The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER rounded In 18(53, THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(UmlUd) ALBERT J. BORIE EDITOBUI, AMD BPBCTISB MilflOO. NEW YOBK, JULY 12, 1918. Entered Jane 24, 1870, it the Pott Office it N«w York, n. Y., u Meant clisi matter, under (lie act of March 8, 187B. RATC8. . idwrtliemeou—$2.80 per inch, tingle column, dvettuwmeata let with border, 10 per ct. extra. subscription. One year, Is advance, $1; alx montbi, 12; three month!, |1. Canadi and foreign postage extra. Single coplei will be teat, postpaid, on receipt of 10 centa. Our Terms awe Cn«U. THE CLIPPER is toned every WEDNESDAY. The Form* doling 1'romptlr on Tneiday, at 10 A, M. rleaie remit by express money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. A'\ caab enclosed wllb letter la at risk of reader. Aildreaa All Communication* to THE NEW YORK CLIFPER, 47 Welt 28th Street, New York, Tel. 2274-UadllOD. IttiMtreiCalleAddra; " AuTH oauTT." THE WESTERN BUREAU or Tni Cliphb la looted at Room SOS, Ashland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspondent. TBI CUFFla UN SI OBMIWSD WHOLIMLS 1HD arriiL, at oof.igeuti, Urentano'i news depot, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris, France; Diamond News Co.. 126 Prado, Havana; Uanlla Book and sta- tionery Co., 128 Eacolu, Uanlla, P, I.; Gordon ft (latch, 128 Pitt tllreet, Sydney, N. B. W„ Australia. TOD'S TIPS, OUR LONDON LETTER, HENRY GEORGE HIBBERT, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. a June 29. We seem to be In for A Summer debacle Cumm Erctix, tic classy, cterer singer and violin virtuoso, was engaged •■ the relal attraction at the Lyric, Hackensack. J., last week. Needless to say she filled tbe bill. Walter Weemr postals It to me tbat he la working bis way West via tbe U. B. O. load. Walt baa tbe very proper Idea of en- tertaining In a clever snatch of minstrel, cartooning and a few on brass. Ediths Gibbonb was among our midst last week. Edvthe, besides possessing a sweet voice, good costumes and personality, can ... we seem to oe in tor a Bommer aepacie boast some of a cleverly moulded ngure. ^yond .experienceI . "Btewater's Millions" Edytbe was on the way to a fine llttl? bit J!lSiSwi2 u ^ t ^ir tr "» n , a, i™m , f?i-?.fI 0 k? *£ even before she exposed those shapely limbs «oraIngly, anrl will not Immediately be re- in her final number, so they didn't "save 1 * <W«e4, , n« Cardinal's Bomance" braced this act ' VD a " tt,e after mT dispatch of last week, Gus' McCdNb was tbe tnncb disappointed jg to HjkMM .fiisa the Savoy to-nlgbt. The one when those Three Kldlets were notified ^ oa \ re Df cfo f e f/ 11 L th ^" r , lTa 1, of H-B. Irving, by the "arm of the law" not to show at Proc- Tbe lent nights pf •'Crresus." at the Garrlcx, tor's Fifth Avenue Theatre last week. « te Imminent. 'The Dancing Mistress • has "Tub Dancb ok tub Sihbn," Joseph Her- departed from the Adelphi, and the Eg- bert Jr. and Lillian Goldsmith's latest dance Zl T ¥? p ^ ople have not made np their mind; success, will be at the Fifth Avenue next !? nat „ t ? do ■R& , Uar i ,n Harvey " season at week. It's one of the classiest of Us typo tbe Prince of Wales' Theatre nears its end. tbat has been slipped to us in a good while. And t^ere are rumors, top persistent to be Held over for a second week at Hammer- ignored, too dangerous to record, of de- CUpper Darcao, 5 Booth Sanare Gray's Ins, London, W. C. Bteln's this week. plorable business at one or two other bouses. Bill? Mattkbws wag much elated over Meanwhile the season of Bussian ballet and securing the Thanhouaer Kid for his house, SHMs ^ ru 57 L , ane be #* a mo8t aospleioasly for tho first three days of this week, which with "Boris Goudonov.' r . Is "exhibitors - week" at the Grand Central Mclntyre and Heath, after much healta- Palace. Jobn Buck gets this clever little tlon, arrived In London on Monday last, juvenile for the last four days, and If you as contributors to the Hippodrome revne. are looking for. and can't find an exhibitor They can only spend a month here this trip. up at the Palace, run down to Proctor's. Toledo and Bukton, an equlllbristlc sing, lng act. Odd, eh? But clever. A fine per There was a great rally of professional friends, and the telegraph wires were kept busy with congratulatory messages. But It former, be, while the girl Is pretty, shapely, Is felt tbat tbe circumstances were not and can boast of an extraordinary voice. wholly favorable. Their act would have Bebt and Violet Stboud, the proud par- teen setter as a "tarn" than as an lnterpo- ents of Baby Violet, did a" double at the latlon to tbe revne. Moreover, much of their Twenty-third Street Theatre last week, as business bas been done here, even In tbe the "sheriff" wouldn't Issue a permit for the revue, to which they-have now been lntro- babe's appearance, by heck. Ha and Pa duced. Considering all ■these drawbacks It showed that they could do very well In ' s oulte wonderful tbat the artists made so such emergencies. Little VI 1» another jure- ¥ mit a success. But their gualutness and Me who has scored wonderful success out 5 un >°r were bound to appeal, and as oer- AKSWFkS TO fflPRF^POliTrffliTS 'through the West, and she was angry when ' crmall S , r has '""eeded performance, .Lon- AalWtTlWkl IV \*Vl\aM»rvni/Cllla« she found she wouldn't be allowed to''alow" don audiences have begun to appreciate the us folks somethings, «Ji .<MI short-stay visitors, who will BrtXT Aeoall spent a few days with Fred. probably be encouraged to revisit this coon- and May Thomas, at their Summer home, at * ry J? s ^ oon a8 tat 3 A c *?-, . . .. Bayshore. Long Island, recently. Dropped a?*?™ WLfl w . <1IlllerfI1, JPerformance at the In here, sald^he had to tear himself away At. James Bite namely, of "London Aa- ln order to run to New York and case It over S 1 ™ 11 ^' J°F "f a «8mentatlon of the en- tbe front window sill that be has signed J} 00 . " SSJtSSP an <> Actresses, some with Al. Fields' Minstrels for next season. £ Jm e since Instituted by King George and Beba and Inez Kaufman and Motbbs bearing Wa name. The cast was made up of Kaufman grabbed that ship for Europe last 'J 6 .,™ 0 ? dlstlnifulsbed actors and actresses Saturday, and won't put their little dancing ? f the f**?-^ Tbo eomedy was selected so aa feet on our shores jigain until about 1916. *• employ them effectively. In the ordinary Hatwabd Sisters cleaned up a fine hit at E*?- «* " 9°"* neglected now-a-days. The Proctor's Twenty-tlilrd Street first half of kJn )t, and queen were present, last week. The patrons of F. F.'a houses „„''J Adore Ca," the French revue at tho came near losing such talent. Considerable Middlesex, has prwed so remarkably suc- tslrln they. cessful at the Middlesex that there Is now Jose Melano and cohpant, late feature* »n Idea of permanently estobllshlng some of the Eva Tanguay show, will present "The fom ot u 8 n * 'French entertainment In Lon- Indlan Rustler" on the Proctor time for three don. weeks previous to starting bookings which ' Apropot, there wbb a tremendous function will keep them busy for toe next two years at the Palace Theatre last night, when a on tbe Pantages and W. V. M. A. time. number of Important persons concerned In Bat Howabd Is a singing comedienne who the visit ot the French president to London should work her way "up there" In a short visited the theatre. while. Miss Howard was formerly known "Ob, I Say t" Is a great hit at the Cri- es Mae Kennedy, her off-stage name. She terlon. James Welch will send tbree com- possesses all tbat Is necessary for ft regular panles on the road with this farce m tbe good single. Autumn. Miss pat Baker Is to dissolve partner- Cyril Maude Is to be entertained at ship with the Turner Twine in the near fu- luncheon by the Theatrical Managers Asao- tore. elation, of which he Is president, before he Laaxr's Tubed Types, a corking posing sails for America, act. will open for the Summer on Hammer- Lawrence Honsman, the dramatist, pro- steln's Roof July 14. tested against service on the London Ses- Jban Weir, who, with her company, erne- elons jury while women should remain on cessfully presented "His Last Offense," at a footing unequal with that of men. He Proctor o Fifth Avenue Theatre last week, was excused without argument, has been booked for tho whole circuit, be- r A vast number of actresses assisted In the ginning In the Fall. Scored a regular hit sale of roses on Wednesday, Alexandra Day, Miss Weir wrote and produced the sketch for the augmentation of the charities In herself, too. which that Deloved queen Interests herself. Stella Clabk at last reports that al- Many thousands of women pervade the city though she lost a trunk full of new ward- and sell roses to all and sundry. They raise robe and passed a trying experience in the nearly $100,000. Ohio flood at Hamilton, she Is "all there" Robert Michaels, who took a short boll- personally, and Is spending a pleasant visit day from Daly's Theatre on bis marriage with relatives In Cincinnati, and preparing with Phyllis Le Grand. Is once more appear- DR1MATIO. A, I., New York.—Make application at tho Hippodrome, CAJIDS. A, It,, New York.—In two banded pinochle a player must take a trick before he can snake a meld, and as soon as he makes It, it la counted on his score. He does not have to take a trick after ho has melded to make His meld good. Otherwise he would be com- pelled to take (too tricks before bis meld would count, The count for the dlcce should bave been added to bis score as soon as he declared It, aa be could not bave mado tbe declaration without having first taken a trick. W. L. H„ Salt Lake City.—1. The, meld counts 240. 2. Yes, they can bo melded in a two handed game. NEW POLICY, The Do Kalb Theatre, De Kalb Avenue, near Broadway, Brooklyn, closed July 0 for alterations and Improvements. The an- nounced change of policy will start on Labor Day, under a five year contract for Broadway attractions under the management of tbe fitmberts. The Shttbert Is to continue Its vaudeville policy, and tho De Kalb Is to have the attractions formerly presented. The large seating capacity and the stage of the De Kalb make ft possible to prodnce them. The house seats 2,600. Among the early bookings are "The Whip," presented laet season at tbe Manhat- tan Opera House; Oaby Dealys, "Within the Law," tbe Winter Garden play, "Tho Honey- moon Express j" "Little Women," Sam Bor- nard, In "All for the Ladles;" William Fa- vershaan. In a spectacular Shakespearean pro- duction; Forbes Robertson, in repertoire; B. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe, In Shake- spearean productions; De Wolf Hopper. "Ro- mance," Robert B. Maotell, William Hodgo, tn a new play; Docketadcr's Minstrels, Grace George, In "Dlvorcons," and other plays; An- nie Hussell, In old English comedies; Will I ant Collier Laurette Taylor, In "Peg o* My Heart and many more. Frank Bohm chairman of Mia enter-tutu, where he has been taking a cure. He Is said The De Kalb will be the only theatre In tnent committee'for the Carnival Week «t th£ t0 be ,n n,uch ^ ttn beaIth - but he Is not Brooklyn at wblcb the Shubert plays will be VaudevlBe Comedy Club, at the Brighton attending to business. He proceeded directly presented at a scale of prices which is never Beach Music Hall, next week, has cornered t0 £ ls homeln the country. Jo exceed $1 for the best orchestra seats, an unequaled array of vaudeville talent for ., C1 5? do M? ro<le naB been added to tb * Lon ' The contract with the Shubert offices pro- the big event. The club will nlav the hon«. on doa °P. era J r °" Be r ? 7Ue - vldes that the attractions which tbe De Kalb Is to offer shall not bo presented elsewhere at leas than fl.50 scale of prices, and la many Instances $2 will be asked for the offer- ings which tbe De Kalb Is to present at $1. Shubert attractions will tie booked ex- clusively, but tbe management will remain with I. Fluegelman. « i > SHCBBRTS GET DROOKLYN THEATRE, ' The flhuberts have secured the booking control of the De Kalb Avenue Theatre, In Brooklyn, which has been operated by Cun- ningham & Fluegelman as a small time vaude- ville house, The arrangement is for five years. The house will be opposition to Tel- ler's Broadway. The De Kalb Is a handsome theatre, seating 2,000, big sow act for vaudeville. V, C. C CARNIVAL WEEK. .„ appear- ing In "The Marriage Market." He Is quite the favorite musical comedy jeunc premier of the hour. George Edwardes returned from Germany, favo b ra1,l7nIar?n e g d *nTs H WtfcftS On^ultd'reT^r'.nanctf have now been could not to£?*Trtt£\xiTX£™*«& P l a ^ r£ l he PSE&WSi YeUow Jacket '" than the "Annual Copers of the Clowns? at ,& e „R lke . 1 ot York a Theatre. Frank has a list of over onehundred ntunea m w " B,n «*• ^aw 'a said to have settled made up of he best acts of vaudevilleTallde. down , lnto a «r«"»lne success at the" Hay MSSc HaHurlng* the clubs* w^Vtbat ***** Brett, the brother and nearly th. placeTof aiuaement. The two previons "C«J 'l^K ot ©SE S ,ck M a8 "H* 1 a pers" have been held at Atlantic ("itv hnt divorce from his wife, May Ashe, who has a tEe dktence from New*Yotkhas nrevented cnrionB likeness to Bliallne Terries. the attendance of thousands of New Vortrem Another well known song writer, C. W. Who awrtSEch «tolr^of 0l the^aKl^ M a ^ b JL VtfV He wrote ' Hm inybody Comedy Club. For that reason It wE Hero Seen Kelly?" cldcdlo give this SSJISrZJ LSSLS: ■ It appears tfiat "Tb* Faun" is a failure, near the city, and to beassureS at TtSoI for Martin Harvey Is immedUtely reviving theatre where both audiences and players "£ h \ 0nI » Way" at the Prince of Wales 1 would avoid the donresslar hear, the tuSSSSm Theatre. Beach Musl^T HaM^vle sifocled as HlllSS .. 8o poP«>l«r has the revival of "The Second every requirement MIO «ea «» ni"tW Mrs. Tananerav" proved at the St. James' theatre, seating 2.0O0. TbeAop price will be _ Owlog to the great number of acts Messrs. T ,heatre that Sir George Alexander content- one dollar, and the ebuberAV»e agreed not Breed and Bohm have determined umfu^ t" 11 ' 68 no « han «« Jn h,s program till he takes to book another Brooklyn-house at that Jhange ot program each day, with atleast to i. he S a 2: , m ten new acta for each bin 8lr Herbert Tree revives "Borneo'and «i» Hi Juliet" at His Majesty's Theatre on Monday, PITTRPrmnufW n» annaima ia continuation of his Shakespeare festival. n.™ t? . ^ , . W THBATRB * He wlH Play Mercotlo. for the first tunc. -i-SS."" Dn y la . a 5 d Jonn p - Harris have Phillip Merlvale will play Romeo, and Phyllis SI22J2,. 0 . c .°, ntract '°r the erection of a new Nellson Terry, Juliet. Miss NeUson Terry SSSLtS »i ne £, ,r . e ', 2U b * eoj. 1 of »2«>.O00, ends a two years' engagement at His Ma- P rmS.*» • Uot el8chenley, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jesty's as leading lady with this-season. a^sbSLPS?! wl " 5SJ* a Bta « e eapaclty of ' Percy Hutchinson and his road comoany. R2SI Si. . P 10 .? oper *' No nanM > na » *ho have been playing "Brewster's MluTons'' 5« k» en yct 5S tb6 new structure, nor at the Strand, vacate that house on Satur- ln«»iKf5i^ nnoun .l ed w tb .? J P <>I,c y tbat W "I b « °ay. On Monday they will open at the New Instituted w hen the b uilding Is completed. Theatre In "Officer 066." __. _' __ • ■ • » Louis Meyer produces an adaptation of the BELLA BELMONT RETURNS. French farce, "Le Prise de Berg-Op-Zoom," Bella Belmont, who retired from the stam Bt & Strand In August. some Mx month, ago on accountof thedeSS „*, B ? tlll l st tbe Holborn Restaurant on of her brother. Ah*red DilyVa ball playe?on Wednesday, committed Itself to the forma- Jhe White 8ox teamTwill return"to the foot! **■ of * Drama League here, on the lines lights again, booked solid over the Law and 2L . tbe American Institution, Frederick 8. ft C. time. a WhelaYi said he was assuredjlhat In America schedule. NEW HOUSE FOR LEXINGTON. .Lexington, Ky.. Is to lave a new vaude- vll c theatre, which will bo opened In the Fall, The house will be known as the Hippo- drome, and will bo built on the site of the B re ! pn L" nln >r Tbc seating capacity will p 1,000. Including the balcony. Gus Spa will Trook the house, and will change the acts weekly. Louis H, Ramsey will be manager. a i a CLOSES TO HE-ORGANIZE. John Schomaker, owner of Warde's Comedy Co., has closed his company for a few weeks to re-orgonlie for bis new tour, He Intends producing four new tabloid murlcal comedies, which he says are np-totho- minute la every respect. COMMONWEALTH IN ST. LOUIS. "The Van from Home" Co. played the past week at the Marguerite Clark Tbeatre.^t. tools. Mo., on the sharing plan, and were thus enabled to secure their fares for New lork, tbe house closing July 6. ♦ «» ROSENBERG LEAVES LYRIC. Walter Rosenberg has transferred his lease of tbe Lyric Theatre, at Red Bank, N. J., to Thomas Williams, J. 3. Travcrs and Fred van Dorn, the owners of tbe house. <i a C. F. LAWRENCE, MANAGER. The Colonial will be the new name of the S*!?*', B"»Wnior«^.r«ccntl3r leased by Stair A liavlln who will renovate the house and open It about Sept. 1. > i » GEO. KINOSBVRY IN NEW YORK. iJ£ a 3 a si£ /P"*? 1 ^ * u l ™«»te the af- fairs of the Grand Opera House, New York, next season, ^«» " ..i.vtu,, i.u>u in, n«n annuivuMmv ill aiutliv. m. good play bad very often**been saved from failure by tho action of the League In In- -Jk.g f'AMft of the team of Copeland forming and stimulating the public, SSLaV",JSSf W S. ,W *"** hi" partner. Andreas Edward Hanneford, one of the. last of the JgH' »ff .*»»%■■« fte e Mea t June 29, which old time circus proprietors. Is dead £2?*mFiS h *I th 2 S»%L?* °er left eye. She Anna Bva Fay home ere this announces ThV -I S y * oaseoall, when it came through her return to England In the FaU. win*™ "„ w / *. p «i»»ylv«nl» train, the A "third edition" 6f the Hippodrome 21?^#K. w, qv l0 " rf - a . n ? P** 0 * 8 of Haai cut wvue. "Hello I BagtUnel" Is promlsedat the bV7«» o. a **" taken B » Hospital In HrppodoxBe. Irving Berlin is to play an lnv 5 1 all *Aj™-. and from there was removed to portant part In lbs preparation. ; ^ H?_*ll fH^fi*?. «otel. Kane, Pa. Tbe Alfred Butts la now credited with the In »*.? Jit if 7 0 ' r tbcr * intlMJuly 10, when tentlon of building a new music hall la tZilL. rSL£"?"f ***• Miss Walsh Is tuf- Parle. H,?ir° m J?*K. 0U8 8h » clt 8nd • bl »ek ey". _ ' ' lni?rt , i 8 < is9 > . PB 5 l J 0, U , 'rlte: "We are mak- e====-======5= K W* wllf have* WtS-s toW? - BtKS ^VENE. „„ .' S? ".if** 1 ^ of tt e following com- New Srs Bro** 1 *? «nd the Bronx are rep- munlcatlon: "The 'Storif presented Mrs. Lee «?»nted by large delegations, and an Inter- n"Jf y ' "^ Haley and Haley, with a baby girl. * ,Un * program, of sightseeing and events Is Both mother and baby are doing nlcelv at "r*"** 0 ' * h elr home In St Louis, Mo." * V ' The election of Grand Exalted Ruler Will ■JF ££&E°'RJ3'* * ,rB (nob *y Bobbins) tj r ^ ba % t r *» n ' t ,*■> Bdward B. I^ach. of New and daughter, Doris, are spending the Sum- * ork » **laf returned the winner. S*I U . "* r f 0 ^?*- " Bol *y Bobolns," Lake - ■ ■ . ■> ' » ALF. II ATM AN SAIXS. '.casea ft ?& i«57 """'T *S b 3i2 n 5«.* ■*"« x^hmTA opened July 2. at Hen- Alt Havmanamea Joh/aon-aie Olympic, .CHftortfl 4be &$£.»"** oI aWg <*# ffij^^S IttanS; for thTreniainde?^ Fred Minis, the ventriloquist, died In St. Bartholomew's Hospital on Wednesday after an operation. A while ago he became blind. Ho t.iok. an active part In the social and po- litical work of the profession, and was much esteemed. " Karl Frederick Grohler, otherwise Karl Hooper, bas obtained a divorce from Victoria Monks. ■Klanca Waldo, who makes her appearance at the Coliseum on Monday; as a "Society eiffleuse," is the wife of Waldo Dewey, cousin of Admiral Dewey. An extraordinary play called "War In the Air" was produced at tbe London Palladium, on Monday. In a most Important sounding ?rclude, (he management claims that the In- entlon is. in the 'spirit of "An Englishman's Home," to arouse the public of a sense of the danger to England that lies in the apathy displayed by the government in respect of aerial navigation. In truth It Is a crude sensational melodrama, not even good of that kind. It, Is generally described In these terms. . . .„ . (Susanna. Cole died In a nursing home. In her eighty-third year. She was a famous vocalist during Victoria's reign—almost In- variably Jenny Land's understudy. Everywhere it is the revue! '^Step this way," produced at the. Oxford on Monday, is a very successful attempt to accommodate this prevailing Idea to the conventional vaudeville houses, 'The book Is by Charles Wllmot, mandger of tbe Frances ft Day music publishing firm. Tbe music Is by Max riarewskl. the r 'lnfant agent," Tbe Idea Is tbat a big department store lays Itself out to supply entertainers, and so we are band- ed a.l the stars of the moment—Merry Widows, Dancing MlBtressos, Delphlnes and so forth. It la a. most ingenious and amusing show. Charles Gulliver, of the Palladium, proves to be more seriously 111 than was first be- lieved, and It may be a long time before the busy managing director Is at his post again. Some locations for Monday next are: Harry Brown, London Victoria Palace; Geo. Abel, Regent, Salford; Perry and White, Al- faambra, Glasgow; Conrad and Whldden.Hlp- XKidrome, Leeds; Annette Kellermann, Hlppo- orome, Leeds; Heeley and Meeley, Barry Docks Palace; Potter and Hartwell, Hippo- airome. Preston: Carlisle and Wellman, Em- pire, Swansea; R. G. Knowles, Empire, Ard- wick; Donald and Carson, Pavilion, Ayr; Melville Gideon, - London Pavilion; Maud Courtney, Hackney Empire; the Great Wei- land, Wood Green Empire; Margaret Moffatt, 'J'ivoll; Mrs. Coleman, Tlvoll; Radford and Valentine, Tlvoll; Charles Aldrich, London Pavilion; WU1 H. Fox, Palace. Boston ; Whlt- taker and Hill, Empire, South Shields; Wal- ter C. Kelly. Grand Theatre, Birmingham; Wilson and Waring, Empire, Bradford; the Aerial Smiths, ' Grand Theatre. Bradford; Jen Latona, Empire, Dublin; GUday and Fox, Empire, Sheffield. We are to see the Eight Clovelly Girls at the Empire next week. •» On Monday tbe Rathskeller Trio make their first appearance In London, at tho Victoria Palace. Edmond Hayes does "'The Wise Guy" at tbe Stratford Empress next week. Tom McNnghten and AHee Lloyd will do nothing but make holiday during their stay on this side. You are to see a very popular English duo, Jack and Evelyn, In the States. They are brother and sister, O'Connor by name. To tbe Victoria Palace, on Monday week, comes Ethel Green, whom Alfred Butt an- nounces as "America's foremost comedienne." Meanwhile, Harry Lauder .Is doubling the Palace, in Shaftesbury Avenue, and tbe Palace Victoria, for a .fine fee. -His elation on having now completed all his old, low price contracts Is unrestralnable. ■ ■ Oswald Stoll applied.himself to a great undertaking' at the Coliseum on Monday, and must be allowed to bave succeeded greatly. His ambition soared so high as to bring Wagner's "Parsifal" home to a vaudeville audience. With tbe aid of a well known ar- tist, Byam Shaw, he contrived twelve living pictures of great distinction. Musical ac- companiments, by an orchestra of sixty-five, are conducted by Sir Henry Wood. It Is a brilliant achievement. An opera based on the pathetic story of Haame. Ira Barry Is to be done at Covent Garden on Thursday next. It is the work of a composer unknown here. Meanwhile, Biro Cnmnssl. Lyn Harding reached home on Saturday last John Glendlnntng produces "The Rosary" at the Elephant and Castle, on Monday, H. B. Irving promises the production of Stephen Phillips' play, "The Son of David." during his season at the Savoy. Mary Forbes la to be the next tenant of the Ambasadors' Theatre. She will produce a piece called "Tbe March Hare," by Harold Smith, a brother of F. E, Smith, the famous lawyer and politician. "Milestones" will be played at the Royalty for the five hundred and fiftieth time on Tuesday. u Caruso's last appearance In opera this sea- son will be In "La Boheme," at Covent Garden, to-night He leaves for Italy im- mediately. "Typhoon" registers Its one hundredth performance on Monday, at the Queen's The- atre. Leonard Borne, happily recovered from the Illness that brought him to the brink of the grave, resumes the character of the old Innkeeper, In "General John Began," at the Apollo on Monday. There Is said to be a serious disagreement between the two general managers of the Al- hambra. , Freeman Wills, a clergyman, who Is dead, i?. Rl ways cited as the author of "The Only Way. Canon Fredereck Langbrldge an- other clergyman, was part author. He' now publicly admonishes Martin '-Harvey, believ- ing the time has come for bis share In tho work to be publicly acknowledged. Once the clerical dramatist was a very rare bird, rtcxt week three of them will be represented on our stage. . Billy 8eeley and bis wife, Rhodesia, are home from South Africa. They open at Col- lins' Music Hall on Monday. -.m? 8 ."/ r -* UI,er preached a sermon, with ln- M xrm,.2? B P' ? .* "SH c Ve> '••* week. William Berol Is shortly due in London from South Africa. j —«■">>«• Wlllard, "The Man Who Grows," is off to Russia immediately. ■ ^"• ■ CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advertisements not exceeding one line. In lenirtk will be published, properly classified in this index at the rate of (10 for one year- (53 Issues), a copy of Thb Niw York Currra will be sent free to each advertiser while the advertisement Is run- ning. _~"~" ~~~~ ' ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PICTURE BOOTHS -.««■ 0. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 75* Pearl St., Boetov Mass. BICYCLE A GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. Hart Mfg. Co., 832 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Moss. CHINES, BELLS A SPECIALTIES. B. H. Uayland ft Son, 54 WlUoughby St., Brook- lyn, N. xY CONFECTIONS. Bncekhelm Bros, ft Eckstein,' 245 So. Peoria St, Chicago. FORTUNE (INVISIBLE) WRITERS. S. Bower, 117 Barman fit., Brooklyn, N. Y. MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Edwin. Jt. Street, 28 Brook St., Hartford, Oonn. * MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Braonelss, 1012 Grant Ave., Richmond H11L N. Y. ^ MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Deagon, 8800 N. Clark St, Chicago, III. OPERA CHAIRS AND AUDITORIUM SEATING, H. J. Harwood's Sons, 69 Pearl St, Boston, Masa POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Boeckhelm Bros, ft Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria St, Chicago. SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. 0. L. Story Scenic Co., Somervllle Station, Bos- ton, Masi. Scsmsn ft Landts Oo., 417 8. Clinton St., Chicago, Toomey ft Volltnd, 2312 Market St., St. Louis. Shell's Scenic Studios, 581 So. High St.,,Colam- . bos. Ohio. rS New York Studio. 1001 Times Bldg.. N. V. 0. Howard ToRfe, 1202 Center St.. Milwaukee, Wis. SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Planet Show Print ft Eng. Bouse, Chatham, Out STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Paul Ttuslg ft Son, 104 E. 14th St, N. Y. Q. TENTS. Kunkely Tent ft Awning Co., loS South St., N. Y. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Kcgalii Oo., 387 Wash. St., Boston, Mass. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES, E. Walker. 309 Vf. 3»th St., New York. MT/SIOIAN8 WANTED in all branches for B. and 0. Long season to good people. B. R, Ball. Salary small, but sure. Bcthlenem, N. B., July 12; Jefferson, 14: Concord, Vt. 16, Hanvlck, 16. Address AL. MABTZ, "Carey's Visit" Co. ""WANTED I For Borner's Greater Shows, Good all 'round Sketch Team that can change for six sights. Also Piano Player wbo reads and fakes, double Band, good Trombone. Trap Drum- mer. I bave Traps and Drums, good Cornet; all double Orcb. State lowest In first letter. Allow one or two days for mall to be forwarded. One show a day. Week stands. Address JOB HOB NEB, Kaaota, Minn. ■WANTED—To know the whereabouts of punk territory, aa we are tired of turning them away and counting money Such terrific business weekly Is dreadfully monotonous. Add. all communica- tlons to THE GREAT RICTON, Dnnklrk, 0. WANTED, QUICK SWEET'S BIG TENT SHOW BAND LBA11ER; BARITONE, for 8tage: GOOD ACTOR, to double Band. Add. GEO. B. SWBET July 11,12, Green Valley, IA.; 14,16. Emden, 1U. 10,17, Hartabnrg, 111.; in, 19, Now Holland, III. WANTED, QUICK FOR THE PELHAJS UNDER CANVAS r GENERAL BUSINESS MAN Wire Cattaraugus, New York, week of July 7 and 14. THB FBLHAMS. LEARN TO ACT Stag* Dancing, Etc. «Up to Data la staff tstakto ENGAGEMENTS SECOTED P.J.RIDO llNo.La School Always Open, ' and TEN OTHERS, Dt.CHICAGO.ILIi ATP LIBERTY WALL! GRAYSON JUVENILES, LIGHT COMEDY, GEN. BUS. Age,24; height,«ft. o in.; weight, 188, rep. only. Photos on request Addres Ml INDIANA AVENUE, TOLE1 LUST YOU FORGET WE SAY I* YET Stook or Address TOLEDO, OHIO. CROSS LETER HEADS P£r£ a i ) Kt. mcke, »j E n** , ope8, Free Samples, etc STAGE MONEY, 15c. Book of Herald Outs, Ho. CROSS jjtojh, CHICAGO For LA ROY STOCK CO. TROMBONE PLATER, to double stage; COMB- IRAN, with Specialties, that can play Piano. Salary low, but positively sure. H. LA ROY, Belto VaHey, Ohio, caro ot Stock Co. THOMP80N FOR 'FRISCO. »t.Ii 3i!.* nn< S? cca at Cone » l»la»d July 0 that Frederic Thompson would shortly leave Luna Park for San Francisco, wherVne will create a new amusement park at the Panama- Pacific International Exposition in 101S. He was given a dinner July ? by President James A. Nelson, of the Sea Beach Land Company! owners of Lupa Park. «"^n I ■ > NATE SPINGOLD ARRIVES. Nate «plngold. of the Morris forces, and bis wHe returned from Franca last weak, ' Wl VTFIl MuH *clana and Singers, High Tenor, HfiMIr**" Baritone, two Violin, Viola and 'Cello; all to double In band. Al property Man, double on Alto Saxophone or Clarinet, Also Flute and Pic. All must join on receiptor telegrams. No rares advanced. Hotel show and sure, long engajrernent. Address Dm RUE BROS. MIN- STRBLS, Per. address, RocfcvlUe Cen- tre, N. Y, SILK-DAMASK DROP FOR SALE Cost $225.00. Maroon color. In 2 pieces 18 x IS each. First «24.oo takes It A. GRAIN, sio Spring Garden St., PhHadalplala, P»» M. D., registered In THln ola. Long season. Address PARKER COMEDY OO., BLOOaPNGTON, JUL. , PLAYS 30O SHORT-CAST SKETCHES TO ORDBH. ALICE ROWLAND, DAVENPORT, 1A. VAN FLEET HINT i <&