The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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July 5 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEE. 17 INDEX TO OUT OF TOWN NEWS. .. 17. 7. 10. Arkansas... California., tjanada...... Connecticut. District of Columbia, Illinois 1J. Indiana 7, Iowa • »■• ?*• Kentucky IS. UonlslBM • •« Stbraata....... 19. New Hampshire..... New Jersey 18. New fork....... 7, 7 Unas 11, 10, 27 ae Michigan.... 7, is, is 27 MlDittaoti 7 7 Mississippi IS 21 Missouri. 13 10 Ohio T. 18, 1ft 20 Oklahoma. 7 27 Pom 10. 10 10 UhfKlo Island. 11. 18, 10 7 South Carolina 21 27 Tennctwe ,. 18, 27 TTfZU , 19 10 Virginia 13 13 Washington is T Wisconsin 19, 1» an attack by a hostile tribe of Indians. The day Is Bayed by tbe timely arrival o( a troop of cavalry and the complete root Of tbe attacking party. .Reliance, 8) Solas, 1. Tbe bascbaxi team of tbe Reliance Motion yioture Company added another victory to Its long string at Lenox Oral last Saturday Afternoon when they swamped the Bolax nine ■under an 8 to 1 score. The Reliance boys fcmi their nattiest batting togs on, and banged out fourteen hits, Including a triply try "Sam Smith, with, tbe bases full, In the ■fourth faming. Jim Bailey ires In: rare form ■gain, and allowed bis opponents bat fire scattered Mnglee. Next Satarday the Reliance warriors will slip over to Philadelphia to battle Sigmund Luhln's strong nine, and a great game is looked tor. Tbe Reliance teefm will be ac- companied by about two hundred followers to invade the Quaker City and root for "their boys." ■ s Ok application of Prank L. Dyer, the General Film Co., of Portland. He., has been authorized to do business In New York State. SAN I^RAJVOISOO. (Special Dispatch to The New Tobs Clipped. ) Columbia. —Monday. June 80, second and last week of Blanche Bates and company, in "The Witness for the Defense." Cost — Sunday, 29, third and last week of "Everywoman." 'Savoy.— Monday, 80, Xtr. and Mrs. Chas. Kemp, In travel talk illustrated with views. -Alcazar, —Monday, 30, Leo. Dltrlchstein, assisted by Isabel Irving, Cora Wifherspoon and Madge West, and supported by the stock company ox the house. In "Before and After." Tivoli. —Monday, Jane 80, "Iolanthe." Obpileum. —Bill opening Sunday (marl, nee), 29: London Palace Girls, MJbs Norton and Paul NJcfcolnon, Otedo's Five Musical Gormans, featuring Katherinc Gorman; G. 8. Melvln, Zelda Sears and company, Chief CatrpoUcan, Frank Coombs and Ernest Aid- well, the Four Rotters and Thomas A. Edi- son's talking moving pictures. BiiPBEBS.—Bill opening Sunday (mati- nee), 28: Lohse and Sterling, Fay and Mynn, J. Herbert Frank and company, Crelghton Bros., Ray Thompson's high school horses, Ella Bacblrn. and Twilight pictures, Pantaqes'. —Bill opening Sunday (mati- nee), 20: Harry HoVman and company, Mrs. Sob ntzstmmons. the Ferris Wheel Girls, Marks and Bosa, Klein and Erlanger, Willy Zinrroenaan, Grazia Nardint and Sunlight pictures. THE HOSPITAL BENEFIT. (Special TTire to The Cupfbr.) Chicago, July 1. The benefit performance given at tbe Audi- torium Theatre yesterday for the Actors' Hos- pital was a huge success, all expectations being more than fulfUled. An excellent program was offered, includ- ing Sit HawallanB, Grace Wilson. Morton ■ad Moore, Stella Mayhew and BUlie Taylor, Bessie Kaplan. Gene Greene, Joseph. Santley, earanoff and BHvie Hein, and La Petite Duo. Dave Lewis made a capital official announcer. Talks were given by Lee Krause, Adolph Marks and Dr. Max Tborek. The orchestra was under the direction of James HensheL The musicians were supplied by the Visita- tion Society, A. F. of M. The stage was under the direction of Abe JacobB and Will Cunningham, while the stage mechanics were supplied through the courtesy of <the Inter- national Alliance of Stage Employees, Local No. 2. Nurses from the American Hospital acted as ushers, flower girls and program sellers. Total receipts amounted to seven Unusend dollars, and donations amounting to one thousand dollars were received. It was magnificent, In which everybody re- aionded to such a noble and worthy cause, ther with actual services or financial as- sistance. GEORGE WARREN RETIRES, (EfKiai take to Tus cmtpeh.) Chicago, July 1. •George Warren, laanager of McVleker'j Theatre for the past fourteen years, retired frc i bis position last night, and was pre- eer .ed with a gold watch by the members of his staff. Warren Is one of the best known aho-VL ,j, in the United States and entoys a world of friends in the theatrical field. « ■> PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE BILL. FOB WBXK or Jcly 7. Nert week's bill at Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre will include as fine array of enter- tatters aa the Summer season at Gus Mc- Cunes theatre has yet been graced with. Jack Henderson and Nena Blake, fresh from successes musical comedy, will be seen to. as graceful and snappy a singing and dan- cing speclaly as the patrons of this noose have gazed upoa hi many weeks. Will Oakland and his company of singing tnonsrebs will offer an elaborate Terston of their tnrst of harmony, entitled "At the Club." Marlon Gray is another new singer said to possess a splendid manner or displaying her talent. Pealson and GbTflle, .the class of singing co- medians, will be heard in new songs and Sayings, while others will be the Stan Stanley Trio of acrobatic Jesters: Ray Conlln, the the elsver dancing duo, and Charles Hiomp- son, the Juggler. JoBnriA A. M Sollas. manager of too ward Theatre, Kingston, Jamaica, Is In New sort engaging attractions for Ms home. Ho tins iiiOic-T contracts with the ArujcTnl Gnt- ttitl Itsttan Opera Company for an engage- ment In October, and with W. B. Haiklns and Fred 8. Lorraine for the Harhins .Way- Ms, In nmslcsH comedy and vaudovlle in September. Bossy WbOLsar and Gkbtbups Wbtxiko- rON have formed a partnership, amd will soon *t seen in vaudeville .together. La *"oro amd Waltbbs, "The Honey Boy Kids," are working together again, after a WPiratkm of five years. Itf IT.W Harry Hotter and Company, la "A * 1S '" Mutrlmonlnl Bllsasard." tf A V T'T%U^'^7"¥'k 'W 'W? Pbuctor's Twsntx-tbibd Street, Joun 20. W Xm.^J Mj^Lt V J 1 -■ #JL This p.irtlcutnr mntrlnioimai hlUtard riasncB ^^ "■■* * ' " ' ' within the office of Lawyer "Ffergy" Kergu- Jk f*T*2 eon ' a drled-up character of that profession, * m ^** <J Whose authority on things lawful had prob- _,._._ ._•.. «bly never been seriously taken. Ferry Is _ '"**« I •■ DIn •• visited by a Dick Savage, who desires aorrico PaocroR'8 Twemt-thikd StbeXT, Jem 25. for taking steps towards getting a divorce A trio of speedy dancers and Blngers who from bis Republican wife. Dick was a Demo- scored heavily at -this house last week, were crat, and therefore they failed to "love, the Three Lubbvs. Two girls snd a young man honor and obey." ne talked and walked compose obis act. They worked In one. on through his pact, slapped Fcrgy's bands at their own mat, opening together rn Dutch every opportunity, and rfbuscd tbe poor old costume with song and dance. This was guy's high hat and umbrella until he was followed by r. song end dance by one of the satisfied he had advtco enough, and went to girls and the man, he In white eUk blouse an adjoining room to plan his harvest shirt and black velvet knickeibockers, snd Hardly bad rvrkey made his getaway when the girl In pale blue knee length kid drew. V^ 8 - D,l '! c Savage cormc, went through the They started it with a bit of tango and tin- same Hoc of talk and action as her hubby, lahed with a Jig. It was finely executed. and Ferry was a dilapidated looking adviser Then the other girt, in purple ankle length by the time Dick ramo from his room and dress, sane "Snap Your Fingers With Me" met wlfey. Things were satisfactorily ex- In a real clever manner. The sister followed plnlned as to the right of a man's overcoat this with a single dance bit which showed found hanging In tin. Dick's room by her her to be one of the fastest little workers husband, and her discovery of a pair of ha tbe wooden shoes that bas clattered 'cm lady's silk gloves in Dickey's wardrobe. Each here hi a good while. She wore s fresh- happens to be tbe owner of thctsaid "cloth- looking knee length pink dress, was Joined ing," and Fergy believes himself the cause of by the other two (sister In blue dress), and the reconciliation. they closed the act to a good hit with a trio The woman In tbe sketch did the beet work dance. Speed-and accuracy mark the Lublnn v * th w,l «' material she had at hand, and she an O. K. dancing act. fit for any bill. At»ut snows how to carry good fitting dresses. Too •nine minutes, in one. Tod. much slnp-stlck work for laughs snd a bit of i | over-acting br the "busbancr* spoiled what John de Persia and Company. would otherwise be fairly good entertainment. Keith's Ukioh SgrjABI, lUtixm, Jem 80. S « TentMn minutes, interior. Tod. This Is another of those sketches wherein b..„,. . _ v .„ __ - «.___._ the wrong man Is accused of murder through rioeoie lit vere ana cosapaay. circumstantial evidence, and Its title Is "A Proctor's Twenty-third Street, Jbbe 26. Close Call." A chic blonde girl is Flossie l* Vera, and. The evidence against the man is very with the assistance of two young men, she strong, but be stoutly declares bis innocence put over a neat singing and dancing act here In the one scene which occurs in the district last week to Just ss neat a reception. Flos- attorney's office. sle doesn't claim any Tetrazzlnl honors as a The arrest of a woman who had loved htm singer, but sbe warbles pleasant enough to before his marriage, and her confession that accompany her real clever stage personality she had killed the woman through Jealousy, and dancing ability. saves tbe husband's life. The cast: The act opens with Miss i.o Vere and one Robert Larkin W. F. CanBeld of the boya singing "I'd Do As Much for James Burke J. Bevlns You," seated on a bench. They are Joined by Olacomo Roberto John de Persia 'he other boy for the chorus, and finish It Mrs. SUversteln Leona Price fltb a soft shoe dance. For this song Miss Tbe? M. Diston &• Vere wore s pretty red and black aeeor- Dan Costello H. Cowan dlon-plaltcd dress and a large btraw hat, and John de Persia, as the Italian husband, toe boys wore gray'suits and sailors (lid a capital bit of acting, and Leona Price, . /he boys follow this with a soft shoe num- as Mrs. Silverstein, was excellent. bef, finishing with an Irish Jig, while Flossie OH Tlmtr. changes to a pretty pale blue gown for her a "Waft Until We're Married, Dear" song. Belle and Jones. Then tl| e h °J' 8 again, in bell hop uniforms PRnrrnn'n TwiPKTV.Tninn Stmft Jtjvh 2S ! nd °?. the . WOOdeu soles, giving Miss Le t-ROCTORB iWEMY-iniBD aiBEET, June m. Vere time for another change to a white Man and woman. They are classy workers accordlon-plaltod dancing dress, white stip- end have fine delivery. The man is a very pers and stockings, and "The Gum Shoe clever straight comedian, while the young Man" gave Flossie the opportunity to show woman's good looks and personality make her what a flexible dancer sbc Is, wben the boys, far above the average "feeder" role. looking their best in dress suits, Joined her They open under spot, making a slow en- for tbe finish dance, trance with "Underneath the Cotton Moon," Good workers, all three, and merited with him In straight street costume and enough for an early -position on big time, straw hat, while she wears a neat black About fourteen minutes, in one. Tod. dress and hat. He followed with a Yiddish » number (single), which was very cleverly de- Seven Minstrel Kiddles. Ilvered. Then a duet, with tbe girl In pretty c-c. Swinvru TnrA-rnn u..,»„ Tn «- oa white spangled gown and cap, and "Levey ™" ssooner .theatre. Matinee, Josh 28. Dear" showed them- to good advantage, with Byeu though girl minstrel acts are nothing tus comedy business properly worked in. unusual, th s one is an exceptionally clever The act closed with a medley of songs, °nc Tbe kiddles (six girls and one boy) which the man burlesqued with funny busl- a , re . feally kiddles, for none of them tan ress. claim over the fifteen year mark. Alt of the Belle and. Jones are an entertaining duo. youngsters have good voices and their nam- Both make a fine stage appearance, and they bere were well put over. Bach kiddie has sing their duets welf The act should keep an opportunity to display his or her talent, working steadily. Tod. snd the singing of "You Made Me Love Yon' 1 i and a number, entitled "Sis," put on by the nv._. ii,«.- w.. Morlarity Sisters, showed these Juveniles to Four Brass Men. advantage. Master Carey got alt there wss Proctor's Twentt-third Street, June 25. out of Ms song, although the number could A colored musical quartette. They open be Improved by having the girlies work In It In Ugbt minstrel frock coats and high bats, with him. on trombone, comet, clarinet and flute. The "It Takes a Little Rain with tbs Sun- This is followed with s trio number, with shine" number was also s wee bit thy on the piano, cornet and trombone, the latter instra- possibilities that could have been built around ment being played by the comedian of the It Tbe addition of a little more dancing act, la "band" uniform. It was a well ren- would greatly add to its "getting over" in dered offering and was fully appreciated. proper style. Allen Foster Is credited with Tho comedian then holds tbe stage alone directing all of the numbers, and taking tbe with a solo on the trombone, working tbe act as It stands he neglected but little. It slide with his foot. Tbe fourth selection was has the meat for a great kid act and when it given onthrce saxophones Including a powerful has been re-arranged will undoubtedly resell ass, played by the comedian, three la neat that stage of prosperity. Pttt. Hussar uniforms, with the comedian remain- » Ing in tbe burlesque one. After another num- nielc Bernard and Coummuv. to "Tfce her on four xylophones they closed on from- * Animal Stutter!" bone, cornet, clarinet and* flute, with the Aaaasnasilfnsm^TjmatM comedian leading in comedy antics. They American Mubic Hau,, Jtrsa 90. used "Suanee River" in half a doren differ- , Dick Bernard Is a brother of Sam Bernard. ent "times," and were a musical bit. Fifteen It has been so long since Dick has been on minutes, full stage set. Tod. the stsge that bis appearance could easily be a considered a debut. In make-up, voire and «A WtoUt at the Opera." SSSIf 3 "" he reBerc,We8 hl « fMBM » °**°«- Keith's Union Square, Matinee, June SO. Mr. Bernard bas for bis offering s one set The Manon Orchestra, composed of seven- playlet, which In plot appears to be a eon- teen musicians (mostly string), with James oeesed version of "The Han That fttoud Bradford as conductor, ana John Lorens, Still," which Jules Bcksrd Goodman wrote tenor, and Frances Lloyd, soprano, headed for Louis Mann, and which that comedian the bill at this bouse for the first presents- played for several years. Instead of making tlon of the new act, Monday, June SO. tho leading character a Jeweler, be is, in this The orchestra gave three selections from Instance, a taxidermist. It la full of clever Bopulsr operas, John Lorens gave "La comedy lines, and hers and there la an Injet- onna," from "Rigoletto." tlon of pathos. Miss Lloyd did an Italian street song from Mr. Bernard gave an excellent performante "Naughty Marietta," also appearing with Mr. of tbe excitable but kind-hearted taHdennirt. Lorens in tbe "Miserere." Tbe role Is almost a monologue, bat never do John Romano rendered s bsrp solo In hlfl you tire of bun. He la ably supported by well knowa finished manner. tiro men and a woman. The program fails* The act Is a musical treat, still many In to give tbe names of these players. Aboat the audience walked out. twenty minutes, Interior set ATelosy. Either the act is too classical for Four- ■ a ieenth Street ajfj|t nay bm beat tlwbal Rnby ,,■»», Md oista. position of the bill (closing the show), which »-„_„_._ ».__ a™*™ ».*»•• in. an caused some to wend their way to the street, roewma Finn Armrra, Hatiheb, Jtma SO. Old Timer. _ Pat on tbe bUl bere at tbe last minute, i Baby Losby, assisted by Ave girls snd a Bd. C. Jordan and Cunwanr. I» ajsje plsno Player, presented a Banging eps- "Tom Kata's Niaht oat." clalty that will not cause any amount of n «j n c conjnieot. Paocroa'Ai TwraTT-THrgD Street. Jtra lb. ^^^ wno j e performance can be iiasiiml "Drunk" acts hove about hid their day. up in a conpte of words, "it is too sanck "Tom Kate's Night Out" features tbs com- burlesque," and will hardly do for tbe ksf Ing home of Ton about 2 A. yt., bis wife best- time vaudeville. ing him Into the Kats apartment by merely in rendering one of the songs the piano a second. Tom arrives fully "soaked," nulM player runs off tbe stsge. followed by tbe an abundance of staggering stuff, and finishes girls, the idea being so old that it proved a by loving up the housemaid. Here his wife dismal failure. enters and consumes enough evidence to war- The act runs about twelve minutes, in one, rant her breaking up furniture snd ortca • VMS. brae, and even to the stunt of pulling . a down tho portieres. The maid was a chic Bollinger and Reynolds. little thing, and she found time to do a ^— T—~ — 1- -- J "aklrt dance." but with no Introduction as ™>cw»'b Twbntx-toibd Street, Jotw 2fl. to why she desired to donee. . Man and woman tight ropo and wire per. Tom Kate got some laughs because a formers. Man works hi tramp make-up and "drunk" usually does. Otherwise the act Is «! « ♦xceptlonally good pintomime cobm- empty of anything substantial. Sixteen mln- dlan. He Is a clever performer on tbe rope, utes. interior Tot. doing the nsnal stunts and somersaults, sic, ' i and featuring a stand on one foot ea a Paul Gordon and Ante Rica. * 3, *X tbe nl ? a HP °,' * ,nl< * Jr e halansts _ «•»• ««"«»« i»«i«.im™B ...v.*. on th0 r having a amp on nds bead the Keith's Union Sqcam, Matisse, June 80. while. 'Tne woman. Inknee^ lergtadstsa This cycling duo, In which tbe young man works alternately with ban en the loose does some of the best single and carrying wire below, bnt by ber work sbe does not riding even seen here, had a very (suable** appear to have been doing her end of the assistant ha Miss Rlra, and their debut bere set very long. Tbe art dors very wsM. June 30, was a very auspicious one. About eleven minuted, full stage. 1o4. Their attention was given principally to I the high wheels. In which they showed a Stayasan and Haydea. M Mott cTttexTwoA was of aa original F ^»'» l^T^V^ ^^'iSJL 3 '" order. „'^? ^,l * ,, and-black face comedy Esasklans. OHM Rica also did a neat akbnlng rope *~*,SL p '55^2„ b ?*! Instruments ss If JV» dance. <MTimer" I**?* ono^rstood their work, and we didn't Lorense aad Gallaaher. Neither neglects his character In vote* er «, . — - -.—' «■■■■■■»". action during their entire stay, and it nekwd Keith's Uniow Square, Matikes, Jdnb 80 scmo In theft going over to a big reception. These old time performers have formed a They feature what .they are there fos—to partnership and are appearing la nearly the play—and offer Just .enough fanny ba at a a s B same act that the former appeared in for a and radiance chat to balance tho act nbstr. long time with another partner. German works to hand leader costume, tie Tbe act. went well on Monday, and they black face In a roomy white suit Fourteen created a deal of laughter. 0(3 Tnaer. mimilos, fnU Mage. Ted. m > ■ * v / - . / Goldle Boys. Proctor's Twentt-third Htrbet, Jura 26. A smooth working wooden shoe dancing duo. The boys dance very well together and alone, the smaller giving nn cstibltlon of tho material change of stylo In dance steps of to-day as compared with the dancing of the past, while bis partner did equally good work fan a comic dance number In 1, boob" make-op. A change from Mue serge to gray suits and they finish together without tho orchestra accompaniment, A good art for this time. About nine minutes. Tod. a Jack Strauaae. raocroR's TWBNTX-rniBD Street, Jcntj 26. Character singing comedian. Opens dress aust, top bat, etc., and did well, good voice with "Pollmon Porters On Parade." Quick and clever change to Italian make-up, and under yellow flood he delivered a "fast" monologue to follow a song. His dialect ts close to perfect In this character, and "Sac- ramento'' closed him a big favorite. Right minutes, In one, ar Vera Hettlaa. PnocTOB'B Twenty-third StbesT, June 26. Vera Bettlna. plumply ungraceful, half talked and half sang four songs, but without the proper "get-over" spirit. Of course, tho evening was warm and Vera Is no light- weight, to whether she possesses a voice for a single act or not was not demonstrated at two shows on tho above date. Blevcn mln- utes, In one, Tod. Summer Parte and Tain CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL FAIR. (FROM conbclab AQSNE XV m. a. heard.) The Predericton, New Brunswick, Biennial 'Fair, Sept lfc20, 1013, Is open to tho Do- minion of Canada and State ef Malno for live stock, poultry and agricultural exhibits, while tbe Industrial section Is open to all, Premiums for live stock, poultry and agri- cultural exhibitions total 815,000 ; Industrial cihlblbors will receive medals and diplomas. 'The FredcriPton exhibition Is considered the largest in Eastern Canada outside of Toronto and Ottawa. Attendance In li»U was 50,000 So 00,000, but It Is expected to bo much larger this year due to several new railway lines. In 1011 there were eleven American In* dustrial exhibits, representing fertilizer, roof- ing and paving products cream separators, tobacco, perfumes and extract*, farmlug ma* chlnery and spraying outfits. One American concern has already secured space for a largo exhibit for exhibiting chocolate and cocoa. Space costs five to ten cents per square foot. This Is nn excellent oppor- tunity for American manufacturers to bring their products to the attention of the people, especially agricultural machinery, as great activity 1b being shown, both by tbe govern- ment and tho people, In the advancement of Agriculture. In this connection it may be noted that a "better farming train" will lour New Brunswick beginning the middle of Jury. Further Information concerning the fair may be had from W. 8. Hooper, secretary, Box ISO, Predericton, New Brunswick, Can. DOMINION PARK BURNS. (Special to Tub Cttrraa.) MomiBAL, June 28.—Dominion Park, the Coney Island or this city, was partly de- stroyed today, by a most spectacular fire Tbe nark lies six miles Kast or the city, and 'the lire engines from Montreal proper man- aged to get there quick)/. Several persons were Injured In tho crowds that gathered to sec tbe blaxe. The damage la estimated at t20,O0O. S . ■ ii AT LVNA I> AtlK, By far the beat program i» far this iea> son was on the boards for the free circus st Luna, Coney Island, last week. The free performance, which Is given In a large ring over tbe lagoon in the centre of tbe park, Is continuous from noon until midnight. Luna was never more inviting than It Is now, and record breaking crowds are In daily attend' •nee. "Fire and Sword." tbe realistic reproduc- tion of the fall of Adrlanoplo In the war be- tween tbe Ralkau 8tates and Turkey, Is the big show. An- tbe tew rides and thrills are thronged dally. There aro sort of aqueous roller coasters, compromises between a switch- back and tho chutes, and jjlddy dips which furnish sensations. Tornado and Flood, tbs reproduction- of the Omaha and Dayton dis- asters continues to draw, and there Is a new animal show. This is the Darling aggrega< t I . , r. Hfltl. »..i__A_ .A lit I ". lion, with twenty groups of wild animals, far better trained (ban the avenge. Hugo •Jons, tigers byenau and besrs go through ibeir work la a inlet obedience to their trainers. as though a magician had waved bis magic wand over Hs acres of beach laud, Frederic Thompson bas transformed tbe whole en- •leeare into a wonder place of novelties. B i PALISADES' HOLIDAY BILL, for the holiday week Manager Nicholas M. Bebanck has, at tbe PaUaadea Amusement Park, a program of free attractions which Is quite the moat elaborate alncc tbe big New Jersey pleasure rttort has been onder tbe dlrertlon ef the Schenek Brothers. Fourth •f July will bo observed In a safe and snno manner, with a special display o.f fireworks, g 9* evening, on the plaaa overlooking tho Hudson River. In addition there will Ijo ATLANTIC CITY NOTES. Tho Hippodrome, on the Million Dollar Pier, opened June 80. The bill Includes: J. Hortia and his fifteen minstrel boys, Charles and Annlo ti locker, Kmmett Welch and com- {•any, the Knur Bottouilcys, tbe Luclfcrs, tcx Comedy Circus, Archie Dutobar and tho Car rays, Geo. M. Cohan and Sam Harris were at the Shelbnrno list week, also Kildlc Dunn. Eelrir Selwyn enjoyed himself on the Boardwalk last week. Margaret Illlngton will be seen In "Within tho law" at the Apollo, July 1-1. Tho Tennessee Avenue pier Is expected to open this week. Work on Nixon's Theatre Is progressing rapidly, Ned (Clothes) Norton gave tbe slrls a treat last week, by promenading the lloard- watk. "Mine. Sherry." In tabloid form, is a spe- cial ((Ature at the Savoy. Marshall I'. Wilder and his big black and white bull are chairing the Uoardwalk every afternoon. He will shortly be at the Savoy. Geo. Dclmore and the Mrs. aro stopping at the Dunlop. Bathing and ball playing arc their favorito pastimes. , J as. Cnmanack, petit exulted ruler of tbe Rlks, had a "twenty years ago" notice ,in the Chicago Hotel Reporter, where he re- signed as chief clerk of tho Glrard House, in Philadelphia, to take charge, of the Mnln- testa Hotel, at Atlantic City, In 1800. Jim's place Is a popular resort. The free PiAich and Judy Show in front of tho Million Dollar Pier la a groat outside attraction and the professor Is a great favor- ite with the kiddles. At th-.- Savoy: "Madame Sherry," with Iiclne Duvi-t and a good cast; Inslto and Hearting. Kdlson talking pictures, Mjillon and t'oogan, Hell and Caron, Hobart and Hale, Eva Taylor and company. For next week, Ja<>. K. Ilnckett and company are underlined. "520 Per Cent." was announced to open at the Apollo 30, with the following people In the enst: Ilobert Ober, Jerome Patrick, Ren Southland, Wm. Kenugh, .Harold Gran, Mrs, Stuart Itorison, Kathnlne La Salle, Paulino Duffleld. Amy Hodges, Cecelia Clay, Aiy'ilo Boyd, F.ihvnrd Gllllaple, James J, Garden, Oe.orgo Hnrbcr, Genrgo K. Henry. Neat Week, George Kvnns' Honey Hoy Minstrels. Vesselln'n Hand Is fcu-tured at the Steel Pier, nlso Murphy's Minstrel*. The Thrco White Kuhns continue at Jnck* son's Cafe. Atln'ntlc Garden opened SO, with the Huh. sell Sisters, Pony Baker, Rabc Btnrr, Undo and Bertram, Herman Krenscr, Bernard nnd Hill. Florenco Wrlghton and Hill and Nuua- vllle. tnt COLONIAL. Another finely equipped playhouse lias been added to tho resort s attractions through, tho completion of the Colonial Theatre, At- lantic, below Now York Avenue. Work Is being rushed rapidly forward on tho six stored fronting on Atlantic Avcntio and flanking the entrance to .the theatre. They are finely equipped and ore to be oc- cupied by tenants immediately after they have been completed. The entrance leading to the theatio Is of attractive dcaRjn, and tho body of tbe bouse Ii tastefully decorated. Thero aro scats for sixteen hundred people, and the floor Is so elevated that an excellent view of tbe stage la furnished from, all sec- tions of the house. The theatre is to bo opened as a motion picture playhouse, but ft la tbe Intention of tbe management to secure a stock company for the Fall and Winter months. Workmen arc now engaged In the erection of dressing rooms. THS HRW KirON. On July 14 the new Nixon Theatre opens ttith a vaudeville bill. The now Nixon has been built with every thought for the ex- treme comfort snd safety of the pstrons. There are many exlta on St Charles Place and on Delaware Avenue, On the St Charles raktce side an Rnmense driveway has been built for auto* and car- riages. The entrnnce on tbo Boardwalk will present one of the Boerdwelk's biggest at* tractions, Tho Interior will be cool,and airy by'sneena of an expensive cooling plant In Summer, and warm and comfortable In Win. ter. The house has no posts, the balcony being of the cantilever construction. Every seat In the bouse, balcony, orebsatra, orchestra circle, boxes and loges Is unholstered. Tho marble construction o( tbe Interior reminding one of an old Greek temple. Harry Brown, for 'five years manager of the Savoy Theatre, In this city, but during tho past eight months manager of tbo Nlrd- llngnr-Nlxon vaudeville theatres in Phila- delphia, la supervising the work attendant upon the opening of tbtsztendeome structuro. He took up bis headquarters hi a suite of offices located on tho St. Charles Place ftldo of the theatre. In sn announcement given out yesterdny he declared that the biggest headllncrs In vaudeville would be Been during the Summer and Winter months at the Now Nixon, and lie also guaranteed that there would be no departure from the scale of Brices adopted, no matter what tbe attroc- on. ^ VAUDEVILLE FLASHINGS. •isabln flights'by Frank Qoodaie, band con- by Prof. Loslto's Royal Italian Guards cetta Bead, and a bewildering array of circus act*. m 1 " ,S le .. Bl !! Uc J nw ?» ro tte M " Inelndes: May Ward, tbe Dresden doll comedienne, aw tbe headllner; the Naconla Opera Co., tbe Grey Bros.' Minstrels. Charles Andte and) company, Nsuon's birds, Paul Aiord'a acro- batic Troupe, and Jack and Jill, Juvenllo comedians. All of these features will be Id evidence for tbe entire week, beginning Mon- day. On Thursday night tbe regular display of fireworks will be given. a i » LAGOON BOOaMJia. The,Lagoon, at Ludlow, Ky„ opposite Cin- cinnati, is coming to tbe front this year aa one of the most successful parks in America, due partially to Its wonderful natural advan- tages, bnt more to the bi« free attractions that have been presented and to tbe costly asnueemente installed, one being tbe new Motordrome, rostlDg over forty-fire thousand dollars. Anotber improvement that has been betofal to the success of tbe Lagoon la tho new* sub station, glaring tbe street car Hno an extra OOO-horse power, calbllng them to Increase tbe carrying csparMy to nine thou- sand nn hour in eacb direction, or during cer- tain rush hours a total of eighteen thousand. Tbe Park Amusement Cm operates the La- geen. Tbe officers of the company are: Joel Ward, president; John V. Hunt, secretary aad treasurer: J, J. Weaver, general mana- ger; Arthur D. WJwer, acting manager and eniector of amusements. K»io. W. Wbab and his wife (LUIIan Btneke) arc enjoying a much needed rest asltb sir. Wear's parent* at Great Falls, Meat, ar xcKs ntn. Two more Texas Tommy exponents eelVed for London, Bunnd, June 24. wiMvter and Fear, booked solid for three month.. LiMCOUf BauciiBT, the aviator, took a flyer Into vsndevllle Jone 90, at (ne Palace, Cbleaap., Mtssls and Oaur are booked solid. Eddie's taking a rett and sa.s "I abotfld anrry." IIahby vmoDALo tisj* opened r»«t «flv« in tbe Palace Theatre BuMillng. Home elas*, Harry. Viwm Bstahv I* looking for emcea these hot days. Vlnle bas joined hands with Billy Jerome to write varolerllfo material. Urns WmSTON, who -judo such s bit with ber dancing In and around New York, will talc a much needed rest for two mouth*, tben bark on tbo Job again, Ibvino Drbun. after a lino trip, arrived In London In tlie best of beailli. Irving was ulveo a olg reception upon bis arrival In denr old Lon- don. EvwuTHino Is In readiness for the Idg Jnbllee efthe V. a 0., at llrhjuuin f..-acb. July H-ll). Over 100 acts bave volunteered to appear. Matmb Bbminotoh itul lier picks are* certainly cleaning up In Rntdaod. Mayiue has an offer for a tour of the world. Bnstia Ouwobd Intends to remain In London for some tlmo to cnine. Bnxr AaMNOTON, wlio forwok burlesque for vaudeville, was a hit with Ills tramp stuff at tbe tinlon Ktjmre last week. Iim'a hooked wild over the U. B, o. time. Louis Wssxsi reports some business at the Ha- joy tbo last three weeks, f/.ulo says, (rive them tbe goods and res pack 'em lu. Wesley'» allsplng «»« thu big stuff, and 0» 8, It, O. sign Bawrs nightly. Waits* has Joined bands witb Cbarllo Howard and Dorothy Ilayscii. and toe two will present sons act at the Union Square next week. Giiace Djxon nude a lilt at la* t**w T«*k The. atro lost week with her alrutfe chB-ptng act, Joe Kbno and Itosia Oases tslaed for a tour of tbe old world on the /?. 8. Rotterdam. July I. Ohabub AuauN sold his Natrons! Oar to Dm. Arrastrvni, who l» burning up tbe auto paths from New York to Oaney. KrmiB retains offices at the Onlnnohln DnildlDg, and acrstchlns oat new material dSHy. Wiuua Halob, the clevsr little entertainer ut Bnanley's, nafls for London. Aug. 2*1. Jaubm U, Wilson, of the team of Wilson and Hills. Is a daddy now. Jimmy says tbe new addition to tbe family In seven weeks old, June 24,