bprtngfiel, 14*16. Empire, Albany, 17-10, Oay- ety, Brooklyn, 31-26. Midnight Maidens (Wm. S. Clark, mgr.)—Gayety, Kanaaa City, 14*10. Oayety, Omaha, 20*20. Mollle Wlllams (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—Columbia, New York, 14-19. Star, Brooklyn, 21-20. Queens of Paris (Joseph Howard, mar.)—West- minster, Providence, 14-19, Oayety, Boalon, al- so. Robinson Crusoe Girls. (Sam Robinson, mgr.)— Osyety, Washington, 14-19, Oayety, Pittsburgh, 21*20. Rose Sydell's London Belle* <W. 8. Campbell, mgr.)—Lsy off week 14-19, Columbia, Chi- coga, 20*26. Runaway Olrla (Peter S. Clark, mgr.)—Oayety, Louisville, 1410, Oayety, St. Louis, 3020. Social Maids (Robert Oohn, mgr.)—Park. Bridge- port, 17-19, Westminster, Providence, 21-26. Star sod Osrter Show (Frank Welaberf, mgr.)— Gayety, Baltimore, 14-10, Gayety, Washington, 21-20. Taxi Olrla (Louis Hnrtlg, mgr.)—Murray mil, New York, 14-10, Psrk, Bridgeport. 34*20. Trocaderos (Frank Pierce, mgr.)—Empire. To- ledo, 14*10, Bur and Garter. Chicago, 20*20. Welch's Burlesquers (Jacob Lleberman, mgr.)— Oayety, Boston, 14*10, Ollmore, Springfield, 21-23. Empire, Albany, 24*20. Winning Widows (Jacob Ooldenbcrg, mgr.)—Hnr- tlg ft Bcamon. New York, 14*10, Murray Hill, New York. 21-20. World of Pleasure (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Gay* etr. Toronto, 14-10, Garden, Buffalo, 31*30. MINSTRELS. De Rue Bros.'—Lnnsfonl, Pa., 10, Maiieli Chunk 17, White Haven 18, Tunkhannock 10, Montrnao 21, Hnllatead 22, Susquehanna 28, Walton, N. Y., 24. Balnbrldge 20.. Evans, Geo.—rklla., 14-10. Field. Al. O.—Bstttle Creek, Mich., 10. Lansing 17, Saginaw 18, Flint 10, Jackson 21, Adrian 22, Ooldwater 33, Goshen, Ind., 24, Elkhart 20, South Bend 20. Georgia Troubadours — Wm. McCahe's — Savon- burg, Kan., 10, Erie IT, Waluut 18, St. Paul 10. Mulberry 20. Prlmi-ow ft Docketader's (Earl Burgess, mgr.) — Buffalo. N. Y., 14*10, Rochcstsr 16, 10, Hornell 25. Btngfaamton 20. Mississippi Mlnatrels (Oorwecl ft Nye, mgrs.)— I BaltlDors 14-10. Washington 21-20. CIRCVSES. Barnum ft Bailer—Madison Square Garden, Nsw York, 14-10, Brooklyn, N. Y., 21*30. Barnes, A). O.—Rosebud, Or*., 10, Cottage Orovo 17, Nugene 18, Brownsville 10, OorralliB 21, Dallas 23. McMlnnvllle 29, Forest drove 24, Portland 26, 28. Buffalo BJII-frawneo BUI—PhUadelphla, 14-10, New York 23-May 8. Downle ft Wheeler—Oxford, Pa., 10, Kenneth 21, Parkersburg, Pa., 22, Malvern 23, Pbonlxvllle 34, Pottotown, Pa.. 20, Norrlstown 26. Heber Bros.' Oreoter Show—Oolombus, O., 28- May 3. HssenbeckWallace—Peru, Ind., 34. Haog—Webb City, Mo., 10, Aurora IT, Cotter. Ark., 18, Baieavlll* 10, Corning 21, Daolpan, Nev.. 22, Poplar Bluff 28. Miller Bros, ft Arlington's Wild West (Goo. Ar- lington, gen. mgr.)—St. Louis, 10-20. 101 Ranch—Coliseum, St. Louis, 12-20. ltlngllng Rroa.'—Coliseum, Chicago, 14*20, Clarks- burg, W. Vs., 26, Cumberland, Md., 30, FILM SHOWS. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly B. Dobba' (Joseph Oonoly, mgrs.) — Carueglo Hail, New York, 14, Indefinite. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly B. Dobba' (Joseph Oonoly, mgr.)—London, Eng., 14, Indefinite. Atop of tbe World In Moving Pictures— Beverly 11. Dobba' (Josepb Oonoly, mgr.)—Portland, Ore., II, Indefinite. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly B. Dobba' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Honolulu, II. I., 14, Indefinite. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly It. Dobbs' (Joseph Oonoly, mgr.)—-Sydney, N. S. W., 14, indefinite. Balkan War and Panama Canal, In Klnemacolor Moving Pictures -Cnrnogio Lyceum, New York, 14, Indefinite. Ilolkan War and Panama Canal, In Klncmscolor Moving Piclurea—TrciuoDt Temple, Boston, 14, Indefinite. Ralney's, Paul J., African Jungle. In Moving Pic- tures—Bijou, Now York, 14-10, "Garden of Allah" (Wm. J. McQuinn, mgr.)— Ohaplesn, Can 10, Pt. Arthus IB, 10, Thompson's Moving Pictures (F. II. Thompson, mgr.)— Dakota. III., 1416, Oedarvlllo 17-20, MrConnell 21-2.1, Sena 24*20. Van. J. It.. Players—D* Frolts, N. Y., 1410, Herman 21*20. CARNIVALS. nsrkoot's—Rosnoks, Vs., 14-10. Norfolk 31*30, Cllftoii-Kclley Shows (L. O. Keller, mgr.)—Frunk* llii. Ky,, 14-10, Central City 24-20. Jones, Jobuuy—Columbia. S. 0„ 31*20, MISCELLANEOUS. Abbott, Annie (Hugo Bros, ft Blel, mgrs.)—Cal- cutta, India, 14-80, Bombay May 1-31. Eokhardt's Ideals (Oliver J. Bckbarl, mgr.) — Wetosklnnln. Alb., Can., 14-19. Fascola, Great, ft Co. (Hugo Bros, ft Blel, mgrs.) —Llepslg, Oer. 20*80. Vienna, Aim., May 1- 15, Budapest, Hungary, 10*30, Honest Bill—Savwburg, Kan.. 16, Stark 17, Erie 18, Walnut 10, McOun* 21, Stone City 22, Weir 23, Apolls 24, Neck 26, Alba 20. Manhattan Oayety Girls Burlesque (Arthur Kerne, mgr,)—Norfolk, Vs., 14-10, Wliec1ln«, W. Va., 17-10, Louisville, Ky., 21-33. Plckney- Tllle 34-30. Mcyera' Novelty Entertainers (E. K. Myers, mgr.) —St. Vlnoent, Minn.. 16, IT, Druyton, N. Dsk., 18. 10. Rlcton—Cygnet. O., 1410, N. Baltimore 21*20. Hhari'steen ft Oo. (Ernest J. Sbarpsteen. mgr.)— Lapeer. Mtdh., 14*10, Mt. Plessant 21-2.1. Har- rison 24*20. Shresley Greater Show*—Meridian, Miss,, 14*10, Tuscaloosa. Ala., 31-36. Wsng Toy Han Oo. (Hugo Bros, ft Blel, mgra.I— Oane Town, So, Africa, 14-80, Jobnnncslmrg May 1*10, Durban 18 30. WASTED-Por Iho 1)0 line Bros.' MlnslrelM, First Class Cornet Player for lmml sod orchestra. Must bo sober and reliable, and toHouio, ono year's engagement. Address, Munch Chunk, Ph., April 17; White Haven lit,Tunkhannock ID, Montrono 21, Uallstead 22, SuBquebanna 23. AT LIBERTY Owing to Company Closing.—Al Versatile Comedy Sketch Team, Mini and Wife Min- gles and Doubles. Put-on Acts. Cbango often. Salary, jour limit. Tickets for lonu; Jump. ■TUB HUDSON M, 4M11Mb Ave., Hock Island , 111. WASTED For the Great Lean Ihow, 23d Heason. HEAL VERSATILE PEIIFOKMKRS. Strong Black-face COMEDIAN, with a good lino of specialties. A DANCER, preferred. Hinging and DanclDg Sketch Team, niutit do (tingles. A Sis- ter Team, that can change often and work In Tabloids. A good Novelty tlticnt Performer that changes often (either Straight, or Comedy, to be Featured. A real Piano Player and Trap Drum- mer. ThlBifl a REAL MKI). SHOW, tuid I want Rest Med. Troopers. So tell It all in your first letter. Address- W. II. HTAHTZKl,, euro of Great Leon Show, MANSFIELD, OHIO. V. B.-W<m!d like to (hear from a good Doctor or Lecturer. Want a good Boss Canvas Man at once. Tabloid Ploya Manuscripts and Parts. Scad for our freo list. The ticst for tho money. ROYAL MANUSCRIPT COMPANY 210 LYRIC THEATRE 1ILDG., CINCINNATI, OUIO. GENUINE TURQUOISE DIRECT FROM OtlR MINK TO YOVi snoot or ivac and nosrtutr i fc jj Mk Tsi^tMlas Blaga, Plot, Bneckaa, La VallltiM, Bir Drsts, Caff Ltsks. su. ktn Oi-m al Uaauysssad Btaaly. f u£*? • 1 law AM at 1*1 Mb v— jq M 1^!S I *J-' •*€ Va*** rtflW^t j* MOQUldVM CO. m 8. BPBWa ST.. Ml AmiUS, CAL. Show Loot at those prlcos for cash with order. No ship- ments modeo.O.D. Dnton workmen, Union LabaL MM MS to-nlghU, 6 changes, 1 side, DO casta, f MM 80M 4Z13 to-nlghts, 1 side, 0 changes, no casts, 1 ioo 80M 4113 to-nlghU, with cast and synopsis, • uh MM txis to-nlghts, printed both ildos, • i too 10M3«x«H card heralds, .... lo.og 10M 6X34 heralda, both sides (or U31) 13 M 10M 13xl» heralds, 4 pp. (or 0x34, both aides) IS.OS IOMlU21hor»lds,4pp.(orlO)ii3«,bothsides) IBM MM ladles freo or coupon Uokets, • • . io.h 400 half sheets, from type, biaok on yellow, 4J9 1000 half shoots, black on yellow, - - - LM MO one ihsot*, from type, blsok on yellow, 1000 one sheets, blaok on yellow, . . ■ lies 1000 tack cards, 11x14, ono color, • • o.o» Wo oarry no stock paper, Above prloea are far special forms from your own copy and onus. Oood shipping facilities. Caulogof atookouU, Oorrea- pondenoa Invited. OAZETTS SHOW PBIaTim COBPANT, MATTOON. ILL.. P. B. A, MUSICAL BELL8 For Sale or Exchange AUTOMATIC ORCHESTRA In perfect con- dition, comprising Piano, Drums, Chimes and Cymbals comblnon. A Oroat Money-maker for Halooas or Dunco Halls, IlaDjos. Mandolins, Hlelgk Bells. SUIT llcllH, Wooden Xylophones and Wire Dulcimer, ono standard Trombono and Oases. ONE ROYAL PHOTO 0PTIC0N with Double Looses, with Trunk, it a Largsis. SLOT MACHINE8 Two Mill's Illustrated Song and Slot Machines, one Mill's Grip and Dumb llcll Lifter, one Mill's Electric Chimes, Grin anil Lung Test. Height and Strength, ouo Homo Trainer for Illcyclo. PROP* ROACH, 6T3 West Madison St., Chlcage. PLATS MITTEN SKETCHES TOJRBEl 1 AKlOlflblS Oa'reo'f OLIPPRi. POR BALE OR ON ROYALTY—Dram. Sketch, 4 Chnr.; Woman Lead; 17 minutes. DEMPSEY'S THEATRE nVRLEflailE PEORIA, ILL. Comeillans ami Chorus Olrls, Hpcrlaltw l*ii<i|,ln m all times ftor Mummer Mtoelu HKNI) IIKKIIIT, WKIHIIT AND AOK. MAGICIANS A DOLLAR TRICK for TBlf OEMTM THE VANISHING HANDKERCHIEF Using no threads, palls, elMtto, hand box or liag. The neatest and host ovor. A Sure Winner. Homembor, you get a silk handkerchief, apparatus and full lnitruollons anil our lllimtrated coUlogua FOR TEN CENTS GORDON & HALL "SW 1 Cambria*. Vluu AT LIBERTY BILLY FARRELL HE DANCING TAD; ►utch and Rube I somedy or Burlesque, rsium* sly. Address MAJBNT1 Musical Siyiwsoisl TIC HOTBIo. UEW MOINEM, IOWAf* \a/abs*ite:d TENT OUTFIT Tent MxW). Seats, LightingHynlem, Smull Planou Slago and Hconvry. Prefer complete outflt—n* Ju nk. AUiirewH A. It. IICilTON, WAKItBN, ILL. Wanted, At All Time* TRICK CYCLISTS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN wiro or write. Can uae too at ones. Address CHAItLIK AHKAIlfl. Care of CL1PPBB. WANTED-GcQeral Business Man and Woman for second buslncwi. Must do two characters. If you can't Iciirn your lines, also mind jour own IhisIiickh, don't anmver. Wears now rounding out a 7«*w«iok unison and wont only real troopers. Tell all you can do and bo ready to do It when you go thcro. Iloncersf No. MOB. Ci'EllA UOOhB, Box 142, Oregon, Wis, WANTED, FOR Ginnivan Dramatic Co.. Under C'auvus, ltchcnrsal Call April 27, Man for Lends, Cornet Player that doubled slago or violin, Tuba Player that doubles stnito or violin. Wo par all. TIIK GINNIVAN DRAMATIC CO., Ashley, Intl. AT LIBERTY Juveniles, Light Comedy Also experienced Agent or Mgr. Reliable man- agers only. Address LBE OHLAMD, New Regent Hotel, St. Louis, Me. X. BIZI'S FAR FAMED DEPILATORY POWDER ESS* HAIR SIMPLE DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTERS OR MAILED IN SEALED MCKAQES, 50 CENTS. HALL A RUCKEL, NEW YORK CITY NEVER FAILS