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July 12 THE! 2STEW YORK OLIPPEB. 11 waobma Co. Aon. Soc., Wadena. 8. 28-87, J. H. stark. wassca Co. Aoai. Soo., Waseca, A. 28-30, Henry Mi 0 oi!*^Stt. Soa, BsB^rtdge, & 1-8. ^S&Aae * ■• **« AM * Bt 0h,d< * S. 0-12, w. E. Spencer. _ WiMasu Co. Tn-CouNTt ru» Assn., Wlnon*. 8. vJSiVK »£. Howard Lake, S. 10-19. WatStto^Oo^AobI. Soo., St James, 8. 8-10, Tnio» 1 MEmorM'oo. Fam Absk.. Oanby. S. 80- Y 0, 3, Frank B. Millard, Canby. MONTANA, mar,! Ootnrtr. OMnook. a. 10-18. Bar T. Moe. Dawsok CoOJntt. <aufo* * «-i»\ * H. Hoi. FiSutAn OonaWr, aUttspeU, J. Mb f. K. Ber- TjtceSSbtaTB Fan, Boamaa, A. K-taV W. K. jEirSSS^Obrarw. Wsdts*aU, ft, U-tt, Ike MADiSS'ooinwT, Twin Bridges, 8, UV88, Dwlght lmsbneU. __ L _~. . , - . . Montis a SXJS*, HeJrae. B. »-BT, A. /. BMt< rownx Codstt, Deer Lodge, O. 8-13, H. B. Orant. R..VALU Comrrr. Hamilton. 0. 1-4, Dm **«». Sandsss Oomrn. Elaine, O. 1-4. B. P, OaBtUe. rBSNSYLVANIA. Aiabotow* Fab, AUentaWB, 8. 9848, H. B. ffohall BloomsbubO Fan, Bkoaasbtrg. 0. T,10, A. N. Yost. Biacfobd Co. Aoai. Soo., Towinda, 8. 8»tt, Q. O. Johnston. Bucks do. Aau. Soo., Ptrka>l«, S. 17-30, S. Y. TJaiiliiftiir CiT-Tra Oo. Aaau Ass*., West Cbrsbrr, ft 18- 10. Fred Do Boee BeM. ■ cct.bt Fata ax» Aau. Baa, Gerry. S. 2-8, Wake Uorgaridge. C:i.v.\rar Lakjb Pais Assir., Erpostttoa Park. A. 25-29, Cbaa. T. Bycta. Ootbbbbuhd Co. Aau. Soo.. Carlisle, 8, 28-28, M. H. McOrea. EaE.vascao Fans, Sbcnaborg. 8. 18-19, D. Alli- son Irwin. Guanos KKcaxmzBirx abb Pub Asah.. Centre Hall, S. 18-10, Leonard Boone. Ha.novkb Aon. SOO., Hanover, B. 19-19, J. B. Miller. Eaitoeo Aobi. Soo.. Harford, 8. HI, 0. F. afaynard. Indiana Co. Aast Soo., ladloaa, 9. 9-18, David Blair. Ibtbb*iatb Par« Assn., Athena, ft 11-91, Cbaa. E. MlBs. JtwiiTA Co. Aon. Soo., Port Royal, 8. 9-12, James N. Qronlnger. KtnzTOWH Pais Assx., Kutrtown, A. 28-20, G. C. Bordnar. Lahoastkb Oo. Aau, Fan Aaait., tameaatar, S. «K>. 8. J. P. Mdcaarldae; Lbbajjok Paib, Lebanon, A. 10-99, Jobs Bollman. LiootOira Oo. faa. HagheavMe, O. 14-17, Ed- ward B. Fronts. Mimlttowk Fact Assn.. Mlddletown, & 2-5. John W. Uetager. Milton Fact and NcarHDHiBLam Co. Aobi. Assn., S. 30-O. 3, Jo. H. Jonnara, - Uontoomest Oo. Fact, Potttown, S, 1-6, Walter B. Baker. IIoxboi Co. Aoar. Soo., etrowlneorg, S, 1-8, W. M. Burnett. Kew Fbscoou FAttJrtas' T'-.t. Assn., {law Free- dom. S. 24-26, W. H. v«ed. N'oithaupton Oo. Aau. Soc, Nuaretb, 8. la- in, J. & Itelnieuaer. on, Oiar Aau. Pan Assy., TUostiUe, 8. 8- 12. P. H. Flanders. OsrxnBBna Obakoam' Piokio Assn., Otterbarf. A. 18-23, 0«o. W. Oster. Ouoim Aobi. AeiM., Oxford, 8. 24-28, H. O. Thomas. Pepbt Co. Aobi. Boo., Newport, 0. 14-17, J. O. F. Stephens. I-biladslfula Oo. Fan, Bpbatrr, Pbila., S. 18- 20. H. Brosa. Beioino Fan, Beadlnf, 8. 9-12, D. 1. UeOer- mott. Suttiib Pabc Asbn„ Hansdeld, 8. 18-10, R. O. Loorbotbam. Sionesoso Pan, StoneboTO, 8. 18-18, Geo. H. Fowler. SnxirAX Oo. Aon. Boo., FsrkeflUe, 8. 80-0. a. 0. N". MollDenz. Taor Aon. 800.) Troy, 8, 3-5, VT, ft HoaV gomery. txioN Oo. Aoar. too., Lewlsbuf. 8. 98-28. 0, Dile. Wolfe. L'iioK Aoai. Asbh,. Barantstowe, 8. 80-O. 9, D. 8. Tayior. WAT.sseaoBa Pan akd Aau. AirrT.. Waynea- burg, A. 26-90, Barry P, Bailey. Washington fan Assn., frasatngtoe, 8. 1-4, H, V. Cbellnt. WATtsrlnBa Aasi. Soo., Wattsburg, S. 18-19, J. 1. Rouse. Wbstuorb Faib Assn.. tonngwood, S. 0-12, W. _ F. Holrter, • •WSST ALBSAHtBS, 8. 16-18. J. It. OloBOD. loift Fit*, York 0. «•». H. 0. Beenrt. wiscoNgix. Adiks Co. Aon, Soo., One*. H. OBaan, Prferif- .•Mp.- 8. 1T-1?. Ashland Oe, Aotj. 800., W. Q. Konl,- AsMaod, " 8. 10-18. B abbot Oo. Fatt A«Bw. ( Jebd O. Bade, ftiee _ Blrer, 8. 912. ^^ BiTntLD Oo. Pin Assn., B. P. XMsleto, Irol _ BlTer, i Bbown Oo. Aon. A Fan Asaw., Herb. J. Smltb, _ De Pere, A. 28 28. Bosconn, Aau. A But. Paik Arisst., h. B. Buka, Bosoobelj A. 13-18. BnTrato Oo. Aobt. Boo., 3. 0. LeotSeher, Bton- _ dOTl. S. M-20. BmiNETT o>. April. , OrantBborg, B/Si-; Bababoo Vatirt Aobi. And. A. Anderson, , W. A. Stolte, Beeds- OMaris, a^tarftW burg,, Cu*x Co.' Pan, L. Willlunson, NeHlirtlle, 8. 2-8. CEN-rUt. Wn., rjTAM Pifll Art*,, J. H. Win**; c*£T b ££-£b£3*a tm, & 6. Brio*. _ Qays MUls. 8. 30-0. 3. ^owmbu Oo. Aon. SOfti P. A. Rhyme, Portage, DA *ff in ^ 0U- * ia ' U ' U ' 'BrnnwO' MaMsoa' DoM »^. Fan.A«uf., ft W. Harrepi Bearer D ™Ba?'sfTl8^ V ^ ^ ( Dooorig' Cto. Papi Arts., & <i Berfrtal, 8o> perlor, * . ^ Bobiiot Pm Aon. FinV B. F. Stoddard, _ DowrrtBg, i j,, , T^ .... S Oo ; .Aon. BOO.'; I; D. Bpllar, Metaaonle,' Bao-XJtara.Oo. ABU. (Wc,; Hfrt PredrlcK, Aa- BJBJBJjgJ Q Q JO ^HfiMpiP* ■* *• * <Btain - E*»tbbk MoNBpa 00. AOtt. Boa, M. Byreraon, -Toman. * Fond no Lao Co. AakL 800.^ ft. «. ttiaiow. Fond _ du Lac, B. 2-8. > ., . Fo "fi Oft Aobio. Soa. *. W. Orawfocd, Oran- don. fj, 2-4. Fox RfrtB Paib and Dnr. Abbk., iV. P. Stein- r. IK fWktoo. B. 16-10." "". ? Y 0 -.* 0 *- 8o °- w - K Bowdon, LliicaBter, a "? fl?".- 10 "' S* 0 - M - B - i«»e*. Bfenroe, 8. 10-18. . ,. Obeen Lau Oo. Aobi. Soa, a W. Hlteheoek, Berlin, 8. 0-12. Uillsdobo Aon. and Dbit. AiSN., B. V. Wernlck, H'tlsboro, . lNT ™-CoDKrr Pact, J. B. BtrrjoM. Sorlbl Oreen, A. 20-20. Qlbnwood Intbb-Oo. Pan Aim.. Herton T. BBker. Olenwood aty, 8.- 18-17. IntcbCoowit Fact, Prank 8. arable Stanley. 8. 23-26. .... MOgajL Oa Aon. floa; it H. Party. Black Bl Ter Pails. i . u -,. . JRTRBson Oo. arm B^ox B. Vaturr Aau. Soa, toJL %sg& serSNBSm *** s. z.j. KtiBooBN i»TBB-Ooolr*T Fats Aai*., Wra. ttttes- ple, Eilbottto, 8. 2-0. 8. KlCJLATOO VALLBT AOU. AMD OUT. PABI AtUf.. . Oeo. W. Bekraeder. Plola, O. 1-8. La Csosaa Intib-Statb Fact Assn. a 8. Tea AsAas, La Croase, S. 28-26. LATATBrra Co. Aon. Boa, Thoe. Klrsmn, Dax- llnaton, A. 28-20. LiNoLAsa Co. Aau. Soc, Henry Berner. AntJao. 8. 16-10. Lracout Co. Aon. Soc, W. H. Kaiser, aferrlU, Loot Onion Aon. Soo., A. H. Hinds. LedL A, 10-21. UABATHoir Co, Aon. Boo., held at Waeaas, Wt», JT. D. Chrlatle. SchoOeld, 3. 2-8. MABQuarra Co. Aau. Soa, held at WeatBeld, Via., Duncan H. Beld, BndeaTor, 8. 18-17. BOETHBKN WIS. STATfl FAIB ASSN., W, F. HOTS, Cblupewa Palls, 8. 16-19, Now London Aau. am> iHnosrsui Aasai., A. w. Aa d a ism , Kew London. Saw BnaacoxB Pact Abbm., W. H. Brooks, Nee- Blrtaaed. S. 8-11. Ocosnro Oo. Fau Aaut., J. B Chase. Oconto. Onbda Oo. Aon. Boa, A. Harner. RAraelaaAer, a. 14-18. OcTAiAura CO. Asm Boo., t. A. Carroll, Bor- toattlVe, 8. 9-11. OiAinraa Oo. Aon. Soa, T. J. Eocicb, Oedtr- Isift, S. 18-Mv Vara q». Aaaa. Boa. Fred Haatlac*. BbbjsjsA, i'lsasa Co. Aaao. Boa. B> H. Poweee, EUawor*. Plastbtbjj Fai* avdj Aoat. Soa. O. H. Qrib- bls. PUttortlle, S. 3-B. CARNIVAL NEWS 1 throwinj. As his family enlarged, each as Caught something that weald fit In with Loan Williams, Aa- Palmet, St. Orols Poaaaoa Oo. Aon. Soc, Lo aenr, B. 10-12. Pout Oo. Pact Assir.. B. A. FaMs, 8. 16-19. Paroa Co. Aau. Boa, Oeo. R. Pester, Phillips, 8. 14-10. BicartAHD 00. Aau. Soo., W. O. Barry, BJcUaad Center, S. 23-20. Rusk Co. Pant Aesn„ John Bronaky, Brace. Baok Oo. Aou. Boa. 8. A. Pelton, Baraboo. 8, BOO. 3. Sawtbs Oo. Aont. Fact Assn., A. Brouhard, Bayward, 8. 80-O. 9. SazMona Faib and Dbit. Pabjc Asbk.. Oeo. P. Fiedler. 8eyowar, 8. 3-5. Shawano Co. Aau. 800., John. 0. Sekween, Ska- wase, ft 16-10. SbbbotoaK Co. Aau. Soo., Otto Qaflron, Ply- month, 8. 8-6. SorrawtsTiiN Wis. Fan Assn., D. b. Jracoba, Hlneral Point. A. 19-22. Spabta Dbivino A A«uu. Assn., W. A. Holden, Sparta, i Btbtbns Point Fan Assn., A. B. Boorn, Btetena Polst, S. 9-12. Tatlob Co. Mbchaxicai. A aVeal. 8ca, A. J. Latton. Medford, 3. 2-4. Trimpbaucad Oa aobi. Boa, Ben. W. D&rls, Galesburg, A. 26-28. Vkenon Oa Aau, Soc., C»l. K. Motley, Tlrooua, S. 16-19. Walwobth Oo. AOBI. SOC, P. M. Porter, Elk- aora, B. 18-10. WAaagxaaoN Oa Aaait. Soa, Jos. P. Haber, West Bend, 8. 18-17. Wadsmaba Oo. Aobi. Soa, W. B. StUwell, Wan- toma, B. 24-20. WabT4«a Oa Aou. Boa, H. W. aiocte, Weyea- weca, S. 2-3. WiarMBMM Oo. Aou. Boc, A. B. Maxwell, Oeh- kesh. 8. 23-26. Wavbitowm Imtbb-coontt Pact Asbn., o. W. Harts, Watertowa, 8. 13-26. WiSHBuaif Oo. Aou. Assn., W. O. Orockcr, Spooaer, -^—— KANSAS. Axlbn Cotnrrr Asbicoltdbai. Socibut: F. 8. Beattle. lola; 3. 2-5. Allen Coonti —iforan Agricultural Fair Assn.: 0. H. Ford, Moram 8. 17-18. Babton Cocntt Fact Absociation: W. L. Bower- box. Great Bend | 0. 7-10. Bbown CooNir—The Hiawatha Pair Association: J. D. Weltmer, Hiawatha; S. 23-26. Butler Counts: Fact Abbooution: T. P. Han- nlon, El Dorado | B. 22-26. BUTI.BB Ooontt —Douglass AgrlcDllanl Society; J. A. Olay, Douglass; O. 1-4. Olat County Faib Asiociatdh: J. W. Nord- etrorn, Olay Center; 0. 7-10. Clay Counti —Wakedcld Agrlcnlraral Associa- tion: Engene Elklns, WskeOald; 0. 8 and 4. Cloud Countt Faib Abbocutiobts W. U. ale- Oarty, Ooaeordlai 8. 18-10. Corrsr Cocntt AoaiotJLioBAL Pan AsaooiATioNt S. D. Wearsr, Barllnfton; A, 28-29. Cowlet Coonit— Bsstern Cowley Fair AstMla- tlon: Asa Cooper, Burden. Oowlbt Cornm AoniccLTCBAL ANn Lira Stook Assooution: Frank w, lldle, WInBeld; A. 11-14. Dicatub Countt Fact Association: 3. B. Oorrell, Oberlln: S. 3-5. A DioKIMsoM OoOTtt Fact Association: a. 0. An- dVrsoa. Abilene: O. 1-8. DOUOLAS CODWTt FACT ANB AoaiOVbTDiAl, So- THE EXPOSmON. BT JAMI3 B. TOUKO. (WBimp BzctusiTBbT tob Tne New Your. Clippbb.) Wbca the oxecutlve bead of one of the ter/rest railroad systems aa the country, a toaa of International reputation, and known from ono cntl of the country to the other, takes bis pen In band. Bite down and vrrltet) for a leading nagnslae an article hiffhly com- Bending the National Conaerrallre Kiposl- tion that la to be held In Knoxrllle, Tenn, tram Sept 1 to Not. 1, of tae nrmiit year — When this earns projeet of &<> rrJUTtnatcdl Southland, day by aBajr continues to attract attention art orer the comrtry In the ncws> papers, msgaalnes and weeklies — When tilt) rallroods of the South Join Druids to do everything In their power to make the exposition a huge success — When these things happen, why then there are hundreds and thousands of men who be- fin to sit up and take notice. And that I* list what b going on these days. The thougbu of these persons run somewhat la this wise: ''Here la the biggest kind of on exposition that la going to be held in the section of the country that men agree la the coring sec- Tho big new All-South Dtilhllng, where the new South will be on display, la under roof. The Midway section of <he grounds, on which It was necessary to do a vast amount of work, >a practically ready for tho arrival of the different attractions, tho attendants pnd tne other workers, in what will ho prob- ably one of tho busiest ami moat popular sec- tions of the big exposition grounds. Space In the different buildings is now al- most at a premium, it is assured that the line of exhibit*, Federal, State and private, will be by far the most complete and compre- hensive ever gathered together for an expo- sition in thu South. Uncle Sam, In particu- lar, will spread himself, and will send td Knoxvitle a line of exhibits the Ilka of which 8eve.- before loft Washington. The) different tat* governments of the sixteen great Btatei •f aaissotrjn Will also make splendid displays. tlon of tb» United States. It is a rig propo- sition I can't afford to inlsa It and I won't. So there f That's why tbe hustling and prosperous city of Knoxvllle, down at the foothills of the Oreat Smoky Mountains, la making her preparations now to care for and entertain at least one million visitors from all parts of the country, during the two months that the gates of the exposition will bo open to the public. Prom the looks of things the good people of Knoavlllc are not gotng bo be disappointed In this regard, rather they are going to be surprised, Tor those In close touch with the affairs of tho exposition, those who haro their fingers on the pulse ot the people, confidently expect the attendance from outside the city to go well orer the million mark. W. VT. Flnley, president of the Southern Hallway, was the railroad executive referred to In the opening paragraph. In the July issue of a Middle West magasine, and over his own signature, Presldont Flnley says: "The National Conservation Exposition, to be held la Knoxrllle, Tenn., during the com- ing Kail, 'will, I believe, be a moat important factor in tbe dissemination of knowledge aa to tbe resources and opportunities of the Southern States, and In the development of trade along the North and South, lines through, the river gateways. It la for this reason, of much more than local or sectional importance, that not only those who ara Interested In tbe Southeastern section, but also those who are interested In the develop, mont of trade along North and South lines, should co-operate for Its success." And when it is remembered that tho Senato of the United States In aa official report had some highly commendatory things to say of this project, then it is easy to see that the Infiuence behind it Is weighty and) fear reaching. A little teas thas two months before the dale set for opening the gates of tho National Conservation Exposition finds everything con- i.ected with it far advanced. The buildings that have and art going up are either com- pleted or no nearly so that It will take but a short time to finish them. The big Libera] Arts Rulldlna- Is finished. So is the new Land Building dol apfles—the latter an audi- torium sealing three fhotisend persons. The Tennessee BuildJFii is almost finished, the WMJM . Sj BB B B BB JBBj dibit: 0. Q. Bow«nsn, Lawredee; B. irt-il But _CWtn* lidelefl dTT AoBidtfbTtrBAi, Faib Association! Fred. B. Lanier, OreooU; 8. 9-4. . _ Psaxkun Con#rr Asjlomvrosaii SotoBtt: f, B, Ffaler, Ottawa; 8- 18-lf- Obat CWntV laBtcovrnaii, SeOTBTt: Lester Luther, Cimarron, 8- 4 aftd 8. — GBEENWOoe Count* Pan Association: i. 0. Tal- EAseta' lo^NTri-latncny 8 ' Fair AsseeHttoa: L. BAjrVMi- *ftR&ff m ChU. LaavxNwo: Rathi Lincoln culti Grove, 17-19. LrNN Cousti Faib Abbocution : C A. McMullea, M«iud ftr>; B, jto-ttjt... -j,. J. _4i . Lcoak CocNIlr- loter-Ctoui/y , Fair AsSoclatioa: F W; Irwio, Oakley; s, t-0. ■ HoPnFBBON OonJiM iaiiculffuaix, FAn Asso- oution: Hilton HawkinsoS, afefnerson; 8. Head* Countt Faib Association: BL W. Oamp- MrroaiBt^^rn»T//A^BiojiJM^B4 *ini Assocu- ijc: feniwt 4, dniAit' tl JTirf god Agrl- WoWer; Syltaa riosj: B. HoNTOotraar Coijntt Fact Aisoct* Ir»ln, CofftiTjllfl 8., 22-27. _ . . .. HONTOOUEBT OoDNTX . AoaipUXTUBAL Soctbtti Chas. Kerr, lsdiependeno>. . . ,. _. • Kbkaha OpuNir Pact AjbouiAtion : M. B. Con- nett,Pfea; 8. 80:0.8, ——^Foar-COi Neosho OOtrwTT- taral Society 7-10. f - 'oi«e^,ty. Noeton Oountx Aoni S'l .District AgTlcul- tdeau, Cbanute; 0. P. GBirttr, Sortct,,, Ottawa Oowrrt FAU} Assoc AsSoCiatton : J. A. socxxtion: U. :oW: 3. E Jo'jn- Pawnxb LOou^T?^|Bnro£tTnwt ■AssociiTioK: T. pc^rrojSjDo^xi %a^iihiti Societt: MCiATioV: Walter PMJto. NTT-^OrarraJ 4ansi* PATf" Association: BookP. CotJrrrT^pAt* - AAjoctfTrOrT; O. A. Big- gins, Stock&ni 8, *o. j. Bussbll Oountt Fact AssoOutiori: 7. B PuOt, Roasell; O. 7-10. Busa Countt AuaiouiTtCTAL and Fact Aaaocw- SawASry' i b&Jk B Fmkt^ijflSio$. ''ufctal'; S. sWaHhss* OoVrrrrfeJtanaaB ^tate Pair Assoc'la- tftn.' H. L. Coot Topeka: 9. 8-12. EUDIUAN COUNTI AOBICnLTUBAt, AND IlACINO Assooution: Wade Warner, Goodlsnd; A. 10-21 j , ... Smith Countt Pact Association: H. O. Smith, ■wee* of July 7. O. 11. uoisnan. iuo whii hi own promoter, haslieen In the city for the fcast ten ilnvs getting everything in shape tor h's comnnny. The new City i'ark on tho lnke front will be. tho location of the shows, tied a bitter soot could not havo been found in tho city for this affair. Wednesday, July V will be I'lremon's Day, and a big parade will be given, participated in by twelve ylalt- ing fire companies from neighboring cities. Oreat credit Is due tho committee, whoso duty It was In selecting the attractions for the 1013 carnival, In chooslnir tho Hatch Shows. as their reputation In this eectlon of tho country la second to none, and after visiting eeveraf different carnival shows they decided that the Hatch people had tho one they were after, #0 contracte were signed at once. The 'Queen Contest," which Is being en- tlneered by Mr, Coleman, of tho Hatch hows, Is proving morn exciting arid prom- ise* to be more profitable than arty contest that was ever conducted Here. Already sev- eral hundred dollars have been taken IB and It h«» sl» flaya yet to run, and from aiyndl- catlons it will run up into the thousand!. ^USSM^T H oTB FROM JHE WOjtfHAM k Sijj^iaisS-c^rsiStfa m&nri.i.irJH'lj! %m 1 On* mac-bin's 1 One mtcnttt One mach ne One, mach Oe eamea One pwcWtcj et^tae One ttScb no eAt&e ne mach no tatne i 21 Wks., 1901 25 f VS.. HOI _28*$s',MiQ One machine eirned f 20,138 in 02 wke.,19Ji Hgures will 6 virtfied to costomerf a Above figures win be verified to costi O. W. PARKER, LeaTenvrortb, Kat, FLASH WATCHES and SILVERWARE SultsMe for Prftes", also Sfage Jewelry, Paihl.. CoTd Cftarn, Jlunit pt, .._6t. Send roTjM«fcidi««w Address; tj^ oUt fCJiabTe Bi pi ITHHJI St ttfif Ureatse Pm\hU{ CoYd Cream; etc., best Ifjth6.n5wkct. Jer^l - am, Jlnrnl i»; VHBB aa 141 itef; watvasht Ave.j Chitdgu; ill. Pratt; 3. 2S-A. Bbno CouNTT-r-Cenl BsrflUt Sirdth OenteriB. 2-8. , gTAFvoED OoukSx- Pais A-sbocutiok: Bay, St. John; AT 20-29. B B. He- Amr.F.T Boucicaclt, son of the late Dion TJouclcault, was stricken at tho Kalserhof. .with pneumonia. He la at tie New York Hospital. James ITAnvE SxeNOP.n, manager of a car- nival company, narrowly escaped being crushed to death -when d pyxhbn colled around Mm.' illlc La Bcncto, who owns, the reptile, pCiyed on a fligeolet. When she be- gan to play, and at the same time swaylnfe her body to and fro, the reptile raised bis head and began to sway ix rhythm with, the player arid (he music, be stretfufllky loosened promptly filnfed: He Wat re'viVed dBd'foUhd to be unhurt. FAIR GOODS m A fail n'Mortniofrt Of grit SlleS; Wlfet Heads, ptsrlei *lfiH« lntest nOTcltle* for mallOra^t^eVfalriaiiarosOtts. Write fiircat- alogue. JEtVKtrt/ BEAD SOVKlCTV CO., 180H. Dcariofii St., Cfilertgtf, 111. tzimn mm photo snor imm u this mi quici drALJTY, aVAHTITV, HESl'LTB-daCi 7ta« Home of fill Unlek JPbotociraphp CIHAK THEATBtOAX. PHOTdrJ 333 N. OlartxiSt., Cfaleatgey »T jjiNIt H. UBfO 1 . . , - , *888 Wt- W* left Ottti BajHds. Pwmotlr.fijejen.-thijjb». Bunday roornliig for tuo run to La L Crost», yv a.. Svb * gv™ 9S3I § from Odor rtapids we WTO Isld oat BcvefJl fladrs" on dctoont of a freight Wreck; atMfc^haaj seven. In th« MWilqg. wo Md at Ilffl* wfcet. W our Own, siftaahlfig the end of two car?, the *rl- Tate car Of tt A. Worthrttn and fhd Mr contain- ing Buckskin Ben'e (mows and it was wOtt/mt for awhile Omt tho earn would tiiva to bo left off and the stuff trajiaforrcl, Out , with cureful handling we arrived ta J,a Orosso about ten-thirty Monday morning, and (lieq cuuio a race against tlrne to tret Ibo shown all ready to oueq at filglit, Tho crowd ou tb» street wan big ill oar walrfijr" tlio wflcons, being ^rao»pot|id to. t tl(0,tot.wnI ay wuicuing ig trnosiwricd to'. tho lot. which was located' rigut fit tbe heart. ..of tb* city. It was easy to see that Oi<t would l» badly illsaji- lio.'iited If tho cpttilng did uot tiiko place on >fo«- day Atenlng so tho 6rder« went Oot (bat every- thing would bo ready. Then It wa» notbina; but hard work for tho remainder of tbb day, With tbe tiicrnjf.incter standing anomid a nnnflrcd in the Bhmle almost nil day. Hut by eight In tbe otcn- lng, everything was Tpunlng In full blast, and tho largo iiatronngo (bat all tho shows received helped In a rocas-ura to take away uome ot the tired feeling. . , I sBnpose there Is no One In thin world nut thinks that some oho else has It a llfllo better tl-nii they have. Ouess It's ln«t the 1 nn(iir4l dls- ccr.teiit that Is b«m In one. 1 have oftcA tbeught wl'cu tlic train was mailing past one of those nice forms how nice It would oe to trade the exclto- diiut that goes with the show life for A life of Quiet oh fir) farm, and I humum? every farmer that Is on his porch Watching the «ti<rw train go by BSys to hlnwelf "What a idee, Mnf life those 1 how folks have." But It would not dike long for some of as to got fired of the farm ahd tiie turner would noon be dlscontrnfed wllb the Above life, so I gness we had better each tut In the) slollon bo Is ATii*t fitted for. A. curufval man rrit-hl (10 coiilcnU-il in tho codntry If lie fonM.keeij Tub. Uurpss away from the bouse and set I thin* »in«»ots |he fiext weflil .will tie JK a little' lonesome without seeing tub oi.tI BtLiMt* every week. _. . . lrnckskln B«h, whose Wild West in} Dog And Pony Show* are csrrlwl as the feature attraellona. la one of tho pioneers of the stiow baafoesa, lie lilarted lil« show twenty-seven years afto, when there was Just hlnmetf and bis wife. Ills flt.t real performiineo was given In a little twrsty-fnot tint at an Old Hutticrs' picnic, at a little tenn In Northern Indiana. At that time one did not have to give very mocb of a performance to get the money, and his wife nhil hlhuwlf pleased a FOB-*- STREETMEN'S GOODS Biggest variety of Bibney.ilajrirjg Novelttos, Paddle Wheela, Oonntry Stores, Shooting Galleries, Doll BaolfB. All kinds of supplies—Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Baz,ors, Yankee Wottone, Canw, Pennanta and Everything else handled by Street Venders, Park OondefloloilBMres and Outdoor MerciumtB. v „ Catalog free to everybody who buys and Belle goods, fflo oatalog or goods sent to Coneamers, Curious Pooplo or EuJbbcrtieefc8. M. SHUFb£ OO., \eVh/3i*29S8».*» f.24l Vsaf. IVlttdeson JS^., ChlOatg© aire, and in charge of the amusement fat* turn of the espoaUlon. wears a jpernetaAl ■mite these days. "Groucu" and Wright are divorced; they are no longer on speaking terms. ''Joy" is his boon compaulon. Why? Because Mr. Wright not only has been able to dispose of most of his concear slons, but also because he has been able to book a tine Of attractions that spell the big- gest and best and liveliest Midway ever seen at an exposition South of Mason's and 1)1 ion's line, and one of tho best over seen in the country. lie has piled one big attrac- tion to on top of another so fast that now it ia a question how they all con bo shown to the best advantage. Ibo cyea of the show world aro on Knoxvllle and the National Conservation Exposition now, and soon Mr, Wright and his assistants will bo ready to ■welcome them to Knoxvlllo and show them what a progressive Southern city can do once It sets out to accomplish something. One feature ot tho exposition that will appeal to show people, is that of arranging for almost the entire exposition period, a scries of special days, that oiust bring—all of them—large crowds into Knoxvlllo for these duys. Tho very low rates of faro of- fered by nil Southern rnllroads, the lowest ever granted an exposition, with the excep- tion of the world's fairs, are also sure to have their effect on the outsldo attendance. Watch Knoxvlllo smoke I Will bo the watchword after Se ptember. HATCH SHOWS AT GENEVA. Thl Oeneva, N. V., Kire Department is making great preparations for the appearance of the J. Prank Hatch Shows, whloh are to furnish the attractions for their carnival. wee* of July 7. 0. II. Coleman, the well po Mk one was tbe show, and up to about ten years ago there weta six children and hie wife that put oa the entire show. At tho present time tbey arc all married, except tbe two yoiinfeet, and have re- tired from the business. lien nn« never hail the ''Big Show" hug very strong. He realised that with the eolarresnent ot the show the trouble and renrry enlarged also so be keei>s bis show about the »lw> that can be handled nicely In two car*, and he la la a position then to look after all parts of it. Wo played the week of June 30 at Dututb, anil than go into Winnipeg for ten days at the fair. La Crosse was UfJ for all tho shows, and althou«h It was frightfully hot all day avery snow was open and did a nice business etery afternoon. II looked for a llltlo white Tucsda; afternoon like we would tiavo a severe blow (town, but fortu- nately for us the wind was Just high enough not to do as any damage, bat the way tbe cVoada felled arennd looked awful had tor a few mlnnlea. There was a big rush tor Tun Otn Rbliabls last wash whoa tbe peekago cane as It bad our special Plstarea Is, and it wea not long nnttl raw Boat once was taking care of tbe copies sent ■at to the people to their friends, it was ear- tatnry a group to be proud of, awl one could not blame as It we were a little 'VAcaty" on aeconat at beiag with It. t am writing this In the coot Of the morning- (2 a. M.l. and as tho lot Is almost elear mid there la aa early call for morning, I B.lnk I will turn Is. DOLCTH, Uinn., July 4. It la raining at the present time, and aa Hock- akin Ban Just remarked, we are having an outing. but I cannot toll Just how much I aw out until It's stl over. Tho . ence is likely to prove a disappointment this year. anniversary of our Indcpend- Laal year we were In Calumet, Ulch., and It waa a big day tor everyone. Tvwtay has settled In for an all-day rain, or that In the way It looks at tho present writing. The call was sent out last night for all tbe shows to he ready to open at 0 a. at., but the call boy forgot to notify the people downtown, and there wns very little doing before the rain started at noon. But carnival role, as a general thing, don't waste any time gottinu tho blues, no natter what happen*, so it & a rather cheerful bunch around walling tor tho rain to atop, Oar lot this week la about four miles from the City propor, hut ttiat ban not kciit the people away. We had quite a little rain Wednesday and Thursday night*, and (lie balance of the week has been cool and pleasant cnuiimnsl with tbe ex- treme hot weather of last week, mid business baa bteai reasonnbly cowl. Suudnr morning will aeo us on oik- way to Winnipeg, anil nntwlthatondlng the rrixirm that nra coming In that Osnada Is overrun with itbon-s, we foel that we hati an outfit that will wt th» ImtliiHis. If there Is anyone there. It mint be nice to hare as cheerful a illapasllloa si "Red Onion" has. no matter when you flee him, or under whit conditions. He always has that smile that t* on to atay, and there Is no one on tbe outfit Ibat ia more ponulur. J. If. IllKMlrs, wbo waa with the Danny llordn- •ou outfit foe bo many years, Joined lluokakla Hen's Knows nt Duluth. Myrtle Stalker and Uretta Derby, with Buck- skin Ben's shows, are ontalnly clever people in their Unci. Myrtle does some work with net tnim that la really remarkable. She, I, the young- *st lady ride shot In the business, and when she slaxtB In breaking Ibo slnm balls there aro none of them that ever retch tbe ground In the same condition thoy were thrown up. Hhe has Inherited ^„ cl ? R C . c *° "|b1 a steady 11I01 from her father (Bpokskln Ren), as there aro very few that have got it on Mm with firearms, Lotvtta, who Is one of the Atrial Derby's, a free net with Worthura A Allen, la one of the most versatile girls In the business, She Is only seventeen, yet her work with her broncho wonld put to stiiiinc many of tbe so called eow-lny* and cowgirls. Besides her aerial work and riding, she also ptnys alto lu Buckskin Uen'H Basil, . Hiirnum A. toiler's advertising cur, Vo. 1, Is here, billing for tbclr date here, July 24. TO CORRESPONDENTS OVR THEATRICAL (JOHHK. BPOMDBBTVI AllE HjoRBBY N/3TIF1BO THAT THE CHEDES- TIAL8 NOW HELD St fHEM EXPIUED OX JU.NE 1 ( >«13. Tiny AllE HEtttESTKD TO IlETUHN THUn TO THIS OF- FICE AT ONOK FOU HK.NKWAL, FOB luia-14 York, rallnqulslied his lease Onorri IIouHo, after being Its teen y*ar«. The now lessee 1 Edward T.cpnrielley, 1 jnofJon Plcturu theatre Conncl/vy Is :umlng iiht ,to_«lng with tho.band. Last year h» vllllap, co to Celeron l J ark every Stint- ISBjBl ir i gj j U sai Ud .BB lH lsBB IIS » S,B BE18 OBT8 LflABD^ (Special to TBB Ciiprgn.) JiMRsrowN. n! %, July 7.—TI10 most in I enrtunt tlihutrlcal ueol In this city in year I toolt plnco here.foday when M. liels, of NevI led lifs lease on tbe Samuols* mssoger for tlf- „ and manager 1» JidwufU T.X'ontlelley, owner of the (Jrand, g - theatre. a former well known vaude- ,Ing with acquired tuo plcturu house and made this city his permanent home; having purchased a rgsldMK'e. ilr. Oonnelley Is cfflclcnt, popular, and hat tlio yra of youth necessary to mako a go of his latest venture, and. from the class of boopJogs already- made, Jamestown Is assured of Dome of th» dost road attractions for the coining ecasoo. - rfho new management has already taken possession. FBBpunic McKay lifts engaged S. B. Jack gnd Ooorge I'rederlc If In ton for bis miina- forinl start m;xt season. Hoth Mr. Jack and Ir. Hlnton hare been ahead and back with companies, and it Is Mr. McKays' Intention to alternate them in those two positions ■with Blanche King, In "When Claudia Smiles," on her forthcoming tour. CHAMUrfTM Thompson, who dramatized "Tho Awakening of Helena nitchio" and "Itcboccn of Buntiybrook Farm," has returned from IDurope. after having arranged with Sir Gilbert Parker for the dramatOatlon of his new book, "Judgment House." O/.ivbd HOBO8C0 lias engaged tenorr Ul- rica id play the leading role in "The Bird of Paradise" When it makes a tour through tho Western States. DOrULD IiUIAN AMD >[M.K. DA7.IE Will Op- ?car at tho flflecnth annual «orformapeo for ho benefit of the Hebrew Infnut Asylum, I, wiiltnjartii.be. glvcn^ under ^no direction of i*jaW~JMABBtfiM ~~1fbn"her~ milt against Mrs. 87, If be given . ry B. Hrtfrif, at Arreriie. on July red their cor vices, g ifbu her suit Lord Morthenrpton for breach of promise. She was awarded £2o0,ouo. She says she Intends going back on tne stage. David Af.BXANORn, the popular manager of tho tnle-Mnlnstlc Theatre, In JtcAlcHtor, (►kin., was married to Ornce Kgcr, of Hurtles- vflld, Okla., nt Muskogee Juno 20, Thoy Will make their home lu WcAlester. Mate. Mamb lUrpoi.D anu Hi lmr.i'ii IlcBo- BB, both omcra stats, wero married July 2, JTie cererhony was norforrncd In the City Hell. Newark, N*. ,1.. Iiy Mayor Haaisllng. >MB nowjt Is* KiWIe Foy wiio Is going to head a vouflbvlllc cbmpsny. This Is the an- notincertent dinilo by Arthur Klein. Who also Is dlrertrng the tour ot the Mm Tnnguoy t^». CTttt MAiimi. the Knglhh actor, will be acompanled on his tour of ^Arncrlcojmoer the mnnagr-morrt ,of the . Tiltj er .<?im SS next swson, by bis daughter, 'Maritrle, who w« piav leading ports Jt» a nmnbe* of jllecea b lSw ttn UWU QoknjI nave been OTgagpd from vaudcvfllo to S»y Wfts In the "iJossItib- Hhmv of una." Witt Gonne will haw* travesty on tlio character of "Tho Poor Littio Wen »fl,"