The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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JULY 12 TOE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 9 TD ALBANY The Economical Wny. Steam, era Frahk Jones and Kaator- skl'Aieavc Pier 48, North River (foot of W. 10th St.), at 8.30 p.m. West lS2d St. at i r. it. dally Bound Trip Tickets good Oil BeaBon. Dining Hervlco. CAPI TAL CITY LINE. Pier 40. N. B. CENTS' _ . ROUNDTRIP$|oo Phono, Spring 8577. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Edmonton, Can.—Empire—The Ball Fam- a» Instrumentalleta and dancers, and Tutor ffUmes rccontour, divided the headline honors June MJulv 2 Otters wero: Angela Kelr and com- met the Swaln-Oatman Trio, Hamlll and Ab- Ett. Devlno and Williams, Edgar Berber and 5w talUDC moving pictures. Raymond Hitch- 5elt v«» tto> attraction 3-3, In "The Bed Paxtaoss' ■—Lottta Mayer and her divine -tokos headed the Mil 1. and week, -uhlch In- tToded: Alfredo Marshall,''Clayton and Lennle, ToJettt and Bennett, Billy Mann, and Blmber?, w.rioD and Day. Manager GUIs entertained mem- ■era of the B. P. 0. B., at a special performance, ■Uht of 4. i,Tcxvit.—Thit Pernianent Players presented ■The Squaw Man" Jane 30 and week, Wits James Brsell In the leading role. Hazel 8tone essayed S* part of Nat-C-Blch, the Diana being Grace Jjleiwortb. The company ?avo good support. Worm.—'Hie Oklahoma Bancli Wfld We^t, fee- •Bine the auto polo game; Otto Kline trick rider, gat ridicule Mulhall, roper, ehowed In this city, a e The Sells-Floto Circus will give four ■erformancea In Edmonton, 18. 19 The at- •mer-general of Alberta has summoned the pro- prietor! of the Oem, Fortola, Orpheum and Mon- arch picture nooses on the charge of violating the Sunday law. Preliminary hearings will take place tcfore Inspector Raven, In the police court The Attendants will nuke a test case Hon. Chas. W. Cross, attorney-general for Alberta, has given aotlce that no prize tights or boxing bouts will le permitted In this province In the future. L. F, marry, deputy attorney-general, announces that the department has Instructed the police to arrest ale participants, promoters and referee whenever in attempt la made to stage a mill. ShreTeport, La.—Grand (Ehrllch Bros, A Coleman, mars.) is dark. Majistio (Ehrllch Bros., mgrs.) bill wok of Jons 29 Included: Richard O'Leary, Five Musical lands (scream, at every performance), Attaway and Green, and That Trio. SiBNCiss (E. V. Richards Jr., mgr.)— Plc- QtrrsN (B. V. Richards Jr., mgr.)—Pictures. P alios (B. T. Richards Jr., mgr.)—Pictures. Mcssa (0. A. Demerls, mgr.)—.Pictures. Eriamland (O. A. Demerls, mgr.)—Pictures. Kotis. —iD. L. Cornelius, for many months con- nected with the local Dreamland Theatre, has been ■ought oat by the Dacnger enterprises. The com- netltive exhibitors In this city are bucking very lard, therefore the local lovers of the "movies" get the best E. V. Richards Jr., manager of she Saenger circuit of theatres, has gone to New Toik City to attend the big convention. He was the chosen representative from Louisiana loots N. Broeggerboff, secretary of the Louisiana State Fair, has announced the attractions tor this fear's fair. Mr. Brneggerhoff spoke at Merryvllle, la., on July 4, lu behalf of the Beauregard parish lair The Hippodrome, another "movie" the- atre, to be under the present management of the Dreamland, is hearing completion. ' Mobile, Ala.^-Thlngs have assumed much activity In theatrical circles in Mobile during the jast week. The Mobile Theatre which was de- stroyed by fire last January, remained untouched mill last week, when a prominent firm of the- atrical architects sent n representative to confer with J. Pollock, owner of the projierty. It was announced through the local press that a new, ap-to-dote, fireproof theatre will be built and work started Immediately. It Is expected that the new Jams* will open for business about Dec. 1. Tho tfoneer manager of the old Mobile Theatre, Jacob Saunenbaum, will be the manager of the new Sealre, which will in all probabilities bear the tame name as the old structure. Lihio (H. O. Fourton, msr.)—This bouse has dosed for the Summer season, after a meet sue- •natal year of high class attractions of vaudeville sad tabloid plays. Jake Wells visited this city *ne 35. and announced that his local manager, ■r. Fourton, would be transferred to the home ■flee in Richmond, Va., anil that the house would ss leased for the coming season Mo announce- "»l TO .made as to when the house will open *r the FaU season. St. Joseph, Mo.—Alr.lome (0. V. Fhilley, aujr.) Poulter ft Welsh Players opened a season's ancagement week of June 29, la "Molly Bawn." Week of July 0, 1'oulter ft Welsh In "The Sport- *g Parson." Kbtjo Pabk (J, H. Van Brant, mgr.)—Pictures ... and vaudeville. Lakb Oontraby (L. F. Ingersoll,' mgr.)—Pie- tares and vaudeville. •'• MAjasxib (Fred. Cosman, mgr.)—Vaudeville ..and pictures. .Good business. V Otpmrnc (M, B. Fields, mgr.)—Singers and " Iterates. Business good. Hotal (Barney Blley, mgr.)—Pictures and lingers. Business very good. , Paktaoss' Thbatbb baa been taken t. V. Philicy and Fred. Cosman. Mr. Cosman will be manager. . win open some time soon. It k uncertain whether It will be straight vaude- ville or vaudeville and pictures. Denver, Cols—Blltch's Garden (Thomas D. Long, mgr.) bill hi theatre July 6 and week, The Heir to the Hurrah." Bupsass (Geo: A. Bovyer, mgr.)—Bill 5 and week; "Marguerite," Joe Fanton, Waterbury Bros, and Tenny, Hoyden-Stevenson and company, Jere Stanford, Adair Adair and Ganmont's steely. ^T Lakisisb (A. Bloedt, mgr.)—Bill In Casino 1 and week, "Arizona." '' Tabob Grand (W. B. Dalley, mgr.)—Bill week of 6 Includes, the Stadium Trio, font other acts and moving pictures. Pantaoib' (Nat Darling, mgr.)—Bill fl and Week: Julls Blng and company. Temple City Quartette, Flying Fishers and moving pictures. BiKEn (Harry Ward, mgr,)—Delmar-Klng Ma- gical Comedy Co. and moving pictures. St. Penal, Minn..—Metropolitan (L. H. Scott, tngr.) "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" is the eflertag week of July 6, by the Wrlgbt-Huntlngton Snonorr (William Oullen. mgr.l-JThe Musical Block Co., In '"The Gingerbread Man," week of e. ;"Madam X" week of 13. . _ . .' . >B)ktbxsb (Qua S. Greening, mgr.)—Oood.busl- ttess rules. Bll for week of 0: Anna Marecroft And .Helen Gaudeau, "The Mirthful Maidens," Yiivem Troupe, Melnotto Twins, and Dorothy BLUTCH BEAUTY, YOUTH and FOLLY AIM tUimtfrEo^S.' S.'Courtney, mgr.)—Moving pic tores. Psnrciss (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—This house continues to blgr - business. Vaudeville bill for whek-of 6 s Sol. Bemce, Do Witt Young and Sls- t«r, Griffin and Emmert, and Wblltler and Oroes- tnan", „ Stabxand JO. F. Rose, mgr.)—The "movies" for week of Jane 28 Included: "Penalty of Crime." "Patch Work Qnllt." and "The Tiger Uu." Business Is very. good. \ Gwrrr,—The bUl forweA of 20 drewMg. and included; La Tell Bros,, De Verno and Van West. Bender, and motion pictures. Notb.— Gentry Bros.' Show will appear bete Jny 14. Clarkatele, Mlsa^-Cacnm's Alrdome (Sig- nor Cacoin, tan.) motion.plcturee, to capacity business; ■ ' ~ '. .'. ' Nora.—rrto Alhambra has been leased by Alf. George and I* jscobson. •' MoUoa pictures will bo thown. • , -.", • '." A \* .* V " •■ THE ROSEUND GIRLS AJUCi PEOPLE engaged with nhovo Attraction* report fbr Ilchrnrials, MONBAY, JULY 14; AT 10 O'CLOCK, AT UNITY HALL, 341 WEST 47th STREET Acknowledge this coll personally or by letter. W. V» JErVHIMGS, 415 Columbia Theatre Building, Mew York City. All LADIES and GENTLEMEN engaged for 99 f. in. win mil ik. urn uui FOR SEASON 1813-14 KSNWLV REPORT AT LE8LIE ROOMS, 260 WEST 83d STREET, Monday, July 21, at 10.80 A. M. Kindly acknowledge this Call by letter or in person to GORDOAT-ffORTH AMP8KMBWT CO., Columbia Theatre Building, New York City. CHORUS GIRLS (MEDIUMS). MUST BBS GOOD LOOKI.VO BIG REVIEW CO., PROGRESSIVE CIRCUIT Apply Room 403 Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg. ItmiB HEIlN8TEIV. LARGE HAl ught"and well~ventTlated p nrucanTflie TO LET FOR REHEARSALS POr ntntanSALS NATIONAL DANCIHB ACADEMY, 7thAve.and 23d St.,H.Y. WANTED KINDS FOR GEORGE EVANS' HONEY BOY MINSTRELS Address this week APOLLO THEATRE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Next week NEW BRIGHTON THEATRE, BRIGHTON BEACH, N. Y. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VIOLINIST, FLUTIST AND PIANIST FOR SMALL HOTEL ORCHESTRA Wire, or Special Delivery. Add. KA-BL. Ton LAWHENZ, Hotel Analey, ATLANTA, OA. Billy Allen Hnsical Comedy Co. FIRST CLASS BIYGING ACT, also SISTER TEAM to work In big numbers, good COMBDIAV. two more CHORUS GOU.S. Third scQBon East. Long, Bare season. Plays: Royal Obef, Coming Thro toe Bje, Pinafore, Green Bird, Three Twins. Rehearsal, start July IT. W. H. HAHDBB, Allenharst, If. J. (Account of ahow oloalng) For one night—Rep., Tabloid Stock, or Permanent Stock (WALLIE) STEPHENS and RAY (MISS) Oharsoters, Comedy, General Boa. (Comedy preferred). Age, 82: weight, lto; height, o ft. ». Scripts. Can direct same. Strictly sober and reliable. Wardrobe and ability. Some specialties. BeipoiktlDle managers only. Miss Bay A No. l piano player. Address STEPHENS eV RAY, Merrill, "Wis., care of Flalg dt Ollpln Stock Co. WANTED, MM HOLMES'''HAPPYIIEISIE"CO. ncavT Woman, Soubretto with Specialty, Al Irtoh Character Woman, with Specialty; Character Man who can double Piano; must be good player: Heavy Man to handle stage and Union Property Man who can Dlay parts. Benearsals start Aug. 8 m Chicago. Send photo and state all yon can and will do- aiso age, height and weight and lowest salary In first letter. All letters answered, imtno time to dicker Joint engagementaf Yes. Tickets? NO. If you can't join and rehearse don't answer. Can uio Al Advance Mant mast be a worker and get the business. People Who have ""«"■"■" ^giTifc-agiSoi., 3M» ». *r... A.., hrt.. P.,k. o.i...., m. (John) THE GLLPINS (Edna) ^ AT MBBRTY JV1.Y 10 On Account of Show Oloalng Character Comedies, Heavies and Gen- I Character!. Hearlea oral Business; Melaphone In Band Feature Irish Biddies HeJghMft. 11 ln.;'Welght 160 lbs; Age^ 3' 8 r ^ BCIAIjT I 4 |.^ lt ' 6ftl0 ' n '! Welgiu.iMllw. Poaltlvelv Sober ant Reliable. Responsible Managers, only. One piece bill, preferred. Address THE TWO OlLPINS, "Badger Opera House," MERRILL, WIS. AUAaT Always songht-MAD- l1MlSI B IKON'S IIVDGET WiVVasi pro. 14. Contents In- nAIIAUIr elude 11 monologues, aVVVUn ■ o Bketcaea for male and female, 32 parodies, a great min- strel Urst part, a eno act farce, besides sketches for two females, for male quar- tettes; also hundreds of newjtags*and' f 8ld8 walk patter" ]oke9. PRICE ONE DOL- LAR. JAMES MADISON, 1404 Third Avtinat. New York. ALSO ACTS TO ORDER J auks MADISON writes for Joe Wetcti, Jit. /olson, Ben Welch, Marshall P. WU0tr, Howard ana Howard, liooneu and Bent, iVol Ctarr, Hunting and Francis, etc., etc. WANTED. AT ONCE TO JOIV ON WIRE REPERTOIRE ARTISTS IS AM. LINES Those doing specialties preferred. OIIAS. P. GILMOBE. Summit Pal*, vtfSfcaBj, N. Y. (nsar Otic*, N.Y.). FOR BALE CHEAP, MY NIGGER PREACHER ACT (Copyright No. 20781). Special drop 18 by SO. Act can close with singing, (dancing or musical In- strument. Why soflhur l have joined Mtttenthal Bros.' M. P. Stock Co, Act Just finished six weeks to. N. Y. 0. United jproRrammcs on request. Call or write. JACK BALL, White Bate Club, N. Y.CIty. AT LIBERTY, ED. COKE CHARACTERS AMD OES. BUS. Height,oft.8in.; wcl»ut.usibs. Tirketf Tea. Address KINGFISHER, OKLA. WANTED, COtVaEDIAN To put on acts and do specialties with Med. Co. around N. Y. City all summer. Pleasant engaao- ment. S. Ml. Seabott, 3S7 W. 24th St., N. Y. AT LTBERTY For Burlesque'or Mtslcal Comedy, The Ore at Leo. tortnerly lUusionhjt and Magician. Nol bet- ter, but as good as (no best. Bail ary your limit. Reliable managers address LKO THB WHEAT, 318 W. 115th St., Hew York. i rtJiX Two Mlautes* walk Irom the Kmplre. HINNOCK'S HOTEL ia»a-a* nidge Aweauo PlW, Vincent J. ?«jner PbUadelpbla.Fa. • ' ■" , i.r .. ,.IBISI »J l . ' AL. RRBVKS' BEAUTY SHOW. Al. Itcorcs pens the following! "Enclosed And roster of my ahow this coming season, opening at Rochester, N. J.. Aug. 23. All oar scenery, electrical tffecu, new first part and burlesque and practically a new cotn- Sany, headed, as usual, by Andy Lewis: ella Russell,' Vera,George, Carmen Carmen- .dta, Ollvcto Tremayne, Ulldred Huller, Oladys Slddons,' Uuth Bhaptcr, Mildred and June Royd, Mao Smith, Etta Major, Doro- thy Wright Ruth Uaringtoo, Anna Bates, Arabella Si Francis, Mae MUford, Sadlo Melrose, Vera Phillips, Lulu Hogan, Trlxte Denton. Ella Taylor, Lillian Spnndau, Doro- thy Allen. Beatrice Drew, Duchess Bijou, Gladys Bijou, Anna Ooff, Mao Bartell, l'carl Hall. Loietta Hoag, Edna Terr;, Ida Qirlle, Chick De Lalnc, Taullne 8.. Francis, Mao Kerns, Dorothy Moore, Jolly Eddie Fox, John lliims, Qcorge Smith. Chas. R. Brown, Tom Cochran and Al. Reeves. 'Give Mo Credit' M i PROGRESSIVE IN MONTREAL. The Progressive circuit havo added another houso to their circuit. Tho new. theatre will be In tho business section of Montreal, Can., on St. Catherine Street. F. W. Stair, presl- dent of tho Progressive circuit, arrived in New York July 1, after completing arrange- ments with a Canadian corporation to build to.e new theatre, the contracts call for a boose seating no less than eighteen hundred people. Ground will ho broken Immediately, and though the housa will not be ready until early next year, tbo Progressive people hope to bo able to play a few weeks at tho new house before the regular season closes. Tom Sullivan, flrst vice president of tho circuit, Is In Buffalo, N. Y.. while J. D. Barton is visiting Detroit, Mich. i » ■ OR TUB LAKE. Chat. D. Taylor sends Tim Cmiter a photo of himself standing near a telegraph Sole, on which the signs, "Forty Second trcet" and "Broadway" are nailed. He writes: "A lake full of water at my back and across the street from wbero I am stand- ing the Espanoy Hotel, full of cold Ehret's, drawn from the wood. This bunch of beer Suaffers are here: Charles (Single) Taylor, oe Madden, John Jess, Maurice Cain, John McVey, Jake Gordon, Frank Murphy, Tom McKenna, Carl Oath, Walter Myers, ltubo Bernstein, Charles Falk, Wnsh Mnrtln, Eddie Connors, Ross Snow and Arthur Whltclaw. Nearly all have their wampus with them." i i AFillOl'LANLD. On Sunday, Juno 20, Mr. nnd Mrs. Al. Reeves were guests of Mr. Peter MoLauKhlln, at his Gold Bug Motel, Mlncola, I,. I. During tho afternoon Mr. McLaughlin arranged nn aeroplane flight for Mrs. Reeves, with Horace Klmberly, ouo of our best known avia- tors, in his Boland type bl-plane, nt tho Garden City Aviation Field. Mrs. Reeves bad a fifteen minute flight nnd renched an altltudo of about twelve hundred feet, an experience which sho enjoyed hugely. AL never goes up In the air except when it comes to talking about records. ■i s '■ AT nOCKAWAY. The coolest spot at Ro:kaway Beach la the Seaside Hotel veranda, Seaside Station, where mine host, Martin Clark, Is entertain- ing many guests. Including bis theatrical friends. All the Clarke aro there: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Clark, Sam Clark and family, Lillle Clark. Over tho Fourth and on Sun* day. July 0, among tho visitors were: Davo Rose, Billy Arlington Mr, and Mrs. Andy Lewis and party, and Miss Yates. Milton Clark entertains capably behind tho bar ami at the piano, and several other pianists and singers and & lino dancing floor hold the crowds. * ATLANTIC CITY BURLauSQUB HOWS. After five weeks' vacation at Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Barrett leavo for the Catsklll Mountains for two weeks, They have signed with Watson's Big Shovf for the coming season. Geo. Barrett and Lew Watson aro soma swimmers. They walk five miles every morn- Ins: to reduce. George seems to be getting fatter—210. A sextette of merry bather, are: Mr, and Mrs. Joo Golden, Geo. and Maudle Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leslie. ii i THB LADY BUCCANBBRS. H. M. Strouse will use his old title for hi. Progressive wheel show. He has signed: Harry Steppe, Geo. L. Wagner, Geo. Martin. Millie Enteric, Wm. H. Harris, Ruth Everett, Orsce Whitman, H. Zltto, Marie Lorerldga and Mary Gray. Nat Hoffman, orchestra leader; Frank Gorman carpenter; Jim Gor* man, props.; Hsl Dlx, electrician, and Char. Franklin, advance. Rehearsals Aug. 1, opens a at— CLARK'S VANITY FAIR. Wm. Gross, formerly of 'Gross and Jack- son, and for some time partner of Leon Errol on the Pacific Coast, goes with W. 8. Clark's Vanity Fair Co., formerly the Mid* night Maids. Mr. Gross, who has never ap- peared East of Chicago, is now starring In the tabloid comedy, "Running for Congress." Mr. Clark has also engaged Billy Richie and Richie McAllister, Lena La Couvlor, Anna Lord. S i i GAIETY THEATRE BURNS. The Gaiety Theatre Albany, N. Y., was completely destroyed by lire July 1. Tho house was devoted to burlesque and was tho oldest theatre In Albany, It was a lending playhouse in 1018, and In 1810 was dedicated as a Baptist Church. It was ro-opened a. a theatre in 1802. i HAM HOWE TO CLOSE JULY 12.. Business was not up to tbo general stand- ard tho past week. The extreme hot weather Is accountable for the falling off In attend- ance. Sam Howe has decided to close the show July 12, and tbo Columbia will remain dark until the opening of tbo regular season, about Aug. 10. s 0TIRT1N ON THB WAY. James II. Curtln writes from San Fran- cisco, June 28: "Arrived here after doing Texas and Lower California and will be hero balance of week, then go to Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo; then homo about Aug. 1. Regards to all, « TAYLOR GBT8 SWEET. Dolly Sweet has signed with Chas. E. Tay- Jor, to play the French soubrctte part With <ls Darling s of Paris (Progressiv e circuit). Dolly Rodoers, formerly with the College Girls, will be married to .Billy Lucas, a buyer for Cudahy Parking House, Kansas City. Kittv Roth, formerly with Pat White's High Life, is taking a lend In Earle's Water Nymphs, now playjhgln Washington, and booked through on the Hulllvnn & C.'onsldlno circuit for an extended, tour, over tho West. Sam Robinson Will manage Charles Robin- son's Crusoe Girls (Progreaslvo wheel), next season. , e .„ MAURICE CAIN WHITES. "Ml Dm Olio: Many thanks,for ran* nlng my little letter In your last weeks column. The boys all read It. "Well, the bunch are all happy again. Tom McKenna, after playing last week af-Hom- mersteln'e. returned to the fold again, and hi. wife has taken off her black again, aa ■he waa In deep mourning all week, and we all sure enough tried -to make her happy, but Violet would not stand for it, her Tom "in the big city and she here In the country. 8a> JohnnTe Jess wired him to move from the., Normandlo to tho White Rats (Stag Hotel)/ and that pacified her all right. "Going to have a ladles' swimming race hero July 4 between the ladles from North- wood and tbe Eepanongs. Northwoods lino up as follows: Violet Hilson, Bonlta Gofasca. Mrs. McBrlde, Mrs. Carl .Garth and Ester Meyers. iBapanonga: Mrs. Jess, Mrs. Cain, Emma McVey, Edna Allen, Miss Walton. The winner is to receive a handsome toilet ■et given by the blr John Robinson, owner of the Eipanocg Hotel, and one prince of good fellows, "Johnnie Jess landed 'a Ave and a half pound bass last week. Charles Arnold Is proof, for It was sent to him, and he re- ports that It was a dandy. Well I Charles atands In with the clerk at tbe Bristol Hotel. Joe Madden is with us for a stay, and looks flue nnd funny. "A mysterious chicken strayed into us Sunday. Looks like Leslie Carter (Madden around the same day). We all wonder. "Our books show tho following folks here nt this writing: Mr. and Mrs. John Jess, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKenna, Blr. aad Mrs. Chaa, Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garth,-Mr. and Mr*. John McVoy, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wbltlaw, single O Chaa. Taylor (but as happy aa a lark, and looks the pic- ture of goon health). "Joe Madden In doubt. Eddie O'Connor I. in fine health again, so Mr. Savago had hotter hold something open for his handsome Juve- nile man. Having some photos run. Will send you some as soon as they are ready. "Yours truly, M. B. Cain." ii s l THB T. W. DINKINS SHOW. The Liberty Girls, the burlesque show that T. W. Dlnklns will send out ovor tho tfastera Circuit, Is composed of tho following people, vis.: Mntt Kennedy, Al. Bruco. Brad. Sutton, Arthur Mayor, James Dillon, Hurry Cole, Kd. (Thau*, Anna Hastings, Mona Raymond, Frnnkio Rico nnd Canrlce. Tho olio will con* slst entirely of performers Hint do not ap- pear In either first part or burlesque, but only work In tho olio, namely: Dainty Mnrlc, that clover vcrsntllo artist; White Hawk nnd Red Feather, a couple of gcnulno full blooded Indians who do n novelty net, Red Feather 1. styled the Apacho soprano, nnd has a wonderful voice. Gone Gomes, a discovery of Mr. Dlnklns, who claims great things for him. Alex. Gorman will be the manager nnd Harry Newman will bo In advance, the show starts rehearsals July 14, nnd opens In De- troit, on tho regular circuit, Aujr. 0, How- ever, a few one night stands will bo played before going Into Detroit Mr. Dlnklns chlros tho equipment, such as scenery and cos- tumes, will bo equal to any show on the cir- cuit and will cxcoll a number of them. The performers names speak for themselves. ■ BT OLIO. Brrm Weston Is having, a real time at Lako Oscnwana, N, Y. Bflle fays she will tnko a long vacation, as she needs a rest. Protty soft. Sa» sciuiisFit returned from the old vets.' camp at Gettysburg, after a One auto trip. FLOncMCB Arnold, enjoying tbo idle mo* meats of a much needed rest at Brie, Pa. Sim Williams took a flyer to Boston. Mass., last week. Strange, hi. act's not working this week. WllBBn'H Art. Mullcr? Coliikut, working steady in Can- ada with tbo N. Y. Tabloid Co. Paulino Palmrii, resting up in Detroit, Mich. With Tim Sullivan next season. Amdt GABONBn AMD lea Nicolai at tbelr camp In Joe Indian Lako. N. Y, Vic Babavelh, tho official pianist at a secluded spot In tho Catskllls. Wahii Mabtin add Ruur BxnN8T»N va- cationing In Eighth Avenue. Wash played Boston for a week, while Rube hooped up Bockaway for a day, Fbank Livinoston unloads bis Lox Club winnings at the Seaside Hotel, Rockaway, every Sunday. ., Gio. P. Muiu'hy and Carl HnNnr burning up the roads around Frecport, L. I., la George's big car. Gcorgo has a cbaffenler now. Tom BAnRBrr and May Hull, enjoying tho fragrant air of Long Island at their home, sweet homo In Free/port, iHuanm Bibnabd play, tho mountains three days each week. Davb Mabion, slipping over the knowledge ■tuff at his country home, at Toms River. Ralph KonxwAr and Mabib Fisiibb. Just having a real time, that's all, at Fair Haven, wiiBOB's Dili Wntson? ■ICiiuir Collinh and Too Browning, back In "Vaude." with a three act, assisted by Maxle Robinson. Job Burton and wife, and Llzotto Hofco enjoying tho refreshing and cooling breoze* of Yulan, N. Y. Tom Sullivan and riAnar Welch busy get- ting things ready for tho Irlg show on the Progressive circuit, In tbe wilds of Stated Island. Andy Lewis Joy riding In bis new Lozler racing hear. Some driver, Andy, 'Lou IUhkkm, Is running an open bouse at his bungalow In Falrtmvon, N. J. Everyono's welcome. Crab'dinners nnd Geo. Ehret's, the menu. 'Burn BAMiocn piling up a bank roll at tho races In Canada. Jack Stdxll entertaining the cream of the burlesque profession at tho Schuylkill Valley House, Atlantic City. N. J. Frank Hiiwib Is enjoying the Summer months at his bungalow at Fair Haven, N. J., where a colony of real performers con* gregate for sweet vacation time, iMkysr IlAnnis Is tearing off a "Rip Van Winkle" In the Catskllls. Chief of tbe Loz, Meyer, VinoiNiA Khxy hone Into New York from her "bung" In Newark, N. J., once a week. <8he says once a week's enough, Db, Louis (Ford) Svhh writes from At- lantic City that ho Is enjoying tbe breezes from the broad Atlantic, and will motor homo In his now touring car In a few days. Capt. Jim Atrwabd bold.'all motor boat records at Mays Landing, N. J., having cap- tured flrst honors af seamanship for the Jersey coast, iBillib Barry, chorus girl with tbe Cherry Blossoms Co., left Buffalo for ber bomb in Baltimore, June 17. John wereb and win are stopping with Tom Horrlssey at Falrbaven, having a On. time. __ Matt Woodward Is writing the book for Charles Robinson's alow, Progressive wheel, for next season. ftt r. ,:.Vi. arfT" »:'; ■/jfr'» \ &i 1 i .*&