The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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JULY 12 THE NEW YORK OtlPPEE. 13 ""V»ra;-- ; 5 EI JLa I Gp DIVERTING SELECTIONS imaging, Informing f Entertaining ALL FOR THE JOY OF SUMMER AND THE DELECTATION OF THE MILLION A SEXTETTE OP SUBJECTS Jaly S1.-THE SHORT-STOP'S DOUBLE. A story 0' «n In- fatuated baseball fan woo almost lost Us credit, Ua money and his position. Fall of excitement. Jaly 33.-THE SENORJTA'S REPENTANCE. A dramatic story of the desert mines ot Northern Mexico. Striking pictures. Lota of snap and action. i July S3,—THE UNSEEN DEFENSE. A One story of emotions aroused by an old choren song. A patria tio play ot war time and Its aftermath. ^ July 34.-TWO ARTISTS AND ONE BUTT OF CLOTHES. An amosing come- dietta, Involving embarrassment from shortage of dress. On the same reel with IN MORO LAND. One of Sellg's picturesque educatlonals In our Island possessions. Jody »5—THE ACID TEST. A strong love drama is which a fair yoo.Bg lady concludes to release a dashing jonng man in favor of a plodding scientist who saves the family. July 10—A great two-reel release from the pen of Mrs. Otis Skinner. A powerful drama of the day, Ne'er to Return Road SELIG POLWOPE COMPANY f« FIRST CLASS SELECTED COMMERCIAL SERVICE Shipped ro .ail' 'the country POSTERS SUPPliUlI) N^rito for Terms URGE STOCK OF FILM FOR SALE Film. E change, 61 W. I4lh St., New YorJi July 0.—"Freaks In All Trades" (Own.) Sam* reel. "Production of Wine in France" (Ind.) Jaly 8.—"His Master's Voice" (Dr.) Same reel, "The Making of Tapestry" (Ind.) July 0.—"dumoot's Weekly," No. 70 (Top.) July 10.—"Tin- Trombone Morstbon" (Com.) July 15.—"With Honor it Stake" (Dr.) July 10.—"Onuroont's Weekly," No. 71 (Top.) July 17.—'The Tiny Troubadour" (Ohm.) Great Northern. July 5.—"Winning a Prise" (Com.) Same reel, •The Trondjom Railway" (Scenic). •The Jolly Recruits" tOota.) "A Country Cousin" (Dr.) Jaly 12. Jaly 19. I July 4.—' Lnx. Jaly Jaly Jaly Jane July July Jaly July Jaly Jaly July Jaly Jaly Jaly '»»r Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Jaly Joly July Jaly Jaly July Jaly Jaly July MUTUAL FILMS. Majestic 2.—"Mutual Weekly," No. 27 (Top.) 9.—"Mutual Weekly," No. 28 (Top.) Matmatl Educational. 10.—"Fuanlcus an 1 His Mothec-In-Law" (Com.) and "Sulgca." American. 30.—"Quicksands" (Dr. 2 reels). 3.—"Pride of Lonesome" (Dr.) 5—"A Tale of Death Valley" (Dr.) 7.—"San* Francisco the Dauntless City" (Bd.) - 10.—"the Foreign" 8py" (Dr.) 12.—"IW Bong of the Eoup ,( (Com.) \!'A Garden'Party'In California" (Ed) W.—"Truth la the Wilderness" (3 reels. 17.—"To Err is Human" (Dr.) 19.—"At the Half Breed's Mercy" (Dr.) Broncho. 2.—"All Riven Meet at Sea" (Dr.) 8.—"Grand-Dad" (2 reels. Dr.). 10.—"Heart Throbs" (2 reels. Dr.) Majestic. 1.—"The Golden Jubilee" (Dr.) 8—"Gessaley's" Gladiator" (Com.) «—"The Shadows of the Past" (Dr.) 8.—"One ot the Finest" (Dr.) 12.—"The lagrate" (Dr.) 18.—"Impulse" (Dr.) Thanhonser. 1.—"Ring Reoe'a Daughter" (3 reels). 4—"Her Two Jewels" (Dr.) 8.—"for the Man She Loved" (Dr.) 11.—"An Errand of Mercy" (Dr.) 18.—"A Orepe Bonnet" (Dr.) Ho. mo. 2.—"I'm No Counterfeiter" (Dr.) 8.—"Mag, and Woman" (Dr. 2 reels). 10.—"A Dog-gone Baron" (Com.) Kay-Bee. *.—"The Crimson Stain" (Dr. 2 reels). 11.—'The Banshee" <3 reels. Dr.) 18.—"The Bed Mnk"*'(2 reels. Dr.) "Pat Gets on the Trail" (Com.) and ''An Easy Day" (Com.) Solas. July 2.—"An Unexpected Meeting" (Oom.) Jaly 4.—"Tree Hearts" (Com.) Jaly 9.—"The Flea Circus" (Scientific and Com.) Joly 11.—"As tb.3 Bell Blngs" (Dr.) July 10.—"Cooking for Trouble" (Oom.) July 18.—"The Intruder" (Dr.) s ' June 80.- Jaly B.- July 7.- Jaly 10.- Jaly 14.- Jaly 8.- Jaly 10.- Jane 30.- Jnly i.- Jaly 6.- Jaly 7.- Jaly ».- JnlyW.- Jnlr 14.- July 18.- Jaly 18.- '* Keyatone. -"For the Lore of Mabel" (Com.) "Baatos and the Gamecock' •"Hafe In Jail" (Com.) "The TeHTsle Light" (Oom.) ■lak" " (GOBI.) (Com.) '.'Love and Bobolab rilot. "The Code of the U. 8. A. 1 "Sanitary Gulch* (Com.) Rel lance. '•'Her Father's Choice" (Dr.) ■"Dick's Taming" (Dr.) -"Death's Short Out 1 ' (Dr.) -'.'A Rural Romance" (Dr.) -"TBe Wager" (Dr.) ■VAshes" (Dr.) -'.The Fisherman's Fortune-' -"Her Rosary'' (Dr.)' •'The Btrange Way" (Dr.) (Dr.) (Dr.) , EXCLUSIVE FILM RELEASES. •-• * ■ Drairon. y June 80.—"Oaf Fntare Heroes" (Top.) * . July 7.—•■ r l ti s t -erLeate-Maa" (2 reels. Dr.) Joly 14.— ■■n* ergaultt" (Dr.) • .. • Gnomon t. •».» > .. Jaly l.-f-'.'saae. for the Oooee" <,0ami| ■ Pscoe MO JStmt "MmMU .ft sk^Dsagg. rAU) PHLLADELPHU'S WEEKLY r BUDGET. Tbe semi-annual" report of the Bureau of Building Inspection snows that so far. this year permits have been granted for forty-one buildings for amusement purposes, costing 1921,446. Of this number fourteen were started during Jane at a cost of $285,200. With but few exceptions they are all intended for moving picture houses. Benry M. Hels has awarded a contract for a $12,000 photoplay house which he will have erected at Nob. 1412-14 South Broad Thomas M. Dougherty, of the Nlxon-Nlrd- linger forces, haB leased the Northeast corner of Fifteenth and Arch Streets, and will erect there a moving picture house to coat $ 16,000. J. W. Owens will build a one atory movie. 40 by 84 feet, at the Southwest corner of Belgrade and Auburn Btreets, to cost 810,000. * Murray White bas awarded a contract for a one story movie, 57 by 90 feet, at Nos. 2204 to 2212 North Broad Street, to cost A New York syndicate, It Is announced, has bought the properties, Nos. 228 to 230 South Fifty-second Street, lot 70 by 90 feet, as a site for a moving picture house. ■ s BLACKTON'S SEW FLYER. "Demon Reliance," the latest edditloa to Commodore J. Stuart Blackton's licet of speed boats, was given a trial at Cold goring Harbor. L. I., July S. 8fc« has a twelve cylinder, two cycle engine, and was built at Detroit, under a guarantee of sixty- five miles on hour. At the first trial she could not make fifty, doe, a* doubt, to'tad, of time in assembling her engines. When she gets tuned up the popular commodore will sure have the fastest thing a float. - MOTION PICTTOE ILLUSTRATIONS "A Dog-Gone Baron," page 9. "The Rose af Sharon," page 4. •<A Wild Rose," page 4. Adolph Zaker, page 4.' QUESTION BOX. . Bona. — 1. Bom In Pittsburgh, Pa. 2. About thirty nine yean of age. V. V.—1. The sub-titles are written In German. 2. The same thing applies to Dims Intended for exhibition In France and other countries. Exurrj. — "The Call of Destiny'' la the photoplay you evidently mean. hrllaibe, o.—l. About nine yean ago. 2. He was formerly In stock. 8. Tbe Cen- tral Film Co. can Inform you. Write te N. Y. office. .. Fcanissa.—1. A«, excellent 00067 fetter. 2. The photBzkkt*) - houscr release, «*sBki*a ey getter, a Than- FILM FLICKERS. (Continual tram page it.) Geoboe Thompson, doing leading comedy business for tbe Real Life Talking Picture Co., Is a versatile character man. George plays everything from a Southern darkey to an Italian fruit peddler, and, what's more to the point, he handles each In a thoroughly distinctive manner as to make-up, charac- terization, etc. Thompson's most recent "talkers" were "Midnight Cboo Choo," "My Uncle's Farm" and "She Gave Them All to Me." W. J. HcQuiNN Is successfully piloting "The Garden of Allah" motion pictures on a trip through Canada. They played Her Ma- jesty's Theatre, Montreal, last 'week, to big returns. « Bert Pzbkinb Is in advance of the "101 Ranch" pictures, also on a Canadian tour. Sam Ennuerr, who Is known to fame as the author of popular songs and vaudeville sketches galore, among which "Bunker Hill," a popular song of several seasons past was a record breaking hit, has turned bis prolific pen to the writing of photoplays. His latest effort Is entitled "Thou Shalt Not Steal," which the Reliance Co. will produce shortly. Sam says the photoplay "Thou Shalt Not Steal" Is dedicated neither to melody writers or baseball players, who purloin bases, but Is a serious effort, and Intended for the elevation of the mechanical drama. - "Broncho Biixt" (G. M. Anderson) la building a Beautiful and commodious play- house: m San Francisco, Cal. The name of tbe favorite Western pbotoplayers* theatre will be the Gaiety, and will cost 1500.000 to build and equip, and will play the best of tbe Broadway attractions. Habet Clay Blanet has organized the Blaney-8pooner Feature Film Co., In con- junction with the Spooner family of famous stock producers. The big melodramatic sue* cesses of Chas. Blancy will be produced as soon as studio arrangements have been com- ' Thbkf reels of the nine advance releases to be presented at the exposition by Mana- ger J. v. Rltcbey, of the Reliance Company, were selected by him as being absolutely the latest word In photoplay producing from an artistic standpoint. "Ashes," a two reel sub- ject scheduled for regular release on July 12, will be shown at the exposition, as will also the single reel subject, "Her Rosary." Every scene of "Ashes" Is viewed upon the screen surrounded by a bouquet of flowers. The border changes from violets to sweet peas, American beauties, lilies of the valley and orchids, the two reels being double exposure scenes throughout Tue little four year old star, Runa Hedges, who Is being presented in a series of Buna pictures by the Reliance Vompany, has been appearing for tho past week In the larger moving picture theatres In Boston and sev- eral other New England cities. Manager J. V. Rltcbey haa bad so many requests from exhibitors to give their patrons an oppor- tunity of seeing little Runa "In the flesh" that he allowed her a couple of weeks' vaca- tion from the studio to accompany her mother en tho present tour. Much to every- body's surprise, Runa is not satisfied with merely making a bow to her audiences, but Insists upon being a "regular" actress. Tbi New Majestic offices learn that a rumor bas gotten about tbat Lamar John- atone, one of their leading men, has left tbe company. The story seems to be due to tbe signing by the American Film Manufacturing Company of Lorlmer Johnson, as director. The slmllsrlty of names made. the trouble. The Mr. Johnstone of the New.- Majestic, as aforesaid. Is a player and) not a producer, and the official* of the company look for tbe early death of the rumor. Tbe new stage of tbe Brooklyn Heights Majestic studio has been completed. It Is said to contain one of the largest areas of actual working space of any ot the Los Angeles studios, holding six Harbi C. Matthews, producer of fairy tales and "kid" pictures, having finished hla three reel production, "Sleeping Beauty," la now engaged upon a single real « •airy(reury and "kid" picture. "The. Beari"i« »trw nach fit evidence, ess Aim ay Pr* ohesy Proclaims Photoplays Please Patrons ' 1 \A/ r Essanay g Establishes _ Exceptionally^ "■ Excellent PV Examples and aXDZsas 1 aticsntaR..someat|8araeirhave Western and Indian Reels. No, ag sifa.s, |1 and Il.W a sot; Pswer's No. 5 Machine, $7<S: Pewer'a Ne ws; Model *H" Calcium Machine, $30. I also buy Flisn. Slides A Big Redaction In Film, 100 reels 1 worn eat aim. BOO Bats of Bong . 0, $134; alio atherebcap Machines; _. and Mttchln... if good. a. W. G AIXOT, TO Christopher Street, N. Y. Cltv hears such familiar sentences es "Who lifts Been Sleeping In My Bed!" and "Who Has Been Sitting In My Chair?" so reminiscent of our childhood days. Tbo bears aro being taken by Joe Burke as Papa Bear, Jack Francis as Mama Bear, and llttlo Matty as the Baby Bear. The photoplay features Baby ffiorly, who Is tbe Golden Locks, and a bright, sunny little Golden Locks she makes, too. Tbe part fits the child like a glove, and she Is revelling In It The Powen Photoplays (Inc.) Intend to put"out a series of theso plays, which are bound to be popular. Whi not produce "The Goose and the Golden Egg" and make It an allegory, rela- tive to the motion picture game? Geo. K. Roland baa completed a scenario on the "Book of Esther," taken from tho Old Testament, and submitted same to Mr. I'axton, dlrector-ln-chlef of the Biblical ind Historical Motion Picture Co. In all proba- bility this will bo the first release made by this company, which will confine Its releases to subjects chiefly of this nature. A featuro of all of Mr. Roland's BlbUcal scenarios la tbe fart tbat all subtitles will be written In original Hebraic letters. This will ba a Stiff blow to such noted Hebraic scholars as P. A. I'owcrs and Bob Daly, but George says ho will furnish translations to all bis Celtic friends, Including yours truly. All right I Go ahead, George. Tin theatregoers of Hoboken, N. J„ solved a mystery last week. Louise Vale played the leading parts In stock In that city irolng Into the moving picture field. The Jefferson Theatre, knowing how popular sho \ras with the people of Hoboken, bodked 'The Governor's Romance," In which Louise plays the lead. Her name was advertised In all tbo local papers and posted up tri front of the theatre In large display. It proved a great attraction, and the theatre was crowd* ed to full capacity at each performance. Tub Pilot Co. now has two directors at work. Travers Vale, who has been with the company from Its Inception, Is working on a three reel feature, 'The Btreets of New York," and expects to continue turning out large features for tho company, which will be sold on a State rights oasis. Robert Good- man, formerly with Mclles and Majestic, Is turning out "one reel features" for the com- pany. His first picture, written by himself, will be released July 10, "Sanitary Gulch,' 1 and Is one of those comedies that keeps ono laughing all the time. His next picture, "Granny," is a heart interesting drams, in Which Lottie Plckford plays the leads. The scenario for this picture was written by Lottie Plckford. i «TESS'» DT MOVING PICTURES. Tbe motion picture rights of Thomas Hardy's novel, 'Tess of tbo r/Urbcrvllles," were recently secured by Daniel Frohman from Mr. Hardy and bis publishers, Harper A Brothers. Mrs. Flake, some time ago, en- tered into an arrangement with Mr. Frohman to present her dramatic creation of "Tess" before the camera. For the past four weeks the studio of the Famous Players Film Com- pany has been occupied with tbe making of these pictures. Mrs. Flake approached tho work with all her original enthusiasm for the role, and She has found It extraordinarily interesting. In the film play the story close- ly follows the novel, entirely departing from tho form of the play made from It by Lorl- mer Stoddard. Many scenes, therefore, will be shown tbat were not seen In tho dramati- sation. The photoplay will he given In five reels snd will provide a complete evening's entertainment A special company Is being Incorporated under the title of r 'Tho Mrs. Flske Film Company" to exploit the films, which will be shown only In theatres of tho first Importance. The appearance of Mrs. Flake In tho picture drama In America Is as significant IS was that of Madame Bcrnhardtj'v In France, and every detail has been looked to by r>e directors In order to mako this a distinctly forward step In the motion picture field. —— s «tgUO VADISf" EPOCH-MAKING FEATURE. Sheriff Lcmlcux and the members of tbe Board of (Vnsors of Quebec, Can., recently passed upon George Klelne's marvellous photo-drama, "Quo vadls?" and Issued the following statement: " 'Quo Vadls 7 Is a moat perfect work of art,'and the most wonderful end spectacular photoplay we have ever been asked to pass on." Tho Canadian censors are the strictest body on tho American con- tinent. Tbe photo-drama of "Quo Vadls 7" passed Its one hundred and fiftieth perform* ancc at the Astor Theatre, In New York City, on July 4, and continues to draw crowded houses. "Quo Vadls?" will undoubtedly re- main all Summer In New York City, and will possibly be continued through the Winter months. ' The George Elelne photo-drama production of "Quo Vadls 1" Is breaking all records for hot weather business fc New York. Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Canada. On Aug. 3 there will he two companies oper- ating In the South, two companies In the West two In New England, two In the Mid- dle West, three In New York City, one In Brooklyn, one In Philadelphia, one in Boston, three In Chicago, two In New Jersey, making, in all, nineteen companies. , 1 S' KEYSTONE GOSSIP. Ford Sterling, Keystone comic and-leading man, wes painfully horned during the taking of a scene last week at the Los Angeles plant Ford was seated hi a taxi when the machine casght Are. He stack manfully to his seat until the scene was completed, al- though by tbat time tbe flames bad penetrat- ed the Inside of (he taxi and Sterling's hands were considerably''burned. Aacthcr case where Ford placed his "art" above ell else. Mabel Normand has taken a brief respite from her strenuous duties- at tbe Keystone studio, and Instead of falling 'dot of aero- planes, riding la mlle-a-tninutc automobile*, and plunging from'dizzy height* Into the •water, a few of tho stunts which she per- forms In the films. Mabel Is aoletly resting la San Francisco, on a short vacation. ' ■1 ' ' S ' ■ ' 1 i llIM '-'■-•■ . J velnineO for ,j,; TWib "Qse Vs'tUsT another week at the PICTURES m- SPAIN. iFnm Consul Chas. 8, Wloans, .Seville.) Motion pictures have become excecdlnglf popular throughout tbo 8crllle district, ana those, shown hero havo often a more than passing merit. Until recently the films ot rathe Freres, Paris, wrro used here almost exclusively. Now, however, some Scandi- navian nnd American films are alio shown. American dims unfortunately too often depict "Wild West" scenes, which are not under- 'stood and appreciated as thoroughly as Euro- pean films, which frequently give entire plays lasting nn hour or more, or picture stories of such works as I,cs Miserable. For the pro- ductions tho best actors and actresses are re- quisitioned, and the settings aro extremely elaborate and artistic. Especially In Summer ere motion pictures popular, when one may watch them all evening lit open air restau- rants for tho price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. In Winter the prices ot ad. mission to tho motion picture balls or thea- tres range from four to fourteen cents. Tbs ?lctnre programs are changed every evening nrough an arrangement whereby a film, rented for three or four day*. Is passed .,, around to the various motion picture bouses. Tbe French firm. I'atho Fierce, lias a local agency. PATH EPS S CLENCD AND ED IXATIO N'AL FILMS. A natural science film of unusual attrac- tion and no small educational valne Is a Patho educational, entitled "Tho Spotted Ele- phant Hawk Moth." This nomo may sound unfamiliar to most of us, but tho caterpillar from which this pretty moth Is transformed, Is a very common one. It In largo and clumsy In appearance, and stripped in yellow * and red. The catcrplllcr Is shown gorging himself on some particularly tasty plant; then Is shown the chaogo to tbe chrysalis stage. Shrunken In size, he lies almost Inert for a short period, then from the faded shell emerges a moth with short wings, Whllo waiting for bis wings to grow the moth has a hard time until be finds a secure spot on a friendly twig. Then the spotted elephant hawk moth Is shown folly developed and in all his glory, ready for his Initial plunge Into space. On tho same reel Is shown "Athens, the Pearl of Greece." Tho enmors, takes us up. the heights to the famous and beautiful Acropolis, from which we are shown the city spread out below, and tho Pcntcllkon Moun- tains In tho>background; ancient Athens, with Its splendid examples of Doric and Ionia architecture, contrasted with the Athens of to-day, with lis very modern population, Its busy market places and traffic-laden streets, * Truly such Alms aro the most eloquent of "travelogues." and with the frequent release ot, such subjects which aro promised by the General Film Company, tho public will soon be as familiar with tbo distant, strange and Interesting corners of the earth as they are with their own backyards, 1 1 LCBIN CANCELS CAME. The Reliance studio and office was bni- sfflg with baseball chat hat Wednesday morning, and all over tbo baseball game that was billed for Saturday, July 0, when "their" baseball bors were to toke a trip over to PhlUy and gross sticks with the Lubln aggregation. /Suddenly "ilopp" Hadlcy emerged from be- hind some sccnerjr with a yellow slip In bis hand. All gasped, for surely no one of the actorltea or actorincs tied "fllved" strong enough to "get the gate!" "Hopp's" smllo shot all such trembles to slivers, however, 1 hut tho smiles that started creeping over tho hero and heroine faces did an Immediate brodle* Into disappointment again when be delivered tho telegram that read. "Game off." All hands wrro thoroughly knocked cold, ' for "ail tho girls" had their salaries for two weeks In advance plunked on their fast going Rcllsnco boys and tho special car tbat had been arranged for had to bo cancelled also. 1 Tbo Reliance Club has won nlno games and nave yet to meet defeat In tho Motion Pic- ture League, They will ho lined up for; action In another leaguo contest next Satur- day, July 12. at Lenox Oval, Ono Hundred ' and Forty-fifth Street and Lenox Avenue, and are In high spirits of winning another, led by Captain Irving Cummlngs. —■—■1 B Babti.ev McCuiLTJM. Of tho Lnhln Picture Co. players, 19 visiting his niece, Irene C McCallum. - The "Quo Vadls V pictures are announced 1 for Keith's. Cincinnati, in Angoit. OUT OF TOWH MEWS iincoln, Web—Oliver (Msyer V . 0. Wh- •»> sang msr.) Mr. Zebrmg left this city to atumd ■ St -Atlantic City tbeAsierlcaa Billposters' As- sociation Convection Joly 810. i.tuc— This house will costlmw with three shows ■ dar. .. oiriisui.!-*irbnlng Aug. 2i). this ^"•,'2 plsy regular Orpneum dTcalt bills the ljst three oars la each week. Tbeflrat liaH^ of tbs weeS ,. will be given over to tsbtold sassiest corneal**. For week of Jnne JO: Espc «"'« P*"'. ."jLjPSJA u , Kelly and Gotten, Itaasell and Church, and Woods* V Ballon Trio,'and photoplays aspwrsdj- OArrTAL biACH.—Tbl« resort rtooWed "nPJ" s tri-r.ipe and the msnasvrr.rot has t*tn P'sri 0 * '■ excellent atttactloDs bealdes nonjstous'psrt1 feaj tores, swimming snd boating. For wwk of IB . tbe bill lncltxled: Six Amerlcsn Btaotles. Ma- ( rcena and Dalton Bros. and Massoocand Mas- f son*. For week of Joly 0! Bavol Pmlre and bis famous qodntrtt*. Adgl* and b«r Uons will b* featured scxt week. »i Kalamazoo. Mtefc.—Msjestte fGsrsld Mts- Sri, Maroel Bros.. Herbert, floors* Paul and company. Snd Dan Bob/i FW l»ia Berk* and Roaa. Air. Holt. Cornelia and Wilbur, Joe Ken- .1 ixdr, and Battle Creek. Mick., la motion ptttocs. This bouse will elose U '« , F.Ltts (L- a Barnes, sagr.)—■aaaaaBaB aa» alack And. -wait* netloa pletnrt*. . ■•■ Njia-iUflller Bro* * Arlington's 101 Raaeb. Will 1»^aat».**r» Jaby 31. T « £ >*»• \ ► ■X f ;\'4$\$i-^