The New York Clipper (April 1913)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 26 cajl-x*: GREATER-RUTHERFORD SHOWS, Inc. ■F days — OPENS SEASON 1913 •9 FIVE CEKT CAR HIDE FROM PITTSBURGH, 000,000 TO DRAW FROM. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE COMBINED FIRE DEPARTMENTS FIRST CARNIVAL IN SEVEN YEARS. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE F. O. EAGLES •«TKT JtV f»LT^I"^ ^r*-et~n XT "13 s A. T3* "K*I^ef~a>"rVr E«it«raShow Mgra. that hare Show* and Novelties, that nawe newer Tlslted the Great Northwest. Can place Ferris Wheel, Motordrome W-AtlLl^- X. J- KJ Mn.M2/Jtr^.JX. M? MX.KJ1&M- Water Show. ENOCH, CORA LIVINGSTON, TISKAM, write or wire IRV. J. POLACK, Cen. Manager. H. R. POLACK, Cert. Director, die to 520 Lyceum Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. ClUQCDt ATTCUTinil Special Songs for Big Time Acts Exclusive Soon for High Clan OIHBaMIV) HI llllliun Singing Acta. Clever Up-to-date Songs for Sale on Reasonable Terms. Also tome fine Published Songs that 7111 make any Act a Winner. Bend today for our PROFESSIONAL SHOERS SONG BULLETIN. BRENNAWS MUSIC HOTJBW, 103 PARK AXZ, Wermr Twfc City. SECONDHAND GOWNS SOUBRETTE DRESSES ANDREWS •OS to. suu St., Chicago ■took rtorut- win Mod goods oa atprobauon. THEATRES and OPERA HOUSE8 Wa Iststt sdvarttaaoests la tan eolana at • ■pedal rat* »f 11.71 per agate lis* for I tsootai (or II Utanl. Tali will iniblt local auDigen ts keep thsir hoaaea pronlMsUi tad eoittaaaUi before the auoafera of companies. Darlag tki tlaw tba ad. U raajllag we will oral sack advar Ban a eopj et Taa Ourrn (rat. AUDrrORIUM THEATRE, Paalsboro, N.J. Pop. 2200; good show town; 8.C.600; elec- trle light. Wrl te or w Ire. MA RT. B. ENOB. Mgr. WANTED-Flrst Class Attractions, Stock Com- panies, MoBlcal Comedies, Minstrels, etc. Beating capacity too. Add. Majestic Theatre. Muncle, Ind. HUNTINGTON, W. VA.-Placade Theatre Pop.,40 ooo. New theatre. Open year round. B.C. law. Large stage. Block and Musical Comedle .w anted, two or mores, week. Percent. Write or wire APED A HYiTTCIT Westminster, bid- UrUVA a.\JVJLf virgin Territory for Vaude. vllleNovelties. 3days' percentage. CO.BEACH- I am booking iny own house, NICHOLSON, PA. Town Is on the boom, llcpcrlolre Shown with Hand, Minstrel Shows, Vaudeville People that can change for three nights or a week, Good singe and scenery. Klcclrlclty. Sealing cap., COO. Get wise and yon can get the money here. IlKKTD. STEPHENS, I'rop.Jt Mgr., Nicholson, Pa. HI'IIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED lor any Instrument or number of Instruments, igs, Words and Music. Sketches, etc. BendtUmp, OB AS. L. LEWIS. «2» Richmond St., ClnclnnaU, 0. PRINTING-3x4 dodRcra, 10M for $4.00: 1011 4x12,10.00; 10M 1)112, $7.00. Estimates free. HUKD OK 8HARPSBUUG. In lows. Show Printer. Dept. C "waVNTED-VAIIIIKVII.LE PERFORMERS that change for week; Comedian, Piano Player, Slnglo Musical act, Magician, Novelty l'orfoniiers. Can also place Piano, Violin, Trap lirums that can dou- ble mage. Would like to hear from Piano Player that can sing Illustrated Songs. (I have machine, etc.) Tent Show, slop nt hotels, (livo lowest sal- ary first letter. I pav all. Open aliotitMavl. LKK LK VANT, TIUlMISsONVlLLK, MICH. PARODIES FRKHII EKOM MY 1IRAIN-PRE8SI "When 1 (let You AIdiio To-Nlitht," "Circus Day," "]<oad Me lo That lleniitlfnl Hand," "I'd Love to Live In liovclnnd Willi a lilrl Like Yon," "Take Mo Hack to the Oanlenof Love." Five Pippins for tl.ou. Stamp. "Elfl v-kcvoii more varieties!" E. J. LA I'lriRHE, llux 5 54, Dallas, Tex. WANTED-Med. Peojilo for Hudson's Illinois Comedy mid Concert Co. Under Canvas. Singles and doubles. Must change for a week. Long sea- son to the right people The llnstys, write. Ad- dress HUDSON'S ILLINOIS COMEDY ft CONCERT Co., I'KOPHKTBTOWK, ILL. FOR SALE—One complete outfit ready to set up, 70ft. It. T., used 58 weeks, free from mildew; ball ring, blocks, falls, guys, 10 ft. side wall, nat- ural growl h spruce sides, quarters and centre pole; 2set natural growth oak stakes, ringed; marquee 10x10, stago 14x10, complete, like new; 10 lengths of seals, 8 high; folding canvas benches to seat 440, reserved seat curtain*, ticket box, switch board, electric wire and globes; t now 1000 C. P. pressure lights, 2 trunks, sledges, spade, grub, hoc, table, chairs, etc. Stored nt. Seymour, Wis. Address F. A. HOE, Florence, Mil. WANTED-SKETCH TEAM doing White Face or Novelty Acts, that can change for six nights, ami do straight In Nigger Acts. This Is a small Vaudeville under tent. Tell nil and slate salary Sid. I.aPotiiitaln write AI.V1S KIltllY, Eluora, Ind ' THE TEMPLE STOCK GO. Wants Repertoire People ALL LINES Those doing specialties given preference. Want especially Ingenue Souliretle with gooil specialty. If vou misrepresent you will be left on trunk. Ticketsr Yea. Address Mail. TKMPLK STOCK CO., LIBERTY, N. Y. MED. PERFORMERS That can cbungo for one week. Bad boys- keep off, I will close you. You get It here. All kinds of Med. People. BD. P. WBISE, LOCK BOX 104, TJTICA. N. Y. At l,ilicr(y-'ll!\l' Mil H With Hells and full Line, Experienced, sober and reliable. Locution only. A. V. of M. Closing season of lis weeks with Nell O'llrlen's Minstrels. Wlro or write care of above Co., York, Pa., April 2.1; Lebanon, Pa., 2fl. After thai, Navarre Hotel, New York Oily. RAYMOND BILL1TO. w-> 4 TABLOID SHORT CAST 111 .» m,m MSS., J.'.. CATALOG HIKE. r ISI V\ Pull course booklet,"HOW TO J, It* I ij WHITE roil MOVING PIO- # TUIIKS," USe. WETZEL, ROBENER A JAMKS, 1402 llroadwny.N. Y. WANTED, Four Actors or Actresses Willi Literary Ability lo Wrlle Chapters on acting, "Drama," "Opera,," "Musical Comedy," "Photo- plav." Will gladlv r.otnmtiiilralc with an votic Inter- e sted. H.J. FlttiY, 41 Melrose St., Rochester , N. Y . WANTED, for Sinnivan & Good Dramatic Go, Hop. under canvas. Kehearsals railed April 2?; open May a. Man for heavies, Woman for lends, Cornel, Baritone and Trombone Players doubling stage. Join on wire. Add. J. II. Good, Vilncy, 0 . FOIl MED SHOW- GOOD TKAM, one lo Play Organ. Also a l>. V. COMEDIAN that dou- bles Organ; and a Mm, Willi PICTURE MACHINES. 1 pur all after Joining, open Muv 12. Answer. J. a STANLEY, llox S, GLKNVILLK, MINN. i Real Hair,Crop Wig, $i; Negro. 26c.; Dress I Wig, Import llald, Boubmtte, $1.(0 each; , « yds. Crepe Hair (Wool), $1,00. ABk Oata- 1 logue Papier Mache Heads, Helmets,etc. |lmporter,Kllppcrt,alir. 1 4FourthAve.,N.¥ WANTEO LOOKED OVER \ « OVERLOOKED^ >H wont he overlooked If you have the right kind of comedy material such as you can find In Madison's Budget No. 14. Contents Include II monologues. 0acts for 2 males, 6 sketches for male and female, 32 parodies, a great minstrel first part, a one act farce, besides sketches for two females, for male quartettes; also hundreds of new gags and "sidewalk patter" Jokes. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Hack Issues out of print. AMES MADISON. i*i>4 Third venae JAMES M AD ISO N, Avenue, New York. WANTED NOW COMEDIAN, with Specialties CHARACTER MAN, Strong line parts MUSICIANS, for Band and Orcheatra This Is a real show and want real troupers. State full particulars at once. Make your salary right, you get It. Must be able to loin on wire. Address (HAS. MANVILLE, Mgr. Maybclle-Fowler Co., Harrison, Arkansas WANTED, TO COMMENCE WOK, MAY 12 TRAP DRUMMER With full line of Traps, Bells, etc WANTED TO PLAY PICTURES and ONE ACT of VAUDEVILLE. Matinees 8 to 6.90. Evenings 7.16 to 10.30. Satur- days 11 P. M. Steady Position to the right party. State salary and references. Address THE COLONIAL THEATRE, Saranac Lake, N. Y. CAR FOR SALE 05 ft. wide vesilbulc, Pullman kitchen car, com* pletely equipped and furnished. A dandy car' Will be sold very cheap. lreLAND MBTMERT COMPANY laiO P ST., LINCOLN, NEBR. WANTED, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR PERMANENT STOCK One hill a week, two mats. This la a city show, now In its 20th week. You must POSITIVELY bo able to deliver goods, and have good, modern wardrobe. Wo have been stnng. Incompetents cloBed at first rehearsal. Send full particulars and photos, which will bo returned. This Is all- season work to the right people. If yon do spe- cialties, say so. Also one good SCENIC ARTIST that plays parts. Address T. J. MATTOX, Majestle Theatre, Montgomery, Ala. MAGICIANS A DOLLAR TRICK tor TEN CENTS THE VANISHING HANDKERCHIEF Using no threads, pulls, clastic, hand box or bag. The neatest and beat ever. A Sure Winner. Ho member, you get a silk handkerchief, apparatus and full Instructions and our Illustrated catalogue FOR TEN CENTS. Box 1112, Sta. A. GORDON & HALL. Cambridge, Mass. NrVAN LEADING WOMAN Ability, Appearance and Wardrobe essential (send photos). Kehearsals May lo-opcn 24. Here 20 weeks. No matinees. Others write. F. MACK, DKS MOINES, IOWA. VanDykc ft Eaton Co. WANTED, AT ONCE CHARACTER WOMAN, strong line of parts. ALL 'ROUND ACTOR, play anythiug cast for. Slate age, height, weight. Send photos. Specialty people preferred. MATTICE STOCK CO., week April 21, Fultonvllle, N.Y.J week April 2S, lliiveini, N. Y. WASTED, S L-l_ 'ROUNI OMEDIAI And Novelty Single, or Team. Mnst be ablo to change for one week. NO booze or cigarettes any time. Must Join at once. Good salarv to good peo- ple. Address WM. BRANDOM.'Msr. Won- der Worker Dra., Bath, 111. P. 8.-B1LLY DEANTO, write. NEW 212 PAGE ILLUST. MAGIC CATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors, 60c. New 124 page bonk CataL, 10c. None free. W. P. LEMOV, 103 Court St., Boston, Mass. Taught by mall with wonderful rt8ult». Write for free particu- lars and testimonials from our graduates. Establhbed U years. Illinois Con- aervatory, Studio A, 00 Broadway, N. V. SINGING WANTED* Indians and Cowboys WITH STOCK. Ol'KNMAYlO. Long engagement. New York City, Address R. C. CARLISLE. SAOAMOltK HOTEL, CONBY ISLAND, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, for Summer, TRAP DRUMMER Experienced In all Hues. ],ocal 204, A. F. of M. II. I.. WACNKR, U*T George Street, or Care Opera House, New Brunawlck, N.J. FOR SALE-Complctc Tent Outfit 40X00 top, seats, stage, elc. Send for Hat quick. Med. and soap shows, write. SEEUl'RGKIl 4 GARIIEIt, 516 MULBERRY ST., DES MOINES, IA. PROF. RICTON'S LEAD Sure thai nftcr you've stolon his Ideas nud original way of working, It's Imimalbr * colngellcrsover. This week way of working, It's Imimsslblc for you to put the " IILOOMDALK 0. Orchestra Leader at Liberty Double Trombone. Arrange. Join at once. Stale your salary. E. W. MARSH, IS Bearfe Ave., Brantibrd, Canada. OUT OF TOWN NEWS CliXCHVPtTATl. Although April dan are still reminiscent of Winter, and Spring has shown a reluctance to take charge of weather affairs, the aeaeca is waning.. Sereral bonae* have announced the end of the 1012-13 route. One determination to pat a period to the aeaioo cane unexpectedly, for the Standard closed, not only for the season, but pre- sumably forever aa a bnrleaqtie house when the curtain fell on the last performance of Al. Reeves' Beauty Show, April 10. The underline bad been announced bat the flood and its attendant trag- edies seemed to tare all desire for burlesque out of the hearts of tbe people. All the theatres Buffered more or less from the paU of grief and sympathy, bat none more severely than the bur- lesque honsea. Aid so It waa decided to end affairs at tbe Standard, and 1013-14 will see an Inaugural of downtown, clean burlesque, at the Gaiety, on Walnut, close to B. F. Keith's and on tbe site of the American. The Grand Opera House will ran two more weeks, while tbe Lyric has three more bookings. The Bummer amuse- ment people are almost afraid to peep oat load. Chester Park baa twice postponed "First Look Day," because nobody wants to get bit ears frosted looking at new paint at a Summer resort. Meanwhile promoters of the coming Music Hall season of grind opera by the Cblcagu Grand Opera Cbmpiny are comtlng on a plenteous harvest. Andrew Dlppel announces tbe opening perform- ance for the afternoon of April 26. with Mary Garden In "La Jongleur de Notre Dame." Four performances are promised. The othera are: "Die Walkuere," with Olive Fremsted; "Rlgoletto,*" with Louise Tetrailnnl, and "The. Jewels of the Madonna." with White, Berat, Hamlin, rolese and Daddl. Geand Oraat Hocss (John H. Havlln, mgr.)— Mrs. Fluke Is cooing April 21, la "Tbe High Road." Last week, Julian Eltlnge waa seen In "T1>e Fascinating Widow," his third Cincinnati visit, and announced farewell -in the character. Large crowds greeted him, and but emphasised his continued popularity. Belle Adair was Winona WIater*a successor, and she gave charm- ing personality bo the role of Margaret. Carrie Perkins, June Mathb and Louise Orth take good care of their roles. The season closes week of 28. with Margaret Illlngton, in "Kindling." Lraio (Janes B\ Fennessy, mgr.)—William Hodge Is due 21, in his comedy of optimism, "The Road to Happiness." Last week magnificent tribute waa paid William Faversnam and bis surrounding stars for an artistic, sincere, elaborate repro- duction of "Julias Caesar," masterly In eyery way. The tragedy was sumptuously staged and grandly Interpreted. Even the mob caught the spirit of the fnaltless presentation, and Frank Brownlee. First Citizen, won the applause geuer- oualy given bun. Faversham's Marc Antony was picturesque; R. D. UaeLean a dignified Bmtua, and Edwla Arden a Oasslus of iron. Fuller Mellsh gave to Julius Oataar splendid interpreta- tion, and In tbe death scene proved sufficiently ghastly to lend near-realism to the grewsome scene. Business good. Mrs. Leslie darter can- celed 28, and "Bundle Wakes" came lnsteal. WAUtor STBautr (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)—"The .Shepherd of the Hills" will be put on by Oaskell ft MacVlttty 20. Last week, big c.x>wds were glad to glte greeting to cheerful "Mrs. Wlggs of the Oabbage Patch." She failed to arrive In time for the matinee. Grace Hodglna hnndled tbe rote with Eileen Cosgrur, a sweet 'T.ovey Mary." Helen Alexander was the Miss Hiry of a splendid east, which Included Howard Terch- out. as Stub'.ins. Great business. B. F. Koth'i (John F. Royal, mgr.)—Edward Davis and company come 20. In "Tbe Kingdom of Destiny." Others: Empire Comedy Four, tbe Harrison Armstrong Players, In "Squaring Ac- counts'," Marlon Llttleneld and company. Carson and Wlllard, the Florentine Singers, Artlo Meh- linger, SeeJey and West, Mme. Ludlie and her parrot, "Dickey", and Edmund Breese, In the Klnetcpboive Interpretation of "The Master Mind.'' Patbe'e Weekly. Rktbbss (George F. Fish, mgr.)—"The Cav- aliers" will be the headllner 20. Others: George P. Richards, la "Easy Money;" the Savoys, Golden and West, and Sampson and Douglass. Empresscope views. PKOFUfs (James E. Fennessy, mgr.)—Tbe Sol- lickers are due 20, after a week of tbe Missouri Girls, with dainty Eva Mull. The company failed to arrive In time for the Ural scheduled perform. ance. "The Littlest Leading Lady" Is an enter- taining skit. Fred Russell, Bobby Harrington, Mar- guerite Cashing, Lethe Keeny and J. Francis Reynolds were chief among the amueere. The chorus wis a taneful, handsome feature of "Girl Land." The house closes 20. Standibd (B. K. Hynlcka. mgr.)—Al. Beeves' Big Beauty Show had the distinction of nutting a period to the season here. Reeves, himself, was missing, but Andy Lewis was up to his neck in both •Tlying High" and "Easy Picking." Zeile Russell. Goorgle De Graffs and Lucille Man- itlon came under the wire as beauties of distinc- tion, while Beatrice Drew and Marguerite Relts were amon£ others in the same class. Ohpjiicm (Walter Oanfield, mgr.)—The Alpha Sextette Fox. Franks and Fox, Dugan and Estua, Norman Eustus, and Henry and Henry, la "Whi- ning a Maid." were on tbe earlier bill last week. Gbiuik (Ernst Otto Schmtd, director)—Tbe German Players offer "Wle Man Slch in Der Welt Lacgwellt" 20. Hcsio Ball.— Vera Blaek, the Blograph girl, cornea 21, after a very successful week of Flor- ence Turner, the Vltagrapb girl. Sarah Bern- hardt^ picture-played ,T Queen Elisabeth" will be shown. CnssTsm PasR (T. M. Martin, mgr.)—After two postponements "First Look Day" la scheduled 20. The season will not open until May 11. HsuOK'a Orrai Hones, LicruM, Fawlt and Cnmrar are showing pictures and vaudeville. OLiJinc la dark, with occasional boxing shows. Aran, wmsraas. WnsTt King Baseball arrives, Queen Burlesque takes tne back trail in Redland. Th» too is getting ready to announce a "baby show." Then are late arrivals In tbe lemur, Indian and Oryx antelope families. Wabsili Lars Is to be the conductor for the Summer season of the Cincinnati Orchestra. Johannes Uibbsoh was beard In violin re- cital at the Odeon. Mus. A, V. BooKWixt, Is to resume her role as secretary to Col. I. N. Martin, In tbe Chester Park nunageasent. Erecst Kunwsld and his wife are to spend tbe Summer In Germany. Hie members of the Symphony Orchestra Board are to give a dinner to toe former after the last popular concert. April 20. Bat Ooz was one of the greatest carls of the Keith "Festival Week" bill. Her flrat trip on an aeroplane proved a continuous scream. Danssi MATrnanvs filled the title role In "Tbe Peacemaker," at toe Covington Auditorium. Kibxib has gone to Nashville. Pacl Bliss Is writing a new operetta, to be presented by a class under Haael Hawkins, at Norwood, In May. DmtiNo his slay Julian Eltlnge enlightened his Cincinnati friends on his new play, "Mtaa Swift of New York," which bas Its premier in Atlantic City, Oct. S. la this creation "Hiss Swift" is a sufferegette, and tbe role sustained by Mr. Eltlnge is thit of secretary to tbe mayor of a Western etty. Gtrr O. row-ran, former reporter on the Corn- mrrda! rribstie, has become a burleequer in Erie, Pa. THBtK will be some delay In building" the new motorilome at Ludlow Lagoon. Is aniuerir.g adt. clean mention Clitfu. WANTED, MUSICAL COMEDY FOR SUMMER SEASON GRAND OPERA HOUSE COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. MUST BE A No. I, capable of producing all big Successes on Royalty or Percentage basis. Can offer eighteen to twenty weeks. For full information, address S. N. NYE, aVIarr., Colo. Springs, Colo. WANTED QUICK, SHAMROCK MEDICINE CO. HIGH CLASS, SOBER, RELIABLE 5IEDICISE PERFORMERS IN AIL LINES. Musical Acts, Sketch Teams, Novelty Acts of all kinds, Trained Hogs and Monkeys, Good Red Hot Comedians. All must be up In Med. Dlz. and change often, fiilt edge engagement to good people. I never close, and your money always waiting. I WANT A GOOD M. D. registered In Mich, and Wis.; also two that can qualify In Canada. I pav all after joining. State everything and be ready to loin. THOS. P. KELLY, Care of Grand Union Hotel, TORONTO, CANADA. "wanted quick, f-or -the JESSIE COLTON COMPANY (14th season) EXPERIENCED REPERTOIRE PEOPLE With ability and .wardrobe. Sonbrette with feature specialties, Man for Heavies, Man for General Business and Characters, Violin Leader for Orchestra, Comet for Orchestra (no band). State what you do ind lowest salary in first letter. State If yon do specialties. Week stands, pay your own hotel. In- competents, tourists and boozers, don't light, for vou will be shown no mercy. Can use an experienced Canvas Man to take charge of dramatic tent outfit. J. B. RICHARDSON, Orion, 111. invi F-or FIRST CLASS REP. Undor i LEADING MAN, HEAVY MAN, both must be tall; also AGENT, and WOMAN for CHARACTERS and HEAVIES. Wardrobe and ability essential. Mr. and Mrs. Nit High, write. Address MANAGER STOCKFORD PLAYERS, 411 N. Smith St., Greenville, Mich, Wanted, Organized Musical Stock Co. For the Auditorium Theatre, Ashville, N. C. The best Summer resort town in the U. S.. bas a floating population of from 12,000 to 18,000 all during tbe Summer, and mostly show-going people. Charming and captivating mountain climate and scenery. Nights are always cool. Theatre Is one of the largest, mo«t comfortable and up-to-date legitimate houses In tbe entire South. Address, with particulars, GEO. AV. BAILET. MAC-TAFF STOCK CO. Under Canvas, young Jnv. Man, Heavy Man, Comedian and Sonbrette with specialties; Character Man, Gen. Bus. Man. Character Woman that can play some Heavies; Specialty Team (man and wife), Sister Team. MUSICIANS FOR B. AND 0., Al BAND LEADER. Those doing specialties given preference. State age, height, weight, all first letter. Late photos, if possible. Rehearsals May 6. CHUCK HARDING, write or wire. Address CHAS. A. TAFF, Bedford, Indiana. PLATTrTG THB BIST Of VAITDKVUXE SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE t 1 GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE I SauUlwam and Considlne Bide., TMnl 1U , »_.j_„,n.u.ik„. dm. , ■ v and fladlaon Sta., SEATTLE; WASH. 1 * 0j "" ""way (Heidelberg Bldg^N. T. 1*RXL>, LINCOLN, - . Gam. Mgr. I CHRIS O. BROWN, ... BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES 1 PAUL G0UDR0N.6 North Clark St., cor. Madison. Chicago, 111.; MAUBIOE 1. BURNS. 8d and Madison Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. P.EESE. 9fl5 Market St., San Francisco, CaL; B. OBERMAYER, Broadmead House, 21 Panton St, London, S. W., England, ESTABLISHED 915 YEARS- -STILL, GROWING. FRITZ SCHOULTZ * COMPANY'S ORIGINAL INDUI :mcnts are CORRECT GOODS, BEST PRICES and DELIVERIES the SAME DAT your order Is received, or we twill let yon know by card. We are the LARGEST THEATRICAL MAIL ORDER HOUSE In the country, and we will send onr large Illustrated catalogue, lately revised, to any address free of charge. AMATEURS NOTE that we carry tbe largest eto:k In the country or Costumes for your shows and school plays. 19 W. LAKE STREET, C HICAGO, ILL. The WOLHERJE TBMtTCaL EXCBASGE mm SSHZr t ' WANTED—NEW ACTS, NEW FACES. All recognized acts desiring to break Jumps, coming East or going West, write, wire, phone or call and see na. BARRY OUT. Booking Agent. JOHN B. COLLINS, Gen. Manager. OSTiTBrFFor MEDICINE OVAriandSTREETMEN Cutamulsion in stock enrtons $2.10 per gross In S gross lots. Under your own name (2.35 per gross in 6 gross lots, $2.20 per gross in 20 gross lots. Complete Prlco List and Samples free. CRESCENT SOAP CO. (Successors to W. & W. Soap Mfg. Co.) INDIANAPOLIS, IND, WEIGHT THEATBIOAL LUMBER stiles, mm, mil mm, profile, stage floorih Orders ailed on ahort notice. Prompt delivery onr specialty. WRI6HT LUMBER GO., 140-150 W. 38th St, New York Gowns NOTICE I Wardrobe [WE SHIP GOODS C. 0. D., WITH PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION 'a full] We carry a fall line of Professional Wardrobe, Evening, Dinner and Reception Gowns, also Gentleman's Sack, Cutaway, Fall Dross and Tuxedos, Norfolk Coats and Trousers, Prince Alberts, and Overcoats In a u weights. ' MR8 ' U SCHRWBR, 9114-80 Booth St. I r„|| • •„. .a u.,1. C,,||c Between 9th and lOih Sts., Phlla., Pav. rUll LID3 Of MBI S dUlIS Tueiosiiw Dross Suits I TRICKS! TRICKS t TRICKS f Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties in the world. Send 9c stamp for lliaatrated catalogue. 184 >. CLARK STREET. A-a f W-sw-IW <2rLT A TST 1U STATE STREET, (Main Store) Chicago. Wa «!■ *? aaa w a wa w W aaw t awW Chicago (Palmer Booae Lobby - . WOLFF, FORDING A COMPANY KO ELIOT ST., BOSTON. THEATRICAL OUTFITTERS Manufacturers and Importers or Jewels, Spangles, Tights, Hosiery, Trimmings, Materials, or anything for Stage Wear. Acknowledged Leaders in onr line.