The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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APBIL 26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 25 THESE 'ACES' ARE RAISINS TIE DEUCE COME UP TONIGHT M ♦ By BERT KALMAR and HARRY PUCK THIS NUMBER PUT THE ACE IN PACE. IT SETS A PACE THAT NO SONG OP ITS KIND CAN FOLLOW. A WONDERFUL UOIIII.K, A GREAT SINGLE, A REAL MELODY AND A GOOD LAUGH FINISH. OET THIS ACE (IVKKI.V. By BERT KALMAR and HARRY PUCK RAY SAMUELS drew this ace and showed her hand at hammerstein'S. RESULT WINNER, won enough applause to SATISPV THE ARTIST, THE MANAGEMENT AND THE CRITICS. "SOME ACE." OVER THE GARDEN WALL By BERT KALMAR and HARRY PUCK MAY IRWIN DREW THIS ACE AND LILLIAN RUSSELL SAID IT 19 THE BEST DRAW OP THE SEASON. HltOAIIWAV APPI.AUDH IT, EVERY SHOW. THAT'S WHY WE RECOMMEND IT. HOW S DE MAMMA? Br BERT KALMAR and HARRY PUCK IT TAKES SOME ACE TO DISTURB THE WINTER GARDEN. FANNIE BRICE DREW THIS ACK AND MAKES THEN LAUGH OUT LOUD WITH IT AND THEN THEY APPLAUD FOR MORE. ALL YOU CHARACTER SINGERS NEED THIS ACE KALMAR <5c PUCK MUSIC CO., I NC. 152 WEST 45th NEW RK OITPV OUT OF TOWN NEWS [ W. W. SPARKS, Scenic Artist, Little Theatre. Phlla., Pa, 1 PHILyADBL/PHIA. Four rainy days In succession laut week played hn!> with tbe attendances at the housen. The fag end of the Beason la almost upon us, as there Is no attraction booked for week of 21 at the Chest- nut Street Open House, while a travel picture Ins already been Installed at the Garrlck. The only new offering Is "Bought and Paid For, ' which succeeds the "Bird of Paradise" at the Adelpbl. Chestnut Stpebt OrsiiA Housb (Nixon & Zbn- merman, rogrs.)—G«orge Evans' Honey Boy Min- strels had the crowds In big numbers Inst week. There Is no more popular black faced performer llian George Evans, nud he received a noisy wel- come last week. His monologue provides a mu- lling Ore of laughs, and Is nearly the whole show. Vniurbn Comfort, ns Interlocutor, wns a high grade contribution, while John King and Saw Loo were excellent end men. This attraction la probably tbe lost engagement at this bouse under the Nixon & Zimmerman management, ns there In talk that beginning next season, under the Marcus Loeiv management, tin? there will be vaudeville at popular prices Installed there. Starting, 28, the Klnemacolor pictures will he shown. Fobbbst (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"Sweet- hearts," with Christie McDonald, begins Its fourth week, 21. The public has taken very kindly to the opera, especially on account of the melodious score provided by Victor Herbert. The star has a role that (Its her most admirably and she la winning great applause nightly. Bboab (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"Tbe Thief," with John Mason, met with a considerable degree of success last week, due more to his ability as an actor than to the play Itself. The critics declared tbe play poorly constructed, and lacking tbe dramatic situations provided In other Bernstein productions. Tbe second week begins 21. Adkli-hi (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.)—"Bought and Paid For" Is bock for a return engagement. t>eglnnlng 21. "The Bird of Parndbje" departed 10, after a very successful four weeks' stay. Lirio (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.) — Nora Hayes received an uproarious welcome last week, In "The Sun Dodgers." The houses were limited to the capacity, and Id addition to the star there was big cpplnuse for George W. Monroe and Harry Fisher. both of whim appear to grow funnier the older they become. The second week starts 21. Gabbiok (Nixon & Zimmerman, ingjs.)—Buf- falo Jones, In his series of pictures, depleting hunt- ing trips, had fine returns last week. The second week starts 21. ( Walnut (Heory B. Harris, mgr.)— "Excuse Me, as hilarious es ever, drew jammed houses last week. Willis P. Swentnam, as the porler, is tho Incarnation of genuine fun, while Oeral- dine O'Brien, as the bride, Is a decidedly refresh- ing bit of good acting The second week starts 21. Ltitlb Tbiatii (Beulah E. Jay. mgr.)Maeter- llnck's "Sister Beatrice" Is In rehearsal for week of 21. "The Importance of Being Earnest." by Oscar Wilde, was well presented last week, to Rood patronage. Eric Blind as John Worthing. which Is practically the only Important role, did praisworthy work. This same show will sgafn be presented week of 28. CnriSTHur (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Tbe Or- pheum 8tock offering week of 21 Is "The Man In the Case." There was plenty of merit to the revival of "The Talker," last week, and big houses thoroughly enjoyed the comedy. Albert Backctt had ttie leading role of Mr. Fells, and acquitted himself most creditably. William logersoll was spirited, as Harry Lenox, while Carolyn Gotes. as his wife, wss an effective foil. Virginia Howell ns Jessie Smith was also a clever creation. "The Mbaughrann" next. AumioAN (James Wall, mar.)—The stock ap- pears In "Iibotacl" week of 21, "The Ninety and Nine" was put on In One style, to splendid houses, last week. , , National (Jos. at Kelly, mgr.)—The slock, In "Convict 990." 21 and week. "Why Women Sin" was acted In vigorous style last week, to houses of good slse. Paul Burns nud his asso- ciates scored a big success. GttAND (Stair * Havlln, mgrs.)—"A Fool There Wss," for the first time at popular prices, 21-20. Lost week, "Mutt rnd Jeff" paid a visit, and the audiences were of capacity site to enjoy the show. Richnrd Freeman as Mutt, and Clus Alexander as Jeff, were as funny as ever. TitooADBso (Sam M. Dawson, mgr.)—Dante's Daughters presented a diversified show last week that the patrons took a decided liking to. Gladys Tears wns the live wire, and scored a big success. Oabiko (Ellas & Koenlg, mgrs.)—The Girls of the Great White Way 21 and week. Their prede- cessors were the Gayety Girls, Who gave ono line show to splendid returns. Gas Fay and Billy Armstrong were tbe most capable kind of come- dians, and tbey handed over a buncb of big Innghs. Clara Douglass Rackett was not veiy fur behind In her efforts to please. Gaveiy (John P. Eckhnrdt, mgr.)—The Ginger Girls wll be on tho Job 21 and week. The Ameri- can Beauties had a right lively show, to large numbers, 14-10. Foremost In their entertaining Qualities were Cook and Lorens, while Fay St. Clair, the Musical Harmonists and Tiny Rainbow were also well liked numbers In the olio. Hast- ings' Big Show 28. B. F. KmrB's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Nat M, Wills Is the big card week of 21. Other* are: "The Dance Dream," Owen Mcfllveney, Madge Maltiand, Gallagher nud Fields, Warren and Con- ley, oward's animals, Asakl, and moving pic- tures. War. Pskk (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 21: J. O. Nugent, Tborber and Madison, Mosber, Hayes and Moaner, Peon and Clous, Goldrlck, Moore and Klarss, and moving pictures. Kbtstonb (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 21: The Paul Axard Troupe, Henley Kids, the Frank Mills Players, Plerlet and Schofleld, the Five Steeles, and moving plctnres. _ LinuTT (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 21: Chick A Ohlcklets, Gertrude Flske, the Oirly Girls. Merrltt and Douglass, Mekaye Sisters, Thomas and Fltigernld, and moving pictures. Nixon (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week «f 21: "A Night In a London Music Hall," Fitch Oooper, (he Eight Diving Girls, Mae Frances, Tlgbe and Prim, Walker and III, and moving pictures. DanoKT'8 (Frank Dumont, mgr.)—Although the season li approaching the end the attendance continues to keep op finely. The skits: "Ktdnon- nlng an Heiress, 1 ' "Doctor Friedman's New Cure, and "Buffalo Bill In Oonvnlalon Hall," are all laugh providers, while the sketches by Joe Hortls nnd Bennv Franklin are entirely np-to-date. Fred Jarvls, Hsrry Hosier and George Bradley also sang new ballads in tbe first part. _ Bijou, flinAiio, FoBtPAtion's, Bait's, Vic- toria, Colonial, Palace, Auiamdba give vaude- ville and moving pictures. MM, The Grand Opera House, at the oonclmlon of lis regular season, will put on vaudeville and moving pictures, which will continue until far Into (he Summer months. Resident Manager W. Day Ion Wegefarth will remain on tbe Job all Sum- Tu« Philadelphia Operatic Society gives "C»v- nllcrla Bustlcans" and tbe "Ooppella" ballet at the Academy of Music on 24. Wisciia Klkaw gives n farewell recital In tb* same home on 23. . Doha Kim has been booked for a series of travel lectures, at tbe Little Theatre, beginning 21. Till advance car of the Rlngllng Brothers' Clrcue Is In town, making ready for the engage- ment here week of May 6, at Nineteenth Street and Hunting Park Avenue. Altoona, Pa.—Mlabler (I. 0. Mlsblfr, mgr.) moving pictures April 21, 22i "The Shepherd of the Hills" 25. Dsvld Warfield, In "The Retnrn of Peler Grimm," 20. OnniBUM (Arthur E. Denman, mgr.)—Bill 21- 23: Billy (Swece) Hall and company, Earl and Curtis, Les Keillors, and Morrlssey Trio. For 24-20: Lorraine, Dudley and company. Noodles Pagan, Ollle Young and April, ami the Dobertys. Carbondale, Pa*—Grand (Frank R. Traltea, mgr.) "Bought and Paid For" April 22. "The Little Millionaire" 2S, "Tbe Bohemian Girl" May 1. Idbal (L. A, Farrell, mgr.)—Lynotl'a Orches- tra and dally change of photoplays. Gem (Alfonso Sirrlannl, mgr.)—Mechanical or- chestra and dally change of up-to-date pictures. Savoy (John E. Lewis, mgr.)—Music and pic- tures, changed dally. VioroBiA (Louis Matule, mgr.)—Mechanical or- chestra and feature pictures. BOSTON. There arc three changes of note this week: "The Bird of Paradise,' 7 at tbe Majestic; Miss Ilornlmiii's company, at Uie Plymouth, and an opera change at the Tranent. The usual shifts occur at tbe burlesque and vaudeville houses. Majestic (Wllbur-Shubort Co., mgrs.)—"The Bird of Paradise" Is being seen for tho Drat time In Boston at this house. Business was rather light with "Tbe Typhoon." Plymouth (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Miss Ilornl- man's company, from tbe Gaiety Theatre, Man- chester, Bog,, opens here 21, In a repertoire of plays by tbe leading English dramatists of the day. The Irish Players- did a tiptop business during their month's stay. Trehont (Jno. B. Schocfllol, mgr.)—"Oarmtn" Is tbe opera being sung Ibis week by Ibe Aborn Opera Co. It was to have been presented laat week, but "Faust" was substituted, Popu- lar prices seem to appeal to the lovers of music. Colonial (diaries Frohmnn & Wm. Harris, mgrs.)—"Tbe Chocolate Soldier" now In Its sec- ond week, still seems to be new to local theatre- goers despite the fact that It has been here twice before. The business Is good. Hollis (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—Another week of Otis Skinner, In "Kismet," begins 21. Mr. Skinner and bis coterie of players are entertaln- lng large audiences. Bostok (Frohman-Harris Corp., mgrs.)—The attraction of "The Round-Up" seems to Increase rather than diminish. Tills is the fifth week. Sbubebt (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—"The Firefly," with Emma Trcntlnl as star, Is doing the business of the town. Fourth week Is now on. Park (Charles Frohmnn, Bleb A Harris, mgrs.) —Seven weeks of "Officer 000," and with the auditorium almost filled to tbe back wall at nearly every performance. Castle Souari (John Craig, mgr.)—"Tbe Man from Home" is current week's stock offering. "She Stoops to Conquer" bad a popular week. Casino (Charles H. Waldroo, mgr.)—Dave Marlon Is In town again with bis Dreamland Bur- lesnuers. He Is sure to do well. The Social Maids are to follow In. Ben Welch, who Is one of tbe cleverest comedians In burlesque, did a big business with bis company last week. Gaiety (George ){. Batcbeler, mgr.)—Billy Ar- lington, wns Is known as "tbe laughing hobo," proved to he tbe leading light of the Golden Crook Btrrlcsquers last week. To statu tbst the audiences appreciated the show Is to put It mildly. The Queens of Paris this week, and then the Cracker Jacks. Howaid (George B. Lothrop, mgr.)—Pat White Is here In High Life In Burlesque. The extra features are: Cyclone Burns. Farley and Morri- son, W. K. Browning. Bell and Richards, the Benedetto*, Lo Boel. and Honan and Helm. Next week tbe management puts on Its own burlesque show, It Is termed "Progressive Burlesque." Grand Opkba Hgiibk (Oeorgq B. Lothrop, mgr.)—Blanche Balrd and her Stars of Stage- lend Burlesnoers appealed to the patrons of this liouse last week. This week they have the Pace ■lakers, and then Pat While and Ills associate Lurlesquers. Keith's (B. F. Keith, mgr.I—Sam and Kitty Morion, B. A. Rolfe's "Arcadia." Crrsar Nesl, George Felix nnd the Barry oirls. Marco and Belli, Phil Slants, llanlon and Clifton. Two Al- freds, Handera and Mellss. and the Kdlson talk- ing pictures offer the entertainment this week. National (O. A. Haley, rjigr.)—Tbe players for Hie week are: The CnnllUIous, Five Brag- diHiH, the Parshleys, Kspnnola Opera Co., Qnlnu ami Mitchell, Lowe and Devere, Billy Morris, Charles Bradley, and the Kdlson talking pictures, OnpiivuM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—First half: W. J. DeBols, Hills and Wilson, Mary Hampton nnd company, Margaret Mayo, Lew Wells, and the Dennis Brothers. Second half: Bandy and Fields, Vincent Van Dyck. "The Welcher," Leon- ard and Lourle, Ilnrry Thompson, and Jacobs' iilucotMl canines. Kynn anil Itlchileld nrs here for the week apjiesrlng In two different sketches. St. Jamais (Marcus Loeiv management).— Bandy and Fields, Vincent Van Dyck, "The Welcher," Leonard and Louie. Harry Thompson, Jaeolm' educated canines, and Ryan and Itlch- ileld for the first half and for the second: W. J. IV ltols. Hills and Wilson, Mary Hampton and company, Margaret Mayo and company, l<ew Wells, unit Dennis Brothers, Glome (Robert Janette, mgr.)—Al. Bweet and company, nines and Remington. Johnny Reynolds, Sorutitlno Duo, Marceno, Navarro and Marecno, Tom Sldollo company, Anthony and Bender, Long and May, Helen Dixon, and tiie Rays. (iounoN's Olymi'M (J- K. Coincrford, mgr.)— For the week: Three Romans, Jerome and Lewis, Cartnenclla and company, Clem Bevlns and com- pany, Cliff Bailey and company, McOloud and Roberts, and Letvos Harr and company. Big busi- ness. Uowooin Squabs (George B. Lothrop, mgr.)— I.asky's "The Karl and the Girl," Morgan, Ches- ter and company, Hayes aud Alpolnt, Fuller and Fullerton Sisters, Mel Eastman, Flying Rogers, and the Klnemacolor. xotbs. Ciianokb in vaudeville and pictures occur at the Bijou Dream, Unique, Locw's South End, Old South, Washington, Apollo, Orients, Puritan, Pas- time, Back Bay, Beacon, Shnwmut, Premier, Nor- folk, Oomlque, Wlnthrop Hall, Williams' Ideal, Superb, Scenic Temple, Star, Hamilton, Harvard, Eagle, Dorchester, Itoximry and Imperial, NAPini Lothian, for many years leader of tho lioBinn Theatre Orchestra, and for more than half a century a prominent figure In musical cir- cles, will be given a testimonial at the Colonial on Sunday, May 4, when the veteran conductor will celebrate his seventy-seventh birthday anni- versary. Mr. Lothian first enmc to Boston on May 10, 1802, and lias remained here ever since, llo bad earned a reputation as in, orchestra leader long before this, however. He went to California In 1849, during tho gold crate, ami after remain- ing ten years tit tho West, returned to New York with the famous Christy Minstrels. During the three years he resided In Now York he was at ll,o Winter Garden under Mrs. John Wood, and also wllh Dodaworlh'a Band, one of the institu- tions of the day. He came to Boston to direct tho orchestra wltb the Morris Brothers' Min- strels. In the little theatre opposite lbs Old South Mctllng House. After Ave years lit the Con- tinental, he went to the Boston Theatre as leader of the orchestra. Tbe house wss then under the management of J. P. Booth, Ho remained at Ibe Boston for forty years, a record never equaled by any other director In the history of Ibe city. Business managers of the Boston theatres are: Boston Opera House, Fred E. Pond J Boston Tbe- aire A. I.. Levering: Tremont, A. M. Hhcebsn: Kli'i'jert, Frank M. McOrathj Majestic, Frank M. Mettr.nth -, Mollis Street, Charles J. Rich; Co- lonial, Thea. B. Lothian; Plymouth, Fred Wright; Park, Wm, D. Andreas; Castle Square, (leorso K. Clark; Gaiety. R. h. Ripley j Waldron'a Ca- sino. Lawrence De Cane: Keith's, Hsrry Oustln; National, George A. Haley; noward Atkenamm, f.eo, K, Lothrop Jr.; liowdolu Square, Al. Homer- by ; Grand Optra House. Geo. W. Magee; Gordon's Olympln, John B. Comerford; Globe, Robert Janctlc; Orphetim, Victor J. Morris; Saint James, Victor J. Morris; BlJon Dream, Josephine Clement. Imvrence, Mnsa.—Colonial (Julius Calm, mgr.) "Frisco Sal" April 28, 24; "Ready Money' 1 2ft. 20: Mme. Hcbumsnn-Helnk May 6. Or-XHA Housn (Wm. White, mgr.)—The Brit week of vaudeillle and pictures at tbls house, under the management of Mr. While, drew H, it. O. business. Bill 21 and week: Lewis sod Cbspln, Hughes Bros., 1m 'rn, Nalullc Nonnnmlle, llliick and McCtiuc. Omnia, Prof. Karl's dogs, Hoinalo mid Helium, and pictures. Niokbi. (John It. Olillleld, mgr.)—Bill 21 anil week: Hazel Allen, John B. Cooke and company, Ilrooks and Harris, Glemto nnd Maud, Ttirco Mad- caps, Anllu. Ktniiiett Welch and company, and pictures. Hiioauway (J. Fred. Lovctt, Ingr.)—Motion pic- tures lo ropuclly business. Talking pictures ire feat ii nil week of 21. Viutoiiia (Win. White, mgr.)—Good business in motion pictures. I'liKHiKit (J. Fred. Lovelt, mgr,)—Motion pic- ture! lo good business, I'axtimm (Wm. Millie, mgr.)—Good business with motion pictures. Notes. —(). Delmore, formerly machine opera- tor at the Nickel, has been engaged as operator lit (he Opera House Murray and Baker, of United Circuit, spent week of 14, at their home In tills clly. They appear In Portland week of 21, Denver, Col,—Broadway (Peler McOourt, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock April 21 and week. Oiipmkum (A. o. Carson, mgr.) — Kill 21 and week: Creasy anil Dnyno, Diamond and Bretiiiaii. Five Mowatts, Wotpcrt and Paulan, Deleon and Davis, Peggy I/cucu and company, Uravettu and La Voudre, nnd Edison's talking moving pictures. I'.jiruESH (George) A. Bovver, mgr.) — Hill It) and week: Big. Francesco, Orentore's Band, Bud Snyder, J. K. Emmet aud Viola Crane, "Pop" Anson, Bessie La Count, Jack Ark nnd Panic's Weekly. Pantaois' (Nat Darling, mgr.)—Bill 20 and week: Mr. quick, Fields Brothers, Williams anil Sterling, Moore's Lads and Lassies, and moving pictures. Tahob Ouano (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—Bill 20 and week: Edith nnd Curtis Kccsio, Prentiss ami Cornell, May and Brown, Iiowls and Jones, Bills boyfriend, and moving pictures. Bakbb (Harry Word, mgr.)—Joseph Stanton Musical Comedy Co., vaudeville and moving pic- tures. Nora.—ilolli the Empress ami Pantiges' are making exlenslvo exlerlor Improvements, the Kin- press iHhlli.if S.000 llglils ami tho Pantiiges' hav- ing tho front of tho house enaincleil while. 'lilivimkce, Wla. — Davidson (Sherman Ilrown, mgr.) Is ilurk week of April 21. Siiiiheiit (Wm, K, Mick, mgr.)—The Davidson Slock On. Iicgau the second week of thole Sum- mer slock season hers 21, presenting "The Usiu- biers." ""rh-» Man from Home" week of 21, MAJKsTip (J. A. Illglcr, mgr.)—Hill week of ?.'.' , v « l *n» llergero Plnyera, Ray Oox, Mile. Minnie Amalo, Moy Tully and company, Six American Dancers, McOornilck nud Wallace, Moran and Wiser, nnd the Klnelopbone. ,u \ ktmx . °i A- Whltehend, mgr.)-Tho Dandy Oirls week of 20. Wine, Woman and Song week <if 27. Saxb (0. A. Newton, mgr.) — The Haxe Stock Co. preseuls "The Sheplieril of the Hills" for 21) snd week. 'The Greyhound" lo follow. Kmi-bess (Win. Rnynor, mgr.)—Hill week of 20: Alexander Bros, Maroon, Lclghlnor and Jordoii, lloollt Trio, and "The Trainer." Junhau (J. B, thdcliert. mgr.)—"Running for Congress" 20-2,1, "The Flirting Princess" 21-20. LIBI EXPERIENCED, SOBER. RELIABLE 1*1 Cim liiiiidlc HiiyllilMg. ('mi Join mi wlro. I.. V. HAILKY, lVtill)t li , Well. I'ATALIIU <4l)N p.. W e. KIIKK. Illiin ininl drnwliigs mid Ki-crclsof nil iliiislniiN, 41 eiieli. Mind reml- lug nets, |2 mill $1. Iliindciiiriiet ilriiivliiKHiiiiilliliieprliilHCOinpli'ti). *li. Niintii'liillicl'.H.i-iiiiHiipjilyiisgiiiiilniidclil'an ns wo do. Kitnil He. sliiiuim for Pocket Trick nnd particular*. MAUIC, Hla, I, 1140 W. UHlli street, New York.