The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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July 5 THE N^-W YOEK CLIPPEB. 11 OUT OF TOWN HEWS Fall Hirer, Mage.—Siroy (L. H. Boas, mcr.) Mallcy-Dcnnlson Stock 0». presents "The Lottery Man?' week of Juno SO. liuou (Ohaa. B. Cook, mgr.) —Tbo Bsylles- Hlcks Stock Obv, under tbo mansjement of Thro- don B. Bsytica, opened at this theatre, 30, with "Plney Bidgo" as tbo cpc-nlng bill. Tbe com nany csma from Fltcbbnrg, Mass., wbero It was Installed lot aeaaoa at tbo Auditorium Theatre. Is tbo company are: Henry I licks. Oorinno Cant- well, Florence Johnstone, Mauil Blair, Oraco Bent- frow, Pearl, Lytoll, Eugene Webber, J, Arthur O'Brien, George Walsh, Harry King, Bernard Steele and Georgo Gow. Henry arabbert l» scenic artist. Tbe plsy* wUl bo produced under the di- rection of Mr. Hicks and Mr. Steele, and moving pictures are to be Introduced between the acta, Acapwt (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill 30-July 2: Apollo Qnartette, Jane Bote and company. Frankla Drew and the Maacagnls. For 3-8: Ward and Ferry, Sam J. Bams, Carrey and Lee, and pearl Stems. Pauoo (Walter Blgelow mgr.)—^Motion (H. -Mlcnclfelder, mgr.)—Motion pic- pic- LTBJO Stab (El. Mlchelfelder, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Olobs (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—iMotlon plctnres, Nicfslodbon (Walter Blgelow, mgr.) — Motion alcfures. Soihio (A. H. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Hllford, M«i«—Lato Nlpmue (Das J. Sprague mgr.) vaudeville and plctnres. Bill June to and week: Barto and Olerk, Sadie Bodgers, Ed. UcBnelly, Mattlo Qoinn, r.-edo and Primrose, Joggling De Lisle, and Snyder's Quartette. Added attraction for Sunday, 20, was Waltham Brass Band, John Flocton, conductor. Tnrpou Hall. —Motion pictures and Illustrated Ltoiok (Luby Bros., mgra)—Motion pictures sod illustrated songs. Idku. (M. Perham mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs, Notbs.— Lake Pearl, In Wrenthaut; Town Hall, Holllilon; Town' Hall, Upton; Town Hall, Hop- ktntou, and Morse Opera House. Franklin, are all showing morlng pictures and illustrated songs, to good business The new curtain, also the lira surtelr. hare been bung at Millard Opera House, and scene painters are getting oat an entire new set of drops. Resident Manager Franklin Tomp- kins has announced the opening to take pace kept. 1. Haverhill, Mass.—Tie Pines Theatre (I. W. Gorman, mgr.) week of June 30, "The Dainty Quakeress," by .Matthew Ott, featuring Lew Will- iams, Harold Dunn, Nettle Hnlse, Fay Darling, Bernan Hanson and a big company. Majbstio (Prof. Jannelll A F. Boskettl, mgrs.) —Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Bcbnio (A. Benganman, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs. siilleb Baos.' 101 Banco showed here Jane 33. Attleboro, Ma**.—Hates—Bill June 80- July 2: Baymond and Lclgliton, Bonis and Dar- ky, Toklo Murato and pictures. Columbia. —Pictures and rnudevllle. Notes. —Slg. Sautelle'g advance agents hire pe- tered this and surrounding towns, announcing shows appearanco In Attlebrro July B Columbia Orchestra has disbanded for tbe Sum- mer months. Mansfield, Mass. — Pastime —.Motion plc- taree and Eddie Ohllds, In iluabrated songs. Fawtneket, R, I.—Scenic —bill Juno 80- July 0: Buater Brown Maids, Kiel Trio, Freda and la Van, Jane Markel and pictures, Nbw Stab. —Pictures and songs. Mdsio Hall. —Pictures and songs. OVERNIGHT SENSATIONAL SONO HIT SIKGLE OR DOUBLE VERSION CHORUS We'll BO cut on (be ocean. Bobbin-- 1VOVELTY In' op ana dovrn, Bobbin* np oint down. O•>, w 11at a motion— Bobbin' «p »'■<• (own, Babbitt* np and down. It's a Jiannv ship, And you'll take a dip In the btinjr honey, if y ovist r«el ebotaM slip. All (he chairs and (he dlshos Are bobbin' up and down, Bobbin' up and) down. Even tho 0 .lies As*bobbin' up and down. Be* (he Captain and (ho Crewi IaBveirybod y, ewers you, I Kexp bobbin',UoubIfs>.ttabbiK'ai*avnd down- ■ ADIJIIKSH ALL JIAir., TO THEODORE MORSE MUSIC CO. 143-145 WEST 40th STREET Through to 1437 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA I CHICAGO < TO LEADERS Sond for/'Our; Band and Orchestra - Catalog THE STANDATII* BALLAD OF ALL TIME DE/VR OLD GIRL Br, THEO. MORSE DAD'S HOTEL, MILTON STEVENS CHICAGO OFFICE 145 NORTH CLARK ST. ROCER GRAHAM, Prof. Mgr, HAGENBECK-WALLACE NOTES. HAUErYBKCK-WALLACK FKATTJKEH ARDELL BROS. OUIGINAL DANCING ATHLETES. ophm irov. ao . FREEHAND BROS. — HIOH-PBRCH ARTISTS. BIO 8P0CB88 -Open Nov. 20 for Engagements. SIX CORNALLA'S CATAFIJLT ACHOUAT8. EMMA CORNALLA. Mgr. WHEEL BIRDS WILLIAM BARTKL8 CO., aHI Cortlan dt St., N. T. TENTS raekir Duck and Rubber Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Bake good tenta. Bare you money. Write for anr now catalog. ERNEST ANDEESON SOME CLOWN H Beaton with the Hamum Show JOSEPH LEWIS CIIAKACTKH CCMIKIMArV •ns of (He filatures with 101 Hunch GOT MM TUT 5uiet Jack Oliver Moore VfZSsz Htlll with (bat different wire aet TIIH NETTIE CAIUIOL TRIO CHIEF TEPHON ■ABIWG RUSSIAN ROUGH RIDER and WHIRLWIND DAMCEIl All season with lui Itanch show aa a feature. 101 RAM N OTES, (bt job umSi) The week of June 23 wm tremendous In paft. ronage. following tbo BlngUng.Broe.' Circus, and Geo. Arlington was much pleased although the opposition was closed, The Fourth of July Is near, and the little oics crare for the crack of the whips and Jingle rf spurs which hangs so snugly Id a pictorial display, cowboys, cowgirls and Indians mounted In parade, received many pleasing comments from the spec- tators on the curb. Home psride, some saow. It's blff-blng-bang from start to finish. The 101 Ranch Show train, outbouml from Doston, was derailed neat East Somerrllle while taking crossing, caused a late performance at Lynn, the following stand. There were three men hurt, two sent to the Doston Belief Hospital. Al. Hutchinson had bts finger smashed wvcrUy. Be is a performer well known to the profession, doing banjo and black face. Tbe performance was given to a packed hroac. To tho quick mangemont of Manager Blgsby all was In running order for the evening show. Joe Lewis Is now doing tbe Dutch cop In the Wild West. Watch him neit season. No, watch him now. Some cop. hey I Dan Dlx, the silly yap and cowboy clown, Is proud of tbe gold tooth placed this week in his mule, "Roosevelt" Show your teeth, Teddy. now smile. Chief Iron Tall, the Indian who now Is fa- mous for tho new nickel, has Taa Nsw You: Cvivvn read to him every week by the Indian Interpreter. Milt. Blnckle, cowboy broncho buster. Joined the show at Boston. , . Tex. Ocoper, the noted cowboy, ts coatem- plating placing an order for a new pair' of chaps. staufTvr Is gome shop maker. Look oat Stauf. dot me? . Chief Tephon aays RoasUn tobacco la harmless, lie Is dreaming, dreaming Mecca. Johnny Pbeeney says I should worry let Shorty do that. Shorty aays a few more like Gloucester and I will bave to work overtime some H11U." Tommy Klrnan, tho noted trick rider. Is laying off for a few days, as polion ivy got the beat of him. Shorty Janlcke la tilling hla place until ho returns. Mrs. McQoIro and daughter, of Revere, wen visitors at Salem, Mass. A guest of Chester Byers. Bus tor Mack, the pretty blonde cowgirl, and Bllllo Mack, round two bank checks valued at f 1,200, at Gloucester, Mass., while on th'lr way to the show grounds In the morning. They re* turned them to the owner, and received a reward, nunc and Buster are looking for checks evory morning, Dolly Clark shot herself accidentally while lay- ing a revolver away at the matinee petfvtmance at Lynn. Myrtle McBrlde Is a new subscriber for Taa Naw Yvbk Ourrxs. Mabel Ollne has a pretty beauty mark'on her left cheek. Don't blush, Mabel. Mlas Clyde Lindsay, the Cheyenne broncho BT JACK IfOOSB, (2710 Boy Wonder.) Juhs 28. Sunday we arrived In Utlca at 1 r. at., and every one waa all togged up to see tho ball gamo that we had arranged with the Dearfleld team of Utlca, and this bunch certainly turns out when there la a ball gamo In sight, and when It comes to rooting they have got tho world beat. The ladles were there in full force and mnilo a pretty sight, sll dressed In white, and they are not bsckward in rooting either. It was a great gamo and our boys worked tine. Tbe game waa a tie at the ninth bmlng so wo had to play the tenth inning, and If it hadn't been for an error on our part we would surely bave won the game, but aa It was tbo score was 0 to 4 In favor of tbe Dearfleld team. Wo were all In hopes that we would have a game with the D. ft B. Show but they wired ub that they had no team. But we hear, over here, that they have one. Now we are sll wondering If tbey are afraid of being beaten. Jlmmlo Ward was locked up tho other day, but broke out with poison ivy, and la now a sight. Zvery time Jim sees any tall grass ho stiles. We sre certainly having our share of raffles—two and three every week. Lillian Klncsld has been tbe lucky giTl; ao far she has won a diamond ring, lost week, and a pair of diamond ear-ring* this week. That la going same for luck. Now, she wouldn't miss a chance on inylhlng. Doe. Blcase. the original fountain of yonth. S r ;» ar ". n | th ,° *, bo 5; m "'„"",* "'! 1° J!/i ,c jJ™ attrlbtues his boy!»h countenance to the olive oil » T-* 1 *; «•"-, !■«■tooks One, Ho la sixty-one years diet. Art Wsterson and Doc. Just talk them * folks right Into that Zoma Show. ■——♦—— a business busy bee you tare do buss around. More checks to you. I hate to part with this watch, boys, aa It has been la ray family fourteen long years. Very Well. Abby, give me three chances. Now Uint we know Ann's age, how old Is Kid Cush. Watch your step, Prince. Boutbon Bob's noble pro01>3 still Illuminates the Indian Village souvenir bourd with that always ready smllo. Our lmmncnlste Bert, be of csnlne fame. Is giving a bow-wow Sunday. Be claims to have originated a step be calls "the dog trot" for that Drciiroland that will moko them all growl. Some bark, that Bert. Be who hesitates never accumulates twenty-two Iron men. Och, Louie, Barney McCann don't entertain tho Ides for a moment that Initiation Is coming off surrep- tlclously. We Will all be there with bells. Nick Lombardo says If business keeps up Blmeby Bltneby big bouse In Brooklyn. Deacon Wilson and White "Tats" fluenther still Insist that Charlie Llmoklns Is the real Charlie Ross. Don't knock, walk right In. miss that for anything, But Herbert got with Ik at we were qulto worried about you. Well, this Is Saturday, and to-morrow la the diy we all wait for, aa that la pay-day. quite a number of folks nro going 10 spend Sunday In New York, aa wo are only twenty miles from the Urge city Monday. Woll, boys, nothing to do nntil to-morrow. Hay. If Jack's a herring- la Sol Wise? And has anyone caught little Jack Moore after live o'clock Saturday. Oeel but lie wna pale. Say. boys, that was one on me. Qool-nlgbt. SPARKS' CAR BURNS. Fletcher Smith, press ngent of the Sparks Shows, sends the following story of tbe burning of the private car of the Sparks Shows, which occurred while the train was en iouf« from Ooconto, Wis,, to Munlalng, Mich. The train waa about a mile from Burk River, Mich., when the Ore waa dis- covered In tbe stateroom occupied by Mr. snd Mrs. Sparks. The Ore evidently started In tbe roof of the car, but its origin la a mystery, as no lights or lamps were In the apartment. Mr. Sparka seised hla wife and rushed her through the car to a place of safety in the privilege car. On hla way he attempted to arouse the sleeping musicians snd performers. Be succeeded In getting old. He enjoyed the show snd got enough orders wouldr.'t miss a chance on anything. Tuasdsy, Oswego, N. Y —A swell dsy, grassy lot and one block to tbo lake, which is One for the boys, as tbey all enjoy a good swim on a hot day, and there waa also a ssw-eulll Just outside the iiieMriiur, room, and tho riders and acrobtta were out on the sawdust pile doing stunts tbey never thought of before. Mac. McCrre is certainly getting to be some tumbler. Msc. Is a flns boy, and everyone likes hlin. Ueno sure has cause to be proud of him as be la auro a coming rider. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cola are entertaining friends snd relatives here to-day. In Watertown, and by the looks of the crowd I think his sixty-second cousins were all here, but I ssw them all drinking lemonade and eating crackerjack, so I am aura they had a good time. Tbey came over from rottsdam, M. Y., which used to be Bert'a boy- hood borne, After the matinee I bsd the pleasure of meeting a few of tbem: Mrs. De Lane, Bert's slater, and his charming niece, Lucius Bcnter buater, is still making them sit np and tale notice Mnnlnlng It way necessary for jnoat everybody to In her dating riding and busting. "Kf! n ""^S? i? S WE HAVE FOR liEASB OARS 60 feet Jong, for shipping econory, automobiles, advance •aggago. prtvIltRO, motor boat, utock and morry- go-roimilH. - Desirable for sbow and clrc-nj com- ■anles. Reasonable ratcH. *HB AUnlH PALACK HORSE CAR.CO. Boom 014, aa» 8. Michigan Awe.. Chicago SHOW WEATHEB One Roman Chariot, one iso-ft. Round Top, one JO-fU Middle, one lw-ft. Konnd Top with two 80-fj. Middles. Folding orgunii, Baby Grand and Rayna Convertible Pianos, Morry-Bo-ronnd, Monkey Or- gans. Send for froc, Bargain Booklets. R. H. AKHBRUSTBH HFO. CO. HPHUVOFIKLB, ILLINOIS W anted,, At All Times" TRICK CYCLISTS aaAIIIUM AND OKMTLEMBll WM or write. Can nso you at onoe, Adur8ts CHARLIE AI1EAIW, Care of CLIPPER. Wearer Gray can throw three ropes At one time on a running horse, soms trick. '.:' If you ever visit the 101 Ranch Sbow go to and hear Prof. Baker's Colored Concert Band, a feature band, playing all of the raggy, catchy ones from muslcvllle. The comedians are: Fratdl Nash, Ohas. Brown, Ernst Williams. > James Mitchell snd the well known comedian, Sam Ford, who pour's the new songs down melody lane. They all present at one act of "Down In Dixie. Some singers, eome dancers. They are real laugh makers. ' Bill Orets and Ohaa. Tipton smile at the good eatens, some cook house. <:- BIX IN OHB NOTES. Walt until yon hear the Scotch bagpipers play "Tbe Cock of the North," In their new suits. May Joe, the three legged child, Is of on a Bhort vacation, ' Oapt. .Claud la sura (ho Beau Brunirjdl of the Six in One. Yon ought to see the new plctnres Jolly May. bello has for 'tale. Mile. Blectra. (Mrs. Bllllo Warren) sore holds the crowds. ' • • Blllle Warren makes two hundred lectures every day. (Jean Milton longs for Buffalo BUI. "Whyt" M "Shorty," work tbe monk. Is Yellow "sick." .Mile. T The Mulligan Guards made their quarters at the Putnam Hotel, and found Prof, Irred. Putnam one real fellow, aa show folks Is the centre of hla cognomen. On the closing night he had the Mul- ligan Guards Just chuck full of bofniltallty. In- clilently. Chauncey, to open, had best look to his laurels, as that man Ilealy Is aomo story teller. , Chappy Bunnell, tho fashion-plate of the Molll- -jtnn Guards. Is some shining light'with that sparkler. How'dy, Butch. » On with tbe Mllllooalie'a Club, Barry Flak. As Lewie Uesd, the .elephant man, out of bis berth, 1 - and soiling a can of water they endeavored to get also Mlas Wilson, who Is a cousin, I think. Then to the scene of the Ore. there was a hunch of awfully good fellows among By this time the smoke was so dense thst they them that I remember was: Geo, Barnett, Jobn were unable to reach the Ore and were driven back and out of tho car. Meanwhile, the engineer bad discovered tbe Ore snd he rushed ahead with all speed for the town, There were sixty people in the car and It Is a miracle that any of them are alive. As It was, they escaped only In their night clothes, and bad the Are occurred before daylight. In all probability there would have been a horrible catastrophe. There were many exciting rescues and Ohas. Williams owes bis lite to the bravery of bis bed- mate, Barry Bowman, who stayed with blm until he had aroused him and pulled blm oat of his bunk. Michael Lepon was pulled out of hla bed by William Green and W. J. Daplyn snd lust escsped with his life. The ladles lost sll of their street wardrobe, and the men tfielr clothes snd all of their valuables. When tbe show reached asry for most everybody to cars until a new supply of clothing could be procured. Hod it not been for the efforts of Manager Sparks it la probable that no one In the car would hive been saved. He rushed back and aroused sll the sleeping Inmates and worked like a Troian to save their lives. After tho Are he remarked Mullln, Wm. Floyd, Fred. Morgan, and so many others that I can't recall their names, hut tbey were all real fellows, and by what I hear tbey bad acme time down at tbe hotel, between shows. Anyway I saw Bert, holding his bead mighty high that night, but a little White Itock fixed blm up, and he was right on haad when It was time to mak« his announcement and say, Bert is some snnounccr. The other day when announcing about the overland auto, I saw more than one old farmer put his band In his pocket and start to draw out his bank roll. We have Just started a collection for the Fourth of July and we are sure going to have some fire- works after tbe show at nlgut, also plenty to est and drink, as we have already over |100. There la certainly some great bunch over here sll In for a good time, and believe mo we certainly do have good times. We hsve also planned for a ball game with the Hudson, N. Y., team, so we sre all look- ing forward to celebrating the fourth In grand holiday style. The following are tho committee In charge of tbe big time: Jock Moore collector; Arthur Thompson, Billy Bice, business managers) Bert Cole, Joe Goyle, Geo. Conner*, Carl Lsster, Sam Newman, Mac. MoOree, In chsrgo of shoot- be didn't mind his loss so long aa no Uvea wore jm 0 b fireworks; Reno McOree and Harry Liu! tost He lost all of hla wardrobe and Mrs. Sparks the same, a diamond atud valued at IftOO, and about $800 In money that was hi bis clothes. Fortunately most of the money wss In the safe In the offlce. but there was about $3,000 In paper and sliver In a closet in tbe office which waa saved by the daring of Clifton Sparks who fought back the Ore with palls of water until be had secured all of the money. Tbe performers aided by the townspeople, worked valiantly, and suc- ceeded anally In putting ont the lire, but not until the cor was completely gutted. The performers lost all of their money and only one or two saved a particle of wardrobe. It was a sorry looking bunch that huddled In tho Brimem car until the train reached Kscaneva. [ere the officials of tho Northwestern road proved friends In need. Tbey furnished a 72-foot steel ear and told Mr, Sparks to keep it aa long as It was needed. Mr. Sparks left immediately for Chicago to {lurchase a new sleeper and the sbow proceeded o Munlalng, It wan exceedingly fortunate tbst the Dro did not occur earlier In the nlgbt, as in all probability not a lite could have been saved. THE' WOJlbD'H GREATEST TENT B1AKKH8 [» UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING GO. W.KD P. NK OMANN, Jr., Pros. WALTER F. DRIVER,Vlco-Pre». A Trcas. BDW. a MTZINQBB, 8eo*jr JW-W-MO and »8 Norttt Street, CHICAGO, ILL., V. 8. A. SIDE fiUAW AIMfa I Prices Right. We Challenge tho World. Best Work ° ,,#ts OnVPW AIiU . Flngft Equlpptd Studio In ths UbH»i1 States CARNIVAL QANNERS I w * >arom j*p o ^ 0 ?J?. 0 *^f°°i t, * n 'M Iinie<,uteI J and to guarantee del I very OH time BENU FOR OVA CATALOG AND alECONO HASH LJSTA : g't 1 A: I.! 1 if. YOUNG CONLON KILLED. Calvin Obnlen, seventeen years old son of A. 8. Oonlon, tbe well known .circus man, of 1837 Bardstown Road, Louisville, Ky., was killed by a live wire dangling from a polo in tbo rear of the Oonlon residence, afternoon of June T, while In the act of driving chickens through an alley, Tbe boy brushed against the dangling wire, screamed and fell. Be was.dead when assistance came. A, S. Obnlen has been manager of the Sells- Floto side show for tho past two seasons. 1 TWO HILLS AT TERRB HAUTE. Rain bud no effect on the Two Bills' Snow, June 24, st Terre Haute, Ind., both performances showing to capacity. Col. Cody received a rous- ing reception as be appeared in tbe arena, and In a short speech Introduced bis partner. Pawnee Bill. Splendid business Is reported. Col. Ohas. W. Heeley left tbe show week of 23, for Montreal, .1- ger. Is chsrgo of refreshmenbi. Will toll you sll about It In next week's notes. To-day la Thurs- day, and we axe all sitting around waiting for Taa Old Remasli, aa It sure tells us sll the news. Well, 1 think wo have now got a boas canvas man who Is Johnny-on-tho-auot with tbo canvas every morning. Paul (Doe.) Christman is bis name, and tbe boys all work bard for blm, and they all like him. Lota of birthday!. Three yesterday, flhas. Fisher, Sam 'Newman ami our qld friend Pete Cornelia. They all told their age bat 1'ote, and he says be is as young as be reels, and by tbo way be acts around hero ho must bo a chicken. One of bis boys let It slip, sud dfty-threo wca tho sge, but say, when It comes to having a good time Pete has tbe young ones boat a mile, so I think he has tho right Idea. Tony 'I'att was the first to fall off tho band wagon tbla season. Tony ssya Its as good ss a bonk. We passed tbe Singling Show, I'rlday night, on our way to Amsterdam, we are having besps) or opposition with the II, A II. and Bingllna Show, but It seems to make our business all the better, as our tents sre full every day, so Uncle Ben should worry. Our ball team has played two games this week and lost both games, Oee, boys, yon wgnt to get a move on you and get to be a regular team: There Is going to be a wrestling match over here, between John Galium and "Pittsburgh," one of the drivers, snd the betting Is pretty even so far, and 1 think It Is going to tie. some .match. nere is our regular Sunday "Mulligan" bench, who bave a good Hum every Sunday Hal Wlsa Is royal chef: Bed •UorndorfV Ohas. -Ilhler, Mr. Hageiman, Pete Marlow, Ueo. Connors, Governor Wallace. Eddie De Vos, Max Allen, Prcd Meyers, Sam Ucrris, Dig Sweeney, Ohaa. Corey, J. Mur- phy. Al. Massy, Mr, Turner.- Pete Jenkins, A. An- sderson. si: Davis, Sam Newman, Joe Pricket, Kid Kcnnard. -Cuss. '11011, J. M. Marolll, Jack Abeam. Herbert Lamer now has a "Big Ben" alarm clock, aa tbe other day be never woke up until after three ojclock, and everyone was wondering what happened to Herbert, When In he walked lost la tzoe for ov wire act Herbert woulUa'C 1 '«••« OKLAHOMA RANCH WILD WEST. JDNa 23. The sh 1 . lining a NCurd business through Canada, At Conors, Mask., 10, tbe aUige-eoncb overturned la the nreuu, but no one waa hurt. At Winnipeg we turned tlioiu away for two days. On Monday, 111, we bad to give two shows at nlgbt, to capacity business, Ulll Dear win. Is getting tho money on the uptown sbow. Walter A. Shannon la a wlaard at handling the crowds, and his slilo show is getting the money everywhere. I received my button and card from The Show- men's League of America. I can boast of being one of tho youngest members, being barely out of my tetna. Otto Klein, our champion, received quite a band at Winnipeg. He Is to defend his title there In August. Bill Surlock, our new press sgent, Is a wonder. HI* stories of the wild and wooly West wake tho nattres up along the line, Kildlo llrown our over popular steward, sets e tabid at tor a king. "Kid" iongllsb, our head waller, has a corps of eOclent men, snd sets a nice dining room and good service. Muldooa la the assistant steward and cArf, and la a real fellow, Pete King hae the fastest crew thst ersr bandied a big top. Pete Is the superintendent of cauvss. Oeorgio Mullisll and Charlie Mnlhall joined la Thief Itlver Falls, Minn., snd are leal features. Miss Ciurgio snd her hliu school horss, are "all there." Tho Kearneys are nlwsys favorites la pistol and rids shooting. Uncle Dan Boylugtoo and hla $10,000 troupe of mules sre real favorites with the ladles and children. Be has a ftaturs act that would make your high school horses turn green with snvy. Ben Oaspsr has bts fonr-ln-ooe and bis knlfs rsck hers and la one very busy man counting his money, Al. Lewis and A. Woolf have concessions, and report good business. Jsck Lewis, our head porter, is the "the king of tbem all," and bas lbs neatest trsla I hsve ever bsd the plessure of traveling on. Lucille Mnlhall, lady champion roper and rider, la he centre of attraction In tbe arena. James Orr, our front door guard and press agent, broke his right hand playing baseball last Vrlday. Chris Ayets bas tbo Inside concert tickets, snd his buys get a record concert each day, Hasclis, the wlre-balred man, Is quite a nov- elty, and hla lifting two ladles by his balr la nothing short of .wonderful. Prof.siiornman Is a real fellow, and hla com- edy msglc act Is a riot. Ills flying lady or sus- pension set Is good, Leooa La Marr, mind reader, and Belos, with her snskes, are restores, Prof. Reed's band and minstrels are good. Oeo. McCoy Is lesder. .'ewell Jelt has a real feature formed for the Winter season—Jewell's Lady Minstrels and baud of ten pieces, playing the big snd little. None too big or little. VM3UK BROS/ SHOW NOTES. HT BAUD, "That Bovthem Clovm." Mr. Vino left the Blngllng Show In Springfield. 'Mass., on account of a smld-jsi Illness, We are all glad 10 know be Is booked solid on tho U. li, O. circuit. Luck to you. Vino. Ml'iiies. Die Mexican wiro wonder, hail an awful bad tall Inesprlngfiold, Mass., while doing hla sea. satlounl high swhig on tbe wire, but hopes to be back In a few days, greater snd grander than ever. Wm. Carroll, oomwly knockabout and producing clown, is still making good with tbo World'a Oronlesl. I'.d Walton U back with us again, after a few days of sickness. The Mange Club has lost all inenii.x-rs (aa well aa tholr hair), Only one bot- tle of mango hair euro was bought (tbst wsa' enough). There- Is one little fellow nn tbo sbow that keeps all Hie clowns guemlng and ho la no ether than that'fuiwy ilttln Kiujllib clown, Paul Mluuo pro- ducer of .original clown stops. Next week I will endeavor to give to 70a a line-up of our unde- feated baseball nine. And believe me It Is some baseball team, too. Tbey are open to any and every team, and so far ore cfaarapkjiHt, as they bave won six games cut of seven. Their last was with tho Taunton, Mass., team of picked men. Tho score stood four to three hi favor of the Singling Bros, team la tbe tilth inning. Oomo called ou account of dark- ness. Tills Is enough for this time. s ' MAnOKIilNH'IXDOOn CIHCUS. »Mnrecline, the well known Hippodrome clown for several' years, will head au Indoor circus at- traction -on tho Kluw & ICrlanger time, under the direction of If. M. Harris and Jed. Shaw, Incor- porated under Hie title of B. A S. Amusement Co. a I 1 101 HANOI IN 9HASH-VP. Three men were Injured and a score of others Invlly shaken op Juno 23, when tbe 101 Hanch Wild West train was derailed on the lloston * Maine BaUreid, Bear Bast ooiaervllle. Mats. . !j( *; . ••::-.BT ■1 I ■>(!■ ■-- • •Uli