The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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Iv« 4i. 14 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. SI' July 12 MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENT (Continued.) THAHHOUSER KID A BIT AT TWENTY-THIRD STREET. Manager Billy Matthews convinced every- one who attended Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre on Monday night that tie wns the "regular little up-to-tiic-oilnutc manager'' In having secured that wonderful little act- ress of plctorcdom to rhyme with local sur- roundings for the current week. The Motion Picture Exhibitors' League Is homing; a jlortooa exhibition *l the Grand Central Palace, this week, m Mr. Matthews whs not going to penult- aocfa an event to slip by wit bout having an attraction at his pretty little taonae to harmonize with the time*. He made his -wont known up at the Proctor booking offices In the Putnam HnlM- Ins that no one else would fill the bill but in tie Marie Btoe, tbo "Kedlnc MajE m-tress of toe motion picture worCB," who la it.iIH faanooaty known a* **ne Thsabouser Kid/ . .Needless to say Manager William won his iild and tola clever tittle girl opened at hl» theatre for the first three daya of tb« week, \Kglmlag Monday, .inly 7, and was as de- light fill a success In the public performances of that date aa she has been for the past throe years hr a feature In photoplays pro- duced by the Thaohouaer Film Company, of New RoehcHc. "The 8arnh Bernhardt of the Silent Drama,'' aa Little Marie has been termed, did Justice to the 'wonderful French actress whom aSe so remlnda one of, and Ae 1" Just what Manager Matthews asserted, "wonderful," Mario will move up to Proctor'a Fifty- eighth Street house, on the corner of Third Avenue ■for the last half of this week, where Manager -tdbn Buck wlB endeavor to handle the out-of-town and local picture exhibitor?, who wM not allow the week to slip by with- out seeing their little favorite In the charac- ters site portrays as well before tbo opera, gln&cs as she does In front of the camera. MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. HEARING. The long expected examination Into tie methods of the Motion Picture Patents Co. ■was started Motndsy. July 7. in tile Federal iitiilding, New York, before Special Examiner Joseph flacker, Several witnesses were called and told then* stories of the aliened business methods of the so-called motion pic- ture trust. Peter Adams was tba first to be called to testify. Mr. Adams said" he was an exhibitor at f.lf) Mala Street, Paterson, K. J. The 'principal complaint of Adams seemed to be that on advertising the Indianapolis automobile races, made by an Independent lompany the Patents Co, notified him not to exhibit t-atne on pain of having his license revoked. Mr. Klngsley, chief attorney for the M. P. Patents Co., asked the witness sev- eral questions. Several other witnesses were put on the i Intnl. and each had something to say of not 'particularly complimentary nature, re their lvlutlous with the Mu. Qli> corporation. Ktiwlu I'. Groavenor, special assistant to Attorney General Mctteynolde, la the counsel for the government. Further bearings mill be held every day thl9 week. THE FIRST EXPOSITION OF THE MOTION PICTURE ART. The first exposition of tbe motion picture n rt opened Monday, July 7, in a blase of ;iury, at the palatial Grand Central Palace, tew York. Joseph Bientwetery (tome race, that), head at Hasten, Realty Company was reepon- i-Hilo far the decorative features, which were a combination of green and white, present- ing, on the whole, beeotlfol effect, or. entering the exposition one was erect- ed with tbe strains of music from the brass Instruments of a band stationed at the en- trance, and further enterahwd by tbe many instruments of a "soond device - ' nature, M.Cb as tbe WnrlltiM organ, tbe Draagrrph n.d several others. The tooths of the General Film Co., the Mutual aud Universal were eepeelally attrac- tive. There are two newspapers publlabud daily for tbe benellt of tbe many exhibitors and fuests, one by a lane New Tork dally, and he other by the combined ureas departments of Esaanny, Kleine and •Sells. Many entertaining fcaturee have bean pro- vidod for the amusement of the thousands who are expected to attend this week. Ad- dresses by prominent statesmen, playwrights, etc., will be made from time to time. MOTION PICTURE ORDINANCE PASSED AT LAST. After four years of debating pro and con, the va'ilouR phases of tbe many moving pic- ture ordinances, which have been presented In th<' Hoard of Aldermen the City Father* of New York City passed one which Is a combination of- Mayor Oaynor, Alderman Howling and Folk's Ideas »n the suicct. It is now up to the mayor to sign or reject, but It Is confidently expected the mayor wHl sign litis one, -which) contains many* excellent fea- tures. S ■ 'i n SCOTT PIOTl RK« REMAIN' AT THE LYfAIO, NEW YORK. The sixth week of the Captain Scott mo- tion pictures at the Lyric began July 7, and the crowds are still In attendance. Tbo pic- tures were taken by Herbert O. Pontine mir- ing Captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole. The pictures are shown twice dally, ovary afternoon and evening. CimtsTY Mattiewsos, star pitcher of the Now York Giants, Is collaborating with Mrs. Itldn Johnson Young on a new slay, which will have a baseball player tor Its principal character. The Spn Amusement Co., of Saratoga Springs, lias been Incorporated by Prank E. Jacobs, Henry M. Work sad Frederick T. Lewis, of 78 West Eighty-fifth Street, New Vol*. Tilt: American Parlogrnph Co. has been in- corporated by II. Cabell. C. U- Utlpln and C. R. Pnlleu, of 11 Wall Street, New York. John Parbell, formerly of the Marino Klllott Theatre, has been engaged as as<flsC- ant treasurer of Keith's Union Spuare Thea- tre, wifceetllng Charles WutfomarY, who has gone on tour with the Edison talking pic- tures. Nohman Stanley has signed with Nell {VRrlfti's Minstrels for next season as Inter- locutor. Nettie IlATCHU.oit. of the Batcbelor Sis- ters, was granted a divorce last week from diaries Mnrvclle, contortionist. Atiilktic records in tbe offices of the American Sports Pub. Co. were destroyed by tiro July 5, Including all those stored there by Jim. IC. Sulllvnii, president of tbe Ama- teur Athletic Union. Some years ago Mr. Sullivan sustained n similar loss. John Philip Sooba Is writing another rpern. Watubboy. the former Hajurin race horse, ■ iroppod dead at Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky.. July 8. i STOCK NEWS STOCK BILLS, JULY 7-12. IFurnUhei by Dircy & MVMtJ AmrOBN.—JetCeneo. "Tfc* OK/.'' AiBANT.—Ilaxnanos, "Ike Greyhound. Aldan*.— Colonial, "Tbe ■Meplione OKI." Bsiduci'out.— Lyric. "Texas." Eamorj-OBT.—t'laxa, "The Ooneert. JlorrALO.—etar, 'Tlie OaaaWesv.'' , Bbojklin — Bnshwlek, 'The Oaly |V _, . Cuv>uM.—Colonial. 'Vanting «f tM Tnlra Floor Eack." _ CBAnLOTTE.—Academy. "Ooang Some." Daw via.—Lakeside, "Jasaaay Valentine." Dallas. —Lake Olllf, "Before and After." Fall Riveb. —BIJou, "l>o»t Parnitlae." Fau. Rivaa.—Savoy. "FaM la Fall." "Tbe Wolf." lUarnim. —felt's. 'Tbe Oocmtry Boy." HawnrnN —.Mountain, 'The Kpnadthrirt" Hauiwon.— '.rcianle, "Leah KVnacbas." Iswiasamus.—atVar, "The OHmax." Jbuit Orrr—Akrooroe. "glga rf the Poor." MnfMUFoua.—flbebrrt, "Uadaaw X." MixxuroLU. — Metropolitan, *Tbe Oboras Lady." IJilwackes. —Davldaoo. "lira. YVlggs of tbe Or.t.baee Patch." MearsaSBAW—<Orpheum. "Tbe Third Degree." Naw Yoax Cm.—lAcadviny, "Tbe Botary." Nkw Yobs: Cm.--rrosnct l "The Peaalty." Ninr Yoaa Citv.— Harlem. "The MIIDoa." Nbwasx.— Newark, "fllrl in Ibe Taxi." Naaiimixi!. —Orpbenm, "Otsualark." il'mLAOSU-uu.—-Cheatntit. "Divorcoaa." riTTsBuaoii.—Orand, "Orauatark." 1'absaic. —l'aaealc, "For Her Child's Sake." IlociusTsa—Haker. "CWnntowii Chnrlle." BocHxariss.—Lycruin. "The sjillSre." ItoonsaTxa.—Tmjple. "Seven 5I»ter»." IIiciikond. —Morrar. "Allna Jimmy Viilentlne." -HtsactsE.— Empire. "Mrs. ■sajjan Telefrain." St. 1'auj..— Ol^trepolltan. "Mra Wlggi of the Cabbeye Patch." St. Favu —Bbobert, "Gingerbread Mao." Si babtok.— Toll'*, "Tbe Talker." Pfaijinm-Ln.—Foil's, "Jtotber." Utica — M»Je«tle. "The Fortune Hoater." I'mio.v Hill. —Kodnn, "The Easiest Way." Vamcuuvbb. —Arenne. "WHdnre." Washimoiok. —Columbia. "My Wife." Washixotok. —Poll's "Man and Sapetaua." Wltars-BAxai.—Toll's. "Tho Million." TToHCEBTsa.—Ptaxa, "Tho Titter." S ' 'ii CALSMITH PLAYERS' HOTSS. When Messrs Calahan ak Smith opened the Hippodrome, Heading, Pa., for Summer stock, local theatregoers gave them throe weeks, but tbe plays and players proved so popular that they nave bad packed houses for the pnst nloe weeks, and after a few weeks rest the Calemlth Co. will open tbe New Orand Tbeatre, which was formerly known as tbe old Grand Opera' House. The bouse was closed a few years ago bj. the building In- spectors, and during tbe past eight months the entire building, both Interior and ex- terior, have been remodeled and beautified to smb. an extent tint the New Grand will lie one of the handsomest In Pennsylvania. The; Grand has been leased for tho next year by Messrs. Calahan • smith, who intend to locate their company here permanently. The company started May Vl with Chnrhs Klein's dramatic success. "The! Third De- gree." Tbe following week ibey preaenUd Grace George's success, 'A Woman » Way.' and the following productions were present) d In the order Damod. David Delasro'a "The Girl of the Golden West," "The Spendthrift," "Are Tou a Mason V "The Man of tbo Hour," "Tbe Bquaw Man," •'Forty-five Mln- utea from Broadway," and last week the company closed with "Mam-wile." The company 1b headed by Ernest Ander- son and Lelah Hal lack. Other prominent members of the organisation see • Harold Lneoste. Edw. Detney, Grant Irwin, telle Basett, Paul Miller, Ilarry Deeter Myron Paulson, Miu-Joile Bert and AUco Clifton. a VMS HALONE'S SEND-OFF. Florence Maloae, leading woman of tbe B. F. Keith Harlem Opera House 8tock IV, upon leaving that organUatlon lost Saturday even- ing, July C, received a tremendous ovation from the regular patrons, with whom she waa extremely popular, and tbe whole theatre staff, from Manager Harry Swift down to tbe scrub-women, who fairly worshipped bar. At the conclusion of tba performance Miss Malone bad to respond to twelve curtain mils, bsMdes making a speech. The em- ployees of the bouse handed her a large basket of flowers over tho footlights, in ad- dition to which she received naif a doien similar tokens from admirers. Loath to leave their Idol depart, the auSlence held the popular actress up In the lobby to tell ber Individually and collectively Just how much they thought of ber. Miss Malone was vis- ibly affected by this unexpected demonstra- tion of affection anil, after tanking a short spcocb, was escorted by Manager Harry Swift to a neighboring; restaurant, where the rest of the company nad assembled to glvo her a farewell dinner. She leaves for a week's vacation at Casro Bay, Me., after wnlch she Will be seen In a Broadway pro- duettos. FLORENCE MALONE LEAVES. Florence Malonn frsvc her farewell per- formance at the Harlem Opera House, with the Keith Stock Company, July 5. She will tnko a short vacation at t'n-mi Bit)', Me., and then starts rehearsals for "The Silver Wed- ding." > ' ' I'LAYEHS IMIBUUU. William Balfour and Pe'rclval Aylmer, of the .Lucille La Verne Stock Company, at the Academy, at Richmond, Vs., were robbed of tholr clothes. Thieves broke Into their dress- ing rooms nt the tbnatre between the mati- nee and evening performances. I ' " ' ■ " ' ' I AT liOITO BEACH, "A Woman's Way" Wits the attraction at Long Beach, L. !.. July 0. with Mary.Bo- und and Edwin Ardcn in the east. "Gala- tea" is announced for J nit 10. 12 and 18. i " '"« ' I —— "tHb otvl*- ids." At the Bnshwlck. "The Only Seta" la this week's offering, with "Mrs. wiggs of the Cab- bage Patch" for Week of JCllv 14. FARI D.S!i»R PUTS FORWARD WINIFRED ST. GLAIRt Her OwmCo, THERE'S A REASONi At,. C. and Mat Wimion write: "On Sat- urday. June 21, at Delevan, Wis, we closed a very pleasant engagement of forty-eight weeks with tbe Flora De Voas Stock Co., and are re-engaged to open with same company for coming season. Expect to open about July 20." Jacques Tuuni), Danbury, conn., eloetd Its season June 28, after sixty-two weeks. All the members have found positions with oot of town companies. The Jacques will open In September with vaudeville and) pic- tures. Eda Von Li:kb opens July 14 In "Arizona" with tbe Harlem Opera House organisation. Her engagement with tbe Harlem Opera House stock Is for four weeks only. It U understood that she has been engaged for an Important role in "Tbe Olrl of By Dreams," a musical play opening oarly In August Biixii Biiyant Stock Co. reports business through Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Ohio has been exceptionally good. The roster Is as follows: Billy Bryant Harold Patterson. Mark Franks, Will 4Jewllon, Wal- ter Wisbnrn, Howard Freeman, Roth Brown. Violet Bryant, Florence Bcynoldi and Hazel Belcher. The company is nnder the manage- met of Sam Bryant. Tin Princess Stock Co. closed a very suc- cessful season of forty weeks at the Grand Theatre, Chicngo. The company re-opens In September. The Reymond Ladles' Orchestra will furnish the music, and the roster Is as follows: Jack De Forest, F. Richards. V. A. Varney. Harvey Hays, Bay BoMe, M. Hntcb- kias, A. Hunt, Melba Palmer. Violet Clifford, Adeline Sterling and Mrs. Blancbard. The ladies of the orchestra are: Marguerite Rey- mond, Nettle Vincent, Catherine Wall and Florence Suits. Notes from Spcdden A Pnfse Attractions. —We open our stock company Aug. 4., at Rochester, Minn., playing three night and week stands. We will use several big pro- ductions the coming season, will necessitate as carrying a special baggage car, of the old members have been engaged, in- cluding: Wlllard Collins, Fred. Ford and Bessie Ford, musical director. We will play a lot of onr old - territory, including the H. L. Walker time, which has always oecn ex< ccllent for our shows. Our musical comedy company, presenting "My Auto Girl," will open Sept 1, and Is booked solid to the Coast and back. Jas. J. Eyas closed with the Academy of Music Stock Co.. New York, on July 5. He will return after a few- weslW vacation. Thh Manhattan Opera House Stock Co., New- York, closed July B, and wlH re-open Aug. 4. with "The Third Degree." Eabl C. nExrosD closed his engagement 71th the Hclden Players. He baa gone to libom} in Michigan for a vacation. Eva Leonard Botkb abjd Padl Kib are Appearing witb the Harlem Opera House Stork Company this week, in Its represtnta- £sn of "The MHllon." Tub W. H. Furlong Stock Co. opened their Summer season at the Temple Theatre, Cort- land. N. Y. Two bilks a week. A J. cUksomb, business reprpsertatlve for the Gallup Stock Company, writes from 81- Una, Kansas: "We received onr weekly Clip- per, and It was more than welcome. Baal/ ness Is rotten In Kansas, and after this week we make one big Jump <nto good old Mis- souri. The roster 1b as follows: Bert R. Gal- lop, A. J. Sansome, J. E. Mark, F. E. Gal- lagher. It. J. Goodson. Harry Dunbar, lona Jacobs, Irma Burton. Maude Phillips, Ivolah Gardiner and Flora Nelson." morld of Players, Hen Hahsilman AND Wilt -Olivia, of Gollmar Bros.' Circus, will put out two com- panies of "Sun Shine Willie'' next season. One of the shows will open hi August and the ether will open in November. The No. 2 company will play tbe Southern States. Mr. Hasselman has secured Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crow, of the Gollmar Bros.' Show, to play the leading parts, and Eddie Boyce, of Omaha,,Neb., will be In advance of the eom- panv. Abe Martin will put both- the show* on, 'then Mr. Martin will return to the Chi- cago office. Hasselman and Oliver have also secured the rights from Earl Varsbmlm to £ut oot tbe "Girl from Norway" for tbe eoxo- ig season. Amelia StiMEiis has been engaged by Jena Cort for the principal female port In "The Elixir of Youth," which he Will produce «r the Cort Theatre, Chicago, on the third of •next month, with Frank Bacon in tbe lead- ing role. , _ Ouvbb Moaosco has seeured the services of Fanny Addison Pitt for the character of Mrs. Chichester, In the road company of "Peg o' My Heart," which will be sent on tonr hi September. Mrs. Pitt appeared in the opt of 'VThe Yellow Jacket"' at the Pulton Theatre, tho past season, In the character of See Nol. Tiir. most rscont engagement for the next Winter Garden production, "The Passing Show of 1013," is that of Bessie Clayton, the dancer, who will be seen in a new spec- tacular dance, assisted by a special company m lilch Mt*s Clayton Is now recruiting. Bosteiib of Kugeno J. Murphy's Knicker- bocker Companies.—No. 1 (Eugene J. Mur- ihy, manager) : Lynne Yodcr, Kstclla ppna- ,iue. Laurel Bennetts, Dorothy MoBes, Al. C. Newman, George Donahue. Robert Martin, Horace Lints, Harry A. Phil, Wtll fl. Dorln, H. Wnlyer Van Dyke, Lee Mose3 and Kugcue J Murpby. No. 2 Co. (Beaumont Clnxtcn, Junnagerl : Tcnrl Kincaid, ltena St. Clair, Dorothy Davenport, Sherman L. Jones, Billy a. Ray, Herman F. Murphy, William Kear- ney, Arthur Alexander, Helen K. May and Beaumont ClAxtOu. . , _ _ B. 0. Pasbish Writes: '**. H, Grayblll, Eleanor Brandenu, Earle Parrish, Evelyn t Bennett Joe and M. Mhorc art yjjoylng a much needed rest at Bay Beach They have rented a cottage and boats fot two week-;, and have laid aside all thoughts of "shop. At the expiration of their vacation they'go to Iowa for two weeks' rehearsals, preparatory to tiltiyinR several of the Iowa fair dates - , then an extended tour to the Coast playing Btock for six - weeks at PocWo on tbe return 'criAatorra ..Walxes igUhigMi i .Waltes are honseboffttnc da. CheshpcMfC Bay. , " »' - * * * +-* \ l : * r=^ w*> s *s . )**4-*"**s^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Mast iHabnett, tweniy:one yeSlw ofc *lgc, who claims to bo on ncltesB,..Rttpftipt,ed, sui- cide by poisoning, because a young,man Jilted her. The doctors at tlie. Knickerbocker Hos- pital, New York, art trying hard to save her Fife. ... -j. . ■ ■ • „_ TfiH American Play Company.,announces that it Win scbd out slf companies of "Within the Law" next season. .. . . .- AimifR Bvitow has been re -engagedi to play Mb original part of John Stephen Maddeck, in "The High Road," next season. 'BEirBAnaALS were begun July 7 for a ballet In which Bessie Clayton will appear In the new Winter Garden production. Marie Fitzobbald July 7 became a mem- ber of -tho "Within the Law" Co, at .the Eltlngc Theatre, succeeding Florence Nash In tlie role of Agnes Lynch. Miss Nash has gone nway for a much needed rest. She will return early In August to her part. Jam: Cowl will return Jo the cast of "Within the Lnw," at. the Blttnge Theatre the ilrst week In August, and after a few weeks she wtll tc'lrc to begin rehearsals In n now play by Marewrct Maro. Potsdam, manager of the Ameri- can Theatre and Boot, 'is taking a short vacation at Shcepshead Bar.. ..,..., Ma. .and Mas. Nate B, Spinoold have re- turned' front Europe. ggggje Met JorfNNT and Ella Calvin, the two well known stars of "Little Mlas Mlx-Up/' closed a season of forty weeks, at the Crystal, in Milwaukee, and are now enjoying their va- cation with their mother and father and several members of their company, at their Summer homo "Galv Inn," on Lake Okanchee, Wis. Jas. A. Galvln has Just purchased s seven passenger Packard touring car and a large gasoline launch, so that the members of his family and company are certainly assured of one big time nil Summer. They start re- hearsals the middle of August, for "Little Miss Mix-Up." The east will be the same that broke all records on the W. V. U. A last E 8. Di Kalb notifies ui tbat he la still confined at his home In TJttca. Mich., where he has been for tbe past four month*, suffer- ing from tbe effects of an accident he r«> teived nearly two years ago, by falling fro* a M. D. B. car at Lansing, Mlcb. He would be clad to bear from friends. ■Wilson aj»d> AtBBBT have Jost finished a most successful season, and after a *J or ' vacation will resume their bookings, whlcn will take them Into March. 1914. Vic Lit Rot ano Mae Caiiill have closed a very successful Reason of twc«ty-*lght weeks with "Bonnlng for Congress" Co.. a tabloid musical comedy, and they are now" playing a few weeks in vaudeville. Mr. ajvo Mrs. Perkins Fibhkb write: "We have Just closed our fourteenth sea- son, playing the 'Half Way House.' and we will open our fifteenth and lost season at the Nikon. Philadelphia, f'ept. 8. to fol- low with forty weeks over the Sullivan- ft tonsldlne Circuit, at the dm of which we will retire from tbe stage, after thirty-four years of active service, and settle down on our ranch in San Diego, Cab" Etta Chatham and Okmax sre spending two weeks In Atlantic City, after which they open with the Billy H. Osman Company. Sheck, Dabtillb and Duttox announce that they have a new comedy sketch, entiled "The Men Next Door." Marmuvi, aud Melrose write: "We bnve Just closed at Coney Island, Cincinnati, and we go back for Gas San for the rest of tbe Summer. We play East this Fall for twelve weeks. The new act Is going bigger than the old one." J. C. Cbifpe* Is stilt witb Donlta. "live wire" comedian. The act recently finished a tour of the Pantages time, and Is now working for the Western States V. A. prior to sallrig for Honolulu. Tbe Mabvblocs iliLLaua will sail for Europe July 23, to open at the Palace, Lon- don, Aug. 11. BinTOK Chcbchill will present Shake- speare an vaudeville. The Dancing Ksnmpys are offering their real live dancing act, over the 8. & C Chris. Brown says they're good for lite. Bert Pabker Informs nt of tbe death of bis sister, Mrs. Mary Bnrris. who passed •way Jans 29, at St. Agnes' Hospital, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Thvrbbb and Thuhbeb finished their time on the Proctor circuit, under the title of "Pnullnette and Piquo. They will open at Sohmer Park, Montreal. Can., July 20. using the old name, nalng same until the com- mencement of the new season. SoiisiiRS AND Mack, late of Manchester's Cracker Jacks (Eastern wheel) report good success In vaudeville, now playing the Fox Clrcnlt. McIbttbe and Hbath acknowledge tele- grams and cablegrams wishing them good luck on their London opening from: Mrs. Chandler (Paris), Peter Bice (Paris), Mr. and Mrs. Kenny, Cliff Ryland, Happy Jack Gardiner, Felix Adler, Brown and Nerarro, Capt. and Violet Kelly, Frank and Jen La- tone, Sharp and Turek, Hecley and Mceiey, Will H. Fox. Harry Jolson, Fred Duprei, Chas. T. Aldrlch, Lizzie B. Baymond, Willie (cable from America), Bontta and Lew Hearn, GUbeBt Olrard, Walter Fields, the Three Lyres, Three Rubes, Marie, Amy and Cub Drawee. Dutch Daly, Frey Twins, tbe Gotham Quartette, Barton and Ashley, Charlie King, Four Londons. "The Bandit" Company, J. Finney, Edmond Hayes, Emerson and Bald- win, Maurice Levi Clarke Slatera and Stir- ling, Billy Howard, Mabel add Dora Ford, Bill Fields, BUly Ritchie. Blocksom and Burns, Fred Ward, tbe erasers, Tommy Dawe. Nell Kenyon, W. Buchanan Taylor, Eugene Stratton, Walter C. Kelly and Caryl Wilbur. Mrs. Wm. J. Rostittir sailed, July 5, on the Red Star liner Krostlasd, for tho care at Wiesbaden, accompanied by her daughter, Alice. Her husband was. for fifteen years, nrusical director with Koettr ft Blal'si Twenty- third and Thirty-fourth Street Music Halls. Thi educated horse, "Mascot." played a return engagement, beginning June 23. at Manchester Hippodrome, making his sixtieth consecutive week In England, Beotland and Wales. He is also boohed for Alhambra.. Paris, France; Madrid. Spain, and all prin- cipal cities on the Corrtlnant. Gordon Hamilton and wipe (Josephine Worth) are vleating bis nieces, the Watson Sisters, at their home at Buffalo. N. Y. Tbe time being epeftt in motoring and at tbe golf links. Mr. Hamilton and Fanny Wit eon are expert players. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will be seen next season In the leading purts of "A Romance of the Underworld." MAcniCE Wood will sail on the Battle, for England, July 13. She opens In London Aug. IS. Tost Lewis Is preparing In Fair Baron, N. J., for his coming vaudeville tonr, Under direction of Gene Hughes. Mes. Gene Uranus will resume her tour in "Youth," Aug. 18. after enjoying a few ■weeks' rest from a long and uninterrupted lour. Feed, anp Adele AstaIbe sre to put oh i new Horwltx act, staged tor them by Aurello t'occla. George McKay and his wife will present a new act. Johnny Cantwell is Summering at Pair Haven- Gkobop Evan's' Honey Bor Minstrels are nt the Apotlo, Atlantic City, tBl* week..and at the New Brighton Theatre, Coney faland, next Week. Vat AND LottIe xAwman sailed for Gresl Britain. 0, Q. Cdrutakla, July I>. This wfU be their second Mnajfcte circuit of the world. JCNE ROBttttfS AND COMPANY hate Just closed, d very pleasant tour on the Pantages circuit. They Will play a few weeks for Nett Levy, aud then spend a short vacation lr, California before returning to Chicago, to rehearse their new act. jEAjranc Di'pbe has been very 111 with throat trouble for the past four weeks, nnd has been attended to by tbe best specialists In New York City. She opens July 21 again in vaudeville, for F. Q. Doyle, at the Colonial end Wilson Avenue, Chicago, and then goes to Europe, commencing Sept. 7, having had her date postponed until then. Joe H^ni'MAv Is now on the Keith circuit, Ms second Summer over it. Sbtuoub and Dupes closed their season June 14. O. G, Is at his home In Woter- vllet. New York, and will put In the Sum- mes writing' vaudeville material. SHss !>upxc Rlpon Lake. Wis. The White Paper is The Right Paper Advertise Right!!! Si Clipper Columns .Always Open To All Rates Right! NOWis The Time for Clipper Advertising MEMnr.ns of |be "Mcu from Home" Co. ran the box office themselves, at the Mar- guerite Clark, Theatre, $t. Louts, to enable them to get back to. New" York. 'PICK Vaudeville Comedy Club will serve dinners, fobfe 4'hdte anil o la carte, so, the members may bring their women friends to If you don't (advertise in The Clipper You Don't Advertise At All . ■■ ,.-,m " =5S Summer Parte and Tain MODEL OJF CALIFORNIA CAKYOX. A California canyon In miniature will be one of the most attractive features of tbe Panama-Pacific International Exposition, to be held at San Francisco, in 1013. The can- 7'on, which Mil measure eight hundred feet ong and four hundred feet broad, will.pre- sent, in tabloid form, many of the features that have contributed to tbe beauty and grandeur of the Golden State. The ground that has been chosen for the building of this canyon rises from the edge of a lagoon that will front tbe Palace of Fine Arts to a hill South of the Exposition site. Tbe summit of the hill will be the top of the canyon from, which a roaring torrent will leap over huge rocks and boulders, wind- ing through gulleys arid bounding over chasms and groveling at the feet of giant redwoods until It reaches the pool at the Northern end of the gorge. At the opening of the canyon a bridge will cross the gorge, and at each end of the bridge a trunk of a giant redwood tree will be tunneled through and make an impressive entry Into the garden of wonders beyond. Almost every kind of tree and flower that grows In California will be In the canyon, and to make tbe, picture more than ever realistic there will a model Indian village, where membafs ,of the various Call- fornlan tribes will be seen a^.work upon the arts and crafts m which they arc so deft. There .will also he a model ranch and a gold digger's camp. ........ ... The canyon fs being built under the super? vision of John C. MacJLarep, chief of the Department of Landscape Gardening to the Exposition. -w— —- — ■ il ' , I ' ;i» ■ • AMVSEMEXT CA«9.COLLIDE IK PALISAfiES PARK. Two men were killed and more than a score of persons hurt, two fatally, Sunday night, July 0. when a train of two cars on the scenic railway In Palisades Park, across the Hudson.from One Hundred, ond Twenty- ninth Street, bucked down an spcllne and ■was rammed by another .train, flying down the Erade of a fifty foot.drop. ,. ■ , ■ ' The Injured were taken to the Englewood and North Hudson Do'spltam. ■,„... —-i - N'ena Blade and Jack Hevdebson bare parted as a vaudeville team. - George Gay was carried by his runaway balloon irora <Clttwde, N. J., across New York, up the Sound, but was .fortunately able to drop Into the water off Sands Point, July-0. .... :....,.. - •.;..• -. ,- Felix Hank has been jengaaed as_pr clpal comedian drome. for tho New York Hippo- ft|K«a* i* M