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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 5 AT PROCTOR'S 5th AVENUE, THIS WEEK TH E SCO ISI-f CO DIENNE JEAN WEIR AND HER COMPANY S E N T I a THE LAST OFFENSE 99 lost Talkod ow" Playlet of th» Soasi llraotlon of WEBER & EVAN: ROUTE LIST DRAMATIC 8 MUSICAL ■ ■ Rorttc Intended for Tula Column Mont nench '1'lila Office Not Later Than Saturday Before Day of Publication to Imsra Insertion. Adams, Msude—St. Paul, Minn., 2, Minneapolis 8-8, I'mmeuburg, I>„ T, Mason Olty 8, Mar- ahailluwn D, Waterloo 10, Dubuque 11, Clin- ton 12. "All Aboard"—Lew Field*'—44th Street Boot (Union. New York, Indefinite. Bites, Blanche—San Fran., Oal., 30-July 5, Sacramento 7, Oakland 8-10, Stockton 11, Fremo 12. "Bought and raid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—. Touring England. "Bllndneaa of Virtue, Too"—Chicago, June 80- July B. Cirleton Slaters Oo. (Vamey A Montgomery, mgrs.)—Marlon, Ind., June 30, Indefinite. Callahan Dramatic—Mlnonk, 111., 3-5, Mazou 7-9. "Brer/woman"—Henry W. Ssvagc's—San Fran., Col., June 30-July 5. Fox Popular 1'lajera (Bar E- Cox, mgr.)—Hum- ble, Tex., June no-July 5, Saratoga 7-12. "820 Per Cent."—Oohan & Barrla'—Atlantlo City. N. J., June 80-July 8. Slnnlvan A Good Dramatic (J. II. 'Good, mar.)— Mancheater, Mich., June 30-July B, Burr Oak 7-12. "Olrl Outlaw" (Clyde Anderson, mgr.)—8an- tnarcua, Tex.,.2, 8, New Uraunfela i, 6, San Antonio 0-0, Houston 10-12. Bitfield, Jolly Finnic—Oswego, N. Y., Indefinite. Hitchcock, llnyinond—Calgary, Albt., Can., 2, Edmonton 3-6. Winnipeg. Man., 7-10. •Hanky I'nnky" —Loa Angeles, Cal., Indefinite. •How Much la a Million V'— Fine Arta, Chicago, June .'10-July C. Harks Bros (It. \V. Marki, mgra.)— Hamilton, Can., Indefinite. Horton Opera—Albany, N. V., Indefinite. ilaaon, John—Vancouver. B. O., Can., 2. Vic- toria 8, 4, Tacoma, Wash., B, Seattle 6-12. Uartz, Al.—No. Solngo, Me., ft, Bed Stone, N. H.. 7, No. Conway 8, 0. Jackson 10. "Mlailon Play"—Mlailon Playhouse, Los Angeles, Cal., Indefinite. -Mliiourl Olrl, The"—Norton A Rlth's—Chicago, Indefinite. HcOlnley, Bob A Kra—Turtle Lake, No. Dak., 2, Underwood 30, Cole Harbor 7-9, Woibburn 11, 12. Itsilntova. Slme.—Los Angeles, Cal., June 30- July ft. "Ob! Oh! Delphlne"—London. Eng., Indefinite. ffark Draniallo — 0. W. Park'a — Dotlian, Ala., Juno 30-July D. "Purple Boad, Tbo"—Oaalno. New York, Indefi- nite. "ravagon Olrla. Tie," No. 1 (Ceo. W. Ochow. mgr.)—Paragon Park, Nautaakot, Moss., Indefi- nite. "Partiron Olrln, The." No. 2 (Geo W. Oebow, mgr.)—London. Out., Cuii., 30-July B. ausk-Hlibiv Oo. (J. \V. Rusk, uigr.)—Auburn, N. Y„ Indefinite. llpley Dramatic—Tully, N. Y„ July 2, Fablne 3-5. IchefT. Frlttl—Olilcago, Indefinite. -Sweetest Olrl lu lilxlo"—Qulrni Bros.—Western —Chicago 7-12. Taylor. Laurette—Oort, N. Y., Indefinite. "Tlk-Tok Man of Oi"—Chicago, Indefinite. "Typhoon, Tbo"—London, Bug., Indefinite. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Dickey 4 Terry'i—Tuscola, III., 2, Areola 8, Oreenup a, Toledo B, Sullivan 7, Butlany 6, Moutlcello 0, Macon 10, l'ana 11, Assumption 12. Warner, H, I). (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—Oort, Chicago, Indefinite. "Within the Law"—<Amerlcan 1*1 ay Oo.'s—El- tlnge, New York, Indefinite. "When Dreams Dome True"—Philip Birtholo- mae's—Oarrlck, Chicago, Indefinite. "Yellow Jacket, The"—London, Eng., indefinite Blegfeld's Follies of 1018 (Ploreni Zteyfpl.l, mgr.)—New Amatcrdam, Mew York, lndellnltc, STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Truvellnn. Antrell'i Comedians—Oentralla, Mo., Jane 30- July B, Academy of Music Block—Wm. Fox's—Academy, New York, Indefinite. Academy Stock (K. E. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J., Indefinite. Academy Stock—Washington, D. O., Indefinite. Arrlne Players—Lancaster, Pa., Indefinite. Alomar Stock—San Fran., Cal., Indefinite. Academy Stock—Norfolk, Vs., Indefinite. Aubrey Stock, No. 1 (D. Otto Hlttner, mgr.)—• Huntington, W. Vs., Indefinite. Albeo Slock—I'rorldence, B. 1.. Indefinite. Bums Stock—National .Philadelphia, Indefinite. Buhlor, Richard, Block (A. Q. Dehunater, mgr.)— Columbus, O., Indefinite. Blihop Players—Oakland. Cal., Indefinite. Barrett Players (J. B, Barrett, msr.)—Haseltou, Pa., Indefinite. Bryant, Billy, Stock (Sam Bryant, mgr.)—Ford, Ky., June 30-July 5. Baldwin-Melville Stock—Bufrnlo Indefinite. Boyer, Nancy, Stock—Jersey City, N, J,, Indefi- nite, Beaiey, Jack, Stock—Dubuque, la., Indefinite, Broadway Stock—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Bunting, Braina. and Players — Moruphls, Teiui., Indefinite, Bonstelle, Jessie, Stock—Buffalo, N. Y., Indefi- nite, Bryant, Marguerlle, Slock—McKoeeport, Pa., in- definite, Bowdlsh Stock—McDonald, Pa„ June 80-Jaly 5. . Colonial Slock—Salt Lake City, 1!., Indefinite. Orerccnt Players—B. F. Keith's —Brooklyn, N. Y., lndellnltc. Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—.Clark. Harbor, N. S„ 2-R, Harrington rnssago 7, 8, Sliclhurne 0, 10. Lockjiort 11, 12. Colonial Stock (Holdcn & Edwards, uigrs.)—In- dianapolis, Ind., Indefinite. Ooknlal Stock—Cleveland, O., Indefinite. Columbia Players—Washlnglon, Indefinite, Cook A Haas' Comedy—Soyre, Pa.. Indefinite. Colonial Stock—Norfolk, Va., Indefinite. Cornell-Price Players—Snult Ste. Mario, Mich., June 30-July 12. Calemlth Stock—Beading, Pa., Indefinite. Davis Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Plttsburgb, Pa., Indefinite. Dudley, Frank. A Associate I'laycre— Galveston, Tex., Indefinite. Drama Players (K. Weston, mgr.)-*Lowcll, Mass., lndefinlle. Delmar A King's Musical Comedy)—Denver, Col.. indefinite. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., Indefinite. Davidson Stock—.Milwaukee, Indefinite. Dominion Stock—Ottawa. Can., Indefinite. De Oroote Stock (Ed. Dv Qroote, mgr.)—Char- loltr, N. C, lndefinlle. Dougherty Stock—Dowrtierty ft Oox's—Atchison, Kan., June 30-July B, Sedalls. Mo., 7-12. Dramatic Stock—St. Louis, Indefinite, Kmplre Stock (Bergman A Todd, num.)—Lan- sing, Mich., Indefinite. Elwjn. Ixinie, Block—Kccne, N. II., 80-July B, Fenly-Purkln Co.—Denver, Ool., lndefinlle. Ferguson Bros. 1 Stock (A. K. A A. O. Ferguson, nigra. J—Oklahoma City, Oils., indefinite. Frank, John B., Stock (O. Auaklngs, mgr.)—Su- perior, Wis., till July 20. Flslg A Qllpin 8toek—Antlgo, Wis., June 80- July B, Merrill 7-10. Oreoopolnt Players—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y„ Indefinite. Olsser Stock (W. B. Gsryn, mff.)—Cleveland, O., indefinite. German Stock (Ludwlg Krclsi, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis,, lndefinlle. Gotham Stock—B, F, Keith's—Brooklyn, N. T., Indefinite. Oirslde Stock (J, S. Gsrslde, mgr.)—Ptdncsh, Ky., indefinite. flayety Theatre Block (Onus. Frauklyn, mgr.)— Hoboken, N. J., Indefinite. Orsnd Opera House Stock (Louis Birr, mgr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y., Indefinite. . „ „ Gallop Stock (Bert B. Gallop, rarr-) — Sallnn. Kan., June 30-July S. Gordon, Eleanor, Stock—Plymouth, Boston, Indefi- nite. Rale, Jess, Stock—Merrill, Wis., June 30-July S. Hsjrwird, Gnyee (Geo. M. Gtttf, mgr.)—Wir». rlngton, Chlcigo, Indefinite. ntmtTngton, Wright—St. Paul, Minn., tdefinite. HUlman's Ideal Stock—Omslia, Neb., Indefinite. Hlgler-Harrlngton Stock—Mobile. Als., Indefinite. Harrington Stock—Shawnee, Okla., Idefllte. Hall Players—Altoona, Pa., Indefinite. Hudson Stock—Hoboken, N. J., Indefinite. Home Stock—Akron. O., Indefinite. Hunter-Bradford Players—Hartford, Conn., in- definite. Bomin Stock—Sabbatli Park, Taunton, Mass., in- definite. Hampton Stock—Oiirlerton, S. O., MssMsa., Hllhnan's Ideal Stock (Harry Sobns, tngr.)— Ft. Scott, Kan., 20-July 6, Springfield, Mo„ 7- 12. Hayes, Lacy U., a Players—Omabo, Neb., In- definite. . „ . Jacobs Brock (Oeo, W. Jscobs, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., Indefinite. Jefferson Theatre Stock (Julius Oahn, mgr.)— Portland, Me„ Indefinite. Juneau Stock (J. H. Belchest, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Indefinite. _ . Keycs Sisters Stock (O. A Keyes. mgr.)—Olirki- burg, W. Vs., Indefinite. . _ „ Kelly, Wtn. J., Stock (Ed. Kelly, mgr.)—Salt Lake City, U.. indefinite. Keith Stock—Portland, Me., indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock—Eugeaw J. Murphy's, No. 1 Company — Champaign, III., June 30-July S, Terro Haute, Ind., 7-12. Kllmt A Oaznlo Stock—Baltimore, Md,, indefi- nite. Kovaca' Block (Edw. A. Kovacs, mgr.)— Perth Amboy, N. J., Indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock—Eugene J. Murphy's. No. 2 Company—.Washington, Ind., June 30-July B, ML Vernon, III., 7-10. Kellard Stock (Ralph Kellard, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y„ indefinite. King Dramatic (Ohas. P. King, mgr.)—Living- ston, Tex., Indefinite. Lstlmore A Leigh Oo.—Lynchburg, Va,, indefinite. Lang, Eva, A Players (O. D. Woodward, mgr-)— Omaha, Neb,, Indefinite. Lorcb Stock (Theodore Lorcb, mgr.)—Passaic, N. J., indefinite. Lllley Stock—Chllllcothe. 0., indefinite. Lyceum Stock (Fox A King, mgrs.)—Ogden, TJ., Indefinite. Lonergan Stock—Lowell, Mass., Indefinite. Lewis Stock (0. H. Lewis, mgr.)—North Yakima, Wash., indefinite. Lytell-Vaughan Stock—Albany. N, T„ Indefinite. La Hoy Stock (H. La, Boy. mgr.)—Plenum Olty, O., June 30-July S, Opiietsun 7-12. Lang Stock—Denver, indefinite. La Forte, May, Stock—Jamestown, M. Y. Indefi- nite. Matthews-Elliott Co.—Lima, O., Indefinite. Morrison Stock (Lindsay Morrison, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., indefinite. Mai ley A Dtxnisrn Stock—Fall Blrer, Mass., to- definite. Mailer, Poll., Co.—Clayton, N. Y„ June 80-July Murat Stock—Indianapolis. Indefinite, Mountain Theatre Stock—Hamilton, Can,, Indefi- nite. Moroico Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Oal.. Indefinite. Mount Morris Stock—Harlem, New York, Indefi- nite Majestic Stock—Topeka, Kan., indefinite. Mayer Stock—Orpheum, Haverhill, Mass., Indefi- nite. Uinhittan Stock—Manhattan opera House, Kerr York, lndefinlle. Manhattan Players—Trenton, N. J., Indefinite. Modern Drams Players (O. G. Munthe, mgr.)— Charleston, S, O., Indefinite. Manhattan Opera Co.—Elmlra, N. Y., Indefinite. McDonald Stock—iPsrls. Tex., Juno 30-July B. Metropolitan Stock—Cleveland. 0., Indefinite. NorthMnpton Players—Star, Buffalo, Indefinite. National Stock—Philadelphia, lndefinlle. Newton Musical Comedy—Albany, N. Y., Indefi- nite. National Stock—Washington, D. O., Indefinite. Newton Stock (Dorrlt Ashton, mgr.)—Okmulgee, Okie., 80-Joly B. Orpheum Players (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, indefinite. Opera House Stock (Reed A Zibrlskle, mm.)— Ps tenon, N. J., indefinite. Oliver Drama Players (Otis Oliver, tngr.)— Li _ Fayette, ind., Indefinite. 0M ts» Pt saM Players (Ed. WlllUmi, mgr.)— Oshkosh. Wis., Indefinite. Orpheum Playera—Montreal. Oin., Indefinite. Olympic Park Opera—Newark, N, J., Indefinite. Obrecht Stock (Christy Obrecht, mgr.)— La Crosse, Wis., Indefinite. * Poll Stock (Gordon Wrlgfater, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Prlngle. Delia, and Stock (0. K, Van Aoken. n l .? g J-'^r M00 o ^ Jaw - **■ C «- indefinite. ^Sb^SiBK rl »^»-On»heam. Hancock. VdTS. %SR£*** — » ** * " ■Pavton, Joe, Stock—Newark. N. J., ladefiolle. Princess Players (O. L. Richards ajtOa coma, Wash., lndefinlle. " ' PennawTit I'lwcrs—Edmonton, Can., indefinite. Pai-ton, Oorao, Stock—Park, New York, Indefinite. Princess Stock; (Elbert A Getcbell, DHH^DM Moines, la,, indefinite. Irorl sioeic (A. A. Webster, rugr.) — Vallamout r. "a*'?,' P ll l»™p0rt, Pa., till Sept' 0. BU ° nOT " rcrtichl-Gypzeoo Slock (A. Pcruchl, mgr.)—New Orleans. la_ indefinite. !^° Stocjt—Wllkes-Barre. Pa., Indeflulto. !, if BSg jtailiwd, Conn., Indefinite. !° f °« k —Scranton, Pa., Indefinite. Si" 8t ?J k — N « w Haven, OOnn., Indefinite. Plymontb Stock—Boston, Indefinite, ranama Stock—fill River, Mass.. indefinite. !Wr*y 8tpck-Oentervllle, 'IVnn., imleunlto. 1(O J^ D fN 1 eV.'',!a i 0 J l2! , "- SC,W,i; M<> " 3 ™ * Read. Koma—Ottawa. Can., Indefinite Reynolds A Hoss Players (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Salt Lake City, U., iiirflnlte. ^' Rentfrow Stock—Texas Oily, Tor., indefinite Rush Stock-Hot Springs, Ark„ June 3™Ju y B Rusk-lllaheo Stock-^eKrson, Aitara, N. Y., in- uotin lie Spooner Dnuaadc—McAlotw, Okli.. 7-12. Stanley Stock—London, Out., Can.. Indefinite. Spooncr. Cecil, and Stock (Louis J. Fosse, mgr.) - . ■V g ' l?. New York, Indcanlte. r r?i C .^ 1 ' l "'"«»7:?ln8b»mton, N. Y., Indefinite. ii.? 1 " 1 .'. 8,ock . (IIarr J 8t - t" 11 '. mgr.)—Bran- don. Man., Can.. Indefinite. "•OS p ™»t'». Plsyers (F. H. Sayles, mar.) Richmond, Ind.. lndefinlle. v ' Statilon'e Musical Oomcly (Jos, Stantoa, mgr.)— Dcavcr, M, indefinite. aasssaaa, mgr.) Suburban Park Stock—fit Lonls, Indefinite. Spoooer, F. E., Stock—Sim Angeto, Tex., indefi- nite. Sherman Stock—Burlington, la., Indefinite. Hiubert Stock—St Paul, Mtna, indefinite. Stanford Players—WUdwood, N. J„ Indefinite. Stewart's Stock—Springbank Park, London, Can., indefinite. Temple Theatre Stock (F. Falkner, mgr.)—Cam- den, N. J., Indefinite. Temple Stock—Hamilton, Can., indefinite. Tlvoll Stock—San Fran,, Oal., Indefinite. Taff Stock—Harrlsburg, III,, Indefinite. Underwood ft Bishop's Flayera—Oakland, Oal., In- definite. Van Dyke A Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Des Moines, la., till Oct. 1. Vsoghan Olaser Stock—Detroit, Mich.. Indefinite. Wlnclnger Plsyers (John D. Wlnnlnger, mgr.)— Minneapolis, Minn., Indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—'Wichita, Kan., indefinite. Wartmrton Stock (Carl W. Hunt, mgr.)—YoDkers, N. Y., indefinite. Wletlng Stock—Syracuse, N. Y., indefinite. Wadsworth Players (Edw. Omateln, mgr.)—Wash- ington Heights, New York, Indefinite. Williams Stock—Jelllco, Twin., June 30-July S. Williams, Joe., Dramatic—Hot Brings, Ark., June 30Ju)y 12. Toungstown Plsyers—Yoangstown, O., indefinite. Young-Adams Stock (H. Wllmot Toung, mgr.)— Halifax, N. S„ Oan., indefinite. Ye Liberty Stock—Oakland, Cal., Indefinite. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLAYS. American Players (Via Richmond, mgr.)—De- troit, Mich., June 80-Aug. 8. Frits A Lawler A Msree Balney Players —De Kalb Junction N, Y., 7-12. Perry A Edwards* Musical Comedy—Owen Sound, Out., Can., June 30-July B, Toronto 7-12. Whyte Tabloid Co.—St. John, N. B., Can., indefi- nite. VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Todd, Wm.—Old Fort, N. O.. Jane 30-July G. Wills, Mrs. John B., No. 2 Co.—Ogdensburg, N. Y., June 80-July 6. BURLESQUE SHOWS. Avenue Theatre Stock (Jas. Weed on, mgr.)—De- troit, Mich., Indefinite. Folly Stock (Max Gorman, mgr.)—Folly, Detroit, Indefinite. Passing Review (Jack Blnger, mgr.)—Gayety, De- troit, Mich., Indefinite. Stan of Stageland (Wm. Dunn, mgr.)—Toronto, Can., June 80-July 12. The Kissing Maid—Columbia, New York, indefi- nite. MINSTIIELS. Down to Dixie Minstrels—Hlbblng, Minn., 3, Chlsholm 8, Virginia 4, Gilbert B, Buhl 7, Eveleth 8, Ionian 0, Ely 10. De Hue Bros.—Msnasquon, N. J., 2, Freehold 3. Georgia Troubadours—Allen, Kan., 2, Admire 3. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Ballman's Band—Forest Park, Chicago, Indefinite. Oner oiler, N. B., Emanuel Baud—Biverrlew Park, Chicago, indefinite. . Cavollo'a Bond—forest Park, St. Louis, Indefi- nite. Creature's Bond—Sana Soucl, Chicago, Indefinite. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra—Cincinnati, in- definite. Clrclllo Concert Band—Kxug Park, Omaha, Neb., Indefinite. Conway's Band—WUlow Grove Park, Fhus., in- definite. Davlto'e Italian Band—Tt, Breeze Park Phils., indefinite. Eppel's Orchestra—Lake OkobsJi, Lynn, Mass., indefinite. Femillo'a Bond—Delmar Garden, St, Louis, In- definite. Geiren's Orchestra—Forest Pork, Chicago, indefi- nite. Herbert Vlctor'a Band—Willow drove Park, Polla., e-io. Lily's Concert Band — Washington Pork, Pbllo., Indefinite. Lynott's Orchestra—Ideal, Oarboodale, Pa., indefi- nite. Lorobirdi'a Band—Milwaukee, Indefinite. Marine Band—iProvldcnce, B. I., Indefinite. Natlello'o Band—Fontaine, LoolrrUle, Indefinite. Ohlmejer's Band—Jdora Park, Oakland, COL, In- definite. Phlllippinl'a Band—Omaha. Neb., indefinite. 1'lka's Orchestra—LogansporL Ind., Indefinite. Vessels's Band—Steel Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.. Indefinite, Zito's Brass Band—Palisades Park, N. J., Indefi- nite, CIRCUSES. Bsrnum ft Bailey—M:alone. N. Y., 3, Watertown 3, Auburn 4, Ithaca S, Cortland 7, Blaghomtoa 8. Elmlra 9, Hornell 10, Olesn 11, Niagara Falls 12. Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill—Oouncll Bluffs, la., 14, Omaha, Neb., IB. Backskln Ben —Daluth, Minn., Jane 20-Jaly B. Winnipeg, Man., 7-12. j nlpeg, Alan., 7-12. Barnes, Al, G.—Algona, Is., 9, Humboldt S, Web- ster City 4, Kldora 5. Christy's Big Tent Show (Oeo. W. Christy, mgr.) —Hull, la., 2. Everly 8-0, Borden 7-0, Lennox, So. Dak., 1012. Cole A Cooper Show—Prestonburg, Ky., 21, Ba- nanas 8, Saylorrllle 4, Oam el Olty 5. Downlo A Wheelor—lAahlaxtd, Me., 2. Gentry Bros.—Indiana Harbor. Ind., 2, La Grange, 111., 3, Baclne. Wis., 4, Waukesha, Wis., B, Minneapolis, Minn.. 7-12. Ilatlfnbeck-WsiUco—Hud«jL N. Y„ 3, Albi iToy 4, Sxdtenectady S, Syrseoas 7, Newark 8, Loekport 0, Buffalo 10. 11, Brie, Pa., 12. Howo's Great London—^achate, Que., Oan., 2, St, Jerome 3, Jollette 4, Grand Mere S. 101 Ranch Wild West—Mancheater, N. H., 2, Lowell, Mass., 3, Fltchburg 4, Wincbendon B, Albany, N. Y., 7, Utlca 8, Syracuse 0, Au- burn 10, Rochester 11, Buffalo 12. Oklahoma Banoh Wild West—Arlington A Beck- man's—Lloydmlnster, Alts., Can., 2, Vermilion S, Edmonton 4 5, Athabasca Landing 7, Wet- eskwln 8, Red Doer 0, Calgary 10, Qletehen 11, Medlclflo Hat 12. Singling Bros.—Buffalo, N. Y., 2, Jamestown 3, Brie, Pa., 4, Ashtabula, O., 5, Youngstown 7, AJtron 8, Canton 8, Lima 11, Ft Wayne, Ind., Solls-Floto—Helena, Mon., 2, BoBoman 8, Livings- ton 4, Billings B, Lewistown 7. Great Falls 8, Conrad 0, Kollspell 10, Ferrlli, B. QL Can., 11. Lethbrldge 12. ' Bilvor Family Show (Bert Silver, mgr.)—flub- bardsto-irn, Mich.. 2, Crystal 3-0. Biverdale 7. Ellwcll 8, Alma 0, St. Lonls 10, ^^ ' Sun Bros.—Gladwin, Mich., 3, Sttandlsh 8, West Branch 4. Grayling B. Sawtelle, SIg.—Marlboro, Mass., 2, Hllford 3. Concord 4, Attleboio B. ^ •JJompklns* Wild West—Mexico, N. Y.. 2, Parish 8. Oentrai Square 4, Pho?nlx B, Fulton 7, Han- nibal 8, Falrhaven u, Wolcott 10, Sodus 11 Marlon 12. ' Woodward'* Big Tent Show—Avoodale. Mich,, 2, Hartwlck 3-5, Asbton 7-0, Bristol 10-12. Young Buffalo Wild West—Augusta, Me., 2, Bath 8, Rockland 4, Brunswick 0, Blddeford 7, Ameshury, Mass., 8, Danvers 9, Maiden 10. So. Framlngham 11, Mllfonl 12. Yonkee Robinson Circus—Canova, Sask., Con.. 8. Yorktoo 4, MelvUle S, Beglna 7. FILM SHOWS. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly U, Dobbs' (Joseph Oouoly, mgr.)—London, Knr.. Idefinlte. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly B. Dobbs* (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Portland. Or*., indefinite. WANTED Week Stand. REPERTOIRE MUSICAL COMEDY and PERMANENT STOCK COMPANIES Kentucky Theatre. Paducah, Ky. Colonial Theatre, Athens. Gas Address W. A. FINNEY, PADUCAH, Ky. CHICAGO STOCK CO. CHAS. H. ROSSKAM ENTERPRISES, Inc. WANTS RECOGNIZED ARTISTS. IN ALL chas. h. rosskaM LINES FOR ROAD STOCK HlEigtf 20th saccessfnl year. No season less than 46 weeks. No star. No one featured. Each, person signed to play any part cost for, for the good of the production. Rehearsals Jnlr 28. Address CAKE AUDITORIUM, MALDES, MASS. NATHAN APPELL ATTRACTIONS HELEN GRAYGE CO, ARTHUR CHATTEBDOS CO, QRAYCE STOCK CO. with RTTA KNIGHT WANTED People in all lines. Need particularly Union Stage Carpenter and Union Property man, both to play parts. NT. APPB1V1V PARCY & WOLTORD, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., New York City WANTED, TO JOIN AT ONCE TALENT IN ALL LINES Bll be sober. Reliable Musician, Singers, Dancers and First-Class Vaudeville Aots. Flute and Pic-Clarinet to double, 'Cello, Alto double, Second Violin or Viola, flrsUUass Cor- net B, and O. and other good Musicians with good doubles. Adlreea DE RUE BROS. MIN- STRELS, Manasanan, N. J. July 3 irelgntstown, Jf. J., 3: Freehold, AT. jT«t Jaxacsbnrs;, H. J., 5. After that Perm, address RocltrUle Centre, H. Y. 8IITII SEASOU COLONIAL STOCK CO. caSIda Advanoe Man, one-experienced In JRepertolre and acquainted with Canadian territory Dreferred. Leading Woman who can play Sonbrettes or EmoUonal\eads. Also Specialty People who can pl»J parts, and Piano Player, write. Also Wanted, Leading Woman. Ingenue, Leading Han and two ken SS figgtf ISSSS?"^ 0 ' tabloid stock; atagers preferred. Wr/te, CORT I^MDfiOPKINS, iSnageir. g«x«JJ^gO«WfVtft|y W. CUrlDraarbor, M. S.; Jnly 9, 10, Shelbourne? N. 8^Wufli Locxport,y.S.; July lt-ifi, Liverpool, M. fl. After that see route In OtIppeb. ' ' FOR IlEPERTOIRB VBDBR OAKTAB MAN for HEAVIES and GEN. BUS., with Specialty Sarmter ealAry. Onenighter. Begular season. OTHEBS WRITE. J. fc PERCY, Arrow Smith, m. MURDOCK B BIC RAILROAD DOC AND PONY 8HOW WANTS J? 1 *-?* *',*«*-'™B. that doubles Band. Three days ind wtek stands. Want to bny B. W. LU ht* MURDOCK BROS., PhUmont, S. Y. Usetnl people write. We keep yonr address on file. Atop of the World to Moving Pictures—Beverly Moss Bros.' Greater Shows— itmvuvw m vm». B. Dobba- (Joseph Oonel?: mgr.)-Honolulti; SO-July L UendS* 8 7 6 » w, -«« w,aee - ^ '«• ».S i"J IE fl ^? , ij . «»—. ™._^_ _ ■ Mclntrre'a Modern Shows (H. 0. Mclntvre. msr.l **9 SlJftS w T OtW v ln Moving Piotures— Beverl/ —Pocohootas. W. Vi., 30>Jul7 £ aalm "**•' Bice A Dote's Water Oaralval Thsitt Bore, tngr.) —Ko. Platte, Seb., June SOJulr B, Lannde, Wro., w - B. Dobbs' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Srdner, N. 8. W., Indefiite. Balkan War and Panama Canal, in Klnemacolor, Uovlnf Pictures—Carnegie Ljcenm, New York. Indefinite. Balkan War and Panama Canal, in Klnemacolor, T-12. Belss. Nat, Oo.—BrarU, Ind., June 30-JuIr 5. Soothem Amuse. Oo.—Manebester. Tenn.. June 30-July 5, Sparta 7-12. Moving Pictures—Ttemont Temple, Boston, la- Simpson y,\ H., Amuie. Co.—Sturgls, Ulch. June 30-July 5, definite, "Battle of Gettysburg" Pictures—Boston, lndeti nite. ^Bfk J 00 ? ?•■ Shows—Punxautawne/, Pa., June 30-Julv 5. Indiana T-12. Capt. Scott Pictures—Lyric. New York, Indefinite. Sheesley Greater Shows—Princeton. W. Vs.. June Howe's Pictures--London. Csn., June 80-JuIv B. _J I0Jb| J' 5 - *..•>-> Jack London Pictures—Criterion, New York, la- "ompson. Prank B.—West Brooklyn, III., July definite. l;o. "North of 88"—Lyceum, New Tork, Indefinite. "¥?*£ »ows—Bowling Gretn. By.. June 30- "Oao Vsdlsr , —BUelne-Olnes Oo.—Astor, New »W 6, Hopklnsville 7-12. York, Indefiite. HISCELLAlvTBODH "Qro VadUT^-Klelne-Clnes Co.—McVicker's, Georgia Coon Sboutors—Kieeland, Mich., 4. B Chicago. Indefinite. New York Amusement Oo—Vv^esltor w v. "Quo VsdlsT"—Kielne-Olnes Co.—Oarrlck, PhHa- taleflnite. r "" l ' Kan, ■ «».—wneeung, w. Va.. °'5!..?v? w— ? Uenb0P0 ' w - y «- *. Greenwood 3. Si 1 ^ 4 ? 1 A Br i^ 5' FI «^«ton TTlndepen: oence 8, Bowesrlile 9. Gary's IS 1 "***"* 6 ° naat ' 0PB " •* 0r * B, 3o o jui s 7 bo o r . &a«sp'>-*-*ft. «*- SP Va U .' e Jtrne r ?0 n Juiy T f 1,Uld ^ ~ *<" ChUrChl WsJden. Dana—Lebanon, Ky., 0, Beatrice Neb.. delphla, InileCnlte. "Quo Vadis?"—Klelnt-anes Oo.—Academy of Music, Baltimore, indefinite. Balney, Pool J.—Chicago, indefinite. CARNIVALS. Adams' Greater Exposition—Terra Alta, W. Va., 30-July S, Berkeley Springs 7-12. Austin Amuse. Oo Point Pleasant, W. Vs., Jane 80-July S. Gorey Bros.' Shows, Combined—Chlsholm, Minn., June 30^July B. PerarUshows, United—Niagara Polls, N. Y., June rolrjland Carnival Shows — EL A. Bttenger'a — Poaapton Lake, N. J., June 30-July B, Bloom- field 7-12. Ferari A Patrick Greater Shows—Medina, N. Y., Juno 30-July 8. ' Greater Now England—Pittafleld, Mass., June 80- Jaly S. Great Griffith Show—(Arnold Park. Is., Indefinite. Great Southern (Wm. T. Harrington, mgr.)— Muskegon, Mich., June 80-July B, Manistee 7- Great Patterson Shows (Jts. Patterson, mgr.)— Laorlum, Inch., June 80-July B, Thief Blver Falls 7-12. Great Bmplre (J. W. Harrington, mgr.)— Bar- beTrou. O. June SOJuly 'B, Alliance 7-12. Hspriyland Amuse. Oo.—Broekenridge, Ps„ June 30-July 5. Hunter Shows (Harry O. Hunter, mgr.)—Gleve- hnd O.. 30-July B. McKees RocksTpa., 7-12. .» , 1, , ro *- National Shows—Now OasUc, Ind.. 30-Jjily B, Logansport 7-12. "iT'l "b"' Gtcater Shows—Syracuse, N. Y., Kline, Ilorbert A—Calgary, AlU., Can., June 80- July B. L »^'« Model Shows—Burlington, N.'O., June Liberty Shows—Bradford. Pa.. 30July B. Leonard Amuse. Oo.—nolly. Ool., June 30-July B. Metropolitan Showa-Jieyahme, W. Vi., JuneT TO ALBANY l The Economical Way. Steam. | ore Frank Jones and Kaater- «kllt leave Pier 48, North River (root of W. loth r}t.»", att JO p. M. West 132d St. at 8 p. jfJ dally Round Trip Tickete good all season. DlnlngScrvlce. CAPI- TAL CITY LINE, Pier M. N. R. CENTS R0UNDTRIP$I o J9 Phono, Spring 0577. For GIMIVAIK & GOOD DBMTIC CO. REP., UNDER OANVAS. Man for Leads. Spe- cialty Team, doubling parts. Money sure. Join on wire. Week Juno so, Manchester, Mich.: week July 7, Burr Cat, Mich. JT. II. GOOD, Manager.