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July 12 THE USTEW YORK CLIPPER. Attorney at Law 220-224 West 42d Street TEL. BRYANT {"$} SptdillstiiMatriioilal Difficulties Sfccbl Dcyarimot for Colkctbos Corporations Oira ntod, S25.00 tRfY IUCENE M. PURKI88 5AD8,HaiVB8^ASJgreM. A1MRE0W» JULIA BELL WJBBBTTB, SEOTroBTOniBS^CHARAOTEBS. *n or Stock Joint only. Will consider partner SlDln AlrdomeRep. Address EUGENE M fife, 806 ILL. AYB., MKHDOTA, ILL. .PUB- AT LIBERTY »r Tabloid, Musioal Comedy or Dramatic, Stock I. I. PAUUKITTY ray «> median and Producing I Small Bonbrette' Director \ Specialties Have Scripts Address IfBW YORK. CLIPPER GOOD COMEDIAN Ibo can work In acts and do some magic. Alio jfcnlBt to play (or tongs. One who can play aolin (or ounces, or do gome otber specialty R (erred. Hall show. One night stands. Salary , but sure. Address LULU REED BURBANK, SHREWSBURY. MASS. latest instrumental Bit. Send lOo coin (or com- JetecopytO CARL. DEMANGATE, rphenrn Building, Schenectady, W. Y. SCENERY AliL KINDS of new and second band scenery to stock. Large stage (or scenic rchcarHiils. II. r. KNIGHT. 141)1 U SI. and Molt A v.... lew York City. SO minutes from Times Square to Mott Ave. Station, Bronx Subway, 'mono h»i ■elroso. WANTEB MEDICINE PERFORMER fTREET WORK—One playing some Instrument or working Knee Figures, fllvo lowest; pay own. g. A. KENNEDY, 8t. Oharlw, 111. WANTED, AT ONCE H and D, Comedian up In acts and make thorn no. Itate very lowest. Long engagement to right •arty. 1 want comedian: ex-managcrs, no. Just tot rid ot two. Address GEO. M. miller, Fort Littleton, Pa., gnlton County. "YE MIGHTY DOLLAR. TIIOTJ ART THE BOSS. WE BET ON THEE AS TUB riNEMT HOBS." New comlo song. Profcs tlonal copies (reo to slngera. Orchestrations. ••8. MATTHEWS, P. 0. Box 1DJ9, Now York, N.Y. week Included: Cecil is Lotto*, Mma, Olfa Pe- trove. Irene Beroeny, tbo Oromwelli. Fire Mel- ody Maid* aud a Uin, Bogert and Nelson, Bond «id Benton, Bunnam and Irwin, and Edison talking [notion pictures. Paxtaobs' (Oarl Walker, mgr.)—Bill SO and week: Armstrong's Baby Dolls, Beamnonte and Arnold, Frlscary Lee Birth, Jewell and Jordan, and Hakarenka Duo. Brtunuo (Bob Oonnlntfiam, mgr.)—Vaudeville, Gluhb'h Finn STaxrr.—Motion pictures. Curia's Bsoadwai.— Motion picture*. Vancouver, Con—Imperial (J? J. Mc- Donald, mgr.) John Mnssu, la "As a Man Thinks," was the attraction here July 2. AVEXtTB (Geo. B. Howard, mgr.)—The stock company presented "WlWare" week of June 80. PaimoEs" (W. I. Wright, mgr.)—Dill week ot 30 Included: Fred Ardath Co., Boy La Pearl. Howard and Delores, Lester Bros., Olga Sanuroff Trio, OapnauH (E. J. Donnelleu, mgr.)—Bill week o( 89 Included: The Saroys, Golden and West, Walter and Daniels, George Richards snd com- pany, Sampson and Douglas, the Cavaliers, and talking pictures. Columbia (J. R. Nucals, mgr.)—Pictures and raiuleTllIe. . ■ Panama (Bob Dnsnrorjh. mgrV) — Moving pic Gi'axd (J. Lubelsky, mgr.)—Burlesque mnikal stock. None.—GeoV' F. Oase, manager of the Or- nheum Theatre for the past three years, has left this city on account of Illness. E. J. Donnellan, well known In vsueourer, who has been away for Ore rears In the interest of S. A a bouses. Is In Mr. Case's place Olsra Beyers, well known to Vancouver, made her first appearance as lead- ing lady at the Avenue 30 The Empress Theatre Is being remodeled- for the Lawrencc- Sanduiky Stock Ob., which will open In that home July 14 Suit was tiled June 26, by Henry W. Savage, of New York, against D. 8. Lawrence, Walter Sandusky and Geo. B. Howard. of the Avenue Theatre, for Infringement of the copyright of the play, ''Madame %?• The plain- s' ta «* ,llln «L' or Penalties and an accounting.... 2£?Je** ?heatre. remodeled at cost of about 130.000. and with a capacity of 000, has opened »s s five cent picture show. Bobbins, the Pantaer Duo, Harry Bose, Faust snd ktauat. the Kstelle Sisters, Asahl Troupe of Japs.TiaDet London and company, McCaulcy and Connell, and lloward and Ryan. _ .. Marxs Bbuoh Paaz (J. J. Carl to, mgr.)— Great crowds to this resort Eubttuo Pass; (H. J. Chandler, nurr.)—At wer*Bu*tlc Theatre the. l"r*nklln-Bagrott Co. present* toe 70. 'The Blue Mouse." "Tbe^Tele- Phone Girl" 10-1J. _ . . .. ~ . Majsstio (HmU Delchee, ragr.) — tUttofaewry. bnstnea*. wfth moving pictures and vaudeville. Clbctok Bgnaia.—MoTlm Dlctareu. Bboaowat.— Photoplays. ~ OarBEOv.—Photoplays. Palacs.— Photoplays. «!t , Noxm.—101 Ranch WIW West fate two per- formances hers 7, Troy, IV. Y—Proctor's (H. Graham mgr.) moving pictures and vaodeville, Uarsamo.—Photoplays, Tsojak. —Photoplays. Novsurr.—Photoplays. , KtRH's.—Photoplays. ■. -1 PxocTOB' Lvcbum EMIsOQ. talkfnr pictures. Sunday concerts are quite popular at this house. Noras.—The Elks held their snnnsl picnic at Rensselaer Park. July 4. 12.000 la gate prises were given The Hsgenbeck-Wallaes area* billed here for 3 was prohibited from showing b/ the local health bureau owing to a case of small- pox having been discovered among the performers. IVnn Tan, IT. Y.—Sampson's (Ohas. H. Ills- son, mgr. Edison talking pictures drew capacity business July 2. Fine prosrsms of silent picture* every night. Manager Slsson, who also manage* tbo Corning Opera House, has secured a lease of the Grand OpeTS rUouse, at Oarbondate, Pa., and> will take possession Aug. 1. II. F. Tutblll, who hss been resident manager at Coming for the fust two seasons, will go to Carbondale In a lko capacity. Mr. Slsson recently scqulred the rights for Western New York of the tour reel feature picture, "The Female Baffles," and Is now exhibiting It la his territory, both on rental aud showing terms. Archie McOallom, late of Buffalo. N. Y., and Camden, N. J., la Ohas. Sis- son's representative In the Held. Cohoea. IT. Y.—Proctor** (Dan Oorr, mgr.) Edison talking- pictures restore. MaissTio (M. Dobbs, mgr.)—Motion pictures. CIRCUS NEWS 101 RANCH NOTES. ( SI IPS utwis .) The 101 Ranch la now trpc<Mllns: tack Into the Central and MUdle BUtesTln way up East the "101" has done nothing but tno usual capacity business, following tho CuuW nuns-Young Buffalo Show Into Portland, Me., cmo day previous to two turn-aways. Col. Oummlna was a guest of the show In Port- land, and was convinced that tho 101 Bnow deserves big patronage and was surprised at Its enormous growth. In tho past five seasons. He was very much pleased with the', per- formance. _ ____. J. C Miller visited tho Tonne Buffalo Show, and says they havo a clean, up-to-date show. Mr. Butler was * visitor while tho show played Portland. The Tanttlngers are still the big noise In their boomerang and shooting exhibition. Tom Bckard and Jim Wilkes, cowboys, for- merly with the Young Buffalo Show. Joined the 101 Show at Portland. -' Prof. K. Rogers has tho finest dancing horses In the world, featuring Hornet, tbo only hsrse dancing the turkey trot, with "Everybody's Doing It." Mr. Chase was a guest of the Tantllngers for several days. They departed for Boston, In Kitcbburg. The business on flit) Fourth was more than expected at Fltchburg. and the big feed at the dining tent Immediately after the show was surely complimented by all of the show folks. Mr. Tipton and Billy Grets were the busy bees, dishing out tho Ice cream and cake. The band played national airs, and vEft$3g3t&T^4£s> J&5B£g%&£9Sg£fSi £SS«iS« Tony Ybans Is talking about another butt; galow In Venlco this Winter. Get your rod and tackle- ready, Abby. A woman Is as old as she looks and a roan as old as ho (eels, so they say. Then, way the toupee 1 Can It bo done without a make-up? How about it. Hank 7 Geo. V, Connor* la still packing them In. From 'way down yonder the lot looks mighty lonesome after the side show opening, and George does It. Goodness gracious, but he Is one energeUO Irishman, bellovo tie. .. . . ...._- Have you met our downtown ticket seller J Isn't ho the clip? . ,. . , Jlmmle Kelly was some years old July 4, and a* a consequence Invited all of bis business associates ("get that, Walton") to a delightful brew fest that ended in the woe ems' hours of the morn. After Bourbon Bob, the oecllatlna bug, was there with a death grip on tho cold one*, Chappy Burnell de- scended from the sprinkler temporarily for the occasion. "Awfuflly sweet of you, Cbsjppr." The Fish Quartette furnished the entertainment John Carey, as a town crier yon would bo a scream, but as a singer, per- ish the thought. Capt. Cronnn won his wager on the fight and Invited us to joy ride - to the next village, as Max Butler would say. "class or nothing." Kelly was highly elated over the diamond pin presented to him by Uutch Cohn as a birthday present. Jlmmle soys tbo left side of his chest I* al- ways for -Butch. Charles Lumpklns, Chappy Burnell and Barney McCann also presented James with a military set of brushes, so he would stop using Charlie's comb and brush. OPT OF TOWN HEWS ^BSBBSSBlSBSI—■».•—i^ <*^— —.^^—■• Portland, He. — Jefferson (Julius Cahn, »T.) the Jefferson Stock Co.. supporting Aiie- do KeUn and Joseph Lawrence, present "The •I'J" for week of July T. Excellent attendance Kuril's (I. M. Moher, mgr.)—The Belnvena- «on of Aunt Mary" Is offered by the Keith.Stock Co. week of 7. with Blanche icrlderlcl as Aunt Mary, supported by Sidney Toler, Violet Hemlng and tho full cast. Vsv Pobtuno (Jos. A. McOonvlllc, mgr.)—A sew Summer policy wss Inaugurated tier.! T. This louse will feature for the rest of the wsrnt season high clnsa motion pictures, speclnllrlng Kltemaeolor and ■feature alms. Orssxt' (James W. Greely, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures, tojrood returns. BUI week St 7: American Trio, Tom Bateman, Allen aud Arnold, and the pictures. Oiaoo (M, O. EloaneDberg, mgr. (—Motion pic- tures are featured, to the usual excellcut at- tendance. Bra Nioksx (Win. E. Beeves, mgr.)—Motion pictures, to large sudlences. IIiviiutom Paxk (D. B. Smith, mgr.)—For week « 7 this opcn-clr theatre offer* the musical e»- traviiansa, "A Dashing Widow." Attendance Is good. - Oars, Oar* Omtiob.— esMtSB Jilcturvs are featured for the Summer sensou. Qui, Patss' Islamd (J. B. Bishop, mgr.)— Motion picture*. „. N . or ".—Tbo historical pngcent of Portland was produced on the Eastern promenade on the after- noon of July 4 before an attendance of twenty- svo thousand people, over one thousand In costumo •J a'ygpert In tbo production under the direction S 'heSsiithor, Constance D'Arcy .Mnckay, of New Bfi „ T °® director ot naceaut dances was Ger- trude K. Colby, ot the Teachers' College, Colum- X 1 Um »*"l«r, New York. Will O. Macforlono, the municipal organlBt, of Portland, was miwleni Jii?i or t ,lul . composer, of pageant music. This Is J*L a to be the first production of Its kind made In »e United States The New Empire The- S , , r * P 0 " under construction at Oak and Congress streets, will be teady for opening In September. tJk?JL An BT«les, Cat—Auditorium (L. B. lvri? ,r .S, gr ' ) *•* 2-1. Jacob Adler, In Yiddish srajus. "Saengerfest" 5. l,Si*Si' ,K J <Slu '^ Morosco mgr.)—"The Foi" June ao and week. »«.k ".IT (^fen Droit., mgrs.)—For SO and w.%. Ml " Liberty of the U. 8. A." ■ppm (Dran Worley, mgr.) —Dill 30 snd OhTl~ «-i°^? l: .. J,mm » » rl "' ' uc Pltnn Bu K». siwi^S?. Msrilvn Miller. Barnes and Boblnara, ? T ™ mwlr / motion pictures, of '^K'V-ii? lck . p ^ rrl "' mgr.>-«Iollon pictures MaV... VS.?' Q*t»rsburg," BO and week. . Inj ""?Vm2'>- Mnimo - m « r '>-"*«'«> «•"»- Je^?" C0 < ou »!w'Morosco, mgr.)—'Toe Yellow wasujr. (CRarence Drown, mgr.)—B01 80 and MouNTAtM .(G. H. Surnimers, mgr.) — Attrac- tion for week of 6 la "The Spendthrift." "What Happened to Jones?" week ofl4. Norrt-The Jos. G. Ferarl-B. H. Patrick flreat- fL S i? 0W8 ' o"?" susplces of T. M. A, are show- ing here week of 6. Fn, l ^.*T. e *' M«s«^-Savcy (L. M. Boas. mgr.) the Malley-DenQiion Stock 00. presents "My Friend from India" week of July 7. "* „, B i 30V a . •? h 'Sl E - O"?*. mrr.)—The Beylles- Hicks Stock Co. opened a Summer engagement at this house June 80, giving the best of satis- faction. Henry Hicks and Oorlnne Cantwell are C'ajlng the leads. "The Lost Paradise" week of AoiosiiT (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill 70: Love and Hahjht, Weston and Fields, Marguerite Nel- son and company and Felix. For 10-12: Murphy and Foley, (Jlbuey Earle and company, Build and Clare and the posing dog. Lrxro (E. Mlchelfeliler, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Stib (B. Mlcliolfeliler, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Palacs (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. " Globb (Wslter Btgelbw, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. NiCKStonEos (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Scenio (A. H. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Mllford, JInsi.- Lake Nlpmuc (Dan J. Spraifue, mgr.) vaudeville and pictures. Bill for week of July 7: Cunningham snd Marlon. Einllle Sinters, Sadie Bodgers, the Two Mortelles, Nor- man Merrill, E. McEnsley anil Tom Keane. Liobpm (Luby Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pictures anil Illustrated eongs. Idul (M. Perbam, nvitr.)—'Motion pictures aud Illustrated songs. Tirou (M. Ooncolettl, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Notsb. — Geo. Clayton Frye and wife have taken out a concert party to play the Summer re- sorts Olaude and Fanny Neber are building a One bungalow on their farm In Muncton Cunningham and Marlon have received contract* from Sir Alfred Butts for eight weeks, at the Palace Music Hall, In London, England Joe Hughes, of Golden and Hughes, Is around town these days. Joe hns u farm at Deer Brook, on the outskirts of Mllford. Lynn, Mans.—Olrrapta (G. H. Lord, mgr.) pictures and Illustrated songs. DnuuuND (J. O'Oonnell, mgr.)—Pictures awl Illustrated songs. OoiiiquH (Al. Newbill, mgr.)—Pictures and il- lustrated song*. CSntbal Sqdasb (J H. Doornail, mgr.)—Pic- tores and Illustrated tongs. Auoitobiuu (Al. Jones, mgr.)—Pictures snd 11- luitrated songs, Floating BniDOS Pine (I, W. Chase, mgr.)— J. W. Gorman's Musical Co., in "The Man From Springfield," was the attraction week of Juno 80, to good business. aTannton. Mnsa,—Pork (A. A, Kellemann, Dgr.) vaudeville and moving pictures. Sanaam Piax.—Ho>.nan r B Muslcsl Stock Co. Casino, Stab, Comjihua, Nioxsl and Wmi- tinton, moving pictures. Indianapolis, Iml.— Murat (Fred. J. Dalley, mgr.) the Murat Players, with Florenca Webber, will close n successful stock season at this house, In "The Climax," week of July 7. ENOLisn's (Bingham, Crose A Cohen, mgrs.)— Bill week of 7: Jlmmlo Bliss, Theodore Doncet and Klenor Qrayce, Heidelberg Four, Carlo's Marionettes, Catharine Setson and "Quicksands," a photoplay. Kuril's (Ned 8. Hastings, mgr.)—Bill week of 7: Brown and Jackson,'Pat Toohey's Irish Singers, Grlndell, and Henry. Von Dell, John 8. King and company, and motion pictures of local scenes. Including a picture of the Buffalo Bill Wild West parade which appeared here June 23. Lrsio (Olsen A Barton, mgrs.)—Bill 7-9: Seven American Whirlwinds, Beauvals Msridor and company, Kennedy sud Mack, Godfrey and Washburn, and the Kalers. Bill 10-12: The Venetian, Four, Leora Walton Trio, and other*. Nots. — Work Is p r ogressing rapidly on the Columbia (formerly- the Empire) Theatre here, a new stags la being built, Ibe auditorium being decorated, new seati, carpets and draperies put In, and a new^-lighting system Installed. The Delaware Street lobby will be entirely rebuilt and beautifully lighted and decorated, and when com- pleted this house will be one of the finest in too State. Racine, Wis.—Racine.—Moving pictures. Nsw ObpiUuii (D. A. Rowey, mgr.)—The sea- son closed here July 0, with Mark Lea's Beauty Musical Comedy Co., In "The Aviator's Marriage." MAyiBTO, (lllAND, Buoir, Libic, Audsb, Que and Casino, motion pictures. Notbs. —The College Avenue Orpheum, plctnrs house, has closed for a time The White House, picture theatre, has closed, and the former manager, T. F. Keys, Is under conviction, in Chi- cago, tor disposing ot a one-fourtb Interest In a bouse be did not own Gentry Bros.' Circus was here July 4 This city Is heavily billed (or Barnum k Bailey Show's appearance here 17. McAIester, Okla.—Star Alrdome (Archie B. Wllklns, mgr.) the Bud snd Henry Muslcsl Comedy Co. pleated large crowds week of June 30. Bpooner Dramatic Co. July 7 and week, Newton Stock to follow. Yal-b-Majibtio (D. A. McDonald, mgr.)—Mo- tion picture*, to good business. "The Beasts of the Jungle"' (Gnumont) drew big business. Libxbtt (John A. Stelnson, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. FoBtru (John A. Stelnson, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Vicroi (Will Tlpplt, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Albany, JT. Y. — Hermanns Bleeker nsll (Bdwsrd M. Hart, mgr.) Lytcll-Vaughan Stock Co., In "Tbo Greyhound," week of July 7, "The Yankee Prince" next. Gbanu (Ohas. L. Robinson, mgr.)—Vaudeville bill for week of 7 Includes: Jordsn Brothers, Mack ■nd Atkinson, George Leonard and Margaret Mere- dith, Edith Clifford, Lottie Williams snd ber com- pany, Schooler and Dickinson snd the Kbllng Colohiai. (Stacy ft perrln. mgrs.)—Morton Comedy Opera Co. It plesslng good sired andlences. for week of 7, "The Telephone Girl" is presented. PsocTos's (Howard Graham, mgr.)—The bill for week of 7 includes: "Fun'in a Telegraph Of- fice." William and Ella Moult and Stewart Memphis, Tenn,—Lyric (Benj. M. Stain- back, mgr.) "Love's Young Dream" was given it* Initial performs nee at this theatre, Monday night, June 30, by Emma Bunting and players, and packed houses prevailed at every performance. This ploy Is the one In which Mil* Bunting will tour next season. The company presents ^Tess of the storm Country" week of 7. East End Pass (A. B. Morrison, mgr.)— Attendance is good. BUI week of 0: J. 0. Nu- gent and company, tfanon Opera Company, Harry DeOoe, Juggling Millers, and motion pictures. Poppxab, Moiabt, Madison and Bsllbvub air- domes are doing flno business. TllIICH MAJESTI08, KMI'IBB, Aubbican, Pbin- csss, Echo, Alamo. Palacs, Oabbollton, Co- lonial. Qpsbn, Botal, Gaol, Two Pastiubs, Jot, MBTaorouTAH, Daiit, Savor and PaxiN, motion pictures. Peoria, 111. — Princess (Seaver Amuse Co., mgrs.) vaudeville snd pictures. Al Fbesco Pass (Beaver Amuse. Co., mgrs.) —Vaudeville pictures and outdoor amusement*. Deupbbt'b (Martin Dempsey, mgr.)—Week of 7: Virginia Hayden, PrlncesB Zuleka, pictures. Ya oi.ii Inn (Ohas. A. Gray, mgr.)—Week of 7: Rogers, Long snd Dusey, Butler and Butler, Tomllnsky and Bud Fields. Columbia, Da Ltixi, Ekpbsss, Illinois, Im- iiaiAL, Libbbtt, Majsbtio, Osrnauif. Botal, Sanuamo, picture bouses, report good business. Hahbis SisTins (Flo and Abble), two clever Cincinnati girl*, bavo gone Into vaudeville, play- ing Hurry's O. K. time. At the Grand Theatre, Latonla, Ky., tbey were pronounced the bit of the bill In their singing and dancing act. Zaneswllle, O.—Hippodrome (Helen Morrl- sou-Lewls, mgr.) motion pictures. Featured tor week of July 7 are: "The Mothering Heart," "The Tragedy ot Big Eagle Mine" and "The Bnare of Fate." Bualuei* Is big. Quiubt'* (W, 0. Quunby, mgr.)—"The Battle of Gettysburg," billed stronir ss the feature tor week of 7. Capacity business rules. Gband (James Collins, mgr,),—Good program* of picture play* dslly, and several feature* weekly, Aubbioan (James Collin*, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Moxahala Pask.— Great crowds dally. Trenton, It. J.—State Street (Herman Wahn, P* r iL. D '"„. weck <* 3vi y 7: Jas. K. Newell, Hun- ter Twin Bisters, Bert Uunsn, That Singing Trio. Fall* and Kails. William Wilson and company. Martini and Maxmllllan, Pierre, Palltlerre and company, Spero and Lovlna, and Klnemacolor pic- ture*. - * Whits Oitt Pabk (Peter B. Hurley, mgr.)— Far week of 7: Professor Beiumjnt's Troupe of educated ponies and his trick bucking mule, "Cy- clone," are featured. , Not* —The management of the State 8treet Theatre will introduce prominent Trenton people In moving pictures all this week. Including: Gov- ernor Fielder, Judge Samuel Grey Near, known as "The Terrible Judge;" Chief of Police Oteary, the City Commission and Mayor Frederick W. Dornelley. a vision to the old timer*. The cowboys whopped hooray to the Glorious Fourth, and wlsbcB of success to Miller Bros. A Arlington's Ileal Wild West. In the meantime mention* were made that all would be widely spread by a real circus newspaper, Tub Nsw York Clipfkb. Joseph Lewis, character comedian with the 101 Wild Wert Show, and wpeclnl renre- bentative of Tim Nbw Yoiik Clipi-bb, lias had quite a tussel through tho New lCiiirlnn.il States. Tho character played by Mr. Lewi", the Ylddlshcr cowboy, was stormed by of- ficials on account of a said Mr. Haas, of Hon ton, saying that tho character was exagger- ating. It has been proved by press and pub- lic that Mr. Lewis ploying bis part only shows In wit nnd humor. Ills work Is action without any remarks whatsoever toward tho Hebrews. The only lines ho speaks refer to tho displays performed In the arena. Mr. Kaplan, representing the tlcbrow Young Men s Association, says that the char- acter was tbo funniest ho ever saw. Mr. Arlington savs ho thinks Mr. Una*, of Bos- ton, has misjudged his entire matter, and he will bo convinced In the near future. Doc. Weber, physician with the show, ha* been seriously ill for sevcinl day*, but Is now up and about, doing well In nnd all around. Mis* Ions, who hns been bcfnro the public In her clever exhibition of fancy diving, <s now a member of tbo cowgirl string. Edward Lindsay says broncho scrntchlng 1* a pleasure to him, and be can bulldog some of long horns on a fast mount. Busaran CossackB arc doing snmo stunt* In tholr backward rides. Chief Tophon say* "N»W Iobk Clippbb good pupcr." Owen Doud, adjuster, has Bomo sparkler— some headlight. Prof. La Banca Is tbo one big noise—somo band. Tommy Klrnnn, trick roper, Is now back In tho arena after « few days' layoff. Tommy Is to competo for tho championship trick riding of the world at Winnipeg next Fall. If you want a good tip. watch Tommy and 1*118 Nbw Yobk Clipper. Hank Durnell, the world's greatest trick •nd fancy roper, la one big favorite In bis new and original stunts. Scotty Is small, but ob, ray, no early falls for L. w. Weaver, can you rldo tho mule? Ed. Hopklnt, boss arena bottler, Is the busy man around the barn. Blacky Ward is now boa* property man. Baltimore skldoocd. There have not been any marriages on the show this season, but there are three couples contemplating the atep at the close of the season. Suspicion has been thrown on Late. Yes. He Is a tall, bandsomo cowboy. We all wish htm luck. , Dan Dlx, tbo cowboy clown and mule trainer, Is taking out next Winter toe real bleeding tonne. much weight for 'Is feet." Jacko seye: "Fine tolmc, old top, flno tolme; Lawd lev* ■lm." Jlmmlo Kelly wishes to thank each and every lndlvldnul who participated in the brew fcat, especially Nlco Lombards, for that pretty littl e Irl*h piece. CARLISLE'S WILD WEST SHOW FOR SOUTH AMERICA. By a cable confirmation, reeolved from Buenos Ayres at the oflico of Richard I'ltrot. the contract for B. O. Carltilo's Wild West Show I* perfect. Mr. Carllslo will leave wltb hi* company on the Lamport A Holt Lino sleemcr Vaiarl, after the closing of tho regular season here in the United States, Nor. 1, and will opeii In December at the Jcptnesn I'ark In Buenos Aires for a season, with all the other principal towns to follow. The Wild West Show will be composed of a genuine cowboy band Irlbe of Sioux Indians, genu- ine cowboy*, fancy trick and ranch riders, eapert rcpers, foot and horseback ropo spinners, sharp- shooters, broncho buster*, lady riders and ropers, high school homes, jumping hones. The best people In their particular lines will be with this (treat show, Tho oulllt will ho eompleto with nest- ing capacity for 0,000 people, one hundred bead Wild West stock, outlaw bucking bronchos, new spread of canopy, sldewall tents, etc, Carlisle's Wild West Show will be the largest and beat outfit ever taken to South America under contract for the Winter season. All ar- rangements have been made by the American Im- presario, Blchard l'llrot. .wS > T!,* ,k, Jf'. J T 0 '' n * w - p « rt . tt « °P»r*. big art'. Watch"ior notice "The Merry Countess'- week of 'uly 7. T8, - Nsajr^jc.-—APaMton MtxAilcal Con ty Co., In "The Girt In the.Taxi" 7 and week. in in us -A-axL" i ana week. Ltsio.— Bill 7-9: Harmony Beau and Belles, tie Menard* .Herman and Mlllory. Joe Weltos, fSMi J2 d W n ' ■ BO Werdeu's Novelty Revue. 5 m .»i?" la! . aoMto Bn L/ To"* Type*. Mauds 5.™%°. *. ni L company, Walton and Brandt, and the Oxford Trio. V/ABiuMoTOH.-Tbl* bouse it dosed tor repair*. Akron. O—Colonial (B. M. Stanley, mgr.) Hornea Stock Co. present for week ot July 7, "Charley's Aunt." * Lakssidb Pabk Oasino (Harry A, Hawn, mgr.) —BUI tor week of 7: Jesnette idler, Kelsey-Oon- boy and company, Al. Lawrence, Love and Wil- bur, Ruth Bkeel and Mme. Busse. National, Pastiub, Bank, I'uta, Dbbak- Land, WALDOir, Gboto, Aluameba, motion pic- tures. " Nora.—iBlngllng Bros.' Show* were here 8. Columbut, Oe-Hartman (Le* M. Bods, mgr.) tout houso ha* closed (or the Bummer. . u S Lm H ITU 'SJ! Pab,c tW> J- Dusenbury, ragt.)— "The Man Who Owns Broadway" week of July 7. KanB's (W. W. Prosser. mgr.)-BUl week of V ^£8 fe 10 ' 4 Mwtery.'' Frank Le Mark, Cot. Una and Rose, Brooks and Lee, Klpp and Klppy and picture*. " -cttrlco Brosseau deserves credit for her attentions aa ft nurse during the LUnest of tba phytlclan. Mrs. Arlington la now able to get about since the (all she had a month ago. (Mike Qulnlan, Rudolph Miller and Frank Byrnes are keeping the big top in wonderful condition since the opening of the season, without a rip or tare. MULLIGAN CBAOGB. Well, wo bad it, tho ball game, at least that Is what Capt Cronan called it, I havo another name for It, Batch Cohn's Brave*. with the accent on tho Braves, and tho All Nation team, tho annihilation ended In the sixth Inning, tbo score, stood 10-8 when Capt Bay murmured "•' nul." The Muff Twin*, Conn and Kelly, mutt bavo overlooked the finger bowl at Bert Karlo's, every time a ball was thrown to cither of these players that was the cue for tho Indians to do marathon* 'round the bate*, that Titian blond catcher tor tho All Nation*, true to his nature,..let nary a one get by. Hits wero aplenty. Frank Stearns tw>- baao hit caused a sudden chill to cnclrclo tho IIAGMtfllKCIC-WALLACH FKATUllKH ARDELL BROS. ORIGINAL DANCIirO ATHLETES. OPKW NOV. HO . FREEHAND BROS. IlIOII-l'KRCH ARTISTS. BIO SUOOBSa -Open Nov. 20 for Engagements. SIX GORNALLA'S CATAPULT ACIlOllATH. EMMA OORNALLA, Mgr. WHEEL BIRDS WILLIAM RARTKLB CO., *»-** Portlands St., IT. V. EKNEST ANDERSON SOME CLOWN 3d Bssnon vvlth the Barnntn Show JOSEPH LEWIS CHARACTER OOMBDIAJi One of ttt* features wills 101 Ranch „ m... _ pedal extremities of one, Capt Cronan, go- Snnbnrr, Ptu—Rolling Green Park (Blanch, fng up. Kusllck still retains that title. Joe vn^FcatuSS, we^OT^ P ljerr« , !md ?Awr P,Byed *»*■ "* I? **' ^^ "*" Hoff, "Mott and Maxfleld/' and Takasawa Japs. Buslnesa Is excellent. Pbopli'b.— Olovlng picture*. Victobia. —Moving pictures. i P J s teM g jaBstt Pn.—Vallamont PavlUou— »arl fltaek (To nmLw ih* ...... m...^^.. n, r» Lcffer played good L Is In the box for tho next gamo I would sug- feat straight Jacket* for Capt. Cronan'* cam, to check that palsy feeling when they to bat. Fred. Iiealy, the umpire, and . . L J ,, *2? d to k** 1 houses week of June 80. July 7-0 "The \Vblrlpool" Is presented, and for the latter half of the week, "A Good Fellow." Altoonn, Paw—Lakemont Park Theatre (J. M. Shuck, mgr.) the Hall Stock Co. presented "The Wolf," June 00-July 2, and "Wildfire," 8- 0. "The Girl In the Taxi" 7. Richmond, Ky.-—Tho Grand (W. P. Baxter, mgr.) vaudeville and picture*. Alhaubba (Colonial Amusement Co., mgrs.)— Motion plctnre*. Butch Cohn amused tho fans with a base- ball monologue. Bonnie Sunihlno says be Is going to organize a team, after witnessing tho game. I am a very curious person, Mr. Phillips. Which Is It, Boston or Brooklyn? Hub, wo should worry about opposition. Huh. What I* the uso of buying flowers when ho makes his demise pour It back in the bottle. Give yon three guesses. GOT Bill VET Quiet Jack Oliver Moore ?» h *&...r. Still with that different wire net TUB) NETTIE CARHOL TRIO SHOW WEATHER One Roman chariot, one lao-ft. Round Top, one •0-lt. Middle, one lW-ft Bound Top with two ao-fi. Middles. Folding Organs, Baby Grand and Kayna Convertible Pianos, Ileny-go-ronnd, Monkey Or- gans. Sen* tor free Barajala Booklets, it. ii. AititinnimTKiririFa. co. HPRIMOFIKLD, lLLIffOM Wanted. At All Times TRICK CYCLISTS LADIEtt AND GENTLEHBIV Wlre or write. Oan use yon at once. AddretS CIIAIILIE AIIKAIiif, Care of OLIPPKB. SB*' CHIEF TEPHON DAH1NO HVS8IAW ROtJOII HIllicit and WHIItLWlM) DANCER All season with 101 Raneh show as a feature. WB HAVE FOR LEASE CARS 60 feet long, for shipping sconory, automobile*, advance baggage, privlllge, motor boat, stock and merry- go-rounds. Iioslrahlo (or show and clrcua com- panies, lleasonnhlo rates. THE ARMS PALACE HOUSE OAR CO. Boons, 014,33a ". Michigan Awe., Chicago TlGN T S Tucker Duck and Rubber Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Make good tents. Save yon money. Write (or our new catalog. WILD WEST Sailing from N. Y. City on the Lamport & Holt Steamer, VASARI, on NOVEMBER 1,1913, for BUENOS AYRES, BRAZIL, SOUTH AMERICA, under contraot. showing In JAPANESE PARK HEART OF CITir FOR WINTER SEASON. UfB U«f«fft All Around Cowboy*, Ropers, Illilera, Ilronrho Hatters, Lady ■HAN II sTlI Hldera and Bopers.orcanised Cowboy U«nil,l»li»nketrd Insllttnt, ■■ *■■■ ■ ■"■• BOSS Hostler, Boss Canvas Han. who understand* Beat*. Light Mats, assistant mgr. f *wlll consider partneri Illffh Mctaool Iiorae*. Jnanplnc Ilorte*, any Act that Is new and novel, suitable for a real Wild West Show. You caaa lit*. 3*-t **— .. .■-- K. l-"_.T.^ St .» a_ SX. *,_u « lu.Au ur..i »■_. this after all the big shows havecloaed In the United Ntatea ftorrn to seat 90001 and SOOOYeldlna; Ohalrs Want plat. For particulars address n. C. CARLISLE, Mgr., 47 W. 28th St., N. Y. City, care N. Y. CLIPPER Office.