The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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ULY 5 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 NOTICE TO ALL FASTEST TIME TO PHILADELPHIA iNew Jersey Central OH Hottr Fiftjr DlBitw LAtwrtp-BU, HA. M.totP. ■. _*m UxtiM *>f tit* Bow •3d St., «.BO A. M. to 5.SO P. «. OTHER TRAINS T.fO, 8.50, W.6V0, 11.90 P. ■. CwMBli P. W. KEROY, E. P. A«t. 1*40 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ROUTE LIST VAUDEVILLE »-^k'lTWir__WJien no date la HUIIv/Js'Vtcb. the week of Jane SO-Jaly B Is represented. "A Close Call." Union Sq.. N. Y. ft _ Abeles, Edw., & Co., Forsythe. Atlanta, G*>; Keith's, Pblla., Jul/ 7-12. Acme Four, Racoma, Grand BapMs, Hteb. Adair, BeBe, Temple, Detroit Adams, Bill; a Edits. Keith's, Phila., 711 Adoote * Doc. Victoria, N. X. a. 7-ll Abeern Troope, Morrison's, Bockaway, 7-12, Alvinos, Musical, Union So.. N. I. a Alexander, Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Alexander Bros.. Kettb't, Boston; Shea's, B«f- falo, July 712. ABen A Clark. Ootmoe, Washington. Alex" Three. Victoria, N. Y. ft. 7-12. _ "An Alaskan Hooejraooo." Hipp., Ctarvdgna. Armstrong 4 Ford. Union Sq., N. T. 0. Arthur* (3). Forrest Park, 8t. Loots. Armors A Victor, Orpbeuoi. Edmonton, Can. Artistic Trio. The. Academy. Norfolk, Va. Art Adair, Hartford, Hartford. Jane 36VJary J. Aruu-trong ft Manley, Henderson's, Cones; Island. Arlington, Billy, Oo.. Keith's, Phila., 7-12. Andes, Lee, Wetter Park. C rnrlnn a tf . Auletas, Poor. Victoria, H. T. C. Barton (3), Wernersvllba, Pa. Bmjcphlends, Meyers Lake, Canton, O.; Man Fatk, Youngstowo, O., 7-14 Ball a West. Forest Lake, St Louis. ionnxns (3), Medford Boulerud, Boston. Barnet Homer, Nixon, Pblla. Earrlson, Mloa, A Co., Hartford, Hartford, Cm., Jolj 20. Balalaki Orchestra, Lyric, Indianapolis, July 3* Barnard, Anger A Co., Music Ball, Brighton Beach, Ballets, The. Keith's, Boston. Brnilix, Tbeo., Players, Orphenm, Portland, a Berklo, Mike, Orpheus, Oakland, CaL Beachv, Lincoln T., Pnlace, Chicago. "Behind the Footlights," St. James, Boston, Benway & Dayton, Old Fort. N. 0. Bernard & Weston, Shea's, Buffalo. Beatry, Harry, Gt. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Beach A Carroll, Prlscllla, Cleveland. Beyer, ben, ft Bro., Music Hall, Brighton Beach. Bell A Caron. Savoy. Atlantic City, N. J. Bedlnl A Arthur, Victoria. N. Y. 0. A Tucker, Globe, Boston. Black Bros., Orphenm, Boston. Boise* (4), Touring Europe. Bowers, Walters & Crooker, Tearing England. Bond & Bentoa. Orphenm, Los Angeles. CaL Bogart A Nelson, Orphenm, Los Angeles, CaL Boganny's, Joe Lunatic Bakers, Empress, Col., 28- Joly 5. Bottomleys (4). Blpp., Atlantic City, N. 1. Bollinger A Reynold!, Lyric, Newark, N. J., July 3-3. Bonner * Powers, Orphenm, Boston. Botter, Barry. A Co., Proctor's, Albany. Bowers, Fred. V., A Co., Henderson's, Coney Islana. 7-12. Brook*. Wallle, Woolford's "Hlracn at tie Ctta- Bronson A Baldwin, Orpbeom. Oakland, CaL Brown Bros. 16), Majestic, Cbleago; Temple, De- troit, Jnly 7-12. _- „ Breaks A Doyle, Tabor Grand, Bearer, CoL, Jo- July 6. Broderlck A Crawford, Cosmos, Wu hl ngtca. Broncho Boor, Proctor's. Albany. Brlee. Fanny, Music Ball, Brighton Beach, 7-li Bnrnttm A Irwin, Orpheum, Los An ge les. CaL Bnsley, Jessie. A Co.. Palace, Chicago. Baa Bros., Hartford. Hartford, Conn., July 3-C. Burnlson A Taylor, Lyric, Indianapolis. Burke, Jno., A May, Music Hall. Brighton Beaeh. Bnlger, Harry. Co., New Brighton, Brighton Beach, July 7-12. __ _ Carter, Suxann, Coiy, Eouston. Tex., ImVtrn ltr. Carroll A Flynn. Dot Bose Players. Carson Bros., Orpheum, Portland. Ore. Carl A Lotty, Orpkevm, Seattle, Wash. Caopollcan, Chief, Orpbeom, San Fran., OB, Ouneron A O'Cotrner. Majestic. Cbleago. Carrays. The, Hlppodrorne. Atlantic Car/, 8. J. Carletta, Orpheum, Boston. Ortdieux, Academy, Norfolk, Va. Darren* Trio, Greeley, Poniard, Me. Oastrlllions, The. Great Northern Hipp., Chicago. Carlisle's Dogs A Ponies, Forsythe, Atlanta. Canon A Brown, Keith's. Boston, Jury 7-13. Cabaret Trio, Victoria. N. Y. 0„ Jnly 7-11 Campbell A Parker, Liberty, Pittsburgh. Camus (4). Touring Europe. Chick A Oulcldets, Hipp., Cleveland. Caing Ling Poo. Music Ball. Brighten Beach; Victoria, N. Y. ft. 7-12. Ch a loner, Kstherm, A Co., Keith's, Boston, July 7-12. Chip A Marble, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, 7-12. Ckarog, Hwa Comedy Poor, Keith's, Ptn*., 7- 12. ••Circumstantial Evidence." Metropolitan, Phils.. Jnly 3-5. Clarke & Owes, Sydney, Australia, lndennUa. CHIT. Laddie. Majestic Chicago. Clifford A Douglas. Oordon'a Olynpla, Boston, Clark A UeCnBoagb, Empress, St. PaaL Claire, Ins. Sbea't'. Buffalo. Clough. Iocs. Greeiy's, Portlsxd, Me. Conwy's Models, Victoria. N. X. ft. 7-12. Conlln, Bay, 9th Ave., N. Y. ft. Jury 7-li. Cotton, Lolo, San Diego, CaL Colborn, Jennie. Billy "Swede" Hall Co. Conlln. Bay. 3th Ave., N. Y. ft, Joly 7-11, Corson. Cora Yoongblood, Sextette, Pamtages*. Baa Fran., Cal.. Jnly 7-12. Coonb* A Aldwell, Crphemn, San Fran., CaL; Orpbeom, Oakland, CaL, July «-20. Conroy A Lemarre, 5tb Ave., IT. T. O.; Morrlsoo'a, Bockaway. July 7-12. Connelly, Mr, A Mrs. ItwlD, Orpheum, Spokane, Waal. Cooper, Fitch. Nonrmbega Park, Boston. ''Concealed Bed, The," Nixon. Pblla. Cressy A Dayne, Yokohoma, Japan, 30-July IS; Manila, P. I., 18 27. Cromwells, The, Orpbeom. Los Angeles, OsL Craig A Overboil. Lyric, Newark, N. J., July 3-6. Crowley. Tom, Dempsey, Peoria,. 111. Creigbtoa Brjs.. Empress, San Fran., CaL Oraig-Wnltaey 00., Liberty, Pittsburgh. Cunalnahais, Jerry—Dnmont's Muistrels. Curtis Sisters, CtKBter Park, Cincinnati. D'Arrllle, Jeanaette, Montreal, Can. Dsvls A Mscauler, Orphenm, Portland, Ore. Daly, Vlnle, Music Hall, Brighton Beach. Dale, Violet. Keith's, Pblla.. 7-12. Detro A Pletro, Victoria, N. Y. a. July 7-11 Deelej. Ben. Oo.. Kelth'a, Boston, July 7-12, Da Pennon, Jno., A Co.. Onion So.., N. I. ft D* Tors. Harvey. Keith's, Boston. Do Oroote A Langtry, Casino, Charlotte, K. ft, bv dUtelte. B* Funkte. Sylvia, Idora Park, Toungstovm, O. Dalro, Orpbeom. Oakland. Cal. De Grace A De PaaL Bowdoln Sq.. Boston. STOP--LOOK---USTEN WHEN IK NEW YORK, STOP A* Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 b 1461. 49th St., leir BmitiT LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS PROFESSIONAL, BATES: 10O Booms—Near Bath, »1.00 per Day and up Boom and Bath, 12.00 per Day and on Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, $87k> per Day and op Excellent Hestanjraat 6ood Hnalo Club Breakfast, 25 cents op. Special 75 cent Table d'Hote Dinner. DO YOU COMPOSE Bong*or Instrumental Music' If so, bo 8CRB to hive same arranged by an BXPBKTI An artlatlo arrangement means SOOCESSI 1 bare done HUN ORBDS ol BIG HITS! w rite or call afttrnoons 8-0. KUGENB PLATBHABN Care Shapiro, 1*ia Broadway, N. Y. C De Oslo A Vernon, Orpheum. Boston. De Alma, George, St Janes, Boston. Demareat A Ohabot, Qheste.- ts-lr, Cincinnati. Da Voto, Original—Hartfonl, Hartfonl, June 30- July 2. Denton A Geddls, Lyric, Indianapolis, June 30- Jnly 2. Denen, Baxle. Prlscllla. Cleveland. De Moorie. Helalne, Sohiner Park, Montreal, Can. De Lesao Troupe, Sobmer Park, Montreal, Can. De Muth, Stanley, Sextette, Harris'. Pittsburgh. Dickinson, "Bute," Orpheum, Edmonton, Can, Diving Girls (7), Oosmos, Washington. Dixon Sisters, Sohmcr Park, Montreal. Can. Doyle Harty A Bessie, Orpheum, Portland, Ota Dobson. Frank, Globe, Boston. Donnelly, Abert, Proctor's, Albany. Doyle A Dlxou, Victoria, N. S. ft; Music Hall, Brighton Beach, 7-12. Don, Talking Dog. Victoria, B. Y. 0. Dunn. Emma, A Co., Morrlsou'i, Bockaway Musle Hell, Brighton Beach, 7-12. Dunn. Tbos. Potter, Urjkm Sq., N. Y. ft Dnnbar, Archie, Bhppodrome, Atlantic City. N. J. Donbar A Turner, Metropolitan, Fntta., July 3-0. Dudley, Gertrude, A Co., Proctor's, Albany. Dunn A Hayes, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, L- 1. Dunbar* (4), New Brighton, Brighton Beach, L. I. Duprce & Dupree, Henderson's, Coney Island, 7- 12. Edna A Albert, Olean, N. T„ Indeflnlte. Edwards, Tom, Touring England. Edlnger A Cooke. Win. Todd Shows. Edwards', Gas, Kid Kabaret, Orphean, Spokane, Waah. Egry A Mrmdcll, Tabor Grand, Denver, OoJ., 18- July 5. Ellas, Harry, Stetsen'a "C. T. ft." Eastern Co. Ely, Edgar, A Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Empress Quartette, Lyric, Indianapolis, Job; 3-5. Engllss & Bedding, Savoy, Atlantic City. Enge, Raymond, Victoria, X. Y. ft Ernests (3), Toariog England. Fay A Myna, Empress, San Fran., CaL Fantoo, Joele. Proctor's, Albany. Falls, Billy. Liberty, Pittsburgh. Fenner A Hotom, Tabor Grand, Denver, Col, 28-JuIy G. "Ferris Wheel Girls, The," Empress, San Fran., Cal. Fen ton, R., A Boys, Foray the. Atlanta. Fltxslmmons, Mrs. Bob, Pontages', San Fran., Cat. Fields A Allen, Great Northern Hipp., Cbleago, Flske, Gertrude, Hipp., Cleveland. Fields A Lewis, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, Bltzglbbon, Bert., New Brighton, Brighton Beach, 7-12. Flora, Prince, Henderson's, Coney Island. Four Society Girls, Empress, Chicago; Cnlqrje, Minneapolis, July 8-12. Fostell A Enunett Boston. Forrest, Kelly, St. James, Boston. Forbes, Ocas.. Lytic, Indianapolis. Box A Dolly, Henderaon'a, Coney Island; Vic- toria. nTy. ft, 712. Franklin A Green, Orpbcum. Portland, Ore. Blank, I. Herbert, A Co.. Empress, Ban Bran,. CaL Frorinl, Victoria, N. Y. a Fuller, Ida. A Co., Empress; Kansas (Sty. Ho. Calvin. Johnnie A Ella, "Little Miss Mix-op" Co, Gardner, Willie. 5th Ave., X. Y. ft Gabheita. Twit, Cbeeter Park, Cincinnati Gee Jays, Bast End, Memphis, Term. O eoiuc tl e. Keith's, Boston. Gerard, Fraaees, Nlxoa, Pblla. Gebon, Oailaisa, A Gehon. EngUsh's, UuJamapoHA Geuerro A Carmen. Gt Northern Happ.. OsJeagO, George, Edwin, Hipp.. Cleveland. GascE Slaters, Union So,. N. Y. ft, JaJty 7-U. Glllen, Eddie. White City, CsYJeaaa. "Girl, The. ami The Jockey," Empress, St PauL Glbbs, Cats., Lyric, Buffalo. Olaaer, Lulu, A Co., Majestle, Chicago. Qlockers. Chas. A Annie, Hippodrome, Atlantic City, N. J. Cordon A Bleka. Union Sq., N. Y. CL Gormana (S), Orpbeom, San Fran., CaL Goyt Trio, Orpbeom, Oakland. Cal. Golden A De Winters. Keith's, Fata*.; Keta's, Boston. July 7-12. Golden. Ethel, Keyatone, Phila. Gould 4 Ashrjn, Music Han, Brighton Beach. Gordon, Jno. R., Co., Forsythe, Atlanta, 7-12. Green, William, Majestic, Chicago. Green, Jlmmle, Lexington Park, Boston. Grant Virginia. Great Northern Blpp., Chicago. Orover Mildred. TJnkm Sq.. N. Y. O. Grey Eagle. Hrpp., Plttsborgh. Gray, Marlon, 5th Ave., N. Y. ft. 7-12. Gypsy Qneen, Orphenm, Loa Aageles, Cal. Gypsy Countess, A Co., Nixon. Phila. Harvard, Harry, A Co., Wonderland, Tulia. Okla.; Princess, Naahvllle, Term.. Ju ly 7.13. BILLY «■ EFFIE HALL OVn BOY II WITH PS. Bart Bros., Baraam A Bauey, IndeBnlte. Hanson A Drew, Colonial, Dayton. Harris, Bound A Holts, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Hayes, Brent, Orphenm, Spokane, Wash. Harlan A BoUlnson, Pontages', Denver, OoL, 28- J uly 8. BaD, Billy k Effie, Brattleboro, Vt; BeUows Balls, Vt. July 8-5. Hawaiian Quintette, Norarabega Park, Boston. Harriet Mile.. Gordon's Olymnla, Boston. Hastings A Wilson, Nixon. Phila. Hayden, Virginia, Demuwy, Peoria, IJL Habn, Artbnr, Cheater Park, Cincinnati. Hass, Jack A Doris Welti, Grand, Albany. Handera A Millas, Shea's Buffalo, Joly 7-11 Banlon A Clifton, Victoria, N. Y. a; Dako Sq.. N. Y. C. July 7-12. Hart A Le Van, Benderson'*, Coney Island, 7-12. Hanloo A Banlon, Hipp., Pittsburgh. July 7-12. Hatbaway's Monks, Keith's. Phila., 7-12. Henri, Great, Liberty, Pittsburgh, BABY HELEK S Heddet* (3), nipp. Pittsburgh. Beoman Trio, Keith's, Boston, Joly 7-li. Henderson A Blake. Sib Ave., N. Y. ft, 7-li. lllll A Ackerusan. Moss Tour, England. Blbbeler, Ray, Ante Inn, Chicago. "His Nerve," Kmpress, St. PaaL Hint's A Fen ton. Kmpress, Tacoroa, Wastl. Hlckiy Bros.. Tbrce, Rseo.nn, Grand Itaplo*. Hill's Animals—Hipp., Pittsburgh. Bill A Sylvian}-, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, L. I.. 7-12. nines A Fox, Forsythe. Atlanta, 7-12. Uoueton, Henry, Cnnton, Clt'Jia; Nankin, China, Jnly-Ang. Botmau, Harry, Pantage*', Sau Fran., Cal.; Pan* tages', Oakland, Cal.. Jnly 713. Holmes A Wells. Baapress, Denver, Cola, 28- July 0. Hortr, J., Miatrel Boys, Dlppodrome, Atlantic City, N. J. "House Boat Perry," Gordon's Olympls, Boston. Boluen A Harron, Keystone, ITilla. Honey Girls, Proctor's, Albiny. Hoagtton, Morris A Hougbton. Hipp.. Plttsbargh. Hoey A Lee, Music Hall, Brighton Bescb, 7-12. Hughes, Mrs. Gene. A Co., Keith's. Pblls. Hussey A Lee, Morrison's, Bockaway; Hender- son's, Coney Island, 7-12. linboff. Conn A Csruuie, Hipp., Cleveland. Innls A Ryan, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, L. 1. loleeu Sisters, Music nail, Brighton Beach 7-13. lsmad, Keith's, Boatos. JackMin, Tbos. P., Orpbeom, Seattle, Wash. Jackscn, Joe, Orpbeom, Oakland, Cal. Jewette, Bob., Scenic. Providence. R. I. Joyce A Donnelly. Keith's, Indianapolis. Johnstons Musical. Hipp., Pittsburgh. Jciiuton, Howard A L.. Sobmer Park, Montreal. Jordon Trio, Hlop., Plttahargh, 7-12. Joison, AL, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, 7-12, Johnstone ft Wentwortb,, llttsburgh. Karl, Prof., Lexington Park. Boston. Kelly A Mack, New Century, Loa Angeles, Cal., 30-July 81. Kennedy A Kramer, Proctor's, Schenectady, H. Y.J Proctor's. Troy, N. Y., S-5. Kelsey, Joe, Empress. Denver, Col.. 28-Jnry 5. Kelley A Galvln, Cosmoa, Wasbmgtoo, D. ft Kennedys, The, Empress, St Paul. Keillors, The, Henderson's, Coney Island. N. Y. Kennedy A Melrose, Forsythe, Atlanta, Ga., July 7-12. Kirk A Fogarly, Esat End, Memphis, Term. Klur. & Klppy, Keith's, ClnclnnatL Killrtdge A Co., Hartford, Hartford, Conn., Juno 30-July 2. DON'T MISS THE CLIPPER DURING YOUR VACATION Have It sent to yoar Summer address, 6 WEEKS ... 80 CENTS 13 WEEKS . ONEDOJ^LvAK Send orders to THE PRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., 41W. 28th Street, New York. Kimball A Donovan, Greeiy's, Portland, He. Kitatuura Japs, Sobmer Park, Montreal, July 7- 12. Klein A Erlanger, Pantarca', San Fran.. Cal. Klein Bros., Empress, St Paul. Bloving's Animals, Morrison's, Raekarar. Koller-Hall A Morton, Unloi Sq., N. I. ft, 7-12. Kramer A Morton, Palace, Chicago. Knott & Hilton, Victoria. N. Y. a latngdons, The, Highland Park. Bt Louis; Or- tdieum Pnric, Louisville, July 7-12. Mmbfrtl, Orphean, Seattle, Wash. La Vetera A Stokes, Orphenm, Spokane, Wast. La. Vler, Keith's, Phila.; Shea's, Buffalo, Jaly La Ford A Walters, Woodland Park. I/njhvlH*. Ia Groclosa, Racoma, Grand Baplds. La Craadall, Temple, Detroit I.oughllr.'s Dogs ITipp., Plttsborgb. ■aaBnMkasaasa. The, Hipp., Pittsburgh; Temple De- troit, July 7-12. Lawn Party, Kerch's. Phila., 7-12. Lawrence Trio. Liberty, PlUaburgk. Lewis, Jack, IS.. "Seminary Girl"Or* Leigh, Lester, A La Grace, Empress, Denver, Col; Empress, Colorado Spring*. OoL, Jnly OIL Lester, Great, Eaat End. Memphis, Tenn. Leery A Miller. Tabor Grand, Denver, Col., 28- Jnly u>. Le Clair, John, Middlesex, Middle town. Coca; Lyceum. New London, Cons., Joly 5-d. Lesley A Mellen, Nommbega Park, Boston, Le Boeuf.. Medford Boolevard, Boston. Lennon, Bert, Cosmos, Waahlnaton. Le Maria Trio, Grand, Albany. Lewis A McCarty, Keith's, Boston. Leltxel A Jeanette, Forsythe, Atlanta, Ga. Lewis, Henry, Temple, Detroit, Joly 7-1*. Le Mark, Frank, Liberty, Pltuborgb. Little Parlalenne, Morrlasa's. Bockavrsy. J. AXDBICH KATHAJUHB SOMMEBlNO AT WARD'S PARK, BECK AVENUE, RYE, S. Y. _ Herbert A Goldsmith, Victoria, N. Y. ft Hedge, John, Pan tages', Los Angeles, CaL Herbert's Canines, Keith's, Phils. Hennlnga, Jno. A Winnie, Shea's, Buffalo. Heesler. Hermioe. Shea's, Buffalo. Bermada Japanese Troope, Lytic, Indianapolis, Jnly 3-8. p^tcaM Francis X. Keaatssy Irish Plper.Scotch Piper,IrianDan- ,.,, eer, Scotch Dancer, Vlollnistlllnst- WVlcUnJ. SMMAva^XtwYork, aajgjg 7., or care B. Y. CLIPPER. . Beasler. Helen. Hipp., Pittsburgh. 7-12. Her*. Ralph, Temple, Detroit; Bbea's, BttfUlo, Joly 7-12. LIBBEY and TRAYER MOBBISOH HOTEL. CHICAQO. HL. Utile Lord Roberts, Morriaon's, Bockaway, 1-12. Larch Family. Touring F*sjsnd, Indeanlta, Lomberdi A Well.. 5tE Ave.. N. Y. 0. Lottos, Cecilia, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Lockbart A Lcddy, Globe. Bostan* London Palace Girls, Orneom. San Fran., CaL Lobso A Sterling, Empress. San Fran., OsL Lorettae. Three. Ratooa, Oraut Baphu. Locket A Waldmn, Blpp., CJeveUrod. Lorens A Gallagher. Union Bo,, N. Y. ft Love Trust, Henderaoa'*, Cooer Island. 7-lt Lucie. Vairnont A Beynor, Forrest Park, 8*. iaajkaa. Lndfers, The, Hippodrome, Atlantic City, N. J. Lublna (8), Globe, Boston. Lst* Bros.. Gordon's Oiympls, Boston. Lusby. Boby. A Girls, Bui Ave., N. Y. ft Marnell A Melrose, Cook's Park, vanvrllle. Ind. Maxlne, Miss.. A Picks, Union Sq., N. Y. O. Mathtbewa A Bbsyne, Orpheam, Oakland, Cal. Manon Opera Co., Fontaine Ferry. Louisville. Major A Phil Boy, Empress, Denver, Col., 28- July 6. Mascott's Merry Malda. Bowdoln Bq., Boston. TRUE ECONOMY Does not mean Moving the thins; that lscheapee* in the rxfjlnalng — it's boylng the thins; that Is cheapest in the end, Doot buy the theatrical trunk that Is cheapest to buy—boy the one that at CHEAPEST TO KEEP. Buy the lightest, to lessen your excess baggage expense; the strongest, to stand the rough use (and abuse) It's bound to get; and the most serviceable, to Insure many years of Service. What yon need Is the trunk that costs you the least fer ten or more jean,' use. Inshort-BVY A BAD BTBRE TRUNK. WILLIAM RflL I no I AGENTS: ac u, aJlarSSJlV? " „'.,„„; , lm# Mack Trunk Co., 102 B. Bain St., Memphis, Tenn. 45 W. 45th STREET, ■ NEW YORK CITY victor Trunk Co., M BUls Bt, Ban Francisco. Mstnews, BUly. Bowdoln 80.., Boston. Martyne A Hard/, Medford Boolevard. Boston. Manballs, The, Goron'j Oiympls, Boston. Martini A Maximilian, KeysUinc. Phila. Mark* A Bosa, Pantages'. San Fran., CaL Marie, Utile, Lyric, Buffalo. Mack, Dugal A Co.. Colonial, Chicago, Jaly 3-5, Martha, Mile., Morrison's, Bockaway, N. Y. Martins, Flying, Union Bo,, N. Y. ft, Joly 712. Matilda A Blylra, Henderson's, Coney Island, 7- Mack A Nelson, Victoria, N. Y. O. May A June, Harris. Pittsburgh, Pa McAvoy, Dan, Bsgenbeek-Walue* Circus. McCarvers. The, Bonuolu Sq., Boston. MoBtide A Oavsoaagh, Keith's, OlnetanaU. McAllator A Co., Aeadeasy, Norfolk. Va. MeFsrland A Madaeao 1 New Brighten, Btnghtea Beach. MeOonne«..n. T., A Co.. She*'.. Buffalo. McDrnnottr Billy, Forsythe. AUaata. MeOoaleaab, Carl, Keith's. Beaton. Melvii:. O. 8., Orpbeom. San Fran,, Cal. Melody MaMs (5j7a Will Ward, C^rpoeta*. L*s Angeles, Cal. Meehan'a, Novelty, Palace. Chicago. Metnipolltan Trio, Lyric, Newark. M. J., Jsay 3-C. Meletc rrangerH, The. Keith's, Boston. Melbourne, McDowell A Co.. Colonial, Cnkage, Joly 3-5. Mendel A Naxel, Casino, Wenona. Mermaids, Hipp., Fliuljorsh- Merlin, Union 6q., N. Y. ft. July T-1X Millers, Joggling, Fontaln FWry. LouisvllJ*, Michel Broi., Norumhega Park, Boston. Ulata A Pakner, Aeadeasy, Norfolk, Vt. . Miller A Cleveland, Lyric, Indianapolis, Juno 30- Joly 2. Millard' Bros., Keith's, Indianapolis. Mlllera (3), Fontaine. Loulavlilc. Miner Bisters, Prbcllla, Otevrlaad, MIk>. IWdon. A Co.. Temple. Detroit. Mlgnon, La Petite, Union Sq., N. Y. ft, Jaly 7-12. Killers, Marvelous. Victoria, N. Y, a Miller A Kuril, Hipp., i'ltufurgb. Moran & Wiser, Orpbeom, Portland. Ore, Morton A Moon*. Palace, Chicago. Moore A Irving, Keith's, Boston. Morse, Harry, A Co.. rvoroabrga Park, Boston. Mowatts. Juggling (5), Racoma, Qrand Baplds 1 Victoria, N. Y. ft, 7-12. . . .. Mole. Joe. A Bro., Colonial. Chicago, Joly 8-5. Uoorc A Young, Keith'*, Boston. Morton. 8. & K. Henderaon's, Coney Island, 7-11 Moyvr A Hyde. Liberty. Pittsburgh. Morse, Billy. Uurrls', Plttsbjrgh. Murray. J. K.. A Clara Lsne. <Iarrls, PrttsburgB, Mulln's Band, Hlop , Pttlabu'.'uh. Mullue, Frank. Furiest Park. St. Louis. Mnsikalglrls (5), Hist End. Memphis, Tenn. Mailer A Stanley, Keith's. Boston. Muller, Gene, Trio, Eugllsh's, Indianapolis. Mollanl Slaters, Lyric, Indianapolis, Jane 30- July 2. Mullen A Ccogsn, Savoy, Atlantic City. Myrtle A Daisy, St. Jntram, Roaton, "My Lady Dainty," Crest Northern Hipp., Chi- cago. Nordlni, Orasia. Pastages'. Ban Fran.. Cal. Nash, Julia, A Co., New Brtghlou. Brighton Beach. N. Y.; 5th Are., N. Y. O, July 713. Nana, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. V., 7- 12. Neptune's Garden, Keith's, I'hlln. Newboff A Phelps, Keith's, Phila.; Temple, De- troit, July 7-12. Newell A Most, English's. Indianapolis. Nabar A Knp|iel, Maslc Hall, Sobmer Park, Xlou- treal, Jnly 712. "Night nt the Opera, A." Uulon So., N. Y. O. Nixon's. De Spirit Paintings, Gt. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Norton A Nicholson, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal, Norton A Knrlc, Nixon, i'lill.i. Norton, Dixie. Hartfonl. ilartfonl, Conn., July 2-s. Norrls' Baboon, Temple, Detroit Nasent, J. C, Fontaine Ferry, Louisville. "Narsery Bhyniea," Keystone, Pblla. CFaricll's, The, Rngllng Bros.' Circus. O'Laothlln. Major. Miles'. Minneapolis. 0*Day, Ida. Orpbeom, Buttle, Wash. O'Neill's (3), Bedford Boulevard, Boston. O'llrlvn. Mel>eit A O'Brien, III™., Cleveland, O'Maras, Gliding, Shea's, Buffalo. Oakland, Will. Co., Bth Ave.. N. Y. 0., 7-12. Ofado's Opera Co., Orpheum, Sau Fran., CaL Orfonl's Animals, Orpheum. Seattle, Wash. Patterson Troupe (aerlallsts), Gt. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Palmer, Frank, Keith's, Indianapolis. Paultiam Team, Oth Ave., N. Y. ft Palace Girls, Orpheum, San Fran., Cat. Parisian Dancers, Gordon's Olymnla, Boston. Pacy. Giuev, Dempsey, Peoria, 111. "Persian Garden." Orphenm, Oakland, Cal. Petnn j. Olgu. Orpbcum, Los Angeles, Cat. Petltf Family, St. James. Boston. l'ealson A Uoldle. 6th Ave., N. Y. 0. 7-12. Pblnn A Picks, Empire, Edmonton, Can. Flr-uno, Gen., A Co,, Majestc, Chicago: Tetanic, Detroit, Jnly 7-13. Filigree, Helen, A Co., Washington, Newark, N. J.. July 3-5, Plcknrd'n Sea Lions, Carnival, Buffalo. i'liiufure Kids, New Brighton, Brighton Bench. Pollock, Milton, A Co., Urheum, Edmonton, Can. Potter, Tbos.. A Dunn, Union Sq., N. Y, ft Price. Harry, Meilford Boulevard, Ui.ston. "Porplo Lsily." Henderson's, Cotiey Island. Bappo Slstcnt A Koslow, JohanueBtiurv, So, Africa. Bay, Billy B., Mt Veron, 111.;'Champaign, HI,, July 712. Ramses, The, Orpheum, Edmonton, Can. Bachll, Ella, Empress, San Fran., Oil. Bafayette's Dogs, Shea's, Buffalo; Hipp., Pitts- burgh. 7-12. Raymond, Lelghlon A Morse, Creely's, l'crtlond, Me. Randall, Carl, Colonial, Chicago, Jnly 3-5. Beded A BUton, Colonial Beach, Va Reynolds, Carrie, Union Sq.. N. Y. ft Reynolds A Donegao, Majestic, Chicago, Beeves A Warner, Pantages', Denver, OoL, 28- July 5. Be* Comedy Clrcos, Hippodrome, Atlantic City, Heed's' Boildoga, Crest Northern Hipp., Cblcgo. Beilly, Jan.. Prlscllla, Cleveland. Bedford A Winchester, Victoria. N. Y. ft Baeda A Ctomptoa, Metropolitan, Pblla,, July 3-5. Bice. Elmer A Ton, Touring Europe. Klo Bros. (4). Touring England. Blaaoa (4), Kelth'a. Phila., 7-12. Ritchie, Adele, Victoria, N. Y., July 713. Roy.A Wilson. Victoria. Pblla. RoblnaOD. Mimical, Le Mass. la. Roses (2), Oth Ave.. N. Y. a Koooey A Bent, Orrmean, Seattle, Wash. Bolters (4), Orpheum, Ran Frio., Csl. Borts, Will, Orpbeam, Spokane, Wssb. Bollnndow Bros., East End. Memphis, Tenn, Boeder A Lester, Orand, Albany. Bose, Theme, Greeiy's, Portland, Me. Robinson, Brown A Curbonette, Colonial, Chicago. Jaly 3-5. Royer, Archie, Prlscllls, Cleveland. Rose A Ellis, Sobiner Park. Montreal. Butledge. Pickering A Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J., July 8-5. BasseUs Plying, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, Banted, Too Great, Touring England. fiamoelr. Maurice, A Co., Lyric, Indianapolis. Jaly 3-0. oampsel A Rellly, Temple, Detroit: Shea's. Buf- falo. July 7-12. Sanderson, Moffat Co., Temple, Detroit, j as sakSMM (6). Hipp., Pittsburgh. Seirtoer A Richards, Fontaine Ferry, Louisville. Scott Sisters, Lyrle. Indianapolis, Joly 3-5. Sennits Trio, Casino, Wenona. Scintilla. Liberty, Pittsburgh. Seldom, Paul, Colonial. Richmond, Vs. ■ears,' Zelds. A Co.. Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Beaton, Blllle, Orpbeom, Edmonton, Can, Setoh, Lords J., I Co., English's, Indianapolis. Bslblnl. Mlapab, Prlscllla. CTrvtland. Stldoo'a Venus, Academy, Norfolk; Mow Brigh- ton, Brighton Beach, Joly. 7-12. Ssefvey Boys (3), Tourlar Europe. Shirley, Eva, East End, Marnphls, Terra. Saacban, Joseph. A Co., Palace. Cbtcago. Shaw's Animal Circus. Pantages', Denver, Colo. Mariner A Richards, Fontaine, Louisville. Skavp A Flatt Near Brighton, Brighton Beach, Fberry' Mme.,_ Savoy, Atlanno CHf. Brigbtoo IWen. Jolr T-II Blsto. William, 5th Ave.. N. T. tt WILLIAM SISTO A laugh, scream, riot- At Liberty. 1430 Boyd Ave., WoodharcD, N. Y. Phone 16M W Richmond Mill- Blgnia, Talioi- Orand, Denver. Colo., 28-Joly 0, BUber A Duval. Globe, Boston. rTvengall, Modern, 5th Ave.. N. Y. O. rSmlib'a. Aerial, Touring Europe. flmltti A Pullnun, Uaconu, Grand Rapids. Brnlth, Cook A Brandon, TtmrJo, Detroit, July 7. Sotttalira, The. Grand, Albany. Splllers («). Victoria, N. Y. 0. Stevens A Marshall. Keith's. Boston. Stenhens. Lrann, Keith's, Pblls. Stewart A Donoliue, Hartford, Bar If Old, Oonn.. J una 30-Jnly 2. Stevens, Bdwua. Keith's, Bosloa. fltcvpers (6), Hipp.. Pittsburgh. Stanleys (3). Btnderooo's. Coney Island; 5!a Ave., N. Y. ft, Joly 7-12. Stone A Kallas, Temple, Detrot, July 7-lt. Button, Larry. Lynuou'a Big Show. Sallys (B), Keith's, Pblla. Salllvan, Mark. Proctor's, Albany. Sweeney A Rooaey, Liberty, Plttsborgh. Sylvia Paragon Park, Boston, 30-July li. Tasabo A Tambo, Toarlng Ksglssd. ?!&BA5*3rTO Amatk <Bt " "* *JaI 7 Bl" 1 * Bn "'' t ''' U, ' "^"'V 1 *' Dstrolt, TVaaeJuivr's Cats, Racoma, Orand Rapids. '"sSTFr'"' "oil Q>(b BAM>> Uulan '' Bsnprtss, KCCRJrTTRlC COMKDIAlvB. I'NItlUB COMEDY ACT. Thomst, T. V., A Co., Bowdoln Sq„ Boaton. Tkoninaon, Clias., Cosmo*, Waililngton; Oth Ave., N. Y. 0.. 712. Tlinman, Mr. A Mrs. Fred., Proctor's, Schenectady, N. Y.. July 3-0. Thomn* A Tanmia Hartford, Hartford, Conn., July 2-u. Those French Girls, Music Holt, Brighton Bench, Titos, Ljdla Yessnans, Keith's, Oluclnnotii Fair- mount, W. Vs., Joly 7-U. Trlz, Uele, Orphenm, Spokane, Wash. "Traplng Santa Clans," Emptess, Denver, Cos}., 28-July 5. Troupers (•»), Park, Glena Falls, N. Y.; New Duchess. Pouglikeepslp, N. Y., Jaly 3-5. Trovato. Victoria. N. Y. ft. July 7-12. Toy, Bosh Ling, Keith's, Cluclmiatl, Tucker, Sophlv, Victoria, N. Y. C. Tucker, Billy, Hipp., Pittsburgh. Van Gofre & Cotrely, O. II.. Belle Plate, la. Valerlo, ltosa, Sextette, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Vauiler K«irn, St. Jtliues, Button. Vaughn, Hartford, Hartfonl, Conn., June 80- July 2. Vaaarrtnit A Moore, Union Sq., N. Y. ft, Jury 7- 12. Van Studdlford, Grace, Victoria. N. Y. ft .. Vivian A Alton, Illeknrils Circuit, Australia, In- deflnlte. Vleocnl Bros., Lexington Park, Piston. Vlctorluo A Zolur, Keith's, ClnclnualL Vinos, Tho, Keith's, IiullKiiuiwIla. Vincent, Jno., Casluo, Wenona. Vlolliiahy, Forsy'.iie, Atlanta, Victoria, 7-12. Von Tilser, Albert, Keith's, l'hlla. Walters, Uelwa, k Co., Idora Park, Youngs- town, 0. Walker, Musical. Rluglbig Bros,, indefinite. Waaher Bros., Tourlluc England. Wni.vjii A Santos, Orpheum, 1'.inland, Ore. Walsh k Ileiitley, Oiphcuni, F.iluionton, Cnu. Wallace, Biuce, Pints, West Brlgliliiii, S. I. Ward It Ourriu, New BrlKblott, Brighton Beach. Ward Bros., Now Brighton, Brighton Heath, 7-12. Warren A lllaucharil, Forsythe, Atlanta. 7-12. Wakefield, Wills II., Mualc Hull, Brighton Beach 7-12. . _ Warren k Onllsanl, Sotirarr Pork, Montreal, 7- 13. Welsh. Ben, Victoria, N. Y. 0. Weir, Jean, A Co., Oth Ave, N. Y. 0. Welch, Knimct, A ttcoueld, Hippodrome, Atlantic City, N. J. West, John, A Co,, Medford Boulevard. Boaton. Welch, SlnM, Metropolllnn, I'hlln,, July 3-0. Welch, Frauds, & Co. Forsyllie, Atlanta. Webb, Joe, Music Hall, Brighton Beach. Wentwortb, Vestn A Teddy. Hubmcr Park, Mon- treul, July 7-12. Weber, Cbas.. Keith's, Phila.. 7-12. Whipple, Waliii), Mnjestlr, HelvMere, 111,, July 3- 0; ltevere House, Clilcngo, 7. Wlinrlen, Nat, Prlscllla, Cleveland. Wilson ft Aubrey, Scarboro Beacli, Toronto. Can.; SoUuirr I'n.k, Montreal, Cnu,. July 7-14. Wlldc, Mr. A Airs. Gordon, Orphcura, Oakland, Cal. WIllluuiH, Hello, ICinpress, Denver, Colo., 23- July 5. Wilson ft Gulluglicr, Lyric, Newark, N. J., July 3-D. Winters, Evelyn, Bowdoln Sq , Boston. Williams A Dixon, orpheum. Boat™, Wilton, Belle. U'lliiKtiin Park, Boston. Wilson, Frnnklln, A Co.. Keystone, Phila. Williamson, Bud, Hnrtford, Hartford, Oonn,, July 2-11. Wlnkier. Jack, Trki, Gt, Northern Hipp., ObltsgO. Wllmm A Aulirvy, lllpp., Cleveland. Wlckcs* Skating Glrla, Victoria, N. Y. 0. Winkler A Kress, Hipp., Pittsburgh, Woodward, Ron 11I11 1... Cook A Haas Coojedy CO. WooilwurU. CtihIiii), Wenona, Wood A Wyde. i'emple, Detroit, Woods & Woods Trio, Hipp., Pittsburgh. Yuuinninto Broa., Keyslone, Pblla. Yeoman, Geo., Keith's, Indlaiiuuolls. Yiuiaii, Lyrle, Newark, N. J., July 8-0. Yvctte, Slorrlson's, ltoekaway. Bclda A Hour, New Brlghtou, Brighton Beach, L. I. Zcnda, Great, Harris', Pittsburgh, Zimmerman, Willy, Pontages", Ban Fran,, Csl. Zaleka. I'rlucesa. Dempsey, l'corla, 111. OUT OF TO WW HEW S 'WASHl^Gr'TOlV. Fine weather, good attractions, and good bus), ness for U10 week. Bvusco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—Captain Scott's Antarctic pictures closed June 20. Coil'MriiA (Fred. O. Bergen, mgr, I—The Oo- Itrmbla Players, In "Mrs. Lefflnuwell s Boots," did good work. Helen Holme*, who returned to the cast after a week's rest, received a welcome that cirtolny mmle her fed that she was mlried. Oar* rlo Thatcher, Francis Younj. Jeaale Mlemlennlng and Dorothy Bernard were all good. A. II Van lluren, Gcorgo Barbler, Stanley James, Wlllanl Robertson. Everett Botto.-neld. John M. Kline nnd Arthur Rilchlu were all gool, and with the as- sistance or rest of the caat a very dellghlfttl per- foruiacco was given and enjoyed by large audi- ences. "In Muaoura" week of June 30, "tit Wife" July 7. Poll's (Jainea Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popular Players, In "The Call of tho Norlli," scored one big hit. The play gave Edward Mackay s chance to Hhow bis shlllty to its fullest, and be was ex- cellent, Mark Kent, Frank Shannon, II. Dudley lluwly and Tliomaa WlllUma were all gooif. Irelta Jewel wss capital, little Mntblcius, Ger- Irude Bonilhill, and the rest of the cast gave ss> riilest snpiiort, and a fine perforiuiiiico was given, lllg buiilness rnleil. "Tii« Talker" week of 3D. '^Mso and Huperinan" week of 7. The class of plays now being given by tint I'lipulnr Players lias made the palmna alt up, and they are now taking notice. Cosmos (A. Julian Ilrylntivki, mgr.)—Bill week of .'ID: "Tho Seven Diving Olrls." In their Water Nymcb'a Carnival; Kelley and Galvln, Bert Len- non, Allen and Clark, Charles Tltoapson, Broderlck and Crawford, and new pictures. A contest lot boys has been srranged for Thursday night, nnd a like contest for glrla on Friday. Sunday con- cert! well featured and special music by That Or- chestra, do capacity. The cooling plant of this bouse sakts It an enjoyable scot. mtn Mi.hdat HioiiT, June 33.—Columbia Players opened to a capacity hoove, President Wllaon and family telng among those present anil occupying a box. Poll's, wlili Popular Player*, bad earns condition— s full capacity opening—and Vive-Presi- dent Marshall anil Mr». Marshall were among that vaat number, occupying a box. Ho the naUon's brads were equally divided Ntweeu the two bouses. Tafia Is a great Improvement In the atace set- ting of tho plnyx at Poll's and It Is appreciated. In a great measure Ibis Is duo to Edwin H, Cur- tis, director. Now that tho Washington Baseball Team I* en route, and will Ihi absent ilio greater part of July, tho managers of the various houses are busy connecting up the iicoru<»urita, anil the fans will nav« all the chance to bear from the game. Dual no tho week of Juno 23. Old Hoi worked overtime, and made it lively for the patrons. Ho far tho patrons camu out heat. It looks at If Old Sol would wlu out week of June .'in, MAstr tumors of changes In various lumbers of the stock, but so far nothing has been found that OOOld bo depended, upou. MsiNAOxii Fasti. G. Bcsnttu has a good wcnl for lull Old I1SJ.HULK, for lie says "I always Ilka to read Tub Currsa for I Hod things In that pijwr I can find nowhere else." Tins Is the bnpiilrst time of the year for sll the attaches of the Columbia Theatre, as they are busy arnuvglng for their annual benefit. They ,ltavu their tickets on sale and as theso same at- taches are popular with (be patrons a big benefit It assured. UoVlludton, la.—Grand (B. F. Holnes, mgr.) Is dark. Oasaicc (O. H. Holier, mgr.)—Closed for re- dcroTttlng. Will open Sept. 0. 1'iUM (L- P. Blank, mgr.)—Moving plctere*. Good attendance In spite of extrume brat. Eura (Guy Robinson, mgr.)—Moving ptetsref, Oourr (P. Vogt, mgr. I—Moving pictures. Nruo (Allender ft Co., ingrs.)—Moving pic- tures. i.tiio (Ben L. Shea, mgr.)—Moving pletoret. Not*.— .1. 0. Adams, of the llnrnnm ft Bnllcy Clrcai, and A. D. Jackson, of Iiuffao Blll's-Pawoee Bill's Kbovr, were In tho '.ity 28, perfecting ox- rengerumls for early aiqiear.incc. Cborleaton, 9, C—Victoria (Pistlroe Anvo- tnent Co., ingrs.) motion lilcture*. UaaKTo.t Panrt Anwouai tChat. A. Matthews, mgr,)—The Modern Drama Player* base been favored with One weather and are drawing well. Mijssna, WoHDaniLAAO, OuscxuiT, Umo nnd DixiruND, motion pictures, to good business