The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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;-.\VV,' ■ .** M m G THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. July 12 .i 5 OKLAHOMA RANCH NOTES. BARNOM & BAILEY NOTES. BY JKWELL JtTT. The Oklahoma Ranch is plnylnc. Canada to a record business. In Iicglnn, Sank., wo played a turnaway. Arlington at Beckman hnve four aces In tuo famous Mulhall {family. Col. Zack U the life of Che arena and Is on the job all the time. lie bat bis high school horses here, and Wises Lucille ana Qeorglc Mulhall are certainly some riders. They have the best trained horses In the Wild West show business, and Charlie Mulhall is featured la the broncho riding and pick-ups. Pred. Iteckmnn has the ehow moving fast. We have 'lie largest bands ever carried by a show of this size. Woody Van, the leader, ras some stars from the biggest bands in the country—Creatore, Sou6a, Al. O. Field's and Kd. Brill have nothing on Mr. Van as a lender. Ed. Morrell, assistant bandmaster, held the baton Tuesday kn Begin* during tlio absence of Mr. Van. Kmle Krdman, Tub Clipper agent, can't get enough copies of Tub Old IUliajii.e to supply the show since my letters began ap- pearing in the columns, so see that lie gets thorn. Jack Goldberg thanks you and your paper for the photograph. I.ktle Tommy Douglas, the smallest cow- boy In the world, has been under the care of Dr. McLaughlin, our surgeon, with a. bad knee, but was down this morning for parade. Joe Knight, the old scout and stage coach driver, Is out of the saddle on account of Illness, Ilrimer Wilson and Fred Wilson, the ban- dits, hi the stage coach bold up scene, and show a lot of experience m that line, their former trade In Oklahoma. By the way, Homer Wlaorr ropes ten horses and riders at one trnre, a- feat nothing: short of mar- vrlnns. Lone Jordan wishes to state tlfat he fs not a Cossack, but a real steer bull dogger and bronco rider from Askaneas. Jack Dakota and Dorothy left the show at Ilrglntr, Bask. nr wnest i.NnxnnoN. (The Inimitable Kit.) Once again the foot of the Greatest en Earth Is on Its native heath, after a swell tour through. Canada, the business all through that country being mormons. Quito a number of the boys were eosry to leave Canada. Dome said because of the English ginger beer one gets there; others on ac- count of the climate. Anyhow they can't kill di for thirling. The B, 4 B. Loyal Order of Moose had a novel meeting ha 1'etertoro, Ont It was held In the bailey top, the officers desks asd seats being composed of trunks. The "Glorious Fourth" was celebrated with great gusto by everyone around tho (bow. Brother Henry did hlmstlf justice with the dinner he bad prepared for the bunch. There waa everything there from soup to nutf. Including turkey and Ico (he "llmejulccrs" with the troupe pot the cream, and the way the table waec decorated would Inspire patriotism In a statue. Even the "llmejuiecre" YOUNG BUFFALO WED WEST. COL CUMMINS' FAR EAST AND V. C SLIVER'S fflFPODKOIE. Clipper Po$| Qffke. ST A.L. TIlIKLBla. Biddefobd, Me., July 0. Since you heard from us hut week we have spent a week in mqedkftn, sised towns of Maine, playing to excellent business, tho Fourth, at Rockland, bringing us two ca- pacity houses. The people have been Tery liberal In their patronage, and, as many of the Jumps 'were small, we found that an ex- cellent reputation had preceded Ob. The peo- ple had always heard' about us the day be- fore, and turned out In large numbers to see the Bbtrw they bad heard about. The Young BuValo Shows have established a precedent this year In the raying of bills. Usually the shown mfcria'ge lo Work off tBelr small change, Dickies and dimes. In the pay- ment of the local blHs and transportation. ,— ... _ „._..... „.„. Our wagon force, however, Is settling all wnh the troupe put the obligations with currency of Ufrge denomlna HAGENBE a-WALLA CE SHOW. BT JACK MOOES, (T he route* K id.) J rjxt 8. We made tbe run into Peekakill, H. Y„ Sunday, and it was quite long, but we all en- Joyed It as most of ft was along the Hudson lllvcr. which is certainly beautiful, and those that don't enjoy looking at the scenery had e good "Jeff," as the breeze was great. Well, most of the folks went boat riding, as "**■,* JEASfiLfi& a * te <°* anm. about the only thing to do taVetkt- N?> **_*M affSffl lL whichit ™; In order to avoid mistake. . iniure tlae prompt delivery ol a° letter* advertised laa this II.. be envelope plainly addressed nao.'. B sent for rneh letter, sua a w,V., te order for the letter, .lapsed1 with {2 fnll sane and addreu and tho 1 1 '' ,,,; * - : by the Tender" anaat also be enclosed Please little "banners of glory" In their coats. Mr* itrtl, tbe wife of Ned, baa joined us for a short while. Airs. Brill ia a very charm- ing lady, nnd is very popular with everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Llrisco vfafted The show in Au- burn, wncro they are at present In stock. They were presented wKh tho .Royal Order of the Glad Maud atl around. Ak night, Mrs. Drlsco presented May Wtrtb with*a beautiful boufmet. On the night of -the Fourth a loud cxplo tlons, to the great satisfaction of the local merchants and railroad people. An example' of the policy of the manage- ment regarding protection of Its people was given at Portland. One of the colored car porters disappeared at that place, and simul- taneously two suit cases, several suits of clothes and some other articles were found missing from tbe cars. As Col. Cummins and Frank Butler were remaining over In Portland to visit the 101 Ranch. Shows, they slon was heard at first. Tbe folks thought tho were asked to keep a lookout for our.vanished crowd was putting a Hagenbeck-Wallace ever on us, but rt was only little Utter Arallon letting off firecrackers, t'. King, one of the bond? boys, has com- posed a swetr maroW, tbe title of which la ■•Parcels Post" It 1a dedicated to CMvo Dayton, our esteemed rnoir man. Fred. Bradna has organised a fishing, bunting and angling club, composed of the following members: Olive Bell, Mr. and Mrs. JV Wilson's.,, he I,.not a Sears-Roebuck SVmndaU% &&lSi,%2£ wboy, but an OklahotrJa cowhand, who'is ol„ Hw#«!;r ^5? *5*% t Fr ? n £. Chains, tvwboy, _ Bating good on the Oklsfboma Ranch Real WIM West. Edllc Brown Is a busy man. On the y>b aR the ttafc. To feed three hundred and fltty people and run tbe privilege car Is some, job, all right. Jasper Fulton Is •wearing, his new -3. L. of A. button over everything, and Us "Simon Legree"' goateC fs, as ever, on the fob. 'liny Doclfec, the tiny dancer Is with? tho Lenutlfnl Orient. "Helen Zen Tour is the dancer beautiful. They are the most beauti- fully dressed girls in- the business. Walter Shannon Is certainly a sido show manager from the word go. (Jbto Klein, our young trick rider, 1b nil smiles when- ydir mention stampede to Mm. Odorgio Muihull is certainly a qirccn of tho coddle, and tier feats of horscwomansblp aro cquallccr by none. Lucille Mulhall Is the best all 're\ind>horsc- womnn errd roper in tho world, and she will defitid her title at Winnipeg. Homer Wilson and Fred, liecson and Otto Klein are to bo featured at the stampede. elms, and Lena llackney have a feature act In the big show, nod are making good. 'Harney DomarcHt has his high Jumping Jiurse here, and they are featured. Uls riders are Emma Blair, Iflsa Bonn- and Tommy Douglass. Joonny Thresher and Ilarry Uoore have the .Inside tickets and privilege. They con peddle ducats. ..Har.-y II. -Holt, the program mam, has his bands full, and gets his ah tho time. <^nls Avers has the concert tickets. I hear Johnny J. Jones Is to put out a clr- l cue next season. If so, It wHl be a real one. I Becaifse Johnny J. knows how.' I heard that Jewell Jett, the talker on this ■ show, and .formerly of ltlngllng Hros. and IJohn Kobineon's i*n Bfg, Is trying to get I tbe side show tit tbe Johnny J. Jones' Circus I for next season. At Brine* Albert, Bank., 150 Sioux Indians from the Round Plains Reservation, imdcr Chief Tom Iron Face, paid the show a, visit, end gave their war dance In the arena at the afternoon performance. Paul Uedrge, our tnserpreter for the Indians, showed the old chief n royal time, giving thun iLuoThia squaw Cbas. Hutchison; Gns and frank -Ferlemen. The club assembled in Petetboro, Ont., and took a launch to Rice take, twenty miles nom> Peterboro, It was a glorious day and the club had one swell time; the "catch" was quite a big one. Frank Ferlemen took first prito for biggest fish, catching a tnuscallongo weighing twelve and a> half pound!. Fred. Brodsu. made the biggest eaten*, It was three muscalrongo weighing twenty-eight poundVi. Chfc Bell caught one weighing seven pounds besides muscalroUge the party caught seven- teen boss and a lot of flercb-. The party did not arrive home till two A. M., and were an hour and a half looking for the cars, they finally discovered them-half a block fronf the landing place. Chief Bngle Kyc claiming dis- tinction as being discoverer. .Mickey Graves has had quite a peck of trouble with his baseball teem In one game he tried out ten pitchers and finished with the ire water pitcher. Jim- Rossi, the only one of his kind in captivity, has entered the lists as an athlete. Me '.ias Invented a muscle developing stunt, which Is to drive iron stakes into the ground with tho bare fist. It certainly has developed Jim's hand, so much so that thev have or- dered an extra car to carry his hand In. Plum Bins, of the Four -Comrades, is rapidly gaining fat, so much so that be can now do a full twisting branny through tbe eye of a needle without missing his trick. Pat Valdo. that iron nerved youth. Insists on playing "I Lost the Sunshine and Roses" on rls nlto. Kven "Clem" is setting Jealous of tbe feeling Pat puts into tbe melody. supper at the dining tent. At Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. Beckmsn entertained Mr. and Mrs, Con T. Kennedy Saturday afternoon, and visited the Con T. Kennedy Shows Saturday night, and were treated royally by all. Mr. Kennedy had his big touring car on tbe Job. Ho la one of the best fellows on earth. ■Doc Turner has his "pit show" with Con 1: Kennedy, and believe me, he has some stow. The Con T. Kennedy Shows are the last word In the show busines*. They start where others stop. The J20.0O0 carry-us-all la a dream. The motordrome Is a real fea- ture, Smith Roundtree and his Magic City are feat.ired Tlie'Samar Twins are a nov- elty, and the Astec Girls are something dif- ferent. The wild animal show and tore* ring circus are featured. Frank Morgan, our master of transporta- tion, Is a busy man. C. J. Clark, the privilege man, has 11b big •tore here. J. F. Ward, the advertising banner man on the show, certainly acta the "ads.," smd It busy sailing latlde tickets. ward, the boss painter, sent bis tralaed pig home, and Is lonely without htm. iMUldoou, the president of stew-bums corner, saya HngUsb, Is behind with his dues. Ik Lewis and Us big gum store la always on time. Ben Wolf Is his assistant Jante, the spotted Dan Boylngton, a at Sodltsoo, SaaL Woody Van and his band gave ft sacred concert Sunday. Windy Hawkins has the balloons and whips on* tho streets, and is, as ever, on tie ««> t ' WRECK WITH B. ft D, SHOW. On the way from Ottawa to Montreal^ the first section of tlte B. & B. Show ran Into a freight car deeded with stone. The engine and three of the stock cars were overturned, seven horses were killed, tbe enclneer leaped from the engine, and escaped with a sprained ankle. All hands Joined la extricating tho stock from the overturned tars, potted pony, belonging to Uncfo a, gave birth to a colt Sunday, ML TROY QUARANTINES H. & W. SHOW. When the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus ar- rived in Troy. N. Y., July 2. they were met by tbe local police, and forbidden to unload. Tho action was the result of Information re- ceived from the State authorities that one of the performers had been taken ill with small- pox a few days previous. Manager Talbot explained to the focal health agent that tne State bad had representatives witb the show for the past five days, and that at the present time there wasn't tbe slightest evidence of the ditease among any of the members, bat the •r°nt refused to take any chances. Tho oi -era were that- no person Fhould be per- mitted to leave tbe cars, and as the animals end people had been without food for some time all were In a sad predicament Mr. Tal- bot was finally granted permission to move the cars to an IsolSted part of the city where food might be served, but about this time 'word was received that tbe circus would be allowed to exhibit ki Albany the following day, and as it is only a six mile Jump the tioupe proceeded at once to that city. ■ s Kk\SELLA'S SUIT. YoraoROWN, a, July 7.—As the result of ft eult brought In Common Pleas Court by John KInsella against the BingUng Bros.' 'Circus for $10,00(5, an attachment was placed en tbe show this afternoon, a bond being furnished biter by the ehow people. KInsella, who was employed by the com- pany, lost cart Of bis band here two years ago while aiding In unloading the etrcos, s RINQUlte D.I109. AT JAMESTOWN. jAKxttrowx, N. Y. iRbjgaug Bros.' Circus played here July 3, and bad two tumaway audiences. The Joan of Arc spectacle made a big hit and drew vociferous applause. The parade waa fine, and tbe appearance of the stock caused much favorable comment This wUl be the only big show for Jamettown this season. ■ porter. During the morning on Monday they spotted him along the line of parade. The authorities were notlBed", and within a few hours he had begun to serve a thirty days' sentence in tbe House of Correction. Every- thfcg was recovered except one suit case, which tbe Portland officials expect to secure shortly. Col. Cumnuna and Mr. Butler spoke very favorably of the 101 Ranch Shows, which they witnessed in Pbrtland, and were very appreciative of courtesies extended to them by Mr. Miller and others. Col. Cummins, Joe Frohsin, Mr. Montague end Capt. Harden were entertained at dinner Friday evening at the Colonial Hotel, Cres- cent Beach, near Rockland, by Mine Host fcmlth. Immediately after the night show started Col. jQunbnlns left for Portland, re- turning Monday at Blddeford, Information reached me that the report concerning Billy and Marlon Waits, Austra- lian ball-whip manipulators and boomerang throwers, who have Just closed a successful vaudeville .season? were Joining the Two Bills' Shows, is In error. They will go to Hells-Floto. They do a most excellent num- ber, and wril prove a big drawing card. Col. Beaver left Thursday, from Bath for Chicago and Peoria, to look after bis Hippo- dromes in those places. Will return Monday. Mrs. Geo. Gate, our auditor's wife, motored over to Island Pond, Vt, from Barton, with Frank Thrasher and Mr. and Mrs. C. Barrows, to witness for the first time the attraction that Mr. Gate has been con- nected with for four years. They spoke very highly of the ehow. Mrs. Gate being especial- ly delighted at becoming acquainted with tie enterprise and people she has heard so much about. Last week was very unfortunate In the matter of casualties, tbe first serious ones of the season. Monday night, at Bangor, Mrs. Grace Smith, wife of Young Buffalo, collided with a Cossack during the intro- duction. She was thrown violently to the ground, sustaining a dislocation of the hip, and was taken to a hospital two days later, In Augusta, when It was found that ber in- juries were more serious than appeared. Mr. Smith (l'oung Buffalo) last night for Augusta, to spend Sunday with ber, and If conditions warrant, Mrs. Smith will return with hinv to-morrow. Old Bald Hornet, the toughest bucking horse In our string, claimed three victims among the cowboys. Joe Sebastian sustained severe bruises of the left leg and internal injuries at Bangor, at the bands of this horse. Alkali Pete mounted him tbe following day and a tangle at the rear of the arena landed Pete that was _ kill, as It is certainly a dead one to Sunday In. Guess everyone goes- to New York over 8onday. Monday night, after the show. Mr. Cornana invited a small, crowd to go for a ride in a swell motor boat up tbe river to West Point, twelve miles, and It was great after tbe hot day under the white tops. On the way back we stopped at a wayside Inn and there we met some more Joy riders, nnd we all had a Dutch lunch, plenty of beer, nnd music by tbe Italians, wbo were the play- ing kids, so we all bad a dance and then went back to the cars. It was certainly a fine time, and we all enjoyed it. (Tuesday, end tbe hottest day of the season, 116 in the shade, and that Is going some, and it la sure hot under tbe tents, and more than one was all In after their work. In tbe evening a nice breeze came up and everybody felt better. Blackle Williams (boss of the props.), was very slrk Tuesday wltb malaria, and we miss Blackle when he Isn't here, as be gets tbe work out of his men. So we were very glad to see him back again. Wednesday we were to show Troy, bat on account of smallpox scare we went over to Albany and bad a holiday. Went to theatres and had a good time. -Showed Albany Thurs- day, and to good business. George Connera went into a picture sbow, taking his Boston bull, wltb blm. George fell asleep, but the dog got Interested in ibe pictures and woke George up barking at a dog in the pictures, to George had to beat it out of the movies. Red Hohmdbrf gave a box party at tbe Grand, in Albany. N. Y., Wednesday night. and it certainly looked like tbe four hun- dred bad turned ont, as Red and bis party were ail togged up in their full dress suits. Little Joe Coyle Is sure some boy. Just six years old, and the pet of th: show from tbe front door to the back. He Is such a little actor and has such big blue eyes that tbe Sellg film and movies, when on talking pic- tures, are Just crazy to get 11m for the movies this Whiter. Poor of the boys from the advance car. No. 2, were back visiting tbe show. Ed. Branson. Bud Fisher, no relation to Cartoon Bud: Clark Moore, no relation to little Jack, end Bill Perkins. Fourth of July, tbe day we have been making Ibe big preparations for, and the weather was perfect, and two big houses. Well, between shows the committee went down to the cars to get tilings ready for the big night The cars were placed cut a lttle ways so we had a swell place to shoot oft the firecrackers and-at eleven o'clock sharp the celebration started, and it was certainly great. Every one said thit tbe fireworks were the best they had seen In a long time. We had (180 worth of them, so yon can Imagme the display. It kept eight men busy for two bours lighting the fireworks, and the town people had tbe benefit of tbem, too, as It was all aerial stair, and could be seen for miles. After the fireworks we had all the refreahnunts we could drink, end turned Into bed knowing that we had all had a glorious Fourth, and one to be remembered. Lon Moore says he got a letter in Sche- nectady, Albuquerque or Pougbkeepsle, as the folks at home can't spell them. Lon is sure some comedy and a regular clown. If Joe Coyle tsn't careful be Is going to the? first 5* v Ji S 1 H! rollers, cutting a caper like Bill) left £f d J a "? A1 °«>r- . G<* me. Tioys. This la d Snndav B1 £. Jo « L anJ speaking of. not Little Joe. letters sent for wen advertised LADIES' LIST. A dm*, Both Baldwin Mrs.Frank S Brans, Nina Booth, nope Barney, Violet Bernard. May it Clark. Delia Chester, EUta Oapron, Nell Collar* Floresct DonLevy, Maoelsi Donnelly Beta Dajre, Vara Darin, Idr Canflol, BUfc Grey, Adrrenoe Earned Virginia Harris, Brbby H»U KathesiaeV Hashes Florae* Bos-/, Evelyn Jewel, Camilla Kshn LllllanMay Kemp, XbeLma Leslie, Genie Leotard jiiti si Leonard. Susan Lawrence Lillian L'&tranBe, Ms/ Pauline ■aria, Jina Laftss. Jeanle rranklyn, Kelll* Miller airs Ctrl* Fair, Fraeea'H Fox Fioreaee'O. Fsastna MadaiajOweo, Gibson Boolta Oresbam, Elsie Game*, Alice Gllmour, Stella Reynolds Helen U MatH EoKslale, n,,^ JUynolds. iw m |t. Clair, R C ^ SfXton, Jos|« Shane, Me.leljn gjnoera. K«u cnaw, Marion Slcael', Un\ tt . Star/ley Down, aitli. Llomwii tatti, A^ic si Scott iliriUvm. slpperly, Kat.„. bliepard. Babe "winpsoti, Aor «*lln. Mir1t Totton Armsiije Verne. Lola OpeL'Mrs. H. -fef K Painter, Lou. g- Mrs Frank W !2eV UerrUI, A-kllce Mltcheir Cora L Flo . Bay AticoU Bernardo Allan, Hatty Brmnan. ski. Beane, V. H. Boris, Wm, Bsmaxd, Arttur Baraett, Dt. Buckley's Sjassssa Bsrtrand frank Basher, Bart Bretx. W.H. Jr. Brown, Ctuts. A Bens, Tbarlov BllUnjly. Ctaid PJtrtxssB, Frank Cunningham, J««y Clippers, Two Clark, Lois Crore. Jaa. Ckrter, Wm. J. Cbpeland, Oarl Callahan A Miller OhblJi. Werner Cummlnrs, V. A Daniels, Lot De Ban, Oeo. A Dlstler, Cbas. Desmond, L. L. DeLand, Dan Sadler, Great Punn, Rtuwli Tloty, Clarenoa Daly, Arthur If. DasbJnuton. AIM Ve Vetr.e A Van iie Mar. Paul Edwards A Barmced Eaterbrook Fred Flaher, Allen QBHrTMCMTCVS LIST. franklin, C K. Orsy, Barry Gars, Frank baling, H. L. Gsrtr, J. Frank Gay Minstrels naarro, O. Harsh, Frank Hall a Lstltp Haralss Stock Co Hurst ABebey Hanky, F. J. Hathaway Frnk. Hasen, Fred Ksops, Jbo. noye, Blebard Jewell aFamnai Ktog, N. Barl Kohler, Tan; King, Bud. Kirby, Tbos. ■vent. Brace Lester. Blebard lorenx. H. Leroy A Harrey l.auwat, Harry Lyne, James .eaard. Harry Lombard Bros. Legerts, Les Leonard, J, B. Lyon, Geo. W. -xiftcs. Frank J '.other & Lather siattlee, W. B. Morris, Jno. B. SIcMtllon, Walt Maxwell, Cbai. HcOonYllle. E. Morehouse, Ben MrGalnness J. J Mnrphy, V. J, McDorauin, C.W Ferns, Kerns A Mansfield, W. J. Blglow Fischer A 9aale Faer 4t Waters i-'aust, George t'Ulier. Obas. Mack, Jos. P. Martin, W. N*. Ma well, H. J. Murphy, Jos. Morrtasey, T. P. Mlunock, Ttwj Newton Dilly a. Nolan. Jos. n Omar, A. Ben Paul, O. M. Paris, Putnam, 0. S. Reld, Gds Bdand, Jack Rogers iUartli Eodreglea, Mix. Beese, Jno. Roeers 4 Wright Beed. Bam T. Beysolds, Walt Roneii k Boot Boberts, F. P. .temlogten, J. Q HobUns, A, D. 3Icbards, Harry Scb«rD*'r, L Sldonla, T. SpCTTT, Bob Sbaeftr, Frank Sale-man, Walter Seymour, F. V. Stanley, Ray. Stelllng Fred W Slddons, Geo. Snorgran, Bu'l Scbnlik, F. J. t. Vraln. Rich! Tonne, Willy Thoyer, Joe Table, E. W. Toy, Ben Udell, Obas. E. Vail, Edwin Vance, Wm. V Watson, CHtrorii White, Porter J. Wood, Solmer Ward, Mote WeaTer, Kd. Walte. Billy >Vll9on, Geo. Whitman, Ellli wnitama Geo.H Yager, Billy SEE IfOTICK AT HEAD OF LIST. Wait ntfl p« toae to PHItfelpkia » d r ^ to^in^^^te'c^v^p?! 116 !^ ^rs^sv^n.^ 01 ^^ going to be some trotroe this Winter. Pntir deag). HM-M H. gtb. Bfc., Fhlla. f:orng to be some troupe tils Winter, adies and that fellow In dresses, Four .. — —™ making a The only one In the busl- uve lady wire act. ness. .„.. wd V **>**> to-day l« Saturday, and every- thing is rather quiet after the Fourth, baseball team " afternoon-, they certain bench of boys. OLD ALDAKT LANDMARK GONE. The Gaiety Theatre, an old landmark la Albany, N. X., was burned down July 1. The Gaiety, first known as tbe Green Street ted for __ opened In 1611, and was the enterprise of a joint tner quiet after the Fourth. The Aioany, jy x., was burned down July ten is getting ready to play this „ Ti * Gaiety, first known as the Greer and we til hope they win, as Theatre, and the first building ertc ily pray a good game, and a fine theatrical purposes In that city, was on the ground, with his right Mu^d* tried°U to band^b^d&nFtt. ■ TMW «ffK' ta Syracuse, and I guess the ***sM^wlleiMat^«ed M0.bo6"j5 eft aroTls InTaltas with B , a f? nm ' j°i* 9 «■><! our people will exchange Its cost. ,11 was opened" by John Bernard aTTd same result, his left HumY C. Cmrius writes,: "Closed with the Uagenbeck-WallBce Show June 28. at PeakaklU, N. Y., aiter a long circus career, covering at least forty years of actual ser- vice with the best shows on earth among ^^^'^^^JSSS^iSSSa^, Famous Band, under this versatile director, will be on tbe boards again this FalL The the shoulder dislocated. All three of the boys are Improving, and will probably be ready to attack the Hornet again inside of a couple of weeks. The elephant men expect to blossom oat In new uniforms by tbe last of this week. De Moulin Bros., of Greenville, 111., are making them. 'Frank epeevack and Joe Waldorf, of the La Pearl- Trio, leave this week to open at Lexington Park, Boston, under the manage- ment of Jlmmle Rlgo. The boys do a very clever Roman ring act, and should make very good. Rlgo opens with them in bis Inimitable songs and dances. Otto Cook and Art La Pearl will handle the trampoline wagon In the Chlrlvarl num- ber, and are expecting Helvin Weaver, very clever acrobat, from Cincinnati, to join this week to work with them In the concert Capt Hardin has tost one of VLs Bpanlsb Lady Cadets. Lee Taylor baa taken tbe Mace In tbe side show made vacant by Mrs. Elisabeth Bussel. dancer, who left Monday, to Join tbe 101 Ranch. Beatrice Jelmore, one of the Cadets, Is tbe musical director, on tbe calliope. Miss Jelmore has showed considerable speed In the trial beats stud bids (air to become quite proficient ot> tbe whistle-wagon, which same is no Joke to handle. While we were In Canada, Conroy and Grimley applied themselves very assiduously to the Canuck dialect, and some of their French ga 0 :, In the concert, were riots. Joe Frohsin secured- for them, yesterday, a French Joke book, to use In tbe Maine and Massachusetts towns where that dialect la spoken. We are expecting developments. Was talking to Side Show Manager Win- decker yesterday, and secured good news for vlslN and hare a good time, as they are fa Cortland. N. Y, only thirty-flve miles from as. Dave M. Evelten, late of the Judge Trap- 2fi£ E7 Jf Uen Trl <b who 'ere with the Clrco •brpp Feltui in South America, left the show six weeks ago in Buenos Aires, going to London for a week, then back to the land of the Hying, good old V. S. A. He arrived in New York June 29, and Is on visiting Jack Quiet until Monday. company 'The West Indian 1 players, Jan. 18, • and "Fortune's an excellent 1813, in Frolic." The theatre proved a good speculation dur- ing the war, after which there was a gen- eral business depression, In June, 1818, It was sold to the Baptist Society, and was used as a church until July, 1852, when it was sold to a theatrical company for $0,000. Wm. Preston, leasee, conducted It till Feb. Earl Blgler. one of the handsome fellows 2j,5?r ' wfien waa 80ld by the • her " 1 tm on the show, also a ball player In his own right, In Saturday's game made some hit Jlih a very pretty girl that was at the game. Earl is a wonder when It comes to copping tbe nice girls. So long, people 1 Here comes Duncan with, tie mall and his little whistle The Fourth is over, so save your money. DON'T MISS IE CLIPPED DURING YOUR VACATION Have it sent to your Summer address, 6 WEEKS 13 WEEKS Send orders to - - 60 CENTS ONE DOLLAR SAtTELLE'S DANCERS STOPPED. The Oriental dancers of the* Slg. Sun telle Shown were not allowed to wiggle In Attlc- boro, Mass., July [i, authorities of that town deeming their performance improper tor "such good people." Tbo show was booked for Manchester Meadows, but the grounds were so wot that tbe circus camped on the Pearl Street grounds. Will Keenc, of Attleboro, an animal train, er, wns engaged, and left town with tbo cir- cus. tbem the following of late years, viz.: The original, Forcpnugh Show. 1870 - the original Bnrniim. Show, 1877: the Walter L. Main Show; then the old Van Amtmrg Show away back. Of late years returning from the most successful season nbroad covering five years, I rotifrnod to the Forepasgb-Sells Show, then tho Ringllng Bros.' Show, then the IlageDbetk-Wallace Show, until I closed recently to embark Irr the real* estate busi- ness, where 1 have olllces for the exclusive sole of Long Island property, oetllng to my old show colleacucs homes, etc., on the Island, where' many, many, both, theatrical nnd circus t>eople own. their own homes. William Andrus, the famous breaker of wild slock, especially bucking mules, has last pur- chased a J7.000 home front me. adding an- other to the long list. With (bad reaam- brances to the fond' old days on too tot with the bunch, nnd hoping to bear from all of my old friends." THE FRAME QCKEN' PUB. CO., «7 W. asm Street, {lew York band was one long scream for four seasons, and no doubt the fifth will be even louder. Speaking of bands, Artebcry, Cn tbe big show, has about as versatile a bunch as yoa could find. Besides contributing to the mel- low music which emanates from tbe band- stand, the boys sbow great aptness In other lines. We have two very expert French In- terpreters, and one dashing, dreamy-eyed KILLS WIFE A TO SELF. Frank Bailey, a vaudeville actor, of Atlan- ta, Ga., shot and killed bis wife (Mazle Edwards), who was his stage teammate, In R'tTacrobar^tr. ptn-cu : 7SX \ P^f.^coS*^. ^^^ on his eye. Can also furnlsb several good 2.™~ *!??. .???*?'*■. .•?* "Js "We was. a 96,975. Oa March 28. 1883, Edmund 8. Con- nor opened It, and for a number of years Booth, Forrest and practically all tbe great actors and musicians of that time plaTed there. In the FaU of 1886 the bouse was convert- ed Into a pork packing establish ment, and a few years later again turned into a theatre. and such stars as Charlotte Cusbtnan and Fannie Buckingham showed there. In tbe early eighties, J. K. Baunett, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence, Joe Weber, Lew Fields and Haggle Cllne also played this house. Then F. F. Proctor became Its owner. It was badly damaged by Ore in 1689, and In 1800 Thomas Barry remodeled it and It became a success- ful burlesque house, and Mr. Barry's widow ran It after her husband's demise. Its last manager was Oliver Stacey, now maoaglng the Colonial, in that city. t The theatre had been elosed, except for boxing exhibitions, since last May. a>»» WEST UIDIAH MANAGER HI TOW*. Joshua A. M. 8ollas, the theatrical Impre- sario from Kingston, Jamaica, B. W. I., Is a visitor here this week. Mr. Sollas has bad charge of all tbe theatrical companies that bave visited Jamaica, and has always proved to be a valuable man In this capacity, as be leaves nothing undone to make any com- pany's visit there a success, both financially and artistically. While here be will arrange to bring a few companies to Jamaica this Mason. So far he bas contracted with TV. 8. Harklns and Fred. 8. Lorraine to opes tbe season In September wltb a musical coc-iiy company. Tbe new Ward Theatre is now complete, and is tbe finest theatre In the West Indies. 4 i« pugilists, any weight hakxrb WOIUiO'S UREiTEST UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO. 8IDC 8HOW AND I Prices Right. We Challenge tho World. Beat Wo* Flniit Equipped Stadlo la Ike Unllad Stats* 8KND FOR OVH CATALOG AND SECML." UArlVlS° n l ' m6 Yino aud Fat Joined the 101 Ranch at Portland- Me., June 30, doing their Babe ad- vertising. FOR SALE-SWELL TENT so by M ft; waterproof. Used six Man on grass lots. Everything complete, Including scenery for slfcKe. Suitable for Moving Pictures or small Cir- ous. Come on and see It Bo n t wr ite unless you mean liuslnrsfl. ED. BROWITBLUS Leinont St., Bath, Maine. _* WAKTED, SCENIC ARTIST Address LEON WASHBURN, Care Washburn's Theatre, Chester, Fa, Kl.VGSDtTlY TO MAXIGE GRAOVD. Messrs. Ssaia A Brianger bare selected George A. Kingsbury to act as manager of the Ureal Opera Hosse beginning w<tt the opening of the new season next month Mr. Btagsbtrry for tbe pest few years has been the manager of tbe Chicago taper* Bouse. Prior to 1U mate to Chicago be bad" been-the at the' time of the"iriiuoui nre"ta"aBcago; S, a i? ,,pe ^ of m tlle eJ »?*52 e i *LST. ,„d 8he waa twentv-flve vean af a» «A «£r during tbe Thompson * Dundy regime, ana Bs3 tSpSrSJ?*^ ' " «•*•»« her o, tte American 'fheatre, wb»itwai leas^ by Henry W. Prmsge. dancer. Jealousy is said bo have*"becn~the Subs. UUlnat *" ml WMCb PreWdea toe Mrs. Bailey was tho daughter of ntomaa Kennedy, of Denver. Col., and before marry- ing Bailey, about three years ego, bad ap- peared with the "Mother Goose?' Company and with Eddie Foy'a "Blue Beard" Company, husband twenty-seven H I IVxTIN OCT OF O. D. O. The United Booking Office, which has di- rected tbe policy of tbe Lynn Theatre, in Lynn, Maes., for the past two years, will not be coanecttd wltb the Lyra tbeatrlnfl altua- thai next season, because of tbe abandonment of the Lynn Theatre, by B. F. KeltJr, who held tbe lease. It is understood that Slarcna Isev will take over tbe theatre on Aug. 1, presenting pictures and vaudeville. — HEW ASSOCIATION, A theatre managera* association, compel of <owna in Southern Kansas and Northern OklarKona, was organised in- Wichita on June 18 with tbe following oncers : B. P. MlcliacK of Anthony. Kan., president, asd Carl i.- Dees, of Arkansas City, as secretsry *■ treasurer. Tbe purpose of the orgsnliatico la to get better attractione and to give i pro- tection to attractions playing their territory, j Si